Even without bombastic front-runner Donald Trump, Thursday night’s Republican debate was far from a dull affair.
Trump’s boycott of the final debate before the Iowa caucuses left space for his rivals to delve more deeply into their differences and seven took the stage Thursday to fight for votes.
Last night the spotlight was on Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Ohio Governor John Kasich, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Dr. Ben Carson, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who are all hoping for a strong showing in Iowa in order to stay in the top tier of candidates.
Sound off with your opinion. Vote below, and then comment on who you think shined the most in the seventh GOP debate.
Main Street says
B team shows up. The star didn’t show up.
Roger says
Your right.
EXACTLY….I did not vote in the poll because the REAL WINNER was on the list….They needed a box to check that stated….NONE OF THE ABOVE…
Lee says
I agree. I did not watch it
Mark says
Donna says
Exactly. Mr. Trump was not there so I did not watch it. Too bad that Megan was there. Heard she harassed Mr. Cruz instead. What does she know about Fox so THEY cannot stand up to her like Mr. trump did?
jari says
that’s how i saw it too.
Jo Ann Aaron says
They all did well because they covered issues the voters needed to hear.
JohnLamb says
They needed a box that said Trump as well! He won before they even started!
commenter says
I diagree with your comment. Mike Huckabee has told the people a lot about what he is for and what he will do as president should he win, like how he will dismantle the IRS that has trampled American rights. Trump hasn’t really told the American people a lot about what he will do or how he plans to do it. About a plan to dismantle the IRS Trump hasn’t even said anything that he will do about this. He didn’t even touch the quetion about this.
Lorna says
I didn’t vote either because there was no write in vote for Trump.
Masanja Balele says
There is something wrong with TPs and Repubs. Ted Cruz is not eligible for the WH job; But still they vote for him. Lawyers have already filed lawsuit to bar Cruz from participating in the bid.
Ed says
You mean like Barry did?
Fredrick Rehders says
Two wrongs don’t make it right, Ed. I am actually glad that Cruz is my Senator, but neither he, Rubio, nor Trump are POTUS qualified, if The Supreme Court does the job they were selected to do, which is interpret The Constitution as our Founders intended and as legally amended. The definition of “Natural Birth”, as our Founders understood the term, has been documented to have meant, BORN IN THE LAND, OF CITIZEN PARENTS. (Please note: PARENTS is plural, as BOTH) Their reasoning was to avoid dual citizenship and divided allegiance with another nation.
Bath-House Barry is a prime example of how smart our Founders really were!
Rosech says
Well, since I have worked in law for 50 years, the job of the appointed SC justices is MERELY TO INTERPRET but what we see now is they are making law,and thus those laws are illegal. Only Congress can legislate! And, yes, Cruz is acceptable because he is an American viable for presidency no matter what others tell you. The law in this case is the law on the books for him and McCain, and others who pop out while out of the states. Thru Cruz’s mother, an American citizen with more than 10 yrs. residency in America, he is an American citizen. Get over it! I would like him as VP or on the SC. But, first and foremost, Trump because of his skills in so many areas and The Art of the Deal which was seen in the debate last night. FOX has way too many connections to the DNC and muslims, so let it suffer. In any case, perhaps Trumps will buy them out and really make them a decent FOX that they used to be. Hmmm.
joe says
Let’s have anarchy!!
Bob Davis says
You said Trump is not qualified. Is that an opinion of yours or a legal reason. Personally, I think you are incorrect but would like to hear your reasons.
Shay says
You make a lot of sense . . . tell it like it is. We all keep lowering the bar, don’t we? Ted Cruz, all these years, through school, college, applications for employment – AND HE DIDN’T KNOW HE WAS A CANADIAN CITIZEN? But, look at the Chinese, Mexican, et al, pregnant women who come to the U.S.A. just to give birth to a child. So, they can have dual citizenship! I hope they have to pay income tax to all countries to which they claim citizenship. Anyway, you gave a nice write up.
rosie6600 says
Fredrick Rehders: Your statement,”The definition of ‘Natural Birth’, as our Founders understood the term” is self-contradictory. A definition and an “understanding” (an “interpretation”) are two quite different things.
Since “natural born citizen” is not defined in the Constitution, its meaning can only be an interpretation.
“Natural citizen,” “born citizen,” and “natural born citizen” are all used to mean the same thing, a “citizen by birth,” and since Cruz is a citizen by birth (per 8 U.S Code, Sect. 1401), the courts will have to interpret “natural born citizen” in Cruz’s favor.
Polkadotdog says
You are entitled to your opinion, but that’s all it is.
lifesong says
I find that very interesting since none of our Founding Fathers met that criteria. Most of them were born in the land of British Parents. None of them were born of American Citizen parents since the United States did not exist at the time of their births. If you read the various petitions the Colonist sent to the King and to Parliament, they were petitioning for their rights as British Subjects.
Natural Born has always meant Born of AN American Parent any where in the world, or born of parents of any nationality in US territory. I am a natural born American Citizen born in Japan of a USAF father and a Japanese mother.
Spike says
That is because many people are not going to be misled by accusations made by a 2 bit discredited politician that looks like Shrek. We will let the laws of the land prevail and not let others dissuade us from our support of a true conservative that speaks to our values and concerns on the issues. A thousand voices do not drown out the one voice of truth.
I would like to support Trump however, he seeks to eliminate competition by casting aspersions rather than by the weight of his argument on the issues. Now he has taken to ducking the debates entirely. That’s fine for now, eventually he will have to rely on the strength of his arguments in a true debate.
Rosech says
He is not casting aspersions because if you have ever been or lived in NY this is the way they talk. Reminds me of my Jewish relatives a lot. This is NY speakese because otherwise they and most of you just don’t get it, but I do and if you study up on Donald, he has many friends on either side with whom he can DEAL while what we currently have is NADA but give in to Obama and his puppeteers.
Fredrick Rehders says
Rosech, your “50 years in the law”, is only important if you gained knowledge from the experience, but if you had one years experience 50 times (as in being a file clerk in a county office), it means very little. In your previous post you stated Cruz was eligible to be POTUS and cited a legislative approval of McCains bid, for the Presidency. Your premise is flawed:
A) McCain was born of citizen parents in the employment of the USA, on territory controlled by the USA. Cruz was born on foreign soil, with only one parent being a US citizen and Trump, while born on US terra firma, his mother was not a citizen…. B) The Constitution was not amended and properly ratified, so the Legislative action can be challenged and the last word belongs to the Supreme Court. Those are the facts, as I understand them. Trump is a charlatan, that has plenty of money, but seeks power, for his egos sake. He would make a deal with the Devil and I am of the opinion, that he already has, many times. He won’t be looking out for you or me… just his legacy! Check his record! Nuff said !
Texas Mak says
You nailed it! My former boyfriend talked that way. He was from Albany. Drove my Texas family nuts, but they liked him anyway!
Cece says
Not to mention that Trump is Trump, and that’s how he has always talked, very New York, but Ted Cruz has been lying about Trump ie cruz says Trump is for illegal immigration, single payer healthcare, and abortion. None of that is true, and he knows it. Then cruz put out some voter thing in Iowa that is designed to force people to caucus for him, and its already under investigation. Weird! Cruz is always touting his so-called Christianity but he’s lying. I’m a Trump fan but really disappointed in Cruz. He has no integrity, and he was pro-amnesty until a few weeks ago. Another thing I don’t like about him, he’s thinks he’s superior to everyone, and he talks weird. He could never beat Clinton, and God knows we got to get rid of that fruitcake or we’ll have a 3rd odrama term!
Smokey says
Way to many debates !!! Same ole stuff over and over !!!! Glad Trump didn’t show up maybe they will get the idea but I doubt it !! Trump will be an outstanding President and will get the job done and the USA STRONG again !!
homer hammerhead says
poor spike Trump was step up by Roger’s little lap dog and had outside people coming in to ask Trump questions. Also,.Trump’s rally for Vets raised over $6million for them. He only spoke for a few minutes and let the Vets have the floor most of the time,One Army Ranger who lost a leg spoke for at least 20 minutes and he stated that the one thing most returning Vets wanted was for people the simply say “THANK YOU” that was it. Not to be called baby killers as some famous people have suggested or spite on as some from Vietnam were.
Fox lost over 10 to 12 million viewers and had the second lowest total in all of the debates. He did not duck anything and said that he was called right before the debate by Fox and was given an apology and ask to please come but he rejected as he had a building of Vets that he would not leave to please Mk Roger’s little pet, Fox said that Trump called them but that doesn’t add up as he had a full crowd so why would he call them? Spike you need to watch some news besides Fox as they have and are trying to get rid of Trump.
Shay says
Strong opinion – R U a politician or want to be?
Sara says
His mother is an America citizen and this is the reason why Ted is in the race. He is an attorney. He has held other higher legal office jobs. These are paid attorneys probably paid by Trump. Could be that these are attorneys that are retired and have nothing else to do.
Bob Davis says
Actually, Sara, BOTH Cruz’ mom and dad had become naturalized Canadian citizens before he was born. He is a Canadian citizen, not a US citizen.
Shay says
Bob, I hadn’t heard that!
Irene says
Ted Cruz is our choice for president….He is very professional…very smart…honest….trustworthy!!
CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT!!!…..also he is American. My husband’s parents were born in the US and he was born in Canada. When we moved to the US he was automatically a US citizen….took me nearly 5 years to get my US citizenship. I did get a green card…..I still paid taxes on my property which I never got back after my citizenship!!!!! So quit Trump’s rediculous remarks about Cruz!!!!
johninPCFL says
Since his mother was voting in Canadian elections when he was born (so had accepted Canadian citizenship) and he didn’t reject his Canadian citizenship until AFTER he was elected to Congress, I have my doubts as to whether he is eligible to serve as president.
