The last four occupiers of an Oregon wildlife refuge have posted a series of defiant videos in which one of them calls FBI agents losers, shows a defensive perimeter they have built and takes a joyride in a government vehicle.
The videos were posted Sunday on a YouTube channel called Defend Your Base, which the armed group has been using to give live updates. The holdouts are among 16 people charged with conspiracy to interfere with federal workers in the armed standoff over federal land policy that has surpassed five weeks.
In one of the new videos, occupier David Fry says the FBI told him he faces additional charges because of defensive barricades the four have built.
“We just got done talking with the FBI,” said the 27-year-old Blanchester, Ohio, resident. “They consider fortifying a crime.”
Fry said he, Jeff Banta of Nevada, and husband and wife Sean and Sandy Anderson of Idaho have “every right” to defend themselves from the “oncoming onslaught of people with fully automatic rifles (and) armored vehicles.
“I’m tired of you guys telling us what we can and can’t do,” he says.
Then Fry shows government vehicles they have been using without permission. He walks up to a white truck and says, “I think I’m going to take it on a little joyride.
“Now you’ve got another charge on me FBI. I’m driving your vehicle.”
FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said the agency had no comment on the videos.
The four have refused to leave the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon since the compound nearly emptied out after the Jan. 26 arrests of group leader Ammon Bundy and other main figures. The group seized the property on Jan. 2, demanding federal lands be turned over to locals.
The traffic stop on a remote road outside the refuge also led police to shoot and kill Robert “LaVoy” Finicum. The FBI says the Arizona rancher was reaching for a pistol in his pocket, but Finicum’s family and Bundy’s followers dispute that and say his death was not justified.
Authorities surrounded the refuge after the arrests. The FBI has been negotiating, but the holdouts have said they won’t go home without assurances they won’t be arrested.
In another video posted Sunday, Sean and Sandy Anderson are sitting together and the husband says they feel like hostages because they can’t leave without being arrested.
“What are they to do with us?” Sean Anderson says. “They either let us go, drop all charges because we’re good people, or they come in and kill us. How’s that going to set with America?”
Meanwhile, Ammon Bundy’s attorneys on Monday released an audio recording in which the jailed occupation leader called on elected officials in eight states to visit arrested occupiers from those states and show support for their rights to free speech, assembly and civil disobedience.
While federal authorities say the refuge occupation is illegal and Bundy’s followers had threatened violence and intimidated federal employees, Bundy contends the takeover was a peaceful protest.
A Nevada state Assembly member who is sympathetic to Bundy’s cause, Michelle Fiore, said Monday she and lawmakers from several other states plan to meet in Portland this week to protest the jailing of Bundy and his followers. She said the lawmakers are members of a group called the Coalition of Western States, which opposes federal management of Western lands.
“My folks are prisoners for exercising political free speech. That is not OK,” the Republican lawmaker told the AP.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
I think this standoff is great. It is time for us to stand up and fight what is wrong with this country. And there is a lot wrong.
These people need land to graze their cattle. What is wrong with them doing in where there is grass and water. ?
This really advances their cause.
Not long ago, i saw a youtube video posted, allegedly from a drone(have NO idea how the footage was obtained) which allegedly showed LaVoy’s vehicle(looked sortof like a Chevy Suburban) driving into the snow to avoid a roadblock; a guy got out and raised his hands, then walked away from the vehicle about 20 feet, and stood still, hands still raised. Then this man was shot down.
A commentator on this video said that LaVoy had deliberately exited the vehicle in order to draw fire away from it, sacrificing himself so that his friends could live.
If anyone wants me to try and find(and post) a like to the vid i saw, i’ll try; just ask…but if it’s true, then every one of those assholes that fired on a man standing still with his hands raised should be arrested and charged with murder, then forever banned from serving in any position of public trust again – assuming they live past the end of their sentence for premeditated murder, that is!
As to the remaining 4 occupiers, they must have a death-wish; taunting those who have already shown no compunction about shooting down an unarmed man just ain’t too smart.
i’m glad that an Oregon rep appears to be on their side, and is working to (allegedly) get the Feds completely OUT of what should have been State lands IMMEDIATELY upon their acceptance into the Union. The BLM should be abolished for the COMPLETELY Unconstitutional agency it is, and all of it’s agents arrested for felony perjury, i.e. lying under oath. Then, those who ordered BLM agents to commit Unconstitutional criminal acts should be gone after, arrested, tried and convicted, too. Far too often, we see the rank’n’file take the hit, while the bosses get off scot-free – well, at least until they die, at which point they’re going to face PERFECT justice.
