It was a judicial backlash against what 27 states and various lawmakers had labeled “an unprecedented power grab” by President Barack Obama.
On Tuesday, a divided Supreme Court officially put Obama’s signature plan to address global warming on hold until legal challenges are resolved.
Critics had said that Obama’s plan to slash power plant emissions by one-third by the year 2030 would “dramatically transform the way electricity is produced and regulated in America,” according to Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), chairman of the Energy and Commerce subcommittee.
The surprising move by the court is a blow to the Obama administration and a victory for the coalition of mostly Republican-led states and industry opponents, who praised the high court’s ruling.
By issuing the temporary freeze, a 5-4 majority of the justices signaled that opponents made strong arguments against the new rules, while simultaneously saving taxpayers $51 billion annually and pardoning 224,000 jobs from regulatory gallows, according to one study.
A federal appeals court in Washington last month refused to put the plan on hold. That lower court is not likely to issue a ruling on the legality of the plan until months after it hears oral arguments begin on June 2.
Any decision will likely be appealed to the Supreme Court, meaning resolution of the legal fight is not likely to happen until after Obama leaves office.
Compliance with the new rules isn’t required until 2022, but states must submit their plans to the Environmental Protection Administration by September or seek an extension.
Many states opposing the plan depend on economic activity tied to such fossil fuels as coal, oil and gas. They argued that the plan oversteps federal authority to restrict carbon emissions, and that electricity providers would have to spend billions of dollars to begin complying with a rule that might end up being overturned.
Attorney General Patrick Morrisey of West Virginia, whose coal-dependent state is helping lead the legal fight, hailed the court’s decision.
“We are thrilled that the Supreme Court realized the rule’s immediate impact and froze its implementation, protecting workers and saving countless dollars as our fight against its legality continues,” Morrisey said.
To convince the high court to temporarily halt the plan, opponents had to convince the justices that there was a “fair prospect” the court might strike down the rule. The court also had to consider whether denying a stay would cause irreparable harm to the states and utility companies affected.
The unsigned, one-page order blocks the rules from taking effect while the legal fight plays out in the appeals court and during any further appeal to the Supreme Court, a process that easily could extend into 2017.
Liberal justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan would have denied the request for delay.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Alan Humphries says
What’s this the 16th time SCOTUS has smacked the lawless one down? “The Constitutional Law professor” LOL
Wendy Luckie says
The unconstitutional America hater you mean. How. How could we be so wrong?!?!?!?!?!?! Just like the holocaust for me……. NEVER AGAIN. ????????????????????????????????
Bob says
Obama is worse than Communism and The Hitler Regime combined!! He’s implimenting both here in this country.
Ife he isn’t Satan, He’s the Spawn of him!!
DixieBelle says
His sister Hillary, is trying to take up where he will leave off. Keep that in mind when you go to the polls.
Ollie Octopus says
I would never be allowed to say what I really think of him on this website.
Bob says
I’ll bet Al Gore was dissapointed! You know, the one who wrote books and went around the world giving speeches about Global Warning and making millions doing so, then bought his seat as Secretary Of State.
Gary Smith says
Carl says
Watching the DNC primary is the saddest event in politics I have witnessed since the Death of FDR. The candidates, if that is even close to being an appropriate description, would fit better in Cuba or Venezuela or even Mother Russia itself. The DNC is playing to the utter ignorance of the American voter. They have every demographic block identified and a message to assuage all the useful Idiots, and the Idiots are falling for it so hard that even most ( what used to qualify as moderate Liberals) are just going along to get a little air time and hoping sanity will return in the next cycle. The RNC is not much better but at least they have not written God out of the Platform, Yet! I don’t have any better grasp on who the eventual candidate is going to be but I’m not pulling a Glen Beck on everyone by outright vituperation of one candidate over another. I get it. He doesn’t like Trump. Now back to the thing you do the best. Teaching the past and possible outcomes to a very ignorant electorate. I understand that this election is going to be the tipping point of going total Socialism or righting the ship of State to return to a sustainable course. Controlling the border is an absolute must and if I hear one more educated Idiot tell me it’s not possible I think I will scream or go head hunting or both. My Dad’s outfit in the Army Air Corps had a motto ” The Impossible we accomplish Immediately- The Incredible takes a little longer”. In my 77 years I have witnessed the Impossible many times. We did land a Man on the moon if I recall. I reserve the right to make up my own mind about who best can upset the Status Quo in DC and it’s going to take a Bomb thrower AND a CHANGE of heart in Congress. The leadership comes from the POTUS the rest is going to come from the sponges in Congress. The latter is a much bigger mountain to climb than installing a figure head that meets everybody’s criteria, especially if he gets back to adhering to the Constitution.
John P Feltman says
Barack Obama is not a Law “Professor’,nor is he a scholar in law. You have to have a PhD to be a professor and he does not have one. The DOC program at Harvard is not a doctorate program.
Lou says
He also graduated without attending class
Sheldon says
I’m still waiting to see his transcripts. I’m not even sure he has a HS diploma.
Nina says
I’m willing to pt money on the fact that you are 100% right!!!
Bruce Powers says
President Obama is angry at America because Americans rejected his Obama Care along with the rest of his plan to turn America into his new order socialist country. Our president is paying Americans back in anger and is doing all he can to turn and leave our country in shambles. Yes, Obama is enraged and hates Americans.
Bruce Powers says
President Obama is angry at America because Americans rejected his Obama Care along with the rest of his plan to turn America into his new order socialist country. Our president is paying Americans back in anger and is doing all he can to turn and leave our country in shambles. Yes, Obama is enraged and hates Americans.
