Monday night’s highly anticipated presidential debate did not disappoint. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton faced off against rival Republican Donald Trump in the televised match-up, and the gloves came off right from the start.
Once the dust had settled, both the Trump and Clinton campaigns claimed victory — but it’s the voters’ opinions that matter.
We invite The Horn News readers to vote and share our urgent poll. Help decide who emerged the winner on Monday, and voice your opinion here:
Vote here, then comment below with your thoughts — Who won? Why?
Main Street says
Hillary remained herself at the debate. Very artificial and smarmy. Trump should wake up a little. She brings up his taxes. He should have strongly emphasized her foundation and the fact that she went from below middle class financially in 1993 to a person worth hundreds of millions of dollars today.
Main Street says
Mr. Lester did his best to help Hillary. He opened up about how so any jobs are being created. No mention that 75% are low wage, part time no benefit jobs. Hillary acted like a cast member of the old film Caddy Shack. Snobby, smarmy etc.
GEO says
Trump could have said that himself.
Robert HELLEN says
Trump is between a rock and a hard place with Hillary. Too strong and he will be seen as sexist…too weak and he will lose! The only winning repartee is to be right on the mark in a subtle way…get the message across but quietly. Almost an impossible feat but possible. Oy!
Kathy says
I agree, he is between a rock & hard spot, but, that aside he was very honest and took the high road. This allowed the public to see what Hillary has to offer as President. NOTHING but more of the same.
Virginia D Calonne says
I agree. Hillary was her usual smart alec person, talking down to regular people. Which I detest. on the other hand, Mr. Trump needs to answer her quietly, calmly, in a soothing voice just as she does. but continue to tell the truth. Truth and good always wins out.
Marietta says
It also helps Hillary that the questions and behavior of the moderator were definitely slanted in her favor. I guess Lester was intimidated by the attacks on Matt Lauer!
Eldonna Bryant says
If he never said a word he would still win because all she did was tell the same lies again and again and that is all she will ever be able to do.
Dennis Hess says
Thirty years and Now she thinks She can change it >Ain’t Happening>I follow A Successful and with Attitude approach >for this ground game! Well done Trump!
Harry Katz says
Speaking of being right, how about misinformed Lester Holt. Telling Trump that stop and frisk was unconstitutional when it is not and has been approved by the US Supreme Court under Warren. (Hillary agrees to the falsehood – no wonder she flunked the bar exam). Then Holt interrupts Trump and claims Trump was not against the Iraq War only to have video evidence from before the start of the war showing Trump saying he was against it.
How about the reports of an NBC messenger being seen delivering the debate questions directly to Mook’s office a week before the debate.
Don says
Yeah, the “Hard place” was Clinton and the “Rock” was Holt, but The Donald smashed both of them into a thousand pieces! Trump had to debate them both, and both of them ran into a buzsaw! Poor old Hillary found out the hard way what it was like for 16 Republican opponents to get stomped by Trumps trump. She was in shock and breathless, like road kill under a bus! I guarantee she is NOT looking forward to the next debate. Someone said Hillary was her usual calm self and Trump was Trump. Trump, in normal character, and like 16 other opponents found out, simply chewed her up and spat her out. TRUMP WON, AND HE’LL WIN IT ALL! GOOOOOO TRUMP!!!!!!!!
James N. says
I was proud that Mr. Trump did not say bad things about sex crazed Bill C.because Chelsea was seated next to her farther. She already knows the truth but don’t embarrass her for something she has no control over. I really wish Mr. Trump had hammered Clinton over her lack of honesty. The lying queen of the world. Also that a poor nobody would be in prison for life if they did what Clinton has got away with. I think he treated her with more respect than she deserves.
JoAnn Peterson says
JoAnn Peterson says
Please see this link – about the earpiece that Hillary had in her ear again last night- receiving coaching
Also check out this article about her contact lenses:
Beverly Skinner says
It does not matter WHAT Trump does or says, or HOW he says or does it, the media TWISTS everything to suit their OWN or Hillary’s agenda!!!
Adorable deplorable says
Lester was a diagrams Trump was debating two people!!! But he still should have brought up her foundation and Bengazi and open borders etc….
Adorable deplorable says
I said Lester was disgusting!!! Not a diagram
SARA says
jim mayer says
Donald Trump’s little 5-year-old granddaughter Arabella Rose was sitting on Grampa’s lap after the debate last night and very innocently asked, “Grampa, was Hillry Clintain tha onlyest person you had ta debate this week?” Grampa answered, “no honey, Lester Holt was much weaker.”
Carolyn Powell says
You are right these commentators always play to the democrat. I would like to see an everyday American do the questioning and be able to ask questions that are on our minds. May be they could change that for the debate in St. Louis. PS I live there and am available.
Jack Stamper says
When it was all over and done with, that is the impression that I got also! Plus, It seems to me he gave her more time to talk then DJT. Wonder if anyone counted the time like they usually do, I would like to know. It just seemed to me, she got quite a bit of more talk time then DJT. (?)
Alberto Bencivenga says
False! Trump had more time that Hillary!
Diana says
Wrong…go back and watched..she just rambled and rambled. And Holt is also for her
Joseph Kaniecki says
The debate was a waste of time. Switched to MN Football. Try again without the liberal slant.
R. A. Bensley, Jr. says
I really think that you need to wake up and smell the roses of truth and be fooled by the false information pushed by HC. And beside how can any body warm up to one who is dishonest and does not tell the the full truth. Is truth and integrity the foundation of ones life in all that they do. Is this not to learn from religion and from mothers, fathers and grand parents?
betty says
I saw it too and the moderator badgered Trump about The Iraq war like who gives a hoot. He refused to contact Trumps references that could be proven what Trump was saying. , reminded me of the old gal wh0 did almost the same thing to Romney. Romney’s answer was correct . I would not be on a rigged debate like that… moderator should have stopped and let the public make its own judgement but he just kept on and on. not his place/ the debate should be about the 2 speakers, not about the monitors opinion..
Andrea says
I disagree, he interrupted Mr. Trump and he did not interrupt Hillary. Lester Holt definition of bias in favor of Hillary. Not OK
William Bennett says
Bullcrap Alberto, They’re right about Hillary Rotten Clinton just rambling on and on,Holt just let her do it. Trump did break in a few times to say she was wrong something,then Holt would stop him again.
Harry Katz says
How much time for each?
Maybe Holt was giving Hillary more time to READ the script that was being remotely printed on the new type of CONTACT LENSES that she was wearing!! She couldn’t get away with wearing another earpiece (like she did last time)– so this was the new thing. That’s why she was always looking down & pausing during speaking. She can come off calm & cool when she has a roomful of help remotely with her answers– so that NOTHING can go wrong. Also she had advance notice of the lame questions- (all being attacks on Trump)
Doris Frazier says
I feel the same Jack. He gave her a lot more time than Trump…
She just lies and sugar coats and says what she thinks people want to here. He tells it as it is which I think people want. They don’t want the same BS we have had the last 8 years
Terri says
I agree. Voting for Hillary would be another 8 years of Obama.
Winona VanLandingham says
Donald Trump is the only hope we have of saving America! Hillary is only concerned with “Hillary” ! She showed up in a red pantsuit…very unsuitable for a hopeful presidential candidate. If she wins,,,we can kiss America…as we know and love it…Goodbye!
Donald Trump has experience…business sense…which … our beloved America needs, in order to survive!
If you love our country…You WILL NOT vote for Hillary Clinton!
This country has already suffered through the tenure of one Clinton…who proved himself to be an utter scumbag… And God in Heaven knows that with another Clinton at the helm…America will have no hope of surviving! For your future…and the future of all the children and grandchildren…VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP! He has the intelligence and the Business experience to HEAL THIS NATION !
As for HIllary..I think she just wants to be a “Rock Star!” THAT IS NOT WHAT AMERICA NEEDS!!!
N s says
False, go back and time it. Trump got way more time to talk he just said a lot less with the time.
Bill says
Trump supporter
I think Trump probably had more time he went over allot.
Stucky says
Was glad to see Trump hold his own and keep his temper under control. He should be stronger reminding her about her emails, and all the other lies she has told.
Bill says
Are you kidfing me. I clicked her, her 2 minutes turned into almost 5 minutes. She was well rehearsed she should be an actor not a president.
Diana says
Not true. That was Holt stopping him…Watch again…She was stopped like one time…Most of the time Trump just sat there listening to her. Time it…and the questions…How do you not asked a candidate who has been in office about the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, Emails, etc…Give me a break. Also, Trump had so many opportunities to slam her but he played cautious. Lets be honest if he really ripped her they would have something to say about that. Crooked and fixed…I don’t think anyone is buying into the crap anymore. To me he still came out a winner.
deplorable #4,897,652 says
Maybe I haven’t looked far enough into all this to see a comment on this but, wanted to comment on the ‘rehearsing’. If you haven’t seen the movie Sully (you should – it’s great!) But… It makes the point towards the end how the simulators had ample time to practice what they would do in the time of this crisis and knew exactly the response to make. When they were told to wait and make their adjustments after about 35 seconds, the amount of time needed to evaluate the situation, they crashed and burned every time! Sully, on his own two feet, saved every life on board without practice but, knowing the right decision to make. Hillary was very impressed with herself for being ‘prepared’ via her rehearsing. Hate to tell you Hillary but, I don’t think others that want to kill us are going to give us a couple weeks to prepare our response on an attack. Trump had the confidence to stand on his own two feet and I was impressed that he did as well as he did with no practicing and all the attacks he got from you and commentator. Face it Hillary – your biggest accomplishment last night was remaining vertical for the duration! I’d like to smack that false smile off your face… it does nothing more than tell me you think this is all a joke. Actually, the smile you had made me wonder “what are you pumped up on?” Way too ‘happy’ given the stresses of what a debate presents.
Donna says
Hilary did get more time and Lester didn’t interrupt Hilary like he did Trump
sharon says
Donna I agree we know who he favored wasn’t Trump
Angela says
You are 100% correct. He tried to stop Trump but he did not!!
Heinz says
Holt was trying to play his race card on Trump. He is a bad anchor man for NBC.
Robert Wayne says
I knew this Holt jerk would try to slant everything in her favor. NBC and the rest of the monkeys in the mainstream media have been doing this for years. It became more obvious than ever when Obama ran for his first term. The next two debates won’t be as easy for Clinton since she won’t have a left wing ally to help her.
Emilie Louise Ille says
I also agree. Holt is a jerk !
And did everyone notice no flag was pinned on her pantsuit? No matter how hard she tries to distance herself from Obama (or is she?), she cannot do it. I DO NOT WANT OBAMA IN THE WHITE HOUSE FOR THE NEXT 4 OR 8 YEARS ! HILLARY AND BARACK ARE EVIL TWINS.
Donald J. Trump wore his pin.
Chris says
Hillary did not (is incapable of) project sincerity. She appeared aloof and smug. Why can they
not talk about issues? What on earth does each stand for? DT did push Law and Order, but
without specifics. I am waiting for Bernie to replace that self-serving, manipulating woman; then
I will vote.
Angela says
I can tell you what Trump means by Law and Order–People must START OBEYING the laws and an Officer. Drop that gun is an order-obey it! Many African Americans would be alive today if they had obeyed an Officer and we all know this. Get out of your vehicle-obey this. These are things he is talking about!
Susan Carr-Keene says
Obey the law you won’t get shot very easy
rodney burke says
If you vote for a socialist, you may as well vote for a communist. There isn’t much difference. Winston Churchill gives a VERY good definition of both and he rips them both a new one.
Arizona Don says
For Bernie?
Emilie Louise Ille says
I could not stand that she laughed about 80% of the debate. I guess she was pumped with feel good medicine so she could function.
What did I hear she was cheating using her glasses?
Terry Strahl says
You are 200% Correct I noticed that also!!
LS_Opimions says
ABSURD??? You people actually think Hillary needs the help of an ear monitor or 007 contact lenses to win a debate against the biggest Doof to run for President since George W. Butthead????
Terry Strahl says
I noticed that also!! You are 200% correct that Donald trump was NOT being treated
fairly time wise while speaking.. (( No Surprise )) !!!!
Marsha says
Marsha was thouroughly digusted with Hillary saying that to gind out her plan you would have to buy her book. Plus she also skirted around anything that Trump said then tried to twist it into making herself look good. She didn’t address the issues directly and it didn’t work. We call that The Texas 2-step. Go TRUMP! All the way!
Olivia Conklin says
Agreed! And he was too easy on Hillary.
Susan Carr-Keene says
Yes I didn’t hear anything Hillary say to help anything just feel good words with lots of pauses in between each word. Empty words to me. She said anything I could of if I was conditioned for it. Mr. Trump want to get to the problems and solution for America and got cut off over and over
Mrs Marasco says
I thought she had more time also. I was happy to see Trump tell the moderator he wasn’t finishes talking when asked to stop. I hope at the next debate he puts her in her place. She can do all the “fine talking” but Trump is talking to us when he speaks. He doesn’t have to impress anyone with staged rhetoric.
Susan Carr-Keene says
I not sure if she had more time she just spoke so slowly without saying anything worth listening to. We have heard it all the last 8 years. Look where empty words got us with Obama.
Robert says
Holt interrupted Trump 41 times and Clinton 7 times. You could see clearly who Holt was trying to help and it wasn’t The Donald. The debates are run by liberals for liberals. Why do republicans bother participating? Fairness and remaining unbiased is just not how the liberal media works.
LS_Opimions says
Interrupted because the Big -Doof wouldn’t/couldn’t, answer the questions directly without “flapping” his big mouth about what a “great success he is…which is a bunch of lies anyway, unless you count taking advantage of
investors and employees etc. Wise-up People…A Trump Pesidency will trash you Party for many years to be sure.
Patsy Brown says
I agree with Jack. She was given more rebuttal time & asked several less follow up questions.
She thought she took the high road but she hurled many more personal attacks than he did. I hope what we hear on media with polls etc are not reflective of the election outcome. Everyone I talk to says they are voting for Trump.
LS_Opimions says
Not really if you count the time that he “talked over her”. If he is such a tough guy” why is he so afraid, bok! bok! bok! show his tax records??? I’ll tell you why, because he is No Great Business Man/Billionaire…In fact, one of the biggest crooks around.I could go on, but it would be a waste of time because you people don’t fact-check anyway and your to “CLUELESS” to know that your not voting for Trump..You are voting against Hillary and you think she is “Careless”.
C’mon People, your parted has already “imploded” and you are to “Clueless to know how devastating a Trump Presidency could be to your party…You better wake up and rethink this before it is to late.
Pablo says
Hey LS sthu…and get out no one cares what your trying to interject…which is why I am the only saying anything to your stupid uninformed comments…go troll on KILLARY boards because this vet/American ain’t buying your crap.
David Howell says
On top of that a large percentage of those new jobs have already gone under; Great examples are Obamas’ investments with millions of the tax payers dollars toward renewable energy such as solar and swamp gas.
I can’t stand Hildagard but she may have won the debate.
SavvyRead says
I had looked forward to that debate and fumed from the outset! Anymore, one can just expect the benign intellects of MSNBC to deliver as they did with the rigged format and “actors.” The “split screen” gambit and the bias to Hildabeast clear!
Many of us are sophisticated as to “business,” (MBA), and I was astounded that criticisms centered on DONALD TRUMP’S business protocols; finance and accounting principles related to business practices and tax returns are not “Rocket Science.” NOBODY pays for incompetent performance or
that not performed consistent with state standards; the extent of the holdings of DONALD TRUMP do indicate to all (but the idiots without brain cells) that he is Very Astute as to Management of his very successful corporation and its operations. Lester Holt is a dolt! Watch CBS and you won’t want to linger with MSNBC ..!!
Shirley says
No the b didn’t. She couldn’t do anything for NewYork as senator about jobs etc. or much else. She could not accomplish anything in her career or when she was handed health care when Bill was in office. She is not healthy enough to be president either. The commentar did not help ask he about emails or Libya debacle he was sure trying to help her out.
SavvyRead says
Sad to see that “The Free Press” that was once so highly valued as a critical foundation of our Republic has become so sullied it no longer has any credibility.
A subscriber of The Los(t) Angeles Times posted it was good only for “wrapping fish!” And in today’s edition, it headlines three of their “editors,” who reviewed the “stagecraft” of MSNBC, pronouncing Hillary as the “winner?” Benign intellects content to reside in zones of mediocrity with the similarly impaired. Their photos are not “eye candy” either!!!
SavvyRead says
Neither can this participant abide Hillary … she is SO PHONY and so is MSNBC; she did have more time .. boring .. arrogant .. not bright at all about Business/Finance & Accounting Mgmt and oversight of adequacy of contractual performance; much less tax returns and why no one with functioning brain cells would release the “bare facts” of a Tax Return under audit so that benign intellects of “the media” could swarm as indicated by this ploy that was a staged production of MSNBC.
TRUMP’S financial holdings reflect his business/finance acumen. And HILLARY’S 7 MILLION AFL-CIO UNION RESPONDERS, many PUBLIC EMPLOYEES whose payrolls are billed to taxpayers so foot the bill for those UNION DUES in the payrolls.
She speaks of “women” and “families,” and “economic equality?” THE 7 MILLION PUBLIC EMPLOYEE AGENDAS UNDER UNION BOSSES (AFL-CIO Richard Trumpka) see to BUNDLING OF UNION DUES that are then delivered to CLINTON .. AND HAVE SUPPORTED HER POLITICAL CAREER OPTIONS and likely THE CLINTON FOUNDATION from which springs now questionable $$$s?
Joy says
Even though I thought Killary won last night that doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for her. If Donald had taken the time to practice he would have won. Besides, one debate will not decide the outcome of the election.
Philip McKee says
Donald Trump 93.84%
Hillary Clinton 6.16% Horn News
Don says
I think the Donald had a lost opportunity when discussing cyber security.
For me a geat zinger would have been “how can we trust an administration that refused to utilize standard government secure lines of communications in transmitting secret and top secret information, with the outcome most likely being our national security being compromised, as well as not even knowing the designations and meanings of ‘classified’ on information that she transmitted through her home brewed server.
To me, that would have been a ‘ringer’ in the entire debate.
M docherty says
Yes Donald has to Up his game He needs to take her to task on the Emails the server Benghazi the Foundation her sleazy husband and the fact that she is an enabler. You cannot go soft on her she has no feelings she will walk over you if let her . Give it to her with both barrels.
bring up the Black Lives matter the rioters the looters the fact that she does not honor our police or our military. Ask her what she intends to steal from the white house this time . Get on her about the FBI and getting off with things we regular folks cannot.
I’m a supported but give us something as a comeback to the Hillary fans. Never mind being a gentleman because she may be a woman but she’s no lady.
looking for better on the next 2 debates Donald .
Susan Carr-Keene says
I don’t think so she said nothing really… No solutions, just feel good words to the brainless want to hear. She paused so much in between each word you could take a nap. She posted on her website how she is going to over take Isis. I am sure they wouldn’t look at that for themselves. So she has no strategy against them at all. So we are no where with Isis with her. But she wants to bring 65,000 more refugee’s in so I don’t think she wants one. Maybe there making there own Army to bring against us. They didn’t expect someone like Mr. Trump to step up for us Americans.
Barbara says
He absolutely favored Hillary and it was not at all fair. Donald Trump remained the gentleman, but he needs to tellit likeit is for the people that support him. She’s a lying criminal, and for her to suggest she wants justice for all? What criminal really wants justice and that definitely includes her. She’s talking about how there are more blacks in our prisons, why doesn’t she try to equalize that by putting herself in there? She is a prime example of what she claims she is fighting against. Liar, liar, liar.
Philip McKee says
she wants justice for all? EXCEPT Clinton’s and Obama’s
Barbara says
marlene says
Be neutral and objective: as a moderator you are not supposed to participate in the
discussion or share your own views, but to be an objective, impartial voice. If you have a lot
of things to say, then you should be part of the panel, and not the moderator. You have every
right to have an opinion. If you put it on the table, however, you would be taking sides. In the
role of the moderator, your personal opinions and feelings should remain unspoken.
Hope says
I agree, as moderator Holt was supposed to be neutral and not be judge and jury about what Trump said about the war or not. fact checking was not his job.
But all in all I think Trump did a fine job, holding back, playing nervous, drinking water, I think all this was an act because if he had clobbered her with the facts, the media and the public would have ripped him to shreds.
It was a brilliant move – Hillary now feels very confident and cocky – can’t wait for the next debate.
joel says
The moderator was a Democrat who gave Killhillaty easy questions.
Trump restrained himself but could have killed her on Bengazi, lying to Congress and the FBI.
Emilie Louise Ille says
Benghazi will come in the next debates.
I also heard that it has just been brought to light that the AIDS HIV medicines being sent to African countries, is watered down. Where does it stop? It stops with the election !
Roberta says
I agree. He helped her a lot.
Ron says
With a 90 minute slot, did anyone notice the 75 minute Clinton add on NBC. She talked and would really not answer the question. She really ” ATE UP ” the air time and Holtz never tried to stop her. That was her plan all from the start.
Mr. says
It does not matter how many words are used. What matters is the substance of the words chosen.
LS_Opimions says
Correct and Trump has No Substance,…no ability to lead with diplomacy,..knows little about Economics,knows little about Civil Law and is 100% CLUELESS about Foreign Policy…Hope that works for ya!!
Emilie Louise Ille says
It was quite obvious !
Patricia says
Even Fox News said this morning that while Mr. Lester brought up many controversial subjects for Trump, he let Hillary skate and that’s just not fair! I’m sure it’s because Hillary and her crew have been crying the blues to Mr. Lester and the entire debate team for the past month to make sure they give Trump a hard time. Why do they even entertain her? If she would have told the truth instead of all the lies, I would say she won but how can she claim victory when she lied about so many things? I’m 100% for Trump but he should have been harder and gone for her lungs. She needs to be exposed by all of us as the lying dirt bag that she is.
George says
Yes Hilary is a dishonest person you could see her trying to remember the answer
Diana says
And who the hell is Lester Holt to say stop and frisk is unconstitutional? That is not his place. You are allowed to stop and frisk. Mayor Giuliani was a lawyer and on TV today and he was pissed. Holt was wrong about the comment and wrong about the issue!
Constitutionalist says
You – and Guiliani – are quite correct. Since at LEAST the 70’s, a “Terry Frisk,” wherein you can be patted down through your clothing – has been perfectly legal. The “authority” in question is not allowed to demand that you empty your pockets or put their hands in them – although if you object, your likelihood of being arrested(and a “search subsequent to arrest”) goes up dramatically.