Lois Wenk says
Get a clue read the constitution Cruz in eligible. Trump is a liar and slanderer when he claims that. Until you realize the issue solved Obama is president you are classified as insane. They are both eligible, Obama is unfit for job. If Trump needs an interpreter is unfit for president.
lOIS says
I read the constitution I’m not a dummy. You must be for assuming I am since my IQ is 180 with out compensating for legal blindness. I have a BS degree. You might start being accurate. You are wrong I have proof. What is you IQ? I read the constitution he is a natural born citizen you did not. It is very simple to read. Quit slandering me. Howard try reading IT YOURSELF.
Granite says
I have come to realize that there is little about my wish list for a president that Trump displays, supports or advocates. He has no opposition to killing babies, he is okay with two queer men raising a little boy or little girl. He does not plan to develop our military over what the muslim-in-chief” has done to it nor does he plan to invest in our military. He is clearly not aimed at overcoming our massive debt; he doesn’t care.
Trump is a terrifying danger to America.
Dr. Ben Carson meets all of my criteria (which I will not list here). Marco Rubio is a faithful Christian and carries those values into all he does. Any of the other candidates would be better than Trump.
I have been in favor of Trump but I have been stupid. I was inflamed by the muslim-in-chief’s” importation of Syrian and other Middle Eastern evil doers and my mind had centered only on my rage for that situation. When Trump said he would stop all of that immigration I cheered and became a mindless staunch supporter of Trump. Boy, was I fooled.
Wake up!!
Bob Davis says
Yes, rock, you should wake up. You are a miserable liar. Trump is not for same sex marriage, he is not for abortion and he has stated his plans to rebuild the military into the greatest military in the world.
The only reason you don’t like Trump is because you are a stinking liar and he is not.
Kitty says
I agree! Ben Carson is the only one of the bunch that makes consistent good sense and has the
brains to actually figure out what will work in every situation. He actually uses his brain for something besides a mouth motor! Marco Rubio would work well as VP along with Ben.
homer hammerhead says
when did Trump say that? I first got an email from the GOP saying the Cruz and Rubio might not qualify> They also, wanted to enter Romney and later i got an email from Romney not asking but hinting. So ole Lois where did you hear it ?
Bob Davis says
I’m sure you do have a Bull Sh!t degree as you are spreading it all around. As for a 180 IQ, BS on that. You are not only a liar, you are a bad liar.
Teddies mommy and daddy both became naturalized Canadian citizens before his birth. He is a Canadian citizen and since he was never naturalized in the US, he is not even eligible to be a Senator.
Tammy says
You are listening to trump to much! He is afraid of Cruz and Megan Kelly!
charles says
Ted Cruize is eligible to serve as President. If what is true as claimed by Trump If he was born on a cruise ship in the middle of the Ocean he would be a citizen of the Atlantic Ocean. The Mother is the basis of Citizenship regardless of where you are born. Think of the facts that if a pregnant American women gives birth on an air plane on the way to South America while over Brazil foes that make the child a Brazilian or a citizen of the Sratosphere ?
johninPCFL says
Since his mother and father were naturalized Canadian citizens at the time of Ted’s birth, and he was conferred Canadian citizenship on his birth, isn’t he Canadian?
Judith N. Selich says
Cruz is indeed NOT eligible for POTUS. He is NOT a “Natural Born Citizen” within the meaning of Article II of the Constitution. He was born on foreign soil to two Canadian citizens. His father, became a Canadian citizen in 1968 and his mother became a Canadian citizen in 1969 under Canadian law. Cruz was born in 1970 and at that time with two Canadian citizen parents, he is a “natural born citizen” of CANADA!
Maria says
Ted Cruz is more than capable to hold the precidency of the Unite States; his mother is an american citizen; it doesnt matter where he was born as long as he was inscribed in the American embasy.
dan zip says
Complete BS look at obummer, that imposter and gay to boot and they say Cruze is like him,,,,,,,,,,,no way Cruze is a Christian not a muzzie and he loves this country and its values,,,,,,totally !
Danuta Kubelik says
Cruz and Rubio are not eligible for a president. Rubio is a dump baby. His parents were Cuban , not American citizens.
Jackie says
I agree; the star didn’t show up. He did something that was far better than fighting like babies up on a stage. He brought in 6 million dollars for our vets and they deserve even much more. Donald will be our next president and he, along with we Americans, will truly make America great again. This is what I believe is God’s will.
Spike says
As a Vietnam vet I resent his attempt to use a real issue to mask his own agenda. If he wants to give to Veterans causes fine, do so. Don’t use it to cover your error in calling out fox news.
rose miller says
sorry sir, thank you for your service, but you are wrong imo. he did NOT try to mask his agenda, and in all his rallies, he does love and revere the vets and loves America. It was not an error in not going to the debate. He drew a line in the sand and unlike our president, he did not flinch. Make deals, walk away. get good deals for America again. I love my country, but it is fast being ruined.
Jeanne D says
I agree, childish.
Mike says
To be honest all running on both sides are sad. This is the best our Country has to offer?
Constance says
What do you want? I think the republican candidates are great. I am not a republican but I certainly will not vote for the new socialist party (they used to be democrats) Also, I think Donald was correct not to attend. The moderators just try to cause trouble, I am glad the debaters did not bite. How come they do not ask the insulting questions to democrats?
Jo Ann Aaron says
Amen. He only has 2-3 things he can talk about. He did not want to answer questions on substance, because he has no substance. I am very disappointed in him. He has not addressed the real issues and that is because he is not conservative. If he is elected, we will lose our republic. The only way we can save this nation is with a sincere presidential intelligent person who is not ashamed to pray and one who will stick to the constitution and trust congress to make the laws. I have had enough of “I”, “I”, for the last 7 years. I want a leader that says and means “we”. I’ve been in management and I worked with my team and listened to them. We are losing this once great nation.It would be a good idea if he would read the constitution. Ted Cruz is the only one I totally trust. Paul sold out to McConnell. Rubio totally sold out when he signed the trade bill for Obama with the vote that passed it. It was horrible and quickly disappeared from the internet. Whether he read it without reading it or signed it with full knowlege, either one is unacceptable. He really sold out our nation.
Jerry says
He ask Fox for a donation they refused he did it himself vets can use it
new year says
Well vet maybe you do not need help from what I have been hearing a lot of the monies have gone the wrong way , Maybe you are one thats on the overpayment top promotors who have been takeing the money & not getting to the vets that truely need help . The Gov under obamaaa has lets most vets down some have die waiting for help But you like HC could care less . Trump did not need to go to FOX cat fight again. If you watch the first one the under the belt questions from kelly & chris was not what we need to hear but how are you going to get jobs. keep this country safe Etc etc. I could care less about rosies & trump fight way back when. By the way rosies started it so gals if you start a fight then be prepared to take the heat or dont play. You wanted equal rights so you got it. I have always watch fox but after the first debate not good or fair & then watch CNN there was a great debate the debaters did not try to be the stars. I have not watch fox very much since then .. to bad fox did not have bill/greta/hanny that is the a team but decided to have the d-team which turn out to be the same old same oldi Trump won the debate by not being there period go Trump
Linda says
I agree, and a copy of the supposed founder?’s tweet about this said the Organization would not take the money would rather him talk of issues than using them as a stunt, or something like that.
Danuta Kubelik says
Vice president of Fox have a daughter who is working for Sen. Rubio campaign.Rubio had all questions before the debate.
Jo Ann Aaron says
Of course. He could have had that event anytime. It was a cover up for him not having the answers to the questions he would have been asked. I salute the veterans and have the greatest respect for them. They deserve a president who will get the budget under control so the military can get the money it needs. They need a president who will not send them to an area to expose themselves to ebola. We need a president who is respected by the foreign leaders as Reagan was. We don’t need someone who acts like a snubbed rich spoiled teenager. T. was on Fox 132 times after his first appearance with Megan. He didn’t mind milking the free publicity for five months. Come on America. Let’s elect a man who is actually presidential, Ted Cruz. Read his book, “The Time For Truth” and he tells it..
lrr says
From what I have seen over the years, Trump has always talked about the vets, did for the vets, and donated to them. This was nothing new,it was noticed as he is running for President. I believe he has quite a few veteran friends. I did agree with him in not attending the debate.
LEONA says
m ann kerns says
You are right on !!!
Sam says
The money “for our vets” went directly to the Trump’s personal Foundation, which has no history of giving to vets’ organizations. It will be interesting to see if any money survives the handling fees and actually is donated for vets. Tho’ I agree with Trump’s comment about Megyn Kelly’s bias, this had nothing to do with FOX or Kelly. It was a good PR stunt to mask ducking the last debate before the Iowa caucuses.
Danuta Kubelik says
You are thinking that if Hillary takes most money from Clinton Foundation to own packet so everybody do the same. Imagine that Trump donated to veterans earlier and now he added 1 million his own money to them. Just take your bad glasses from your nose. so you can see better .
Lois Wenk says
Not attending the debate not the issue the issue is his lies and slander that were leveled at Megyn Kelly. She is an excellent reporter and moderator. It is his temper tantrum. He was wrong about. We need an adult in charge. We have a child. He should have left it at “I’m not going to the debate”. The last one was the best because we heard other candidates. Trump was being a time theif before.