Linda says
Ovomit is a worthless piece of skin. A TRAITOR THAT SHOULD BE HUNG FOR TREASON
Bud Webster says
Amen Linda amen
GFrazier says
Fortunately, he has less than one year in office to go!
Unfortunately, his record of demanding, through Executive Orders, which is already much, much higher than any previous president, will probably go much higher.
Tincan sailor12 says
Don’t bet on it. All he has to do is issue an executive order cancelling the election and making himself president for life. Failing that he can create a crisis and declare martial law which would suspend the constitution. He has systematicly fired all high ranking military officers that won’t play ball with him. I will believe that he will leave office when I see it.
Philip says
HENRI says
Charlie says
It’s about time that there is some balance of power . A POTUS is not like all the other world leaders for the POTUS is still a servant of We the People . Further our current POTUS believes he can do anything he wants to do , think he had better look back at the history of the office he occupies . Pres. Richard Nixon proved that nobody is above the law of the U.S.A. .
First there was global cooling , then global warming and now climate change. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that all three claims are part of the political agenda set forth by the anti-American U.N.. Referring to agenda 21 now being called agenda 2030 . Will not expound on this agenda just research agenda yourself .
Bruce says
List of Scientific Organizations that say Global warming is happening and is caused by Humans.
(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)
Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
Académie des Sciences, France
Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
Academy of Athens
Academy of Science of Mozambique
Academy of Science of South Africa
Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
African Academy of Sciences
Albanian Academy of Sciences
Amazon Environmental Research Institute
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Anthropological Association
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
American Astronomical Society
American Chemical Society
American College of Preventive Medicine
American Fisheries Society
American Geophysical Union
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Institute of Physics
American Meteorological Society
American Physical Society
American Public Health Association
American Quaternary Association
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Agronomy
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Plant Biologists
American Statistical Association
Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
Australian Academy of Science
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Australian Coral Reef Society
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Australian Institute of Physics
Australian Marine Sciences Association
Australian Medical Association
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
Botanical Society of America
Brazilian Academy of Sciences
British Antarctic Survey
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
California Academy of Sciences
Cameroon Academy of Sciences
Canadian Association of Physicists
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
Canadian Geophysical Union
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Canadian Society of Soil Science
Canadian Society of Zoologists
Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
Center for International Forestry Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
Crop Science Society of America
Cuban Academy of Sciences
Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
Ecological Society of America
Ecological Society of Australia
Environmental Protection Agency
European Academy of Sciences and Arts
European Federation of Geologists
European Geosciences Union
European Physical Society
European Science Foundation
Federation of American Scientists
French Academy of Sciences
Geological Society of America
Geological Society of Australia
Geological Society of London
Georgian Academy of Sciences
German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
Indian National Science Academy
Indonesian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
InterAcademy Council
International Alliance of Research Universities
International Arctic Science Committee
International Association for Great Lakes Research
International Council for Science
International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
International Union for Quaternary Research
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Islamic World Academy of Sciences
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Kenya National Academy of Sciences
Korean Academy of Science and Technology
Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
l’Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
Latin American Academy of Sciences
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
National Association of State Foresters
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National Council of Engineers Australia
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Research Council
National Science Foundation
Natural England
Natural Environment Research Council, UK
Natural Science Collections Alliance
Network of African Science Academies
New York Academy of Sciences
Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
Nigerian Academy of Sciences
Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
Organization of Biological Field Stations
Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Polish Academy of Sciences
Romanian Academy
Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
Royal Astronomical Society, UK
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
Royal Irish Academy
Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
Royal Society of Canada
Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Royal Society of the United Kingdom
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Russian Academy of Sciences
Science and Technology, Australia
Science Council of Japan
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Society for Ecological Restoration International
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Society of American Foresters
Society of Biology (UK)
Society of Systematic Biologists
Soil Science Society of America
Sudan Academy of Sciences
Sudanese National Academy of Science
Tanzania Academy of Sciences
The Wildlife Society (international)
Turkish Academy of Sciences
Uganda National Academy of Sciences
Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
World Federation of Public Health Associations
World Forestry Congress
World Health Organization
World Meteorological Organization
Zambia Academy of Sciences
Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences
used to be a liberal says
So, what is your point?? They are wrong, and common-sense is right. By the way, have you bothered to notice what kind of governments those countries are under, and just where they are on the economic scale?
There is a lot to this so called global warming scam, that they were forced to change it to climate change, but then we have climate change everyday.
This scam is about more power and control over populations, and a means to redistribute wealth. It has nothing to do with climate change, as climate can not be changed by anything that humans do or don’t do. Raising taxes, phony carbon foot-prints “fees” manipulated math to fit an agenda, shutting down businesses, lying to students, playing the bull manure propaganda game, and more, is why the agenda is loosing ground, and fast. Oh and calling those of us who see through this manipulated bull manure deniers or other names, is only going to make us stronger. If you have not as yet noticed, there is a major revolution under way, and it is not good for left-wits.
Bruce says
Obviously you didn’t look at the list closely. But why would you when you already have your mind made up.
Frank W Brown says
There’s roughly 31,000 (and growing) REAL scientists that say manmade climate change is TOTAL BUNK! I agree with Them! Blame the sun and hold on to your wallet!
holy grailer says
exactly-because if you agree with them –then you will receive MONEY stolen from our taxpayers and spread around to these organizations- some of which barely can spell climate change…this was all predicted about ten years ago from real climate studiers and the most respected scientists in the world. Biggest scam in history…aside from Obammie.
Daryl says
The largest country with pollutants is not on your list. CHINA
Ken Pittman says
Bruce-What is your point. Who on this list is the one you are trying to point out and why are they more relevant?
Alan Humphries says
How many of those listed get funding from Government? Pay to play.Too bad you’re another sucker that’s fallen for the scam.
janice says
guess you have too!