Generally, police/”authority figures” must have a “reasonable, articulable suspicion” in order to conduct such a search – or at least, that was the case until the Unconstitutional USA PATRIOT act, at any rate…
fighterforfreedom says
During the next debate, Trump should remain brief and effective and then tell the panel and audience they can turn it over to Hillary so she can listen to herself talk to attempt to show she is a leader instead of a “poor-mouth” speaking about nothing specific to provide a solution; just purport lies with no facts so she can deny thereafter – if she realizes he is letting her ingratiate here nonsense by tooting her horn proving her self-endowing ego and she attacks him out of her reactionary frail ego to avoid responsibility and is spiteful b/c she only reserves the inclination that manipulation, deceit and redirection are tactics that she is only entitled to use, he can continue to keep her on the defensive with the laundry list of the “vulturing” for fun and profit she has transgressed throughout her life – he needs to continue to tie the pay for play Clinton foundation done on the taxpayers back generating a racket for payments for favors which allowed ISIS and other despots to simply buy the despotism they need and be supported by the USA doing it all the while the USA becomes less free which serves the globalist agenda
DANIEL La Rue says
I think that it was all a set up paid for by Clinton
Jerry says
If the American people would wake up to Clintons scam she would be locked up. She was being coached by someone off stage using the wireless ear piece that was in her left ear. Each time she was coached, she talked real slow and when she knew the answers she talked normal. Wake up people. She’s a disgrace.
sharon says
Lester was always interrupted Trump in favor of ole Hillary
MexSeiko says
I think Lester counted the bunch of jubs split into 2 part time jobs due to ObamaScare.
IntheBasket says
Do you think Mr. Holt was trying to help Hillary or was he REALLY trying to assist Mr. Trump by giving her more time to talk and HANG herself????? I respect Mr. Holt over many anchors. I believe he had an almost impossible job…he would be criticized today if he was hard on Hillary and soft on Trump or visa versa…no win for Lester.
John says
I don’t know if you noticed but when some of the audience scream for Donald Trump they were corrected and told not to voice their opinion is whereas when Hillary got a cheer nothing was said to them this is obviously a biased mediation on Lester Holt’s part .
Catherine Snyder says
Mr. Holt did have a hard job. He did do a lot to help Hillary and no help for Trump. She doesn’t need any help because of the type of person she is. Trump on the other hand is a rookie to this type of TV debates and needed a little more help. Over all, Trump did well by showing the public that he is a presidential person and could handle the country. Way to go Trump …
Arthur J. Roberts Jr says
The main stream media is one of the most bias television network.
They are in Crooked Hilliary pockets. Donald Trump did an excellent job in the Debate last night.
Bar-n says
I think he won because of restraint, but he needs to focus more on the issues concerning the presidential race, and not spend to much time on defense but more on offense. When asked how he would prevent future terrorist attacks here at home he should have said I don’t know if they can be prevented 100 percent but we certainly could start by building a wall to make it much harder to come here along with extreme vetting. He could have pointed out that Hillary would bring them here with her stupid policy of pretending to care about refugees when not any are Christians, which are being slaughtered due to her actions in the middle east. He hopefully wont hold back at the next debate. He just has to speak truth and not be too disrespectful unless she really oversteps her side of being respectful.
John says
Exactly, no questions were directly asked to Hillary about her past exploits . Lester hold it is best to put Mr. Trump on the spot,so it was an obvious rigged debate !
William says
I agree 100%.Hillary acted like the political hack that she is.Donald could have nailed her on several occasions but guess he elected to not do so.But that’s ok because we still have 2 debates to go and I’m sure he learned a few lessons from this one.I still believe Trump will win because Hillary is still POLITICS AS USUAL and the People are sick and tired of it!
Jerry Caylor says
Hillary was reading from script when she was answering questions and attacking Trump!! Did she know the questions Lester was going to ask her??? Something just did not look right…
colleen jensen says
We need to remember – we are voting for someone to get us out of the toilet we’ve been swirling around in for the last 7-1/2 years, NOT the president of the high school debating team. All the televised leftist- produced shows fed to us do not help a bit. Turned it off after 5 minutes – my stomach cannot take 45 minutes (1/2 of the 90) of Hillary, especially just after dinner.
Ai says
another demonrats who tilt everything to satisfy their agenda. Only an idiot will go for Hitlery. When they left the White House they stole a lot of furnishings from the White House. How low can you get and then she said they were broke but now they are multimillionaires. How did that happen? If she can produce an honest way to make a living then I will vote for her but she cannot because she and her family are crooks.
Susan Anderson says
Trump would have been wise to mention that 4 brave Americans were killed in Benghazi from a predicable Terrorist attack and that Hillary had refused, after many many requests for aid from our Ambassador, to send help. .God will punish her for that.
Another issue to raise, was the 33,000 emails she permanently erased. In addition to having a private server in her basement so that no government officials would have access to them, after being subpoenaed for the emails, she deliberately erased them, which should be a criminal offense, prosecutible by law. It’s beyond my comprehension why she is allowed to get away with so many lies.
Pat says
again the media never brought any thing up about bengazi or immigration and the effect it has on jobs and cost to our country or her emails that may have lead to security leaks nor any of the things that she was involved in ….I don’t know why Trump didn’t jump in while they were discussing cyber security or why the commentator did not question her about the email security she should have known how to handle….Trump get trampled again…….and I do think trump is smart if he does not have to income taxes……most people that are big business men have good accountants that help them not have to pay income taxes…..when we had a little money we hired an accountant that could legally save us money on our taxes and many times helped us get money back and I have heard somebody from Wisconsin saying people in Wisconsin would be upset ………..If you worked in Wisconsin you should always be able to get money back ……………we lived there for 14 years and we got money back almost every year ….So if you have a business you have all kind of costs that you can take… I don’t see were Hillary is trying to tell us it is wrong for him not to have to pay taxes …she has already been proved wrong some of her fact check things that the commentator that was swearing was true…… it looks like the media is on the take again
LS_Opimions says
Benghazi??? Didn’t the “Parrots” on Fox News…(Sorry, I mean Fake News) ware that out enough for you?? And yes, the emails were brought up again. You might want to actually listen to the debate next time. Do you people ever fact-check anything???? Yes, all good “crooks” with a lot of money learn how to avoid paying taxes.
I agree- It was as if Trump was debating Hillary AND Holt!! Holt did not ask about emails, Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, DNC cheating scandal- or ANYTHING or importance. All he could talk about was “birther” (which Trump already put to bed weeks ago), Trump’s tax returns, & non-existent race issues! Holt never asked questions of REAL consequence – such as trade, the economy, loss of jobs in America, and the endless wars in the Middle East! When Hillary quipped “maybe you’re not as charitable as you claim,” Donald should have answered — “Hillary, are you implying that I am the liar??!!! If you (Hillary) want to talk about charitable donations (to the Clinton Foundation) – which foreign countries they came (pay to play) and whose pocket they went into (Bill & Hillary) then bring it on!!” I heard today that not only was Hillary apprised of the questions ahead of time (which doesn’t surprise me), she also had an alternative to the “ear monitor” she wore at the “Commander in Chief” forum— she was wearing a new type of CONTACT LENSES– that others can remotely print on, and she can read. That’s why she was always looking down (what do you think she was looking at) & didn’t look at Trump (even though he faced her). No wonder she had everything under control— she had a roomful of help! Such a liar & cheater!
Julie says
I do not like Hillary but to me she won the debate due to such smooth, fluid answers…almost like she knew the questions beforehand. she still will NOT get my vote because of her past and the body count that is all around her. She did act a snobby as though she was above some of the accusations but no thanks to the media outlet, if you do your homework you will find ample reasons why she is not the person she portrays.
Jerry says
I think she knew questions because she was reading a script with her answers and attacks!!
Ai says
Vern Lundrigan says
I agree. I think he was trying a little too hard to stay civil in the face of an uneven playing field.
Thelma bright says
Trump outlined how to create real jobs by cutting corporate taxes to bring jobs back.
MrTruth says
Jul says
I agree with you Vern! We all have been telling him to go easy on her & he did & all it did was let that Holier-than-thou cold woman to make him look bad. So it seems like the People’s Choice for President is damn if he does not call her on all her Lies, Corruption & only concern about her Donors & damn if he does call her out on all her Corruption! She stood up there with her smug, self-centered I am Better than everybody smirk / fake smile! She DID NOT look Presidential because she was Talking Down to Everybody just like Obama does to Make Americans look like our Right, Freedoms & Lives mean Nothing! She started that crap about how he treats women, But She is the one that Plans on Bring in all those So-Called Refugees that treat Woman like Animals! She treats women like Crap if they Do Not Go Along with her plans! As for her bringing up her granddaughter, well if she is really a Loving grandmother then she would be standing up & Saying No More Refugees that Treat children, woman & unbelievers of sharia laws as something to Abuse, Rape & Kill!
Susan says
He was being too civil. Get her on facts and pivot to his strengths
She is dishonest. Next debate, hit her hard but with a presidential tone.
Loly says
What about Trump is he honest and no lirs? Think.
Frank Shea says
Hillarious lies 100 to one. Wake up. her so called experience cost lifes WAKE UP
roy wells says
I think lester was helping Hil
ery > Trump should and had chances to ask her about Her Emails , Isis , The Clinton foundation and if the people want 4 more years of the like of Obama,s doings . I think Trump did good , but could have done better on getting Clinton doings for her time as secretary .
Jim Morgan says
Yes, Lester gave her all open lanes to upstage Mr. Trump.. He personally argued and inter-rupted Donald often.. He let Hillary off a question on her e-mail scandal and allowed her to skate to a new subject without an honest answer.. Lester showed his love for Hillary..
Unsure voter says
Agree. Trump missed many prime opportunities to bring up that Hillary wants to continue Obama’s failed policies that she has committed to continue, should have countered with her trust fund that she does not disclose, nor does she disclose her scripts to the banks. He could have brought up her failings which cost American’s lives. I was disappointed in his performance. Perhaps he should seek advise from Ted Cruz on how to debate and be better prepared the next time.
Jim Green says
Oh ! He will bring up the Foundation and pay to play and more on the Illegal Email Servers.
Lois says
Trump was unable to get her to answer anything about her scandals. She kept him off balance. Very disappointed in moderator, he didn’t ask her any tough questions but brought up 40 year old lawsuits. Somebody got to him.
Still voting for Trump. Hillary scares me and I pray this country doesn’t elect her
Charles Rappa says
Lois: Look at the body count around killer, and then you will see why Holt gave her the floor. Didn’t want to die from a heart attack while on the stage
Judy says
He did good but he spends too much time trying to explain away what she says nagative about him he should forget that and go after her on her emails and Bengazi lies
Wastes too much good time
johnny marsh says
I agree…he owes her no explanation ……3 things….emails (how much top secret info was lost through her intentional avoidance of the law)…Bengazi…who gave the stand down order…why did our soldiers change uniforms several times before the politicians totally dropped the ball….foundation….not only are most of the pay to play donations illegal (and not divuldged) but it is not as represented to be a charity for aids victims but a way to pay cronies to do their bidding and fund lavish trips etc.
Terry Dallas says
He let her get away with too much.
He should have briefly explained trickle-down economics and its advantages.
He should have mentioned that she’s the one who started the “birther” question. He should have mentioned the women who’ve worked for him in positions of great responsibility.
He should have hit harder upon the monumental tax burden and obamacare which keeps businesses from hiring and causes them to go to other counties.
He should have asked her what “the fair share” tax is of the small percentage of people who already pay over 50% of the taxes.
SavvyRead says
Serious, are you, Loly? DONALD TRUMP is beyond brilliant; he is a very intelligent, knowledgeable, intelligent, personable and articulate
millionaire who built on the experience with his father, similarly highly intelligent and successful, and the benign intellects like Lester Holt that now populate “the media” are so jealous of TRUMP’S package they are likely now frustrated by impact of ED!!
johnny marsh says
Trump should state the fact that the law allows a business person with enough expense to end up paying no tax but add, all that income results in jobs for thousands of “all class” folks. Never got a job from a broke dude. He also had an opportunity to hammer her on where the proceeds in their foundation came from. Seems most of the money is channeled from the dummy corp in Canada thus making the donations anonymous…how much more can she make as president in that same manner…We all know that a politician cannot become rich while in office without being a crook..
SavvyRead says
Johnny: I, too, was frustrated by the “pace,” and then realized that MSNBC had clearly staged that production to ensure the outcome they programmed!!! There were no “serious issues” from Lester Holt, and DONALD TRUMP could most certainly know at the outset what was already “set up;” he couldn’t risk being bellicose or belligerent because of the incessant attacks on him by “the media” at large; Hillary performed as her usually deceptive, manipulative, and dishonest self.
Twins says
Are you that 400 pound person he spoke about
Sheilah Kernan says
Not to mention that they found her lying about facts at least 5 times last night.!
shopdrop says
She was true to form. All her answers were twisted lies and lots of verbiage to cover her lies. Her smirky face and pasted smile was the limit.
DANIEL La Rue says
Clinton wouldn’t know the truth it hit her in face !!!!!
Catherine Pizzotti says
Don’t worry this is only the first one let’s see what happens in the next one Trump should nail her to the wall .That foney smile really gets me that’s what she dose whan she stealing our money or any one else’s .Trump has to get her on Bengahzy and what about her E Mails Stealing the WH silverware&dishes renting out Lincolns bedroom ha ha she said they were broke that is a joke and lie .
Clinton came across as a well rehearsed typical insincere career fact she did state that she had been working on being POTUS and that was why she had not been on the circuit in a while. Trump was not as smooth as Clinton he came across as smooth and sincere. Trump/Pence are definitely the best team for we the people and in my opinion they will be the winning ticket.
SavvyRead says
You are right on, Catherine,
DONALD TRUMP has to come out swingin’ without mercy next time around and “keep the powder dry” until ready to go ballistic; she should be BLOWN AWAY … she has “the media” in the bag and HE has to SHAKE IT UP!
I expect public opinion to explode if this deliberate and incessant bias of “the media” continues its arrogant disposition to over-ride the public interest to secure their interests. A mass cancellation of subscriptions might work; after all, there is little news and information of any worth!
Betty says
Judy K Dees says
They wouldn’t post my comments: Said it looked like I’d already said that but that is not true. Trump did win and held his cool although I know he wanted to go off on her but knew he wouldn’t stop when he got started at all she’s done and what she’s cost America.
Roland Osbold says
He should bring up all the killings the Clinton Crime Family did, to cover things up, the biggest on was the Oklahoma City bombings, 168 killed including 19 Children, 500 wounded, Bill Clinton was into the Drug and Gun smuggling operation at Mena, they had all the paperwork of the investigation at that location, most People are not aware of that, the FBI had an Office, the Day of the bombings nobody showed up for work, they knew what was coming…..go to my Webpage on Facebook ,search,, ,the cure for any cancer, ,its free, plus many more information you never heard of. GOD created Human Beings 1+billion years ago out there in our Universe, learn how they live and travel, they are far, far ahead of us, why 1/3 of the Angels rebelled against GOD, no Man has seen GOD, I did, find out what happen, it is a must read, you will be glad you did, tell your friends
Linda Paulsen says
Lyman Bone says
Clinton came across as a well rehearsed typical insincere career fact she did state that she had been working on being POTUS and that was why she had not been on the circuit in a while. Trump was not as smooth as Clinton he came across as smooth and sincere. Trump/Pence are definitely the best team for we the people and in my opinion they will be the winning ticket.
Randall Hart says
Trump should have pointed out Hillary’s job creation. She promised to create 70000 jobs for Americans in a trade deal she created 75000 jobs for s korea and zero for America.
Liisa says
Add to that …the fact? that her foundation gave a huge donation to a terrorist’s wife…….also all the dishonesty of the Clinton foundation monies.. (would have been a good sequa at the point where all her expensive adds were spoken of )..also the fact checkers should have noted that he spoke of his disfavour with Ira war to Hannety…while their fact checkers had not checked that account….
Trump’s lack of experience showed up but that political incorrectness and sheer honesty got him this far…God knows he has and is fighting against all odds…..very little media support…the moderator was totally on Clinton’s side and posed wicked questions to Donald but none to Hillary……did not allow Donald to bring up the E mails issues….and Donald did not draw that into the conversation again…..when speaking of law and order…should have talked about Her lying under oath….and how any other citizen wold have been jailed for that…..He should have a long list of her faults in his back pocket which he could spout off as she did when she talked about his business failures….his non payment….etc….(also in these instances should explain the value of contracts….she even said …both parties should honour the contract…if work is not done to contract ….there is a penalty stated in these contracts……again on the non tax payment….there are many people who do not pay tax because of the laws that are available to them….he should make it clear that his non tax payment would have been used by his accountants but always within the Law…..that is only smart business…and smarter business should be used in running our country to save money and not misuse your tax dollars….etc…..
It should be checked if Hillary was really using an ear piece??? if so …lhe could use this in future debates….she can only debate if coached by others…?? The fact that her podium was larger than his to give the illusion that she is presidential should be checked out…if this works…and is allowed and if there are no other reasons….he should make sure he towers next time..
His grimaces and facial expressions should be eliminated….he should practice his most calm and good looking expression and maintain it …..Why was he drawing audible nasal breaths…..he should ensure he has some peppermint oil or something to open up his airways if there is an allergen around ……No more critique of peoples weight …or looks…not necessary….The African American communities have been abused…their schools have overcrowded class rooms….many homes are impoverished….and there is crime..which leads to encounters with the law….He should give ideas on how he will help them….(When talking about bringing jobs back to America….) alleviate the unemployment….etc……and so much more ….Good Luck Mr Trump….you are the only candidate who is not BOUGHt…..everyone worries that if you get in…you will bring honesty back to government…..because you funded your own campaign….no one can sway you with money… are the only one who truly cares about the health of our children…you want to explore the reason for the horrible increase in Autism and other diseases with the increase in Vaccines……You want to give freedom of religious expression to all faiths…..and not exclude Christians….. You have shown your appreciation and respect for women with many top positions in your company and in your work force….Your talents as a human being and an amazing father shows through with your many kind acts of generosity and your amazing family……let them speak for you as often as possible….Your running mate is and excellent choice ..of integrity and ability….together you will serve America well.
Madeline nolan says
So pleased with the dabate with Trump and Hillary. I am amazed that so many see Hilly as a win. Her smile seemed so phoney . I appreciated the way Trump spoke up so simply and said wrong so many times when she was twisting facts. He stayed in control the whole time and of course emotions were present in a nice controlled way. He did not tear her down but pointed out often the fact that she has not done much in 26 or 30 years . He stated very straight forward his points and did not go on and on with sweet words that meant so little . Her false smile of phoniness was not helpful for her. I did not appreciate the fact that she wanted the podium raised which is another way of tricking the public to deceive what we see. Always wanted to find ways to deceive us.
I do not care who won the debate and what they use to determine such. Trump did well and he is a winner in my thoughts for wanting to expose and fight the political system which is crooked . It is a real battle to be within the system and win in the eyes of the rational liberals, but in the eyes of the wise you do not have to be on the top to win. Just open up to the truth!
laure marie says
Hillary was so well rehearsed It made me sick. Trump should have nailed her on her Foundation in response to his taxes. She played a little game of taking jabs at Trump and he responded well considering all the miles on his body and all she did was rehearse. When she mentioned that she was physically fit for the job by listing everything she had done treaties, and undergoing 21 hrs of questions before the FBI, Trump should have hit her hard on her Concussion, inability to walk (She was helped back up on stage, doubled handed by a man afterwards), and she had the same Agent that threw her into the van and he was so close to her, He got between her and Bill. That speaks volumes about her health. Also she was wearing flats with a small heel.Her pants were too long, as she can’t wear high heels. I say this bc she was talking and dressing in the past, 30 years, She’s a crippled old bag.She has fallen and can’t get up.
SavvyRead says
I have spent much more time this morning than any other because I am so concerned the indications are that “the skids are greased” to ensure Hildabeast is situated in the WH, albeit so many intelligent concerns have been vetted here.
One not brought up seems to be very potent:: Who in their right mind would befriend a guy like Weiner (insatiable appetite for “sexting” women), and moreover with “wife,” Aluma(?) the “high priestess” of Hildabeast’s staff who she considers like a “daughter;” who was on her staff as Secretary of State, involved in Iraq, Benghazi and all her other intrigues, email, etc, issues of National Security and Judgement?
LS_Opimions says
Weak Argument my friend, Its called being prepared.Furthermore, Trump has skimmed off his own Foundation.No, he actually attacked her first and within a few minutes she “pushed his buttons” so well he started acting like that 12 year old boy that he is…I want to win win win, winning! Look at me everyone..I’m a winner. Are you people looking at the real person here and do you ever fact-check anything about this guy??? Your not voting for Trump..You are voting against Hillary and you think she is careless…Time to wake-up Folks before this guy damages your party for next 100 years.
eagle says
yes Trump did ok people wanted him to be President like—really I say beat her with words JOBS NO TAXES HIGH–health care cost more—-roads are bad they pick the lower bid—Hillary you had 26 years to fix are country- war over in countries because Obama and Hillary have weaken are MILATARY so bad—-VA doesn’t help are men and women like they say–to much government saying to us by taking freedom of speech away—-race is back because people use it as a reason to get something for free—why did people in NC break windows of business steal from them really they showed they will use any reason to act out—the business did nothing to these dumb asses–HILLARY email just went gone but yet we have hackers that could find them, no problem the Democrats are above the law—lie under oath–her people calling the 5th–but yet you will vote HILLARY—safe streets-safe schools stores should not pay the price for your action come together would be better. GOD BLESS THIS COUNTRY IT ONCE WAS GREAT but only will it get better if we the people stand for honest in LEADERS.
pam says
As always no tough questions for Hillary! Instead of worrying about Trumps taxes why not address the fact that every single person involved in the email scandle got immunity! If it was up and up why did EVERYONE need immunity? Can we all say criminals?
Thomas Odell says
Trump needs to explain what will happen if Hillary increases taxes on Corporations. They provide jobs for many people.
Also, what will happen if she were to lei any and all foreigners come into this country, undocumented, unscreened, etc.
Caroline says
I agree, with above about Hillary was her usual smug self, but she was so scared when she came out. Look at her stance when shaking Donald’s hand. Donald did wonderful in at times and I was so proud of him, but then I was so very disappointed in him. He let her lead him just where she wanted him to go, and he looked very unsure of himself. Even if he was scared or nervous I wish he could find a way not to let it show. I had such confidence in him and then he showed “her” his fear. I just wanted to slap him. I didn’t vote because I didn’t want my vote to affect the polls. If I had voted I would have had to say she won. I am hoping so much that during the next debate he will be sure of himself, I want to see the Donald that I have grown to love and respect. After watching that debate I was left wondering how in the world he made his fortune. How did he handle tuff aguments over contracts made with other business ppl. Show me the Donald I’v grown to love and “respect”. ” Show No Fear”. Good luck if you’re not the Donald I thought you where this country had no hope. No hope at all. We might as well just line up and wait for our orders if you don’t get some rest and get your back bone back, Please. I want my Donald back. again Good luck, my prayers are with you and my respect is awaiting to see if you were overly tired or if perhaps something personal going on was on your mind, I can’t see the Donald I watched being in charge of my safty please bring my Donald back I want my children, my husband and myself to feel safe again. 🙂
fran says
He should ask her about all those places that gave her money for her FOUNDATION, and she never helped anyone. And where is the money now? AND why did she get it from foreign countries?
