Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a message for surging candidate Dr. Ben Carson — You’re NOT going to beat me.
Trump said in an interview today on MSNBC that he still has a big advantage. He’s “willing to spend whatever it takes” to win, even if costs him millions.
About Carson, who’s been topping polls in Iowa and moving to the forefront nationally, Trump says “a lot of things will come out now and we’ll see how he holds up to the scrutiny.”
Trump dismissed these polls, and went on the offensive in Miami on Friday night by calling the retired neurosurgeon “super low-energy” before a boisterous crowd.
The Iowa polls are a rare setback for the billionaire businessman’s campaign. He’s leading polls nationally and in other early primary states.
Mimicking a television journalist reporting the breaking news of Trump slipping behind Carson, Trump ridiculed his GOP rival.
“We informed Ben, but he was sleeping,” Trump joked. The crowd roared.
He also said the polls in Iowa “are wrong” and said most pollsters “don’t like me at all.”
Trump, who will also appear at a rally in Jacksonville Saturday, maintained his usual swagger, boasting about his poll numbers in other states — especially in Florida, where he is ahead of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio.
Trump spoke not far from Bush’s sprawling Miami headquarters the same day Bush’s campaign said that it would be drastically slashing campaign spending, including an across-the-board pay cut for staff, and focusing more narrowly on early states.
In Florida polls, Trump remains far ahead of Bush, the state’s former two-term governor, and Rubio, the state’s junior senator since 2011.
Trump is hoping to maintain that advantage with a heavy investment in Florida, even though it doesn’t hold its winner-take-all primary until March 15. Trump’s team announced Friday that Joe Gruters, the vice chair of the Florida Republican Party, will serve as his Florida campaign chair, while Susan Wiles, who managed Gov. Rick Scott’s winning 2010 campaign, will serve as co-chair.
The campaign is also planning to open a Sarasota office in early November, said Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
That puts him ahead of many of his rivals, including Rubio and Carson, who have yet to open offices in the state.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Betty Darden says
And just who do you think you are? GOD!!!
dee says
No Hillary does
DeAnna says
Hahahha… for real!
Sierra says
bill says
I agree Sierra
Murdock says
Right On! I vote Hilary for prison 2016
Ruth Comos says
I agree
When the Clinton’s started I remember the man that was found dead in the cemetery a member of her group.
Sue says
spot on!!!!
Barbara says
Great answer!
Gene says
@Betty……No, Trump doesn’t. It’s called the TRUTH.
*** VOTE TRUMP! ***
Frances Grimm says
Please,Trump is a millionaire who never cared about the middle class until now that he wants your vote,don’t let the election be bought.Too many have given their lives for this country.Trump got his business and first millions from his father.He added to that from illegal workers and poor addicted gamblers trying to make it big from his casinos.He is insulting to every one that does not agree with him.This would not work in Foreign Affairs.He probably would start a war with every country in the world.Just seriously think about it and don’t let him buy the presidency.
Ruth Comos says
The other side of the coin is that Trump has the money to be his own boss and not have to answer to anyone or beg for money from anyone or make promises that are not in the best interest of the United States.
Jeff Irwin says
Really lady – Buy the presidency? He is spending his own money and is NOT owned by anyone! He is What This Country needs- he has a set and will keep this Great Country Great !!! Hillary will let it keep on keepin on and sink it with her Socialist Liberal Crapola.she should be in Gitmo with the current whitehouse occupant. Wonder why he wants it closed? he knows if she doesn’t win he will be interned there. TRUMP 2016 Make America Great Again.
Beverly says
We need a STRONG Leader right now, and I don’t believe Carson fits that bill. TRUMP 2016!!!
Sue says
Jagoda Ison says
NO Donald Trump is not GOD / BUT he is a GREAT patriot and HE LOVES AMERICA AND IT’S PEOPLE !!
Brad says
Yes indeed!! Trump 2016
James says
That’s true and you be wise. Carson maybe fooling the people mainly the Christians please do not decieved beware of the sheep skin
Tommy Kelly says
Learn to write English when you comment. When you write something that almost but not quite makes sense, all you do is make yourself look and sound stupid to other people.
Star says
Peter B. Duran says
Tommy… How many languages do you speak and write…
Demetrius says
Many people don’t know that Carson is all for forced vaccinations for everyone. Considering how many people have been killed and maimed by the shots I would tend to believe he is also for population reduction.
Demetrius says
What he is saying is ‘beware of wolves in sheepskins’. In other words, discern what is ‘below the cover’. Sadly, most Americans do not do the research necessary to vote intelligently and, thus,
we have BO in the presidency and our country is going to hell in a hand basket. Of course, we have very corrupt election departments (which could be corrected with random hand counts of ballots – if they had the will to do it.)
Sue says
AMEN !!!!! Trump at least doesn’t sugar coat or politicize his answers… What really angers me is when the Republican’s say. Trump doesn’t have any experience in foreign affairs or domestic policies. Wellllll. The only experience OBAMA had was organizing local community organization’s… How much experience is that.??? At least Trump knows how to save money, and make billions of dollars….
Morgann says
He is the best of that motley group, go trump, go!!!!! We luv u!!!! Bring our country back,
Star says
concerned says
that must be true you followed obama
Jim says
Not to mention his humility. If the only way to win an election is to bash the competition, what have we gained?
Star says
Charles E. Miller says
I must admit that this person does not know how to write English. English can be a grand language if written correctly.
Silvia Gonzalez says
Trump is the BEST candidate. We Want our Country Back!!!
Peter B. Duran says
No questions that Trump is the best Candidate and the only one that knows how to handle the task involved in the Presidency of this Country,….
micar says
Trump is a farce a liberal democrat trying to hide in a conservative republican suit. Ben Carson is our best hope of leading this country back to greatness. He is a man of God and about the only one I can trust and vote for.
Richard Scribner says
Carson right now a Christen same as the ASS Wipe in the house right now but after he was placed as the Head ass whip it came out and he has shown it he is a Mulsummmm
carson just don’t have anyone he can place in to help him Trump we hope has TED C to help him
Makalena says
Ben has more intelligence and class since he started this campaign. I believe He is in for the people. Go Ben Carson 2016! Read his book, A More Perfect Union, and you will see why he should be president!
ed aquino says
Debra says
I’m not an immigrant. I was born here as were my parents and their parents. We are rock solid AMERICANS.
Pat Croley says
Trump certainly believes in immigrants and their rights. He doesn’t want people coming into this country illegally as do most Americans who have a drop of sense. This is a country built on immigrants and their families but most come here legally and sensibly…..not in a tunnel or rowboat without any papers at all. Trump ……. 2016
Ruth Comos says
I agree!!!
Jeff Irwin says
Just where did you immigrate from ? Learn some writing skills- unless you are an uneducated voter also……………………. Just sayin !!!
Mildred says
Ben Carson was not sleeping….. he is above such childish, schoolyard antics such as those Donald Trump keeps ‘pulling off.’ Ben Carson has a backbone and resolve of steel…. just you wait and see ! I suspect that given a marathon between Trump and Carson, Carson would come out w-a-a-y ahead! He has had many years of experience pulling ‘all nighters’ in the surgical room, saving peoples’ lives, and he is capable of much, much more than Donald Trump thinks. Trump is a braggart and comes off as a fool. AND, although he says he is paying for his entire campaign himself, guess what? — just this week, I have received fund-raising telephone calls on behalf of Trump, asking me for money to help finance Trump’s campaign. What does that say about Trump?–
micar says
James D. Burke says
The Court has need of a Jester, Trump should apply.
James D. Burke says
The Court Jester was often called “The Court fool.”If anyone knows a King which needs a Jester, please recommend Mr. Trump. The King wouldn’t even need to pay him. This would give Trump the opportunity to settle in where he could make a good showing.
Makalena says
Awesome words! Go Ben!
Charles E. Miller says
I am afraid Dr. Carson is not the one who should be president. There is no doubt that he is a grand doctor; however, that does not make him a great president. We must choose someone who has leadership ability and who knows economics and business. That person is Donald Trump. I can say this as a former bank officer that knows the business world. Mr. Trump can restore this nation to greatness! Let us elect him as a Republican in 2016.
Barbara says
Yes he does love America and he knows how to bring America Back too!
Ruth Comos says
I agree
Bradford Bryant says
Ben Carson loves his country, has supervised teams of 25 doctors, nurses, and technicians in 36 hour surgeries, and has not declared bankruptcy four times. Low energy – no way!
micar says
Say it again
Margarita says
AMEN! If Señor Trump doesn’t win then America is DOOMED. Wake up people Señor Trump is the only one that can do the job and MAKE OUR AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
James says
This is true Margarita.
