For months Hillary Clinton had tried to shrug off allegations that she may have committed crimes by hosting potentially classified emails on a private server while secretary of state. She even laughed at the notion that she could be prosecuted.
But now former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has come forward with a shocking legal opinion that could be a game-changer for the Clinton campaign. He believes “that the FBI will recommend prosecution.”
“Simply put, Mrs. Clinton is already in just as bad — or worse — of a legal situation than [General David] Petraeus faced,” Cuccinelli wrote in a recent op-ed for the New York Post.
Petraeus, former CIA director, pleaded guilty to federal charges for passing classified information to a woman he was having an affair with.
Many political insiders have long believed that Clinton is essentially untouchable. But as Cuccinelli explains, “FBI Director James Comey has a long history of ignoring political pressure” and will almost assuredly recommend charging Clinton for her illegal handling of classified emails.
After that, it would be up to the Justice Department to either ignore the FBI’s recommendations, which could cause embarrassment for the department, or prosecute Clinton. It remains unclear whether President Obama or his administration would try to prevent a prosecution from going forward.
This week, Clinton’s email controversy continued to deepen. In July, State Department officials installed a safe at the office of attorney David Kendall after the government determined some of Clinton’s emails may have contained classified information.
Now they’re admitting the safe wasn’t suitable for so-called top secret, sensitive compartmented information, known as TS/SCI, which the government has said was found in some messages.
This latest development r underscores how even the nation’s diplomatic apparatus didn’t anticipate Clinton would have sent or received such highly sensitive information on her private email server while secretary of state. Questions about her use of such a server have at times dominated her White House run.
Since then, the State Department has indicated through Freedom of Information Act releases of Clinton’s emails that dozens of messages that passed through her private server were later deemed classified, and two emails have since been slapped with a “TK” marking, for the “talent keyhole” compartment, suggesting material obtained by spy satellites, according to the inspector general for the intelligence community. They also were marked “NOFORN,” meaning information that can only be shared with Americans with security clearances.
To read Ken Cuccinelli’s full article, click here
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Maxx says
Whether Clinton is prosecuted all hinges on Obama. He controls the DOJ. If there is as much “hatred” between Obama and the Clintons as speculation portrays then Hildabeast should be toast. However, Clinton most likely has all sorts of information that would be disastrous to Obama. I suspect that he will protect his own a$$ before he does anything to get even with the Clintons.
Suzi says
Many people have dirt on the Obamas. The problem is that the media who support the Obamas won’t publish it. And when it does get out via conservative media the information is immediately ridiculed and the information painted as fabricated, biased, etc., before it is even examined. And rumors abound that the Clintons have already tried threatening Obama with what they know but that they, in turn, were threatened with the murder of Chelsea if they talked. The only consolation we can take from these antics is the knowledge that the left is not one big happy family. They treat one another no better than they treat the rest of us.
Richard says
You are so right seems like our whole Government is in bed with the Muslim President. After all when he applied for College in England he said he was born in Kenya. He just came back from Kenya visiting his mother at Taxpayers Expense. He had our Military build Out houses for them. Hillary like Obama should all be tried for TREASON as well as for the Murders of not only the 4 Americans in Benghazi but for other Americans who have been killed because we have NO true Government only PUPPETS and Obama is the Puppet Master. And Hillary will NEVER be tried for any of her crimes because of Bill and all his power in our corrupt Government We need a NEW GOVERNMENT that has GUTS
Michael Fulton says
If he interferes with her prosecution, impeach him immediately.
Gigi honour says
Don’t impeach Obama because then we will have Biden for president who can go for 2 terms. No impeachment.
Nancy Willis says
I wish someone would wake up! The info on Mrs Clinton’s server was probably safer than on the State Dept server. I haven’t heard that her server was hacked and it is for darn sure all the Govt servers have been! Love and kisses…Nancy
Bob Thomas says
However, the company that maintained the server had others that were hacked, so it could easily have happened. While unclear yet whether she actually broke the law, she did break security protocols, which you can research as I did, on the government’s own info sites.
Larry Velasco says
She should be, along with Barry Soetoro Hussein, jailed, tried, convicted and HUNG. Or any other proper method of execution. Let’s recommend EXECUTION for both the EVIL ONE and the MURDEROUS Hillary.