Catlady says
First, you do know that more voters for Republicans read Horn than the Dems do. I believe that as above, Hillary did appear too smug and gave nothing new. Her comments on the economy were status quo and totally wrong. We do need a new tax system BUT raising taxes on the “rich” will hurt the economy. It will do nothing to create jobs. It is the people with money that provide jobs. Also, what they are proposing will also badly hurt the upper 50% of middle income. A sudden “double” on minimum wage will hurt businesses to the point there will be less jobs again. Trump did prove one thing–that he is here to be President; it is not just a game. I was proud of his demeanor compared to Hillary.
Jo Lee says
Trump needed to nail her to the wall till she cracked for all America to see what she suffers with. Bengazie. The e mails, THE ” WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ANY WAYS. ” THAT IS IMPORTANT. NAIL HER TO THE WALL & WATCH HER CRACK. That is what should have happen. Missed opportunities to nail her to the wall.
But the next debate will be different. He is going to let it all out. I hope. Down to the wire. no playing nice. Show the American people that you deserve the WHITE HOUSE. He is setting her up for the 2nd debate. I hope so.
End it at the 2nd debate. CRACK HER IN FRONT OF AMERICA.
Michael says
Agreed as Talk radio Listeners are chiming In.The bateman Moderator switch was set Lester Holt and Hilary were in it to win i,t why Trump must not Participate unless His demands are met.So far 93 % said Trump Won the debate with real facts.Who cares about his taxes its really non of our business Trump’s has been in the Limelight for over 30 + years,worked for his adn Schillary stoleand lied for hers. Move On Hillary
W H says
I must admit that Trump missed a great opportunity to crack her as Romney did Omi maami in their first debate Trump needs to put away his niceness like she did and bring her to her knees as she tried to do to him you cant play nice with the evil one
Marie in Colo. says
Hillary Clinton is running for a man’s job and therefore should not expect to be treated with kid gloves. If she can’t take being criticized in a straight and forward manner by Donald Trump for her careless handling of classified e-mails, lying to the FBI and congress, destroying government property, the Clinton foundation, lying to the American people, letting four Americans die in Benghazi, her stupid economic plan, immigration…..the list goes on and on, then she should not be running for President. In the 2nd debate Trump should show no mercy. I agree with Newt, Please Mr. Trump, don’t dive into the mud with bottom feeder Hillary. Keep to the issues and ignore her. Mr. Trump, America needs you to make America great again.
Michael says
Howdy,This is why we have( Social Media. “The Left of Obama and Hillary ” want a new demand( Fairness Doctrine rebirth) The Control of Free Speech Opinions and give it to foreign powers under the NWO UN. Over the Web,because Their butt hurt feeling’s, over the truth,to quiet the facts and live under the new USSR,to stop the ability to Write our Own Individual Opines,that will help the millenniums confused, to Mindfully research, make the Truthful decisions who to vote for,to look into their Own Futures if they give a damn About Our Home. Trump 2016 no doubt !
Hooipo says
I totally agrees with you although he should have unloaded on her about the racists more like she calling black kids, “Super Predators” and about chided him on discrimination on women; he should have unloaded her on getting off a rapists knowing he was guilty rapping the 12 yrs old girl and she laughed about it. As for her sex fiend husband, Trump should have mentioned Monica Lewisky and doing the sexual act in our Oval Office and that she threatened women who Willy Boy sexual harassed while they were in the WH. All in all, as Hillary stood at the podium last night yapping her jowls, she encased all her evilness and smart alecky comments and a wannabe.
Robert HELLEN says
…And that she did it without owning a business…all government tax payer and foreign interest money! I guess he didn’t want to pull that chain with her for some reason…..maybe in the next two debates. This first debate was more of a feeling her out as to her reactions and comments. I believe the next two will show more definitive statements on both sides.
Olivia Conklin says
I totally agree… And wondered why he didn’t!
archipapi says
If being a barefaced liar, shameless, sassy, considering there is no holds barred, it can be winning for unscrupulous people.
On the contrary, Donald Trump as he said he would, behave as a gentlemen and he did, whereas he could have disclosed
all dirty stuff Hillary’s life is characterized by. On the regard of honesty, Donald Trump is winning hands down.
William says
I was very disappointed last night during and after the debate. Why? It’s a bias media strikes again as usual. The moderator was asking Trump tough question and challenging his
answer. I personally believe that the moderator avoid asking question Clinton about Benghazi, money collected from foreign country (Muslim nation) Clinton Foundation, Foreign policy when Hillary was Secretary of State, and about personal server/classified e-mail’s.
elia arana says
Fern Kurland says
I was disappointed that Donald Trump did not bring up her Clinton Foundation and where the money is going. For instance, the money donated to her for Haiti did not go to Haiti (only about 5%). I felt that Clinton was answering by rote. I cannot say who “won,” Although I hope it was Donald Trump. I’m not a nice person, I would have gone after her, very nicely, but very exact in her lies and life. But that’s why I’m not diplomatic. Donald Trump seemed uncomfortable, but of course who wouldn’t be under the circumstances. Looking forward to a smoother debate. I found the questioning very biased against Donald Trump. That has to stop. Also, she is not for women! Look what she has done to all of Bill extra curricula activities. Really destroyed them. Also laughing how she got a rapist of a 12 year old girl off. Etc, etc. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT 2016.
Julie Silva says
Hillary was full of robotic answers. She definitely prepped for her robotic statements. I thought Donald Trump was the bigger person. The door was open to mention Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundation etc. I am sure it will come up in a further debate. I pray Trump gets in.
Under Hillary we would lose are Christian values and the right to worship. Abortion sickens me but she would allow abortion up to birth! I don’t trust her. Try hard Mr. Trump. We need you.
Ruby Tillotson says
Trump failed to use a number of bullets. I think his aim was to prove that he is a human being and not a monster. She attacked immediately and put him on the defensive and basically kept him there and stood and laughed and smirked while he was talking. She showed what a bitch she really is. The last attack about him calling women pigs, etc. was her coup de gras. She thought she had him down and couldn’t stop kicking. The debate proved a lot to me. I can’t wait till the last debate. I think we will see a different Trump. Let that old bitch gloat while she can.
Charles Rappa says
The foundation isn’t the problem, the 6 billion dollar’s lost while she was SOS would be a great start, followed buy Stevens and the other three men that died. He did mention the 30 thousand e-mail’s, but should have kept up on the fact that again they came up with another 15 thousand.. Way two much baggage to be President, but the electorial collage will put her in the White House, as they don’t want to upset the gravy train they are on
Rek says
I understand from 1776 Coalition article from today that Clinton had questions 1 week in advance. If that is true then cheating went on that should be given consequences for.
Nelson says
What does it matter and way. They are dead now. That was disgrace to our nation. The times that we are living in a terrible unemployment suck a national debt is $20 trillion dollars and the moderator was focused on negative stuff. This election should be about getting our country back from foreign countries. That control how much we spend on items we are controlled by the globalization. The same people that control Hillary Clinton they’re the ones that are finding her and they are the ones that want to take America down the cesspool of destruction Trump on the other hand wants to bring in jobs lower our taxes create millions of jobs and bring down our national debt Hillary Clinton is the same old political rhetoric she says one thing and does another she protects rapist and killers she has let our own people die in Benghazi and watched it with Obama from a drone 13 hours they were crying out for help and no help team when help was just an hour away what is wrong with these people do they love America or do they hate America to me it looks like they hate America because they blamed it on a video please look up the name Kathy Shelton
Please read what Hillary Clinton does for a little 12-year-old girls that get raped by a rapist and get him off and laughs about it this is sick in those that support Hillary and her globalist gang are guilty of all the women that bill has raped over the years. If Hillary wants to go down this road it’s not gonna be pretty for her and her family because trump will do it
Carol says
Trump won because hillary as usual told too many lies and she showed the public how easily she lies and how vicious a person she is. She came across as a smug, condecending liar who will do and say anything to get what she wants…a totally untrustworthy and unlikeable person…..Holt came across as totally useless because of his bias showed by arguing with trump over facts and totally ignoring all the lies she told during the debate and before it throughout her professional life
Bob Morrow says
It is true that the Clintons have become very rich in politics. But remember what President Truman said, You have to be a crook to get rich in politics. I think the Clintons have developed and proven the Truman theory!
nj says
I am for Trump but he missed so many opportunities to go after Hillary. Foundation, emails, Benghazi, Senate voting record, payments to Iran, etc. My concern is that except for the N.Y. Stop and frisk issue which he knew about by being from NY, everything he talked about came off FACEBOOK.
Also, saying things are really BAD or its a beautiful thing over and over is not debating and does NOT give the voter any additional information.
Letting them know that Hillary only passed 3 insignificant Bills in 8 years as a Senator would have done that. Trump needs to prepare better, keep pounding ACCURATELY on her horrible record and stop repeating the same trite phrases over and over, wasting precious air time.
Hillary made it all count. I’m still for Trump and I believe Brokaw was right. Trump did not lose the loyal deplorable, but I don’t think he gained the undecided with this performance.
Even with all the Money she has,she is still below middle class.Money can not make you a fine Lady or Gentlemen,but it can hide the TRASH.
Bobbi says
Overall, I was not pleased with Trump’s performance at the debate. He does not have the polished level of these practiced and slick politicians. He will need to do better next time. I will never vote for her. She represents the elite and Obama agenda, lies every time she turns around, and is not truthful about the situation with Benghazi and those lost lives waiting for help that never came. As far as I am concerned she has blood on her hands! He is going to need to take control of these debates and after her. He has a lot of material really, the emails that were bleached bit, the foundation, her husband, the poor track record of the Obama administration etc. It is such a shame. He needed to prep more and hopefully he will do a better job next time.
Richard Huffman says
Donald missed his chances to destroy Hillery on her shareing top classified material in her unlawfull use of her emails and on takeing money for the Clinton Foundation from organization’s against woman’s rights and then say’s she supports women. Just another one of her lies. He should also have crusived her on what matter does it make. The only life that matters to her is her own and how much money she can get her hands on.
Frederick Smith says
Michael retired US Navy says
Trump was trying to hold his temper. He did good though. But he should have asked her about her pay for play $$$$, aside from her deleted 33,000 emails, in Benghazi, that our soldiers were out there waiting for 13 hours for help; contributions to the Clinton foundation from foreign nations, while she was the secretary of state, selling Uranium to Russia, and charge speaking fee from $200,000 to $300,000, a big liar, dishonest career corrupted politician, hates our police etc, etc…recruiting thousands of refugees along with Obama, with no background check if they are radical Muslims, and the media puppets…who were not telling the truth that the killer in Seattle Washington was a Muslim; and so on… No matter what, my family, neighbors and friends are voting for Trump/Pence.
Paul says
Clinton just doesn’t get it. She been in polities for 30+ years, still bitching about the same issues. She is part of the problem and has no idea how to fix any thing, except accumulating money….the Clinton’s are worth over $500 million.
Trump get’s it, put he has to sell it. I see a man I can agree with in several issues, and that’s all I need.
Old Geezer says
It’s a tie. What else can you expect from two losers?
Maryanne says
What was all her blinking about….
Debber says
I was so disappointed about Donald’s performance I had to turn off the TV. By now he is aware media is not on his side so he must seize every opportunity to make his points stand out. Did he listen to debate advisors? I think not so much. I thought he had a nervous nasal sniffling.
He should have nailed her on Bengazhi and how she lied to families, pounded on her case statements regarding the FBI saying classified data on emails which she still alleges were not. The Foundation?
When he stated what she has been doing he should have kept on it. That was a bright point. How did he let her get away with the fact checking availability for watchers? More media bias.
He better get a lot better or we are in big trouble.
Yeah right! There’s a lot Trump could have brought up about the six billion dollars disappearing while she was Secretary of State the fact that she covered up and help enable bill to rape and get away with it the fact all the millions and billions of dollars that she’s gotten from the Middle East she didn’t give a damn about anybody but herself and making money with her email server there’s a lot of things Trump could be talking about her
John Rozzi says
Trump failed to capitalize on chances to point out the differences between himself and Hillary
on the subjects of immigration and all that embraces; failed to bring in Benghazi, even though
a question may not have been asked directly by Holt about that, missed the chance to talk
about her lying about usage of a private server (even though she admits it was a mistake) when
Holt asked them about the perils of cyber experience. How can she be trusted? Certainly, there
were other missed opportunities!
Cheryl Taylor says
Couldn’t agree with you anymore than if I would have wrote this myself good Job!
Jan paul says
Oh yes, she was broke it also what about the $6million missing, Bengazi and the clintonFoundation?
Imogene Heber says
I don’t think its anyones business to know about how much he pays out in Taxes!
Lori says
Yes I agree. They told him to be calm and respectful and presidential like I heard. So he proved it. Now it’s time to crush her on the next debate.
Pat says
well I am not seeing my comment …I guess because I didn’t think either one of them won…..Maybe trump would have gotten some important things out there if he wasn’t afraid he would be chastised for going over the commentators head…even if the commentator did not know what he was talking about on some of his fact checking and he did not bring immigration bengazie or the emails up but anything that would bring Trump down he surely put out there
mdump says
I think H.Clinton was wired, Did you notice the rectangular box under the back of her pant suit!
Ron says
This was a sick debate or not a debate that exposes the corruptness of the DNC. I am sick and tired of the Clinton treasonists and socialist media all over the world. The BBC and CCTV news is socialist and is quick to give the DNC fraudulent success victories. Will America survive to stand for freedom, liberty, and justice or just give up to pay the price for its not taking action?
Bonnie Lewis says
This whole debate left me disgusted! This is the first election I have seen that I want to vote none of the above. However, that would just throw away my vote. I will vote for anyone who is NOT Hillary Clinton. I don’t want to see another Clinton in the White House.
tom says
Just remember America you are deplorable to her. Just like Trump has been saying she only has need for you when it is election time, and when she wants to pay for her social programs through taxes. Really a 59% tax increase she has proposed? Hillary was not given anything in a question of substance. Nothing on Bengazhi nothing on her continued email scandal, nothing about the Foundation bank account who she has funneled money through to run her campaign through. SHE IS just like her blow up when she was scoulding because she is not 50% ahead of Trump. To many people have talked about her Jekelle and Hyde personality for it not to be true. Lester Holt was puppet for Hillary. PERIOD
M V says
Mr. Donald Trump Should explain :
How many Hispanics HE employees.
How many Blacks HE employees
How many are in supervisor positions
How many are in management positions.
How many women in leading positions.
Then ask Killary Rotten Cheater about her business views.
He should bring up the Emails, Foundation and Bengazi .
How she managed to get so rich in such a short time ??
Ask her what is the best decision she took as a secretary of state? if there is any.
What achievements is she proud of?
What she think would be her legacy as secretary of state?
LS_Opimions says
And Trump “the winner”/ wannabe businessman has no ability to lead with diplomacy… knows nothing about Economics…Knows nothing about Civil Law….Is
100% CLUELESS about Foreign Policy.. How many strikes do you need to realize your candidate has No Qualifications to be President.
And will likely “Destroy” any credibility that your Party has left. Better rethink this guy before it is to late.
hondo says
If this obvious biased questioning continues into the next debate ( and it most likely will ) Trump MUST call out the moderator on this and ask him why it is so!
Give em’ both barrels Donald and don’t let them get away with it!
Also, Mr. Trump needed to and should bring up the cyber security issue and that if Clinton was so concerned about this, then why would she have a personal server in her basement that put our nation at great risk because she wanted as she said “convenience” at the risk of our national security and is being still investigated on a number of things such as her foundation that stole BILLIONS from the Haitian people.
Trump brought up a number of very good points about jobs going overseas and that politicians like Hillary are the reason and she had not one intelligent answer to any of our problems other than to say like all politicians say “We need to do this, We need to change that blah, blah, blah all empty talk with promises and nothing to give details because they have no solutions.
Marlene glidden says
I agree with Hondo Donald get mean tough what ever She is a liar show what a killer she is of our military men Oh i dislike her
Barbara says
Thank you Marlene! I agree totally! Stop being nice, she isn’t. Give it to her, God knows there’s enough on her to make her and her slimy husband leave the country.
Barbara says
You are soooo right Hondo
Adela says
I wish we could contact Trump with all these great suggestions for him. I mean it very seriously! ALSO, I wonder whether she had help by having those audio things behind the ears which she could very well hide with her hair? Of course I wouldn’t want him to question her on that and she not having any; but I’d question her and her close supporters off the stage. What do you all think? Thanx.
Paula A Dupree says
Yes Adela
I saw the tear drop pearl she had on her ear at one of the campaign speaches earlier 2 weeks ago. I wondered the same thing. Special made ear ring. A phony smile she would put on. Trump spoke from His heart but Hillery had no heart in what she said.
Yep Hllary was mechanical like a rehearsed robot.
chix says
Her answers were to “pat” scripted for lack of a better word. Did she have a preview of her questions?
Judy K Dees says
Of course it was rigged in favor of old Hillary. But, The Donald showed himself to be Presidential and he was a gentlemen. So now, they can’t say he can’t control his temper. I’m quite sure he wanted to plow into her but had he got started with her he would have come across to some of the people as a mean man and not controlled of his temper. Many people already knows that she’s crooked and a habitual liar but for those who don’t she herself told all kind of lies last night.
guy parent says
ADELA,your so right about everything,but TRUMP doesn’t listen to nobody,he’s to full of himself,that’s is problem and it will sink him in the end unfortunately,yes Hillary is a liar,crooked,slimyand a traiter for having sold over 20% of the uranium production of the US to Russia for cash.
Michael retired US Navy says
I know he will be good on the second debate. If there are no questions about the Benghazi, deleted emails and her crooked foundation plus the immigration, Trump should ask the moderator to speak to go on these topics. then he will be on the top!
Chuck says
You can, [email protected]
elia arana says
I agree , no one mention The thing she hide behind the ears!!!!!
Ron Mermis says
Wake up America. The bottom line is that Obama and Kilory can not allow Trump under any circumstances to become president because the crimes they both committed will be exposed and they will go to prison.Even if Trump were to win he will never be allowed to serve. What ever it takes! Study your history.
Catlady says
Yes, he needs to be tougher and on the attack. Ruffle her feathers. We know her temperate is worse than Trumps.
Robert HELLEN says
Yes, for example….”So you decided to put the national security of this nation at risk just for your convenience, Ms. Clinton? How very presidential of you!”
Michael retired US Navy says
I know and how convenient to put Kilary’s plan online where Isis can get the info. JUST NO BRAIN!
Gail says
I agree. Trump ,may need to get creative and find a way to incorporate more topics into the topic asked during his 2 min. to put her on the fence like they are doing to him. He doesn’t need any type of script, but needs counter topics to topics they use against him to flip it to her. He can do it, but it is hard on the spot. Since she has a cheat sheet, he should have one too…. just a few key words to not forget certain topics that can be changed or added to.
As I said before.Donald wake up to your SELF and take the Cloves OFF.Don,t worry,you will not hurt this women because she has no Feelings.She is a cold FISH. Sorry, to all Fishes that I compare here with you.
Trumpster7 says
All true. Especially the blah blah blah part.
Leslie says
Small hands down, Hilary definitely won. Trump, as usual, acted like an idiot who lacks the basic knowledge required to run for office.
HILARY 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proud Democrat says
I agree with you, There is something wrong with the idiots who are voting for Trump, can’t they see that he is for himself not them. He could care less about you. Wake up.
Julie says
as if Hillary cares…really!
Jim Wajciechowski says
Hillary has stolen millions through their crooked “Foundation”
Any vote for her is misplaced
Amillion Thanks says
And Clinton is a member of the elite now call billionaire’s George Soro is their master, Murdock is a member and other billionaire’s like Hillary who easily become billionaire cause of the foundation.
sjbburn says
I definitely agree about crooked everything!! My Trump vote will cancel a Hillary vote!!
Fred says
You have the wrong candidate. It’s Hillary that’s for herself. Trump is in it because he cares for the people. He could make much more money by sticking to business.
Linda Ricci says
Trump is only for himself not Hillary. He puts women down plus he has not paid some of his worker’s. Why would ANYONE want him for President is beyond me.
John G. says
To start with he’s honest and wants what’s best for we the people and our country, unlike Hillary the “Hun” wake up and smell the roses. Actually stay in the shadows we don’t need any more “morons” like you and your idol taking up valuable space and breathing our air.
Ladd says
HONESTY is beyond you….
Barbara Loase says
The real idiots are people like you. You need to wake up to all the lies that Hillary spews every time she opens her mouth . When will you learn that she only cares about herself and not the American people. She will drag us down with her if she is elected.
LINDA B says
TRUE – SHE ONLY WANTS TO SAY SHE’S THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT. Then she’ll lay back in her bed, take naps, and take it easy while America goes under even more than it has now. I can’t understand how the people can’t see that. They are blinded!
Proud American says
Hey proud Democrat you are a moron. Look in the dictionary and you will find your description in intimate detail.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Noah says
Democraps are the ones who need to wake up !!!! How many lies does Killery have to tell before you people realize that she is a habitual LIAR !!!!! She cares ONLY for herself, more power and more money !!!! The United States Of AMERICA can’t take another president who does NOTHING but lie the the people!!! We have suffered through 8 years of Obama’s bullshit and what have we gained… ridicule around the world, terrorist attacks on OUR soil on a weekly basis, rampant racism on OUR streets, a defecit that has ballooned out of control and under Killery it will be more of the same !!!! She is a liar, thief, traitor and a murderer !!!! Its time to take our country back and it WILL NOT happen if she wins, no way no how !!!!!
Paula A Dupree says
To Noah,
I agree with everything you said. You got it right!!!
Susan says
Totally agree with you, Noah. Gloves off.
Dona M. Chase says
He’ll get her, there are two more debates, yet. I think he was just giving her “her head,” ( like a horse) and letting her “run,” figuratively speaking. She gave him a lot of “future ammo” from all the backbiting SHE’S pulled! He’s got a LOT of “validated” responses. I’m sure he’ll get around to that gigantic FARCE, her “CHARITABLE” CLINTON FOUNDATION.
I keep waiting for SOMEONE to openly conclude that SHE MAY ACTUALLY BE in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s! Both of my parents started out with dementia, (as I believe ALL of those who succumb to Alzheimer’s, do. ) and I took care of mom, the last five years of her life. I was with her right from the beginning stages of dementia, on into full blown Alzheimer’s. There are times, when I’ve watched Hillary talking, and she behaves just like my mother did, right in the beginning. One minute she’d be smiling, and happy, and then all of a sudden she’d be upset or surly, for no reason I could see. Other times, she’d “like someone” one time, and the next, they were NOT “friends.” It’s a really strange malady, and unless you’re familiar with it, you could easily NOT recognize it. I just wonder if THAT could be her “mystery” Health problem!
