Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump delighted his audience at a recent rally with a hilarious proposition for CNN, joking that he’s tempted to charge the network an appearance fee in the next GOP primary debate.
Trump spoke to about 5,000 backers Monday at a rally in Georgia, telling how he’s been a ratings boon for networks hosting the presidential forums.
He suggested he would demand that CNN pay $5 million for him to appear in the next debate, scheduled for Dec. 15 in Las Vegas. Trump said he’d give the money to programs that help veterans.
“So what will happen is they’ll say, ‘Oh, Trump is chicken,'” he said, thrilling his audience with his well-practiced diatribe against political reporters and “talking heads.”
Trump flew to Georgia after meeting with dozens of black pastors in his Manhattan offices, and the candidate told his audience that the meeting in New York was “inspiring.”
“It was really terrific day,” he said.
Trump is trying to bolster his support among non-whites, a growing electoral force that helped propel President Barack Obama’s two victories.
Trump’s rally Monday evening featured the endorsement of black Georgia Republican Bruce LeVell, who has served as GOP chairman in the suburban Atlanta county of Gwinett. Herman Cain, a black radio host who ran for president in 2012, was among those introducing Trump.
As he often does at rallies, Trump boasted of his standing atop many GOP presidential preference polls. And he pledged to build a wide coalition among Hispanic voters, but then promised would not back down on his stance on illegal immigrants entering the country.
“Our borders are like sieves,” he said. “People are just pouring in.”
He promised, again, that “we’re gonna build a wall” and “Mexico is gonna pay for it.”
At another point, he boomed: “If you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country. I’m sorry. … We’ve gotta get our country back, folks.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Claude says
I believe he is right in asking to be paid to participate in the debate. He is the main candidate and top drawing card for the debate.
Why the should the network make all of the profit. If they will televise the debate as a community service, then they will not get
Sonia Majors says
Yes, CNN is going to treat him unfairly. He may as well get paid to put up with their stupidity!
Stanley M. says
Viola Perry says
He does not take the money from the SuperPAC, gotta get his money from somewhere!
Wendell says
I agree, and he knows it well, so why not squeeze these phonies?
Nilza says
rich is rich, nobody win against them, if they could be that rich, they prove they know how to.
charlene sullins says
I agree. He has brought life and excitement in to politics for telling it like it is about the illegals. Besides he’s giving the money to help wounded warriers.
Wendell says
Mr. Trump has made these biased so-called news channels 100’s of millions of dollars. Without him, the majority of people don’t watch. I like his idea. The money could be used by veterans and others who need legitimate assistance.
Raincroft77 says
Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant! Way to go Mr. Trump. Hold their feet to the fire – and help a lot of Vets at the same time.
Annick Stiefel says
Exactly! Go Trump.
Eleanor says
I am for Trump/Cruz and I think ALL these “news channels” should pay a fee for the privilege to insult him, and for the attacks they make on him to try to derail his campaign. They’re using every dirty, underhanded tactic in the book and then some tactics their own corrupt minds think up, and doing it for all for free right now
Frankie Mary Alexander says
Trump Must Be Our Next President. He’ll Save Our Country And Our Live’s. President Trump !! 🙂
Larry says
Agree whole heartedly. Go Trump!
Nilza says
Wendell says
Janet Carroll says
I wholeheartedly support Donald Trump for president. I hope he takes this upcoming debate seriously and prepares for it. He needs to brush up on his foreign policy. He needs to do this by sitting down with people from various ‘think tanks’ especially after Paris and Beirut. He’s said enough about our borders per se, but now he needs to address protecting our country militarily from ISIS and the other terrorist groups around the world.
I know the economy is important and I feel he can do a great job revitalizing the economy with his business expertise but, what good is that going to do if we’re under attack from abroad.
He has misspoke on several issues and he needs to go back and brush up on these issues. He shouldn’t put himself in a position to be called out by the likes of Jeb Bush.
Sonia Majors says
I just saw a special last night on the History channel about Donald Trump’s bio. He really is a motivated, high energy, savvy, super intelligent and a doer! He had serious setbacks but it did not deter him from accomplishing great things. Trump’ s vision brought parts of Manhattan to life in the 1970’s when he was young and had far reaching goals in his vision. His trademark buildings have contributed to what New York is all about. He has spoken frankly and genuinely on the interviews throughout the decades. He is the real deal and way back supported Reagan for president. Many of the bias media and establishment Republicans want to malign him, but he is still the same person as he has been throughout the years. He sees himself as creating and building great things and in that way bring prosperity to many workers in the process. He builds great things for people because they are concrete realities for this world and prosperity for all involved. He knows what he wants and goes after it. He spoke in previous interviews that he would love to be president of the US, because he loves this country, and those comments have been repeated on several occasions thru the years. He is the real deal!!!
