Former National Security Agency contractor and infamous whistle blower Edward Snowden has been fighting extradition from his Russian hiding space since he fled the United States. So it was a surprise when, speaking via Skype from Russia, he told an audience of supporters in New Hampshire on Saturday that he is now willing to accept the extradition request to the United States.
Snowden’s only condition: The federal government must guarantee he would get a fair trial.
In 2013, Snowden leaked details of a secret government eavesdropping program and then left the country. He faces U.S. charges that could land him in prison for up to 30 years.
Snowden spoke Saturday at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, heavily attended by libertarians. WMUR reported that forum organizers did not allow the media to video record his remarks.
“I’ve told the government I would return if they would guarantee a fair trial where I can make a public interest defense of why this was done and allow a jury to decide,” Snowden told his audience.
Snowden has previously spoken of making offers to the government to return home and his willingness to discuss a plea deal and even go to jail. Last year, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said a plea deal with Snowden was a possibility, but Snowden told the BBC in an interview in October that he and his lawyers were still waiting to hear from the government.
Snowden’s revelations about the NSA, Britain’s GCHQ and other intelligence agencies set off an international debate about spies’ powers to monitor personal communications, and about the balance between security and privacy. Critics say his disclosures harmed the ability of the United States and its allies to fight terrorism.
To some, he is a traitor; to others, a hero.
Saturday, Snowden said that while some of his former colleagues at the NSA and the Central Intelligence Agency were sympathetic to his beliefs concerning individual privacy and freedom, others said “the Constitution doesn’t really matter.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Desert Lion says
A fair trial? Absolutely. A public trial? Not a chance. The judge, attorneys, and the entire jury pool would need to be cleared to ridiculous to even be in the courtroom. However, anyone who says “the Constitution doesn’t really matter” needs a trial of their own. He might have plenty of company in that secure facility…
drew says
Now that we know how dirty this government has become, Snowden should be allowed to come home without recourse.
Maxx says
I’m with you on that. There is no way in hell that the government will afford him a fair trial. Oh, they will promise him one but government promises are not worth the paper or disk space they are captured on.
Thanks to Snowden the public knows exactly how corrupt and despotic D.C. really is. Too bad Snowden did not chose a different country to go to. Isn’t there a pervert of a Hollyweed producer named Polansky that has been living in exile for decades? I’m sure he isn’t living in a cell.
I second that…
ponysoldier says
Snowden should stay in Russia for his own safety. Life in Russia is not that bad. Been there twice in the last 5 years. Would like to live there myself. The Russian people are warm, welcoming and the food is great, nonGMO, no preservatives,healthier. They enjoy the same freedoms we used too! I would tell him to stay there till we get rid of the Criminals in our government. With the Political Revolution going on here, which could turn into a full revolution , i would advise him to stat put.
iola says
I don’t think he should get trailed Hillary isnt
W. Gebrosky says
Snowdon comes into the country, he will probably end up in GITMO. He won’t get a fair trial. He is guilty until proven innocent, which he won’t be. Too many people in this country have pre judged him. Mark my words guilty, guilty, guilty. Change of venue, China?
Jerry says
Snowden is an Obama pawn, this will be revealed. Obama put him out there to stop criminal surveillance to help his terrorist clan do their dirty deeds in the U.S.A. He will be brought back and most likely pardoned by Obama.
Jo says
When someone is a Whistle Blower they get punished I’ll bet there are so many in our government who would love to blow the whistle, but wouldn’t for fear of severe punishment.
Martin says
I think not. Obama fell right in with the NSA as soon as he took office. Now Obama knows everything he wants to know about whomever he wants to know about….The NSA is most likely the way Obama keeps the Senate and congress in check. He knows everything about them. They know Obama would out them if they say for instance try to impeach him. They, (congress and the senate) know they would never get re-elected if the people (US) knew about some of their under handed dealings…Look at Dianne Feinstein…she became a multi millionaire (100,000,000) by getting her husband all those government contracts….Now the fix is in to get Clinton elected…What a country we live in…and people just keep voting these a-holes in. Snowden should not punished in anyway…he is an American hero.
