When President Barack Obama used an executive order to go around Congress and grant temporary “amnesty” to millions of illegal immigrants, conservatives were up in arms.
Obama defended his actions as necessary, while opponents argued it was an excessive — and illegal — overreach of executive power.
Now, the raging political fight over immigration comes to the Supreme Court on Monday in a dispute that could affect millions of people who are in the United States illegally.
The court is weighing the fate of Obama administration programs that could shield roughly 4 million people from deportation and grant them the legal right to hold a job.
Texas and 25 other states sued to block the new initiatives soon after they were announced, and lower courts have ruled in their favor. The programs have never taken effect.
The states, joined by congressional Republicans, argue that Obama doesn’t have the power to effectively change immigration law. When he announced the measures 17 months ago, Obama said he was acting under his own authority because Congress had failed to overhaul the immigration system. The Senate had passed legislation on a bipartisan vote, but House Republicans refused to put the matter to a vote.
“Fundamentally, we don’t think the president has the statutory or constitutional authority to issue these executive actions,” said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
House Republicans told the court that Obama is claiming the power “to decree that millions of individuals may live, work and receive benefits in this country even though federal statutes plainly prohibit them from doing so.”
A decision in favor of the administration would allow the programs to take effect in the waning months of Obama’s presidency. A loss or even a tie vote would block the administrations actions for the foreseeable future.
A decision in U.S. v. Texas, 15-674, is expected by late June.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
John says
Hopefully he’ll lose and in fact should be impeached for dereliction of his duties,
john ruggiero says
Obama should be impeached and put in prison for trying to bring down this wonderful country. all socialists should be deported to socialist countries where they will be living their dream and leave the united states alone.
pat derby says
John, I think that is a great idea.
Philip says
And so do I, super great idea.
mrsh says
Obama is the muslim leader of the world who infiltrated our highest office and did so in order to bring in his armies of muslims. This is why he is doing what he is doing with the illegal immigrants. If you have not seen this horrifying clip below- this is exactly what he wants, as his goal is to bring down the USA permanently! His pals at eh UN and Saudi Arabia/UAE have funded his armies to takeover the world in this initial step of jihad. If you have not seen this clip- watching it and sharing it with all you know could very well save your lives some day: https://www.youtube.com/embed/44vzMNG2fZc
This info is mortifying!, and this is what Omuslim wants!!
Philip says
And so do I, I think it’s a supper Idea.
froggy57 says
I agree. Good idea. Get rid of the socialists
Confoundmeonce says
YES ! WE can Dream, Can`t we ?? Maybe Deported to some desert Island Close to Being Overrun By a Big Tidal WAVE ?? That Would Be The Ideal way to Get Rid of A Bunch We don`t Want TO Put Thru An Expensive And Long Trial…Just TO See SOME Prez Pardon Them..So they Can repeat Their Bad Deeds against the “Pore=folk ‘ ‘ All Over Again.
Constitutionalist says
Obama should NOT be impeached. He should simply be arrested, tried, convicted, and jailed – preferably, in a prison akin to Leavenworth.
He was NEVER qualified for the presidency, because both of his parents were/are NOT US citizens, meaning he’s NOT Natural Born. He KNOWINGLY COMMITTED FRAUD just to get in office, and has done MUCH worse, since, including betraying the Public Trust by violating his Oath of Office repeatedly(a felony perjury) and committing Treason by giving aid and comfort to awowed/declared enemies of the United States…including allowing Muslims in to this country who seek to supplant the Laws of the United States AND the Several States with Shar’ia law…and have already set up “enclaves” where this has been done, just as in a multiplicity of countries in Europe.
Only LEGITIMATE presidents can be impeached. IF an impeachment is carried through to finality, this would mean that there has been an “official” recognition that his Current Occupancy has been lawful, when it is not and has never been so.
Besides, WAY more than enough evidence exists to have him arrested for a PLETHORA of charges sufficient to end his Unlawful Occupancy permanently.
Eagle says
Yes, I have to agree with what the Constitutionalist says: We cannot legitimize Obama with impeachment. We have to charge him with treason and put him in Gitmo while the place is still available. How in gods name could this country make this huge mistake voting this fraud into the most powerful office in the world? The American people need to think about the requirements of the presidential office and this should include a complete study of the constitution with an honest allegiance to the oath of office on a christian bible, not on a piece of excrement. Obama has insulted the constitution and the American people. Congress has let us down, congress has caved in on Obama’s thuggery. Congress should have been charging Obama with treason, Hillary should be in jail by now. The constitution, the law provides too many considerations for aliens to enter this country and the law has not been enforced by Congress. The magnitude of Obama’s crime and damage to this country is by the number of illegal aliens still in this country. Because they are here illegally, they should all be exported and prevented from returning to America. Obama should go with them. All Obama’s benefits, bank accounts and property should be liquidated and returned to the American taxpayer to help pay for the return of all the illegal aliens. We must remove all Muslims from the government payroll and survival every mosque until they leave this country.
Tammy says
Put him in prison for 20 years then take the POS out for an early morning HANGING!
