President Barack Obama’s shameful legacy will be marred by his administration’s constant mistreatment of our country’s veterans — and just when it seemed it couldn’t get worse, Obama’s disastrous mismanagement of the Department of Veterans Affairs finds a way to reach a new low.
A new report claims the controversial agency allowed retaliation against the employee who alerted Congress to the poor treatment of veterans in Colorado.
According to the whistleblower, the VA corruption has gotten so bad, only President-elect Donald Trump can fix things.
Brian Smothers, who told Congress the agency was using unauthorized wait lists for mental health care in Colorado, has resigned after he was subjected to retaliation for speaking out.
Brian Smothers told The Associated Press Wednesday the VA had opened two separate inquiries into his actions and tried to get him to sign a statement saying he had broken VA rules. He said he refused.
Smothers also said that Obama’s VA reassigned him to an office with no computer access, no significant duties and no social contact.
He called the VA’s actions punitive and his working conditions intolerable. He said he resigned as of Tuesday.
VA officials had no immediate comment on Smothers’ claim that he was punished for speaking up but said the agency does not tolerate retaliation. They said previously they take any allegation about unauthorized wait lists seriously and were cooperating with an inquiry.
Smothers alleges that Colorado VA facilities in Denver and suburban Golden used unauthorized wait lists for mental health services from 2012 until last September. He said the lists hid how long it takes for veterans to get treatment and made the demand for mental health care appear lower than it really was.
He said the longer that veterans have to wait for mental health care, the less likely they are to use it when it becomes available.
“It was totally unacceptable to me,” Smothers said.
He added: “It’s my hope that the incoming administration (of president-elect Donald Trump) goes and fires people.”
Smothers estimated the lists contained 3,500 entries but did not know how many individual veterans were on them because some names appeared multiple times. It was not immediately clear how long veterans on the lists had to wait for care.
Unofficial wait lists have been used by VA health care facilities elsewhere. The discovery of the lists created a nationwide scandal in 2014 when 40 veterans died while waiting for appointments at a Phoenix VA hospital.
Smothers was a peer support specialist on the VA’s post-traumatic stress disorder clinical support team in Denver. He said he started the job in April 2015.
Smothers went to Republican Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Cory Gardner of Colorado in September, saying he had uncovered the unauthorized lists on spreadsheets in the VA computer system. He also said a veteran had taken his own life while waiting for PTSD treatment at a Colorado Springs VA clinic.
At Johnson and Gardner’s request, the VA inspector general’s office — the agency’s internal watchdog — opened an inquiry into Smothers’ claims. A spokesman for the inspector general did not immediately respond Wednesday to a telephone message seeking comment.
Gardner said in a written statement that he was troubled by the circumstances of Smothers’ resignation.
“This employee’s communication with my office is protected by federal law,” he said. Gardner said he has asked the inspector general to look into whether the VA retaliated against Smothers.
Johnson said he too is concerned about Smothers’ case.
“My office will continue to work with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel to ensure that federal employees who blow the whistle do not suffer any retaliation,” he said in an email.
The Office of Special Counsel is an independent federal agency that protects whistleblowers.
Smothers told the AP he had emailed copies of the spreadsheets to himself so he could provide them as evidence. The VA later warned 2,100 veterans that their personal information may have been compromised by that, although the agency did not identify Smothers as the person involved.
Smothers told the AP he also offered copies of the spreadsheets — with the veterans’ identifying information removed — through’s self-publishing book service in order to preserve them in a public format. Smothers said two copies of the list have sold through Amazon: He bought one, and the inspector general’s office bought the other.
Smothers also provided redacted versions of the spreadsheets to the AP that do not contain the identifying information.
Smothers said that after he contacted the senators, the VA investigated whether his actions had violated agency rules and concluded they had not. He said the VA opened a second inquiry after discovering he had offered the lists on Amazon. That inquiry was still underway when he resigned, he said.
Smothers said the VA learned the lists were on Amazon by looking at his social media posts. He said that demonstrated the VA was monitoring him even after clearing him in its first inquiry.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
John G. says
I don’t think we could or can expect less of the “deplorable” treatment of Veterans by O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown’s administration – the worst Commander-in-Chief or in his case Coward-in-Chief in history.
marucha says
By democrats in general. The Department in charge of housing put them always at the end of the list, in spite of them willing to be placed in any neighborhood. It was sad.
Marty Brown Plunkett says
Oh, agreed! 100,000%
Jeanette says
Obama and the rest of the globalists. They want no sovereign nations, so damaging our military and vets was high on their globalist agenda.