Star & Tommy I hope that I wrote this right. What’s my grade?
Jeff Irwin says
Amen brother- He is the only one concerned enough to speak his mind. Margarita is correct also.
Makalena says
America is doomed if trump wins!
Rob DeBree says
Why doesn’t it bother anyone that he came right out and said that he is going to spend Millions to (buy the Presidency?) And what kind of “patriot” do you think he is? Come on folks, lets be real.
Cesar A Mendoza says
Trump votes for Hillary.
harry says
GO TRUMP GO in2016
Waynette says
Trump doesn’t love anyone but Trump. He is a JERK and would be worse than Obama has been.
Jeff Irwin says
Wake up dingbat !! He is his own man ……………… Obutma isn’t even a pimple on a mans behind !!!
Makalena says
Trump has no sense to run this country he probably has to hire every intelligent person out there to do his work. He does have a big mouth but no brain!
Orchids says
Yeah, looks like it! That Donald Trump with his patriotic passions for America’s economic domestic and global recovery will make him win this 2016 Presidential Election! Go for it Trump…:)
Roseanna says
The trash in our current government think thier GOD !!! Carson can’t stand up to the trashy Hilda beast , Trump can .. I want someone to run who can beat the lying sack of crap known as hildabeast
alice says
I agree. No one could beat Hilda, the beast. ONLY TRUMP.
TRUMP 2016.
I could not even imagine, CARSON pounding on the negotiation table with PUTIN.
James D. Burke says
alice, Carson grew up among hildabeasts and he is more qualified than any other candidate to put them in their places.
James says
James, Carson is a surgeon not a negotiator. God gave him this gift and needs to continue in this gift to safe lives.
How did I do on this one Tom&Star?
James says
Oh my gosh I misspelled negotiator
Makalena says
Just because you have a big mouth, that doesn’t mean you can run this country. A person who thinks before they talk is the one for the job.
Greg says
Donald Trump, maybe fast and harsh with his words. He will tell where the cow eats the cabbage and it really pisses him off the way this country is ran. Read his lips, Make America Great Again. I and a lot of others want to see this happen. Ben Carson a good man is too soft spoken and don’t have experience, Being the pres. of the USA is not an easy job. if done right? lets put Trump in the white house 2016..
Diane says
My sentiments exactly, Carson is a good man. VP would be a great spot for him if willing. We need the Donald’s brain power and energy to get us back on track. And I love his in your face attitude! Think about it…the “others” “hildabeast lol and obummer blubber goober have done so much damage behind our backs and behind to scenes. LOVE The Donald 🙂
Adeelle says
No, not VP for Carson.. He would have Al Sharpton visit with him for advice. Put Cruz in as VP.
Al Razzi says
Cruz is nothing, but a Canadian born defector trying to be an American in his dream with eyes wide open like an owl. This Pee wee does not even stand on his own feet always following Trump or Carson for their support. He might get deported. He is not even caring his own by giving them Green Card. His tongue, works faster than his brain.
He do not even understand the meaning of negotiation or diplomacy. The Democratic Ben will chew him up like a tiny Shrimp, from the Texan Swamps of the left over oil wells of West Texas. Even when he opens his mouth he spits out some garbage,Leave alone Hillary,my man Ben will chew and spit the shrimp like a token of Ganja Maan!
alice says
Marco Rubio, his parents are CUBANS when he was born.
Where is the LOYALTY to the USA???.
Judy says
I agree–Cruz for VP.
Bradford Bryant says
What a bunch of idiots drinking the Trump kool aid. While he has tapped into the anger many of us feel about the failures of our government representatives, he is a narcisistic bully who would alienate most other countries.
Rob DeBree says
Right on.
Waynette says
Alice if the parents of Rubio and Jindal were Indian and Cuban when Rubio and Jindal were born, the parents are still Indian and Cuban. That would not change. Because they are Cuban and Indian doesn’t mean they are not loyal to the US. Most of us have origins from other countries unless we happen to be Native American/American Indians.
Morgann says
Right on!!!
Tommy Kelly says
Are you saying “Right on!!!” to Al Razzi? If so, do you have so much as a clue to what he is talking about?
Rosa says
I think Mr. Trump IS the best!!! I said 7 years ago that I would vote for the person that came out first and said ” close the borders, give our military & vets a raise and quite scaring folks on social security every few months about taking their check away” well Mr. Trump said it and he has my vote. We DON’T need another politician we need a tough negotiator and someone that is NOT timid, nor apologetic to bullies and agitators in these other countries.
Phil Sargent says
Ted Cruz is the only one that has proven himself by taking on the Washington Cartel and exposing he trash from both parties….He’s a true Consistent Conservative…Don’t take my word, check him out for yourself.
Orchids says
I like TED CRUZ too. He is a Christian and loves America, no questions to that. Or what about Jeb Bush? Jeb’s political family background gives the impression of pure leadership and statesmanship.
Barbara says
Yes indeed! He will tell it like it is and I love that part! No backing down, crawling around and making apologies for his statements. I love it when he speaks up for America and speaks out against the left wing liberals! Go Trump Go!
Susan says
I agree wholeheartedly! Carson is a good man, but he will not be able to beat Hillary and their dog-eat-dog liberal agenda. Unfortunately, that is what we all have to look at, “Who is going to be tenacious enough to knock out the Dems. I believe that to be Donald Trump. I don’t like everything that he says to get attention, but his strategies and plan for America is great!
James D. Burke says
Susan, there is a new dynamic at work. It’s at ground level and is growing daily in behalf of Dr. Ben Carson. Dr. Ben has a superior mind but “speaks softly and carries a big stick.” He speaks the truth Susan, and there is no bigger stick one can carry. True, Ben isn’t rash and bombastic, he’s not out to get even which is child stuff. In addition, Ben carries a tremendous amount of information concerning requirements for a President. The man is superbly able to upgrade the Oval Office and our government. Our Ship of State is sinking and Dr. Ben knows how to “right that ship.”
H S says
Look, Mr. Trump & we his supporters don’t necessarily believe he is God however regarding the state of the u.s. he certainly will be until the 2nd coming..
Adeelle says
I agree…. He is our LAST hope. We must get TRUMP in to stop the U N agenda or we are done., NO ONE else on this earth can do that.
Rosa says
Ruth Comos says
Frank Mano says
The puppet show is over Trump 2016! No strings attached!
Judy smith says
No , but we do need a fighter to get our freedom and rights back and to get us out of debt. Carson is too nice to be as abrasive as will be needed. Carson would be good at holding the nation steady after it is turned and put on the right path but Trump would be better for this first term.
James D. Burke says
Judy, please listen to what Dr. Carson is saying. Bombastic and tantrums coming from trump qualifies him for “Court jester” not for president of the United States. Carson is eons ahead of the Trump. I pray you will get hold of the Planks of Dr. Ben’s platform. You’ll see a depth of understanding we haven’t seen in decades. Check it out, you’ll be glad you did.
Lori says
And I guess if Trump had tried to bludgeon his mother with a hammer and stab a classmate……no one would have blinked an eye????? Doubt Trump would be where he is today….you know better by age 14!!!
ees says
Judy Hamby says
Just looking at Trump makes me want to throw up.
bill says
I think so
bill says
Sure as hell its not Hillary although she thinks she is God
Evans.Gerald Flanigan says
He is not the God of the Universe, but he is being used of God, because he tells it like it is, God will not use anyone that is politically correct!
Debrah says
Donald Trump is an idiot, moron, pompous ass , narrcicist, bully etc. etc. If he wins the Reublican ticket we will have Hillary for our President!!!
ruth orcutt says
I changed from a democrat and had been as long as I was old enugh to vote, now im almost 80 I changed to a REPUBLICAN this is how much I want TRUMP he is the only MAN that has the courage to speak his opinon , HE is the man.
Lincoln Sorensen says
Trump is not the ONLY one, he is just the loudest. Dr. Ben Carson has been speaking his mind for nearly 3 years, Go to you tube and listen to his 2013 prayer breakfast with Obama sitting 5 feet from him. Trump get’s all the media invites because he draws ratings. The mainstream media doesn’t want to broadcast truth or facts like they should be doing. They just want to exploit a carnival atmosphere, whether the clown makes sense or not. They just want viewers.
Judy says
Totally agree with you! Something about the D I don’t trust…Maybe it’s he and Obama are both thin skinned, neither can except someone besides them might have a better idea…I’ve had enough of Obama’s arrogance, the D is equally arrogant. Neither can unite this nation because life for them is “all about me”
Judy says
you are absolutely right you are absolutely right there is no difference in Obama or Trump 4 trumpets winning and he thinks it’s all about thwho follow him now will finally see theand I pray that those who follow him now will finally see the picture
Tommy Kelly says
Say ….. WHAT???