Philip says
Nothing to make up the mind about. Just know it is a BIG HOAX. And a means to redistribute the wealth.
Like Obama said to Joe the Plumber.
Remember Obama the Blowhard that was his agend.
He is one worthless human being “IDIOT” “LIAR-in-Chief
not worthy to be called Commander-in Chief, or President. A, Narcissistic Jackass.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nina says
Global warming hoax is a BIG BUSINESS!! Lots of people making lots of money off of it!!! Look at fatso Al Gore!! He made tons of cash on it!! Ask his neighbors about how fool of crap he is……. My friends were one of them in Tennessee, didn’t put solar panels on his house til he got busted!! That’s just one. Buying carbon foot prints????? That’s a total load of shit!!! You pay to dirty the planet so then it’s cool bc you paid?!?!! You do realize how asinine that is right???? Then there the one where we have the sheer audacity as a human to think we have the power to control the weather!! That’s the best of all!! I’m all for recycling, growing your own food, composting, dimmer switches,been doing it my whole adult life, didn’t need anyone to tell me to do it either, just being a good steward of what God has given us on this earth. But please don’t try to manipulate the people when it’s all about the al other $$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darl says
Bruce, And you haven’t already made up your mind? Drink some more Kool-Aid, you’re wasting oxygen.
Vgbg says
Plus all of these organizations being paid by a government salary. And want to keep the money rolling in.
Bruce Powers says
President Obama is angry at America because Americans rejected his Obama Care along with the rest of his plan to turn America into his new order socialist country. Our president is paying Americans back in anger and is doing all he can to turn and leave our country in shambles. Yes, Obama is enraged and hates Americans.
David says
Philip says
You got that right, I like and agree.
Mary says
Love it!
Debi Hagerman says
u r right it’s just another hoax for the gov’t to make more money off of our backs, THERE IS NO GLOBAL
WARMING, just an ole man who needs something to do, so he cooked this scam up.
Ollie Octopus says
Used: You’re right. First the libs said we were going into a new ice age, then it was global warming, now it is climate change. Of course the climate has been changing from the beginning of the creation of this planet. In fact it changes every year. It is hotter in the summer and colder in the winter (in most places).
Brenda says
By all means; Save the planet–exterminate all human and animal life forms, as well as the plants and insects. When a volcano erupts climatic changes occur. Do you think that might just have an impact on the world’s climate patterns. When the earth rotates from it axis we get a shift in ocean currents. Think that may have a slight effect? Just saying that humans and animal life are the only ones affecting climate is short sighted. Our planet shifts and changes daily and there are many natural occurring events that affect our climate. Science forms a hypostasis then seeks evidence to prove that hypostasis.
holy grailer says
they talk of this climate change…do they know that the whole United States was covered by ice at one time and that it “MELTED” as the sun warmed and volcanos and such altered things… melts and the smaller the piece of ice gets the quicker the piece will melt ! TRY IT–it works. MONEY!!! its pretty simple.
Constitutionalist says
Did you mean “hypothesis” instead of “hypostasis,” perchance?
Jim says
This is a list of communist organizations and the ones from the US are funded to support the climate lie.
Bruce Powers says
President Obama is angry at America because Americans rejected his Obama Care along with the rest of his plan to turn America into his new order socialist country. Our president is paying Americans back in anger and is doing all he can to turn and leave our country in shambles. Yes, Obama is enraged and hates Americans.
Bruce says
Wow. Talk about out in “right” field. WAY OUT.
mrsh says
That’s correct Bruce- all these good people are in the RIGHT field, whereas you are in the WRONG field. Either you have been sorely deceived, or you’re one of the paid climate change pushers. “Man made global warming” is an outright LIE. And like it was said above, it only amounts to the daily change in weather that can run in cycles of warmer and cooler for a variety of timeframes throughout history. It is nothing but a lie, bringing about nation-crushing regulations over all businesses, and property owners. Thanks to all the regulations, 1/2 the nation is unemployed- brilliant way to bring down the #1 nation in the world- THANKS AGENDA 21 pushers!
Patti says
Nice list of Koolaid drinkers-sorry – climate change is clearly a political movement. The statement that the world wide scientific community supports human cause of climate change is simply propaganda that the liberal left and mainstream media that is 98% pro climate change! Their agenda is to try to control everything. The left has been subtly influencing everyone through every aspect of our lives, through entertainment, education, political, and now economical forces to take down capitalism and move all to a socialist society. The media can make or break anyone they choose-including any scientist or politician who would oppose them. The simple fact that our climate has warmed and cooled forever-before we humans even knew how to make fire–is proof enough that human consumption has no bearing on climate change. Soon I predict that the so called experts will re-write that historical fact as well. They will then repeat it over and over and put it in the text books–and its a done deal. This is how-the media, academia, and corrupt politicians work- keep saying it over and over again, then they teach it to our children through every means possible-including movies, cartoons, books and even in video games, that by the time they are toilet trained they have been completely indoctrinated and start reciting it to their parents. This country, this world is now so incapable of logic and critical thinking skills it will believe anything–just give them something free, without realizing … NOTHING IS FREE!
1American1st says
Thank you for the information.
Of course… they’ve all got their hands out for the USA to fill with cash….
Maybe if Democrats knew this they might be more skeptical about the biggest scam in world history.
RWH says
ok then we have to many monkeys and spics and other 3rd world assholes like you that need to be fish food ooohh lets not forget the sand monkeys
Bruce Powers says
President Obama is angry at America because Americans rejected his Obama Care along with the rest of his plan to turn America into his new order socialist country. Our president is paying Americans back in anger and is doing all he can to turn and leave our country in shambles. Yes, Obama is enraged and hates Americans.