At any rate, whether the 4 remaining get arrested or not on their leaving the Malheur area, they should let the glare of publicity and the courtrooms handle the matter; few judges will be willing to risk national exposure by vindicating known murderers over those who have so far been engaged in peaceful protest. If, however – or should i say ‘when” – the FBI and Oregon State troopers move in to take them out and they shoot back? They’re dead, and justifiably so. Only if they DON’T shoot back will they have any chance at all of ultimate vindication, for if – again – federal agents shoot down unresisting protesters, public outrage over additional murders will likely result in some heads a-rollin’…although based on how many federal agents got prosecuted after Ruby Ridge and Waco, this may not happen. If ZERO prosecutions arise from LaVoy’s execution, then things may turn more serious very quickly.
That said, anyone thinking it’ll be a good idea to declare Open Season on federal agents or those who assist them? Nope. Believe me when i tell ya, there are certain elements w/in the USG who would LOVE an attempted Revolution, so they can break out all the secret weapons they’ve been hiding for quite some time. These people – really in the employ of international banking interests, though most will be programmed to believe they’re being “patriotic” – will simply do their best to crush all opposition and wipe even the MEMORY of self-government from the earth.
Anyone ever hear of Albert Nock? You should google “Our Enemy, the State,” and learn about the essential differences between the State and Good Government(according to Jefferson, the essence of Good Government consists of restraining people from injuring one another, and otherwise leaving them the hell alone).
Yes, according to the audio testimony of one passenger, 18 year old Victoria Sharp, LaVoy Finicum fled from the first stop when Feds shot at one of the guys in the vehicle. They had told them to put their hands out the window, so they did, and then the one guy put his head out of the window also and they shot at him and missed, according to Victoria Sharp who was in the back seat. It was at that point that the one guy got out and then LaVoy took off down the road, for fear of his passengers being killed. That is also why he ran from the vehicle asap with both hands in the air, once it ran into the snowbank, in order to quickly draw the assault to himself in an attempt to save his passengers. That is how cowboys are. They are tough, kind, and the “old world chivalrous”, where they stand up for women and what is right- like upholding the law that protects things like property and water rights.
The FBI tried to say that LaVoy reached for a gun, but in the footage, you can see he had both hands in the air, then an agent shot him in the right side. His arms came down quickly- duh! I will give any person on the planet a million dollars if they can keep their arms raised above their head while they get shot in the side!! I mean- think about it- try to even voluntarily keep your arms in the air while somebody even tries to tickle you- you can’t do it! So just imagine being able to hold your arms up while you get shot in the side- and they tried to say he suddenly reached for a gun at the point when his arms jerked down- NOPE! That is an automatic reaction to getting shot- as the video shows. Then they shot him several more times. According to his family’s post on facebook for the funeral, he had 9 bullet holes in his body, including one to the face.
According to the passenger, Victoria Sharp, then the feds/police unloaded their clips on their vehicle and gassed their vehicle several times. Luckily they were all on the floor of the vehicle at that time, and Victoria said the only reason they weren’t all killed was because the shooters couldn’t get good enough angles on them on the floor. The one Bundy brother received his shot to the shoulder while he was on the floor of the vehicle! She said they all just prayed the whole time they were unloading their guns on the vehicle, and finally the shooting stopped.
When Victoria was told that reporters were saying there were only 3 shots fired, she exclaimed, “What??! Have they not seen the vehicle??” She said it was filled with bullet holes up and down both sides and the windows of the one side were all blown out.
These people were trying to make a peaceful stand for their property and water rights that have been stolen, abused, and regulated to death for the past few decades by agencies with billions of dollars of our tax payer money, and they use it against the private property owners mercilessly. Most have lost everything who have come up against the tyrannical agencies which have ZERO oversight.
For this to happen in the USA is a devastating tragedy. I don’t blame the remaining occupiers for not coming out- especially considering what happened to LaVoy and his passengers. Chances are, that if they leave that federal building they will be shot to death asap. I wouldn’t come out either!
Hopefully the Coalition of Western States (C.O.W.S.) can actually put themselves in between the remaining occupiers and the feds, and actually walk with them to their cars and ride with them in protected brigades of “normal people” in order to protect the lives of the remaining occupiers! Otherwise they are going to be unashamedly murdered by the trigger happy cops and feds as well. They are in serious danger for sure.
Knowing the FBI’s propensity to infiltrate these kinds of groups, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if at least one of the remaining four – hell, maybe even ALL of ’em – are paid informants, trying to set up some kind of “honey trap,” to draw out and draw in potential revolutionists so they can be identified and eliminated, as well.
Edmund Burke said “There is no safety for honest men but by believing all possible evil of evil men.”
Based on what i’m hearing and seeing about FBI involvement in multiple “crazed shooter/bomber” scenarios and the repeated exposure of “crisis actors,” it’s entirely possible that what i wrote is completely true…and that the FBI has become an abode of evil devils and demons in the employ of the wealthy Satanists who intend on a tyrannous OWG for the rest of us.