Faye says
Machine Kelly was planning on ambushing Trump by having two woman, one, a radical Muslim, and the other a crybaby Hispanic Dreamer challenge Trump on his stance on immigration. Machine Gun Kelly was loaded for bear and even wrote an email to a collegiate bragging how on Friday everything would be different after the debate, so she was planning on damaging Trump as much as possible. Don’t you ever watch her show? It is a regular Trump bashathon every night, with even Michael Moore getting in on the act. How could Machine Kelly ever be fair and balanced? Kelly is obsessed with taking him down, but how does she explain her Trump-like hairdo.
Gordon says
Lois Megyn Kelly was out get Trump with the first words out of her mouth. So was the rest of the moderators at the first debate. They were not hosting a debate, they were playing got-ya. Megyn is a Bimbo! And if you think she is a journalist i’m very sad for you. Because true Journalist don’t continue slamming contestants and inviting guests on her show to help bash Trump. She has done this help times. The topping on the cake was Inviting Michael Moore (a flaming liberal) on her show to laugh and trash Trump. Is that what you call journalism? She is just as bad as most of the other political hacks that call themselves journalist. She has a agenda. Thats NOT journalism!
Angela says
Megyn has not been kind to Trump either. Do you know whyFox is biased against Trump. The Saudi Prince owns most of Fox and they do not want Trump to be President. Do you know what all went on the first 3 days before the debate against Trump? Be t you do not. It was so unfair to him. I don’t blame him for sticking to his principles and ditchinmg the debate!
Danuta Kubelik says
Everything is true what you wrote.
Maria says
I can’t comprehend why some people in America can follow Donald Trump, he is an arrogant and conceited man with a mouth like the Pandora box that when he opens it what comes out are snakes, toads and all kind of dirt. I don’ even like to see his ugly face. We don’t need that kind of president in the White House.
Danuta Kubelik says
I assume that you have nice job , nice paid and you feel secure. But ,do you know ,that most of people in America belong to middle class. And our standard of living is drastically falling down lately ,many of us lost jobs ,lost wages , it’s difficult to meet ends. And we are taxed to death .Whatever is left for paying bills is stolen from us to pay for lavish life of all government machine , for most illegals who are getting freebies from that government .When these illigals getting free phones we are thinking what we can put in pot to cook for our children. And many of us did not see a doctor for a few years because we don’t have free health insurance.For every doctor visit we have to pay and we don’t have money for this payment.Nobody is talking about helping these middle class people ,and we all the time are force to keep all budget burden on our shoulders. WE just see the only candidate who can somehow help these put down class. And this person is just Trump.The only one . Look just behind the high class people who have perfect wages and perfect lifestyle .Or behind this people who get everything free from government . Just try to notice this middle class and their bad situation now.
trump is a sick person…sorry
nancy says
I agree with you — Trump won. God bless our Vets and God bless America.
Rudy Binder says
Trump will do more for the Vets in his first year than any other political has done or will do.
Jake Man says
I have (4) problems imagining Trump as our president. First, I can’t quite see him showing up for work in the Oval Office every day for (4) years. Surely he’d find that to be more than a little confining. Second, running a government is much different than running a corporation. You can’t insult everyone who disagrees with you all day long, or simply fire them, and expect to get anything done. Case in point…the failed presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Effective presidents learn to compromise, thereby winning the respect of those “worker bees” who always have and always will run the country. Back to Trump, my third problem is that I simply do NOT believe he would truly distance himself from his very complicated business interests. That would be the equivalent of Warren Buffett taking a 4-year trip into deep space. It ain’t gonna happen. Finally, seems like Trump throws a tantrum every time he doesn’t get his way, as evidenced most recently by his boycott of last night’s debate. These are the ways of a child, or of a man who’s arrogant enough to forever expect to have his own way.
In my mind, at least, here’s the bottom line. Donald Trump has neither the training nor the temperament to serve our country as its president. And while he may be the darling of Conservatives right now, as our nominee he would never be able to win over enough moderate Republicans or Independents or even those moderate Democrats who cannot stomach either Hillary or Sanders. And he can forget about altogether about the Hispanic vote. With Trump as our nominee, the numbers will be heavily against us, and we will lose this election. It’s that simple.
Please, please, consider another candidate, one who is wise and even-handed, one who will calm the divisive rhetoric amongst us and who will, instead, be able to instill confidence in Americans everywhere that we remain “One nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.” This has been our inheritance, our gift, and together we must find ways to nurture and sustain it, for the sake of our children and grandchildren and for those yet unborn.
Semper Fidelis.
Jake Man says
Trump and I are the same age, and in 1968 I was doing a tour of duty in The Nam. But where was Trump? Quoting Wikipedia, “Trump was eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War. In a 2011 interview on WNYW, he stated, “I actually got lucky because I had a very high draft number.”Selective Service records retrieved by The Smoking Gun website from the National Archives show that, although Trump did eventually receive a high selective service lottery number in 1969, he was not drafted earlier because of four student deferments (2-S) while attending college, and after receiving a medical deferment (1-Y, later converted to 4-F) obtained in 1968 after his college graduation, prior to the lottery being initiated. Trump was deemed fit for service after a military medical examination in 1966 and was briefly classified as 1-A by a local draft board shortly before his 1968 medical disqualification. Trump attributed his medical deferment to “heel spurs” in both feet, according to a 2015 biographer, but told an Iowa campaign audience he suffered from a spur in one foot, although he could not remember which one.
Sure sounds a lot like ol’ Hillary and her “lost” emails, doesn’t it? Is this the kind of guy we want as our Commander-in-Chief? Many of us think not! For guys like Trump, military service is a job for lesser men. Semper Fidelis.
Garrett Blair says
Not sure I can blame a guy for not wanting to waste his life in Vietnam….especially with a good life ahead of him…
Rosech says
Jeez! So many got out of going to the military because of school. This is nothing new and your bringing it up show jealousy. In his career Trump has done more for business, cities, states, and America than you may have done if you had escaped going into the military. I had a brother in WWII and another in Korea (on Pork Chop Hill! and serious wounded but lived to age 75) who went willingly to help others. Neither had a great high school education but both had businesses and supported their brothers in arms whether in or out of service just because they were Americans which is the point we are trying to put across. You may choose your candidate and that is good, but so can the rest of us as well because that really is “the American way” and none of the garbage from the DNC, GOP, liberals, socialists and communists can spout this without a lot of gall to say so. This is our country and we not want muslims nor invaders on our soil. I have lived outside the states in more than one country and I am in complete agreement with Trump’s statements and I applaud him for being non-bought and paid for establishment, a real conservative but really a Nationalist as am I and several others as well as Dr. Savage, he is OUR voice and I am proud we have at least someone running who thinks OF US and not the position. Check out these 2 sites and find out more about the real Trump and not just the media, etc. Trump: VIDEO Uncovered Trump Interview From Over 25 Years Ago Will Shock A Lot of People – YouTube and
Sara says
You have done your work sir.
Congratulations. Only a hate response without substance. If anyone dares to reply to you. Thank You. Going to war is a serious commitment . Trump vs The Draft.
Danuta Kubelik says
How about Obama.
Kenith Henderson (asphaltman) says
Yeah, as berry likes to call it the JV team.
tom says
Funny that their poll didn’t include Trumps name, probably because he would have won the poll anyway even after ditching poor Fox Donald did the right thing, again look at how much press he got, again for free. Even Fox went on and on yesterday about Donald. Smart man,got what he wanted, Iowa people caucus for Him, how many other people do you know who could put on a show like that in a short period of time and still get those results.
Phyllis says
I didn’t watch the debate, because I knew the would leave him out. All people vote for who they like, it doesn’t matter how they debate.
Lois Wenk says
Trump was not on it because he was not there. Get a clue. Also Carly F. was not on the poll she was in the undercard and should have her name up there more than Trump. Tired of poor Trumpy poo he is an arrogant, slanderous, liar, woman hater, racial bigot, Anti Semitic, economic bigot who is a slave owner, and child who throws temper tantrums. Ditch Trump. Quit being brain washed. Do the research. Tired of the two faced political insider. PC is no excuse for disrespectful, Look at Cruz, Carson, Carly F, and Rubio. Point is inconsistent about other things. He only got republican when the presidential election happened. He is not appropriate, he has nothing stopping him from being a independent. Add this to his liar list.
m ann kerns says
I agree 100%
Robert Early says
Trump won the debate by not playing the game.
Megyn also won; because she collected her huge paycheck anyway.
Rita Boring says
Megyn didn’t win anything…people have seen the Fox commentators for what they are and it is causing a lot of people to make different choices.. Wallace tries to be the man with the whip trying to tame the wild animals, Baer tries to make people think he is much smarter than he is and poor Megyn looked like a lesbian with than haircut!! and that mouth that tries to make us think she is really a smart one…If it wasn’t for just a few news people on Fox that I like to listen to..it would be bye bye Fox news…but there isn’t another station that actually tells the true..and as for the commentators, maybe those on the 5 and O’reilly!! if they would ditch Juan Wiliams and Geraldo Rivera!!!
m ann kerns says
Megan wasn’t running for anything! Trump is the one who bad- mouthed Megan in the last debate, saying it must be her time of month.. Megan showed up for this debate, she’s not afraid of Trump. Trump is a woman hater!
Andy says
Funny how out of touch with Republican voters Charles Krauthammer (sp?) is when, immediately after the debate last night he thought Jeb Bush won the debate. Looks like being tone deaf doesn’t only apply to Jeb.