Charles Rappa says
Why do you think they keep wanting our gun’s? Vet’s know the proper way to use the thing’s, and they are scared to death that we may well have to fight again, against some of there stupid idea’s. Pray that that don’t happen, but these Demo, will do anything to get control of a swamp filled with crook’s.
marsha badgett says
I agree completely…what a joke!!!
marsha badgett says
I agree completely, what a joke!!!
Charles Rappa says
Obummer was just the center piece. The head of the VA is the one that should be put on trial for many thing’s. He or she made the choice to take action or not. I have gone through 16 year’s of BULLSHIT from the VA. After an outside doctor quit his practice, I had to go to the VA for pain med’s. Well the cut the amount of pain med’s in half. Sadly they didn’t take away any of the pain that I suffer.. You call for your med’s, and sometimes you get them in time, and other times they are up to 5 day’s late.. The person that is making the decision’s at the VA should have to go through some of the pain that Vet’s go through. Someone overdoses on pain med’s, so let’s take it away from everyone.. Instead of helping the person that has mental problem’s, let’s put them on the street so they can do something stupid. I only hope that MR. Trump can get thing’s on the right track. I mean when you are over 1 Billion dollar’s over cost to build a hospital, and then you forget to add an extra couple of million to put a bridge in, well maybe thy should go back to school, or better yet, let someone that knows what they are doing build the darn thing.
Gerald Mann says
I can attest to the pi$$ poor treatment we are receiving at the VA Clinic here in Daytona Beach, Fl . After working for 4 years with my VA doctor Dr. Crewe we got me feeling good , able to work around the house, sleep through the night , In fact I was pretty much normal . Doc Crewe retired and they hired Dr. Liquori , who immediately cut back on my med’s and pretty much turned me into a human question mark , that can’t sleep, cannot walk very far, in pain most of the time . I suffer from Herniated and budging disks in my back and the gel like “buffers” between my vertebrae are non-existent 4 other Doctors have examined me including 2 pain clinics all have said that the only thing they can do is give me pain meds! However Dr. Liqouri does not like to write for pain meds , so because she does not like to write them I am suffering intense pain most of my life , I have put in asking for a new Doctor For the past several months and have even written to the Inspector General of the Veterans Adn , So far I haven’t heard anything ! I love my country and enlisted on my 17th birthday to fight for her , but had I known the treatment I would get , I may have gone to Canada with the rest of the dead beats that were avoiding the draft !
Jim says
In my opinion, Obama is simply fulfilling what he considers to be his duty, as a Muslim, to defeat and destroy the Christian foundation on which the United States was created. Once destroyed, the U.S. is to become part of the Caliphate. As an essential piece of the puzzle in the Islamic plan for world domination, is it any wonder that Obama is importing thousands of
Syrian refugees? One of the largest tenets of Islam is to learn patience.
Their goal is not an immediate takeover, but rather a slow, sequential
Are you aware that in Minneapolis, Minnesota there are areas of the city which non-Muslims are excluded (including the city police) by force? These people DO NOT consider the area they occupy to be part of the sovereign United States, but rather the sovereign property of their Caliphate. Their strategy is to first infiltrate, and control, the land they want. Next they work to control the political arena (Senators and Representatives) of their environment. Once that has been accomplished, they declare said area to be governed by Sharia law, as a means to exclude local police, and non-Muslims.
At this point, they now have a foothold and control land.
This process is expedited by the importation of (non-Christian) Syrian refugees by the ayatollah-in-chief Obama.
Am I the only one who recalls that Obama campaigned as a Lutheran, or Methodist, in his first presidential race? He knew he hadn’t a ghost of a chance of winning if he ran as a Muslim.
Look where, and how, his priorities changed once he was elected.
A Hillary presidency would have been a 4 yr continuation of Obama’s
failed agenda.
Thank God that the American public was able to perform a successful
Wake up, America, to the patient hidden agenda currently in progress. Our own laws are being legally used aganst us in
this new, unsuspected, form of jihad. The vast majority of Muslims are
peaceful people. That is why this religious insurgency will be succcessfully accomplished. Get ready, America, to face an implacable, and seemingly unstoppable, force within our borders, in my opinion.
Jean Schoonover says
Hi Jim,you sure make a lot of sense
Mike Carlton says
I agree with your view, if this nation doesn’t wake up we won’t have a nation!
Del says
I am sure you are right—A muslim is a muslim and there are no good muslim—either they believe the teachings or not—a muslim is a muslim and there is not a good muslim—period
Txchl says
That’s why we have GUNS and AMMO. Bring it.