Raincroft77 says
Excellent Sonia. Very well said!!!
Annick Stiefel says
YEP! Extremely well said indeed.
Robert Kahl says
If Trump ends up being the nominee I will just stay home.
AJ says
So, stay home… won’t be missed!
John Hollon says
It’s people like you that will get Hillary elected! The devil himself would be better than her and another 4 years of OBAMA.
Moe Verner says
Hillary charges speaking fees wherever she’s invited. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. I guess she and Trump are more similar than you think.
Bill Stevens says
I hope you stay home. The country is better off without stupid for stupid people.
Hillary charges to tell her lies and Trump charges to show you her lies but gives the money to veterans. She keeps her blood money.
Moe Verner says
When did he give money to veterans?
Also, if we’re both staying home, wanna hang at my place?
Trenton Spears says
Robert Kahl, Well stay at home and let Hillary Clinton win. How have the last 7 years been for you if you like them you will like another 8 years of more of the same under a Democratic Administration. Cowards stay home Patriots choose a candidate and vote. If you don’t like this system then by all means chose your conscience and let the consequences prevail. Trenton Spears
Sonia Majors says
Many people including you fail to see the vision he has in mind and it involves all of us in making it a reality. He is following in Reagan’s footsteps, but his own brand of character. The motto for Reagan was, Make America Great again!!! If you focus on the trivia, you will fail to see the vision. Trump really loves this country and just like he changed the Manhattan landscape by building over eye sores, he will help this country to get back to our Godly fate! He understands we are as a country, the light on the hill. We are the lighthouse to a world that loves freedom and justice for all.
Wendell says
That’s stupid!
Adalberto Fernandez says
You say you will stay home … You lied … you will vote for OMAMA for the 3rd time , because your so stupid you will think he is on the Ballot in 2016
Mark says
You just take your only toy and go home and play with it while you pout cause you can’t have a RINO!!!
David says
Are you a little baby? Wah Wah!
Joseph Adinolfi says
I hope CNN refuses to give him a nickel and he dosn’t show up for the debate. That will be the end of his make believe run for the Presidency. He is making a mockery of our politics.
AJ says
Are you another one who can’t take the truth, Joseph?
Moe Verner says
Which truth would that be? Claiming to see thousands and thousands of Arab Americans cheer on 9/11 when literally no one can find a shred of evidence that that ever happened? Or would it be that he’s worth $10 billion when it’s likely less than half that? Or that we spent 2 billion on Obamacare when really it’s less than half that? Or that ISIS built a luxury hotel in the Middle East when there is nothing showing that that’s true? Or that there are no Chevrolets in Japan when in fact there are plenty? Or that China is part of the TPP when in fact it is not? Or that the Obama administration wants to bring in 250,000 refugees when in fact they have 10,000 planned? Or that 81% of white murders are committed by black people (totally wrong, but 80% of white murders are committed by other white people… duh)? Or that he and Putin are buddies, when in fact they’ve never met? Or that… you know what, forget it. You loons are going to keep following him even though at this point he’s told hundreds of lies. You’d think, if someone kept spouting lies that were so easy to be fact-checked (as I just did), you would realize that they’re not trustworthy. But you lot are just a bunch of hopeless zombies. Cheers.
Adalberto Fernandez says
Moe …. where are your brothers Shemp and Curly ??
Moe Verner says
Ooh! Excellent comeback. You must have been on your high school debate team. Great job, A+
That sure taught me a lesson! Boy oh boy.
Bill Stevens says
Want evidence on video? Just do a google search on Muslims celebrating 911 attack.
You’ll see the bastards celebrating in the U.S.A.
Moe Verner says
Mhm. Yep. But not in New Jersey, buddy. In Palestine. Wake up, friend.
Mark says
Moe just where did you get your “facts”, straight from the DNC website and we all know Democraps don’t lie. Except when their mouths are open then you know they are lying !!!
Moe Verner says
Many sources, darling. Maybe you should poke around yourself. Do you honestly believe every word that comes out of Trump’s mouth? Ridiculous.
Janet says
Have you ever wondered who fact-checks “fact check”?
I thought so…
Randy says
God I’m glad somebody is able to make a mockery of it…. nobody else has been able, or even willing to make fun of the jokers on the Hill. They truly are laughable… all of them. You can count the good ones on one hand. You go Trump! Make a mockery of the corrupt asswipes and the system in DC. Bout time!