4TheLoveOfCountry says
I agree, don’t legitimize him by impeachment!! But there’s one thing I adamantly disagree on! If he’s allowed to live, imprisoned or not, this abomination will.be back to finish what we interrupted, you can bet on that! Somehow, someway, his profound hate for us, if he’s alive, will forever be a threat to us. Never in my life have I, nor dreamed that one day I would vehemently endorse, no, FRANTICALLY DEMAND the extermination of a human being! But ill say this, witnessing the destruction of everything i love, the thoughts of my children & grandchildren suffering… I just know deep down Anything short of death will not remove the threat…
The DC DICTATOR….The ILLEGAL SQUATTER in the White House….Should be DEPORTED…Along with all the rest of the ILLEGAL CRIMINALS who have entered this Country…
Chris says
No deportation. He should have a military court martial trial for treason and it should be held in Quantonamoe !
Philip says
And I agree.!!!!!!!!!!
Dove says
Hi , Hello & pleasE except the Standing Ovation i give too the many post I’ve just read on this subject. I was in construction when Bush threw out his executive order concerning this issue, and, its my rightful opinion that, Obm, didnt give it a 2ND thought. If it was ANY OF US, using our nations own power to hurt ourseleves… THEY GIVE us all the CHAIR. Even giving opinion is costly anymore. Im not againest ANYONE wanting a better life; Just feel; if folks are gunna benifit from our great nation… They should share in the responsibilitis that do infact come with it. Either way it goes for us as a caring, Strong nation; my deepest wishes are with us all. When it comes right down too the nut cutting; We all are human. HAVE a happy day.
Rick says
Bye Bye Bernie and take Obama with you.
Chris says
Amen to that
Christine says
Barbara says
He should have been impeached and deported years ago he wasn’t born in the USA he is from Kenya and was born there . He has ruined our Country and is trying to finish it off like he covers up for Hillary Clinton and they both need to be thrown behind Bars and the key thrown away she shouldn’t even be around to run for president of Our Country people that has been backing her need to wake up and look at all the Bull Crap that woman has already done to Our Country !!!!
Gary Brown says
Obama is a lawless president, and has no right to make new laws on his own, I call that Dictatorship.
Philip says
Yes he thinks he is the Dictator, he is a wantabe Dictator,or the King rule by decree.
RC says
We all hope Obama will lose but I’d be willing to bet the Supreme Court will cave in again and find in his favor. He wants to flood our country with illegals from Mexico, the Middle East and no telling where else. Especially Muslims. I live near the southern border in the Tucson sector. This is where more drugs come across than any other place. The cartels are coming across into what’s supposed to be our sovereign soil armed with full automatic weapons and nothing is being done about it. Korans and other literature have been found in the unholy messes left at abandoned campsites. The Mexicans are bad enough but since the Muslims feel their “bible” is so sacred I find myself wondering why they would abandon it in that way. Our country is being, and has been invaded for years. It’s way past time to put a stop to it and if ANY Socialist who calls himself or herself a Democrat is allowed in office we’ll be in much more trouble. That goes for those liars and cheats, Cruz and Kasich, too.
Anne Smith says
You’re absolutely right! I just watched “Border Wars.” It’s sickening how much drugs are seized through very creative means and the unabated, constant attempted invasion of illegals as well! The ONLY remedy to this is Mr. Trump! This bears repeating: The ONLY remedy to this is Mr. Trump! He’s the only one who’s not bought and sold and will act on behalf of the people and not the puppets in Washington!
Matthew says
I’m surprised some folks down there haven’t dug in with rifles and night vision scopes and picked off some of the invaders in the more remote areas. Coyotes (the 4 legged ones) need to eat too you know.
4TheLoveOfCountry says
We need to Do something! This is our Country he’s killing,.our children! We cannot just sit and wait. I made my decision a long while ago, I’m going to fight! With everything I have in my heart for this Country that my father died for so that we could have freedom and life I would dishonor not only my father, but every life sacrificed to honor the country they loved, the people (us) they were entrusted to defend, and did with integrity and courage. When America goes down I’m going down with Her, but ill be fighting till I do go down, the anger and grief alone will fortify me.
Dove says
Go trump!!..
Glendon Woodard says
Mr. Trump wins or we are doomed.
Glendon Woodard says
Mr. Trump wins or we are doomed.
L.Stacey says
Thank you for sharing information. All Americans who love this country agree with you.
Dove says
Go trump!!..
Whoop.. U bet
Judi Mores says
I agreed with what you said, UNTIL the very last line. FYI, Ted Cruz was instrumental in keeping that illegal executive amnesty bill from being put into law. He killed the Gang of 8 bill with a poison pill. He is for closed borders and against amnesty. He plans to defund the sanctuary cities. How you can call him names, when all he’s done is continually fight for America’s rights is beyond me.
S A says
RACHEL H. says
Terry says
Retire him and HRC to GITMO. Free food and air conditioning.
jarnkm says
Obama, the ‘Russian Plant’ in OUR government, has been overstepping his authority since he’s been in office! Absolutely nothing has been done to stop him. There are a large number of Communist in our government today. All it takes is a web search to find the information. ‘Communism’ is now ‘Progressive-ism’, according to Washington. A few years back the CPUSA sued the Democratic Party for ‘stealing their agenda’, but Washington kept that quiet, as well. Since Washington controls/censors our news media sources … THEY easily control what we hear, see or read. At 73 I have long seen things go by with nothing ever being done about it. Sadly, OUR government is in total control of both sides of the matter. With the FEMA Camps and REX 84, I think they they also have plans for ‘We the Sheeple’! I suggest a thorough web search on the two topics. They are self explanatory.