Frank W Brown says
Recent IDIOTS that attended the Paris climate change ORGY, it’s ALL a SCAM to take the rest of our money that they haven’t scammed yet!
gary vogt says
The Chesapeake Bay, we are told, was caused by a glacier. I guess it was Indian campfires that melted that big boy. Take you medicine before you drink the ‘cool aid’.
marlene says
LOL – yes, and now that these climate fanatics are going back to prehistoric times to find proof that doesn’t exist, it must have been all those prehistoric coal mines and tractor trailers that caused global warming – lol.
Brad says
Fred Flintstone did it cooking all those Brontosaurus burgers and ribs.
marlene says
LOL – I considered the sources and none of them are credible. No matter how long you make this list, it is still a fake issue. Obviously, you’re trolling for the UN corporate globalists over the many peer-reviewed scientific papers of unpartisan scientific experts. You’re obviously being paid to do all this so-called “research” because no one in their right mind would be so fanatic as to spend so much time on just one of the many issues we face today, an issue that almost all education, intelligent people, experts, and scientists see it for what it is – a global nation grab and a hoax.
aspergus hermann says
Only one problem —There is no climate change
bub says
Thanks for this great list of compromised politico-scifi organizations. It makes it easier for those of us interested in actual scientific integrity to weed out the pseudo-scientific publications we run across much too frequently these days.
Thanks again!
Bill M says
And yet, the raw data proves they are full of BS. Their numbers have been rigges and purpously misrepresented.
Frank Young says
I believe it was Galileo who was among the 2% Who believed that the earth was NOT FLAT. Still a possibility for 98% to be wrong. Just sayin’
Orville Weyrich says
When did organizations like “American College of Preventive Medicine” become experts in climatology? I have a real PhD in Physical Organic Chemistry that I obtained by doing computer modeling of complex organic systems. I say that man-caused climate change is bunk and the computer models that “support” it are double-bunk. Any real scientist knows the futility of extrapolating from ill-conditioned systems (and anyone who does not understand what I just said is not competent to render the opinion that man is causing global warming).
I also am a practicing physician in Arizona, and do not know ANY of my colleagues who are competent in climatology. Any fool can determine that ice ages come and go, and are ALWAYS followed by global warming and then global cooling – climate change has been happening since the dawn of geological evidence!
Lou says
They’re all wrong they want our taxes dollars
Larry says
It starts out with needing 1.5 Billion dollars, and then it keeps snow balling. It is nothing more than a money scam to get the middle class’s hard earned tax money. A group of elite wanting to pocket more money. If Obama is not above the law then why is he still President? Why hasn’t Congress Impeached Obama?
Jackie says
So? It isn’t the first time they were wrong and won’t be the last.
There have been times in history where “global warming” and cooling have taken place. A more accurate term would be climate fluctuation.
I remember being in northern California in the fall of 1978 during a drought. The water behind Shasta Dam was down 200 ft exposing the cut off structure used in building it. I remember how the exposed banks looked–much more than 200 ft showing. All the scientists were saying what adiaster it was was and how it would take decades to fill it back up. That winter were had large amounts of rain/snow. In the spring they had to open up the spillways to let the water out as fast as they could to keep it from going over the top.
Also, in a biography I read mentioned a drought pre-1900 in which southern California. They had had no rain for 3 years. And guess what–when Spanish explorer Cabrillo came up the coast in 1542-3 he found what we would call smog over the Los Angeles basin. Then there is also the colonizing of Greenland by Eric the Red during a warming cycle only to disappear when the cycle cooled.
None of this fits the story they want us to believe. Man is not as powerful as they like to portray him.
Jackie says
*a disaster — sorry!
GFrazier says
Every one of those organizations is deceiving people, too!
JohnLamb says
Dear Bruce,
Congratulations for managing to collate this impressive list of “venerable institutions”.
You know, Galileo Galilei championed heliocentrism and Copernicanism and was singularly controversial within his lifetime, when most subscribed to either geocentrism or the Tychonic system.
He was tried by the Inquisition, found “vehemently suspect of heresy” and forced to recant. As he was leaving the chambers after recanting he struck his foot at the door’s threshold and said his famous “and yet…she moves”.
One man against a planet of people and yet he was correct while all were wrong!!!
I live half my life in Africa and I personally know the actual people who wrote the reports emanating from the Zambia and Zimbabwe Academies. One is very clever, the other a staid bureaucrat. Over drinks “what’s called “sundowners” in Africa”, both independently from each other confirmed that the reports were written at the instigation of their countries Foreign Affairs departments/ministries, so that their countries would follow United Nations promptings and be Politically Correct.
In fact one actually explained what is really happening that has been politicized.
The Earth in it’s peripatetic space travel has approx. 150 movements. It revolves around it’s axis in approx. 24 hrs, there is a variation apparently, it wobbles around it’s axis, it orbits the sun in a mostly elliptical path that varies, sometimes it approaches the sun, and sometimes it distances itself within a band width, it travels with the sun in the galaxy, and with the galaxy etc. etc.
The band width that the earth travels within, is considered to be the optimal “life band width” for our Solar system. Much nearer to the sun and we would fry, much further out we would freeze.
At present we’re traveling near the Sun within this life band and all ambient temperatures are higher. In fact about 50 to 60 years ago some scientist had worked all this out and this movement apparently carries his name. This was found out by the “Deep State” and was disseminated incorrectly and now we have “bad science” driven by politics and money. Also we have people like you who can’t work out who is the sucker in the room and make ridiculous noises.
Anyway thank you for your compilation.
richard manning says
I truly appreciate your response with facts. You sir are not prone to governmental manipulation but instead choose to research facts. Cudos to you!!!!!!!!!