Robert Roy says
Our politics have been mocked years ago. It’s time to clean up Washington and Trump will do just that!
Mark says
Joseph Adinolfi it is the career politicians that are making a mockery of our political system, that has a systemic problem. The P/C crowd is ruining this country and apparently you are one of them.
george richter says
joe why don’t you go live in another country
Jim Tucker says
Joesph, stop playing with yourself in a dark room, you may pull it out buy the Roots.You and yo kind of people should be charged for breathing the free air, you numb nuts.
robert says
easy idiot.
Bill Shoop says
Does Donald Trump have a real heart for the USA and Freedom or just an obsession for “WINNING”?
Bill Stevens says
He has already won. Now he will win back our country from evil tyrants.
Moe Verner says
He just dropped 12 points. He ain’t making it past Christmas. But I’m an optimist.
RG says
If brains were money and steamships sere selling for a nickel apiece . . . you wouldn’t have enough to buy the each of a foghorn. Blah, blah, blah!!!
Rosa says
I really don’t care about his ” all about winning because he will win FOR THE UNITED STATES!!! It sounds to me if he’s winning we all are winning. I am super tired of politics we need a negotiator NOT a politician. And our veterans need that 5 million so you go Donald Trump!!
Karen L Nassie says
Yes Bill, I believe he does but it doesn’t matter, either way, if he’s winning, as in the past, so does the United States! His efforts to win from the time he was a young man have proven to be a win win for everyone involved!!! Blessings.
Robert says
I look forward to the above Robert Kahl STAYING HOME/LOL
Let make America Great Again.
We need some body with big Cajones – none of the others except maybe Christy (good VP) have them.
I think opoopa has a womb.
Moe Verner says
Opoopa? Are you 12?
Barbara Jackson says
Hurray for Donald Trump….the only one running who speaks up for the people in this United States of America……
I am afraid for our freedoms in this country right now…..we need someone who will stand up for all of us and our country around the world and someone who will stand with Isreal ……Would love to see Donald Trump as President with Ted Cruz as Vice-President then we would have a fantastic team for US THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .
Betty Short says
Read everyone’s comments and what I’d like to see is a Ted Cruz presidency with perhaps Trump as his VP. I think Trump is just too brash to act presidential with other world leaders. What I fear, however, is that before any of them have an opportunity to take the oath of office, Obama will get us involved in some world crisis, declare martial law and refuse to leave. Trump would have done us all a favor, if he would have challenged that fake Obama birth certificate when presented by the White House. I have a copy & it is full of provable lies. You can also view Obama’s Columbia University photo identification card, on which describes him as a FOREIGN STUDENT. It would be wiser to quit majoring on the minors – concentrate on proving he is a fraud. I used to sign anything that said “impeach” but was told if we impeach, we get Biden and not one single law Obama had enacted would be rescinded; BUT, prove he is fraud, not only would ALL laws be reversed, including Obama Care, he “might” even do some jail time. That sounds like a plan to me.
Matt R says
I think Biden is too stupid to do anything worse than Obama has already done. Not that I would want to see any further loss of life (other than radical islamic folks), but such an act would pretty much lock in a GOP win.
Annick Stiefel says
Good idea Betty Short. I am also concern about the slimy Obama . Who knows what he would do if someone from the right is winning the election.
Sirblu says
Agreed Betty – You hit the nail right on the head. But I am totally for aTrump Presidency. Other foreign Leaders mock Obama. Calling him an affirmative action President. How pitiful is that? We need a STRONG personality in the Presidency and one that will be feared. Who cares if others don’t like him, he will be RESPECTED! Something the current President severely lacks.
Keo says
Dear Sirblu:
You are 100% correct…Relative to our affirmative action Prez Both illegal Alien and Gay….
