by Frank Holmes, reporter
Sen. Ted Cruz says that one thing will determine whether Republicans lose control of the country for a generation — or maybe even forever: whether they keep control of Texas.
“Texas is the key for national domination for years to come,” Cruz says in a video. “If Democrats win Texas, it’s all over.”
No one knows this better than the Democrats—and their enthusiasm is high.
Donald Trump leads Democratic challenger Joe Biden by just 0.2% — two-tenths of one percent in one of the most conservative states in the nation, according to a RealClear Politics average.
Cruz knows exactly how Democrats can turn out the vote. He beat Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke by just 200,000 votes in 2018.
Democratic voter turn-out in the 2020 run-off election doubled compared to 2018, spiking from 434,889 in 2018 to 955,735 in 2020.
“Let me tell you right now, every one of those crazed angry leftists that showed up in 2018, they’re showing up in 2020, and they’re even angrier,” Cruz says. “They hate President Trump, and far too many of them hate America.”
Texas is the only large state that consistently votes Republican. No Democrat has been elected governor in 30 years. But Cruz is concerned about how long that will be true.
“Texas is the single biggest target for the Left in 2020, politically speaking,” Sen. Cruz said.
The Democrats—and their largest billionaire funders, like George Soros—have put their ample resources behind hijacking Texans’ votes.
Soros’ network of megadonors, the Democracy Alliance, held its 2019 spring meeting in Austin, Texas—where its attendees promised to “change the rules of our democracy.”
One of its most important sessions was called “Bigger than Beto: Turning Texas Blue.”
The millionaires and social justice warriors asked former Mexican President Vicente Fox to lay out a strategy for illegal immigration, and mass amnesty, to change Texas back into a solid Democratic state.
In 2014, at least 2.7 million Texans live with an illegal alien, according to the pro-open borders American Immigration Council—and that number is probably low.
That should move President Trump’s promises to build the Wall on the southern border and ramp up a “deportation force” to get illegals out of the country before the liberals can give them amnesty.
But another huge demographic change is already underway in the Lone Star State: Texas has had an influx of 1,000 new people a day—foreign and domestic. Some come from blue states like California and New York…and they often bring their liberal political views in tow.
And one of the leading sources of legal immigration to Texas is China.
If Democrats don’t have enough time to change the voters by 2020, they plan to change the voting rules.
Barack Obama’s self-described “wingman,” former Attorney General Eric Holder, is suing Texas to expand mail-in voting. The lawsuit is filed by the National Redistricting Foundation, an affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which Holder leads.
The group has threatened to sue Texas, claiming the state’s voting districts are “racist”…because not enough Democrats get elected.
Holder has admitted he and Obama want revenge, because Republicans were able to make Obama’s efforts to force Americans to follow his version of “progress a lot more difficult…because of the Congress that he had to deal with, which was a function of the 2010 redistricting effort.”
Republican leaders are warning, if the Democrats win the 2020 presidential election, they won’t stop at rigging one state.
“They will change the rules of the game,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told Sean Hannity.
“How we vote, they will change,” he said. “You know, in California, they allow people who are not even citizens to vote in school board races.”
The Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, is warning
“The GOP needs to take the Soros network and the Holder, Obama, and Pelosi alliance (in Texas) seriously,” he wrote in The Washington Examiner. “The integrity of the people’s vote is at stake.”
He even asked voters to sign a petition saying, “Don’t California My Texas!”
But the threat has remained—and it’s gaining steam.
“We’ve got four months to stop a blue wave from destroying the great state of Texas,” Sen. Cruz says—and with it, the entire United States of America.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”