The terrifying search for a long-haul truck driver the county prosecutor is calling a serial killer has finally led to an arrest.
Robert Rembert, 45, has been indicted in Cuyahoga County, Ohio for four murders stretching back 18 years — including three this year. He was also charged with kidnapping, rape, aggravated robbery, grand theft and gross abuse of a corpse.
But given Rembert’s long history of violence — and the length of time between the murders he’s been charged with — authorities are now investigating to see whether Rembert may have left many more victims in his wake.
Rembert, who earlier served time in prison following a manslaughter conviction in another killing, was arrested in late September after emerging from a shower at a truck stop outside Cleveland and has been held on a $1 million bond since, prosecutors said.
There’s now an investigation into Rembert’s activities as an over-the-road truck driver in the region, and police are seeing if they can link him to more unsolved murders in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.
“Robert Rembert is a serial killer,” Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty said. “So far, we know he’s purposefully executed five people.”
Prosecutors say DNA evidence matched Rembert to the rape and strangulation deaths of Rena Mae Payne in May 1997 and Kimberly Hall this June. Rembert also is charged in the fatal shooting of Morgan Nietzel and his cousin Jerry Rembert at a Cleveland home on Sept. 20, the day before he was arrested.
Prosecutors say Rembert lived in the home and “executed” Nietzel and his cousin with shots to the head. Nietzel’s car was found in the parking lot of the truck stop in Medina County.
Payne’s body was discovered in an employee restroom at a Regional Transit Authority bus turnaround. Rembert was an RTA bus driver at the time and knew the entry code for the restroom, prosecutors said.
Hall’s body was found in a field on Cleveland’s east side.
The fifth slaying was the fatal shooting of Dadren Lewis in December 1997. Rembert pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and was sentenced in July 1998 to six years in prison.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Very sad indeed, especially for the victims and their families, but he still has a long way to go to catch up to the CLINTON’S.
You got that right!
Why was he let out of prison the first time? Who let him out?
Thats why all people should have random lie detector tests asking about illegal drug use, murder, pedophelia and deviant behavior when applying for job or ANY govt assistance!
Keep these people locked up and do to them what they did to victims then execute in middle of town for all to applaud the riddance if evil!
This is justice at the present time.. We have judges who are mentally sick themselves and are letting these murderers out in the streets. There are judges who are accepting bribes. There are judges who playing with themselves in court while hearing cases!! How do these judges get to sit on the benches?? Unbelievable!!!!
Psychopaths not only protect each other, but they also support, hire and promote each other.
Since money is more important to them than justice and human lives, if padding their bank account means letting a killer go free, they’ll gladly take a bribe and let a killer go free if they know they will not be held accountable. And, if they are protected by other psychopaths, then they will not be held accountable.
Background checks do not give the whole picture and provide everything one needs to know about the person, as most psychopaths have a clean, or fairly clean, background report. Psychopaths love money more than people. They have no conscience.
Not all psychopaths are murderers, but all murderers are psychopaths.
The states should use my invention: ELECTRIC BLEACHERS! Fry ’em all on death row. Automatic deterrent for anyone who would even think of committing murder.
Well see this from another side, a guy are not more murder and criminals, if you compare with Cops and abortionist but a Cop can kill and another can’t? and kill baby are license to kill? that are a corruption, where some can kill but another not. I not mean he are hero, but if a Cop or abortionist can kill, that men are guilty of nothing. Murder are murder and are not any excuse that include Cops and abortion, or are legal for all, or are illegals for all, 13 Cops shut 137 time two black and that are a murder too, but a corrupt criminals Lawyers, prosecutor and Judges see different. Here must be a real Law, where any Judges approve there must arrest and prosecute with no any question, and here in Cleveland are a City of criminals corrupt in power like a prosecutor , Judges and all Cops, if are 10% of all Cop decent and honest, are so much,, Cleveland criminal mob Dpt ( alias police Dpt) and a first big corrupt criminals are a Mayor. Cops who shoot children, older, any one every day, liberals must cease of exist.
“But all the other kids are doing it,” whining doesn’t excuse poor behavior for kids, nor does it excuse this murdering perp. Stay on topic and don’t bring up other agendas; this is not the place.
I agree with you. However “social media” is a place where most of the respondents are simply haters.
Sad. Although she seems to mean well, Hora is clueless and needs to learn English. Cleveland, like all large urban areas, is run by Democrats. They prey on the hordes of ignorant, uninformed and stupid people who continually vote like the Democrat dependent zombies that they are.
Why does the press use the term “Executed,” for murders? “Executed,” implies a legal execution following a court trial.
I believe they use the term execution, referring to shooting someone in the head. It is referred to as execution style.
His earlier conviction and release is an example of our corrupted justice systems that sees no value in seeking justice for the murder victims but showing love and compassion for the criminal…and, this is why Planned Parenthood has operated so successfully in killing the most innocent and helpless…
I could not have said it any better. You are so right. We have a corrupt justice system. What’s going on? Who is picking these incompetent, mentally sick and corrupt judges to seat on the bench???
They are either voted in by your neighbors or appointed by the politicians you vote into office. Remember that the next time you vote democrat.
Hopefully this man will get the death penalty for each of these murders. Hopefully one of the states will have the intestinal fortitude to carry it out. This guy has already been through the criminal justice system once. It failed to turn him into a productive member of society. He should be caged like an animal for the rest of his life. His life should end at the hand of a prison executioner rather than by nature. People like this should get a fast track for appeals so the death penalty can be carried out in a timely manner.
I think they should bring back a Quick Trail, a Public Execution and broadcast it on the Television.
This should also happen with the first murder a person commits.
Of course the Bleeding Heart Liberals would have none of it.
This boggles the mind, unless perhaps, he owned his own rig .. I drove truckloads of U.S. Mail for over a dozen years, and unless the rules have been radically re-written, the U.S.P.S. wouldn’t hire you if there was even a ‘misdemeanor’ in your past, let alone a ‘felony’ conviction .. Most common-carriers will accept someone with a ‘misdemeanor’ , but even they would exclude anyone with a ‘felony’ .. Have we slipped this far, in so short a time period ? .. frank k.
Maybe they should try to link him to the murder of Tammy Zwickie who was last seen on her way to college in Iowa on the side of the road with a semi truck in front of her car!!!
He must be roasted several times over then?
I recall an episode of “Criminal Minds” with that very scenario.