Deborah Reeves says
I always wondered about that, he has lied or hidden most of his life and don’t forget people in the know mysteriously died.
Darl says
How many of these institutions receive money from the US government?
richard manning says
So what caused the great drought in the 1920’s, and various ice ages throughout history or any other climate changes throughout world history. Carbon emissions. Must have been dinosaur farts and we know what happened to them. LOL!!!!!!!! You are going to have to show me some historical proof besides your so called experts. I can remember the first expert research from my teen years that eggs were bad for your health and even at that young age I thought that was B.S. My grandparents ate eggs everyday and survived to very old age.Probably would have lived longer if they would not have eaten those bad old eggs! Also, I remember from the same time frame that butter was bad for you when margerine was created, but now the experts say that butter is not bad after all. Be careful to not be so easily manipulated to con you into going along with whatever the current agenda really is.
lynne says
so that means they are right?? They are all telling lies making a lot of money because you and others like you believe the so-called academics find out for yourself if they are right before you spout off these people all want one world government so they have to cripple the west and the U.S. so they can have their agenda Please find out for yourself.
Bud Webster says
Dumbass bruce. The propaganda started with global warming, remember? When that was debunked by science. The Marxist repackaged their grap for more tax & control over all by coming up with a new propaganda slogan called climate change. Same bull shit. Their are twice as many organization that state their is no claimate change happened. That the earth has a Cyicular event that has a cooling/heating process. It is a natural occurance. How stupid and gullible can one be bruce? And why troll here?
Randy F says
And there was silly old me thinking it was caused by cows farting!
Or maybe volcanoes.
Joyce says
Well articulated and very true. Thanks for the “Agenda 21” reference! Readers, PLEASE research Agenda 21 and see for yourself…
BillV says
Problem is the democrat party is now the socialist party and they would never vote to impeach Obama. He could kill someone and the democrat party still would back him. Look at Hillary a criminal and the democrats are going to run her as the candidate for President. If you or I sent classified documents over a non secured site we would be in jail. As Secretary of State she should know what is classified PERIOD!
HELEN says
I have to wonder what the heck is with our so called Representatives that they have not handed him a noose before now. He has literally gotten away with murder and if he is not removed soon there will be no America left!
Craig Campbell says
The trade partnership (TPP) & Agenda 2030 have very little to do with trade, or climate; but much ado of the ‘UN”s new world order’ agenda, about dictatorial surrendering US cons’t sovereignty w/o due process to them. Similar to the way the EPA sidesteps congress on clean power, & Interior’s control of water . Two Iran side-deals mandates that the US. both protect Iran’s nuke facilities, + assist in building its nuclear storage facilities… the ‘snap back myth’ sailed em thru –
Tired of seeing electeds ‘suddenly’ lose perspective upon DC arrival? Then pls vet the least-likely to soften on cons’t values , the GOP (especially Cruz).
Main Street says
There may be something to climate change theories. However, the 10 coldest and snowiest winters in Boston history have been in the past 20 years.
Bruce says
Regardless of what’s happening in the Northeast the planet is warming dramatically.
marlene says
I agree.
Frank W Brown says
Daryl says
How old are you Bruce. Did you ever study earth science. The truth is that there is climate change but it has nothing to do with the leftest assholes who lies to get there way. The climate Change is happening over thousands of years. It has to do with time. See there is not 365 day in the year. It short of that by seconds every year so take these seconds and multiply them by thousands of years and what you will see is summer becomes winter and fall becomes spring. The is no such thing as climate change. It was made up by a few Washington leftist. Just do a little reasearch.
Walks Up America.
Bruce says
No I never studied earth science. I leave that to the Scientists. They are the ones that I’m listening to. Who are you getting your information from please?
GFrazier says
It would have helped, if you had studies Earth Science, Bruce.
Although my ES teacher loved to harp about Evolution, which is another
point that cannot be proven, but is accepted as fact, he did teach that the
earth heats and cools at its own rate.
Not only that, Gore is becoming filthy rich, “warning” people to save energy, while he, himself,
blows more energy than any ten men, I know.
Craig Campbell says
I get my climate info from the highest authority Genesis 8:22 As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
richard manning says
It is a shame Bruce that you let other people do your thinking for you. The powers that be count on your inability to think for yourself. Manipulation and brainwashing at it’s finest.
Randy F says
That is why we have a leap year!
mrsh says
Yeah, right, and that’s exactly why the ice cap has EXPANDED by 60% in the past couple years. Remember that? The global warming “scientists” went to Antarctica to “gather data” and got stuck in the expanded ice SO BAD that their ship had to be abandoned. I’m trying to recall by memory- was it Japan or China that tried to rescue them and got their ship stuck in the ice also? Terrible waste of time and resources down there trying to save those people! So much for reaching Antarctica to gather global warming data. Maybe that is when they started calling it “global cooling”.
Funny too when Al Gore was trying to speak about global warming to scheduled audiences across the US and time and time again, they kept getting snowed out and had to be cancelled. LOL What a joke. The only inconvenient truth there was that the snow was too deep for anyone to come and listen to his speech.
Bruce, I just want to run an idea past you- I have this AMAZING bridge for sale with your name all over it. Interested?
al says
I bought my ocean front property twenty years ago , ( the Illinois side of the Mississippi river at St Louis ) still waiting for the ocean level rise to bring the salt water to me , have not ordered my palm tree as I suspect that global warming might be a democratic scam to exploit money from working Americans ( not many of them left ) !