Bernie says
There is no basis for impeachment! You folks will do anything to besmirch Obama’s character. It’s the sour grapes mentality! What everyone needs to focus on is the hearings for Scalia’s replacement!! Leave the immigrants alone. In most cases, you’re an immigrant too!
L.Stacey says
We aren’t illegal immigrants. We are people who care about America. If you don’t you should leave.
EVA says
Bernie says
I already got plans in the works! Whether you’re illegal or not you’re still an immigrant. How r u gonna tell me to leave and I was born here? You need to go back to where you came from until you can learn some
Ambers. I guess that seems right to you. You’re a guest in my house and you get to tell me to leave. It’s called in
Irrigated gall. Please!
JoAnn Graham says
I think in your ILLITERATE way, Bernie, you were trying to say UNMITIGATED GALL? And you don’t learn AMBERS, you learn MANNERS. You write like somebody who does not speak or read English very well, and yet you claim you were born here?
Moonbeam says
Keep drinking the kool-aid Stacey
Moonbeam says
OOPS sorry Stacey, I meant for Bernie to keep drinking the kool-aid. Sorry Stacey and I agree with you Love it or Leave it!
Judi Mores says
You need to get your loyalties prioritized. Obama is the WORST president America has EVER had. For you to still be able to defend his lawless, ILLEGAL actions tells me a lot about YOUR character, or lack thereof. You won’t get any support for your stance. Americans are at the point of being so disgusted, they would run him, along with people like you, out of Washington on a rail after being tarred and feathered.
Joyce says
I am not. I am part Native American. My family has been here a very long. If you think Obama is so great, you are living in a dream world. Look at his record. The only thing he has cared about is global warming. He travels while Europe burns. He talks for 51 seconds when Brussels Belgium burned, then went on a family trip to Cuba and did the wave at a ballgame, (paid by us) then off to Argentina and tangoed. Golfed with Paris France. That’s not what a true. President of the U.S. should do when our best Allies are under attack. ISIS has grown and flourished since he has been in office. Now it will take a war and many dead soldiers of ours to bring it back to where it should be. So tell me again how he has been picked on. I voted for him and what he should be doing, he has acted like nothing is going on. I may change parties permanently because of him.
JoAnn Graham says
You DO realize, don’t you, that 62% of those “immigrants” (mostly ILLEGALS) from Mexico immediately get on welfare as soon as they enter the country, right? And that we are paying for their medical care and their children’s education? And for the translators they need because they refuse to learn English? They cost us citizens HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars every year–and that doesn’t even COUNT the jobs they take away from American citizens!
And please don’t try to tell me they only take jobs that Americans won’t do. They have virtually taken over the construction industry, and the last time I looked, there were PLENTY of Americans who are perfectly willing to work at a construction job if they could get it.
As for “besmirching” Obama’s character, he does a great job of that all by himself, with all the LIES HE TELLS. Every time he opens his mouth he LIES. He hates this country and is working day and night to weaken and destroy it. He doesn’t even bother trying to HIDE how much he hates us, anymore. He never misses a chance to bad-mouth and criticize the US and its people when he goes to other countries. What kind of leader is continually RUNNING DOWN the country he supposedly leads?
He is aiding and abetting Muslim terrorists with RIDICULOUS “rules of engagement” that prevent our troops from waging an effective war against them, including the much-ballyhooed bombing raids of ISIS. He is plotting to bring THOUSANDS of those Syrian “refugees” for us taxpayers to support with NO VETTING WHATSOEVER, when he knows very well there are many ISIS fighters hiding among them “pretending” to be refugees . And the Muslims are bigger parasites than the ones from south of the border. 91 PERCENT of THEM are on welfare!
What part of ANY of the above says to you that Obama is such a great President?
froggy57 says
Sounds like you have a dog in the fight.
Constitutionalist says
There is no basis for impeachment!
There are a PLETHORA of bases for impeachment, but he should NOT be impeached. He should be arrested, tried, and convicted.
You folks will do anything to besmirch Obama’s character.
You mean the one that lies repeatedly about his religion, then confesses to his “Muslim faith“?(among multiple other lies) i’ve seen the video, and i can link to it if you ask.
It’s the sour grapes mentality!
Don’t think so; it’s more the “We care about what the Constitution says, and want LAWFUL government and government actors.”
What everyone needs to focus on is the hearings for Scalia’s replacement!!
Oh, now THERE’s a red-herring; why “focus” on that, alone?
Leave the immigrants alone.
The legal ones? You betcha. The ILLEGAL ones? Which part of “Illegal” do you need to have explained to you?
In most cases, you’re an immigrant too!
Not mine; my ancestors came to this country before it WAS a country. But again, had my forefathers come to this country illegally, they would be CRIMINALS. Let me see if i can make this more clear: IF you do what is illegal, you commit a crime, so that makes you a CRIMINAL. D’ya GIT IT, now?
4TheLoveOfCountry says
Beautifully stated, Constitutionalist!!! The pity is that if he’d still been here to reply, he would have only repeated the same mantra, it seems to be a pattern they share, Spooky!! But I certainly appreciated the thinly veiled contempt in which you ‘re really quite good at, and the disdain, of course.