Gary Smith says
He thinks he is!
Judy says
sorry about my first comment I talk text and sometimes what I mean to say doesn’t get said I agree with you Trump is no different then Obama they are both arrogant self centered and bullies and I hope and pray those who follow will one day see
Judy says
Obama is an arrogant, self-centered bully WHO INTENDS TO DESTROY AMERICA, AND HAND IT TO THE MUSLIMS. Trump may be a bit arrogant, when necessary, but he loves America and wants to get it on the right path, and I think he has the wisdom and skill and experience to do it, and to deal with other countries, too.
He hasn’t gotten where he is by making enemies–but by making friends, but refusing to be walked on. TRUMP for 2016!!
bill says
I agree Robert .Trumps the man to stop the BS GOING ON in this country, before its to late. Tell me one thing OBUMMER has done that hasn’t turned to SHI_ .
Adelle says
TRUMP is NOT thinned skinned. He just doesn’t take crap from idiots. You are mixing up the meaning with being brash when you know you are right.
If we get Carson it is more of what we have not, except just not muslim. He will be controlled by one world govt.
TRUMP is our only hope for America.
Orchids says
Trump got the true courage, gutsy, proactive with a sincere vision and patriotic purpose to make USA economically upright for every American! I believe in Trump’s sincerity and dynamism to lead. For his Veep, I thinking about TED CRUZ or JEB BUSH.
James D. Burke says
Judy, you have just revealed ‘you know nothing about D.”
steve says
If shouting and waving your hands in the air is super high energy, I rather listen to somebody who speaks softly and talks about solutions to the problems facing this country. Dr Ben Carson is our best choice. For those who are worried about him being black after what we got from Obama should close their and open their ears and minds and listen to what he says.
Rosa says
Carson is Obama 7 yrs ago
Orchids says
I think so, too.
bill says
Millie Sosa says
Please explain to me his friend Armstrong William’s affection for Louis Farraahkan (sp). I heard him speak favorably on CNN. Not trying to be critical here, just want the facts. thanks.
JimLopez says
Lincoln, Judy and Steve, You are all on the right track. Yes Ben Carson speaks softly but always makes sense on his solutions. A great man once said, “Speak softly but carry a big stick.”
Speaking loud does not make you a good candidate it just makes you boisterous. And you are right just like obama its all about him. Listen to him bragg about how he is leading the polls, well, now that Carson is beating him, he is starting to panic and threatening to spend as much money as possible to beat Dr. Carson. Oh, and by the way being Black is not an issue. I bet Ben Carson gets the Hispanic and Black vote!
bill says
Don’t think so Jim. Their not giving up the free stuff.
Jo says
Interesting about Carson
Lisa Vinson says
I do hope you read the entire article and realize that it said that Dr. Carson said that he and Sharpton have the same goals BUT, have entirely different ways to get there. Dr. Carson spoke at Sharpton’s event to be able to inform the people there about his plans. Make no mistake I am not calling Dr. Carson God etc. but if you remember Jesus went to where the people needed to hear his message the most. While we Carsonators would love to sit in a room and listen to his common sense all day long, he really is needed more in places like Al Sharpton’s event to wake those people up to what is happening to this country.
Regarding Trump, I have never been able to stomach his juvenile attitude and cannot imagine him having to be diplomatic with leaders of other countries as he acts like a 3 year old when he doesn’t get his way, calling people names etc. Maybe he means what he says he will do but with his history I cannot trust him. Some people say because the four times he went bankrupt were only his businesses and not personal we should excuse them. This time it is our money he will be responsible for and I am not willing to gamble (pun intended) that he will be fiscally responsible.
Dr. Ben Carson for President #WINBENWIN
James D. Burke says
Dr. Ben Carson is superbly outfitted in all aspects to properly attend the affairs of This nation. If one takes time to listen to him, you can see plainly, he is a man of integrity, He speaks truth and to the point, he is down to earth, he sees the nation sinking in political ignorance, he sees the nation destroying the freedom of the next generation; he knows our educational system? needs fixing. In short, he sees the death of our nation and has the where-with-all to right our ship of state. One doesn’t need to be “bombastic and rash” to be president.
Sondy says
Armstrong is his Manager.. He state it on CNN today.. Be very carefull and listen well. As I read somewhere this past week that Carson lost his license to practice.. I am waiting to hear more on it anytime.. but you know the Media.. I really don’t think Carson would be a good President.. He is more of a VP person.. and would be good at getting rid of Obamacare. But listen well as I don’t trust him on how he believes about abortion issues as he changes to often. to suit the needs.. and other issues on meds and etc.. Just saying .. I am not here to debate.. But I do know about Trump from Nv issues and he is a man of his word and he carries Power. He was no angel and worked the hard road to get where he is today.. I respect the man.. I feel he would put us back on top again.. There’s alot of things we are not aware of in DC, that OB had done..and I do feel Trump would clean house and they wouldn’t like it.. That’s why the Media is afraid of him too..They do not like him cause he tells them off..
Steve miller says
Is the job for sale?
James D. Burke says
Steve, I suppose if one is a billionaire, he could buy an election. But that would reveal a degenerate motive. Dr. Ben Carson has a “ground swell” of support throughout the nation. Common folks support his campaign. Media elite (so called, but not) and NWO people, and political bosses hate his guts. He is not a politician. As to Trump,, reminds me of the tramp who came to dinner at a farm home and after he left the wife remarked “the more he proclaimed his honesty, the faster I counted the spoons. I don’t trust ANY politician anymore and I don’t believe Donald Trump has what it takes to be president. Dr. Ben Carson does.
Pam says
Ben Carson does not have the experience of creating 1000’s of jobs or negotiating with foreign countries as Trump does. And he doesn’t have the strong stance on illegal immigration as Trump does. In fact Carson isn’t strong anywhere in order to make a strong leader. We need someone with the courage and a very strong leadership personality to get our Country back on track. Carson DOES NOT have that. He is a NICE guy but you do know what they say about nice guys. And you know I am right. Trump will get the job done because he truly cares. He isn’t going to be taking a salary or vacations on our dime. He truly cares about We the People and our Constitution. Carson is just not knowledgeable enough to handle our foreign affairs. And THAT is most important. There are some things coming out about Carson that make me go even farther away from him until I look into it more and see what is truth and not. But he still just is not the STRONG leader we need. You may not like Trump but if you listen to all the underlying talk from him rather than just the boasting you will see a true leader.
Heather Winton says
Finally… Someone who makes sense. Thank you.
keepyourpower says
@Pam…if you like having another narcissist like Obama for your President..then go ahead and vote for Trump. They are 2 peas in a pod.
I am sick of all the lies on here, about Carson. You guys need to get a grip, and actually READ about Carson. IF you do…you will change your minds! You should ALWAYS RESEARCH your candidates! IF you researched Trump…you would run from him, as fast as you can!
Judy says
I cannot believe ANYONE would call Obama and Trump “two peas in a pod.” Good grief–get hold of your self and do a little research. Obama is working with everything he has to destroy America. Trump is doing the same, but to SAVE America.
Darryl says
How can you say that Carson does not have courage? He performed dangerous brain surgeries that no other doctor dared to attempt! He chastised Obama at a National Prayer breakfast in DC. He called out the PC police and the Muslim threat to our country. If you will listen to him, you will hear great, well thought plans for many of our problems. Just because he is not a loud and boisterous blowhard like Trump does not mean that he lacks courage or conviction. He loves this country and the Constitution every bit as much as Trump; he is just smarter and a better problem solver than Trump!
Judy Hamby says
I couldn’t say it better, Darryl.
steve jar says
Right on Darryl Carson is the only one that says that that America has a lot of very smart and talented people, not like one of the candidates that say they are stupid.
Betty Smith says
Darrly, Performing brain surgery and running the country are 2 different things.
bill says
Tell jt like it is Pam. Go DONALD
James D. Burke says
Pam, the more politicians “create” the more chaos we get. We don’t elect congressmen, nor presidents to “create.” “Creating” is why we are in the mess we are in. Government interference in the market place is NOT why we elect. We elect to protect the population from foreign invaders and domestic criminals. Government today has allowed, thru legislation exactly what our constitution forbade. Government is supposed to stop monopolies from forming, but they exist to the detriment of the entire population. Dr. Carsoncan and will fix the problems we face.
Orchids says
Pam, you really hit that right!! No guts, no glory now a days. We have to be more realistic and see beyond our horizons the true courageous leadership America needs.