Bud Webster says
2degree difference over the past 100 years? That,s really dramatic idiot
terryberrman says
AND BOST HAS ONLY BEEN A CITY FOR COUPLE HUNDRD YEARS AND IN THAT TIME HAS BEEN INFESTED WITH NARROW THING LIBERALS.and this will play out long after we are all gone so lets flush our childrens futer further down the toilet for a liberal qgenda from an adminsitrtion that is minutrating now as it is.and hopes to prolong itself with one that see it as anASVntage to further her personal goals.Halalueju to the people of New Hampsrire
Raymond says
It would be nice if such articles delivered the exact ruling given by the court, i.e. what was the Constitutional reading of why they chose to deny? Based on what would be nice to know, and would help all of us understand how they come to decide such issues. By simply saying that five over four disagreed leaves us all ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. Maybe that’s the intent here, to use it to magnify the anti Obama rhetoric. But really, is that necessary? This is a rather shrill and pandered to venue. Personally, I’m not an Obama fan, but…. I am a fan of keeping us better informed so try it sometime Horn.
marlene says
Horn gave us what it had. I also trust Horn to keep us posted on the subject. If you want more, write your own dam article and do your own dam research!
Craig Campbell says
I like to think judges are as ‘lady justices’, unbiased jurors blindfolded to partisanship, or creed, just weighing the facts in 2 scales;
but today, they weigh political correctness heavily B4 nowadays lightweight cons’t guidelines, & never provide detail, just let the legal issues settle, or ‘insufficient standing’ dismissal spin is all we get…
Jerry says
Good call, but the vote shows why we CANNOT allow Obama to make another court appointment.
GFrazier says
Well said!
It should also be said that, should Hillary become Madam President, she will continue to overload the
USSC to the Left, which would make it impossible for anything righteous to happen, in this country, for
a long, long time.
rodger says
an they all say that because they are tax payer funded, say the wrong thing that the present admin don,t like, an pop there goes your money, some climate change is do to humans, an some is natural,
Justin W says
I’m glad a majority of the Supreme Court was willing to put this horrible order on hold until it can play out in the courts. There would have been little reason to pursue the court case if the order would have gone into effect while this was being challenged. Barack Obama has a fundamental lack of understanding of his boundaries under the Constitution. I’m glad to see a majority of those on the Supreme Court put this on hold.
As for the four justices who were opposed to issuing a hold, these four justices have consistently shown that they don’t belong on the Supreme Court. They are nothing more than activist judges who were planted on the Court to advance a radical liberal agenda. All four should be impeached and replaced by someone who will fairly apply the law. I’m tired of these activist hacks.
marlene says
Scott Conn says
Better said then I did.
Bruce says
You sweetheart…. are also a piece of SH**
marlene says
You sourpuss, are an idiot and a piece of crap!
holy grailer says
spoken like a true AZZ MONKEY.
Michael Moritz says
You care nothing of the thousands that will lose employment, the deficit which he doubled in seven years at 19 trillion continues to grow. Now we have soon to be illegal alien to citizen voters most on partial assistance. The new jibs are usually part time, minimum wage. The illegal get survival assistance like our paid into social security now being cut from those whom paid into it. The average middle class burdened with new taxes to pay for ObamaCare which paid nearly a billion for his illegals, a military reduced to ruin, a DOJ that obstructs Justice and laughs at cries of the people as to why. As this administration walks away leaving this nation in ruin, while bragging with make believe statistical bullshit to find a way to continue to spend what little is left. Climate change, who gets our tax funding the third world nations that agree to play, green energy corporations that invest in over seas operations. More outsourcing from PPA secret trade deal, Iranian government that murdered our soldiers with IED’s in Iraq, and Afghanistan, Russia that has absolutely no fear of us as well as China. Who will hold homeland Security responsible, the DOJ for delays and cover ups, the EPA that makes up laws that cost us money? Hillary should be In jail, the FBI knows we are all watching to see if they to are corrupt? How bad must it get before you see there is a threat to our very existence as a free people? When does it end, when does the administration come clean? Why did we do thus to ourselves?
Username*Gordon A says
We now have a Muslim government !
John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted To Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.
Obama’s top Advisor, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her Parents still live.
Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now
Outlawed “Muslim Brotherhood” in Egypt.
Assistant Secretary For Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.
Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.
Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim.
Obama’s Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim.
Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim.
And last, but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
It’s questionable if Obama ever Officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our
Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again in private?
CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible.
Congressman, Keith Ellison Took his oath on a copy of the Qur’an.
Congresswoman (Michele Bachman) was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government.
Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, And turning a blind eye to the Genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East.
The more damage Obama does, the more Arrogant he’s become!
Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It can only get worse!
If you fail to pass this on, there’s something wrong somewhere!
mrsh says
Yes, you are right, and it turns out that the majority of the UN’s “Peacekeeper” army are muslim as well.
Obama is one of the head muslims of the world right now, I’d say. He doesn’t bow to his countrymen that he is supposed to serve, he bows to Saudis.
Janet Chepulis says
As far as I am concerned, are you really also trying to say that the climate change in the days of the dinosauers were caused by humans too. Sorry, it makes no sense. I believe whether human beings were here or not, it was destined to happen. There is so much even the scientists do not know about what happens under the surface of the earth which alters the earth daily. The miniscule amount of activity the we project into the atmosphere would have little or no bearing on the evolutionary changes that are taking place. No, I certainly am not a scientist, but I just have a tendency to look at the history of this planet. We still have so very much to learn about our own planet, how it evolved and what the future may bring. Many years ago (approximately 40yrs) it was in the newspapers then, that about this time in history, that NY would notice a definite change in the weather cycle and that we would be experiencing Virginia type weather. Florida would eventually be flooded, and many of the shore lines would be decreased due to the melting of the Artic polar region. So far, it tends to hold true. So I moved to the top of a mountain, and am very happy I did. Decreasing the amount of the polluants into the air is still a good idea, but does not justify the immediate need for people to lose their jobs when the economy has not improved and you would hurt the lively hood of many people. What is so upsetting it is said that the economy has improved, but no it has not. There may be more new jobs out there, but the average income of many has plummeted. People with college educations are unable to put their intellect to use since there is no longer any employable options for them.