I’m STILL going with Donald, I believe HE’S genuine, and the ONLY HOPE OUR COUNTRY HAS, to get it’s head above water, before we ALL DROWN!
Judy says
So, Proud Democrat, there has to be something wrong with people who disagree with you, i.e. your “idiot” remark. Our country was founded on the ability and encouragement for individuals to have their own mind, opinions, desires, accomplishments, and ideas. We would be nowhere as a nation without the freedom of thought and speech. Even we idiots have the right to state our opinion without being badgered and judged by others, including you. Please read the comment below from The Horn.
c says
Hillary is so smug and has a “s it eating grin on her face” which is a total turn off. We know she is a known liar, beggar (she begs millions from anyone who will give it to her), and has no problem ‘taking out anyone’ who stands in her path.
Jim says
Hello Proud Democrat
You guys just dont get it. I have not met a woman yet that likes or is voting for Hillary. For many years we have needed a CEO a man or woman who understands the power of good negotiation. Who has created jobs. Liberals call those of us who see the writing on the wall idiots. That’s what your good at. Have fun!!
Sheila says
I think you got it all backwards! If you can’t see how bad Hillary is then you be definitely for a problem!
johnny marsh says
it’s difficult to understand anyone who would support such a crook as Killary….follow the close connections that have died around Her and slick willy in their career ….you could win the lottery with the odds of all the mysterious dead people around them. how can you justify supporting such a liar…
don says
then why trump paid his own way huh why clinton broke one day and now rich huh do your facts want me to list them for you or can your little brain compute sorry –ss
Bev Hall says
Here is the thing. Hillary has taken millions from foreign regions that hate and dispise women BUT she claims to be FOR women. The $ she has taken has only made HER wealthy and she has thrown women she is suppose to be for, UNDER the bus and in Her $ pocket. Also, should she become President, if the foreign nations dispise women WHY would foreign nations respect her??????just because she is President. The only reason why she stayed with Bill is to climb her way to become President. If she has NO MORALS for herself? why do people THINK she would have morals and respect for THIS COUNTRY–they are NOT THINKING
chix says
Spot on!
Proud to support America!! says
Amazing ignorance, as usual for a democrat!! Hillary is the one for herself. Look at her slogan … “I’m with her” whereas his slogan is “I’m with you”. He is a concerned citizen who does NOT have to subject himself to all this pain and ridicule from lying attacks. He GENUINLY want to help “Make America Great Again” whereas that SMARMY ARROGANT SELF-CENTERED EGOTIST only cares for her own power!!! She’s a lying politician who is immune from law-breaking, whereas he sees a problem and want to fix it. I’m on his side all the way!!
John G. says
Leslie & Proud Democrat – You both have got to be kidding if all your interested in is hearing the usual rhetoric and continuing business as usual then she’s your choice – if change is what your looking for like most honest people in an effort to insure we leave our children and grandkids world similar to the one we grew up in. Thanks to you Democrat/Liberal/Progressives we have a failing O’bozo care, Iranian, Chinese, Russian, North Korea becoming very aggressive total turmoil in the Middle East and terrorist activity on our homeland, good job by your “Moronic, Lying, Cheating, Corrupt and Crooked” leaders..
LINDA B says
You described the Democrats to the tee!!!
Patriot says
Proud democrat = ignorant liberal moron !!
Hillary has no clue what the constitution says and could care less she wants to rip it up and turn this country into a socialist open border disarmed country.
If you want to live in a socialist country so bad go live in one. We will never allow this republic into another failed socialist central world governed country!
Dee says
You have to be totally clueless if you fell for that sham of a debate . Since We Know this was spun to benefit Hitlery . The Most Important questions were not even asked . IT IS A HUGE DEAL WHAT CLINTON DID WITH THE BLEACH BIT TO HER EMAILS “AFTER” she was supenoed. And IT IS A BIG DEAL she went after abusing woman who HER HUSBAND SLEPT WITH , and IT IS A BIG DEAL SHE DID NOT GIVE HELP IN BENGAZI AND LIED TO OUR PEOPLES FAMILYS . It’s also a BIG DEAL SHE PULLED PAY TO PLAY WITH HER CORRUPT FOUNDATION ! Wake up people she is EVERYTHING YOU DONT WANT ON OUR WHITE HOUSE !
Paula A Dupree says
To All who think us conservatives are dumb. Look at what Obama has done to the world, let alone the country. Our freedom is almost gone. They are trying to take away our guns. If Hillary gets what she wants, we are going to end up a 3rd world country, leading into a one world system and being run like North Karea. This is what they have been doing. Lying to us so we don’t know what they are up to. Why do you think they let ISIS get bigger and that they are doing everything to make other countries better than us. Look what they have been doing to China. They are allowing them to become the largest manufacturer country in the world. Our jobs are scarce, they are over regulating businesses, so they will move out, on purpose. They have put the coal mines out of business with their regulations. The coal is used to supply our electric grids so our electric bill is not so high. Why do you think we have a higher cost in our electric bill. Our water is not fit to drink. The shovel ready jobs are not there. Obama took the money for it but what did he do with it? Lord Knows. Look at the Canadian Pipe Line to create more jobs..but they turned it down. I could go on. Trump is mostly honest. We need to get the corruption out of our government and Trump WILL DO IT!!!
Nancy says
Excuse me…watch who you call idiots. I can’t believe you are panting after Hillary despite her well know shady baggage. I guess I could easily call you an idiot. Name calling solves nothing and name calling will not save our country. Why do you want to support someone who has a list of issues that should be adjudicated, fined and even imprisoned? You make no sense.
Linda Abernathy says
<~~~~One of the 50% of Deplorables. By the way you are quick to jump of the Clinton train and you call us idiots? The American people are FED UP with the Democrats corrupt ways of handling things, from the Benghazi killings which Hillary was in charge of, to her secret email server. She isn't a stupid woman so that means she is guilty (she said she had 2 phones and 13 were destroyed) and before you say Comey said he wasn't pressing charges doesn't mean she wasn't guilty. It just meant that there is a tie to the Attorney General: Ms. Loretta Lynch, and let me tell you that that little plane affair with Bill was planned! Back to Hillary email, shes in it up to her eyeballs which is why she had nothing to say about that last night. Matter of fact she talked eloquently, but talked a bunch of nonsense. She has nothing absolutely nothing to benefit anyone other than her fund raising self. Her rallies are a farse, no one shows up for them! She also can't explain any of her policies; basically because whatever she did while in office hasn't worked. The Democrats think that the Police are bad but there is nothing wrong with protesting. Well you saw first hand what happens when protesters get out of hand (and I don't even need to dicuss Trump protesters which are Democrats in wolves costumes).People are sick of being poor,they are sick of corruption, they are sick of the fat cats getting rich of their hard earned income! The American people are sick of Welfare, this was NEVER intended as a retirement plan! Get off your butts and work like the rest of us. Welfare has gone on long enough. And EVERYONE on state aid should be drug tested right off the bat which will probably be over 50%! Frankly I'm just sick of these mentally starved Democrats voting for her simply because they are Democrat or because they want a woman. Good God, look around you, you think are good? You think Obama has done a wonderful job? Look around you, no one feels safe anymore when you let in un vetted immigrants like thats good for our country when people cant find the jobs they once had making 25-50% more money. The heathcare? Next year I will have to drop out because not only can I not afford the premiums but I have no clue how I would pay the $7000 deductible, and then I will be penalized. Maybe I should quit work sit on my butt all day and get free healthcare and a check every week, even pop out a kid or 2 and get $1500 per? Hmm 8 kids is $12,000 plus all the baby freebies, healthcare, WIC, add to dependent children………..sigh. She is nothing but an Obama clone!
Linda Abernathy says
PS: My best plan: Hillary loses and she moves to Canada with her phony corrupt Foundation!
Lisa says
How is stating that businesses which are leaving this country and taking all the American jobs with them, are being allowed to import their foreign-made items into this country tax free, against the American people? Boy, it IS true that people are biased in what they hear!
R Stevenson says
You will soon find out what she stands for. Globalsim. One world government. Abortion on demand right up until birth. She is an evil woman who has engaged in criminal activities at the highest level. She has experience all right….in being a skilled liar and criminal. FBI Comey admitted that she lied under oath 4 times to Congress. Her emails are serious business and her server was purposeful to hide her pay to play activities with the Clinton Foundation. She lied to the family members of Benghazi-proven!!! Do not for one second call Trump supporters idiots. Be an informed voter and informed American. She told Chris Wallace that the “first ammendment” along with the 2nd ammendment as well as all ammendments are “subject to reasonable government regulation!!” Really, who gets to decide what I am allowed to say and if it is reasonable. Unbelievable!!!!!!!! I find that most Hillary supporters that I know do NOT pay attention daily to what is going on and most do no want to know and wouldn’t believe it anyway. Our country is in serious trouble. We need help, not more of Obama’s policies. Nafta destroyed jobs within our family and Obama has destroyed more. If you need or want to know stats, I will give you a list from non-partisan agencies, our country is in trouble. Hillary wants 65000 Syrian refugees that are impossible to vet. Would you like me to point out just how many crimes have been committed and the subsequent American deaths at the hands of Muslims in our country….do you? How about the deaths and crimes from illegals, would you like to watch their parents being interviewed? Have you listened to top advisors saying not to bring the refugees here, would you like me to list their names for you??????? Hillary doesn’t think there us a problem here. Who’s life are you willing to bargain with, your’s, your families or doesn’t it mean anything because they weren’t involved in San Bernadino or Fort Myers, Fla,, or stabbings at the Mall in the name of Jihad or bombs in New York??? How about the neighborhood being terrorized in Minnesota by a group of muslim men and the woman who was threatened with gang rape. I am very tired of uninformed Hillary voters. Be informed, get your facts about our natioanal security. Look at what is happening in Germany, France, Brussels!!!!! There are currently over 1,000 ISIS related investagations in the country as we speak. Sanctuary cities need brought down. We need law and order, not political correctness. Be informed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sue Barr says
And Globalism with be the real, true downfall of the American way of life. The middle class where so many of us reside, mostly happy and comfortable with what we have, will be gone! There will be two classes, the elite and the poor. The poor folks which is where the majority of middle class will fall to will need the (global) government more than ever to provide for them – and the global government will decide who will survive and who will not. No more freedom of choice for the people of the former America, or the even the world. If you think about globalism at all, it becomes terrifying that just a few will have power over the rest of the people in the world. Obama supports globalism, George Soros supports it, and Hillary Clinton supports it – just to quickly name three who think we should be global. Hopefully, it will take so many years to perfect globalism that the tide will turn from political correctness and global thinking, and people who are true, critical thinkers will be able to turn the world back to common sense and the building up all peoples rather than a few.
Fern Kurland says
Thank you R. Stevenson. You hit the nail on the head. I know people who will not believe anything bad that you say about Hillary. They are ignorant and will not even read the articles from many different sources that will inform them how evil she is. People want to give this LIAR and SLEEZEBAG the kudos to being a first Female President. Give me a break! Read books from all different Secret Agents and find out what she is really like. Speaking to an FBI Secret Agent, whom I know personally, told me that she is much worse than what is written.
D says
As usual another hack!
jabgrandma says
wow so you want more of the same !! why are people so stupid ?
wake up he is our only hope if its hillary all they do is bribe countries into giving them millions and leaving americans behind to die while they watch so maybe you can get a job with her and when your left behind to die remember you voted for her
Jim Wajciechowski says
Trump easily won on truth and substance
No contest
Neil Greiling says
Trump won that you cannot trust her cause she is a habitual lier and anybody on the left cannot be trusted look at the history of the left,at least the right is less in habitual lying like the Clintons.
Lie,steal,cheat,kill,what ever it takes to get the power is communisum and dictatorship.
frank says
Yes I agree with you.—-The next debate I hope he says over 80% of the people believe she should have been prosecuted for her crimes.
JHMax says
Spell her name right!!
Jack Stamper says
Basic knowledge? Just because you can quickly name a bunch of countries means nothing. After all, she had to the power to change things for last 10 years, and it is worse. The world is on fire, and she wants to go to war more! A no fly zone where Russia is flying! You really need to educate yourself before you just go merrily along with another dinosaur. It was like watching Jurassic Park to see Hillary up there saying the same old things we heard 30 years ago.
Stephen Lind says
There are 2 idiots here. You and the moderator!
Grace Alexander says
Read THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP by Phyllis Schlafly which just came out this month.
Eddie Howell says
I wouldn’t say she won hands down nor would I even say she won. What was surprising was her reaction to Trump’s request to show his financials if she would turn over the 3 thousand emails that she has managed to keep out of the public’s eye. As usual, she quickly diverted to another subject even after Lester Holt asked her would she be willing to do just that. There is obviously some information she definitely wants to keep a lid on. I would be willing to bet it has something to do with The Clinton Foundation and its inner workings. Pay for Play to be precise. Oh, by the way, what great knowledge have you gained in knowing what a president has to know. Please enlighten all of us with your bountiful intellect. In my opinion, it doesn’t take much because all you highly intellectuals elected Obama for two terms and by all accounts, he will go down in history as the worst president to ever, ever hold the office of The President of The United States.
Ed Myers says
Lester Holt was on Hillary’s side. Donald “no more mister nice guy” they always lose. Go after the witch. Her husband was the one that voted for the trade with China. This was against the UAW that help put him in office. I worked for 43 years for an auto mfg. co. that is now out of business. Our work went to China. More unborn babies have been murdered in this country then the Jews in Hitler’s death camps. Donald bring this up. Get rid of Lester
Barbara says
Leslie, it’s people like you, that make ignorant voters that have ruined this country. I’m sorry you have no IQ, must be rough.
Roberta says
Hillary acted more “presidential ” but she has learned how to deceive everyone with her smiles and smirks and sassy remarks. She really didn’t have a leg to stand on last night. Trump called her on so many things. And the “I made a mistake” comment was dismissed like some one had asked her if she brushed her teeth with someone else’s tooth brush. “Oh I’m sorry, I made a mistake”. She knew she was wrong and tried to hide everything like she always does. How can you not see this. Go read documentaries about her and even Bill. They cover up all the time
hondo says
Trump called her out on it and said “No, it was not just a mistake, you did it knowingly”
I thought he brought out many good points about jobs, tariffs and how to fix that.
His backing by police, and border patrol agents and the military leaders speaks volumes!
He ought to tell Hillary, “Do you know why I have the backing of those people?…it’s because they know that you are not the person to bring change for the better of our nation but to continue to divide and keep things as is and that I will change things for the betterment of all America and that is why I am running.
Robert Taylor says
If you did not catch it Clinton went on the attack first. She obviously could not talk about accomplishments because she has none. You could count emails and she would win. You could count caused deaths and she would win. You could count theft and she would win. So maybe based on those counts she did win.
Christine says
Well, Hillary talked about jobs, which she knows nothing about, SOLAR PANELS. Good for all the states that have sunshine 8-9 mos out of the year. When she was Senator for NY she created a solar panel 150 M factory in Buffalo that went bankrupt before the building was completely built…..if this is her way of building JOBS……she can stick it up her “C”……She knows NOTHING about making jobs…..LET HER TEACH STEALING, MURDERING, BULL SH–ING..the things she knows a lot about……
Owen Taylor says
Leslie, so You are okay, with Americ’s men and women in intelligence and military service to have their safety unnecessarily compromised by someone like Clinton, ( just another Obama) , putting their lives at risk, because She Didn’t at the time of Benghazi, and She won’t in the future, be able to manage the portfolio, of being President. Sh
e is a Muslim lover, just like that golfing boy, pri– Obama. Worries about immigrants, far more than the American people. Also green energy is a failure in practicality, but a darling philosophy of left wing nut cases, who can’t think for themselves, and need George Soros, to do it for them.
Kevin says
Hillary Clinton my ass! Yeah, he got a lot of experience, but it’s bad experience! She will not help this country! She hasn’t helped this country in almost 30 years what makes you think she’s going to help at now?! She’s not! Do you like paying for illegal immigrants that shouldn’t be over here in the first place! Are you going to open your arms like Hillary Clinton would and welcome them to our country so we can pay on their asses!? Are you going to welcome all the refugees that come over here infiltrated with terrorist and pay for them the rest of their lives!? That’s Hillary Clinton for you people! She will be a disaster to this country! Donald Trump knows how to work jobs not Hillary Clinton! All Hillary Clinton likes to do is destroy this country and ruin peoples lives! She’s not going to help any African-American or Latino’s ever! She’s very weak and will not be respected at all! All she’s going to do is carry-on the Obama legacy and all of his destruction he did to this country! I wars damn president in history! And the worst first lady in history! We don’t need anymore Clinton in the White House! Old unproven corrupted baggage! Get your head on straight people!
Gene says
Hillary has no policy and avoids it because her is Obama’s failed 8 years. If Clinton wins, Obama will run the country for her because she has no clue.
Jo Ann Stanford says
I do not think Leslie has a clue. Will you be voting for the liar, thief and killer, please rethink your views. We need MrTrump and his boldness, he has made his fortune, she is still stealing hers through that foundation.
Marian M. Kilgore says
To Leslie—Would not let me clink on there–If Hillary wins, our country will be in twice the debt of $20 Trillion, Obama will be a Supreme Court Justice, our 2nd Amendment will be taken away (we will not have guns to protect ourselves and our homes), 550% more immigrants will come into our country, etc., etc.
To The Proud Democrat–I use to be one of you, but Praise God and Thanks to HIM, I saw the greed and corrupt ways of the Democrats. I was in Arkansas last week and to the many people I talked to there in Hot Springs, it was very clear that the people “DID NOT LIKE HILLARY” I was told, “We don’t want them back in the White House. They are only for themselves.” I talked to a man in the Police Force, He said, “The State Police did not like her, for they had to protect her when she was First Lady and she was very demanding, screamed and yelled” As far as something being wrong with, “We the People Who Are for TRUMP”, we are very smart people for seeing what THE CLINTONS are. Just think what Hillary said about having women’s best interest at heart and then taking all the money for their foundation from the countries that men treat women the way they do–DO NOT LET THEM DRIVE, TELL THEM HOW TO DRESS, WILL NOT LET THEM WORK OUTSIDE THE HOME, TREAT THEM LIKE SLAVES, etc., etc. GREED, GREED is their name. How could they be so poor leaving the White House, taking $190,000 worth or goods, then having to return and 16 years later worth $110 Million, their daughter worth $10 M. and son in law worth $10 M. and live in a $10.5 M apartment. WAKE UP!! “HILLARY’S AMERICA” will be out OCT. 10 or 11th, get this movie, YOU MAY CHANGE YOUR MIND.
Catlady says
I really feel sorry for you, Leslie. Trump may not be a perfect politician and maybe he says things that are expanded or even truthful. On the other side, you have a known LIAR who does it to help her way out of criminal charges which may even include the deaths of several witnesses who were going to testify against her. She has one objective–she wants the control (although it is not her in real control) and this wonderful idea of the first female to be POTUS. Again, I am sorry for you because I feel you are brainless, deaf and blind.
Rg says
Donald isn’t as comfortable speaking as a statesman or political leader. That smug monster just basques in her own treachery and lies with stupid Americans sucking it all in like mindless vacuums. That debate clearly had a liberal bias and I am sure that was purposeful as the lib mindset has poisoned America’s wells and well-being for 8 years. I am praying that we see an end to this criminal’s reign of bending America over for her own benefit and that change and making America great again comes to pass.
Vern Lundrigan says
Jack Stamper says
That is correct RG. Just like Don says, she is all talk no walk. Unless it is walking away from US citizens in trouble. Then when the phone call comes she is asleep getting her daily 16 hours of rest, while the world burns down around us. EXAMPLE: Benghazi! “Mindless vacuums,” right on, see “Leslie” above.
hondo says
Very well said Jack!
Barbara says
I’m with you RG!
Roberta says
I agree. She has learned how to pretend and smile and smirk and make remarks to make others disregard her “mistakes” and failures. I hope the American people who have not made a choice will see this. Just read documentaries about Hillary and Bill. They cover up so much and get away with it. Just like FBI said. She did wrong but it wasn’t intentional. What ever. I go above the speed limit I get a ticket, a fine , and of too many , get my license taken away or serve in Jail. What makes her so different. Think about it. She’s paying someone off or their lives are in danger.
Farmer john says
The only thing Hillary won was the biggest story teller on stage.
She’s just full of sheeeeeeeeeet…..!
Ron Moore says
It is not so much how I am for The Donald as much as it is being 100% against Hillary. At 77 I have followed her (and Bill’s) career from the beginning. This is what I know about Hillary…it would be hard to find a bigger liar and deceitful person. She is pathological on both issues; just like a Kleptomaniac cannot help him/herself, she cannot always tell the truth. She should be indicted over her personal email server and the crimes she (and her staff) committed regarding ‘Top Secret’ emails and the wiping clean of all personal emails. The moderator of the debate was in the ‘bag’ for Hillary and so biased it stinks. I believe Hillary (or a member of her staff no doubt) was given a preview of the questions. If anyone with an open mind revisits the entire debate, then they (as well as history) will see the same type of ‘Leftist News Media’ misreporting and rigging to the left of what they call ‘facts’ which are biased reporting at best and lies at the least! Sorry, Trump won on statesmanship, keeping the high-road as a gentleman, and refusing to be a dirty/snide/respond-er such as Hillary.
Roberta says
I agree. She loves to make you think she will do something different that what she’s done the last 8 years. Or the last 40 years. wosh that she would take a good look in the mirror and acknowledge the things she hs done wrong and get help for herself. She needs some therapy. There seems to be no conscience with her .
Franz says
She had no answers except her scripted ones and threw out the same BS politicians have been feeding the public since the Country’s birth!!! Meaning she is a PHONY!!!!!!!!
Florida Conservative says
The take away from that debate: Hillary’s been in a position of power for 30+ years. Why is she just NOW coming up with solutions? As they say in Oklahoma, “All hat and no cattle”.
Roberta says
Absolutely. Why hasn’t she done something for all her years in power. It’s just politely to her. Say it now, forget about it later
Barbara Nelson says
Trump may want to counter the issue with not releasing his taxes with the fact that the IRS is taking a very very long time to complete the audit; which is in itself an issue with a corrupt IRS. Also counter with the fact that Trump has released his financial papers, the Clinton’s need to release the Clinton Foundation financial papers.
Jack Stamper says
Good one Barbara! It really goes to the fact we need to change, get rid of, abolish, rearrange or whatever, this IRS monster.
Barbara says
Thank you Barbara! With all the crimes that nasty woman has committed, she is asking for Trumps Tax Returns? Is that all you have Killery?
j sanders says
stop with Obama talk & get to the issues——–& solutions.
James Kidwell says
She is a liar. She is a progressive liberal and she is ruining our country. She left our people to die in Bengazi. She exposed our nations classified secrets on a open to the public email server. She is not fit both mentally and physically to be our Commander in Chief.