Bull Winkle says
I’ll. second that motion
Ruth Amelang says
If she isn’t prosecuted than no one should ever be prosecuted. She and Obama
should both be in jail
Justin Wachin says
If Hillary broke the law she should be prosecuted. Hillary has a law degree. She should understand that all citizens are subject to the law. If memory serves me correct, she was a lawyer who was part of the Watergate investigation. If she had no problem helping investigate and prosecute a president and associates who thought they were above the law, she should realize that she too will be expected to obey the law or face prosecution.
The email scandal is separate from her presidential campaign. As secretary of state she handled sensitive information. That would have made her communications a target for those wanting to spy on America. She should have used the government email system. If she would have done that, there would be no issue now. What this reveals is a woman who considers herself to be above the law and who is careless in the way she does her job and in the way she handles what is entrusted to her.
Nolan Raborn says
Nixon never thought he was above the law. He took a calculated risk trying to keep vermin like Clinton and Obama out of the Whitehouse and lost. I know they were not running then but what Nixon was running against was just as bad.
Joy-Ann says
Sociopaths believe they are above the law. It doesn’t matter what they did or what you tell them. They not only feel entitled but are convinced that they are special and the rules don’t apply to them, even if they aren’t in a position of power, and with power to abuse. It’s part of this un-treatable, incurable sociopathy disorder.
C Wright says
that is a profound comment. politicians believe they are ABOVE the law. we have laws for a reason and all should be accountable for our behavior. Politicians especially, they are there at the service of it’s people. They shouldn’t have endless budgets that allow them to spend our tax dollars how they see fit but how the people see fit. Obama is a perfect example of a mentally ill person he should have been impeached along time ago. What is worse is his personal agenda for when he leaves office . What has Iran promised him for being a traitor to the country he was suppose to protect and serve. A true Muslim is one of peace not of violent , murderous acts against humanity.
PL Donaldson says
If she is NOT prosecuted – then there is no justice. She has not been held to account of any of her questionable and criminal acts so far – so is she is finally prosecuted, I could at least regain some hope.
Joy-Ann says
Right… but she is (and has been) well insulated and protected by her inner-circle of like-minded corrupt people.
Hoffhack says
This whole situation has been allowed to develop by Obama’s people. They want to be in a position to control Biden, and therefore the DNC. That would not be possible with Clinton as POTUS! And word has it that Joe must promise to only serve one term. Would that open a door for Michelle my belle in 2020? That should scare the crap out of anyone. And I do not believe that the Clinton’s have, or would dare to release any “Smoking Guns” on Obama. Unless it is something that has here to fore been unknown, nobody in the press will care, and their lives would not be worth a plugged nickle!
Jonah Johnson says
I do not think that Hillary should be prosecuted, for what? I am sure that anyone that is for prosecute of Mrs. Clinton should first sweep around their own front door before they sweep around someone else, for the only person that is perfect is the Lord, he have not condemn her so who do they think they are?
Brian Heinz says
The Lord also set up government so justice can be given for those who break the law, you should read the whole Bible it would help to be informed on the subject front to back before you use just half a brain.
Nancy Willis says
Ahah, but that is in God’s Court, not man’s. She would only be judged fairly there. As one who knows about dirty government would know, how does an attorney from The Attorney General’s office admitting he tampered with your jury grab you? What about a judge that lies to the jury and tells them they cannot find a misdemeanor on a defendant, they must find a felony grab you? A jury has more power than a judge. They can do anything they want but most of us don’t know that. I do. I have served on three Grand Juries! Nancy
Flanny says
Oh brother!
Tommy Kelly says
Oh, Jonah! How do you keep escaping? The director told us they had beefed up security to prevent you from escaping yet again. If you keep this up, they’re going to have to put you in seg indefinitely. Anyway, please go back quietly with the med techs, just as you always do. Makes it easier on everyone. I’ll try pleading with the director to not take away your computer but I cannot promise anything. That’s a good boy. Nice and quiet. Thank you.