Eagle says
This Congress and the court system is way too late to do anything about the damage Obama has done to this country. The Congress has too many weak kneed members under his control. The tax payer will suffer no matter what the decision happens to be. Yes, Obama should be impeached, however, would we have to put up with Biden. Biden isn’t smart enough to carryout Obama’s wishes. Does Biden play golf? Obama has kept his promise, Obama has fundamentally changed this country by changing the majority voters to the Muslim culture. We have Mohammad Obama in the Whitehouse, with a $100 million Turkish Mosque just 13 miles away. Easy commuting distance five times a day for Obama. May Obama’s sole rest in Hell next to Mohammad. God bless America.
4TheLoveOfCountry says
No Eagle, it’s Never too late. The Constitution states that it’s Congress’ DUTY to charge the president, remove him from office, with force if necessary, & start impeachment proceedings immediately! Congress is Duty Bound, as the Representatives put in place for the Express Role Of Protecting The People’s rights and interests from the overreach, conspiring to oppress, Steal from, Conspire to Rule over the American People as a King. Just the aiding and abetting of another Nation in order to cause harm to, take away from, imprison in order to have control over, or abolish The Constitutional Rights of The People in order to bring down, take over, or to harm, or change in any way, the Sanctity Of the Nation’s governing laws, written.by the lawful & legal members of the Federation of the U.S.A., being unanimously agreed upon in writing & made into law by the legal and binding documents of The Constitution of The United States Of America. As far as Biden he’s just as culpable as ObrotherIslam because HE KNEW AND DID NOTHING! So are the rest of them! Its in the Constitution. TREASON!! Ur right it can’t undo what’s been done but just think of the certain impending slaughter of American lives, our children may be spared, but for what horrible purpose??? To stop that would be worth everything, we’re a strong people, we Used to be, we can and will be again. As long as we have life out from under the thumb of EVIL we can do anything!
Shirley Jones says
Does this make anyone wonder what caused Judge Scalia’s sudden death and why no autopsy was performed??? He would have ruled with the Constitution – do any of the other Supreme Court Judges have the balls to go against Obama – guess we will see what happens after Monday!!!
Pray and expect God’s Grace to come through for this country – it is about our only hope!!!
4TheLoveOfCountry says
Well, let’s see, Nixon was impeached, And Charged, for trying to tape the Demowits. Wild Bill Clinton was Almost impeached, they held hearings, for a bit of his fluids on his young interns, Monica Lewinsky, dress, which was turned in by the Scuz, Jennifer Flowers, the intern confided in Months After the deed was done. And as Only a Clinton would justify this, after vehemently denying it again & again until said frock was presented & DNA tested, he said, “I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman! She Got Under My Desk & Seduced Me Orally!” LOL!!!
So really, if you compare their ‘Crimes’, even combine them, and the HUNDREDS of Osamabama’s, and just Think of All the illegal, immoral, unconstitutional CRIMES he’s committed with intent, & with malice forethought proceeded, from day one, to systematically destroy America and Her People. There’s certainly evidence of this and much more. There’s irrefutable proof of weapons smuggling to the Libyan rebels with the aid of CIA Operatives, Chris Stevens, & partner in crime, KILLARY Clinton. The rebels being Al-Qaeda & other radicalized Islamic groups, that later formed ISIS. There’s 5-6 crimes against U.S. & U.S. citizens in this alone, TREASONOUS CRIMES! And to be thorough, Every Last Cabinet Member, Every Congress member, Senator, A.G., F B I, on down to the lowest of lows that can be shown to participate in, or hide by silence, should go to prison, AND be stripped of their American Citizenship!
Rick white says
He should go to prison for his many actions S nce he has been president. He’s also nly the president not King obama.
Joyce says
He has been acting like a dictator not a king.
why has be done that? – “hunt with the hunters and run with the foxes
Orene Carter says
Let all pray this amnesty will not happen. Obama has overstepped the constitution more than once. I don’t think he should be allowed to pardon Hilliary Clinton. I hope those that have the power will stop both of these things Obama is attempting.
Bobbi says
I agree, but no one will listen or do anything.
Facts are facts and truth is truth – more often than not it invariably it surfaces like oil in water does.
Rc says
me says
Finally some good news! obama can NOT change our laws! We would welcome any immigrate as long as they do it legally. Why do we have to obey the laws if the illegals don’t???????????????? TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha! ..Why is the law in favor of wrong-do-ers, turned to blame the victim who does not stand a chance…we call that justice.
Justin W says
I would have felt better about this appeal to the Supreme Court if Justice Scalia was still around. There’s a bigger issue at stake than Obama’s immigration directive–how much power does the president have to govern by executive order. Let’s say the Court sides with the president, everyone needs to realize that is going to give a possible President Trump or President Cruz the ability to do the same thing. Democrat operatives may be happy with President Obama’s power grab but they are less likely to enjoy it when a Republican trods down the trail blazed by their wonder boy.
Gary Brown says
No president has the right to make up laws, and bypass laws already on the books, I call that Dictatorship.
L.Stacey says
Treason by most American standards.
Constitutionalist says
L. Stacey-
Criminal, certainly; treason, possibly – if any of these illegal immigrants are found to be Enemies of the United States. Two would suffice to meet the definition of treason.