GFrazier says
Except for one word, I could have written what you did…That word is the 4-letter word that doesn’t seem to
assist a written piece any more than sunlight will sweeten garbage.
I have a Jewish friend, who refuses to believe that Obama is both Anti-Semite and Anti-America…That doesn’t
change the fact that his actions speak louder than his words, as well as the fact that he lies about everything!
Craig Campbell says
Don’t put lipstick on a pig, tell it like it is… the demelites are common as pig tracks, derailing wholesome values; your gentleness just makes them as happy as turning America into a slop pen.
Jim j says
Jim J says, I agree with Justin. said it just right.
Linnea says
from the inside of the American Chemical Society I can tell you they are an elitist, OWO, liberal, truth-denying, “peer” reviewed anything not fitting the party line is not published, state should decide the education of children, parents should have no say against their party line organization. As a requirement for employment, and as a student affiliate leader back when I was younger and dumber, I thought they were about truth. not so. If one medium – large volcanic eruption of Mt Pinatuba in the Phillipines is globally agreed to have spewed more green house gases in one blow than all mankind in all history how can “climate change” be due to human activity? then consider at any given time 1500 known active (not extinct ones!) volcanoes on land are spewing. They have no idea on how many are undersea-three quarters of the earths surface.. These facts alone show global warming or whatever the current name is a OWO hoax to impoverish and control people.
Bruce says
What is your position at the American Chemical Society pray tell?
JohnLamb says
Why so you can go and get him fired? You little sh**t.
Craig Campbell says
NASA’s report, that the entire solar system is warming due to solar activity, has been pulled; must be the SUV’s consensus…
Jim j says
I agree with Justin. He said it just right.
Frank W Brown says
How ridiculous that MAN thinks he’s SO big and damaging to the earth when, in actuality, the SUN is in TOTAL control of the EARTHS climate! IDIOTS that believe otherwise are only MONEY grubbing asswipes. Better get your WINTER duds out, you’re going to NEED them for the next 50+ years! Read “Dark Winter” and OPEN your eyes people!
Linnea says
from the inside of the American Chemical Society I can tell you they are an elitist, OWO, liberal, truth-denying, “peer” reviewed anything not fitting the party line is not published, state should decide the education of children, parents should have no say, ir party line type organization. As an early requirement for employment, and as a student affiliate leader back when I was younger and dumber, I thought they were about truth. Not so. Given that one medium–large volcanic eruption of Mt Pinatuba in the Phillipines is globally/scientifically agreed to have sent out more green house gases in one eruption than all mankind in all history, how can “climate change” be due to human activity? then consider at any given time 1500 known active (not extinct ones!) volcanoes on land are erupting.. Vulcanologists admit to having no idea on how many eruptions or the sizes are undersea: this covers three quarters of the earths surface, and all those erupted gases end up in the atmosphere. These facts alone show global warming or whatever the current name is a OWO hoax to impoverish and control people.
Lorrin J Eick says
Well said. Thank you calling out the elitist programmers for what they are. Glad you came to see the light. Keep the faith.
Spike says
You Doubters didn’t read the list all the way to the end. If you had you would have seen Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences. Now with all of their numerous accomplishments in the sciences over these many years you can rely on them and know that your Billions of dollars dispensed by Obama will be wisely spent. lol
marlene says
LOL – I said pretty much the same thing.
marlene says
Correction – I said pretty much the same thing as you did.
holy grailer says
Agreed–some of these places have two people in them at most…who graduated all 6 grades…and waiting for their Obanana checks on the first of the month.
JohnLamb says
Please read my extensive answer above about “venerable societies” and my personal experiences.
marlene says
I pray that this freeze remains in force until TRUMP becomes President. He’s the only candidate who fully understands our economy and the only candidate who not only addresses this issue, but whose policies and plans will, indeed, reduce taxes on the working poor and middle class and give us back our jobs. Most importantly, the nomination of Supreme Court justices will be in his court, the only candidate who is not a communist, socialist, political fraud, ineligible, or rino globalist beholden to the RNC/GOP McConnell establishment machine. With Trump in the Oval Office, our supremeless court will become a body of patriotic constitutionalists. We haven’t had this in decades.
Main Street says
The U.S., Britain and Germany complain about global warming then they sign trade agreements that send jobs to China where pollution is so bad that it gets dark at noon.
Craig Campbell says
The TPP is not about trade, but relinquishing sovereignty & cons’t to the UN . Agenda 2030 is similar , new world order, not climate.
mama bear says
I have only one source…Almighty G-d.. In scripture Genesis 8 ..there is no such thing as global warming..
Craig Campbell says
Gen 8:22 highest authority. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
John says
Now if we can get obama’s worthless a** out of the White House
things will really start to change for the better!
GFrazier says
Less than eleven months to go, before he and that THING, he’s married to, are sent packing!!
Craig Campbell says
Which of his 16 fraudulent SS #’s is most worthless?
Freeamericanow says
Guess what? People ARE causing the droughts! And Obama is one of them. Watch the free online video “why on earth are they spraying?” Don’t take my word for it. It’s true! It’s all part of The UN Agenda 21, to get everyone off the land and squished into cities, and why rich guys are buying up land when people in drought areas who are losing their land.
holy grailer says
Well – it must be true if you read it online……since the Obanana administration would never deceive the people-they couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this gospel you read.