Bud Webster says
Hilbilly is a Marxist, whe mentor was non other than sol alinski. He wrote the book rules for radicles. This would be the ” New Testament ” of the communist Marxist movement with the communist manifesto by Karl Marx being the “old testament”. All progressives have Marxist leanings. They blame America, they redistribute wealth, cause racial disharmony, class warfare, and a host of other anomalies to distract people’s attention from their main goal. United Nations world control. Satan their God, must be so pleased. Did you know inside the United Nations there is a sanctuary for satan? Yeah, let,s go the United Nations for advise. Get the UN out of our beloved America. Hill should be hung for treason
L.D. Boyd says
Jonah Johnson, you’ve been in the sun too long. Come in and rest awhile. Maybe you will get a clue
Nolan Raborn says
Wouldn’t do any good. Jonah is brain dead!
LostProton says
This could escalate to unearthing hidden knowledge about the Clintons, Barack Obama, and many others in high places. If it does, there needs to be a massive suit against the Obama Administration, the DOJ, and the DOS signed onto by as many states as possible. The suit signed onto by only thirty sum states against the Affordable Care Act was put away by the DOJ that is controlled by the Obama Administration since their Attorney General is appointed and controlled by Barack Obama. Barack Obama has committed a massive number infractions of the Constitution in his Executive Orders and no one in the position with the authority to charge him will do anything because he/she is afraid of loosing their position in Congress which would put them in the position to compete in a job market where they could not sustain their current state of living.
Kevin P. Maher says
Yeah lost, and we can’t fix stupid,now can we!
Barbara says
That is WHY Trump is running for president. He is going after all corruption and those people wil, be out of a job. That’s why everyone is after Trump, they are all gonna be without jobs. GO Trump!!!!
Phil Sargent says
The Clinton’s are like a soap opera, never ending!
Kevin P. Maher says
I can not believe the horse sh*t the horn comes up with, more religious fear mongering period! You are potentially worse than Fox news when it comes to publishing BS and lies, come on, your supposed to be Christian? I don’t think so
Bill O'Reilly says
Get a Life and watch real news, FOX News!
Nancy Willis says
What news. They have slipped from reporting to creating it. Nancy
drbhelthi says
Mrs. Hillary Clinton deprived president Nixon of a defense in 1974, by writing a fraudulent legal brief and stealing documents to prevent discovery of her fraud. It is now Sept 2015, and she still has not been indicted. Her cover for the CIA treason at Benghazi continues to be investigated, although violations have been discovered for which she has not been indicted. There is little basis on which to predict an indictment in the Benghazi debauchery, as it was a CIA operation and no evidence will be released to support any charges, since the operation was a function of “national defense” carried out by the CIA.
Former CIA agent for 42 years, Dr. Jim Garrow, has revealed the true identity of the alias, Barack H. Obama. Obama´s identity is known by former and current “intelligence personnel,” who will not reveal the information. Three journalists had uncovered the information and bragged about it prior to releasing the documentation, for which they forfeited their lives. Dr. Garrow´s revelation is found at this link:
drbhelthi says
The details of Hillary Clinton´s fraud against pres. Nixon is found at the following link:
Nancy Willis says
Does anyone smell something? I think this email crap is a ploy to take our eyes off the ball. Congrats! The ball is Benghazi! Pay attention kids. Nancy
Charlie S. says
Justin, You are correct Hillary did serve on the Prosecution of Pres. Nixon. How ever the lead prosecutor ( a lifelong Democrat )
and remember Nixon was a Republican, anyway, the lead prosecutor had Hillary removed from the case as she was deemed
unethical in how she wanted to destroy Nixon. This info can be googled. Also, when this Bitch was a young defense lawyer,
she defended a rapist who admitted to raping a 14 year old girl. Good old Hillary put this girl on the stand and made her out
to be a slut and the town pump. The rapist got off with time served which was 30 days not a bad deal for the rapist, but over
40 years later that young girl has to face what was done to her day after day.
gary says
Do not prosecute the bitch. Tell her to grab the cash and be on her way although what she has already stolen is no match for the White House when it comes to getting rich. Compare: White House v. Congress. Get rich at the expense of the public; or, more likely, at the expense of the special interests. A mere $1 million seems like a lot , but Bobby Jindal thought it was a lot.