The ONLY Crime defined in the Constitution itself is that of Treason; it’s found at Article 3(Judicial powers), section 3. IIRC, that is.
Why didn’t people speak earlier? Why talk about it now, when he’s about to leave his presidentship? We forget he public has enormous power. The French and Russian revolution was about the people of both Royal family took matters into their own hands and did what was thought best for their country. toppled them once and for all. No need for us to go that far, a nip in the bud is all it takes. Why was there so much silence from governments when Muslims were threatening the peace and the whole of Europe waited till there is no return? Why didn’t the public stand up to the rulers, told the nation did not approve of the procrastination that will damage our children now and more generations to come? We all bubbled on about how wrong it all was 600 men called themselves British went to fight a foreign war while Britain nannied their families safely dishing out financial help because the bread-winner was not home to provide for them while schools abolished pork, no crucifix seen in schools no assembly for morning prayers, because it offended their sensitivity then allowed back to their family walk the streets freely and carried on threatening the locals. And the whole of Europe did the same. That’s pure encouragement moral building for the enemy. The States with Obama acting neutral. If he hadn’t there would have been a massacre in the Whitehouse by his people Arab Muslims.
Michael a says
Making me think that Obama wants to pardon Clinton makes me wonder if he himself is involve with Bengazi he the one told Clinton to stand down about Bengazi.
JoAnn Graham says
Of COURSE he was involved in Benghazi! THAT is why nobody has ever held Hillary to account for it–because they can’t take HER down without taking HIM down with her. That is also why he will pardon her, It’s been said that it was likely VALERIE JARRETT gave the stand-down order to leave our people to die. What in HELL is the President’s “aide” doing issuing military orders? That is her title, but SHE is Obama’s HANDLER, and the one who REALLY runs things in the White House.
My theory is that the reason Obama was so mysteriously missing all during the Benghazi disaster that left four Americans dead while they waited for help that never came is that he was either TOO STONED or COKED UP to be functional that night. That would explain why NOBODY seems to “know” where he was, even though the Secret Service certainly knows where he is at ALL TIMES.
The story that he had gone to bed to be all dewy fresh for his Vegas fundraiser with Beyonce the next day just doesn’t wash. I know Obama is self-centered to the MAX, but surely even HE would not turn his back on an American embassy under attack and GO TO BED? Moreover, White House staff and cabinet officials certainly would NOT let a POTUS slumber peacefully through an attack on one of our embassies that trashed the embassy and killed Americans–unless said POTUS was drug-impaired or otherwise non-functional and they were trying to cover it up.
I’ve been saying all along if we knew the TRUTH about this lying sociopath, his “sealed” background and what goes on behind the scenes at the Obama White House, it would curl your hair! Consider, for instance, those lavish Friday night parties they throw with all their Hollywood celebrity friends in attendance. You can bet the cocaine is plentiful at THOSE affairs, not to mention booze, pot, etc. THAT is why they are OFF-LIMITS to the press. Sorry, but I don’t believe Obama left those bad habits behind, just because he won an election.
Anne Smith says
Even if he were coked up or whatever, I seem to recall he chose to go to a ballgame with Castro while ISIS was killing people. So I just think he doesn’t give a hoot, really. It would have been easier to explain why he did what he did by inaction if he were actually coked up or whatever.
JoAnn Graham says
Oh, I don’t believe for a minute he cares at all. He hates this country and its people, and makes little attempt to hide it! But he also knows he’d catch hell from all sides if he toddled off to get his beauty sleep while one of our embassies was under attack and Americans were dying. He may be crazy–and I believe the narcissistic little sociopath IS bat-guano CRAZY–but he is not STUPID.
I’m just saying it’s HIGHLY irregular for a President to be ABSENT from the situation room when something like an embassy attack is going down and he may need to give orders to the military to rescue embassy staff, or whatever, and for him to be SO absent that NOBODY can even say where he was while all this was going on is downright FISHY. THAT’S why I think he was probably drug-impaired. That would certainly explain why NOBODY could or WOULD say where he was while this attack was taking place.
Bernie says
Obama doesn’t have any bad habits! So that’s the next scourge of bullshit, huh? Obama is a crack head! Well so is your mama! You suck! Get a life!
Judi Mores says
OMG! Bernie, I’m thinking you need a frontal lobotomy to get through to you. Obama has no character flaws!? How can you say that with a straight face? There is NOTHING about him that ISN’T flawed. He’s a treasonous Muslim Brother that hasn’t even tried to hide that of late. He is lawless, reckless, and ineffective with anything that supports America or its citizens.
JoAnn Graham says
No bad habits? How about HABITUAL LYING? He’s a smoker, too, as I recall, and even HE admits he was a pot smoker and a coke head. I’m just suggesting he still IS.