W. Gebrosky says
Martin I agree with your blog. No in hell, Snowden gets a fair trial. Some of the Presidential candidates are calling him a traitor and John McCain a hero. I haven’t heard anyone call Snowden a songbird like McCain. It must be tough living in Arizone, with John McCain and Jeff Flake.
Ernst Hall says
Edward Snowden would have absolutely no chance of a fair trial under the Obama administration. The prosecution chooses where to file charges, so they can relatively choose the judges. Obama has prosecuted more whistle-blowers than any other President. And if Mr. Snowden really believes that he will have a fair trial just because he is “promised” it by the Obama government, then he is not nearly as intelligent as he seems. Snowden should at least wait until after the election. If someone other than Hillary is elected, he may be able to have his fair trial.
DustyFae says
This is a dangerous ground because there is nothing righteous and legal any more in USA
Jim Fox says
Right on.
Fabian says
Fair trial? He could very well get his fair trial but a trial is not an endeavor where you discuss philosophy. A trial is a place where facts are balanced with the laws in force. You can very well be right on the philosophical plane and get 30 years to life because a bad law is in force.
Justin W says
I’m going to guess if he is found guilty and sentenced to prison Snowden’s supporters are going to say he did not receive a fair trial.
This brings to mind the quote that most people would rather to be a prisoner in the United States than to live free elsewhere.
terence says
“This brings to mind the quote that most people would rather to be a prisoner in the United States than to live free elsewhere.”
That must be your own quote – I have never heard such absolute nonsense it is generally acknowledged that America has some of the worst prisons in the world, and more prisoners behind bars per head of population of any country on earth.
Wendy says
More of our population incarcerated, yes. Worst prisons–not even close. Only two American prisons make the top ten–and Alcatraz hasn’t been active in decades.
bruce Honer says
there used to be a time where the whistleblowers were encouraged to bring wrongdoing and injustice to the forefront, then our politicians and heads of government became dishonest and unethical and decided theTRUTH was not such a good idea! …
then they changed all the rules in their favor and said the Hell with the general public!!
theicecube says
Look at the fair trial that the man the FBI shot to death in Oregon got after being invited to a meeting in town instead it was an ambush. Dont even try to believe he would be safe he will become another example to others to just comply.
Ret Vet says
We dont need to know everything that goes on. I say leave him in Russia. I dont want to feed a traitor.
CRC says
Totally agree.
terence says
“Snowden’s only condition: The federal government must guarantee he would get a fair trial.”
Sadly while he will be offered a fair trial this whole background is too loaded with confused feelings of disloyalty and treachery -rather than providing a service to the nation in exposing executive mal-administration- to ensure he can ever hope for a fair trial.
Les Alligood says
Our Government should gaurentee him immunity and try to hire him! He is smarter than our elected officials and did this country a good deed by exposing just how corrupt the O’bama Administration really is……I trust him more than the entire O’bama tribe…..
Charles C. Smith says
We need to check what was released by Clinton’s release of documents against what Snowden’s sensitive documents. The people who got Snowden’s was the world while Clintons documents was sent daily our enemies. Snowden had old documents that our enemies already had.
The big decision is who should wear the striped uniforms with a bed in a 6’X6′?
Don says
If he wants to run for POTUS as an independant with Manning as his running mate I will cast my vote for him.
jacqueline Snyder says
Time is perhaps the only thing that could be in Edward Snowden’s favor, and even this is debatable. Opinion on the goodness or evil of what he did will not go away regardless of what he may negotiate with the U.S. government. As one who would like to see him return to the U.S. rather than languish in exile in Russia, I would love for Obama to make such a guarantee, late in his presidency, so that the matter can be cleared in some way before the “future” gets too far away for the facts of the matter to be recaptured. Obama gave Bowe Berdahl a pass, why not Snowden? If the U.S. were in reality what it purports to be: a nation that celebrates and supports the freedom of ALL people, we should be able to deal in a mature way with the “spies”, “whistleblowers,” and nonconforming but well-intentioned outliers who occasionally appear on our screen.