Scott Dare says
Trump is the one who can break the grid lock in Washington……. Nothing against Carson he is a fine person and would be a second choice only if Trump was not running. True Carson has been speaking since the prayer breakfast. but Trump was speaking out and predicting the fall out of the after math of the middle east…. LONG BEFORE that…… Save our nation from those who wish to give our heritage away. Vote Trump
Frank Mano says
What ever keep him in the spotlight! I love it! Trump 2016!
dee says
AMEN brother!
pancho villadeltren says
Ruth, you are right on. I also left the Democrats as soon as I knew better, and they get worse daily. As an American, how can you even consider liberals, A.K.A. Socialists?
reba says
If we don’t support Trump were going to get struck with the Disfuctional Senator Rubio. The Coward hides behind the news media, especially Fox.
Rubio says his going to Resign,won’t run for another term. (GOOD) like obama and Carly Florino it’s always someone else. obama blames Bush and the Republicans for all his faults, failures and Florino it’s always the Status Quo every other sentence is the Status Quo never taking responsibility for their failures.
Now we have Rubio calling the Senate a Disfunctional Senate, He’s leaving because of the Disfunction Senate.
It Takes Disfunctional Senators to make up A Disfunctional Senate, Rubio #1 Disfunctional Senator Wants to leave without with Scandals of blame for his part in making our Senate Disfunctional.
If they resign they get their Pensions, Insurance for live, medical, Never taking accountability and can walk away leaving the blame to others.
Rubio sits back quietly, picks up what information he can form others, Can can’t come back at anyone because he is more corrupt then all of the put together.
The Senate Needs to Fire Rubio, Stop Tax payers from Supporting the Disfunctional politicians for the rest of their lives. Rubio is not fit to hole a Government job.
Barbara says
Good for you Ruth….proud that at your age you can state your change in positions. The democratic party is not the same as it was years ago. They are left wing liberals that believe in giving freebies and taking America down!
bill says
Janet Silverthorne says
I do not believe the polls saying Carson is in the lead. I think they are make up. There is no way with the crowds Trump draws that he is losing to Carson. Tell that lie to someone else, cause I will never believe it.
Tom says
Totally agree! Lets make america great again!
tammy says
hang in there. we do not believe either out here in new mexico
reba says
Their not interested in Making America Great Again, they want to turn this country into a 3rd world country by flooding this country with Mexicans and anyone that comes across the boarders.
Their all for Amnesty, Trump speaks loud and clear and So Does Rick Santorum, NO AMNESTY. They’ve been stopping Rick Santorum but they can’t stop Trump.
Carson is just being used to stop Trump. they Playing the Race Card.
Greg says
Anna says
Yes, I think so. They are lying all the time, they are afraid of the truth.
We’ve been on Trump’s rally, the media did not turn to crowd, even Mr. Trump told them several times.
Both party are afraid of him. We are The People who needs Trump! We have to fight!
Go Trump with success!
Bob Wilson says
Not to be rude, but if I were you, I would not be too quick to disbelieve it. As a previous commenter said “Who does Trump think that he is, God?” I have supported Dr. Carson from the beginning, knowing full well how difficult it would be for him to rise to the top, but I believe that he is the last, best, chance to turn this country/culture around with his quiet-but-powerful wisdom that speaks to all races and strata of our culture. In my opinion, it is totally in God’s hands, but I play my part by continually donating to Dr. Carson’s campaign. I do agree with you, however, that polls can be manipulated, and it’s possible that the powers-that-be are just trying to knock Trump out, but I trust the outcome to God and will support whichever Republican wins the nomination.
Frank Mano says
Right on!
Heather Winton says
BRAVO ….Janet
steve jar says
Judy you believed the polls when Trump was ahead.
frances quinn says
for a million dollars they would have polls in iowa that say trump is winning, simple blackmail. i took a poll of all my republican friends last nigh, out of 40 they all voted for trump. why is my poll not published? that’s what these polls are about….pick your audience and get the numbers you want….let us use real polls.
Barbara says
Frances, you are right! They are not publishing the true polls. They want Trump to LOOK like he is losing….not so. Everyone I talk to wants him to win.
Irving M Blatt says
I believe the Majestic Triniuty God and the Heavenly Host of Angelic Organization has sent
Donald Trump for the survival and flourishment of the American Nation.
Donna says
I like Trump. When I see the record of the politicians not one of them are trying to be close to the constitution.
I don’t see any of them
That will make the changes we need for business to be able to flourish. I am self employed and after expenses I had $11,000.00. The taxes are 10% of my income.
I hope the next president
Understands business ank knows what is needed to help business
Grow and put people back to work producing goods so Americans can buy American made products.
I want America great and to be great America needs to fix the greed and corruption in our government. That will take a strong no nonsense president.
The only choice is Donald Trump.
Frank Mano says
As a small business owner I’m right with you! Trump 2016!
Numida Van Zee says
A house divided will not stand. Trump will stop at nothing to get the nomination. But he is not counting on people that actually see his bully ways, there are more of us that truly want integrity, wisdom and honesty at the helm. WINBENWIN!!!
Karen says
Speaking his opinion is only words with lots of spin, Before I would openly support him I would want to know exactly how he hopes to put his words into action. There so far has been nothing completely decisive about him, just lots of himself being confrontational, towards other really very “apt” individuals. Instead of making comments about winning at all costs. Really. He speaks of people playing fairly with him, well now that his game is a little off I think we will all see him start to throw the first stones.
Karen says
My above comment was in reply to ruth orcutt, seems to have gone astray in the positioning.
Barbara says
Watch some of his answers and Fox News and you will be surprised at how much he knows and his plans to implement his ideas. I think he can do it!
Gary Smith says
You believe that?
Rose.P. says
I like Dr. Ben Carson, he is a good man but does not have the strength or maybe the funds to withstand the very expensive & hard road to the presidency. Donald Trump has both & more. I like his style, outspoken & honest attitude about everything he says. I believe he will make a great president. He has my vote!!
Mildred says
Too many of you fine people are believing what Donald Trump says just because he is loud and repeats himself over and over without saying anything of substance. He says he is going to “fix things”. How? He never gives any indication of what he means by that statement. Ben Carson may be soft-spoken, but you are confusing that with being “soft” as an individual. Ben Carson has a backbone of steel. He has wisdom. You mis-guided people haven’t been listening to what he has to say…. have you read his books? If not, you should. —
Phyllis says
Why does everyone confuse Meekness for Weakness? As far as Christ’s ‘Righteous Indignation’, I am sure Ben will have cause to call upon that and he will when it is called for. He has God in his life and this country will never be what it was
unless ‘We the People’ get ourselves right with God. It is not all up to one human being. Only a leader with God in his life can have the stength and integrity to be the leader and set the example that we need. Ben said the only agenda he has is to turn us around and get us back on track.
It should not be about who has the most money it should be about who has the most common sense and intelligence and love for his fellow man. And I believe that Ben Carson can and will rise to the challenge.
He has already proven that he can rise to any challenge! He will stand up and fight when that is what is
needed and he is wise enough to know when that time arises. He is being very courageous just putting himself out there and that shows how much he cares about us and about our AMERICA? Also remember we have to beat HILLARY!!! (I can’t even believe she is being allowed to run)
Betty Smith says
Phyliss, she is running because she has corruption backing her up. The democrats and the government. She is all for Government spending. If that happens, we are dead. Most people voting for her don”t know it.
Brenda Collins says
Trump is the one to lead America out of this mess that the resident imposter POTUS has wrought upon this nation for far too long. We need Trump!!!
olga prybytkivsky says
It will be great To Trump if He wins ….He is the only one for USA to survive …..I like Him I hope He wins…………..
Theresa Billettr says
Trump is accusing Ben Carson of having, “super low energy”. Does he not know that when Jesus walked the earth one could describe Him the same way, and He is God Almighty! Trump obviously is feeling the threat of Ben leading in the polls so he resorts to criticism or Carson.
DeAnna says
Do you really think that Yahshua (Jesus) stood on a mountain and preached to 5000 or more people with a low quiet tone? And what of his turning over the money changing tables at the temple calling the Sadducee and pharisees swine and vipers? Do you think he did this ever so calmly? As far as the “polls” go… they lie. Know how I know this? Simply go to youtube or tweeter or facebook pages of Trump, Carson, Hillary etc. Just “look” at the comments and compare them. Trump wins by a landslide! Obviously the “majority” of people back Trump. The internet proves it. Look at the Iowa poll… the actual number of the people polled were 579 people for crying out loud. And based on “this” the “Caucasus” voted Carson. This is not the “voice of the people”. This is the voice of a “select FEW”. I honestly like Carson. But he truly does behave as if he is “medicated”. Also… he will be no match for the elite that owns Obama and Hillary. He is a “calm” person… and that’s okay! It’s just not suitable for war. And make no mistake about it… we are at war with our government. And I hate to say it but… it’s going to take someone like Trump to beat them. If it’s not too late.