Garrett Blair says
Jeb cannot overcome the baggage of his predecessors of the Bush family…The party needs to back off from him or Hillary will bombard him with what his father and brother did that got Obama elected in the first place..
peggy says
I agree ….however, after researching his history ( yes a brilliant man) I have come to the conclusion that he is definitely Democrat or worse ….he is definitely one of the austered Elite………and certainly will never be on Our side ….Look where he is sitting
peggy says
sorry – meant my comment in answer to “Andy” about Krauthammer ………..
lrr says
Why do they keep putting that guy on the air. First of all, he has gotten to be old fashioned, thinks he knows everything and he seems to always go last when others are involved and he normally disagrees with the others. He needs to think about what century we are now in.
Granite says
Andy, I have never understood the value of having Charles Krauthammer in any forum. He completely misses the mark as a conservative contributor. But, that’s Fox. Look … they keep the idiot Geraldo Rivera. But then, I don’t watch any kind of TV; I haven’t for years. But I occasionally read Krauthammer’s column in the newspaper if I happen to find one left on a Hardees table.
JonT says
A big problem is that the media has taken Dr. Carson out of the picture. They don’t give him any credence. He is the only candidate who has given a clear picture of how he intends to correct the situation this country is in. He speaks softly, but carries a big stick. The media has destroyed him by excluding him from any publicity. They can’t find any skeletons in his closet to discredit him. Check him out as a true candidate.
Fredrick Rehders says
Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina are also ignored by the press, because they are not Establishment Favorites. The “establishment” broad brushed Rand Paul, as they did his father Ron, “ISOLATIONISTS”, what a load of politically charged CRAP! Look at the media coverage for Jeb or Christy, two establishment RINOs.
Lois Wenk says
Carly F and Carson one as president the other as vice.
Jay says
I like Carley too for vp
Jay says
I like Carley too for vp and Cruze for pres.
Jack Maddox says
You are entirely correct, the Media gives Dr Carson no attention. If they bothered listening to him they would see that he is by far the best Candidate in the bunch. He’s the only one that actually explains what his ideas are and how he would accomplish them. The Media don’t want him to be elected because he wouldn’t follow their agenda. He’s not a Mainstream Puppet.
Larry says
Donald Trump won and he was not even there, His five or six million he got for our wounded servicemen and women far exceeded anything done at the debate Go Trump Go
charles says
Yeah like Trump realy cares about wounded warriors. Trump is narcissistic greedy Billionaire who used the Bankruptsy court to cheat the small contractors who worked on building his Casino.
Diane Jasa says
I think that the 2 who received the fewest votes in the poll were the 2 most presidential and the most honest of the entire group. Those 2 are Ben Carson and John Kasich. I think those men would do the most to restore our country to greatness.
Tammy says
Who? As far as I am concerned, I got to hear Ideas from real conservatives!
jack says
did u ever think Trump didn’t know what he was doing … GOP pushing anyone but Him …jeb is their choice , but Trump is peoples choice .. if only he and cruz
could join together .. win win win
Harrison says
Right. I liked it when they Trump and Cruz acted like what they are – the best of the lot and supportive of each other . Those who think Megyn’s videos proved Cruz and Rubio were misleading apparently did not see her right after the debate agree with CRUZ that the records supported his arguments (which admittedly sounded a little contrived, but apparently were not). I like Carson and Fiorena, but their cause is lost unless Trump or Cruz selects one of them for VP, and either would be a better choice than Palin, but the Trump/Cruz may be better if they could make peace. By the way, Megyn was not wrong in the first debate to question Trump about his attitude toward women, but after he answered, partly that some of his comments were for “show business”, she used two lengthy followups to voice her personal opinion when she should have said she did not think his answer fully responded and let the audience reach its own conclusions. However, I later heard someone on TV criticize Trump for his criticism of another candidate and she reminded the person that the other candidate had criticized Trump first. I’m not sure I like her attitude toward Trump, but she’s not running for office.
Finally, I grew up in East Texas and later lived in multiple places including Connecticut while working in NYC. Cruz made a mistake in appearing to disrespect NYC people, but I’m glad he later explained that he referred to their usual political support for liberals, same sex marriage, etc, and did not intend to indicate a personal dislike.
Deanna says
they all lost even more when the only thing they could concentrate on was Trump who was serving our vets how marvelous we know now who won Vets with trump Ha;;;;;;;ha plus we have e huckabee and sanatorium what a class of men above and beyond the call of presidential race they went for the vets who are the winners Veterans the best
ANN YON says
quiltenlady says
But others got to finally be heard
Shirley says
Didn’t watch “debate?” I watched Trump’s Rally for Veterans.
Bill says
You hit it on the head, even though Trump was not there, he is the winner. When Trump is elected it will be the 1st time in history a man will lead this country and not owe his heart and sole to another group for getting him elected. Our country needs this, not a two faced lier.
Marilyn says
They did not give Dr Carson a fair shake–few questions!
walter says
I don’t get the Trump thing. Ive read all his books over the years and watched his show but I don’t see him as a dynamic speaker or all that inspiring when it comes to this race. Im 60 yrs old and was raised to respect people, The way he treats people with personal attacks is just low class. If i didn’t know he is a billionaire id think he was low rent trailer trash. I don’t mean that as a slam to people who live in trailers, but he just sounds ignorant. In past years i wished he would run, and truly am disappointed with the way he has carried him self with personal attacks. Forget that crap and talk about how you would fix the huge problems our great country has. Tell us exactly what he would do to fix them in detail and not platitudes. We had that in 2 elections with Obama. We need More!!
Ricco says
Walter, if Trump (trailer trash ) didn’t bring up the vets, the border, the Muslim crap,the 2nd Amm., the lousy way America is treated around the world, the illegals pouring into this country, do you want me to go on ??? He has been telling you how to fix the problems you mention, I guess you don’t listen very well. I live in south La. and you can’t go into Wal-Mart,Home Depot and others with out tripping over Mexicans and others ganged up around the doors begging and almost demanding help. I am sick of it and pray you and others wake up and smell the roses before it is tooooo late with this idiot we have as Pres.
john j phillips says
trump won he showed how deiviced the orthers are
Jozef says
ed says
The true winner was Trump
Nancy Wogulis says
Didn’t watch it. Instead watched a very patriotic tribute and fund raiser by Donald J Trump. It was awesome! It was not about POLITICS, but Our America and those who sacrificed to keep our freedoms and heritage.
Regardless of what the media said, Mr. Trump announced there was a list of the organizations which benefitted from our donations posted outside for those who attended and it is also on the website where you donate. He mentioned that they checked for organizations where the MOST funds go to the military. Does not surprise me that a true American would do that.GO TRUMP,
Ken Stelter says
Horn didn’t put the obvious winner on the list so I didn’t vote. Trump had the b_alls to tell the 1% (Establishment)’ their puppets the Liberal RINOs and DEMs and the Main Stream Media scripted Talking Heads to cram it. For years the voters have been mumbling about lack of real news and flood of crap TV programming that supports the agenda of the 1% (Establishment). Once again Trump talks to the voters – were they paying attention?
Ricco says
I wish Jeb Bush would just go away. He is worst than his bro. and PAW. Makes me sick. !!!!!!!!!!!
Judy says
Seems you mean “the Donald” didn’t show? Good – I am tired of hearing the crap that comes out of his mouth,
Ben Carson is my man, He might be quiet now; however, a man who can do a nine hour brain surgery can certainly handle anything coming his way.
Don Watson says
Absolutely! Don Watson
rightlane1111 says
Trump won the debate. The Fox News debate was about two things…a food fight and also the fact that candidates had to answer questions that were PRO IMMIGRATION. Could that have something to do with Rupert Murdoch’s Open Borders Organization that he is a member.
Trump’s Agenda: America
Murdoch’s Agenda: Cheap Labor at the Expense OF AMERICA.
Jim says
U r right on,without TRUMP, hope Murdock lost MILLIONS!! How Classy,to honor OUR HEROES and help the ones DESPISED by the DEMORATS!!
lrr says
Well said. I agree
Jay Bell says
Yes–Murdoch, like many other super-wealthy globalists, has a short-term agenda and a long-term agenda. Flooding the borders with immigrants is designed to yield “creative chaos” in the West. We could call it “homogenation”–it serves to reduce living standards in Europe and North America, while simultaneously reducing burgeoning populations in the rest of the world. And all along the way, the “Masters of the Universe” would further enrich themselves and gain in more and more power through the instrument of the all powerful State–bolstered by their control of the media. Also in the process, it makes their “subjects” more and more dependent on government handouts and much more controllable. Trump has thrown a small monkey wrench into their plans. Hope he has VERY good security. What’s sadly funny is that the Masters of the Universe think that we don’t see through their plans. Just extrapolate backward from the Book of Revelation and you will see that they are in the midst of building Antichrist’s kingdom. They are deluded of course–they, like everyone else, who does not worship Christ, will worship the Beast and receive his mark. It is wearisomely sad that they believe, “If you build it, he will come.” The world that “he” will bring to them and their Ten Kings, will end in the Lake of Fire.
Tammy says
Trump is one of them!!! He is lying and he did not want Megan Kelly throwing doubt on him. He was for omnibus and bailouts! Taking pvt. Property. You better think about who u are supporting!
john j phillips says
amen you said it all
Judy says
Trump wasn’t there.
Bill says
It looks like Fox and Megan Kelly are working for the RHINO’s in trying to stop Trump and/or Cruse. I will not vote for another Bush!
Shirley Gardner says
Trump won the debate. I watched him on CNN & MNBC. It was amazing what he put together in 24 hours.