PS says
* Mexican tap water
* A rattlesnake with a “pet me” sign
* OJ Simpson showing me his knife collection
* A fart when I have diarrhea
* An elevator ride with football running back Ray Rice (elevator assault on wife)
* Taking pills offered by Bill Cosby
* Michael Jackson’s Doctor
* An Obama Nuclear deal with Iran
* A Palestinian on a motorcycle
* Gas station Sushi
* A Jimmy Carter economic plan
* Brian Williams news reports
* Loch Ness monster sightings
* Prayers for peace and love for white policemen from Al Sharpton
Constittutionalist says
i’d like to see Klinton prosecuted, but doubt it’ll happen. Both Klintons have murders in their backgrounds.
D’ohbama is not a “natural born” citizen(born of 2 American Citizens) and is disqualified from the presidency on that basis. See Article II of the Constitution, google “1st Congress, second session, natural born.” That’s the real issue, not the berth certificate(intentional misspelling), which is a red-herring to throw American idiots into a lather and keep them distracted. D’ohbama should’ve been evicted by Federal Marshalls, and all his crap should’ve been set on the curb like any other delinquent tenant – no need for any impeachment, because he’s holding an office he’s entirely disqualified for.
Nixon was a shill for corporate interests from the beginning, and abused the office of the presidency. He was rightfully impeached for criminal activities, but his crimes that he was evicted of weren’t but the tip of an evil iceberg.
Nancy Willis says
Dear Constitutionalist: Congrats you are correct but I will give you one better according to the Supreme Court of The U.S. “Natural born means that both of those who signed birth certificate were American citizens. O’Bama’s father, who signed his birth certificate was not an American citizen, he was from Kenya a British protectorate I do believe. Nancy
Constitutionalist says
From much reading, i have discovered that at least 3 people have attempted to have the “natural born” issue adjudicated, first in State, then in the Supreme court. All such suits have been dismissed without even LOOKING at them because the “petitioner lacks standing” to sue.
It seems that in order to bring the issue before SCOTUS, a State would have to file suit, and no individual.
“Res adjudicata,” “the thing has already been decided,” and well over a hundred years ago…but, like Jackson said when SCOTUS ruled that the Cherokees could stay where they were, Jackson said “They’ve ruled; now, let them enforce it.” The Trail of Tears proved who had more power.
IMO, the PtB(aka the super-rich) wanted to prove to the world that they could “elect” a complete dumbass as president, so we got the Shrub(Bush jr.). Then, they wanted to prove to the world that they could put someone in office that was COMPLETELY unqualified according to the Constitution. They did that, too. What’s next? Many say that D’ohbama will be the last President – but if there is a delay in the long-prophesied destruction of the earth(whether you want to call it Pole Shift, Asteroid Strike, a quake which shakes the whole earth, whatever), i strongly suspect that someone NOT born in America will be the next.
i have a long collection of quotes, and the very first one reads as follows:
“If politicians don’t respect the law, why should citizens respect politicians?”
— Debra Saunders
The Constitution is the Supreme Law, and every office-holder swears their fealty to it AS IT IS, not as it has been “interpreted”; no Presidential edict/Executive Order may trump it, no vote of Congress may trump it, and no ruling of SCOTUS may trump it, alter it, ignore it, or otherwise ride roughshod over it – but apparently, so few give a damn about the Supreme Law public servants swore an oath to, nor do they have any means of enforcing it’s dictates on those in government if they did, that i strongly suspect things will continue as they have until sudden destruction comes. Then, these oathbreaking criminals will simply go to their long-prepared shelters(underground and otherwise) and hope to ride out the storm while the vast majority of us die, just like someone wants and posted on the Georgia Guidestones. Don’t judges get kinda pissed when someone is caught committing perjury? Yet NO ONE, EVER, has been prosecuted for lying on their oath of office. Unless that changes, unless office-holders are arrested, tried, and convicted as often as a perjurers(and for the same reason), Americans stand ZERO chance of regaining control of their governors.
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; those who mean to be their own governors will, therefore, arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” ~James Madison(from memory, so i could be in error)
Constitutionalist says
One further thing i wished to make note of before i forget:
Until 1920, America had no such thing as a birth certificate. Why, do you think?