Gary Smith says
Yes when anyone tells the truth about Trump he gets mad!
McGuire says
Carson just knows who the source of power is, Jesus Christ. No one knows who our next president will be…but we do know this. We must stand for Truth for the battle is the Lord’s. It is much wiser and safer to not engage in the verbal wars that seem to be raging. It just reveals much about us and little about the candidate. America needs prayer(s) that we contribute to what will move her toward being strong again.
Ben Carson knows who the true enemy is. That’s why he doesn’t engage physically but Spiritually. He trust the Most High God. That is why he may be label “guiet, nonaggressive, weak.” He knew in his medical abilities and accomplishments that his abilities were a gift from Jehovah God and the manifesting of successful achievements /accomplishments came from the All Powerful Spirit of the OneTrue Living God. Carson is a humble man…True humbleness brings on the Favor of God Almighty, El Shaddai.
Carson performed some of the greatest surgeries involving lengthy times. We mustn’t sell him short simply because his resume involves the human body for Carson knows the One that allowed the imperfections to occur. But Carson has a relationship with Him, the Designer of everything good, everything that humanscwould every need for evermore. The most important thing Carson knows is that his God is in charge…of all things. Things of the Oval Office are quite different! But Carson knows that the Creator, the Godhead is in charge of that office and all things of the world. And He knows He is always available.
Eve says
I could consider Trump, if he was not such an arrogant bully. We have one of those in office now.
dee says
Eve, all Dem politicians are arrogant bullies only they are sneaky about it.
Eve says
Like I said, we already have an arrogant bully in office. So being an in your face arrogant bully is okay?
DeAnna says
I am counting on Trumps ego to get the job done! It IS his arrogant egomaniac driven perasonality that gives us our best chance at getting our country back! Look at all the great generals! All the great presidents for that matter… they all had big ego’s. (most men do! we women have “vanity” lol)
There is a difference between arrogance due to ego vs. arrogance due to greed. Anyone that investigates Trump (The good and bad) will see that most of his bad was like 27 years ago. And even those “bad” decisions were due to trying to clean up the low income housing. They called him a “slum lord” but was the buildings that HE BOUGHT in the slums to try to make them something great to bring in upper class people to “spread out” the lower class hoping to “up-grade” their way of thinking.,. And the MANY testimonies of just everyday people about what Mr. Trump has done for them or witnessed him doing for another. Like having his driver stop in the midst of Manhattan because he saw a man beating another man with a bat. Trump gets out of his car and stops the man that was doing the beating… quite likely saving the other mans life. And the illegal immigrant that came to Donald asking for employment. Trump told him: go get your visa… learn English and I will give you a GOOD JOB! The man did… and has been in management for Trump for years! Trump really cares about people… he is a good man! Yes he has touted off at a FEW women BUT most of them drew first blood. You know from the get go the media was/is bias. Why do you think that is? Follow the money. Look at who OWNS CBS, FOX, NBC etc. Truly… They don’t care WHO gets it as LONG AS IT’S NOT TRUMP. Why? He is the ONLY ONE that has the Elite nervous! The ONLY time the Elite is “nervous” is when they come across someone that CAN’T BE BOUGHT!
sam says
Talk about bullies, The mainstream media has been a liberal bully for years letting us hear slanted and spun “news”. Even the current coverage of Trump ,by the main stream media, is designed to make Trump appear like a bullying radical. I have learned to filter all the news keeping the bias of the reporting agency in mind. Sadly, we get to hear what… “they”… want us to hear. Truth is a rare commodity in our present society. That is why I celebrate anyone that refuses to bow down to the bully POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and “Tells it like it is”.
E.McNew says
I don’t mind that mouthy trump &I think he could back down most people over seas BUT I think to Bully the Fellows who are running against you is nothing more than a SMART A–
& if you don’t know about a religion LOOK it up instead of Mouthing off I bet it would be interesting for us to take a poll & see how many times “EA” of you have been to Church the last year!!!!!!!!! E McNew
Brenda says
Tell Trump to leave Carson alone. Carson is a real gentleman and Trump acts like a spoiled, rich kid. We don’t need a screaming brat like him as our President. Tell Trump to go back to his casinos and TV shows where he can play the actor which he so likes to do.
Edd Scott says
I fully agree with you except I think Trump is a waste of time and the only way he got this far is that he has so much money he does not need anyone but someone to be a lackey and whose only job is to carry Trump’s checkbook.
AICH says
Maybe this man offends some by his frankness, but, if we don’t get someone like him who is not bought by donors to their campaigns
or a man who will build our country and make our military strong again so other countries will respect us as a force not to be tread upon putting China, Iran, and others in line again while standing up for our long time allies and not bowing down to their threats or telling us how we will act toward their desires. If Trump does not become our next president with all his ideas about putting this country #1 again I will pray for all of you left here with what you have today. I am in my 80’s and may not see much more but for our country’s sake I hope a lot of you will wake up!
DeAnna says
John D. Hannan says
ACIH, I agree with you 100% Trump is our last hope.
Barbara says
I Agree 100%. It will be our children and grandchildren that suffer.
Robert Carpenter says
Don’t believe any thing the media says. Donald is leading Ben big time, The media is lying about polls, they know if he wins the white house he will stop the liberal media in their tracks. We need to get rid of the liberals in this country, they are the problems with our country, They won’t to turn our country to socialists. The democrats are going to try and steal the election like they did in 2012
DAVID says
Years ago, I remember contractors/sub-contractors who worked for Mr. Trump….he was tough then…..nothing has changed in that regard; however, he has definitely grown very successful. Mr. Trump didn’t get his success alone…..he has advisors….just as he will when he becomes President. I truly believe he is capable of doing one helluva job for these United States. For what it’s worth……we need a strong figure that will stand-up for the U.S. We do not need another meek, soft-voiced, politically correct individual that will allow the World to walk all over us……we have more problems now then ever before……I believe he can produce what is necessary to bring us out of our economic nightmare and bring us back to the greatest Nation on Earth….for once, Americans have got to believe that Washington IS capable of leading our Nation…..if you could vote for Obama; well, by God vote for Trump……there IS NO comparison……….no matter how he approaches issues, he’s a winner…..we need a winner now, more than ever!
Anna says
Bravo, David. Everything you said just right! Trump, only Trump is our Hope!
Barbara says
Great David….100% correct.
Steve says
While I agree with many of the things that Trump says and like his forthrightness I also believe that the rest of the world sees him as a clown. With this in mind I don’t see how he can be effective on the world stage. So I will not vote for him in the primary but if he wins the nomination I will vote for him because he would be sooooo much better than anyone the democrats have to offer.
dee says
I think this is just his persona while running but you can be sure he will conduct himself as a true leader and business man making our country great again!
Southernraised says
AND, sooooooooooooo much better than what we have now!!!
Anna says
Steve, have you been on his rally? Do you know his achievements?
Steve, you you are wrong about clown, you repeated it after some fool, who needed to say something negative about Trump. Please, think!
Judy says
I don’t for a minute believe that the rest of the world thinks of Trump as a clown.
Betty says
I agree that Trump comes off as a bully and I think he will probably win the nomination. After listening to Carson and reading about him, I feel like he would make a better president and representative of our country, so I will vote for him. If Trump wins, I hope Carson runs with him on his ticket. That way when Trump has his heart attack because things don’t go his way, then Carson will take his place.
Warren Wilson says
I’m blowing my trumpet for Trump!
Cesar A Mendoza says
The big problem with Trump is that he has made too many enemies, like the Mexican vote without which he cannot win. We want to win the White House not only the Republican vote. His stupid mouth makes him NOT PRESIDENTIAL. Don’t forget that we want to win the White House! The nation will not vote for him. What good does it do to us if we select him but the nation does not? You and I vote for him so what? WE JUST LOST THE WHITE HOUSE!! Because the nation does not like his style. Dr Ben Carson will win a good portion of the Mexican vote plus the Black vote without which Hillary cannot win!!! The nation has great respect for Dr Ben Carson. The nation will vote for him!! WE WILL WIN THE WHITE HOUSE with Dr Ben Carson!!