Longtime Levaquin Sufferer says
Google, and, read how Obama and, Hillary took $100 million in bribe money, from Margaret Hamburg, the former head of the FDA, to become the head of the FDA, so she could unleash her own personal Eugenics program, called Levaquin, onto the now crippled, and, mostly dead unsuspecting public, who have ingested Levaquin, read how Margaret Hamburg made herself a half billion dollars, off of our suffering, and, death, through her criminal husbands hedge fund. Then google, and, read Margaret Hamburgs, former head of the FDA, parents were both presidents of the American Eugenics Society, evil, mass murdering, DEMON.
Rich says
OBOZO puts illegals ahead of our veterans, This monster is a perfect example of why the Left lost the election. Both OBOZO and Killary willnever again be able to destroy America.
Beverly Skinner says
Can’t AGREE with you MORE!!!
Judy says
We have a new National Holiday: It is January 20, 2017! The muslim terrorist satan worshiper and his disgusting drag queen will be gone from the People’s House. Then we will exterminate the bugs and foul smell out of it and move in a REAL American who will make America Great Again!
James brooks says
I,ll just be happy when the Obama Admin is gone and Trump is our new leader.
Jim says
Hopefully, Trump won’t start WWIII with his big mouth, and will create jobs, in part, by restoring the U.S. military. Obama let the military slide on his watch. Please note that China’s navy is twice the size of our navy. The Russian navy is at least as large as ours, and likely to be larger, as well.
I have very little faith in Trump’s diplomatic abilities, if he has any. I voted for the idiot, rather than the Marxist. I feel that Kasich would have been a better choice. I’m a veteran; Trump is not.That’s politics, for you.
janice says
OBAMA is not a vet either.
Richard says
The man is no idiot. As a Marine I too have issues with the VA. The problems will not be easily solved because Obama was in overdrive with his Muslim department heads and sympathetic Career appointees yes you read that right. It took him 8 years to reduce our military and its leadership to the sad state it is in want to see something really scary? Take a look at the majority of our Carrier fleet lined up at the docks in Norfolk. Does this remind any of you of another time in history when we were “nutral” like Dec7, 1941? Stop calling Trump names and give him and his top advisors a chance to do what we elected him to do. He does not think like a politician because he is not one He thinks in terms of getting the job done now not next year or by waiting for Congress to get off their bribed asses and get the job done. This is for You Mitch McConnel, you had better damn well support him and get those Harry Reid attitudes behind you and help Trump get the job done. That goes double for you PaulRyan…
SoldiersCross says
Kasich is not a military veteran.
Rich says
If thats what it takes to keep America safe for true Americans than so be it.
Beverly Skinner says
Jim, Trump may not be a Veteran, but NOBODY has more respect for the Veterans than Trump does!! And I believe, with ALL MY HEART that he WILL clean up the MESS of the VA, and QUICKLY!!! Montgomery and Birmingham VAs Administrations are ALSO in DEPLORABLE shape, and BADLY in need of a BIG SHAKE-UP!!!
Nellie says
I don’t know why but I have been WITH TRUMP fromcday ONE. Obama, the first time I watched him on TV, I had a very bad feeling. I couldn’t stand him! I canceled my cable. I wasn’t GOING to watch him destroy our COUNTRY. I compared him to Hitler and how Hitler took out Germany. If Hillary had got elected we would have more refugees and illegals. Open borders and no Military. Clinton started cutting Military. Gun free bases. Obama allowed Refugees here, NON-SCREENED.
Jc says
Time to clean it up and Trump is our man to do the job.
Jim says
Hopefully he’s up to the task. If he’s not, it’s not that easy to say, “You’re fired.”
Beverly Skinner says
HE IS!!! DEFINITELY “UP TO THE TASK”!!! Be careful, you don’t get lost in his dust, because he is ALREADY started. Not even waiting for 1-20-2017!!!
Nellie says
2 Ford plants and possible Apple will move phone plant here. Mexico doesn’t know WHO they are dealing WITH, TRUMP will save our dollar. I don’t like foreign countries or Foreign owned packing plants in our country. Our government should never allow a foreign country to own plants here. Not safe. Especially food. China owns Smithfield.
Errol says
What a pity the resort island of Alcatraz is not available to all Obama administration retirees
Richard Schwartz says
What about GITMO?
John G. says
Errol, Richard Schwartz – both are excellent suggestions.
Old1 says
Trump will have to keep it open when the last corrupt administration is relocated there along with the clinton crime family.