Ed Kivitz says
Lester Holt is a joke, he’s obvious in her camp still Mr Trump handle him well. I suggest Sean Hannity moderate the next debate and lets see if Hillary can handle it.
Chuck Parsons says
TRUMP 2016 in with the good and out with the LIARS.
George & Marguerite Guck says
The games by the media at these debates makes the effort almost worthless. They were so in the bag for Hillary and played so many games like Trumps bad mic to the moderators challenges of Trumps and interruptions while Hillary was given free rain of spitting out her typical talking points. Also Hillary was never challenged on her connections to Clinton Foundation, sale of America resources to Russia and the entire Benghazi loss and her and Obama lies around the event.
Grace Alexander says
Yes, these liberal moderators, time after time, every four years , show their liberal political views by the questions they ask and for the negative treatment of debaters who are not “liberal” in viewpoint.
To Everyone, please get Phyllis Schlafly’s latest book which came out this month of September: THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP.
Thank God for Mr Trump who is NOT a politician.
Bert says
We were reminded of the Prince and the show girl, but the showgirl tried to take the Prince down, and failed!
Go Trump!
politicallyincorrect says
I think Trump did not do all that well and was to easy on her with more missed opportunities. I thought he said the gloves were off, he never hammered her on breeching national security and deleting emails and smashing phones after they were subpoenaed so what is she hiding. I was and am very disappointed in the debate
Katheirne says
He should answer questions on birther, tax return and call woman name in one paragraph” the birther issue closed the chapter few weeks ago, my tax returns wait for audit from my accountants advice, when Rosie attacked me I counteracted to her as a human not as between man & woman. She didn’t want to be treated as woman so I treated her equal don’t treat her as woman, is that not what hikiary wanted she wanted to be president and she likes ppl giving her Equality “
Jul says
I agree with you on those points Katheirne. Rosie got what she asked for & that should be the end of that! Hillary & other women say they want Equality but when they get treated equally they throw Fits!
Suzanne O'Brien says
Personally, I expected Hillary to be a ” basket case”, so I was surprised at her alertness. Do not know if she read from notes.
Trump won with his repeated accusations that why didn’t Hillary take advantage as Sec. of State and fix these problems!
Brian says
She has a screen in front of her, the same as Obama does. There are people feeding a constant script, most likely even with such comments as “Lean back, smile” A whole production.
But Mr. Trump said he was not going to lower him self to her level.
The chief rapist, Bill, back in the Whitehouse? Must make the female aids and staff cringe.
AW says
Brenda says
Donald, you were the gentleman and I believe the moderator to show favoritism drilling you and not her but what is new? Your restraint was commendable. I know you will only gather momentum if you just stick to the facts. We all make mistakes and you have just as much right to say that however your mistakes do not come near giving up our national security, endangering lives!
James Rhea says
I am glad he did not stoop to her lower than a snake level but just kept with the truth. Maybe next time he needs to bring up some of her terrible failures and show her up for what she is a person who is out for herself and not the best interests of the American people
Diane A Rogers says
It was not a fair debate Holt didn’t bring up any tough questions to Hillary. Hope the next debate they do
Judy Bolin says
I’d like to see The Donald as President to appoint Colin Powell as Secretary of State…
Mary Sandra Florek says
The issues brought up at the debate appeared to not be critical issues in campaign, but issues HRC knew before hand. She was too on and scripted and if DJT would have attacked her like she did him, he would have been called sexist. I think Trump was presidential, he did miss some opportunities to blast her, but she was down right nasty. I respect trump for not getting nasty with her at the end. The next debate will be better for him, remember HRC is a lawyer who was trained to debate. He blew her out of water on economy. Her smug face and actions made me want to slap her. I can’t wait for wiki leaks to take her smugness down! Trump gives the country hope. He is the people president. HRC is the power hungry, money hungry president. Could care less about Americans, all words no action.
Phoebe says
I absolutely agree with your point Mary Sandra Florek. Trump is my choice and I am praying he hammers it down harder second time around because this country needs to hear the facts of this crooked Hillary once and for all. No more Mr Nice Guy. I wanted to slap her too! She doesn’t need to be coddled but put on the spot with everything many people seem to be ignoring about all the corruptness surrounding her for 30+ yrs.
Barbara says
Mary, I felt the same way, watching her lying smirks, I wanted to slap her too! and I hate violence. She is a despicable human being that needs to be removed from our country, much less the white house race. And that disgusting husband of hers, shaking hands with his Clinton Foundation cronies. Get them both out of Washington [permanently!
johnny marsh says
when she was not speaking, her facial appearance was that of a person on some kind of drugs….a couple times my wife thought killary was going to pass out…also, she appeared to be having trouble leaning over to embrace some supporter…Trump was right…she doesn’t have the stamina to hang with that job…for her, it’s about more power and the ability to sell America down the river…
Very concerned woman says
I agree.
KBrown says
I agree with your comment.
Seymour Graye says
Hillary won because she didn’t give jibberish answers. Trump just babbled without telling you why he’s the one. She showed more knowledge and experience and gave answers rather than Trump with his facial expressions everytime she spoke. I wouldn’t want him to represent us to world leaders.
Louise Petit says
Donald needs to talk about her bleach bit email scandal & how she put our country in jeopardy.
Also bring out how she used her foundation to fill her purse. Talk about how she lied to the
public & called us deplorables. She thinks she is better than us.
Nellie McConnell says
I have followed the Clinton for years of there abuse of power. Million’s of dollars into there pockets.
Bill’s aggressive sex issues with women who Hillary abused as much as Bill. Women who follow Hillary are as much of enabler as Hillary.
Obama wanted someone as Secretary of State he could use for his Refugees program to take our country down with-in.
Republican’s need to stop Obama. IMPEACH Obama! No more Refugees and Illegals.
TRUMP is going to have to dig in to save our COUNTRY. GOD bless our COUNTRY and hopefully GOD will bring every nation to their knees before HIM.
Barbara says
Nellie, I pray everyday for God to remove Obama from our country and to give the election to Trump. There are more of us, than the are of Hillarys supporters. There is NO WAY this woman should win this election and if she does, I hope they investigate for fraud.
johnny marsh says
well Barbara, you saw how the establishment under the dems investigates the wrong doings of the elite…that FBI investigation was a farce set up by Loretta Lynch and Bill…there is no way ANYONE will be doing any investigation if Killary gets the presidency…it was once said that Obama put America in the toilet…if Killary gets in there, she will flush it…
Martin says
I say nobody won. Trump missed so many chances, From her email server, taxes, trickle down economy does work , the Iran deal.
No person has ever got a job from a poor person
Noah says
Pete Mesmer, she was better prepared because she knew ahead of time what HER questions were going to be and how to respond. This debate was all geared in Killery’s favor including Lester Holts assistance !!!!
Katheirne says
HilIARy spoke as if she read from a script, orderly and as if a recital
Milanka Jevric says
Donald Trump work hard for his money a Hillery should let American people know how she make her over hundred thousand mullions.The Obama administration should end right now period. Americans need amerika dream back
Kenneth Stelter says
The debate was a toss up – I’ve been a Trump advocate for over a year and a half. Trump was asleep on several important issues and let Hillary get her foot out of her mouth.
Richard says
It is sad that the debate moderator failed in not keeping the debate better balanced. The birther question about Obama
should not have been brought up at all, especially in the fact that so many people in other countries were watching and
would not have under stood the facts about the problem. And why did the moderator failed to include questions to
Hillary about the Clinton Foundation, email failure, and Benghazi. Same old Democratic press problem.
Ed Tower says
Trump must not allow Clinton to get under his skin. He has to learn to be calm and collective at all times. He wasn’t in this debate especially at the end. She tried to goad him to get tangled in her deceptive web. The moderator was absolutely bias. He actually helped Clinton to make Trump behave defensively. This moderator should never be allowed to moderate again.
Rick says
Donald Trump kept his composure last night and that wasnt him . I think he’s going to come out and be Donald Trump at the next debate after all Ronald Ragan lost his first debate . they fact checked her and she is still a liar
Mother of Twins says
Hillary is a master at debating, Trump isn’t. With that said, she was never able to get to him enough to go “crazy”. So from that point of view he did Trumtastic! Hillary never hit a home run.
Beatrice Petrovic says
I am from Canada but take great interest in the American election because in my opinion there is so much at stake. If Hillary wins then woe on America.She had a lot of we need to do more of this and so on but like Trump pointed out why was it not done. I do hope he will hit her hard on the Clinton foundation and about her scandals.
Jojo says
Trump won hands down, however, why did the moderator L. Holt not ask about important things such as Benghazi? e mails? her foundation? C’mon now, Holt, you were so easy on crooked Hillary, but tough on Trump. a moderator should NOT show favorites Did she help plan on what questions to ask? i’ll bet on that…………….
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Mojo, that wouldn’t surprise me at all. Lester Holt likes Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton & hates Donald Trump. A moderator should & ought to be strictly neutral during debates period, and should not help the one he/she favors at all.
Chas says
Donald was stomping all the BS quite handily. Hil again with the spontaneous laughter, eye movements with slowed, deliberate responses sure suggests early old timers setting in. Why no mention of her recent physical ailments?
Melinda Williams says
I believe there was no winner ,Hillary just seem to want to throw personal attacks at Trump and as luck would have it the moderator (Lester)was there to accommodate her !so much for discussing issues! I’ll wait breathlessly for the next installment of beat up on Trump and avoid any discussion on Hillarys transgressions while in office.This was a waist of an evening.I will start getting use to being in a socialist country . We are headed in that direction.
Mason A. Dinehart says
You had a statesman who held her position on the offensive and put the student continually on the defensive. He let her get away with spending little more than one or two sentences on the email scandal and he didn’t really press it. The style, poise, use of language fluency and professionalism all went in her corner. It was definitely the wrong venue for him. He continually boasted of all the nations and companies he could mention but didn’t mention any, “believe me”. Not even Fox news will be able to revive him. While he made some good points, he rather whined as he made them and sniffled a lot (maybe a cold). You can only debate if you practice real time, one on one. He was not prepared, she was. You can’t prepare with a crowd that you feed off of because they love you during his rally.
My wife and sister said that only God can decide this election if we’re to be given one more chance to act and believe what our founders created this nations foundation for. That is our only hope. He simply lacks the extemporaneous ability to explain and develop the good ideas he has.
Roberta says
I agree Mason. He needs to be more extemporaneous Hilary has learned how to do this because of many years experience. I am a Trump supporter all the way regardless of his “whining”. I just know he has a love for our country and he can’t take it any more. Just like the rest of us
johnny marsh says
you make a good point on debate skills, Trump will improve…Since Cruz has kinda kissed and made up, I’d like to see him spend a week or 2 coaching Trump on more impressive debate skill…I’m certain Cruz would have killed her last night…
Dima says
While Hillary is poised and has been trained to be the politician – she failed in so many ways. She also looked like she was going to fall asleep while standing up there. Donald did a great job as the “businessman” that he is. Still needs a little polishing but on the whole he acted on behalf of the American people – while sounding like for himself – he has not really asked for help from anyone until a few months ago. He is so determined for us to understand that this IS about us and he wants – I believe – to teach us how to build and make things good again and rob the American people as the Democratic people have for so many years. Could go on-and-on but GREAT JOB DONALD.
Roberta says
I thought he did well too except I get he was always on the defense because Hillary got asked all the right questions. Liberal media played into her, of course.
Harold tucker says
Hillary kept looking down during the time she answered a question. I wonder what they actually did to her podium. It was as if she had a TelePrompTer installed. Her answers were as if she was giving a speech not being herself while Donald was his normal self. The news said he made faces and looked defeated what I saw was Donald Trump at his best.
Tom McHugh says
I still don’t think obama is an American, but lets forget that…. where are the financial records for the Clinton foundation?????
Robert Dimmock says
Once again the media and the moderator were on Hillary’s side. Trump was interrupted everytime he came close to upsetting the Hill and she was being protected. why can’t the debates be done fairly and let the chips fall where they may. Once again the the public was shown the bias of the media and their willingness to cover, for poor lying Hillary. Give Trump the Win!
G10 says
Typical Horn. Currently showing over 90% of ‘votes’ think that Trump won. In the universe that the rest of us live in they’re calling it for Clinton by 62% to 27%. That’s not even close. Trump had a bad night, and no excuses. Clinton took him to the cleaners, walked all over him and spat him out. It’s clear that they had both put in a lot of work and worked with all sorts of consultants. Clinton’s team worked more effectively. Trump should consider making a few tweaks, taking everything off the table (including the Hillary-the-enabler argument), going in there with both fists swinging or replacing his consultants well before the next debate. Of course he’s hampered by what he has said in the past. If he does not win that debate easily (not just tie it, overwhelmingly win it) Trump’s a busted flush and his supporters had better learn how to spell “Libertarian”. You’d better believe it: the next debate is crucial for the Donald
El Tejas says
Did you even bother to watch the debate? Or is this just your bias showing through?
G10 says
Oh yes. And the repeat broadcast. Did you?
One thing that surprised me was the rationale Trump gave for not opening up on his taxes. It’s not a biggie and the public are looking for some transparency. “Regarding Trump’s own tax returns, Trump said first that he would not release them because he was under IRS audit, then that he would release them if Clinton released the approximately 30,000 emails she deleted from her time as Secretary of State. ” Now, Investopedia is pretty well respected. Here’s the full report:
If his justification for not releasing them is that he’s under IRS audit, this is a different matter to, and seems to have nothing to do with, Clinton’s e-mails. It’s one or the other – it can’t be both. In essence, he’s giving the finger to the people who are asking for his tax returns to be made public – my guess is that he’ll never release them. And look here: “Warren Buffett, speaking at a Clinton rally in August, had this to say about Trump’s audit: “I’m under audit too, and I would be delighted to meet him anyplace, anytime, before the election.” He added, “I’ll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return … and let people ask us questions about the items that are on there.””
You can assume that at this stage I’m not voting for Trump or Clinton, so I have no ax to grind or bias. Can you say the same?
El Tejas says
I do not have an ax to grind. I just wondered if you and I had watched the same debate. In my humble opinion Hillary did not win. In fact they were both pathetic and neither one of them won. There was no clear cut victory for either.
G10 says
Fine. I sincerely respect your opinion but we’ll agree to disagree as nobody messes with Texas. I can certainly buy the argument that while the Donald came second, Clinton didn’t exactly cover herself in glory. As many of the posters are saying, and for whatever reason, she was the least worst on the night. It sets the next two debates up nicely though. Whatever the reasons were – the moderator or anything else – Trump has to learn form, and win, them even if nobody delivers a knockout blow – otherwise he is toast and there’ll be a lot of disgruntled people disappointed that a chance was missed.
Ron says
Did everyone forget the Clintons are attorneys so she pleaded her case intending to win over those uninformed individuals that are blind to her tactics. Trump should have prepared with his attorney for this debate and went in there like he was trying to win over a Jury. He is debating with a lawyer and needs to compete in the same manner. I believe he missed some great opportunities. He should have approached more current conditions that the press and current administration are trying to downplay, like an individual that plants seven explosive devices in NY and NJ and they want you to believe it is in retaliation for the city of NY closing his restaurant at ten o’clock pm not terrorism. Remember Benghazsi she stated retaliation not Terrorism. The democratic party wants us to believe they have terrorism under control and we are safe and should not be alarmed with the immigration of thousands of refugees from a very dangerous part of the world. How safe do you feel? Don’t surrender your arms. I think when stop and frisk came up he should have mention how deaths in NY came down when this was implemented, unlike the increase in deaths in Chicago where they have the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Go figure!
Dan says
It was rigged. Hillary can’t answer a straight question. Trump held back but he will bury her the next tome
Ellen VanHouten says
Waste of ;my time
Jon D. Broadhead says
Although Trump’s answers were better in terms of content and future effectivness, they were too long and not structured well so they are easy to understand. He was not well prepared to give short , concise answere. They were too long and convaluted.
He did notg seem to b e well prepared to answer known items where Hilliary would attack him–Comments on women ie “a commednt one one woman is not a comment on all womem” Birther movement, the Hilliary camp developed this item in the 2008 campaign. Obama has done much to fuel this by not doing anything to support his claim of US birth. His frozen collelg records from all three colleges he attended and is own statement on Columbia application stating foreign birth–to get free or subsidized tuition. Obvious errors on the Birth Certificate about Hospital where they claim he was born. Actually not built until he was 5 or 6 years old. Using Black as racial description when “Colored” was the terminology used at the time. By maintaining a “–
“stand off” attitude, Obama actually fueled these ideas. They have never been answered to date, to my knowledge.
Walter Herring says
I think it was closer to a tie. He should stick with the issues & explain himself more fully. Don’t let lying Killery bait you into defending & attacking most of the debate. We the people want to hear, in detail, how & what you’re gonna do to make America great again.
Richard says
Wow she stood in one place for a hour and half ,
Susan says
Hillary ‘s 30 years in government demonstrates that talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. Trump has demonstrated that he can fix problems without the shackles of special interests. I also noticed that Hillary’s eyes crossed. Health issues are important and neurological issues are a concern to me.
Marthe says
Honesty is Always the best policy. She is a very good liar, though. Comes do years of experience, I guess.
Harold says
Lester was an aide to Clinton and started out debate with biggest lie that under Obama economy had gotten good. Trump did not loose it and that was good. All the questions were sorted so Hillary got easy ones and Trump would be defensive in response. Thought he did good and to win argument he might have lost independent support.
deerflyguy says
Hillary won the debate simply because she is far and away a better liar than Donald! That old female alligator has a more accomplished style of lying that is hard to beat. The vast majority of voters don’t know the facts and only have demeanor to go on. Hillary was only fazed one time that I could see, but Donald seemed frustrated and on his heels much more of the time!
Jim Owen says
When Trump talked about Hilary’s stamina, he should have added she must be strong enough to play over 180 rounds of golf, some played while funerals were being conducted for military generals. He should have nailed her on the Clinton Foundation bringing their money through Canada so the doners cannot be identified. She is as crooked as a snake. Get her on White Water and insider trading ($1,000 into $100,000 in a short period of time) and a hundred other crimes.
Charles Masterson says
Frank says
Yeah, her pupils seemed awful open and big considering all the intense light they were standing under which would make them smaller. Drugs do that.
Frank says
As far as taxes did not the Clintons on numerous times have to resettle theirs for misrepresenting what was earned? Talk about tax cheats!
jose says
She cant even fake on camera that she is not crooked you can see through her that she lies constantly. It look to me she was being coached by someone. She was talking slow like someone was telling her what to say. Her ideas as the same as Castro in cuba. Take away peoples guns and you can control the mass
red/white/blue says
Trump stayed to pertainant factual USA debate Trump needs to completely embarrass H of willfull incompetance..known criminal conduct..obvious H health issues..Bill worthless sexual conduct..result of contracting AIDS..maybe Trump was told to make this the “KIND” debate..all online polls show Trump winning..still clintons need to be put in their place in factual USA history for the anti-American scum they truly are
B. McAdams says
Why does Hillary have to constantly tell us what Trump plans to do. She starts the bickering (and I hate to say it but that’s what women do). I am one and I know what we do when cornered or want to get our way. Keep on the subject at hand. We know and can hear what Trump is saying, but we also can hear what Hillary is not saying. If that’s how she is playing it, then Trump needs to put more pressure on her without looking like a control freak. This is our country at stake here! Take the gloves off!
ssemon says
The comment from Trump about Hill being in the spotlight for 30 years and just NOW she has all the answers, the question goes back to all you Hill lovers,… her foundation $ and what about all her womens rights issues she stands for and what she’s going to do for you but forgets?? how she treated all Billy’s affairs. He could have bought it up but didn’t, she probably would have lied about that as well. How can ANYONE respect an individual who always has an answer but never really addresses the question she’s asked!!
Jim says
The moderator was truly biased towards Hillary and Trump did not call him on it! This is the time to call a spade a spade! With all the bad things Hillary has done, now is not the time for Trump to be timid. Now is the time for trump to verbally slap her every time Hillary opens her lying mouth!!!
James clary says
Trump held his own. He got some of his positive thoughts to the people , even though moderator interrupted him,or didn’t let him complete statements. I noticed moderator didn’t interrupt clinton,and she never got asked questioned that I thought should have been asked. She never had a plan all night,on any issues that I care about,other than to say go to my website.People need to wake up,and like trump says”you haven’t done anything in 30 years”.Three people running for president, besides clinton.VOTE FOR ONE OF THEM THREE!
Patricia says
The one thing I have noticed about Hillary is that she does not have eye contact with the camera The eyes are the mirror to the soul and I think she is afraid to make eye contact with Americans through the the camera Donald won hands down
Deb says
I read the comment above but Dems had rather have us labeled liars as Hillary for President. People actually believe those empty lies she spouted out. Yes you can hide out for 4 days to make a good speech but liars will lie to lie and you do not study to learn that. Check. Out the HSBC report on the Clinton Foundation. They have put 3.2 billion dollars to hide and over 3,000 company names. Remember how broke they are. Smart talk will get you nothing but more division. Research for yourself because after all it is your taxpayer dollars stolen. The last meeting in China what they are not telling you is they want their money now!! Where is that coming from? I lived and worked in the Orient for 8.5 yrs. One thing I can tell you is that many companies do not like business dealings with them because their laws change daily. All of our factories are there for export and cheap labor. China does not think like Americans and when they say we want our money back guess what??
They will get it. So Americans that haven’t traveled abroad do not understand we are not really liked anyway!! They think we are spoiled and lazy!! So vote a liar in and see what they will add to that list!!
JerryBranson says
I cannot think of much to add to the above discussions. I thought Hillary got extra time and Trump was called out by Holt too often. He did not get to say a whole lot. I would like Trump to stay focused on the issues and let Hillary shoot off her mouth. She got way with way too much on gun control that never should have happened.
Carol says
I can’t believe she is not in jail instead of standing there lying. What is wrong with Congress and our judicial system, that they have not gone after her for crooked, illegal actions?? Are the American people that dumb for believing in her?? When are we going to take back our country and make it what it used to be…strong and fearless??
The violence in this country must stop. The random shootings are getting to be so common, that no one is saying anything about them. It is not the guns that kill people, it is the warped minds that we are allowing to exist in this country. The parents are the first to blame. They are too busy to notice or pay attention to their children’s actions…take no responsibility for teaching them right from wrong. Children today play violent games on their computer, phones, IPads, etc., instead of finding productive things to do in their spare time. If the kids are busy, then they leave the parents alone so they can veg or go do what they think is more important than conversing with their children. Parents have no clue as to what this is doing to young minds, our future!
Lee Perez says
I watched the debate, and have come to the conclusion that Mr. Trump does not use any of the ammunition that is out there about the Clintons. However, she brought up issues about him, and he did not take the opportunity to retaliate with what he should know about her. Of course, Mr. Trump is new at this, and Secretary Clinton has been a politician for a long, long time! She has a lot of skeletons in her closet besides the E-Mails, and Mr. Trump failed to bring any of them up. He should really prep himself for the next debate, and reveal Secretary of State Clinton’s many weaknesses, past mistakes, etc., etc. There is a lot out ammunition out there for him to use, and he really should spend time getting ready for the next debate. There is no room for Mr. Trump to play Mr. Nice Guy! I say, get with it Mr. Trump, and do your homework!