Stephen Lind says
Why did you not watch Trump on the computer where all his programs are?
There are no advertisements and no interruptions.
ANN YON says
lOIS says
You are beyond right on Trump, I prefer Carson. The rest of us should petition for a negative poll so he can get the right high percentage of votes.
quiltenlady says
He knew well in advance that Kelly would not back down. So that was more than a week of planning. So don’t pump up the clown any more. He controlled all the other debates with his big mouth and never let others talk,Cruz is the winner here.
The other problem Trump was on CNN and MNBC both very liberal stations.No I don’t even watch Fox . In fact I programed those channels out. Where we get my news is on conservative web sites . Only way you get the truth. Trump is a RINO and people just like what he says because he plays the play Americans want .He is a Democrap( no misspell that is what they are) look it up. He is anti gun and he is a big donor to Rohm Emanuel to get re elected (mayor of Chicago ,ex WH adviser to Ovomit) and drum roll and yes the Clinton Foundation too ! Look it up before you go typing messages to me. How do you I found out. Trump is playing the people like fine choreographed play. Bill and Hillary are good friends with Trump.Look up some of Fox News clips of Trump calling in and listen to what he has said .You’ll be changing your minds about RINO Trump. Cruz is a CONSTITUTIONAL lawyer and my Senator and has been the best ever.Texas also has a CONSTITUTIONAL lawyer as our Governor too.Ovomit hates Texas and that is GREAT as Tony the tiger would yell.
Jo Ann Aaron says
How can you say FOX was biased toward Trump. He was on there 132 times from August till this week. No one else got that much free publicity. They have been practically kissing his ring. You obviously do not watch or listen to it as much as I do.
Jay Bell says
Yes, Fox News is definitely “in the tank” for the Bushes. There is a likely battle going on inside the GOP. Hope they are able to oust the Bushes from control of the party.
Fredrick Rehders says
It will always be someone, Kissinger, Carl Rove, Krauthammer… we never run out of names of people to blame! What have we done for the good of our country, lately? Piss and moan, bellyache? Have you made a financial contribution to a candidate, after fact checking what he or she is really about? Have you educated yourself on why you believe as you do, so you don’t gravitate to a slick talking snakeoil salesman, that promises the moon, but no substantive plans for achievement? I was a Democrat, because my parents were Democrats, until I met someone, as a young adult that encouraged me to question WHY I BELIEVED, as I did. Believe me, The Republicrats are no better! Hillsdale College offers a free course in THE CONSTITUTION and also THE FEDERALIST PAPERS. These are on-line videos of lectures and I highly recommend them, as a great place to start.
lOIS says
I don’t think they want to learn. They like to be brainwashed.
Tammy says
Love Cruz he has walked the walk! Trump is a Rino! He is saying what he needs to. He is liberal, he was for bailouts, he was for omnibus, he had Hillary at his wedding! Use google!!
Tammy says
No, I think you are? Trump has always been liberal until that is he decided to run for president! He had Hillary at his wedding! He was for bailouts of Buisness, he was for the stimulus. He is for killing baby’s i.e.: late term abortion! Use google, study up before u vote!
Lois Wenk says
Fox & Mygan Kelly did nothing wrong. Carson & Carly F, One president other vice. Great team!
Caldwell says
The poll did not include Trump, so I can’t vote. I watched the Trump for Vets show. That was much more interesting than the debate. My vote is for Trump for making something happen instead of doing nothing but talk at a debate.
Jim says
True to form,the Idiots at CNN had the LIB WITCH Kilary and their LIB HACK commentators on ,blocking Trump most of the time!!
Larry says
My vote also is for Trump! I am hoping for a Trump – Fiornina ticket. TDhese two people would make an awesome team!
Garrett Blair says
I like Trump and Paul team better…but Fiornina is not a bad choice…
Rosech says
Please, never the horse-faced Fiorina who almost HP to the end and then followed with another company she did completely ruin. She was fired with $20 million from HP before she could do further damage, and she always wanted employees at a meeting to call her “queen”! She has no real business management skills, is still greatly disliked in my Silicon Valley, and her morals are speechy but not really what she thinks or does. She is a non-starter and bought and paid for establishment creep and there because they felt a female was needed, while we have great females that should have been there! Which goes to show, the GOP is toast as far as millions of Americans are concerned. They lost their way several years ago along with Rove, liberals, and stupids. I am an Independent and I am voting for Trump who trumpets what we have not had a VOICE to do. Fiorina? You have got to be kidding? Look up her history, and, oh by the way, she dumped the first husband after he helped her move up the ladder. Now that is really a “quality” we should avoid. Dump those who help you which we have a huge number in Congress who have done that to us!
Fredrick Rehders says
“Horsefaced”? How can you expect to be taken seriously, when you lead with such a shallow statement, that reveals the depth of your superficiality? Your beloved Silicon Valley was in a financial bubble, much like the housing market and the stock market. All bubbles burst, and if you want to blame someone, start with Woodrow Wilson, the president that signed the Fraudulent (Fed)Reserve into law, giving the international banking cartels the right to control our money supply, via fractional banking, which creates, those financial bubbles, enriches them and makes serfs of us. Try getting a clue, before spouting your negative venom. Rand Paul, Huckabee and Cruz are the only ones that will even agree that The Fed even needs to be audited. What does that tell you?
Tammy says
Better to support Fiorina! Trump is an oppotunist! Use google he is a liberal. He is saying what u want to hear and without question u gobble it up!! Trump was for stimulus, bailouts, he is for confiscation of pvt. Property???
Linda says
I agree.
John says
RIGHT ON. I flipped back and forth but went right back to Trump for the others were talking dog s–t
Capt Paul says
Fantastic, you hit the Jeb on the head
Stephen Lind says
RSBNTV folks is all of Trumps’s shows on the computer, EVERY ONE OF THEM
ANN YON says
Jay Bell says
I watched the Trump rally last night too. It was a little unpolished and disorganized–but it was a REAL and moving tribute to our soldiers.
Patricia says
I see. When Trump attended the other debates, they were a worthwhile thing to attend? But when Fox wouldn’t oust Megyn mKelly as he hoped, like a spoiled brat he took his marbles to play another game. He could’ve given the $6 million without batting an eye! Wake up America, this egomaniac and control freak is just another Obama. Pray to God, Trump doesn’t make chumps out of we Americans by buying himself the Presidency.
Ricco says
BOY do you need to wake up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tammy says
Why would u vote Trump? He is just like ? Liar, he was for stimulus, bailouts, single payer healthcare! He is for confiscating pvt. Property for pvt. Development. He also is very thin skinned and is rude and crude!
Jay Bell says
I didn’t watch it but I caught a video clip of Cruz mocking Trump this morning. He looked like a snotty little brat to me–as he will to a lot of people. NOT presidential, Ted.
used to be a liberal says
I saw that clip too, and it was pretty poor.
lucille j. justin says
Thank You. I felt the same……………………….
Chuckzx10 says
Trump actually won the debate without even being there!
martha says
Trump won.
ANN YON says
SORRY, RUBIO AND JEB BUSH WON. TRUMP WON NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
used to be a liberal says
Some of you may think I am nuts, but I think Trump won the “debate” simply by not being there.
Larry says
My vote also is for Trump! I am hoping for a Trump – Fiornina ticket. TDhese two people would make an awesome team! I also agree who “used to be a libersal” that Trump won in spite of not being at the debate.
Gary says
Larry……..please see a doctor who can help you!
Ann says
Sure. And, he can put Rosie O’Donnell and Megyn Kelly on his cabinet! Like Obama, you are allowing this Emperor With No Clothes (no experience) to deceive you!
Bev says
Trump won by showing he wouldn’t be pushed around by FAUX news & their fake debate.
Chuck says
Trump won! He didn’t play by their rules, he wins every time. Besides, it’s time to vote, more talking is more cheaper.
John says
At 11 pm across the bottom of my televison was who won and Trump was 32% and the others were all below him as usual. Trump did a great fund raiser rather than be there at the debate and fight over the same things as before.
Jay Bell says
He knew that there would be a final push by Fox News to try to deliver a knockout blow before the Iowa Caucus. He was wise to sidestep the manipulation.
rose miller says
AGREED. A lot of folks see this, some do not. He is a man with wisdom, insight and INTUITION. We need that for our country! I admire him so much for giving up so much for the US. why cannot more people see that? And talk about “Incoming!” What he is putting up with from so many is awful. That is why we need to keep making our voices and computers heard!
Gary says
Rose….he is an egotistical, arrogant, crazy person!
Like watching the Patriots WITHOUT BRADY………………I am BOYCOTTING KELLY, O’REILLY. and HANITY……………..FIRE KELLY
Fredrick Rehders says
You sound like a Hitlery fan, Ed!
Ross C Irwin says
Main Street is absolutely right. Trumps program of fund raising was awesome. Crowd was impressive. Trump obviously is able able to be a real leader.
Howard says
Trump won and the Vets !!!!
Susan says
I was very disappointed that Ben Carson was not asked very many questions. The media still slants the outcome by controlling who gets to comment the most.