JimLopez says
Cesar Mendoza, you are correct. Lets not lose our goal. Win the White House! Trump will continue his boisterous ways and will turn off many American voters. My wish is the same as Cesar’s. Get the vote to win and like Cesar I believe that Ben Carson will win the Hispanic and Black vote where trump will not. Many people are starting to compare Donald with obama..They both boast about “ME” “ME” “I” “I” “I”. and they are both thin skinned. I will put my money on some one who has the guidance of our Lord and Savior in stead of a fat wallet and a check book.
Barbara says
People are STUPID that would compare Trump to Obama! Trump cares about America and what will happen….do you think Obama cares about what happens to American except for it to go under? Everything he has introduced and made executive decisions on has been AGAINST us and not FOR us. Think you are WRONG here!
Judy says
I was impressed with Dr. Carson when he started out. But gradually, since then, he has become calmer and quieter and more polite, to the point that he can hardly hold his eyes open, and speaks so gently & slowly you can barely understand him. I wonder if he is on medication to keep him calm, or something. I hope everything is ok with him, but I don’t see any way he can deal with world leaders, etc. He needs to seem strong and determined to do this. LIKE TRUMP.
Liz Groghan says
I have been following this race for the last three months. I strongly believe these polls showing Carson beating Trump are fixed. The only one who has the ability to get our America back on track is Mr. Trump. I have always felt we needed a business man in the office of President, and I believe Trump is the ONE! He has the knowledge of economics, and he will get our people back to work. He will secure our borders, and keep us safe from the crazies coming from all over the world. Carson may be a real nice man, but he can’t do what needs to be done at this time. I suspect the rinos have planned these false poll numbers for Ben Carson to get Trump out of the way. GO TRUMP 2016 All the way to the White House
Cesar A Mendoza says
The nation will not vote for Trump, forgot that little detail?
Barbara says
Cesar….you are WRONG!
John Klein says
Everything that Ceasar has said is correct, but more importantly he tells why Ben Carson can win in the national election. Donald Trump has alienated way too many people.
Elaine says
The illegal Mexicans should NOT be voting. They are NOT American citizens. Any illegal person living here is not legally allowed to vote. Only AMERICAN CITIZENS have the right to vote. Those with “residency status” but NOT citizens of the U.S.A. can’t vote. It does not matter how long they have lived here.
Problem is, liberal states like California do not require proper ID at the voting places. Jerry Brown gave driver’s licenses to illegal Mexicans and now they can show their DL at the voting stations. What an insult to Americans!!!
I am sure that the DEMS will gather illegals in buses and take them to vote like they did for Obama. The corruption is unbelievable!!!
I am voting for TRUMP. He is our last chance to get AMERICA back on track.
Enough is enough!! Trump will get things done and is not manipulated by interest groups and donations from huge corporations. Trump loves this country.
Trump did not get to where he is in life by being an idiot. Wake up folks,
this is it. Either we get it right or we are DONE. California will be or
actually already is Mexifornia. We are losing this great country. Time to
fight back with a real American president who loves this great country and
is not afraid to fight for it.
Since 2013 193 homocides, 426 sexual attacks/rapes, 303 kidnappings, 16,070 drunk drivers and more all from illegals in this country. TRUMP will secure
the border. Just last week, a fancy tunnel discovered from Mexico to San Diego. Drugs coming in by the tons.
Smith says
Trump says it the way it is –he is brave and strait forward–I think he would get the country working again–we are being lead by a bunch of liears–
Cesar A Mendoza says
He says it like it is, but the nation will not vote for him. Few people like his style.
Barbara says
Many people like his style….wake up and look at his gatherings in different states. Thousands of people wait to see and hear him. You are thinking like the Demo’s.
Cesar A Mendoza says
That’s the Republican vote!. That is not enough.
MIKE C says
Carson is another yes man for certain groups . Trump is the only man fit for the job .He sees what we all see, and its making him sick
Judy says
Could you be more specific please? Yes man for what groups?
mikki says
Would like to know more about the good doctors association with Al Sharpton. Also, his top advisor Armstrong Williams is a huge fan of Louis Farrakhan. Dr. Carson is also for amnesty for illegals. That doesn’t say much for Dr. Carson. Changed my mind about him.
steve jar says
Where did you get that info
Judy says
He spoke at NAN, which is run by Al Sharpton. Sharpton already said they totally disagree on politics. When Carson got up to speak they booed him, at the end they gave him a standing ovation. I believe he went there hoping to show the audience a different way of thinking than Sharptons. True. Armstrong Williams and Carson are lifetime friends, he is NOT involved in Carson’s campaign. He does have something to do with the books Carson writes, he and Carson don’t agree on everything. I would say for someone who has changed your mind about Carson you seemed to have known very little about him to begin with. By the way, he is not granting them amnesty, they will have no voting privileges, no citizenship, etc Now, why don’t you go vett the D for awhile, starting with his friendship with the Clinton’s, he voted for Obama and his business ties with the Muslims in Dubai
Ken says
I like that Trump says about politicians, they are for hire to top dollar, that’s the truth. However, I wish was not so arrogant.
Phil Sargent says
Ted Cruz stands up to both parties…He’s the only Consistent Conservative out there….I like Trump and I like Carson, but neither compares well to Cruz……Check him out for yourself …I don’t expect for you to just take my word for it, check him out for yourselves.
Anne Stiefel says
ONLY Donald Trump can save this country from socialism. We need a very strong leader with no BS.
Cesar A Mendoza says
But the nation will not vote for him. He has made many enemies. He will not will nationwide. What good is that?
Pam says
So Trump is threatening to outspend Ben Carson to get what he wants from the American people. Not a good sign of things to come……
Cesar A Mendoza says
Ha-ha he is buying out vote?
DAB63 says
I am with Trump all the way! #Trump2016
Kenneth Myers says
Were going to send you a check. We truly think you are an honest man. You have a very beautiful family. They back you up over a hundred percent. The people that use religions to win a election. Like carson. Goes from one religion to another. Are using as many as he can. That is why he will not win. The lord knows the truth.
Cesar A Mendoza says
What in the world are you talking about? Of course he speaks to all groups of people.
Thomas says
Sorry, I’ve had enough black to last a thousand life times and I’m sick of it. We’ve had this lying illegal treasonous sissified muslim BOY barack hussein obama in office for almost seven years and he has torn this country into. obama is a terrorist appeaser and he also appeases the law breaking illegals and the criminals. obama gives Iran the gift that will keep on giving and dams Israel for trying to protect it’s country and it’s people. I don’t trust ben carson as far as I could throw Mount Everest, and would never vote for him for the top job, maybe the Ambassador to Haiti.
steve jar says
Close your eyes and open your ears and mind. check what Obama promised to transform the country which he did in the wrong way
Cesar A Mendoza says
He is entirely different than Obama. In as far as the jews, they murdered the SON OF GOD! what should we help them? They cried out His (Christ’s) blood fall upon ourselves and our children. So the holocaust? They asked for it. and God gave them plenty, not only from Germany but France Spain and Latin America. It seems like nobody likes the Jews.
Barbara says
Mr. Cesar, for one who is quoting the Bible….The Jews are GOD’S chosen people or have you not read that part? Most Christians love the Jewish people because they are God’s chosen. You should think before you make statements against God’s chosen. I am a Christian but would never condemn the Jewish people. We need to help them.
Cesar A Mendoza says
The jews were the chosen people. They crucified the Son of God and three and a half years later rejected him as their Savior. You are not reading the Bible, you are following what your Pastor tells you. Read how they stone Stephen and how God gave the Gospel which was for the jews, to the gentiles through Saul of Tarsus also known as Pal. The jews stopped being the Chosen People of God. The Chosen People of God are those who sincerely accept Him like their Savior. How do you explain Russia not liking them, Germany, France, Spain killing them and expelling them from their country and Latin America hating them because the jews are a blood sucking people as owners of business.
Keith says
Carson can’t beat “Trump ONLY Trump can beat Trump and I hope EVERYONE WAKES UP SOON!!!
Carmen B says
I am amazed at all I have read here today. My son asked me if I would vote for Trump – told him I would if he was the last one standing because Hillary would be far worse – but I would have to hold my nose. I agree that being loud and arrogant is also not the same as being wise and thoughtful. Our current President is obviously well educated but he, too is not wise and has been wrong on almost everything he has done for the economy and foreign policy. He has made matters worse. Being a naturalized American, I am concerned that Trump would embody what the rest of the world thinks about the worst of Americans. He may be good for the economy but I think he would make blunders in foreign policy. I do not think he would seek wise counsel because he thinks he is right about everything. We already have a thin skinned and rather vindictive President – we do not need another one. Trump looks petty and his insults of Ben Carson’s faith is ignorant.