John Billingsley says
I was pleased with Trump’s demeanor and the fact that he stuck to the issues. He could well have blown Hillary out of the building by referring to all the shady deals she has been involved in, the theft of American fixtures taken from the White House when she and “Slick Willie” left at the end of his term. Her record of deceitfulness and terror ranks at the top of any candidate for this office in the history of the US and I can attest to the fact that if she is sworn in, the United States is doomed. All you Clintonites have your heads in the sand and you are either ignoring her record and that of her husband, or you missed something in your education. You can support her if you want, but don’t try to convince others of her qualifications, because they simply do not exist. She’s running on a name associated with mass “give-aways” and nothing more. She’s like a snake…some look pretty, but the bite is deadly!!!
Bill Gatsiadis says
Hillary is an attorney, her eyes were not looking at people or the moderator. Instead she was looking through them. Arrogant posture. She was interrupted only 5 times while Trump 41 times. She looked too at ease.
Maria says
I think Mr Trump did well, but should have been a bit more aggressive in a subtler way
hankz8 says
Hilary was robotic, smug — and often wrong in what she said. The moderator was also wrong on a number of occasions, e.g., stop-and-frisk is unconstitutional. No it isn’t. A nut judge said it was; the appeals court felt otherwise.
Richard Kight says
I thought it was obvious that crooked Hillary remains a liar. I haven’t heard anyone comment on this-but I thought Hillary appeared uncomfortable and weak [ especially in her eyes. She is either sick or, as Trump put it, she doesn’t have stamina.
W. Leydsman says
This was definitely set up in Mrs Clinton’s favor. She was well scripted and was on the attack. Mr. Trump was on the ‘guarded’ defensive mode. He controlled himself from saying many things he should have or could have. He did get a few jabs in, but not enough. Again, it appeared the media was certainly on her side, and with the average little informed citizen listening and watching, Mrs Clinton won. My wife even commented about her red power dress. There were many things that should have been mentioned, and Mr Trump, started but held back. I believe Mrs Clinton gave pat answers which contradicted her former views to appease the public, but were misrepresentations.
Carol says
The debate was not won by either one! But you could tell who lied! Yes, we do need to come down hard on crime/murder meaning criminals/whom ever does the crime (all lives matter-black, white, brown, tan-what ever color/race-police, firemen, mfg. workers, government, house keepers, etc. to many to name) we need to look at what is going on in this election – who is trying to pass it for criminals to vote, who has ok ‘d overtime , to give people their citizenship in a hurry with out really doing a check that is required (ha!!! Who is paying for this) we are in two ways money(taxes) but most of all with our (lives/freedom).
JCP74 says
Trump can not win a debate as long as the liberal media supports Hillary. Holt didn’t measure up. I thought he would be fair but he is a liberal too.
Adelma Muns says
The biggest liar again last night preformed in her smug ways telling one lie after another. Look it up if you don’t believe me. I do feel like Donald didn’t press her, however I am sure that they told him not to, but I wouldn’t have let her get by with some of the things she said. Why is this such a big thing over releasing his Taxes???? It seems that is the only thing she feels is wrong with Donald. So what if he didn’t give a lot to charities. He told them they needed to go down and get the statements he turned in. Will they. NO NO. Like when he said he was against the war, Go talk to Hannity, After the debate Shawn agreed that it was true, he did say he was against that war before it happened. I do believe that the question that the monitor asked was not very good ones for both parties. Better for Hillary then Donald. Another thing that wasn’t covered last night was the boarders. She is for leaving them wide open and he is for not leaving them open. I am with him we need the Wall and Law & Order. So many more things I could say but I think this is enough.
Gary Way says
With the help of good old Lester, Hillary was able to put Donald on the defense immediately. What I would like to have seen was Donald bringing up more of “crooked Hillary’s” shenanigans. Regarding the allegations of the law suits he has been involved in, he could have shut that line of B.S. down simply by explaining that in any large business such as his, there are bound to be disputes which are properly left to the courts to decide. End of discussion. Donald has a tendency to do what I always caution my witnesses not to do and that is to get too “curtsey” on the stand. That just makes them look unprofessional and like they are trying to dodge the question.
Shirley says
Hillary was same ole nasty debater . She continued to lie with that crooked smile on her face. She comes across with the attitude she is above the law and how dare you to question my works. She is so fake and degrades her opponent. Donald was very respectful to Hillary but really why. Donald has a very different debate candidate method and next debate he should put Hillary in her place how she is the liar she is and never will she carry through with her promises bit Donald will. I think Donald went out of his way to show Hillary respect but she didn’t show him any. Lester Holt was favoring Hillary. What is new the liberals are very scared of Donald rocking the boat in Washington and the crooks might fall over board. Hillary,a will have her day on now.8 then she can go on back to NY and continue to give 350.000 speeches to big banks but she won’t be able to give any more of our uranium to Russia.
Wossene Bowler says
She was so called and calculative but Trump put her in her place . I love when he told her release your e-mail and also when he asked her your been in power for 30 years how come you just decided to do it after we created movement . Why her husband her were a member of white only club in Arkansa if they are so kind and trying to help Black Americans and latinos? Who created three strike law? I think that was their gift for those who voted for them. They only remember them during election. Blacks are killing each other in every State but the mediator and her worried about Obama’s birth place . They were trying to get him but I am so happy he new where they were going . The mediator was trying to help her so much. Her own campaign and advisor brought the news she should ask them. She lied about having 2 phones. I wish Trump brought up her 7 phones she brook with hummer. for next Debates he has so much weapons against her i hope he uses all .
Joyce says
Can’t believe her she lies, she talks a good talk but her action says differently, we need a change someone who is willing to make a change in our country the USA, who will work for us not for there own agenda.
Trump for 2016!!!
B. Bal says
CODE. Control Our Debt Everyone. Only the candidate who gets this will win.
law5960 says
Hillary Clinton’s strategy seemed to be that she would bait Mr. Trump until she got under his thin skin,hoping he would react like a KKKrazy KKKlown. He was more restrained than he sometimes is, but he fell for all of baiting and came off looking pretty bad. The moderator lobbed some softballs to Trump, but he struck out because he let Hillary get to him.
I would usually say that it is meaningless to try to determine who won the debate. However, right after the debate last night the Chinese stock markets bounced up and the value of the Mexican peso increased about 2% against the dollar. The financial markets tell us that Hillary won easily.
Brantley Keeney says
If she was in such great health, why did Bill take her by the arm/elbow, and force march her out of building? She took NO time
to answer questions, or to celebrate her so called victory. Her stooges fell in line to exaggerate her her short comings, while
Trump hung around to talk with everyone he could meet and to apologize for not really “sticking it” it to her. Almost immediately
he was back out there on campaign trail meeting those who really. I can hardly wait for the next time!
Frank says
Unless he and his advisors are being dumb inadvertently, which I doubt, I can appreciate that he let her get out her accusations of him being Sexist, Misogynist, that he is a racist, a tax cheat (which is the biggest joke because all he has is good accountants.), a birther put out there. Now she cannot bring them back up and still look even the least presidential. However he stayed off the email, Clinton Foundation, and on and on, and now he has all the ammunition left in the world to come up against her in the other debates and she is about out of real options against him ALREADY. . He needs to hold back ( a little) the second debate as well and let her have it at the third by fully kicking her in the face with the truth about everything she has done Dole it out slowly so the independents can understand. He did however make it look, to me, that it was a draw on this debate, but that was because he is actually being merciful.
Jacqueline Sindeband says
Because the mainstream media is in Clinton’s “pocket”, it is difficult to get a true reading about this election race, the debates, etc. I think there is a groundswell of silet people who are Trump supporters even if reluctantly. Many of us do not look forward to more of Obama and Clinton for another 4-8 years.
Susan says
Donald Trump was genuine… he always is. Hillary was her usual stiff, cold politician self. No question who I will vote for!
KBrown says
Hillary was very practiced and well schooled. Looking as if nothing would get under skin. With an artificial, smug smile on her face. That is exactly why I don’t like her. She is a well schooled politician who knows exactly what to say and how to say it to get votes and then like most politicians will go back to Washington and suit herself and her lobbyists. In other words nothing much will change. I was disappointed that Donald Trump didn’t ask what she was hiding from the American people by refusing to release her 33,000 emails. Even more suspicious was having her aides destroy the devices to prevent anyone from searching them. Very SUSPICIOUS – WHAT ARE YOU HIDING HILLARY. You have a lot of skeletons in your closet.
Donald Trump is not a practiced politician but he has courage and he is not politically correct and I believe he really has America’s interests at heart. I’m not saying we shouldn’t help other countries but not at our expense. No other country In the world allows foreigners to come in and change the religion and laws to suit themselves. If you want what you had at home stay there. Why should we apologize for our Christian beliefs because they are offended. Maybe we are offended by your religion. You aren’t hindered from practicing your religion stop bullying us for practicing ours.
Even if Donad Trump doesn’t come across as your typical politician I think he would be a Heath of fresh air. Besides he would not be operating alone he would have Mike Pence who I like immensely and a whole ca I st of people that would be working with him and advising him. I still support him
Tweeter says
Holt was blatantly biased against Trump. At the beginning, during handshake Holt wished Hillary “good luck”. He remained silent to Trump. During the debate Holt always interrupted Trump while talking, he did not do that to Hillary. During the debate, Holt gave Clinton time to finish her topic even when time was up. Holt stopped Trump right away then time was up even when he was still talking. I also suspect that since Holt has bias for Hillary to win, I think he provided Hillary Clinton copy of the questions to ask in the debate. Therefore Clinton had ample days to practice the attacks and response to the question for several days. As usual the democrats did a vey dishonest SOP. Holt is black and favored Obama and Clinton to keep their jobs.
Maybe he (Holt) will get to go to a plush-ier FEMA camp if Hillary gets elected & starts WWIII
Shirley Eckhardt says
Trump won simply because there was meat in his message. With old Hill, it was more of the same….blah, blah, blah, blah. Not a second of sincerity or love of this country or its people in the whole 90 minutes. She is so scripted…and I’d truly like to wipe that smirk off her face. She is really hard to watch. Had to take an extra blood pressure pill!
Diane says
Her silly-assed smiles made me ill. She’s a liar, cheater, killer, and not fit to be anything in office.
Martin Oroshiba says
I am truly disappointed, Lester Holt failed to live up to his responsibilities, he interupted Mr. Trump far too
many times and did not do so for Mrs Clinton. He continued to throw hard balls at Mr Trump and spit balls at
Mrs Clinton. I continously heard how honest and sincere and fair he was, well after last nights performance
it would seem to me another tarmac meeting took place.
Clarence Dawkins says
Personally I think Mr Trump did well but he could have done better, understand that he is not a political guru like she is who seems to be saying a lot but not really saying much. Trump on the other hand said what he thinks we’re important but I think he could have nailed her in many ways and he didn’t, overall he held his own without the help of the madorater. 2 more to go!
Peter says
With very few exceptions the biggest danger to any democracy is corruption from within. Mrs. Clinton is corrupt and her record shows it. If she is elected and the democrats take at least one chamber then it will be pay for play instead of the rule of law. Our only hope if she wins in November is the House and the Senate stay out of her hands and their majorities increase beyond veto proof.
Jimmy eakin says
Trump should have ask if Bill would be having sexual orgies again in White House if she were to win.
Jacqueline Sindeband says
No mater what the media reports, it is untrustworthy as it is Clinton’s media. The truth will come out when the silent majority speak and pull the lever for Trump.
Alan Harper says
Those that think Hillary is fofr you, is honest, trustworthy, loyal, etc. need to smell the reality rose. She has more thorns than a devils walking stick. Almost everything she accused Trump of, some probably had traction, could be said of her in spades. Hillary is another Washington insider whose primary objective is to be first. After that, she will be destructive because she said herself about herself – “I AM NOT A LIBERAL BUT A PROGRESSIVE.” If you’re not afraid of truth, look up and read the recent historu of Cuba and Venesuela. Both had thriving economies until Progressive socialism was forced, at the point of a gun, on the population. They have a guaranteed or mandated $20 per month income and many are starving to death in countries thatr are a shell of their former glory while the Government bureaucrats live like kings. There have been PBS programs about each country in the last two months. Only a few things are good and none would be if they had cold weather.
Herxon Ramirez says
Yochannah says
Hillary out there spewing the same old garbage….the solar panel plan took the cake…..any fool can see through this one and do the math….another thing? Are the panels made in the USA – not to my knowledge…..I am glad to read the great comments here and it gives me comfort that not everyone is not stupid, or lulled by the lies and deception of this totally worthless candidate. Four more years of disaster await us if she gets within an inch of the Whitehouse….LET’S GET OUT THERE AND STORM THE POLLING PLACES AND GET OUR VOTES IN FOR THE SAKE OF THIS COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE WHO NEED A BREAK, AKA THE MIDDLE CLASS FOR STARTERS!!
Harry J.Dermody Jr. says
Donald took the High Road and handle all adversity as a President should with Class and Honesty. WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO SAVE THIS NATION. THIS IS OUR FINALTIME IN HISTORY TO ” MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ” . Thank You Mr. Donald J. Trump and Family for getting up to the Plate for all of us. You may be an outsider to Washington however, your Business Knowledge, Toughness and Leadership by Example is A BREATH OF FRESH AIR that Washington needs to wake up to each and every day. ” God Bless America ” and ” God Bless You and Your Family ” HJD JR.
hondo says
Trump really smacked her when he said “You had many years to change things, so why is it now you, like all politicians only offer solutions when it’s voting time…You’re all talk” ( something to that affect )
He’s opening the windows of corruption for people to maybe see for the first time as there are many who are just plain ignorant of what has been going on in DC
Susan says
Hillary’s lips were moving, therefore she was LYING. For the fools still supporting her are you liberals or freeloaders? Either way the post here and this article and the current polls show you are LOSING. Hillary is LOSING! Thank you God!
robert wertz says
Donald Trump won hands down, we are tired of all the lies that the democrats are telling they have had many years to do what is better for our Great America and they have failed as usual. I am glad that Trump did not call her lying and crooked Hillary, everyone knows what she is and we know that she will not be the best person for our leader of the USA . Go Trump 2016!!!!!!!!!
Fabe Borel says
Hillary is a liar and a disgrace to our country!
David R Garza says
I think that Trump had the debate won. I can say this because yes, he was a little discussed by the opposite party but only to show concern for this country. For Hillary it was just another debate and just another speech. I saw more heart in Trumps answers than in Hillary’s. Yes, if Trump becomes president I know he is going to run into a few political obstacles but at least there will be someone that is new and fresh in the white house and not someone that has been corrupted by the politically correct junk that this country has gotten itself into.
michael mudrak says
Felt as tho hillary was briefed on the questions she was asked.She was not asked about bengasi or the fact she personally destroyed the lives of bill,s sexual victim,s or any other hard questions about the clinton foundation.
Rosech says
Trump is an skilled man with the art of the deal and what I saw was he was baiting her and she bought it hook, line and sinker showing her usual disdain to answer anything well but spout nonsense, especially how qualified she is, but in reality she is not! 30 yrs. of promises to do or get something done. Total accomplished to date: NADA, ZILCH, NIL, ZERO, NONE and just a lot of hot politician air. Also, she never added anything in the senate except to add to a name chosen for a Post Office building. She is well known in NY for a do-nothing senator and only in the “owned” cities has she street cred. She thinks Cuomo and di Blasio are great, but then if you are a communist, then they are your homies! I think she thinks she did great and that is her downfall when she or anyone else thinks they got it over Trump. Her constant smile meant to us that know meds that she was on drugs and when time was running over I was watching her eyes start their little trek. Sorry, Hillary, we need a real leader who has no evil political past and that ain’t you because your political past contains destruction of illegal and dangerous emails which suddenly were erased the day before you were to produce same. You have caused the death of Qaddafi leading to turmoil and the beginning of ISIS, so yes, you and Obama are the founders of ISIS and nothing has been done now for several years to stop it because you and O own it. Bleachbit? Maybe it “erased” those emails but in today’s world anything in cyberspace can be retracted, and you are hoping that won’t happen. And again, Wikileaks owns you as well and we can hardly wait for more details about emails and you to emerge. This is like playing Monopoly and I don’t think you will be the owner of big properties!
Roger says
The debate was interesting. Hillary is the same old, same old who really does not see the problems we are facing, offers no viable solutions, and will waste taxpayer dollars trying to tell you she is working on problem. She offers more taxation, less security, run amok immigration, higher national debt, mishandling of national security information, very liberal Supreme Court justices, continued political involvement with the Justice Dept., FBI, IRS, NSA, Etc.
Trump on other side, sees the problems, wants to correct them and has surrounded himself with very qualified people. The way I feel, is very simple. Hillary has accomplished very little in her political career. We know what she will do, much of the same, nothing. Same old lies. I am willing to gamble on Trump. I don’t care about looking Presidential, being politically correct, it is time to rid the apathy, corruption, deadwood that exist in all levels of government and clean house and Kick Ass. Let’s face facts, Trump is the only one with enough guts, intestinal fortitude to do this.
Justin W says
Hillary won the debate. She seemed to be confident and stay on message. I don’t agree with her nor do I trust her, but she had a good night performance-wise.
Donald missed several great opportunities to land zingers on Hillary. He also missed several opportunities to tell the American people how he would bring the prosperity that we want.
Mitt Romney cleaned Obama’s clock in the first debate four years ago. Obama went on to win re-election. This election’s outcome may be decided by some event(s) in the last week or two before election day.
Diane Robins says
All of these comments, with the exception of 2 or 3 who prefer a lying murderer & her impeached, sexual pervert husband, are thoughtful and accurate. I would hope Trump’s team pays attention. My suggestions would be for him to not mention knowing people or having friends or businesses in various cities & countries
and start where it counts – e-mails, Benghazi , Clinton Foundation, how many jobs she’s created etc.
He did as well as anyone could who was not a seasoned corrupt politician and was under attack by a moderator who was blatantly unfair and biased.
Kobi Emmanuella-King says
I have always felt that people bear the right to vote according to their preference but my stomach churns at the thought of Donald Trump for president. Rarely have I come across a presidential candidate who comes across as so obnoxious and arrogant and so full of fallacies presented as fact! His supporters claim that Hillary is dubious and a liar – REALLY! Give me the so called email misdemeanours of Hillary any day any time compared to a Trump that refuses to release his tax returns. How shady is that and to think that some Americans think that this is less of a blunder than the email scandal. What tosh! Nowhere else in the civilised world would you have a candidate running for the highest office in the land who lies about his tax returns and continues to hedge about releasingthem and then even brazenly boasts about it on a national tv debate that he is SMARTER because previous records showed that he payed next to nothing in taxes. This is the kind of man that some Americans want for President??
I wonder whether if Trump was black, he would have this much support inspite of the level of distasteful temperament and crass and abusive language that he has shown throughout this campaign. As a UK citizen with family in America, I know that America faces many social and economic issues but remember that these same issues are quite common across the West and the Bush administration plunged the country into the worst ever depression recorded in modern history. That was the kind of economy that Obama took over from Bush and for eight years has strived to make some progress to the extent that the American economy has grown.
Still a lot to do but that’s no reason to thrash everything that has been accomplished in this period. If Trump wins the election, part of me will be glad because Trump is already making America, the laughing stock of the world and no doubt a Trump presidency will operate in the same vein. We in the UK simply cannot believe that a nation can stomach a personality like Trump talk less of voting him for president.
Well, Miss English Lady, maybe you just don’t comprehend the magnitude of Hillary’s penchant for using lies to cover lies; ipso facto, she doesn’t even know that she is lying simply because lying is her life style! Additionally, she does NOT care about people–only about herself!–she only uses them; when through with them, they are cast off like a worn out shoe!
Carol says
Better get your facts straight before you post! Do a little research! Oh…but then again you don’t live or can vote in America! I wonder who in the UK elected you spokesperson for all of the UK?
Richard Tipa says
Trump may have toned down too much! Hillary kept the pressure on about his taxes, his past business failures and referring to him as a racist. Hope duringbthe nextndebatebhe exposes her lies, her racketeering bwithvthe Clinton Foundation and the fact that she can’t be trusted with classified material.
Sharon says
TRUMP WON , the ole robot an her phoney smile made me turn it off. She says the same ole same ole. Trump tried to be a gentleman. He should not listen to anyone , just be himself . I hope he nails the phoney next debait. He won this one.
Andre says
While Hillary Clinton’s microphone was right in front of her (lying) mouth – so she could remain standing in a ‘presidential’ upright position while speaking – Donald Trump’s microphone was (on purpose?) set in a lower position, so that during the debate Donald was all the time forced to bend forward or (awkwardly) lower his posture to be able to speak directly into the microphone.
This much too low position of his microphone no doubt had a negative impact on his television appearance in general, his speaking capacities and his spirit.
Fred Zahn says
Donald needs to put her feet in the fire and hold them there for 90mins.
One word sums up Hillary: SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT!
Joan Nolan says
Trump appeared tired, perhaps fighting a cold. I have never before seen him sniffle once in any of his political speeches. The one good point he made was that Clinton had been doing the same thing for 30 years. Other than that, he seemed off his game. He needed to stay steady and not riled by Clinton. He should have referred to her as Mrs. Bill Clinton (not Secretary Clinton). In my estimation, she doesn’t deserve that title. He also needed to hit hard on issues including e-mails; the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, her pay for play, and the millions spent on investigating her wrong doings. I watched Clinton’s face and noticed many of the signals demonstrating that she was lying. Her attitude was a “better than thou” one. She appeared smug and condescending. To be fair, Trump has never done a one-on-one debate. Clinton has done many. The next debate, I am sure, will be much better for Trump. He now has good political people around him who will analyze the debate. Next time he will come out swinging.
Diana says
Though I am not A Clinton fan I think Hillary won based on she kept her cool,she gave a summary of her plan with a little more specifics than Trump did …he did well when he explained a little about reducing the taxes and asking other countries to help share costs in fighting Terrorism but he needs to not interrupt on someone else’s 2 minutes and be more specific and respond with his plan first criticize 2nd.
Gary says
It was clear all Hillary could do was make accusations and innuendos. Trump should have been better prepared and talked more about Hillary’s failures.
Sandee Allen says
I will vote for DJT. But I think he fell for her game. As he went on the defensive she had her predictive little smirk. He did not stay on his message to the people that are on the fence. He needs to act like she isn’t even on stage and answer the questions and tell middle America what he will do for them. Drive home her 30 years of failure, the Dems doing nothing for our innercities and schools and our police and military. Make it about her failures not him. He does not need to defend her allegations as she didn’t bother to defend her emails one sentence and it was gone. Step up tell people your plans forget hers. He was too defensive and needs to be more aggressive in his message.