JT says
I agree fully with Ernst Hall on his 02/22/16 comment that the socialist system cannot be trusted, “IN ANY FORM ”
Corporate USA is dominated by a CORPORATE management system. The President and CEO of the CORPORATE AMERICA, was chosen because of his willingness to be a PAWN for the New world order being controlled by the Vatican and its so called illuminated leadership controlling corporations , banks and many governments throughout the world…Ruling by “LEGALISM” and not “LAW”
PAWN= is person used by others for their own purposes. Usually to do evil acts !
There is much more to the domination of America and the world’s population.
The American people need to educate themselves to learn and act to save this country from total disaster.. Start with =
Benjamin Franklin was asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”
“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
ATTRIBUTION: The response is attributed to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—in the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention.
Namaste Edward !
terence says
A lot of sense in what you say if you leave out the Vatican conspiracy. Frankly the Catholic Church no longer boasts the sort of power you attribute to it: think instead of the Bilderberger’s international globalist set-up and you are much nearer the truth.
Bruce says
Why doesn’t he just say he is gay? He’d probably be asked to take up residency at the White House.
vincent marcantelli says
IF, anyone with a 1/2 of a brain, dare to ask this question……..Snowden, did what and what did he gain from his foolish act, and what has Hillary Clinton gained from her action(s)?. We, have done some harm to a General, and it look’s like the Govt. is really not finished with him yet, we, have heard a LOT of nothing about what’s going to happen to and with Clinton, and so now, in time to push her actions aside, we want to talk about bring home this guy Snowden…….is it any wonder……that this country is up-side down and being “RUNNED” by many who need to be placed in someplace other then where they are!!!!
DixieBelle says
The trial should be televised so that the public can judge as to whether or not he is getting a fair trial. I wouldn’t trust Obama to be honest about any promises he made.
KenAtArriba says
Snowden should be welcomed back as a hero. Had he NOT disclosed the magnitude OUR government was spying on the Citizens but also on the leaders of our allies – it would still be going on uncontrolled and not exposed. At least we know NSA is here but we still don’t know what they are doing to us.
Roger says
Snowden must be as naive as he was brilliant to think that a fair trial is even remotely possible in the totally corrupted USA government which includes the court system from top to bottom. Read the Martin Armstrong if you want a real education as top what is happening in the world and where things inevitably seem to be headed. This is not a time for ‘fairness’ in any arena on earth. Judges and prosecutors decide what is admissible evidence and in so doing stack the deck totally in their favor, then comes the Judge’s power to give the jury illegal instructions totally s-queuing the process in favor of the prosecution. The limits and constrictions as to what is allowed into the court from the non-governmental / non-prosecutional perspective is illegal and criminal, but is the current condition of the so called ‘legal’ system ion this country. I have experienced this personally from the ‘public-hearing’ process to the court processes from local to State Supreme Court’ farce where my positions were solidly based upon irrefutable discovery. The lower court dismissed the case without any just consideration. The Appeals court held a hearing which insisted that I be ‘represented’ by a low level court clerk and barred me from even being a mute observer. Then highest court denied hearing saying: ‘you needed to fulfill one of four requirements AND WE DO NOT SEE THAT YOU DID ANY.’ In my appeal I pointed out where I complied with two of the four requirements, both from irrefutable discovery (one including exposure of absolute fraud on the part of the King County/Boeing Creek Drainage Basin’ versus the State DOE and if they did not ‘see’ it was because they did not read; and reading before judging is a court rule which they obviously overlooked! Theirs reply was: Dear Mr. Day, There is no appealing of a State Supreme Court decision. End of case, seven years wasted and a ruined marriage as my reward for seeking a ‘fair’ trial. I suspect Snowden’s fate will be the same.
CharlesWilliamMorganJr says
Snowden should return ONLY with a well-published pre-trial agreement that he can be sentenced to serve a MAXIMUM of five years of incarceration. His infraction was solely to inform the people of government subterfuge and snooping. He is a supporter of freedom! He has committed NO serious crime! If I can volunteer to be on the jury, I’ll guarantee either a hung jury or a “not guilty” verdict.
Ray Ruthenberg says
If he believes he’ll get a fair trial, he’s been smoking the wrong stuff. Obama’s gone after whistle blowers
more than any former president