L.Stacey says
I’m willing to listen to all sides of this debate on what Obama is doing and why. I like your arguments, and can see why you feel that drugs are involved, but I just don’t see that as a viable argument for his behavior. And his behavior is un-American in the extreme. I don’t know where he thinks he lives or if he even understands American values, way of life, or standards, or laws. What he is doing is not just arrogance, thinking he’s better than us or the constitution. Something else is driving him. And it isn’t pity for little kids born here that have to go back to their country. The long and short term affects of giving these people all of our benefits he doesn’t understand. He has spent way over budget and continues to add to the national debt with failed programs, a never-ending war, Syria, illegals, Syrian refugees, double digit over the budget for 2016-2017 fiscal year and foreign aid going out. We’re at the point when we need the aid. I’ve begun thinking (and this is hard) that he is incompetent and inexperienced to lead any country, let alone ours. His background is too weird. Nobody knows where he was really born. His parents were in Indonesia, and Hawaii, and other places outside the US. Then they separated. What is his ideology, what are his plans, what is his vision for America? Those are credentials for an amazing president —- to know where he’s going and to proceed there with his country’s success in mind. He hasn’t led for success for us, but for failure — one disaster after another. I think we need to do something. He has 7-8 months left and can do far worse. He’s asked Congress to give the illegals Medicare & Social Security.
JoAnn Graham says
Everybody seems to think I was offering an excuse for his failure to be in attendance and doing his JOB during the Benghazi compound attack. Far FROM it. There is NO EXCUSE for his unexplained absence, and his UTTER FAILURE to protect the Americans who died waiting for help that NEVER CAME, because those who could have helped were ordered to STAND DOWN. And I don’t care WHAT lies they are telling after the fact, too MANY people who had NO REASON to lie have said a “stand down” order was given and received.
So I’m not offering an excuse. I’m just throwing out a theory why everybody seems to have AMNESIA about where he was and what he was doing while the Benghazi compound was being sacked and burned, and Americans–including our Ambassador–KILLED.
In MY MIND, his absence that night is an IMPEACHABLE offense. If THAT is not BLATANT dereliction of duty, what else would you call it?
JoAnn Graham says
He is not doing all those things out of ignorance or incompetence, or because he “doesn’t understand”, L Stacey, though he is IGNORANT of our history and a lot of OTHER things, and he certainly IS incompetent. But his out-of-control spending and the other examples you cite are DELIBERATE acts of destruction. He hates this country and will not be happy until he reduces us to just another Third World country full of starving beggars. That is his idea of “equality”.
His agenda is to destroy this country and “fundamentally transform” it into a banana republic dictatorship (preferably with HIM as the dictator). He understands very WELL what he is doing with all those destructive policies.
dennis =c says
Even if it goes to the Supreme Court a tie 4 to 4 would go against the president and i honestly don’t think it will pass because under the circumstances a 4 to 4 vote would be as if Scalia were still there.Maybe this is why the president is so determined to nominate Garland who is no where near a Scalia.Obama is more concerned about his own legacy then America down the line folks.When he took office his agenda was to change the face of America under his watch as well as doing away with American exceptionalism.Don’t let Hillary fool you because her husband didn’t try to do away with American exceptionalism and neither will she.She is blowing wind when she says that her administration will be an extension of Obama.In the first place there is no love lost between the Clinton’s and Obama’s and there are still grudges from 2008.Hillary is a progressive for sure,but she is all for American exceptionalism unlike Barak,changing America has always been his baby.
JoAnn Graham says
The fight over Garland is mostly for show. If the Supremes had already cast their votes on the legality of his executive orders on gun control, amnesty, and excessive EPA regulations for “climate change” while Scalia was alive, HIS votes would be thrown out after his death, because he is not there to write briefs explaining his opinion and why he voted as he did. That is typically what happens to pending cases where the Court has voted but not issued a formal opinion, when a Justice dies. That Justice’s votes are thrown out, and the Supremes have to either re-vote on the case, or re-hear the case altogether, after a replacement Justice is confirmed and seated. So you can see why Scalia’s death was VERY CONVENIENT for the Dictator wannabe in the White House! I don’t doubt that even though it would be illegal and HIGHLY IMPROPER for them to do so, one of the STOOGES Obama appointed to the court could have called Obama and WARNED HIM that those cases were going to rule against him. Both of his appointees are (a) incompetent to be on the Supreme Court and (b) more loyal to Obama than to our Constitution or country, and I can EASILY see them tipping Obama off like this.
And THAT, my friends, is why I believe Obama had Scalia murdered. Because ALL those cases were expected to go AGAINST Obama, and taking Scalia out is one way he could change the outcome. Doesn’t that seem a little TOO coincidental to you? ESPECIALLY in light of the way Scalia was hustled off to be embalmed with NO AUTOPSY? Every homicide detective I saw interviewed afterward said for there to be NO autopsy in a case where a high government official like a Supreme Court Justice died under such circumstances was HIGHLY IRREGULAR, to say the least. When you add to that, the guy who invited Scalia for that “free hunting trip” was an ardent Obama supporter, friend, and campaign donor, AND everybody involved in declaring he died of “natural causes” and there was “no need for an autopsy” was either an Obama appointee, Obama supporter or Obama campaign donor, it becomes even MORE suspicious. I realize this will NEVER be proven, and that LYING Communist in the White House will likely get away with it, but it sucks, all the same. Personally, I hope they DO have a tie vote and Obama gets slapped down by the court, but without Scalia, don’t hold your breath. Otherwise, there would have been no point in having him killed, now would there?
Sad but True says
Obama and the Clinton’s should be in jail as well as impeached. But we saw how well impeaching Bill worked with the crooked Democrat Senators stopping the impeachment. But hey don`t you do one little thing wrong and they will throw the book at you.
No double standards just triple standards. Do as I say not as I do! The PC Liberals have ruined this country.