Adeelle says
TRUMP is the ONLY hope we have. Carson is a plant by the GOP. He believes as Al Sharpton does and you can find it in facts on the internet. Are you one of the people that fell for Obama? You are falling for an on the job training man who is owned by the people that control the UN agenda. He is getting millions from people that want to defeat a free nation.
Open your eyes and see that. If Carson gets the nomination I will vote Libertarian. I am NOT selling out my country.
TRUMP or bloody revolution and probably lights out entirely for America. You might as well vote for muslim-communist lover Hillary.
TRUMP 2016 for America !!!
Mildred says
Adeele you obviously know nothing about Ben Carson. Your assumptions are ludicrous. As a patriot who cares deeply about my country, I urge you to find out the truth about Dr. Ben Carson. —
Barbara says
Adelle, how can I find out about the Al Sharpton association? I cannot stand this man and the way he divides people. I need to know more on the UN agenda and the people who are supporting Carson.
Elizabeth Marthe says
Donald is jus a trumpet player with bad temper and lots of money; the angrier he gets the harder he blows. Dr. Carson, please keep up the good job; you are like fresh air in the middle of mud and rotten “more of the same blah, blah”
Pam says
When Trump feels threatened, he gets louder. Ben Carson has been speaking his mind, quietly but consistently, for three years. Carson has the respect of other world leaders, which our nation as a whole is lacking at this time, and with our national debt to other nations (WE OWE THEM MONEY, FOLKS, LOTS OF IT), we will need mercy from them in the future. We don’t need a bombastic jerk representing us to the rest of the civilized world.
The liberal Democrat media loves Trump, they want the American people to fall for an outrageous loudmouth as their Republican presidential candidate, so that they can present a Democratic candidate who has some professionalism and class (not necessarily moral convictions), who will capitalize on Trump’s inadequacies that he tries to cover up with loudmouthed tactics. The average American is not stupid, but we are vulnerable to someone who promises change (sound familiar?) and is very different from what we have right now in the White House, at least on the surface. Obama covers his inadequacies and failures with political rhetoric, Trump covers up with words designed to get attention in the media. Ben Carson’s calm and understated strength doesn’t need rhetoric to get things done. (By the way, sleepy people don’t do brain surgery. Trump, get a life.)
steve jar says
Amen to that
Cesar A Mendoza says
Ha-ha, Pam you are so right! “sleepy people don’t make brain surgery” Vey Good Pam! Take the rest of the day off!!
Linda says
I don’t know a single person that is going to vote for Trump, or even LIKES him! Everyone I know, including myself is voting for Dr. Ben Carson. He is the only candidate that can attempt to heal our sick country.
Cesar A Mendoza says
And he is the only one who can win the White House. HE IS PRESIDENTIAL!
1Ronald says
If we don’t get Donald Trump in there won’t be anything left to write about. NOT that sleepy Uncle Ben “no abortion ever” Carson. No Carson. No Uncle Ben. Never Ever. Trump is a proven businessman that can repair America if it’s not already too late. We have no leaders other than Trump running. And yet there are those who would wait until we hit rock bottom before they realize we need Donald Trump. After it’s too late.
Cesar A Mendoza says
But the nation will not vote for a fool like that making enemies right and left.
Maribeth Battaglia says
I like dr carson but I dont think he would make a good president but I thinkmhe would make an excellent surgeonmgeneral !!!? Donald Trump will bring this nation back to the top !!!! I agree we need a good business man in office , one that is not afraid to make us number one again !!! Mr. Trump go all the way to the White House we have ur back !!! God bless and protect u !!!
Cesar A Mendoza says
But you need to convince the whole nation to vote for him. You will not succeed.
carol says
I, too, switched from Democrat to Republican so I can vote for Trump. Ben Carson is a nice man, but not a leader. Have you noticed how he keeps his eyes closed very often when he is speaking? I can just see him doing that with representatives from all over the world. We will be the laughing stock of the world!
steve jar says
Most people around the world will listen and respect an intelligent man who speaks the truth
Cesar A Mendoza says
Not a leader? What do you know about leadership? He converted the children Department of one of the Best Hospitals into the first children Department in the nation. Check this out and vote for Dr Ben Carson.
Steve miller says
Trump said he will spend millions or whatever it takes to win. Is the job For sale? I hope the needs of the people and the country Is still number one..
Barbara says
At least it is HIS money and not money from organizations that expect favors in return. Think about that!
Gerald says
I be leave President Trump will make a stand up leader,and help put stop to all tax payers wasted tax dollars!! I wondering if Mr Trump is buying GOLD just in case the all-mighty US Fails soon ?
TJH says
The reason both sides worry about Donald Trump becoming President of the United States is, the 200 BILLION dollars both sides have their hands in from tax payers a year for the Global Warming BS that has been proven to be in fact NO GLOBAL WARMING WHATSOEVER! This from the top N.A.S.A. scientist who testified before the Senate during the space shuttle desaster Chalenger. After he retired years later he with about 1,000 or more top scientist around the world together proved there was NO GLOBAL WARMING like AL GORE has been BS -ING America about even to this day.
Tom says
Jo says
Even though I liked what Trump said at the beginning, as all of us did, I would not vote for him as he is a very arrogant and vain individual…plus seems to get angry quickly. The other reason I wouldn’t vote for him is because he has given money to the Clintons, apparently more than once. It may have been toward their foundation. We need a fighter in there for us, but not one that doesn’t use his head with wisdom, instead of vanity. We also need someone in there that hasn’t left God out of their lives…but depends on him. Trump doesn’t appear to depend on God, but does more depending on who he is.
Justin Wachin says
Donald Trump has deep enough pockets to spend the other candidates into bankruptcy. Mitt used the same strategy four years ago. While that works in a primary it didn’t work for Mitt in the general election.
Hopefully Donald Trump will win the hearts of the Republicans, rather than being content to win because he is the last man standing. People weren’t excited about Mitt in 2012. They didn’t work for him in the general election. That’s why President Obama got an undeserved second term.
angelica fazio says
We need a man of both intelligence AND integrity in the White House. Read Carson’s latest book, “A More Perfect Union.” It is unifying, but not divisive. He doesn’t bluster and insult in order to “tell it like it is.” And his true character can be relied on. He isn’t threatening to “buy” the American people by simply outspending everyone else—-he’s communicating real thoughts in a reasonable way.
It’s got to take a great deal of “energy” to work for 28 hours straight on the heads of conjoined twins in surgery in order to successfully separate them. It’s got to take brilliance AND a tremendous amount of energy to pull yourself up from an inner-city poverty kid to one of the world’s most renown brain surgeons. “Energy” doesn’t have to be arrogant and blustering—-or insulting. We really NEED a unifying leader in this country who can reasonably appeal to all of our divided factions. I love Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz—-but, unfortunately, neither of them could unify this country and take the vote. Neither can Trump (whom I love less because even though I like many of the things he says, I believe he is progressive, rather than conservative, and more out for himself than he is for the best interests of this nation). Remember, Trump was until rather recently, a strong supporter and contributor to the Clintons (ESPECIALLY to Hillary). We don’t really know where he will go once he’s in office.
Adeelle says
Carson is a plant by the GOP, who is no better than Obama, on the jopb training guy who will let the one world govt. people own him. If we don;t get TRUMP, its over, lights out people. Both parties are so corrupt. We will be in a bloody revolution like our founders just to survive. We can thrive under TRUMP. Look at his track record. Back in high school they say he was the nicest, best mannered, focused and driven in the school. He was honest as the day is long, that what he said was truth. He has never changed. He gives to all who ask. He lives the life a Christian would. Sure he has had his bumps in the world as we ALL have as there was only one perfect man on this earth, Jesus Christ. But he is the ONLY one with the courage and wisdom to take us out of the mess we are in before its too late.
Carson agrees with Al Sharpton. What do you think he will do? A third term for Obama?? We are doomed if this guy gets it.
TRUMP 2016 if you are an American who loves their country. America is FIRST with him and it should be with you.,
TRUMP 2016 or lights out for America !!!
Mildred says
Adeele, Adeele — Bless your little misguided heart ! Why on earth do you think that Ben Carson would have anything to do with the likes of Al Sharpton? I urge you to read Dr. Carson’s books to learn who this man really is. —
Kenneth L Neal says
Elect Donald and watch as he cleans house. He is able and ready to do just that and return American back to the great nation that we are. Let us elect him in a land slide and put him to work in Washington, D.C.
