by Frank Holmes, reporter
Reporters are suddenly speculating that President Donald Trump is too old, frail, or fragile to be president.
Their evidence?
Cameras caught Trump slowly climbing along a staircase after he spoke to cadets at West Point. And the video was shared on Twitter an amazing 12 million times and the talking heads couldn’t stop themselves from chattering.
The New York Times even wrote a whole story titled, “Trump’s Halting Walk Down Ramp Raises New Health Questions.”
The reporter pointed out that Trump “turned 74 on Sunday” and is “the oldest a U.S. president has been in his first term.”
“What is going on with him?” asked MSNBC’s weekend talk show host Joy Reid.
After what seemed like thousands of mental gaffes from Democratic nominee Joe Biden, Trump of all people is the one with the problem …
Serious question: what is going on with him? His supporters have tried so hard to get the media to question Joe Biden’s mental and physicsal fitness but they so often engage in projection it seems worth inquiring.
— Nope. (@JoyAnnReid) June 13, 2020
Yeah … right.
For what it’s worth, the president explained the ramp was “very long,” ‘steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery.”
The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is “fall” for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 14, 2020
But this wasn’t enough for the relentless anti-Trump media.
“People who love him–his children–should get Trump to a doctor,” wrote self-described “award-winning investigative journalist” and “socialist” Victoria Brownworth.
The reporters caught up in speculating on Trump’s health are the very same ones who were acting differently when Hillary Clinton’s health was called into question leading up to the 2016 election.
She had endless, uncontrollable coughing fits and even pitched forward head-first into a van after her handlers kept her from collapsing into a heap and busting her head on the sidewalk.
Hillary’s campaign claimed she gave herself a concussion after passing out from overheating, and that she had the flu, and then changed her story to say she had pneumonia. The left-wing Vox slammed Trump supporters for spreading a “bonkers conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton’s health.” CNN had to print a whole “guide to absurd Clinton health conspiracies.”
The article said it was ridiculous that Sean Hannity had a “tightly held belief that the press is in cahoots with Clinton, protecting her political prospects by working overtime to hide her imagined ailment.”
CNN roasted Hannity for interviewing doctors on the air and said “none of the physicians convened by Hannity had examined Clinton.”
But here we are in 2020 after the West Point incident, and CNN quoted Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who has never examined President Trump …
It wasn’t just the conservatives who took a hit back in 2016. The Atlantic decided liberal populists should be humiliated for opposing the coronation of Hillary to the Democratic Party’s throne. It ran an article blasting Bernie Sanders’ supporters for helping spread “wild speculation” and “amplifying unproven claims that Clinton may be covering up serious health problems.” The world-respected BBC News stated outright that “Clinton health concerns ‘are sexist.’” Vox also claimed “subtle sexism” lies behind questions about Hillary’s perpetually changing stories about her health.
But today the media has obsessive questions about Trump, including baseless speculation about his mental health, love of fast food, even his Diet Coke habits. They even shared conspiracy theories that his son Barron, who was 10 at the time, had autism.
A few honest journalists—even some hostile to Trump—have defended him from the health onslaught. Megyn Kelly, who peppered candidate Trump with questions about sexual harassment claims, tweeted this weekend that all she saw was “a 74-year-old man trying not to fall down a sloped ramp w/no handrails.”
Bizarre? I saw a 74-year-old man trying not to fall down a sloped ramp w/no handrails.
What was bizarre about it?— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) June 14, 2020
What can you expect from Fake News reporters, where 90% of the president’s coverage is negative and journalists have listed at least 132 major lies, errors, and misrepresentations.
Make that 133 with this latest false rumor.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”