Nellie says
I don’t know why but I have been WITH TRUMP fromcday ONE. Obama, the first time I watched him on TV, I had a very bad feeling. I couldn’t stand him! I canceled my cable. I wasn’t GOING to watch him destroy our COUNTRY. I compared him to Hitler and how Hitler took out Germany. If Hillary had got elected we would have more refugees and illegals. Open borders and no Military. Clinton started cutting Military. Gun free bases. Obama allowed Refugees here, NON-SCREENED.
Nellie says
Better choice. Waterboarding.
Ellie says
Why can’t we put them there anyway and let THEM renovate and clean up the island to make it more ‘comfortable’ for themselves. That way, they can learn what REAL HARD WORK is all about. You know, it’s called MANUAL LABOR. If you don’t work, you don’t eat. They’ve been living luxurious privileged lives too long as parasites on the American People, while trying to sell the same people down the river. Wonder who the highest bidder was – Soros or the Saudis. Talk about biting the hands that feed you!!
Tony says
THERE YA GO!!!!! Also no means of communications with the outside world,(IF THEY CHEAT THEY HANG)!
Tony says
THERE YA GO!!!Also with no means to contact the outside world,( if they cheat ,they hang)!
Richard says
In my considered opinion both the Saudis and Soros contributed heavily to their activities. Both in fact were in collusion going way back when they started grooming Obama for the POTUS.
Jim says
You’re right! They have an execution chamber there, as I recall. The charge for which they could be convicted would be for the murder, and attempted murder of the American people, in my opinion.
Beverly Skinner says
Maybe Trump can make it his GITMO for HOMEGROWN TERRORISTS, like OBama, Hillary, and all of the rest of their ILK!!!
Ernst Schuetz says
It is outrageous, the public should wake up.
Therei 100s of other frauds
Ernst Schuetz
Beverly Skinner says
Your point is???
The Texan says
There must be a clean sweep at the VA! Get rid of all the deadheads and bureaucrats. Nominate and confirm H Gene Overstreet as Secretary of Veterans Affairs and allow him to hire whole new administrative staff. He may also wish to review other staff personnel for competence.
Jim says
I’m a Vet, too, and I agree.
Carol Ann says
Obama did not make good decisions for the United States, the thought of him being in Supreme court scares me. He should be tried for treason as it is. He cost America our reputation to other countries and apologized for war we didn’t start.
His vacations, his golf games were more important to him, as well as giving jobs away and bringing in criminal’s into our country.
Jeanette says
He cost American lives.
He is evil, not just a person with bad judgement.
He likely can’t be tried for treason, because he likely isn’t a U.S. citizen. But we could have him up on an espionage charge, which can also end in the death penalty.
Beverly Skinner says
Why would he be in the Supreme court? He LOST his Law license a LONG time ago!!!
Rog Hunt says
Definitly need to get the VA cleaned up. It worked great for my father a couple years ago, but maybe the Kansas Missouri district is better. If we allow vets to go use private providers, I am concerned, though. Their bill for commercial care will come out of the VA’s budget, thus making the VA even more unfunded, as commercial care will cost 30 to 40% more. This could lead to the VA going away and I wouldn’t like that as commercial medical staff don’t understand the special needs of the Vet.
Cliff says
Roge???? The OBO Adm has already tapped into the VA Budget, taking millions from it to fund the ileagles coming in thus sticking it to our Vets !!
Cliff says
Roge???? The OBO Adm has already tapped into the VA Budget, taking millions from it to fund the ileagles coming in thus sticking it to our Vets !!
john says
draining the swamp will commence soon..thank you, President Trump 🙂
Carolyn Reilly says
I was told by an army vet who retired from the military that drug dealing, in some of the VA hospitals, is blatant.
Jeanette says
What an ideal way for an illegal alien who hates Americans and Christians to damage our military and vets.
Tweeter says
While in Europe President Obama narcissistically announced to the world that the American people rated him the highest among all US presidents. He also degraded President elect Trump on many issues like climate change and immigration. While his counter-part in Germany Angela Merkel warned Trump of his upcoming policies about illegal aliens’ future in American.
Merkel hates the Jewish people but loves Muslims despite that Muslims have created violence and rape against the Germans. She ignored that, and ignored the rights of the German people in order to accomplish her desire to bring majority of Muslims in Germany.
Her policies with President Obama are very similar, hating the Jews, the Christians, and loving and embracing Muslims including Radical Islam.