The answer i have received is that birth certificates are, in effect, slave papers. These papers are owned by certain internationalist banksters, and are used to secure the debts of the UNITED STATES, Inc., by assigning a value based on your parentage, level of education you’re expected to attain, and the amount of taxes you’re likely to pay during your lifetime. You don’t own “your” birth certificate; these Banksters do, because the creators of the paper are presumed to own the paper. Various State agencies are but holding them “in trust.” Check out the BC; you’ll discover that your name is written there in ALL CAPITALS. According to the USG’s own Style Manual, the only time an ALL CAPITAL LETTER designation is properly used is to identify a vessel of the UNITED STATES. Do you LOOK like a vessel of the UNITED STATES? Notice something else; every time you get a communication from a corporate entity(or State or Federal gov’t), your name will be spelled in all capital letters. Why? i have read that corporate entities, being fictional, can only legally communicate with other fictional entities. If you respond to those written communications as if you ARE that entity, knowledgeable gov’t agents will presume that you ARE that entity. In court, they will call out your NAME, and the majority will THINK it’s their name, and never ask to see the charging documents so they can declare a “misnomer,” that you are NOT a corporate fiction, but a living Being.
The Bible warns often about becoming surety for the debts of others, esp. in Proverbs, yet nearly everyone, in ignorance, has been deceived by the Beast that deceives the whole earth. Do you vote? You’ll be disobeying Christ to do so, who told us not to swear at all…for the voter registration papers want you to swear you are a US citizen(small “c”) before you can. Send in your 1040, signed right under the line that says “i swear that all the foregoing is true and correct”? Yep, you’re again disobeying Christ. Don’t you see how often the People have been deceived and led astray from obedience to Christ? In nearly every transaction with those “of the world,” they first want you to disobey Christ and obey them, instead.
Wayne Williamson says
I really hate this type of article it says “yes! hillary will be prosecuted” but just like the guaranteed stock market software that will earn you $12,000.00 per day this article is a sham. I can almost guarantee that you will win the lottery if you buy my lottery pick software for $49.95 plus $5.00 downloading fee for file. I can almost guarantee you will profit from $500.00 to $12,000.00 per day if you buy and use my stock market software for $24.95 plus $10,00 downloading file fee. I can almost guarantee Hillary will be charged if obama doesn’t intervene. I guarantee Amnesty is good for the country and economy, well that’s true but only for the country sending the illegals to the US. The 2.1 trillion for the first phase over 20 years unfortunately will be paid by the American taxpayer.
Constittutionalist says
i’d like to see Klinton prosecuted, but doubt it’ll happen. Both Klintons have murders in their backgrounds.
D’ohbama is not a “natural born” citizen(born of 2 American Citizens) and is disqualified from the presidency on that basis. See Article II of the Constitution, google “1st Congress, second session, natural born.” That’s the real issue, not the berth certificate(intentional misspelling), which is a red-herring to throw American idiots into a lather and keep them distracted. D’ohbama should’ve been evicted by Federal Marshals, and all his crap should’ve been set on the curb like any other delinquent tenant – no need for any impeachment, because he’s holding an office he’s entirely disqualified for.
Nixon was a shill for corporate interests from the beginning, and abused the office of the presidency, as well as violated his oath to the Constitution, which defines and, more importantly, LIMITS what powers he may lawfully exercise. He was rightfully impeached for criminal activities, but the crimes that he was convicted of weren’t but the tip of an evil iceberg, same with the Klintons.
But the truth is that almost all American presidents have been puppets for the money power…even moreso today. They hold no real power, but are public trust betrayers who’ve sold out to the super rich…and are afraid that if they buck them, they’ll end up like either JFK or RFK.
obama blows says
Truth is whoever is prosecuted, that pig obama will pardon them all on his last day in office.
Texan says
To hell with him!
Texan says
She’s a loser! Mean old woman! She loves to scream and swear at her people! Even Odumbo! SHE IS NOT! FIT FOR PREZ! OR ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!
Texan says
We cannot stand Putin! But! Right now we are voting for him! So Sad! He Has Balls!
Nancy Willis says
I don’t believe she will even be charged or tried. Nancy
JanisRickma says
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month. There is tricky method i found on the internet.
If you want to learn it too, just type in google: Riesling’s strategy