Katterkat says
Yes the MSM is biased because our tax$$$ are paying them to be. Obama is using our own money against us.
I hope ppl Google Obama using taxpayers money to pay for Hillary’s Campaign. The ppl who voted for Obama twice are the ones to blame for the USA being the laughing stocks of the World. Obama is making us weaker and telling other Countries how to dummy down the rest of the World. He says Americans are stupid. Americans don’t know how to think for themselves. Americans can’t handle their own Affairs so the Government needs to step in.
Soon the sheep will be led for the slaughter. Wake up. Google everything you can before the UN takes over the Internet and makes it hard for you to learn the truth.
Ralph Lazaro says
When she was saying what are you hiding with your tax return he should of said what are you hiding destroying Ipads after you was told to turn them in
Marvin says
The media can no longer deny they are totally behind Hillary the Liar. It is so simple to detect when she is telling lies–when her lips
move. The Clintons believe they are above the law and anything they do is perfectly and entirely acceptable — but when one looks at the record from her making $100,000 on a $1000 cattle contract, stealing from the White House when they moved out, and spending the last 30 years making up all the lies she tells. Her answers to the FBI were lies, in fact she denied remembering anything about so many situations while Sec of State, it makes one wonder if she was even conscious during that period. Any and all who vote for her is only promoting more corruption in Washington — plus you will be voting a hefty tax increase for yourself and fewer jobs for the middle class. She is only interested in adding more money to the foundation so they can live on easy street forever.
Dee says
This debate was Soo rigged and hand picked questions for Hilary . Lester holt did a Poor Job . I will continue to add these suck up people to my list of boycotts and I urge everyone to do the same . Maybe if his nightly news ratings go down he will be tempted to be more honest . All these reporters playing unfairly can be hurt by bad ratings . Start making your lists people it works , look at targets loss of business . TRUMP / PENCE 2016
J.L. BEARD says
AW says
BI-ASSED. (intentionally misspelled}
Jack says
Donald trump stood his ground but allowed Hillary and L. Holt too many gaps to slip through. Mr. Trump should have hammered away at the lost E-mails, the sledge hammer destruction (deliberately) of the I-Phones, The lack of support from NATO when Russia invaded the Balkans, the Uranium deal with Russia, the Iranian deal which is now allowing Iran to test missiles, improve nuclear research as well as taunt Americans in the area. In many instances I counted three or more minutes for a Hillary answer where at 2 minutes Mr. Trump was always interrupted with the 2 minute warning. talk about a Blind Media – we saw that last night and I guess that it will not change until Mr. trump is elected our next president and return Jobs along with Law & order to our country. Mr. Trump neglected to also tell the viewers that the high crime rate in Chicago where Obamas friend is mayor is proof that extra gun laws do not work because the criminal element does not bother with the law, they create their own.
Donald E. Clark says
CNN determined Hillary won the debate, even before it took place.
Jesse says
Given that Hillary used her same TIRED OLD LIES she has been using since she got involved in Politics as she did back during Watergate and Have been prove to be LIES She LOST and will always LOOSE. She LIED about everything and America knows this WELL. Hillary like all LIBERALS think they know all when in FACT they know NOTHING they think all they have to do is make a romise and that will be taken as TRUTH until it gets proven a LIE then they deny saying it then that becomes the TRUTH well they are WRONG and IGNORANT to believe the people CANNOT see thru it. We can and DO which is WHY people are not VOTING for Hillary. She is loosing because people are getting tired of the same old LIBERAL LIES. A prime example of one her LIES is how she claims she has always defended and supported Children, That is a LIE because there is a woman who she fought back when that woman was a 13 year old child when Hillary went after her to protect a Rapist. If that is being an Advocate for children I have the wrong idea what one is. She went from $10 million in Debt to over %$100 million to the good while buying not one but two homes well over the $1 million dollar price. Hillary says Trump should release his tax returns WHY she won’t release the emails she should NEVER should have had on a private server nor will she make sure Obammy’s past is released given his BIO states CLEARLY that he was born in Kenya and moved to Hawaii and all his past is being hidden and She demanded he release this Info when she opposed Obammy getting into the White House and was a birther long before Donald was. Hillary tried as has the MORON STREAM MEDIA who back her with their LIES of either OUTRIGHT of Omission.
Stephanie says
I’m very surprised that Donald’s “handlers” haven’t said something to him about making such weird faces while Hillary is speaking. Her obviously “botoxed” face gave her the appearance of being much more steady than Trump. But content-wise, I think Trump made better points.
dogshowkris says
Hillary Clinton makes me embarassed to be a woman. She is fake,nasty,ill tempered,self serving. She is not qualified to be a human being let alone President.
America as we know it will be gone if she is elected. She is going to raise your paycheck witholding to 40/65% for the rest of your working life. Wipe out health care as we know it.She is a war hawk. That means increased military action & more debt.
Is that what you want voters? To be lied to, the historical record destroyed, financial ruin for you personally & America.
Clintons are playing us for fools.
Caroline says
I agree with you, dogshowkris , but don’t say us, she’s not playing me she is such a phony and she couldn’t be an actor as one says above she is so transparent. I can’t believe her comment back to DjT. when he spoke of law and order after her comment I can’t believe she would get any votes from African Americans. She is so stupid and I don’t think the African Americans are. She has no idea what’s going on in the neighborhoods. She has no idea how scared the mothers are to let their babies go out and play or even go to catch their buses to go to school. Has she ever put herself in the situation of being a black family living under those conditions. I pray for them all the time. I can imagine being there trying to raise kids how scared I would be for them. I would have no hope of tomorrow much less for their future the mothers and fathers know they may not have a future of “any kind”. They just pray they can keep their babies alive from one minute to the next. HC has no clue what those families go through every minute of their lives. Doesn’t she realize they pray for law and order. They pray peace, for schools in their own neighborhoods so their kids don’t have to get up an hour or two earlier than they should have to in order to get to school. I can’t see how she can be so ignorant on this subject. Oh, well I will hush for now, maybe lol. I could go on and on, I am so angry with her, but then I should not be surprised, but it does brake my heart that she can be this ignorant.
Jimmy B says
I can’t stand that Bitch Killary, Every time she moves her mouth comes a lie
Notice the way she dresses, never dress with high heels, and always a pants suite WHY ??
she is wearing a body device help keep her stimulated , I keep watching her for signs of discomfort
she never wears a dress? .
glen says
she and bill are evil people they both should be charged with everything you could find on them locked in a prison some where for away from united states don’t like either one of the slime bags
Ashley Jensen says
Trump was not effective enough on his rebuttals. I will be voting for Trump no matter the debates. To me, they are a waste of time.
Rick says
Hillary was too mechanical and phony as usual, I’m surprised Trump didn’t get into Bengazi more and not enough emphasis on her corruption, he also should have had more emphasis on 2nd Amendment rights
MrTruth says
To the uninformed rabble that just wanted to see the candidates stick it to each other with zingers, Hillary won on points. However, it was important to show the undecided voters that Donald could rise above getting baited into a bickering contest and he showed them that he could, to quote Michelle, “go high.” In future debates he should avoid invoking Obama by name because he’s so popular with millennials. Rather, he should refer to him as “the current administration.” This links Hillary to whatever debacle he’s referring to.
Next time he needs to control the ball more and make her play defense. No matter what she says there’s an easy retort for it because she’s so corrupt and phony. This debate only whetted hypocritical harridan Hillary’s taste for blood and she will come out swinging next time. Donald should lie in wait and the pounce with something like “The mainstream media said I wasn’t able to act “presidential.” I proved them wrong at the last debate, and I even came here tonight intending to give you the benefit of the doubt that you would be civil, but on behalf of all Americans who pride themselves on being open-minded I have a duty to call you on that dishonest, misleading remark.” Then he can tear into the miserable hag and call her on her B.S. Then after ripping her a new one,he should revert to being civil which will only driver her crazy and she will act even more shrill.
Jim Welch says
Trump should have been better prepared.
When Hillary attacked Trump about his wealth Trump should have countered — “Well, Sect. Clinton, at least I got it the old fashioned way — I earned it. I didn’t get it by setting up some phony money catch-all foundation to take millions of dollars in donations from foreign interests so they can get access to me.
When trying to sell why NAFTA is so bad, Trump failed to mention the fact that Mexico had bribed at least 1 of our own negotiators to sell out America – Robert Bostick – who admitted in US District Court in Washington DC (it’s a matter of public record) they gave him 10% of the profits from a 100 million dollar housing project in Mexico to slant what he was working on in their favor. Despite the court conviction in August, the NAFTA was passed 3 months later in November by Congress with no corrections for Bostick’s sellout, and no investigation into other possible bribes. BTW, funny how the American people didn’t see this story of betrayal on the evening news, or blasted across the headlines in their newspapers. No, the fix was in, and the American people were going to bent over the hitching post once again.
Finally, Trump failed to make the case for less regulations and reducing the corporate income tax. A major point he omitted is the fact that corporate income taxes only represents 10% of all Federal revenue. Most revenue comes from payroll taxes.
We have over 40 million people in our country on food stamps. The highest number ever.
America needs jobs – good paying manufacturing jobs. The question is always how to get them. We sure know how to lose them — create an atmosphere that discourages businesses. Burden business with the highest tax rates in the industrial world, load the heavy hand of excessive government regulation on business, and then pass legislation that rewards business if it moves out of the country to operate. That’s what Senator Clinton and her liberal friends have done.
IT WORKED! Millions of jobs have left America. and more people are dependent upon Government then ever before in our history.
To restore the America Dream I want to restore truth in the old saying that “the Business of America is Business.” To have good paying jobs in America we have to make America the best place in the world to do business — low taxes and low regulations. I would suggest we do away with all federal income taxes on any product manufactured or service originated within the United States. If you make your widget here in America and that widget is composed of 90% or more American made parts then the profits from that widget are income tax free. The tax revenue created by all the jobs created would more than make up for the revenue the government lost by not taxing the corporate profits. Plus, the tax revenue would also increase from the increase in dividends paid to the shareholders of the corporations.
Mary says
Round One….. Trump , Trump, Trump wins !!! We all saw how she exuded evil. A scripted,smirking devil in her red pantsuit…. He landed the blows and all she really did was cackle and lie. The People have raised up Trump as our deliverer!!!!
Connie says
I think Trump has a lot of good ideas. I think he will be the only one that will be able to change American around. Only thing Hillary is going to do the same things she been doing for the last 30 some years and follow right behind Obama. Trump looked very presidential.
Ann says
Could not watch it! Will vote for Trump no matter!
E says
They are both in it for themselves. Donald Trump owes so much to the government in taxes and Hilary sskims whatever she can. Donald doesn’t care about the American people, he came to Fresno to look into purchasing the stalled Wildhorse Golf Course and called all the people who lived nearby by poor trash. We are working class in need of better paying jobs and he considered us worthless. He’s an ego maniacal bag of hot air. Hilary Clinton is a professional liar. We are in deep trouble with both of them as our only choices.
AW says
And you E are incapable of thinking, which is the indoctrination of the American people that is happening without you realizing. Trump owe nothing in taxes & HIL-LIAR-Y uses the same methods and tax accountants to get away with it also…….all legal……..I subscribe to the knowledge available to pay the least amount of taxes also. If all the politicians can do it, so can WE THE PEOPLE. Educate yourself!
john says
I am a devout conservative and Trump follower but he blew it last night. She romped all over him with lies and goaded him into showing a lack of restraint. He had ample moments where he could have torn her apart but for some reason he held back. He should have attacked the commentator Holt for continuously baiting him about the birther issue and taxes all of which had no business in this debate. Trump fell into Hillary’s hands each time he was bated by her. She showed her political prowess by standing tall when Trump hit her with facts which she just shook off with a grin and came back at him with more lies. He has to go back to attacking her or he will lose the election.
Bruce says
Mr. Trump won the debate and Hillary was lying have come out of her mouth and telling countless lies to the American people. And she hasn’t any questions about her e mails, and why she lefted 4 brave American die for nothing and she didn’t cared about them at all and taken the security out of there before they die. She can’t be trusted with the classified material and that itself put our country at risk. And of course her husband a.k.a stick will would be having woman in the family quarters of the White House while she is in the oval office. Stick will is always will be cheater. I don’t trust her at all while she is the White House and she should be in a jail cell for the crimes that she had done and not in the White House.
jerry holbrock says
It seems to me it is not who talks the most that says the most. Mr TRump i think let her run her course and of course that is to glorify Obama and their time at the helm. Most of their tme has been to ruin this country and most people know it. We will see what the polls say in the next few days, once in a while the public get it wrong but most of the time if you take out the spin you will see what is really going on. so we will see, it is way beyond me to see how any thinking person could vote for that woman, except that a lot of people think you got to be a crook to win at politics, snd that the way it seems. Prayfuly it stops at this election.
Ross says
Trump won with practical, fresh, ideas that emphasize rule of law, respect for constitutional principals, economic pragmatism, lower taxes, and national security. All the right things the Federal government is supposed to be concerned with. Hillary was more polished and diplomatic after 40 years of experience telling people what they want to hear. She had no new ideas that distinguish her from Obama or from the path of capitulation America is traveling down. Slick but uninspiring. Please remember, this election is more about the future makeup of the Supreme Court than personality quirks. This is why Trump may be the correct specialized option for this moment in American history.
Ayathuray Rajasingam says
Hillary Clinton was steady especially on matters relating to terrorism. Terrorism cannot be wiped over night, because it is a war between the visible and the invisible. Even on matters on race she accommodates everyone and so in matters relating to tax. Let us wait till the next debate.
Patricia mugnier says
hondo says
Trump did excellent I thought and will do better next debate and correct what he should have done.
I only know that this wicked woman is being allowed by God to continue to do wickedness just as He allowed that wicked Jezebel to do until His appointed time came for her and then she was thrown out of that tower and the dogs came and ate her up and licked her blood from the streets leaving only her hands, feet and head.
Fret not you lovers of truth, freedom and justice because it’s all going to come together at His appointed time!
Daniel says
First of all I want to categorically state that I am a Trump supporter, but I think Clinton beat Mr DJT hands down and instead of making excuses he should go back to the drawing board and take stock of what he did well and what he didn’t do too well and make notes in areas he ought to improve in future engagements, but for once we are all first and foremost Americans, so let us give some credit to Mrs Clinton
Barb Peck says
Trust me Donald, No One believes her lies and comments on your business or taxes. You are a business man.. Good business people such as yourself use the laws that are out there. Now you are running for president and will change the way things are done in Congress and Senate and they do not like that. I thought that you were on the defense too much at the debate. Though I thought you still did well.. Next debate be yourself and slam Hillary for all the corrupt and dangerous things that she has done to this world and the people that her and her husband decided to destroy.. Their daughter is a big girl and she knows that her mother and father are corrupt.( even though I commend you for holding back because of her) So even if she is in the audience, let Hillary have it !!! It has nothing to do with their daughter. She didn’t bring the women into the oval office…Or go to bed when our men was calling for help, or delete emails and destroy our safety with leaks.. Keep Strong Donald !!! We are behind you.
Road Runner says
How does someone go from being worth very, very little (it terms of total financial worth) to being worth HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS without doing much of ANYTHING that is humanly worthwhile???. I don’t really like Donald Trump, but my dislike of Hillary Clinton and her ilk KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. How did our beloved country fall to such a depraved level that we are basically having these two characters SHOVED DOWN OUR COLLECTIVE THROATS. This situation is a PRIME EXAMPLE for there being a “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on our voting ballots early November.
Paula says
Why is there so much talk about the birther issue. Don’t you think if you want to be President of these United States you should show your real birth certificate. I know the dems. gave John McCain are hard time about being born in Panama. Donald Trump had many opportunities to put her in her place. He should have questioned her about talking about her BS and calling him out about women. He should have asked her if she really wanted to go there? Believe me she does not want to go there. He is not a debater but she is of course a really good master debater. No matter, I hope people are smart enough to see through her lies and her corruption and vote Trump. Have they not learned from the last 8 years of the worst President ever.
Lane says
Who picked Lester Holt as a moderator? Was it the slime Mr. Soros and the rest of the Foundation Cronies? Shame on us for allowing these groups with evil blood money to run are lives without are God willing right on what the American Citizens choose fairly. To hell with the Electoral College Voting System.
armydadtexas says
Trump remained on point, while HRC filibustered, lied, mischaracterized and said what ever she thought people wanted to hear.
I will say Trump should forget about how his remarks about HRC would affect Bill, Chelsey or the rest of the Socialist democ-RAT party. She must be exposed for the worthless piece of human excrement that she is.
Carolyn Reilly says
Trump is debating nation wide, for the first time, against a woman-a woman who just collapsed with “pneumonia”-and a woman who is the mother of Chelsea Clinton a good friend of his daughter Ivanka. The two young women were there. That ties his hands. The first time. Hillary would not be as kind to him or his family look at feminist Hillary sending out those photos of Mrs. trump knowing she has an 11 year old son.
There is an issue that affects every citizen in this country- the end of social security in 2034. Hillary could not care less about Latins, Blacks and women but she acts solicitous because she thinks that will get their vote. When The Clinton’s were in the White House Ted Kennedy brought this issue to the forefront. The Clinton Presidency did nothing. Social Security dependent people are Latins, Blacks and women-they are are also defenseless. The day those checks stop it will be not only the end for them but for the money those checks represent in their communities.
I do not care about Rosie O’Donnel, after Trump went after her she lost a ton of weight, maybe he saved her life. I do not think Trump’s taxes are anybody’s business. What is everybody’s business is the end of Social Security, the US infrastructure problems, our paying a fortune to police the world, paying the bill for NATO,the United Nations, IIKA and other organizations and spending billions in foreign aid when all of that money could rebuild our nation, save our elderly and disabled, make our roads, bridges and water safe.
Hillary and Bill Clinton will have to pay back all the Clinton foundation donations from foreign countries if Trump wins, the Foundation will be investigated, Comey of the FBI will be out, Loretta Lynch the attorney general will be out, and Obama will not be appointed to anything. This is what they care about.
Ron Edwards says
Hillary smiles and lies, I think Trump needs to know inside and out of Iran agreement and the Clinton foundation he spends too much time on useless plowed ground like the Obama birth issue and if he was for or against the Iraq war.
kate says
is such a phony !!
I can not believe people would actually vote for her!
Why does she want to be President?
Lorette Drew says
Donald Trump missed so many opportunities! He needed to call this woman on her destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice, and lying to Benghazi families. The Clinton Foundation is a corrupt cash cow for the Clintons with very little (10%) trickling down to those in need. Watered down aids meds, Haiti, Laureate University, etc. He has so much ammunition—USE IT!
Lou says
You don’t win a debate when the Moderator is helping you
Walt says
Hillary Clinton is still a liar, corrupt, and guilty of obstruction of justice and a POS for lying to the American people that lost love ones in Benghazi. She has been protected by the Obama Administration and all of them should be impeached including Obama, Clinton, Comey, and Lynch. Americans should not be strayed and vote for Hillary Clinton because she would allow millions of Muslims from Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and other Muslim Islamic countries that breed the terrorist come into America.
Hillary has accepted millions of dollars from the Saudis, Kuwait, Quartor, Oman and other United Arab Emirates that are Islamic Countries.
Americans see what the Radical Islamic Terrorist are teaching in the Muslim Islamic Mosques, then they are sent to become Radicalized and come back to kill Americans, Jews, Christians and non-Islamic folks. This tells the story and this is not a religion, instead it is a cult and taking over the world. Americans need to close all of the Mosques and deport all of the Muslims that practice the Sharia Law, get them out of America. Americans need to understand that Islam is not a peaceful religion and they are out to change Americas Constitution, laws, rules, regulations and try and take over the world. Obama and Hillary Clinton want to allow thousands more into the USA which will cause more of these barbaric savages in our country and more people killed. Read below what these animals believe, ideology and why they want to kill Americans and non-Islamic people. Americans need to deport all Muslims and close all mosques. These Islamic people are killing our Americans, Christians, Jews and others that don’t believe in Islam.
A devote Muslim is a Terrorist in Waiting
From the Qur’an:
65:4 You can rape, marry divorce pre-pubescent girls.
4:3, 4:24, 33:50, 79:29-30 You can enslave for sex and work.
4:34 You can beat women.
24:4 You will need 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape
9:111 You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in heaven
2:217, 4:89 You will kill anyone who leaves Islam
8:12, 47:4 You will behead non-Muslims
9:5 You will kill and be killed for Al’llah (verse of the sword)
8:12, 8:60 You will terrorize non-Muslims
9:29 Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay Jizya tax
chapter 8 (booty/spoils of war) Steal from non-Muslims
8:12, 47:4 Crucify and amputate non-Muslims
3:54, 9:3, 16:106, 40:28, 2:225 Lie to strengthen Islam (Taqiyya deception)
9:111 Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain.
Islam = Terrorism?
Over the past couple of decades, most of the acts of terrorism have been carried out by Islamic extremists. Worldwide, there are over 20 different Islamic terrorist organizations, the most notable at the moment being ISIS, al Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas and the Boko Haran.
lizaz says
Lots of good points in these comments which show where Trump failed to use clinton’s lies against her. Hopefully the Trump people are listing these missed opportunities for the next debate. From clinton we got the same-o, same-o garbage…she never says HOW she will make all her “NEED TO, HAVE TO” ideas happen…..because she doesn’t intend to make them happen…they are just rhetoric to impress her voters and nothing changes. Not interested in four (or eight) more years of obama, if not worse. Not to mention having to endure her ranting and raving, profanity-laced temper tantrums when she doesn’t get her own way.
Glo says
Trump was too easy on Hilary. Why doesn’t he talk more about the disappearing emails, the fact that she represented a rapist against a child and destroyed said child, the Clinton women that she came out against, the abortions she had because she did not want children, the suspicious disappearance and murder of all the people that do not agree with the Clintons, the money they have stolen in the name of their foundation, about the innocent people that were killed under her watch as secretary of state, about Obamacare? I don’t understand why Trump is so nice to her while she is being vicious. Where are the attack ads?
DaveC says
I am not really a fan of Donald Trump and I am no fan of Hillary either. However no one really won that debate last night. However Donald Trump really blew it. Hillary gave him so many openings last night that Donald did not take advantage of. I was very disappointed in Donald and Lester Holt. Lester was obviously biased in his questions and in his constant interruptions of only Donald Trump. Donald on the other hand had tons of opportunities to knock out Hillary but failed to do so. All Donald Trump needs to do to knock out Hillary is ask her if the top priority of the president of the US is the safety and protection of the American People. If she says “NO” she is done. If she says “Yes” then Donald can knock her out by talking about her open border policy, additional refugees from middle east, sanctuary cities, high crime in inner big cities, her email server, Lybia, etc. etc…. Hillary is a flawed candidate and a criminal. She should not even be allowed to run for office. She should be in Jail. But it looks like Donald Trump will blow it.
hondo says
Great points for him to bring up and I agree with you 100% DaveC
I think he did very good with a few missed opportunities to hammer her with and hopefully, he will be much better prepared and armed with facts to bombard her with in the next debate.