Certainly smart in some areas…A congenital Liar though…Hopefully the transition goes
smoothly…I would hate to see a trumped up basket of Crap to keep him around any longer
Then absolutely required…
Pearl Duncan says
We need someone brass enough to not be afraid to make other country’s mad at us for doing what has to be done to get their respect back. They wouldn’t like us but they would respect us for finally getting the balls back our ancestors had, instead of like now we’re neither liked or respected. They do as they please with their country’s but that’s ok. Kennedy had those balls when he told Russia ,No nukes to Cuba or its War. He mean’t what he said ( just like Trump would) and Russia backed off.Russia threatens war if we stand up against Iran, if we stand against North Korea, if we messed with Syria, but they bombed who they wanted to in Syria and that’s ok. Saw a terrorist brag and laugh about not being afraid of US because our own laws protect them. They behead us, torture us, maim us, and all we do is say that’s wrong but no one stood up for the soldiers who DARED to just degrade some of them. One of OUR own side filmed them degrading some, says that’s wrong and they were arrested, tried and Right now they are in prison, but no American stood up for them and what they indured for us. But dared to complain about Jesus’s picture hanging on school hall wall. Muslims laughed at us when they built a Muslim worship place on our 9-1-1 site and refused to build anywhere else ,like giving us the finger, Obama stood up for them, not very patriotic for all the US people they killed. Not Muslims u say that killed them, but these places has been shown to hide terrorist in other country’s. So listen up Mr. Moe Verner, u say no proof, but when it is shown, you say not proof enough for you. Poor refugees, huh, Trump said on a debate , terrorist would enter country’s as POOR refugees, but no poor citizens that died because people like you CLAIM to be caring. Terrorist use their own women and children to blow up our men and if a soldier has to shoot them to save a whole platoon, they are called baby killers by people (?) like you, but it’s alright for our boys and children to be killed by them. Why don’t you go live with them since the US doesn’t give u enough to bitch about. Signed. Pearl Lovella Duncan, a 64 year old intelligent woman who is sick of ones like you. Comments—- bring them on, I’m just getting started.
Annick Stiefel says
OLE! I agree with you 100% Barbara Jackson.
nick says
Toni says
Me and my husband will not wach if Trump is not there
Matt R says
Trump offends a lot of people because he doesn’t speak with political correctness. Tough! Politicians lean on PC to twist words into mounds of BS that the public gobbles up. Supporters of the current administration must be in the receiving line if their too blind to see how Americas’ greatness has slipped over the past 7 years. The GOP isn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but look at what the liberals have set us up with: $19 Trillion in debt, record welfare, record unemployment, loss of full-time employment, health insurance (or even fines) that people can’t afford, a loss of respect of our country seen abroad and on and on. Really people? Get this losing mentality out of Washington.
Ernesto says
Hillary has to be indicted for lying to the American people about the 4 Americans we lost in benghazi to terrorist & she did nothing to save.she has never done anything positive for this country
Grover Syck says
Ernesto, you should be indicted for imitating a thinking human being.
Hillary did nothing wrong, un less you count making Gowdy and the republican teabags look like the fools they are.
Ernesto says
Hey Grover, Liberalism is,a disease & ur’s cannot be cured. She was the the person in charge. u communist dog 4 heroic persons died &she lied. She told her brain dead daughter the truth that night. It’s been documented.
robert says
you are 100% right if you or i had only 1% done what this bitch has done we be in Jail!!!!!!!!!!!
Justin W says
Maybe CNN will not come up with the money and Trump will skip the debate. I might actually watch one of these debates if I thought it was going to focus on something other than Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is an entertaining figure, but if he gets elected he is going to have to do something other than insult people. His “performance” is beginning to grow a little stale for me.
Bill Stevens says
Trump is a breath of fresh air.
Grover Syck says
If you have your head down the hole in a well used, and un serviced porta potty.
Grover Syck says
CNN should tell Trump to take a flying leap off the top of Trump Tower, while holding an anvil.
No way should they give him a penny.
robert says
i guess you think they give it to HILLERY The BitCH!
Moe Verner says
I don’t like Hillary at all. But at least she knows politics. Trump’s just a clown spouting lies. He’s deranged.
RG says
Moe, the leader of the 3 stooges is truly one who like feet. He never stop blabbing and every time he opens his mouth, someone puts his or her foot in it. He likes stirring the @#%$ because he enjoys the smell.
Mindy Zumba says
oh, dear, when will he just GO AWAY….he is a proven liar, and will NEVER be elected POTUS…who are the IDIOTS that support this JERK?
Moe Verner says
They’re in an echo chamber. They think America loves him, when really it’s a tiny sliver.
Thomas Fairbairn says
TRUMP IS THE MAN< sure he needs some polishing but don't we all?
Obama wants Turkey to close their border, while Obama's leaves our border open to the same types????
George westenbarger says
Trump is a normal guy and talks that way! I do not think the rest of the politicians get it!
I seen him is Sarasota and was so impressed ,I was over whemed ,not only does everything he say is so true ,the media didn’t have time to fudge it up
And he could be sitting at my dinner table and not have one problem taking to him
He is the last chance to save America folks
Carolyn Curry says
When I first heard Donald Trump speak, it gave me butterflies in my stomach. He says exactly what the rest of the country is saying and not afraid to defend it. Obama is not only a joke of a president, but I think him the anti-christ. I believe his whole agenda from day one, was to weaken the U.S., which he’s done. He has been more wedge into this country than ever before. He has created more hatred between races, religions, class of people, the middle class all foreigners domestic and otherwise. He is an Evil man and I can’t believe he’s been left alone to cause such damage to this country.
joe says
Mr. Trump you should hold an event at the same time and see who gets a bigger crowd
george richter says
Gilbert Weissler says
I read the above comments and am hearing people who have a shut mind that cannot listen to criticism without attacking the integrity of the person who disagrees.