Walt says
So we have billionaire hypocrite Trump, who tells us he got just a ‘little” help in stepping out into life with a $1 million dollar loan from his daddy / mentor ($6 million today). That puts Trump into the top 1% of the population, the ones who control and manipulate the vast majority of the world’s resources. And right wingers bitch about the Democrats? Trump wants to enforce his 1% visions on the entire nation. And then we have extremest right wing American Taliban freak Carson, who can’t wait to shove his version of morality and right and wrong down everyone else’s throat, and if you don’t like it we have a nice prison cell waiting for you. Republicans are great until you give them money and power, and at that point you have opened the gates of hell, and deserve exactly what you get.
Lou says
You make no sense
Barbara Good says
I am counting on Americans waking up, getting our of the place of fear, and looking toward electing someone whose morals and standards are commendable. Hillary does not tell the truth and is a master of twisting and spinning. Trump is dominated by his ego and his money and will try to get what he wants however low he has to sink to get it. He may be a nice person, but he lost me with his “I’ll treat others as they treat me” attitude. He says that if someone is nice to him, he’ll be nice to them, but his actions do not show this. And he wants to get revenge if others oppose him. Is that the kind of president we want? How will that work on the world stage? We need a leader of high order who will inspire us and “speak softly and carry a big stick” as Teddy Roosevelt said. (well, as long as the stick stands for firmness and not a weapon of war!)
Lyle says
Notice Trump says he will spend Millions to win. That’s what he would do with OUR money just to prove a point. Spend until HE wins, right or wrong. Bad for us. If you check he never says HOW he will pay for all these great things he says he will do. OUR money not his.
Mike Lynch says
As Mark Twain might say- there’s 3 kinds of lies: the lie, the damn lie and political polls.
Patty says
Trump’s got my vote! Hillary is a joke. Our country needs to be rebuilt after what Obama and his people have done to it. Hopefully it’s not to late for our children and grandchildren. Trump is a good business man and successful and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. I’m tired of two-faced politicians who have their own agendas. Go Trump!!!!!!!
Mark Terry says
Trump sometimes has me shaking my head and wondering. But at least he is 1) a strong leader and 2) someone who tells the truth as he knows it, speaking from the heart. In a world of double-talking politicians, it is refreshing to get the straight scoop from Trump.
Marcia says
I agree with McGuire on Carson. If those of you who want Trump will stop and realize that he trying to buy the presidency with his money because he can outspend ever candidate except Hillary……what does that say about his spendaholic habits as president. I have to agree that he will spend our money just like he does his own. He has filed bankruptcy several times and come out ahead. If he can not control his own spending, how will he keep USA afloat, when we already have Big O pushing us toward a disaster with his spending?? Also, I don’t like Trump and his arrogance, loud mouth, and “mud slinging” other candidates.
Patrick says
Use your voice & make the RIGHT choice. You know who your choices are & who is the strongest voice to make America Great Again & who is NOT a sold out political puppet & who will put GOD back into our government, schools, homes & hearts & who is spending his own money & not obligated to big money favors from corrupt, greedy & godless sources & will hire experts to propel America back to the top & fire all the idoits who have failed the American people’s will of life, liberty & happiness as one nation-under GOD.
Wayne Kuhn says
The “Drive By Media, including Fox, is biased against The Donald and are trying to shore up other candidates, ie. Dr. Carson, to offset Trump, but don’t think it will work…not working with me. Some folks don’t like the Donald’s brashness. Want the Donald to be brash with illegals, drug runners, the Chinese, radical Muslims, gangs, Russia, mainstream media freaks,and others who disrespect our laws, our government, and our way of life. Think the pollsters are playing games to try and diminish Trump. I take them with a grain of salt. Regards, Wayne Kuhn
I like donald trump Heis for the military and the veterans
I like donald trump. He has gut guts. He is far the military and the veterans
Roberta Bindle says
Dear Mr. Trump,
My husband and i are behind you 100 percent But you need to talk on politics and
world problems. And put aside about those running against you etc. And get down to
business. Let the world know why you would make a good president and what your going to do
to help our country out in different ways. Disagreeing back and forth is not good.
We need a good stable man to be our president and you are the guy.
Jerome Eckleberry says
Mr. Trump is arguably difficult to ‘like’ as a person. What he does represents as an operative is a different matter altogether. He appears to be a reset button for a confused government. (Think about unplugging your computor to forse it to reset).Anyway, Mr. Trump seems to separate needs from wants with needs being prioritized. To hazard a guess, First, Mr. Trump will not permit the offenders to our government go unpunished and second he will not spend money we do not have with the exception of millitary exceptionalism. If just these two things happen the momentum of that action may become infectious. Sometimes you got to poison the dog to kill the parasites, then nurse the dog back to health and set up preventative measures…Ben Carson.
Oh, if spelling is a trouble, sound it out.
Sammy says
Candidate Donald Trump is my choice for president of United States of America. Nothing will change my
mind from voting for a reliable , trustworthy presidential candidate Trump.
I am a democratic voter but will vote for Donald this election.
For any who think that Ben Carson can’t beat the Hilda beast, consider that Carson only has to win a small percentage of the black vote in order to win the election, IMHO.
Lou says
Just wait till Hillary crushes Carson on debates and you will see the media going into a utopia state and all those low information voters will flock to her . Carson is horrible at debating hell Rick Perry is a better debater than Carson
Lou says
I don’t believe these polls they’re out to get Trump so they can ask non Trump supporters to participate in these polls. Just wait till election day and you will see Trump as the winner
Sammy says
LOU, I Believe you. Hundreds of thousands we don’t know will come out to vote
for TRUMP. I wish the election is today . My family and I can’t wait to cast our vote for
Mr. Trump .
Gail says
If Donald Trump has millions to throw at beating Ben Carson, then you should tell him to donate it to the people who are starving in third world countries and impress people with his goodness, not his wealth and power.
kenneth walker says
Louise Schumaker says
Ben Carson is on meds for anger..that’s why he has his eyes closed when he talks and acts slow…He stabbed his friend in the stomach with a knife but hit his belt buckle instead…He went after his mother with a hammer…He slit open a friends skull….The twins he seperated died after but he didn’t tell you that…He was warned by top surgeons that it was to dangerous to operate on a young girls brain to remove a tumor but he did it anyway…The girl is terribly deformed now and brain not functioning because of the operation…Carson has some charges still in the courts that are still against him…this man could explode any time and could be dangerous if he doesn;t take his pill…Is any one ready to trust someone like this to be the President of the United States ?? Not me…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know why no one checks on the people that will be in such an important position….My God think of what could happen with him in this coma situation taking meds…We have countries with nuclear weapons and the whole world is a mess…Search Ben Carsons name and read all articles about this man….That’s what i did..
Janis Petta says
After I read dozens of comments, I was so excited that we Americans
are passionate about our nation; and we do not want to lose it.
Now I know who held onto our American flag that historic night
with bombs bursting in air gave proof that our flag was still there.
Janis Petta [email protected]
Beano says
Yeah, I knew the same thing. NO WAY Carson beat Trump. Somebody having fun with your mind.
Guitarnotes says
None of these Jerks have never had to work at real labor whether its Carson or Trump or Clinton they have all made big money on the government and the backs of the working class of people and Ben Carson is another Obama In disguise who don’t care about all people just the ones of his color and the money he can make on the backs of real working people as far as I am concerned if Ben Carson wins we will have the same crap Obama has delivered nothing but more racism and the same with Hillary Clinton just another wax job. We need someone who cares about all people not someone that only think that only black lives matter, I think all peoples lives matter and anyone whom don’t think all life matters can’t ever be called a Christian. For Christ came to save all people and show them the way to a better life.
Jeannine Smock says
Who knows some of those people may have been brought in just to mess with the voting.
Do not forget the RNC has it’s claws out for TRUMP!
richard says
hilary gets in kiss your ass goodbye
richard adams says
if clinton gets in the usa is gone forever///////////
Observant says
Folks, have you seen the Rich Spoied Me Me Kid, Donald, Insanly Screaming and Pounding on a Table his religion more than a dozen times like a Mad Rich Kid, when he learned Dr. Carson was Leading. Hope he grows Up for his health sake.
On the other hand, We have the Only Sane Grown Up, Dr. Ben Carson can Heal our Sick Nation and Calm down the Upsidedown World!
MichaelFup says
Life is not infinite. Of course, this is a not a secret, but do we often remember about it? How can we feel the value of life staying at home? They say if you don’t like the place where you are – move, you’re not a tree after all. By the same rule, I want to say that traveling – is an important component of interesting life. Let’s not waste life in vain but explore this wonderful world! It remains to take a step, just click world’s places of interest and you will see all the riches of our world which are near to us. Very often various natural anomalies are just close to us, but we can’t find time for the connection with nature. Start reading not fashion magazines but brochures with natural landmarks. A illustrious poem says “What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare…” Let’s change our life!
Sammy says