Didn’t he pledge to support the U.S. Constitution?. Then those actions he took that clearly go against the law should be nulled, undone, and voided.
L.Stacey says
He did take an oath to protect and defend.
JoAnn Graham says
There have been questions about whether he actually TOOK the oath, BOTH times. BOTH times he muffed the oath, and they said it was retaken later–IN PRIVATE. It’s anybody’s guess whether he ever actually took the oath as written or NOT, but I would guess NOT. NOT that it would bother him to LIE his way through the oath of office, when he lies about everything ELSE.
Constitutionalist says
Here is the oath of office of the President of the United States:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Note: this Oath does NOT say “as interpreted by SCOTUS.” Unfortunately, the “against all enemies, foreign and domestic” portion (which Legislative office-holders must take, as well as Executive Branch office-holders), seems to not be included, though it is for the VP.
But he has violated that oath on an overabundance of occasions, and should have been arrested for felony perjury LONG before now, then removed from office after conviction.
David Duran says
What is holding the Legal Process from Impeaching the Rat P. Obama. I once a picture of Bin-Ladin and Obama. Look like blood relatives. (Like real brothers)
L.Stacey says
Osama, Obama? I wonder if that is why the blacks voted him in. We need to research the impeachment process. I believe that the people can start this.
JoAnn Graham says
That isn’t going to happen, because the people who would have to act to impeach him are afraid of what black people would do if they impeached “the first black President”. You’ve seen how much damage they did over one dead thug who had just committed a crime and assaulted the police officer and tried to take his gun when he tried to arrest him. What do you think they would do if “the first black President” got thrown out of office? THAT is why he got away with all the crap he got away with, and why nobody does ANYTHING to stop him, even though he is DESTROYING the country.
JoAnn Graham says
The Communists who have been working for 50 YEARS to take control of this country knew EXACTLY what they were dong when they put that lying sociopath in the White House. They KNEW he would be untouchable, because he is “the first black President.”
DBL.D says
I WANNA CHOKE THIS GUY UNTIL HIS EYES POP OUT OF HIS HEAD! AND I VOTED FOR HIM. all his actions prove he is trying to kill off AMERICANS! there is no reasonable excuse to flood America with illegal Mexicans, there are 95 MILLION AMERICANS JOBLESS, MOST ARE HOMELESS. illegals are here 5 min’s and have it better than we who were here for generations, IT INFURIATES ME! OH THE POOR CHILDREN, SEE HIS TEARS BOO HOO, WHAT ABOUT THE MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CHILDREN, AND THE ONES HE LOCKED UP IN FEMA CAMPS, BECAUSE HE LET HIS ZION JEWS STEAL ALL OUR HOMES AND JOBS !!!? P.O.S.! I HOPE PUT BLOWS HIS HEAD OFF!
L.Stacey says
What about the Muslims coming from Syria? They’re letting in more everyday and diminished the vetting process from 18-24 months down to 3. Doesn’t look to good for America right now. Look for violence and terror. If they tell you that women and children are safe, don’t believe them. In the Middle East they use children in combat and the women bomb places with their cars. There is no safe Muslim.
polina says
Ha,Hahahaha. You vote for him and i was sick a week after he was elected. Didn’t you people follow up the news? didn’t you see that is something wrong with his birth certificate?Didn’t you know that his pastor for 20 years hated America and openly expressed his feelings toward America? Didn’t you understand that for 20 years Obama was brainwashed by this pastor? Didn’t you hear his wife calling white people “whites” and with what a hate?
Well, you got the harvest from you deafness and blindness.
PatriotForever says
TACKLE? Hahahah… You mean put the stamp of approval on his amnesty plan? That is the whole purpose of these cases being in front of the court now and Scalia being murdered. Tackle Hahahahah
Ella says
Is there no one left in Washington DC ;or anywhere for that matter, with enough courage to try to put a stop to this insanity?Why are these people encouraged to break the laws of America and then America pays their way while the Veterans that kept America safe in years past and trying to now. The change we were promised in 2008 has been kept. How do all of you that voted for it feel about it now?
L.Stacey says
Well, the blacks who voted for him — they love him no matter what he does. And many of us didn’t vote for him. I’d be sick to my stomach by now. I’ve never seen so many un-American and just plain stupid decisions come out of that man. He taught constitutional law in Chicago, yet doesn’t believe in it. How can he not? What is going on?
Ella says
Sorry, I left something out on line 3 of my comment which dated April 14, 2016 @ 1:22pm….
America pays their way while the Veterans that kept America safe in years past and trying to now but get treated as if they do not exist when wounded and sent home.
Don says
You hit the nail square on the head. Obama has nothing but hatred and distane for our servicemen and women.
Terry says
This is a trick. With a hing court no decision will be made then double jeopardy will prevent a retrial,.hearing, so his EO or lawless act will stay in effect. Plus of course there is the lady Godiva of the court who parades with only empathy and not justice as what she wraps herself in. .Is she loyal to the one that appointed her, or is she loyal to justice and the Constitution?
JoAnn Graham says
Terry, if Obama’s Supreme Court appointees were not more loyal to HIM than to the Constitution OR the country, he would not have appointed them. Those are the only kinds of “appointees” he selects. His entire administration is a “cult of personality” full of sycophants, suck-ups, and “yes-men”.