J Stiller says
I do agree with you! It appears that media and commentators don’t make mention of him too much and they give credibility to those they favor! However, if they would listen to the soft spoken Carson, they could hear great resolve, wisdom and his true heart of helping America without a lot of hype! We’ve had that and we are in a mess ! Dr Ben Carson got to where he is today with hard work, determination, integrity, and great faith in believing that those things that seem impossible can be accomplished! Despite the shunning he gets right now from the established press etc, the walk softly but carry a big stick wll prevail from the greatness and love he has for America in this land! I will continue to support him and I believe others will too!……
Rosech says
Face it, Carson, Rand Paul, Santorum are great people and will be great in Trump’s Cabinet because they each have value to him and America. The rest should just pack up and go home. I like Huckabee but really not presidential material. Time to cut the number of candidates down to 5 or 6 but right now it is Trump, Cruz and the 3 who are being dissed by the GOP and FOX!
Trump Won by not being there to be assassinated by Faux!!!
rose miller says
ASSIGNATION is the word! I did not see the debate on purpose! BUT i asked if that muslim female was there. told she was and asked a question of Ben Carson and he put her in her place. would have liked to see that. But you can bet if Trump had been there it would have been war. That was planned. several accounts have Fox moderators making statements about it. for instance, M. Kelly said that on Friday things would look a whole lot different. well, they do, but not what she and Fox had planned.
DanS says
Rand Paul was the clear winner as the only candidate who once again actually answered questions without double talk. People who think that loud mouth Trump will be good for this country are fools. He is the biggest flip – flopper of all. He can’t decide if he’s Democrat or Republican. Look at how many times he’s changed parties. Whatever suits him at the time. Rand has always defended the constitution and continues to do so in his job as senator. Watch a video of one of his Senate filibusters and you can see how much he really cares for America and our constitution.
Larry says
Folks accusing Trump of flip-flop is crap. We all have opinions, etc. that we re-think and modify at different times in our lfe. This is completely natual and expected. At least Trump did not hang the Bengasi folks out to die and then try to blame it on a video nor did he state that the event did nodt even make a difference at this point in time… If you believe in or support that sort of crap, then you are not only foolish but stupid.
rose miller says
Right, and Trump has been a republican forever. however, we do not really need a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, we need an AMERICAN president. Someone for ALL the people! I do believe he will make good deals with Congress. for heaven’s sake, you have to work with all the people. That would be the problem with Cruz etc. There has to be compromise. Reagan and Tip O’Neal did it! An AMERICAN for Americans!!
lucille j. justin says
You have to be kidding………………… He should go home to Kentucky……..He is getting crazy like his Father…….
Jack says
Rand Paul voted against GMO labeling, as did Cruz. They are both bought and paid for by Mansanto.
Garrett Blair says
I agree…but if Trump gets nomination we still have to support him over Hillary…
peggy says
I really thought Trump showed a lot of class last nite for doing what he did …I’m sure it wasn’t easy ….I loved his remark at the very end where he introduced his family …Made a ‘uge’ thing about hoping his prominently-pregnant daughter would be having her baby in Iowa .very cute
ANN YON says
Carol says
Rubio won the debate hands down! He continues to act more presidential than any of the other candidates. He is so positive and has a vision for what America needs in the coming years. He has been my candidate from the beginning and I truly believe that when the Trump & Cruz show is over, people will realize that Rubio should be our next President.
John says
Rubio is not a natural born citizen by US citizens so he is not presidential material anymore than Cruz is.
Rosech says
And he is ALL for amnesty while we want the invaders down to the 3rd generation removed NOW! We are tired of supporting muslims and other invaders from other countries on our welfare system! Enough is enough, and Rubio really is a qualified candidate while Cruz is.
lucille j. justin says
John you do not come from Florida. Well I do!!!!!! He is a blow hard and will do anything to become President….
Garrett Blair says
I did like the fact Rubio mentioned Jesus Christ more than once in his comments…takes balls to go out on that limb these days with all these atheists out there…
Larry says
Trump won, and Cruz lost respect, Bush is not a republican, and the rest are not for the little man/women. Bush makes me sick. Rudio could be a good option if he wasn’t so liberal and hadn’t supported the demorats programs. I want the real American president to stand up. Not the money man, or the One World government Socialist/United Nations president.
Chris says
Trump won the debate no matter what.he gonna become president for USA.things are going to change and the economy going to improve and millions of jobs are going to be create.all Americans going to vote for Donald Trump.God bless America
Ann Marie says
Donald Trump won and therefore the American People won. Most importantly OUR VETS. WON. Thank You Donald Trump.
Mar says
Trump won
Trump for President
Gary says
January 20, 2017 cannot come soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!
charles Fulks says
Did not watch the debate for the first time, I give Trump credit for standing on his principles, more power to him. Fox news is nuts to disregard the leader of the pack to prove a point.
Brenda says
Confidence, Strength, Extreme Business Sense; AND, One that Can DEAL with The BIG DOGS INTERNATIONALLY… I feel like the only True Candidate that owns these qualities is DONALD TRUMP!!! I feel Donald Trump won the Night!!! VOTE TRUMP!!!
James Clooney says
Trump won the debate —none of the remaining candidates have the balls to run this country—Rubio the amnesty kid—Cruz has good values—Carson to weak—the rest are Rinos and we have enough of them in congress right now
JonT says
Sorry James, you claim that Dr. Carson is too weak? You don’t know him. He speaks softly, but carries a big stick. He is the only one who has given a true agenda of HOW he intends to correct the problems that his country has. Check him out again.
Stan R. says
Hey, you guys (and Gals) Think about this! Trump is splitting up the Repub party. He’s on Hillary’s team!
rose miller says
This really does not deserve a rebuttal. By now all should know Trump is all AMERICAN for America and its people. wait and see.
Jann says
You left Trump off the list so I’m not voting. I watched the rally. I did try to watch the debate but it was a snoozer. Trump’s the guy – no question. Go Trump!!
Gary says
The American people won last night’s debate. We did not have to look at Donald’s smug face, his disrespectful facial gestures, and his disrespectful comments to others!
Carolyn says
Try “C-Span” – They ran the entire Trump Vet’s Rally without interruption. In fact, will re-play it in its entirety. Check out C-Span – That station is simply no nonsense – They even have a schedule for the next several days as to who will be on before the caucus on Feb 1.
rose miller says
yes, I ended up watching it on the computer RightSide, and also C-Span. I loved all the call ins after the show from Democrats, Republicans and Independents ALL for Trump! It was wonderful. Go American!!
Lucille says
Of course Donald Trump everyone knows that…….”.PRESIDENT TRUMP ”
Karrie says
I am GREATFUL that Trump wasn’t there. He’s a pain! Big mouth!!!
lucille j. justin says
It takes one to know one……………………………..Karrie you got it wrong. He is the only leader!!!!!!
Doug Gentry says
Trump won the night , he showed you don’t have to bow down to the main stream media, politically correct pundits. Been waiting for someone to stand up. Kudos to Trump.
lucille j. justin says
Donald Trump won the Debate…….. You should have included his name……….. He is the only leader in the pack!!!!!!
Wendy Brant says
Trump out foxed Fox. Despite his braggadocio ways, he has the innate sense of how to win. There is no flawless candidate. But I’d rather go with Trump than loose with more of the same type political operatives beholden to Political Action Committees with the same socialistic big government results despite the rhetoric and good intentions.
Wendy Brant
carl says
Trump won by not showing up
Elizabeth Ketchum says
I agree with Trump that Kelly is not a good journalist. A truly intelligent person would not act as she does.
Trump for President!
Patricia Howell says
Ted Cruz is NOT a natural born citizen. He can run for the Canadian PM.
Don says
Did anyone else who DID watch the debate catch Marco Rubio’s comment that he would make the G.O.P. great again if elected !!!!! Typical RHINO, it’s not about their constituents, or America’s numerous problems, it’s all about ‘them’ and the ‘party’. Sorry Marco, your immigration policy fails the smell test. (as did JEB’s)
Dick Albright says
Mostly the Vets won. I recognized the “Fisher House” as one of the Vet’s Trump fund beneficiaries (stayed there). Trump is “DOING” not just “talking” and asking for campaign donations (like all the emails I get from Cruz, Rubio, Carson, RNC, etc.). Just waiting for the “fallout” on the FOX (artless apology?) vs CNN ‘s ‘mea-culpa’ redo.
Barbara Estes says
Maybe it was best that Trump did not show up as we really did hear more of Ted Cruz. And the more I hear of him the more I really like what I hear. If it comes down to him and Trump them Ted Cruz is going to get my Vote. I have been going with Trump all along but leaning towards Cruz and last night pushed me all the way with Cruz. Trump is like a little boy who throws fits. and by not showing up last night showed me that he really may not be what our country needs. We needs some one that can take the bad along with the good and Trump showed last night that he can not handle any one going against him and Kelly is good at her job and he knows it and he is afraid of her making him look bad and he can’t take any one making him look bad. And thats the name of the game in this business. Even President Reagan has had bad things said about him and he made it. Because he knew what he was doing and he just forged ahead. But Trump has let Kelly get under his skin and he can’t shake it and that is a shame as it might cost him what he wants most for the country. I do believe that he really wants to help the country but I am afraid his little boy fits will hurt us in the long run. So Mr Trump grow up before it is to late and go after what you want as a man not as a fitting little boy. Lots of Luck.
Bud Bierman says
How can we say who won when the candidates were not all asked to answer the same question so we could compare their answers? A question was asked and only one or possibly two were given a chance to answer that question. These are not debates. They are forums. These journalists or whoever names the event need to learn what a debate really is.
rose miller says
Bud, You nailed it. Those really are not DEBATES. You cannot tell about them from the debates. I am for a strong leader, and one that was born on American soil. President Trump for me. Draw a line in the sand and stick to it, make good deals for us, the American people.