Jeanette says
Just as it is here, it will be in Europe. The liberal addicts will only believe other liberal addicts, but everyone else sees through the liberal addicts.
Beverly Skinner says
Maybe her people, will give her a taste of poetic JUSTICE SOON!!!
N Bustam says
Some time back I went to the Va but would always have to wait at least six months to see a Doctor.
If you were two minutes late cause you could not find a place to park in there parking lot they would
refuse to see you and had to reschedule so I kissed the Va Good bye…Their drugs were more expensive
than thru medicare..The service was really bad…
Cliff says
Cliff says
Jeanette says
It appears to be intentional, which would make it EVIL, not sad.
Jarhead says
It is intentional corruption…….designed by corrupt VA employees/managers to improve Job Security, enormous Perks, days off with FULL pay, retain their huge salary, receive huge bonuses, and a big Stay Out Of Jail Card…….the VA is far, far, FAR too corrupt to fix… must be DEFUNDED.
Disabled Vets can receive MUCH better, much FASTER care with a Health Credit Card……and save taxpayers BILLIONS.
Rob c says
As it stands the VA is intentionally designed to frustrate veterans from the claims process forward. Every veteran that has had to hire a lawyer myself included to prove a claim knows exactly what I mean. The claims process as well as appeals process takes years some more than 30 mine about 15 years and counting is beyond frustrating. Loosing 20% to a lawyer that you never should have had to hire is stupid and another slap in the face. There is a simple fix, any time a veteran is treated in any VA facility world wide their records of treatment should go to a centralized file system at the VA. Veterans should not have to chase down records all over the world to prove their case, the VA should have them in one file for every veteran. Any claim won by a veteran who had to hire a lawyer the 20% fee should be paid by the VA on top as punitive damages to the veteran for the abuse of the veteran for so long by the VA system.
Jeanette says
And that money should be confiscated from those who made the problems, and those who allowed the problems, including Obama – and empty out any money that Obamacare has and apply it to the VA immediately.
Those of us who supported our vets all along shouldn’t be punished for what the evil elites did. Decent people are already losing homes and other assets because they can’t pay their taxes.
Robert Taylor says
I spent 22 years, 2 congressmen and 3 doctors then when I ultimately got my disability the VA said they would not make it retroactive to my start date. They eventually paid 2 years. Now after many years and the death of my wife I am being told they overpaid me more than 42 thousand. No reason why, no time element and they want it all at once. Oh and they gave me 30 days to respond before they will start withholding my disability. So yes their system sucks. They make mistakes and we pay for that.
Ms.Vickie T says
I would recommend that everyone currently in the military, Reserves or National Guard to keep a full and complete copy of their health records and personnel file. There may come a time when you will need those records to file a claim for service connected disability, etc. Trying to get a copy from records holding facilities could take months or impossible. Remember that many records were lost when there was a flood at one facility. They may get lost, damaged, destroyed or misfiled. Also, whenever you go to an appointment at any VA treatment facility make sure to secure a copy of the notes made of your visit which may take a couple of days until your Dr. makes his notes in the computer. I, and MANY others have found that they are NOT complete. The Dr. or nurse may tell you something about your diagnosis or treatment, but it is NOT noted on you treatment record. Immediately contact that Dr. or nurse and let them know that you want your verbal conversation in your records. You can also make a recording of the visit yourself, which I am going to do. Make sure to file a complaint with the people who are there for the specific purpose of investigating and addressing issues of incomplete or missing information in your treatment record AND any verbal/physical mistreatment by any VA staff.
From what I have learned from more that one Veteran Service Officer is pretty disgusting. These VSOs have spoken with prior VA docs, nurses and other personnel. These medical personnel were instructed by higher ups to do everything possible to never document anything that may lead to the veteran qualifying for service connected disability payments. No way should that kind of thing be going on. These people also felt that it was wrong on any level and they quit.
Don’t let this stuff slide. Request copies of your records ASAP and keep them up to date with your current appointments. If you have been treated by a civilian Dr., get a copy of those, too. They may retire or change where they practice and you may never find needed records for a successful claim. My prayers are with you all. God bless you and God bless America.
Guntoter says
It is terrible to mistreat ANYONE in need. To do so with our veterans who served, .or fought., and many even died for our freedom and liberty, is REPULSIVE and UNFORGIVABLE. Those guilty of deliberate malfeasance MUST be FIRED and charged with ” MISTREATMENT OF PATIENT” . Falsifying the date of “request for services” meets that criteria.
Their callous attitude deserves prison time with MANY MONTHS OF DELAY for ANY treatment they may need.