She is so void on truth and empty of solutions.
Dominick Galizia says
As a Donald Trump supporter, I think he did an ok job against Clinton but he should have went after her more on the E-mails, the Clinton Foundation, and her being a danger to this country for the way she deals with SECURITY. He spent to much time on his taxes, trying to prove justification for the way they are being done, he didn’t need to do that. She got him to get unsettled and he needs to just calm down a little and go after her about all the scandals that are going on around her and what she has been involved in and not let her get under his skin.
Barbara Jackson says
I felt Donald Trump was a gentleman and the moderator was definitely giving the liar,Hillary more time and I could hardly stand to keep the TV on when she started talking with her smirk of a smile…..she really did not make any real statements that would make me want her anywhere near OUR White House….she was there once and when her and Bill left they stole things that had to be retrived…..I am for Trump all the way…..We need someone that we in the USA CAN be proud when we say that is our president………I could NEVER, NEVER, SAY THAT ABOUT Hillary.
The Texan says
At the top of this article we are asked to vote for the winner of last nights debate. But we are only given two choices, Hillary or Trump. And this would seem reasonable as they were the only two on the stage. But there should have been a third choice: No one. No doubt most people that voted did so for the candidate that they were already predisposed to. But did either one of them really win? Was it even really a debate? The moderator appeared to be predisposed toward Hillary and determined to only present questions designed to put her in a favorable light and catch Trump off guard. Hillary spent much of her time attacking Trump and his ideas with alleged facts that she failed to substantiate. She did suggest that if we doubted her facts we should go to her fact check Last night was not so much a debate as site created by her staff to verify her facts. How dumb does she think that we are? Of course any check fact site created by her own staff is going to reiterate whatever she has said weather that information is correct or not. And Trump spent the debate defending himself and tell us how successful he has been as a business man. We all know about his business success. We want to know what we can expect from him if he were to be elected President. What are his plans for reducing the national deficit and balancing the budget? What would he do to encourage small business and to stimulate job growth in the private sector? What recommendations would he make to Congress about taxes? What suggestions does he have for improvements to infrastructure? Does he have any ideas on how we can become less dependent on foreign energy? Last night was not so much a debate as it was a free for all argument. Neither one was very informative. Neither one of them presented their case very well. And neither one of them clearly won the argument. Let us hope that the next confrontation goes better.
Gail T. says
I almost chocked up with Hillary’s suggestion that companies engage in “profit sharing”. My partner was quick to add …. “Who is sharing the capital investment” ….. “Do they really want companies to establish a new business?” Hillary seemed like a university professor who talks theory and has NO practical experience in business.
Martha McGuire says
I believe Hillary knew all the questions that would be asked ahead of time and had the prepared answers.
Darlene hayes says
Trump has been audited by IRS 15 times but the he has NEVER been audited by the FBI!!!!!
I hope he really goes after that corrupt woman on October 9. He has to expose her at the next debate. No more mr nice guy, Donald!!! And hopefully the next moderator will not be SO biased towards her. That was SO obvious !
Judy Covert says
I watched last night and I know that Mr. Trump won by a landslide. He brought out many errors of that so called presidential candidate,Hillary. But after it was over, social media, and all the journalists ganged up on Mr.Trump saying he did not win ,but they were for Hillary and it was very apparent that it made me sick. They should get someone who has not made their mind up about who they are voting for and serve as the moderator, then it might be a better debate. I want to make America GREAT again. GO TRUMP!!!!!
Les Fortunate says
I feel Mr T won when it came down to truthin’ but sadly because of the Oligarch controlled media , the vast majority of Americans are not aware of Hitlery’s criminal lifestyle . She won in the eyes of a blind public because she came across as relaxed & in control and “presidential” because her lion tamers are experts on making her appear like a loveable , trusting , soft kitty cat as they & she have had this rehearsal many times within their dishonest years in the political circus ring . The Don appeared a smidgeon awkward at times but for reasons of his non experience as a prepared lying politician who tell the blind ones stories of grandeur and then slay them with ultra sharpened daggers , once elected . The people’s eyes should work better than their ears when it comes to those that are to be entrusted in their livelihood , safety and prosperity , however this can’t happen if you’re blind.
I hope the Don is saving up some amunition for the next 2 debates . He should start hitting the skank with
Travelgate , Whitewater fraud , Healthcare debacle ( $32 mil cost to tax payers ),
Vince Foster’s death , obstruction of justice , lies under oath , $145mil cost to tax payers
Cattle futures scandal , FBI induced reports against 900 republican enemies , Chinagate (millions funnelled),Chinagate 2 where she stole china from the whitehouse) ,IRS use to harass enemies including women coming forth on Bill’s peter policies , Pardongate
(Billy Clinton pardoned 450 criminals) , Drugs for guns scandal , defrauding gov’t , FALN terrorists ,
Senate campaign federal violations ( fined $50k earned $1mil ) ,
Senate code ethics violations , 2008 campaign violations , Secretary of State 4 years & no achievements ,
$80 mil waste on foreign diplomats , $8 bil lost to foundation , prostitutes , child sex scandal & drugs ,
Benghazi scandal (41 new docs released after she claimed none) , Clintons over 300 foo requests from State & judicial watchdogs not answered & the Clinton foundation donation conflicts of interest from Saudi Arabia donors and a long long list of pay for play recipients including rogue countries , companies & individuals .Her Huuuuuge e mail scandal which would’ve put any other human behind bars . Also Mr T should mention his work efforts in building his empire over a lifetime & to ask the embezler how she managed to earn her 100’s of millions in such a short time span when her and Slick Willy were allegedly broke (except for a newly possesed sack of china) when they left the Whitehouse.
guy parent says
did anybody think that last night this was all done on purpose for khillary to win with the complicity of trump,because the shadow government wants khillary,no matter what the population wants,its all planned in advance,like they say,a president is not elected,he is chosen.
Russell Smith says
The Trumpster gave a good account of his case. Lester couldn’t help himself, he badgered Trump but allowed Clinton to ramble about anything she wanted including unsupported assertions about Trump.
Hillary as a comparison, just confirmed her unsuitability for the Presidency by a choreographed recitation of the lies she has been inflicting on the American voters for over a quarter of a century.
The ensuing debates will see Clinton having to defend some of her prior ( multiple ) egregious behaviour & lies.
Nancy Moody says
I heard Donald say on Fox and Friends this morning that his mike was not working properly — that it was cutting in and out and that the volume was turned lower than Hilliary’s. Doesn’t surprise me. The liberal media will do everything they can to get a win for her; including cheating during the debates. I don’t know why Republicans participate in these scams. According to all the polls except one cited on Fox this morning, Donald won. Now the lying press is saying she won. What lowlifes. No wonder no one trusts the main street media.
Larry342516 says
Did anyone notice Hillary’s nose getting longer during the debate? Trump won the debate easily.
hondo says
Are we really a nation under God?
Are we?
I ask that because if we are, it is only because there are within this nation men and women of God, true believers of the Word of God and it is then WE who must do as we are commanded in the scriptures…”Pray without ceasing” and get on our knees daily and pray with all our heart about this unto Him who has power over ALL things upon heaven and earth and who hears the cry of His people!
PLEASE, everyone, stay in prayer for our country and for Mr. Trump that our God will bless us together who put our trust in Him!
joe says
I did not watch the debate…Why should I? It’s well known that it is a show and it would not change my opinion anyway. Whoever wants government hand outs, globalism and a complete destruction of this country’s liberties votes for crooked Hillary . Whoever wants America’s glory back, like it was long ago votes for Trump. Simple as that. Of course there is the electronic vote that will be manipulated so why all this wasted energy when almost everything in this country and the world is in globalist’s hands being supported by traitors and brain dead idiots?
James Maxwell says
While I personally think Donald J. Trump won the debate he missed several opportunities to strike to the heart of the
issues. I chalk this up to inexperience in dealing with people of her caliber and the experience she has in slithering
out of harms way when responding to many issues. A more experienced debaters would have nailed her to the wall
with her own answers on several issues, but we must remember she has lied to Congress, the American People and
World leaders on a regular basis.
Gary Canavan says
I was amazed but really should not have been at the trial of Donald trump last night. At least that is what it felt like. Secretary Clinton was condescending and rude at times she showed herself as the lifetime politician she is. Mr. trump showed he is not a politician which is why he doesn’t come off so polished so who cares he is a real person and that is what we want in the oval office isn’t it.
Emily Brock says
Reasons: I withhold my comments, because I don’t want to help her.
A proud “deplorable” Republican.
Robert Shaw says
If anyone who watched the debate Monday night ever had any doubt as to the definition of what the 5 letter “B” word means , they only had to watch and listen to Hillary’s remarks , demeanor and responses. End of story !
Ray E. Hagemann says
Lester Holt, like most of the biased media, deliberately steered the debate away from the MAIN issues surrounding Hillary. He asked her no direct questions regarding her email scandal, the meeting of Bill Clinton with the US Attorney General in the Phoenix airport for the purpose of the blatant ” fix ” of what should have been a criminal indictment against her , AND Benghazi, AND of course the corrupt use of the Clinton Foundation as a repository for the obvious ” influence peddling ” scheme that continues to this day….. These ARE the main issues regarding her fitness for office….but Holt ignores what are the biggest issues of the campaign and directly brings up what POLLS SHOW as the two most UNIMPORTANT issues of the campaign….Trump’s tax returns and Trump’s past questioning of Obama’s birth certificate..Voters couldn’t care less about Trump’s tax returns or the where Obama was born ( they already know his heart and loyalty are not in this country ). Debate watchers got cheated by Holt but Trump did manage to tie in her email scandal with the stupid question about tax returns.
Hillary kept looking down at her podium when she was answering Lester”s questions which leads me to believe that she had all the questions Lester asked her prior to coming to the podium last evening. I feel she knew every ting in adance.
hondo says
Here on YouTube is an excellent viewpoint on last night’s debate:
hondo says
PLEASE someone get this to Trump…He needs to answer Hillary’s comment about him having something to hide in his tax returns….Trump needs to say “I have never ever Bleach Bit my tax returns nor have I ever smashed them with a hammer like you did with all those emails and hard drives”
R.Glenn says
It was one sided against Trump…But he still kicked her ass! And all the LIES she told? WoW! Seriously? For real? I think Trump was just baiting her till the next 2 debates…He will tear her to pieces then….Go TRUMP!!
roger says
She lied to congress repeatedly about the emails . She stood over the coffins of four Americans heros ,and lied to their families . She destroyed 33,000 emails after receiving a subpoena ,to them over. I know she shouldn’t be a nominee for president. How can she win a debate ,when we can’t believe anythingthat comes out of her mouth . Plus she was wearing some kind of cheating devices underneath her clothing.
Tom Devine says
Hillary Clinton exclaims she was preparing for 1 week to hold the highest office in America in light of the fact she was: first lady for 8 years, a NY senator for 8 years and secretary of state for 4 years. Yes! One additional week of prepping should do the trick!
SGale says
I think Trump did well for his FIRST time in a one on one debate, ever! Also, he was against a lawyer, someone who has done this probably 30 or 40 times in the past and she practiced for about a week straight while consulting psychiatrists to find out how to set off her opponent. God forbid if she could have just come out and spoke to the American people honestly without pre-polled, well practiced and polished answers. I think the American people are sick of all the fake, plastic politician speak. All the phony theater will NEVER cover up Hillary’s corruption and stealing/lying to and from the American people. She will do nothing for us in the future, it is all about increasing her and Bill’s power and more importantly, their bank accounts of millions! She has done nothing in the past for our Country except raise her own income!!! Crooked Hillary who was pompous and snooty all night, talking down to the little people below her. I can’t take 4 years of that!!
Army veteran says
I think if Trump had gone after her he wuld be accused of bashing. I actually think he acted real and the statement the inner cities live in hell is reality these people worry for their lives on a daily basis and a white man is addressing it. What doe sthat tell you she doesn’t care. SHe has never cared except about her pocket book. How did she go from broke to a millionaire in a few years???? Her statement about New York crime being down is FALSE, it’s up 10.8% people don’t know she’s lying because she does it so well. Like Trump said she’s been in politics for 30 years and has done NOTHING!
Sloughfoot says
How many chances do people have to give Hillary. If her lips are moving, she’s lying! More and more evidence comes out on her deleted emails. She lies.Period. What Trump said was on point. Our allies in NATO have been getting a free ride from the U.S. for years and now that we are 20 trillion in debt, the taxpayers can no longer shoulder it. He was right when he said raising taxes is the wrong move. He was right that Hillary has a lot of experience but it was bad and no good came from it. Hillary is an accomplished speaker and Trump needs to express his message clearer and speak directly to the American people and not to Hillary or the moderator. The people are looking for direction and the gig is up for Hillary. More and more people are realizing what a liar she is. Now is the time for Trump to lay it on her without losing his temper and falling for her irritating babble. He needs to remain calm and polite but strong and self-assured in his message. It is a good message and he needs to remember that. She is a sinking ship and he can’t allowing her to drag him down with the crap she says just to irritate him
Army veteran says
Trump doesn’t get enough credit he is exactly right about the oil in Iraq and it should have been taken. Her statement that Obama didn’t have a choice when troops were pulled out of Iraq is again FALSE. Bush did arrange the date of departure but Obama could have renegotiated but CHOSE NOT TO. Obama and Hillary are both responsible no matter what they say for ISIS and they have been supplying and arming them ever since with AMERICAN dollars.
Stop Government Corruption says
You are right, but unfortunately nobody called her on the ability to renegotiate the SOFA in Iraq , so it appears they did the right thing by pulling out.
Gary Weeks says
stop taking the bait, answer the questions and draw a sharp distinction between his plan and her failures. She controlled the pace and demeanor. Mr. Trump missed so many opportunities to bring up her failures and her record, when you took almost 2 minutes to defend your record you lost the audience and you never answered the question several times. You’ve got to do better next debate otherwise you’ll loose this election worse than Romney did.
Connie says
Holt was so unfair and biased. It’s so obvious that he’s pro Clinton. No mention of Clinton foundation and Benghazi.
Army veteran says
Hillary does not look like a President she doesn’t act like a President with a cheating husband what woman in power would allow that to happen? I would have kicked his ass to the curb years ago, and talk about women’s rights she has threatened all of these women to keep their mouths shut, called them names saying they were liars and everything else she cares for no one noot even her husband it’s clear. Bill looks like crap what comes around goes around. She has been sittinng homme because she is sick not preparing she has prepared for 30 years for this.
Mom_B says
Hillary was so rehearsed with stats and comments, that you would think she knew what the questions were going to be… I loved that Stephen Colbert dubbed her “Preparation H” and said he meant it as a compliment! But she WAS prepared beyond belief. How can you prepare so perfectly if you don’t know the questions? Also, on the network I watched, during the wrap-up, two individuals were interviewed from Hillary’s camp. Did anyone see an interview of reps from Trump’s team? I didn’t… And the commentators were pushing the theme that Hillary won! Humph! Didn’t need voter’s opinion, they made up their minds and that was it!
William H. Elliott says
It is unfortunate that people don’t remember Mena, Ark. and all of the other questionable activities the Clinton’s have been involved in. Hillary skirted all of the issues saying she has a plan. Yet she would not lay “the Plan” out. She sidestepped the issue of her 33,000 deleted emails. She was insulting as evidenced by her sultry looks and her sarcastic delivery. I can remember that she personally questioned Obama’s citizenship when she first tried to get the Democratic party nomination. She denies that she did. The American people are tired of self serving politicians who continue to lie to them and only value their participation in the system when they need votes. Hillary uses and disrespects the very people who have bought her lies. Hillary & her cronies are the reason for our 17 trillion national debt. It is a fact that only smart business owners, men & women of all races, can create new jobs. Hillary laid out no plan for creating the 10 million jobs she says she will create. It is about time that we stop paying the bulk of the money to support the U.N. and NATO. Its time we stop giving money away to other nations without specific plans for the use of the money. It is time we start taxing imports from Japan, China, and Mexico. We need to bring jobs back to the U.S. It is time that we elect a President who follows the law and the Constitution and does not rule by Executive Order. We don’t need another 8 years of Obama Jr.
Maggie says
Hillary appeared to look so smug during the entire debate. Mr. Trump feels she does not have the stamina for the job of President, and that is probably correct since she had a glazed look in her eyes most of the time and blinked, blinked, blinked constantly as if she had a problem staying awake.
LL says
Do you notice that after her “dislikeable” self became a major media topic that she obviously underwent extensive dramatic stage presence training? That woman almost never smiled before. Her short temper was often captured. Now, all you see is this eternal grin and condescending smile. And why did she wear all white at the convention suggesting she is an angel in white come to earth to do what is best for “you” — translation — “herself”?
Ron says
Hillary won .Next time tell Donald to leave his cocaine at home. He was high as a kite
Rev. Tom says
It appears that madam Hillary knows only how to attack her opponent, Mr. Trump…in stead of presenting her own positive agenda for our nation, how is she going to bring back jobs to the USA, how is she going to attack ISIS besides attempting to pass congressional bills on limiting guns to terrorists. The wearing of red is a symbol of her seeking more power besides within the DNC, she is seeking to become the most powerful female in the world, by becoming the first female president of the USA. She is indeed a power-monger.
Brenda says
I must say, I rarely watch debates. If you base who you’re voting for on the debates then you don’t have a clue in the first place. But this was hilarious! She kept her cool for a very short time but I could see her seething within about 10 minutes. Also, did no one notice that she seemed to be reading EVERYTHING and acted like she was losing her place? I don’t like her, would never vote for her, but she is usually not so scatter brained. She seemed to stumble on her thoughts. Like maybe she is on medication??? I don’t know. It just seemed really weird to me. But it was hilarious to watch!
Larry Byrnes says
The clear first “great debate” winners:
Hillary won with the disgraced and increasingly irrelevant political class including the subverted CNN and NBC and the “moderator” – mainly because she stayed upright and looked decent after her recently miraculous recovery from death’s bed.
Trump clearly won in a landslide where it counts – with the American viewing public – per the majority of online polls taken right after the debate.
America and the world won as the political class, “elite” and chaos media were planning on a major gutter fight which would make American politics look worse than it is. Both debaters stayed relatively civil and looked like leaders – no matter which way they are leading – Trump for positive change, Hillary for worsening and more of the same Obozo failed and destructive actions.
Trump nailed THE important issues:
1) Senseless, endless wars
2) The economic mess, sabotage of US jobs and financial enslavement caused by the Bankster cult’s US master/slave control operation – the “Federal Reserve”
3) The racial conflict and wrong targetting of law enfordement created by Obozo and his masters in order to break down any semblance of law and order in the US.
Not since Ron Paul in the last election has any of the gutless cowards in the political class dared to name the Fed and the Fed leaders as the source of economic problems.
If Trump publically calls out the WHOs behind the three major points above – the bankster cult “leaders” like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Soros, the Bilderberger heads – we can and will turn this civilization around rapidly, clean up the mess and enjoy a new golden age.
tcurry says
While we watched Hillary closely on her replies to questions asked of her, she smiled the entire time. Her comments were rehash of what she says over and over, but we know how she has voted in the Senate, her actions as Secretary of State, her treatment of the White House while she was departing it, and exactly who donates to The Clinton Foundation and to her campaign. I would like for all Liberal’s to research Soros, what he owns, what his beliefs are, how much he has donated to both The Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s foundation. Know the man (Soros) behind the woman. Then watch Clinton Cash and see the devastation that Bill and Hillary left behind in Haiti while they were in charge of the Haiti Relief Fund and ask yourselves where the billions and billions of dollars given by United States Tax Payers and worldwide donors went to. Look into where Haiti is today as far as rebuilding its infrastructure and helping the citizens of Haiti. They are living in rubble.
Joanne says
TRUMP IN 2016………………. …………..TRUMP IN 2016…………,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUMP IN 2016
Daryl says
No, we are deplorable – and proud of it – Clintoon is DESPICABLE!
dprato says
How could a person who is a pathological liar and not trusted by most voters win a debate. You will never know when she is telling the truth or just pandering to her audience. She was incorrect on Trump’s racial lawsuit with the feds, incorrect about the imminent development of a nuclear weapon by Iran ( projections were several years away) and he was correct in pointing out that she now has a plan to defeat ISIS but did nothing during her term as Secretary of State but to enable ISIS to grow and flourish. He was right on her not making a mistake with her email server since all the information that comes out weekly contradicts all her assertions. She did what she did by design and should have been indicted. She is also a non performer with no record of achievement as a Senator and Secretary of State. Further more when you have to refer people to your website or books you have written to answer a question instead of answering the question there is something radically wrong with that type of response. And who would go to a pathological liars website for a fact check? That would be like a pro 2nd Amendment rights person going the Anytown website and looking for the truth. You want the truth go to the FBI website.
Clinton is a fraud and like Obama a threat to the security of this nation.
Boydage says
Although Mr. Trump may have some homework to do, he was the overall winner in this debate. He certainly knows about monies & taxes , but lacks a bit in the Political Arena. He displayed this last night during the debates when being attacked by the Smug,Arrogant,Heartless,& Crooked Hillary CLINTON & the BIASED MODERATER, Lester Holt. Trump did not lash back in a mean & cruel way & launch an assault against her instead he did what a Gentlemen would do – He was more Respectful of her & her family! Unlike that Untrustworthy, NoGood,Heartless, Lying Hillary Clinton Donald Trump is a man that the people can Respect & Trust he proved that last night in the debate. Trump has my vote!!
C. Martens says
Trump acted like a blithering/immature school boy – Clinton on the other hand was extremely poised and showed intellect and thought behind her message. The sad part to all this is the monumental waste of money and neither one of these candidates is particularly suited to the job at hand… America, what were you thinking ..
Mary Jane Duke says
Mr. Trump should have have made reference to The Clinton Foundation when she asked for his tax returns. Take a close look and see that this foundation is nothing short of a money laundering business. The majority of the Clinton’s charitable contributions “which are tax deductible” are made to the Clinton Foundation. From one pocket to the other “not taxed” ! This is just a small part of the corruption that goes on inside The Clinton Foundation. Next debate I hope to hear more facts about the Clinton corruption and lies ! Also about her deal to sell uranium to Russia. We need to hear it all , then watch her try to lie her way out of it. Put her on the defense and apply pressure , remove the sheep skin and show the wolf inside ! We need to win this election !
Stop Government Corruption says
I wish the debate focused more on economic and security issues, and not turned into a predominantly “racist” debate.
Bob says
—-Somewhere along the line the woman who is programed by wdc—will be put in place—just a matter of time—-
Bob says
—-the woman is programed—just like the mole —by others—
swanjame says
I wish that there had been an option for a tie in this poll.
The moderator was awful.
The audio on all of my local stations was weak.