Ricco says
Bud, you hit it right on the head. Questions were asked, not for good answers, but for advancing the person that the person asking wanted to advance. I have looked at my last debate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace Lovalvo says
My vote is for Donald Trump. Who else could have raised that much money for our veterans. We did not watch the debate.
joe says
As usual the press was on their worst.
They would like to see a shootout at the OK Corral
Where’s the outrage on Chris Masterbator on his “Cuban” remarks?
rrpjr says
Trump won. Hands down.
Jim Macy says
80 percent of Americans are against late term abortions. Why aren’t conservatives using this ??????
Rosech says
Because they only use the name of “conservative” but are NOT which is why I am a Nationalist and and Independent. We want our Nation back while the so-called conservatives want the same old, same old. Been there, learned my lesson, and have moved on to get America back and for that reason I am voting Trump because he is more nationalist (altho some say populist) and for America. Enough of the same old, same old and time to move forward and get our National back!
Ross C Irwin says
Trump won the debate by standing by his position on the format of the debate requiring impartial moderators, without anyone attempting to ambush him. Main Street is absolutely right. He is showing that he is a Leader.
John M. Pahl jr. says
John M. Pahl jr. says
The only real winner was Trump. He did not have to put up with the B.S. from fox news. Then fox tried the B.S. on Cruse. Enough said!
Janice says
The debate was well done especially without Trump’s interference and slanderous remarks. I would not have watched if Trump participated in this debate for just the slanderous issue. I think they all performed well but think that Christie out-shown the rest with his direct and honest responses.. GO CHRIS !!!
Floyd Bernier says
I voted for Rand Paul because he’s the one with the best message, just like his father 4 years ago. We missed our chance then. What a shame!! Just think how different things might be today if Ron had won. It’s apparent in both parties that the people want change. Drastic change! It might not do any good but maybe we will get a better idea of who’s really calling the shots here. Our suspicions may unfortunately bear fruit.
Sterling Stevens says
Vote Cruz in Iowa as if the Republic Depends on It. Read the facts folks! Righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to all it’s people. Lift up and stand behind godly leaders that honor and glorify our Creator and Maker of heaven and earth consistently in actions and in words! Don’t follow trumpeters that have big money and big bombastic mouths that play it both ways – hot liberal one day and cold liberal the next day. Don’t be sheep being led to the slaughter by so called leaders that “can’t ever remember a day when they had to ask God for forgiveness”. That is a lie!
Floyd Bernier says
If you feel a need to modify it don’t put it up at all. I may not my name on your change
shirley sans says
I didn’t watch it that Debate, boring………………. Watched The Donald and the vets!! It was awesome.
Ms Beantown says
Of course Trump won! All Americans, whether you are an independent, republican, former “demoncrat” need to wake up and vote Trump for president. Look at the road that the media and the current administration have tried to lead us down. It is time to stop the insanity and vote for Trump! Who cares about party politics or the talking heads, look at what Trump is doing not saying!!!! Remember he is not a political insider like the others. Do we really want more of the same bull….t? Get smart and vote for Trump
John says
There is way more to Trump not showing than Megan. He wanted 5 million donated to veteran charities, a good thing.
Meanwhile Mr Trump is a life long liberal. You conservatives who forget this will not be happy when his full bore socialized medicine and abortion agenda comes out. You can bet there are more.
Cruz is the real deal if you are looking for a Christian Constitutionalist with a record of voting like a conservative.
doris kulp says
i liked the fact trump didnt attend. all these debates do is provide a means for such un american attacks on each other. we know all there plans, how much more is there to say than pitting one person against another to engage in bickering. its time for both parties to get on with the show. actually a fund raiser was more meaningful than a crowd of grown up men ramping on each other. i say enough of these bickering senseless debates. lets get to the politics!!!! p.s. the media is part of this blood sport by their insinuatng questions..
Joanne says
I refused to watch Fox Republican debate. However here is my take on all the debates and questions. We live in a changing world. What is politically important today will drastically change tomorrow. As a political candidate you can make all the promises you believe the people want to hear but I am certain that our future President will be involved in situations that weren’t even discussed in the
debates. I believe Donald Trump will win the nomination.
gary says
Last night Donald Trump won because he did something special last night’s debate was the same old crap they all said I did this in my state crap over and over however there was a spin when Kelly played the different views of things such a illegals and refugees that were got ya type stuff then she would grill them of there thoughts of and why they changed. if I thought the same thing today as I did years ago I’d be managing a domino’s pizza rather than running a major construction company. people change but Megyn Kelly wanted to stump people then try to make them look bad on TV . Sorry Megyn but I hope you don’t get the chance to do the same old crap again.
Stephen Lind says
Could not vote because Trump was not on the list.
Watch all Trump’s speeches live on RSBNTV.
Pamala says
Marco Rubio won the debate with his concise and to the point answers as he has with every other debate. He is same age as ted cruz but is much more mature. Plus he’s nicer looking and just looks presidential. His agenda is just what this country needs to get back to the USA we were before obama. I believe he is sincere when he says he will again make America safe from terrorists, honor the second amendment, close the border to immigrants that can’t be vetted, and restore prosperity to us all. ***Great job on the debate Marco Rubio!!! You have my vote.
William Marshall says
Trump is an arrogant ass. His only good point is that he has shaken up the GOP. The only viable candidates left are Cruz, Rubio and Christie. Carson is a “nice” guy but totally out of his element. JEB is worthless and Kasich is not worth the money he is spending. Rand is floundering and should go home.
I favor Cruz but I’m watching Rubio after last nights debate.
James W Bolt says
The problem is that they are the problem that the country has. all mouth and no action and pandering to those that can shout the loudest . When we have a problem we want the government to fix it we have forgot who the government is t we the people and WE are the one to blame for the mess that we find our self in . We the people need to have a new people the two houses in DC. sign 40 yards
Reggie says
Trump won
Timothy Singleton says
Donald Trump won the debate. He went and helped the veterans while everyone else engaged in a pud pulling contest overseen by a bunch of open borders operatives.
Rupert Murdoch and his open borders -Saudi co-conspirators can munch me.
Jondarmes says
You Are Right. I didn’t see Donald Trumps name on the poll. I wonder why.
fwd says
Wasn’t interested in last night’s debate without Trump. I’m very concerned that these people are going to demonize Trump to the point of allowing the Democrats a win.
Douglas Miller says
Obviously Mr. Trump “won” by taking a powder for the “debate”, and scored a bonus for the Veterans.
Unfortunately, Ms. Kelly – who in NOT a journalist – seeks to be the most important aspect of any story. FOX would be best served by buying out her contract and letting her move on to MSNBC where she would be more appreciated.
Thank you Mr. Trump for not subjecting yourself to the “STAR Chamber” of FOX’s Wallace, Baier, Kelly troika. FOX is no longer “Fair & Balanced”. Just look at the progression of “Special Report” from Hume – a professional jpornalist and a reasonably fair person, through Snow – likewise a reasonably person, but tainted by association with the powerful Bush interests, to Baier – a closet liberal, who came from a role as a FOX stringer to the big chair, Wallace is his father’s son, no question about it. Kelly is the final straw. I have added any program featuring her and Special Report to my blocks of TV time reserved for “off” during dinner or children’s cartoons.
What happened Mr. Ailes? Are you a closet RINO too?
Jondarmes says
Trump won the debate by raising a lot of money for the Vets, and he didn’t have to put up with the Harpy in Heels. That my friends is a twofer.
Alexa says
Trump won and I am proud of him. My brother Chris was a Captain in the air force and was killed over seas many years it seems now. Our Chris would of been proud of American but saddened how our vets can be forgotten. THANK YOU TO ALL VETS THAT PROTECT OUT FREEDOM and little brother you are so missed. every day when I was in sixth grade he would wait for me yelling sister sister can we go for a walk …..I wished he was still here. Thank you Mr. Trump you heart is with our vets.
calvin lacy says
Why does the GOP have such a penchant for losers? Bob Dole, Barry Goldwater,John McCain, and Mitt Romney-all losers including the ego maniacs in the Fox debate last evening.
Barb says
Could not vote. The Don not there–he was at a great cause and has always been a huge supporter of veterans–THANK YOU , DONALD TRUMP!! You have the guts to stand up and say it like it is!!! HURRAH. YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!!
Ridgerunner says
Trump is right and does not realize it. Fox and other cable debates disenfranchise millions of rural and others people who do not get or want cable.
Larry says
Spike; I’m a disabled Vietnam veteran as well and I totally agree wit what Trump did.
The debates have turned into a total dog & pony show, for the purpose of the moderators
and I hanging their positions, as well as allowing the media to skew their formats in a manner to choose our next president.
I do not blame him at all times for not participating in this. He has a significantly lead
In the polls and all that would have taken place was allow other candidates to take shots at him.
Brilliant move in my opinion, not to mention
he helped many, many veterans.
Elizabeth says
Mr.Trump won the night! As a mom of a vet, my family and I watched Mr.Trump’s event for our Vets and I can honestly say that it brought me to tears to see our true Heroes honored.
My son experienced the loss of his friend and fellow soldier which should have never happened. I thank Mr. Trump for bringing attention to this devastating loss of our military personnel. Only one percent of our population qualifies for the Armed forces and we need to support them when they come back with many scars. My kids had something to learn from this event instead of watching grown politicians lie about their records . Mr. Trump is ready to be Commander In Chief! Mr. Santoruan and Mr. Huckaby are true Americans! They showed up despite being ridiculed by Hammer of Fox . Mr. Cruz please stop your ridiculous comments about Mr. Trump. It is not very Christian like of you to resort to playground tactics. It makes you look pathetic. You would say and do anything to get elected. Although I am a conservative Christian, I would never vote for you, we are not electing a preacher you would not qualify for that either with your alcohol use. Mr. Trump
you proved last night how you would treat our vets. Thank you! From a proud mom of an American soldier.
ks says
Trump 2016
Christian says
i think Donald Trump won it by not subjecting himself to what Cruz had to go through.