I am not for Trump for many reasons but I will not sit at home and not vote should he be nominated. For me any one of the Republicans is superior to the thought of living another 4 years under a president such as Clinton. My concern is that the Republican Party old timers cannot bear to lose control of the party and will do anything to deny Trump the nomination. This would split the party and give Clinton the presidency, From the comments of the Republican party old faithful they would prefer to lose the presidency and keep control of the party.
As for Clinton I cannot vote for a man or woman who can vote to support Planned Parenthood and ignore the crimes against our laws on selling body parts. Our country once stood for protecting life at every stage. In the early part of our existence as a nation we declared blacks as sub human and not protected under the constitution replacing the laws of God with a man made law. We fought a civil war which was the second most costly in loss of men in our history. After the war it took almost a hundred years before black men and women were given equal rights. History shows us it was the Democratic party that lost the civil war and promoted ways and means that slowed the true freedom of blacks long after losing the war.
Today once again the Democratic party ignoring all logical thought declares a baby in the womb as not being human and has replaced Gods law with their human law.
The Democratic party has taken a stand that claims it is for human rights. Human rights that are reserved for only a portion of the human race. Humanism without God becomes an inhuman humanism. As we see the disregard for the unborn child and the selling of its body parts it is a sickening experience for all who have a shred of compassion for the least among us.
For me to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is would be the same as rejecting my love for the human race. Our present administration has not only allowed it but has supported and helped it grow with our tax money. It is time we put aside all other issues and support human life at every stage of its development. For this reason I will vote but only for a man or woman who will go back and reinstate the constitution that every person at every stage of life has the right to life, liberty and happiness. Without it none of us are safe. When we become a burden for the state we too in a disabled state can be declared as no longer human and disposed of like a piece of trash.
For those who disagree with me I will not call you stupid or uncaring but will simply pray for you to see the need to accept human life at all stages and reach out to protect it. Hopefully our country has not completely lost its compassion for the weak and will vote for a leader that does not condemn life at any stage but sees that once life is declared by humans and not by God no one of us can know security and safety. Gil
Annick Stiefel says
Well said. Congratulations to you Gil.
RG says
Very well said Gil. I support Trump 100%. In regards to comparing him to Reagan, I wish he would follow in his footsteps regarding more mention of God. President Reagan did this and was not a bit concerned about what some of the critics thought or said.
Lois Fejka says
i love you mr.trump and it’s about time some people – wake up and see we have been lied to so much that it makes sick so just SOCK IT TO THEM I am certainly with as I said before I love you I don’t know that means coming from an 88 year old girl
greg says
counting the post so far:
trump supporters = 22
liberl supporter =9
margin of error + – 3
Annick Stiefel says
Then, why Hillary Clinton has 47% and Donald Trump 43%?
Moe Verner says
Trump’s nothing but entertainment. He doesn’t want to win. He just wants to make money. Why do you think he’s trying to get CNN to pay him to show up at the debate? He’s a loser. Don’t trust a man who speaks with his wallet open.
RG says
There you go again “Moe”. You just cannot accept criticism.
Sounds to me that you feel that 80% of the population is wrong and you are right.
There is only one loser and that is you.
Mike says
I have voted in 11 Presidential elections and Reagon was my only real choice, the other 9 elections were just picking the best choice available. Mr. Reagon was a choice I wanted both times and now I am hoping Mr. Trump will be my next real choice to vote for. Career politicians has ruined the United States, they are there for the money from the lobbyist and the GREAT retirement they have. Give them a GS rating with a set salary and sent to jail if they accept outside money from anyone for influencing how they vote on the issues. This, with a fine for any votes they miss or do not vote on one way or the other. A 20 year service should be required for a retirement as with all other Government service and if they don’t follow the rules to get elected in order to complete 20 years then tough luck, go back to being a town mayor and retire from there. Trump should only be the first of non-career leaders in Washington, we need more like him to speak for the people with an honest vote on the issues. I did my 20 with some extra and earned my military retirement.
DixieBelle says
What will really happen is Trump will either back down on his threat, or the debate will go on without him. I think Trump could do a lot to turn this country around, but he is becoming too full of himself. His actions could very well put Hillary in the White House, and that can’t be good.