Frank says
Congress need to impeach that Obama (that worthless piece of sh_t) before January 20, 2017 and get rid all those benefits that he gets. He was just wanted to take vacation and play golf instead of taking care of our vets who sacrifice their life for this country to be free, that is what you call a damn dirty shame.
77IceDog says
I believe any delays in the VA helping the men and women of our military is unacceptable. Were our true heroes taking their sweet time in taking care of us? No, they mobilized and ran to the fight. But to hear that criminal behaviors and continued mistreatment of those asking for help is unacceptable. And to think that these men and women’s lives are left to despicable people who have the something to gain by NOT HELPING these HEROES is anti-democratic and just unAMERICAN. To think that the President is doing something as low as trying to create an unsafe environment for those people who bring unfair treatment of Veterans to light is cold & heartless. But again, this president has time and time told us through his 8 years is one for grandizement and to help people who are not American. For God Sake’s, he’s still trying to undermine the Voice of the People and the next POTUS, Donald J Trump. Divisive & just plain “out there” is how Obama actions & leadership for this, Our America. By the way, he’s had a lit’l help along the way. POTUS Trump will fix it, and to the continued dismay of the liberal left, a lot of head scratching will continue as President Trump rolls on to MAGA.
John G. says
OracleGuy, law5960 & Fig Newton – OK why aren’t all of you offering your “mundane”, “illogical” comments on this very important issue, nothing can be said in defense of it.
Ms.Vickie T says
We would soon not have to put up with their ignorant comments if EVERYONE would just ignore them! They would soon become bored and go elsewhere, which I and many others, would prefer! Please don’t feed the trolls!!
lizaz says
We need more whistleblowers to come forward from all agencies. Hopefully after Jan 20 they will appear, when they no longer have to fear persecution by this current government. I’m sure there’s a lot of hidden illegal practices we know nothing about…IRS? EPA? VA? DHS?…..lots and lots we don’t know about. The “legacy” will certainly be soiled in very short order!!
adrian wallen says
The Republicans always had Obama by the short hairs. We democrats were hoping for a black Kennedy, but it seems some skeleton in Obamas closet was taken advantage of 🙂
Norma O. Angeles says
Obama should have been impeached long time ago for many legitimate reasons. What happened to that impeachment proceedings approved by the court 2015? What is congress doing about it?
Jeanette says
Now that it’s too late to impeach him, they should be looking forward to an investigation to determine whether he is really even a U.S. citizen.
If they found that he isn’t, then everything he’s done is invalid, overnight. That would mean that his multimillions of dollars that he gets to keep from campaigns was not his in the first place, and that money could be confiscated and sent to the VA.
Robert Lee says
Where is Big Bad Senator John McCain in all this? He says a lot but produces very little. He carried Arizona based in his VA positions. If you remember the story broke in Phoenix. Jeff Flake too.
It has been noted that civil service can’t be fired. YET! Brian Smothers, who told Congress about the VA has resigned.
Go Donald!
James E. McCall says
I also had a problem as last year found I was losing my hearing( due to past military service firing weapons from small to large caliber), went to a symposium hosted by an American Legion Post here in NJ had opportunity to file a claim with VA representative and was told I would hear in a couple of months.That was Sep. 2015, I still had not heard anything from VA, called and e-mailed the Rep. I had spoken to. Then in January 2016 got a call from the Rep. found that he had been out having his knees replaced and had just come back to work, he found that paperwork had NOT BEEN SENT TO NATIONAL VA,said he would take care of it. Well withing 3 weeks heard from VA and had appointment for TWO DOCTORS, one for my Health, the other for my Hearing and they found my hearing loss was SERVICE RELATED. Went to VA Hospital In East Orange and was treated very well and eventually received Hearing Aids which have been a godsend as now I can hear very well even though I had 60% loss. I can say that I met many other Veterans there and they all had the same outlook, that finally we were being treated well by the VA of NJ. Thank You VA of NJ.By the way the Rep. that was supposed to forward claims was FIRED.
Robert says
John McCain is already trying to tell Donald Trump what to do. He is despicable did nothing to help Trump get elected and now running his mouth off and bad mouthing Trump again. Those big Factory Farms in AZ. helped get him back in office because they
want all that cheap Illegal Labor. The people of AZ. should impeach his Conniving Worthless a$$. He has done nothing for vets.
Jarhead says
TRUE. RINO McCain is worthless and should be dumped.