I lost a ton of respect for FOX
I am going to try and talk to Sean Hannity about it tonight, though I would hope he is already embarrassed and pissed about it.
RJ says
Donald Trump won the debate. He accomplished more for America and it’s veterans than all of the participants who showed up combined. He showed what true patriots can do if they want to. He also showed that one doesn’t have to allow themselves to be bullied. He only proved that the best fight you can have is the one that never happens.
Jim Sharrock says
This Nation is so far away from what the founding fathers started it is not recognizable. The only person during these debates that has any chance of turning us around is Marco Rubio. He is the only one I see who has any hope of really having “God Bless America” again. God id not blessing or protecting America now and we are headed for a doomsday unless we turn around and acknowledge that what Jesus says is Truth. Now we call sin good and acceptable. A man like Marco Rubio is deeply rooted in his faith and will see his plans through regardless of what others are doing. He is guided by the same ONE who guided our founding fathers to start “This great experiment” called America.
Granite says
Amen and amen!!
I have come to realize that there is little about my wish list for a president that Trump displays, supports or advocates. He has no opposition to killing babies, he is okay with two queer men raising a little boy or little girl. He does not plan to develop our military over what the muslim-in-chief” has done to it nor does he plan to invest in our military. He is clearly not aimed at overcoming our massive debt; he doesn’t care.
I believe now that he actually intends to destroy the Republican Party.
Trump is a terrifying danger to America.
Marco Rubio is a faithful Christian and carries those values into all he does. Dr. Ben Carson meets all of my criteria (which I will not list here).
I have been in favor of Trump but I have been stupid. I was inflamed by the muslim-in-chief’s” importation of Syrian and other Middle Eastern evil doers and my mind had centered only on my rage for that situation. When Trump said he would stop all of that immigration I cheered and became a mindless staunch supporter of Trump. Boy, was I fooled.
Any of the other candidates would be better than Trump. Carson and Rubio stand out.
Wake up!!
Maurice Monett says
I don’t blame Trump for not participating in this debate. Megan Kelly then went after Senator Cruz by accusing him of something he did not say. She always has an agenda as does Chris Wallace.Why do they have to be so mean. Just ask how to improve or change things.
John A says
I use to like Trump, but no longer support him. Yes, he has brought many issues out in the open for discussion and has certainly liven up the debate. He’s also told us how wealthy and smart he is and capable of cutting many deals. OK, so what.
What I would like to hear from him is to address other topics like: 1) Is he going to protect and defend the constitution of the U.S.?; 2) Is he going to abide by the rule of law or be a republican version of Barack Obama?; 3) Is he going to protect property rights of citizens or is he going to run roughshod over people and and allow corporate entities to use eminent domain to get their property?
Also, his name calling and demeaning other people bothers me quite a bit. He discounts people based on appearance and other personal attributes. If he disagrees with someone, the name calling commences.
The debate last night was refreshing since issues were actually discussed and the air not sucked out of the room with childish faces, insults and the bragging we hear from Trump.. It seems as though we have lost sight of the true issues facing this nation and let a showman dominate the conversation.
Hugiaino says
I agree. But the real question is not what the candidates say, but who will do what he says he will do.
Years ago, politicians used to talk a lot about character (something people care considerably less about today, as evidenced by the lack of it in the White House). Character is whether the person is, or is trying to be, good, honest, and genuine. But no one talked about principles. One can have good character and still be inept, and have lousy ideas with no real solutions. But principles are, like the law of gravity, immutable laws that have built-in consequences. Following them makes things work. No one comes out better for violating them.
Principles are things like:
“You can’t bring about good by doing (or supporting) evil.” – Apply this to our national policies and our national allies.
“You can’t get all the blessings of God in your life if you don’t talk to Him.” – National Day of Prayer, Thanksgiving, etc.
“In order to prosper, you must spend less than you earn.” – Apply this to our national budget and our national debt.
“Give a man a fish; he can eat today. Teach him how to fish; he can eat forever.” – Think welfare and foreign aid.
“If any would not work, neither should he eat.” – 2 Thessalonians. 3:10 – Think welfare.
“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” – Romans 12:21 – Arguments with the Left, Berlin Wall, etc.
“People won’t cooperate with you if you insult them.” – Apply this to gaining support for bills in Congress.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 – Applies to every situation!
Principles apply to both individuals and nations. If you apply principles in your life, you will prosper. If we, as a nation, apply principles in our national dealings, we, as a nation, will again be a beacon of hope for all.
Years ago, I said if a politician ever mentioned principles, I’d vote for him.
Ted Cruz first got my attention by mentioning principles. In fact, he’s the first politician I’ve ever heard do so. (Now a few others are mentioning principles.) So I investigated Ted. Turns out he’s a strong Christian; has been since he was 8; and even has a prayer team (which, by the way, prays for God’s blessing on the country, not just for Ted). In addition, he asked God if he should run for President; his wife is the daughter of missionaries; his father is a pastor; he was raised as a godly, Constitutional conservative; and I believe Ted will not only apply principles to every situation, but ask God, who wants the best for each of us, what to do in every situation so that the blessings of liberty are secured to us and, just like ancient Israel, our enemies are overcome and we, as a people, prosper beyond our expectations.
Now there certainly are other, good Christians in the race. But I believe Ted is the most electable, principled, Constitutional conservative Christian in the race. Ted has promised many times to tell the truth and to do what he says he will do. With his background and God’s blessing, I believe him.
Patti says
gregory says
Trump won and the man was not even there! TRUMP!!!!!!! The next President of the United States!
Jean Craig says
James says
Trump won and he wasn’t even there
ed says
100 percent right Trump won
Bill says
I like Dr. Ben Carson. Only one there who was true statesman. No barbs at others running. RAGAN RULE That all have forgotten except for the good Dr. Of cour see e media does not like him because he will not sling the dirt like the others. No ratings in that.
Jose says
Trump won by simply not being there. Let’s see what Fox and their girl Friday do when he wins the presidency.
cliff adkins says
Donald Trump won by doing something for the Vets. The only reason Megan Kelly has her job is “looks”. The rest of the candidates said the same old tired BS. What have any of them did other than living off the government!
Marc Jeric says
After listening to the Republican debates and reading various reports about Republican presidential candidates I have reached several conclusions, among them:
1) Donald Trump suffers from a narcissistic personally disorder (clinically called NPD by professional psychiatrists);
2) Trump is a low-IQ bloviating gasbag mainly engaged in personal attacks on his competitors, and in self-praise;
3) I got really tired looking at that enraged pig face of Trump’s throwing insults left and right, and by shouting non-sequiturs;
4) He can make deals with Reid, Schumer, Pelosi – he declared;
5) The only serious presidential candidates with a good chance to beat Hillary (the wife of that impeached disbarred felon Bill Clinton) or that aging communist Sanders (who celebrated his honeymoon in Moscow under Khrushchev) are Cruz and Rubio, with perhaps Bush, Kasich, and Christie as back-ups; and
6) Megan Kelly is an excellent reporter.
David W. Smith,P.E. says
You didn’t have the obvious winner on the list. Clearly, Donald Trump won.
David W. Smith,P.E. says
Clearly, Donald Trump won
John says
Trump was too busy working for a good cause to be involved any further in this nonsense. …and instead raised $5,000,000.00 for veterans. His absence caused a ratings crash…which does not surprise me. No one watches a show where there is no star. Not to mention the repetative redunence.
Richard Harry says
Enough already. It’s the same subject matter over and over. There are too many candidates. To many of them have shown to have changed their positions on a variety of topics. Nothing is being solved in fact it might even result in creating more problems. Neither Cruz or Rubio are doing themselves any favors. I think as members of the current senate they are part of the problem.
Pat Fraser says
The winner wasn’t there !!!! he had better things to do………………..
Wendy says
Watched only the “highlights” from the debate. There were lousy attempts at jokes, an unprofessional mediator, and I saw no one who could beat Hillary. If they are unable to beat Trump, why would anyone think any one of them can beat Hilary.
Thank God we have a Trump!!!
Jim says
The debate was extremely boring and no one won! They will all be in the same place they were weeks ago with no movement. They said nothing that they haven’t said over and over, in the last few debates. Totally boring! The Democrats have the best idea of only holding a few debates as once you hear them say everything over and over, that’s enough of the crap. Megan Kelly was seen as very vindictive to Trump (even on her spot on Fox) and is on my crap list as a moderator. Megan should be non-judgmental to all the candidates. I have no idea who to vote for yet but any of them would be better than Hillary or Sanders. When they start telling their real plans in detail other than all of them saying they will save the USA, I might listen. (Of course, that’s not going to happen). Garbage in (verbally), garbage out.
judy says
The winning Candiate, Donald Trump, was not on the stage yet he was showing his love for our veterans, us and our country by having what no other candidate would do because they are soley into the race for monetary gains. I did not watch the debate rather watch the winning candidate with his event. The clowns on the debate non interesting, they are at least two of them are ILLEGALS, LIARS, and does not care about us or our country they will be pushing to assist their natural born countries, the rest of the candidates are boring and criminals, liars and NOT FOR WHAT is needed in our country to MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN.