Has the government gone too far? Not yet, say progressives in California. This year, Democrats in control of the state passed three of the most aggressive social policies in the country. Now, their ideas are catching on nationwide.
Laws forcing vaccinations, legalizing doctor-approved suicide, and mandating equal pay at private businesses were among dozens of new laws recently approved.
If liberals have their way, these won’t be stopping at just California’s border. These sweeping new laws in the most populous state reflects Democrats’ desires to set a national trend on progressive social and environmental issues.
Many left-leaning interest groups and politicians see California as the brass ring for setting policies — and then testing whether those policies can withstand rigorous legal challenges.
“Both the vaccine bill and the right-to-die legislation will be seriously looked at by other states,” said Sherry Bebitch-Jeffe, senior political science fellow at the University of Southern California. “If it can pass here and it is perceived to work here, I think the proponents have a big positive jolt out of the victory in California.”
She believes over the next five to 10 years, the nation will look more like California politically.
Gov. Jerry Brown, a lifelong Catholic and former Jesuit seminarian, ended months of speculation when he signed the hotly debated suicide rights law, saying he doesn’t want to fight the issue.
With the worst of the state’s budget crisis behind them, Democratic lawmakers who control both houses of the Legislature are free to resume a liberal agenda of extending protections to the most vulnerable.
Liberal advocates are already pushing for similar laws in at least two dozen states this year.
In all, lawmakers sent Brown 808 bills, and he signed 675 of them. Other major new laws include:
— The strictest rules in the nation to ban routinely giving antibiotics to livestock.
— The first law to specifically ban using the name “Redskins” for school sports teams.
— Barring most people with concealed weapons permits from taking weapons onto college campuses.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
drbhelthi says
Vaccination does not vaccinate, never has. Rockefeller school medicine and the pharmacy industry have trained the Western World to believe the farce, but scientific findings indicate that “vaccines” are the equivalent of “voodoo.” Injecting infected animal tissue, harmful chemicals and heavy metal into the body weakens rather than strengthens the immune system. Any improvement is due to the “placebo effect.” Physicians are increasingly telling the truth, similar to “chemotherapy” that has had a failure rate of 97-98% since Hitler used it in his “Health Promotion Campaign” in Germany in the 1930s. For a bit of insight into the USGov´s abuse of its citizenry, goto this link, and drop down to 1900: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/biowar.html
JGibson says
Dear Drbhelthi,
Everything you said is right on the money. And “money” is really the bottom line, as I’m sure you know. My heart goes out to those living in CA. I hope that since a lot of Californians are wealthy, they will have the means to leave the State and go somewhere that doesn’t force people to take poisonous vaccines or anything else that’s harmful.
I think most educated people know that injections filled with mercury and aluminum are deadly. If not, they need to educate themselves.
Joseph Roginski says
Drbhelthi and JGibson,
Smallpox, measles, diptheria, polio, rabies, and the list goes on an on. Vaccines DO work and they have saved millions of lives. Your ‘logic’ and rhetoric is on the level of ‘flat earthers’, holocaust deniers, and moon landing skeptics. I am really surprised you didn’t start Bible thumping! Its people like you who would have us revert to the ‘dark ages’. I hope for your kids’ sake that you haven’t spawned your lunacy on them, as well as endangered their lives.
Mary says
The end game is to keep us all sick, crazy and bankrupt on every level. In other words keep the non-ruling class living in a lifelong state of involuntary servitude. With friends like that who needs enemies.