JoAnn Graham says
This is nothing new! Obama’s administration has hunted and PERSECUTED whistleblowers during BOTH his terms. They have so many dirty secrets to hide that they can’t AFFORD to have people ratting them out. Tries to make EXAMPLES of whistleblowers to discourage and intimidate OTHERS from coming forward. All just part of the culture of CORRUPTION he has spread through EVERY level of our government!
Maurice Lachance says
Dear friends people of the USA
I am a Canadian and I am proud to be, as you are in your country. We have in Canada the same problems USA criminals for politicians .
We need to put these people in jail and take our country back in our hands, these traitors
they do not care for the people of this country or yours.
Ms.Vickie T says
Thank you, Moe for chiming in. Both of our countries are hurting due to the corruption. I pray that things change for the better for both of us! Blessings to you and yours!
Justin W says
President Obama didn’t care about the veterans. It’s likely that a Clinton presidency would have been just as hard on the vets. Based on what he said during the campaign, I think President Trump will be able to fix the system so our vets get the benefits and treatment they deserve.
The vets put their life on the line to protect our country. As we make America great again we need to make sure our nation’s heroes are the first beneficiaries of our improved conditions.
Rey says
I don’t try to defend President Obama in any way but this article (including comments) is blaming Obama for a problem existing under the Bush administration and even before , All Obama did is to continue what Bush did and Trump will do the same …Different style same agenda :
Destabilizing & destroying the Middle East to serve the Zionist agenda at the expense of the United States: divide ALL Muslim countries into weak and small states in order to maintain Israel as the ONLY imperial power in the region .
WE did not have to invade and destroy IRAQ ( based on WMD’s LIE) which created ISIS. we did not have to invade Afghanistan and stay there for 15 Years (we are still there) COST $ 6 Trillion…. we did not have to destabilize Tunisia, Libya, Sudan with covert operations, WE DON’T HAVE TO GO TO SYRIA pretending to fight ISIS while using them to remove Assad….Iran will be next…with a potential for WW3
If you think that trump is going to prevent ALL that…good luck ! Kennedy did try to prevent Vietnam War ….we all know what happened.
WAR IS A RACKET Stay away from it…Peace & prosperity is much BETTER !
click this link for document backing up what I wrote:
JCP74 says
Trump has promised to take care of our vets. I believe he will make big changes for those that served our country.
Noneck says
What needs to done in D.C. is to get rid of every asshole in every department and install people that know what they are doing. There should be no need for a Wounded Warriors Association. This should be taken care of by our Government which has been a disgrace for the past eight years. When you send people into battle, you are obligated to take care of them in the aftermath. People are saying that Trump wouldn’t make a Commander-in-Chief you had nothing but a piece of crap as one in the past eight years and he knows it! Clean out the IRS, SSA, FDA, CIA, FBI and all of the other offices that bum ass appointed. You have people working in the FDA that are associated with Monsanto the most corrupt chemical business in the planet. The FDA has let farmers use the hormone rSBT that has been found to cause breast cancer and prostate cancer. This hormone makes cows produce more milk for their profit. This hormone has been banned from every country in the world but the good old USA. Also Monsanto is the same company that is using GMO seed for grain production this same seed is infused with the same chemical that is used in Roundup of which is a weed killer.
NAN says
Marc Jeric says
Roosevelt’s interdiction of government employees unions from 1937 was reversed by Kennedy and then implemented by Johnson in 1965. The rule #1 of such unions is “All work deadlines are ILLEGAL”!
Stephen Russell says
Order up US Marshals for VA whistleblower security & take evidence for use in later hearings on VA & hire DVA head to Follow Up.
Mortimer Schnerd says
The preset administration encouraged the VA physicians to prescribe psych meds to virtually all veterans regardless of their mental condition, the kind of psych meds that increase the desire to commit suicide. This was initiated to reduce patients to kill themselves rather than bother and burden the VA administration.
rick says
sURE, ANYBODY WHO GOES AGAINST THIS oboooooooma – THE MAGNIFICENT – WILL BE IN DEEP DO DO WITH THE ag AND doj. Both of these groups are out to pu9t anyone behind bars who is agaisnt this sLIME BALLOBOOOOOOMA – th e magnificent. //////////////////////////////////////
Thomas M Smith says
I need help. I need help. In October 2015 I injured the little toe on my left foot. I went to the Louisviile, KY, VA Medical Center were I was seen by the foot doctor. In December 2015 after following two months of home treatments by the foot doctor my little toe had turned black and started stinking. I asked the foot doctor if there was any infection in my little toe and he said no and then referred me to the vascular department. Upon seeing the vascular surgeon she told me that I had gangrene in my little to and needed to be placed in the hospital for amputation. By the time I had surgery the gangrene had spread to all my toes and I lost all my toes on my left foot. They then blaim the lose of my toes on the fact that I am a type-II diabetic. The problem happened because the foot doctor did not know or do his job and now they are covering it up and I am having a hard time finding an attorney who will take the case against the VA. I need an attorney. I need an attorney. [email protected]/502-319-3875.
drbhelthi says
Veterans of the U.S.A. are of little interest to the neocon leadership of the USA in Tel Aviv, NYC and DC´s Pentagon. The Bush/CIA/MOSSAD´s disguising their operative as a Moslem, switching between Christianity, has defeated the interests of American patriots.
The “game” the alias has played with the fraudulent land-grant of 1948, appearing to resist “Israel”, while funding ISIS-ISIL with CIA Black-Budget and Saudi dollars via Swiss bank accounts, is thoroughly documented by former USArmy, PsyOps officer, Scott Bennett in his “My Story”. The alias, BHObama´s affinity for German chancellor Merkel, who assumed dictatorship of the European Union in order to ENABLE ISIS-ISIL, reflects the true story. Merkel holds an Israeli passport and dual citizenship with Israel, unknown to most German patriots. The German citizenry did not and do not approve driving Arabs from their homelands. Continuing David Ben-Gurion´s terrorism is the Obama-Merkel goal in support of Judaism´s dream of confiscating the entire Middle-East territory. For details see this link:
drbhelthi says
Taking care of America´s veterans is of little interest to the alias, Barack H. Obama, and his handlers in the Pentagon, NYC and Tel Aviv.
Confusing his identity as a Moslem, switching with Christianity when politically expedient, instead of a CIA/MOSSAD agent, has defeated the interests of American patriots.
The affiliation of POTUS occupant, B.H. Obama with German chancellor and the enabling of ISIS-ISIL to drive Arabs from their homelands into the European Union, is revealing. His current visit with her in Berlin, advertised in the European Union as “President Obama´s Last Visit with Chancellor Merkel,” reveals their true intent.
Cindy says
My husband (a disabled veteran) died on Sept. 26, 2016 from cancer. After multiple trips to the ER in Augusta, Ga. (2 hour drive each way), he was scheduled for a PET scan on August 31. He emailed his primary care doctor to find out the results the next day. She emailed him back 6 days later and told him the results said “benign and malignant”. Nothing else. Finally he was called and told he had an appointment for October 20th. That was to get the results of his tests. He was already in our local hospital and the VA wouldn’t release his medical records after two requests. His belly was eat up with cancer.
This is how the VA works. Put you off until you die! My husband had been receiving care from this hospital for a lot of years before Obama took office. He always bragged about that being the best VA anywhere until a while after Obama took office., Then it just started going downhill steadily. This is only a small portion of the horror stories and a shortened version of the one I have told. Obama and his cronies should be in prison for all that they have done!
Mike Dar says
This model, ‘Whistle blower punishment’, is indicative of big government, it follows that problem ‘Big Government’ always has.. self regulation..
When we have AGENCIES, creating 80% or more of all regulations.. and in America no one can regulate these unregulated entities.. we will always have corrupted officials in the agencies, forgiving themselves and sacrifices those whom expose the corruption- ‘The Swamp’.
Inevitably we will see Trump attempt to ‘drain the swamp’.. but the result will still have a low place for additional corruption to sequester itself, to accumulate, to raise its black hearted self to where we have a fully operational swamp again.. that is the result of governance without citizen oversight.. as inevitable as night and day.
Far more powerful, far more lasting as to draining the swamp, is to raise the ground the corrupt wish to fill- the swamp.
To ‘raise the ground requires citizen involvement, it requires Referendum and Recall amendments.
Only then will, when, citizens see a problem like the ‘swamp’ forming, can an effective quick solution prevail.
Remove those that want a swamp.. quickly.
remove the policy where the corrupted create bad regulations to support.. ‘The Swamp’.. quickly..
So many people want ‘Democracy’, so many people fear ‘too much Democracy’.. I propose any Democracy within or without a Repubicancy will fail, without citizen involvement that can quickly remove mistakes of governance.
For now, citizens have to depend on three branches and ‘balance’.. where is the ‘balance in ‘the swamp’?
Better for citizens to depend on themselves as the Swamp isn’t interested in the citizen.
Roger says
Now that we are replacing the Imam-in-Chief with a real president maybe we can finally truly help our vets!