Double jeopardy does not apply to Supreme Court decisions–that only applies if somebody has been tried and acquitted for a crime. They cannot be retried on the same charge. That is “double jeopardy”. If the Supreme Court’s vote is tied, then the lower court ruling that was challenged remains in effect.
Randy says
I will be quite surprised if the Court rules against him.
JoAnn Graham says
Me, too, Randy. And so would OBAMA! There would be no point to his MURDERING Scalia if it wasn’t to prevent the court from ruling against Obama’s various executive orders, as it was expected to do before Scalia’s sudden and very CONVENIENT (for Obama) death.
David Lofton says
What everyone is failing to address is the fact that illegals have no allegiance to our country and no requirement for assimilation, learning the English language and have had none of the binding requirements of legal immigration. Illegals do not put their hands up and pledge allegiance to this country so they have no obligation to abide by our rules, regulations or laws yet they seem to think they are eligible to reap all the benefits as if they had. Political Correctness is a lie and ruse for making a left wing liberal political goal a virtual reality in that they want to manipulate that portion of the populace to do their bidding when it comes to voting, As after all, who is your friend and who allowed you to ignore and break the law and to reap all the benefits given to law abiding immigrants and citizens without having to do anything to obtain them: just keep coming illegally and stay here and vote for us and we will reward you even though you have no right to any benefits whatsoever. Who cares about assimilation, we, the far left, will keep it up until America is no longer America and if we as citizens and legal immigrants do not clean house in Congress (House and the Senate) eliminating those who have perpetrated this upon us then we will lose our America for good.
L.Stacey says
Good point. They crawled under a fence, swam through a swamp, climbed into a tunnel, scaled a wall. They don’t have honorable intentions.
George Nelson says
This is a common SOP for MARXISTS and other assorted hard-core agitators, if you cant get what you want via existing laws, then just GO AROUND the laws and fabricate your own. Need any more proof?
Look at what he’s trying to do w/ the EPA and the coal industry. In my own opinion this proves that global-warming/climate change is nothing more than political agenda. Want more proof? Look at how he is ABUSING executive orders at the BATF. Another bogus political crusade!
The ends ALWAYS justifies the means with these SUBVERSIVES.
L.Stacey says
They aren’t here with honorable intentions, these illegals. They are bold and confront people. Three illegals came up to my table in the park and sat down. I asked them to leave. I had my family coming. They said they would. After 10 minutes of disrupting my lunch, I stood up and said, “Excuse me.”
One Mexican said something like he had the right to do anything he wanted to. I said I didn’t invite him to eat lunch with me. The other guy said, “I don’t see your name on this table.”
I said, “Get lost you creeps. Get the hell out of here.”
They complained once again, calling me names. I said in a really loud voice, “Get out.”
They complained again. I yelled, “Get out you creeps. Get out. Get away from me. All I’m asking for is a few minutes alone to eat my lunch and you have to bother me.”
They finally left my table, walking in the middle of the street, yelling back at me the whole way out.
They think they are entitled. The one guy kept ogling me and giving me the impression that he’d do whatever he wanted. The next time I’m calling ICE and the county sheriff.
Wayne says
I can remember, not to long ago, watching on the news, people being brought over the border on jet ski’s and small boats. Entering the US and nobody stopping them. What has our country become? This is a plan that Obama set into action years ago. Get them in the country & then legalize them into good voting democrats. Does anyone see the eventual harm in this? It has got out of hand & has to be stopped. We can stop this come November. Vote wisely while you still have a country to defend.
Texas Son says
Why are we rewarding illegal aliens (unlawful, foreign intruders) who have not respected our border or our immigration laws? Would you reward an intruder(s) inside your home or on your property? I think not. You would expect that person(s) to leave or be expelled. Most of us would agree that a person who does not live in your home MIGHT be able to enter it if he/she uses the proper procedure of knocking on your door (or ringing your doorbell) and getting your permission to enter your home. Likewise, the United States is the home of U.S. citizens and legal residents. We expect foreigners who want to enter our country to do so by a proper (lawful) procedure. This expectation is not unreasonable. Almost every other nation in the world does the same. Then there is the issue of illegal aliens “jumping the line” in front of those foreigners who are LEGALLY applying to immigrant to the United States (proper procedure).
Los inmigrantes ilegales son intrusos y son tramposos. = The illegal immigrants are intruders and they’re cheaters!
Lisa Dell says
Obama is acting as if he is God of our country, and is leading the way to the anti Christ to emerge. Illegal’s are stealing our job’s, and not paying taxes. They are running trillions of dollars in medical bills, and committing criminal action’s in our country. He is bringing our boarders down, and making our country easy for terrorist to come in to our country. He need’s to be impeached immediately, but he has too many friend’s in high places in our court’s, and within our government. He is one of the worst president’s in the history of the united states. The bible tells us to pray for our ennamie’s so they can come to know God in Christ. We must pray for our country to get back on track where it should be, and for God’s direction for our country. I wish God would give the president a slap in the head one day, because he needs one. His family also needs prayer for salvation in Christ as well.
Elizabeth says
They should have SHOT them , while they were all
in groups.
elizabeth says
Illegal is illegal! ! Deport them ALL! !! TRUMP for president! !!!!
elizabeth says
Illegals are leeches! ! Build the wall!! Gooooo Trump! !!!