Craig Campbell says
Don’t miss control of water. T Boone Pickens bought the Oolagah underground reservoir, & got his vast ranch declared a water utility by Texas congress; the Interior Dept has claimed control of rivers, & lakes…Elected people are causing the droughts…
Jim says
Hopefully, this decision will be ‘ON HOLD’ until the Liberal Supreme Court Justices can be replaced (via retirement ) by some moderate and Constitutional justices who can and will make a reasonable decision.
GFrazier says
The retirement of the two wannabe judicial idiots (Sotomayer and Kagan) is far off. However, Ginsburg already looks like she’s
last week’s pork and beans and may not be alive much longer.
The sad thing is this: The balance of the USSC is five Republicans and four Democrats, which should have meant Obamacare
was thrown out on its ear. Evidently, the centrist Republican justice took the side of the half-breed and allowed Obamacare to
take shape in allowing more government-controlled socialism to take place in America.
GFrazier says
Even sadder is the fact that the Republicans, on Capitol Hill, allowed this by not standing up and fighting
Obama’s nominations (nor did they fight Clinton’s).
Constitutionalist says
Personally, Jim, i want to see SCOTUS “judges” replaced a lot faster than that; a simple review of some of their most heinous decisions (Kelo v. [something, i’ve forgotten what – maybe City of New London?] where gov’t can seize private property and sell it to other private individuals w/o needing to demonstrate the public benefit)will easily reveal arrogations of power that the Constitution does not allow them to exercise, ergo they’re in violation of their oaths of office, ergo they have committed felony perjury, ergo they should be arrested, tried, convicted, and banned from any further “service” on the public dime for the remainder of their natural lives, forfeiting all pay and benefits received from the date of their first proven violation of their Oaths.
For example, SCOTUS judges claim the right to “interpret” the Constitution, and have done so on innumerable occasions. Article 3 lists the powers of the Judicial branch. Show me “interpret.” If it’s not in there, they DO NOT HAVE IT, and they have USURPED powers NOT IAW the Constitution and in violation of their Oaths. Jail ’em.
Paul Meierhenry says
Hillary plans to appoint Obama to the court! Then what? I just got the Supreme Court! The. What?
Lois Wenk says
People have been brainwashed on global warming since before 1970. Look all the evidence says the Earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling. My weather changed because of cycles within cycles. California is in a drought, as long as they let rich people have uncovered pools they are not conserving water appropriately. Use this to learn not to be brainwashed. Listen to the candidates for presidents, look at their behavior and look at their past.
Lois Wenk says
If the scientist were willing to teach science and not religion we would be better off.
jay says
Hey Bruce, why weren’t true weather prognosticators invited to the summit? Guess they weren’t interested in true statistics being presented to negate baama s__t.
fedup says
Poor Barry, Clueless as usual.
Scott Conn says
Yes, climate change is a complete fraud, but what always makes me so upset, is how can some our Supreme Court judges vote on party lines. Isn’t their prime objective to rule on legal grounds, not to back up a corrupt, angry, ventictive President.
Jim a. says
I keep seeing Bruce commenting. Is his last name Jenner ,it sounds like him/ her with his brainless comments.
Richard says
I have always stated that Obummer himself is our BIGGEST TERRORIST!! He our Country and right from his start in Office, he has deliberately done everything he can to mess up America, and make our lives miserable. I HATE HIS GUTS! My entire family, and most of our friends feel the same way! HE STINKS is all I can say and iI am sooo glad that the liberal SCOTUS has FINALLY ruled against the evil one! He has 666 written across his ugly forehead! He is the anti-Christ and/or the devil reincarnate! Ugh! I HATE YOU, OBUMMER. I also hate Sanders and Clintbitch as well. We need to get a Republican in the WH ASAP!! And we also must stop the Dumocrap’s buddy, Soros, from fraudulently remotely changing votes like he did during the 2012 Election! Romney would havge won if the votes had been cast by paper ballots, and not electronically which allowed Soros to change them from Romney to Obummer! I have proof of this! If we do not stop Soros, we will never be able to have another Republican in the WH again is all I can say
Richard says
I have always stated that Obummer himself is our BIGGEST TERRORIST!! He hates our Country and right from his start in Office, he has deliberately done everything he can to mess up America, and make our lives miserable. I HATE HIS GUTS! My entire family, and most of our friends feel the same way! HE STINKS is all I can say and iI am sooo glad that the liberal SCOTUS has FINALLY ruled against the evil one! He has 666 written across his ugly forehead! He is the anti-Christ and/or the devil reincarnate! Ugh! I HATE YOU, OBUMMER. I also hate Sanders and Clintbitch as well. We need to get a Republican in the WH ASAP!! And we also must stop the Dumocrap’s buddy, Soros, from fraudulently remotely changing votes like he did during the 2012 Election! Romney would havge won if the votes had been cast by paper ballots, and not electronically which allowed Soros to change them from Romney to Obummer! I have proof of this! If we do not stop Soros, we will never be able to have another Republican in the WH again is all I can say
gene says
Don says
If I remember the news correctly, the SCOTUS decision was 5 to 4. I suspect that Ruth Ginsberg WILL RETIRE before Obama’s time in office is over, which will allow him to nominate yet ANOTHER ULTRA liberal to the SCOTUS. Will the dumb A$$ RHINO’S approve/allow Obama to appoint yet another ULTRA LIBERAL to the Supreme Court. If that happens, America is in deep Doo Doo, for many, many years go come, and Obama’s goals for the destruction of America will be one step closer to completion.
For me, when the RHINO’S allowed the appointments of Kagan and Sotomayor to go forward, it was the end of my support for the Republican party, and their actions only went downhill from there