It’s the biggest abortion case in nearly a quarter of a century, and it gives the highest court in the land a chance to stand up for unborn babies.
The Supreme Court will hear arguments today on whether a Texas law that regulates abortion clinics hampers a woman’s constitutional right to obtain an abortion.
The clinics want the court to roll back regulations requiring doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and forcing clinics to meet standards for outpatient or ambulatory surgical centers.
Like other states, mainly in the South, Texas says it passed the measure to protect women’s health. But it also creates regulatory hurdles that likely prevent thousands of abortions every single year.
Justice Anthony Kennedy probably holds the deciding vote on the court, which only has eight justices after the recent death of Antonin Scalia. And if he votes as expected, the Texas law will be upheld.
Should Kennedy stay with the conservative justices, a 4-4 tie would leave Texas’ law standing, because the federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled for the state. Such an outcome would allow Texas to put the regulations into full effect. The clinics say no more than about 10 facilities will remain open, where there once were more than 40 before the law was enacted in 2013, meaning thousands of abortions would be prevented.
Scalia’s death means it is likely that Texas can get no more than four votes on a court that has been starkly divided over abortion between conservatives and liberals.
If the court is evenly divided, the justices could decide to re-hear the case once a new colleague joins them. President Barack Obama says he will nominate a successor to Scalia. But Senate Republicans, backed by the party’s presidential candidates, have pledged to keep Scalia’s seat empty so that the next president can fill it.
Separately, the justices also are weighing an emergency appeal from clinics in Louisiana. The same federal appeals court has allowed that state’s admitting privileges law to take effect while a legal challenge winds its way through the courts, even after a trial judge struck it down as unconstitutional. The case is being appealed.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
j.r. says
any thing to help the helpless, womens health is as important as mens health, the difference being political, baby’s, day after, exc, my wife uses the same doctor I do except for certain things, which we all no what that is, Nobody should be able to kill at will
JESUS blesses HIS own! says
Our HOLY FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY, thank YOU for YOU ALONE reign! Thank YOU for giving us YOUR WILL in YOUR Holy Scriptures. It is written in YOUR Holy Scriptures in the New American Standard Version:
Exodus 23:7, “Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty.”
Deuteronomy 5:17, “You shall not murder.”
Praise YOU for bringing YOUR justice upon all those who are guilty of murdering the children while in the womb. YOUR KINGDOM come now! YOUR WILL shall always be done here and now and everywhere forever! Praise YOU in JESUS’ HOLY NAME! HALLELUJAH! MARANATHA! AMEN!
Carolyn Wiggins says
rick says
Wendy, You have been drinking the koolade ! If you subtract immigration our population is growing at a minuscule rate, slower than ever. But if you are meaning that the country will be destroyed by people who won’t work ,expect to be taken care of from birth to cradle I can see your point. However it is up to God to weed out those who burden others because they do not want to participate.
skylark says
This just piss me off . This is my state and dumb a** people in the baby killing factors piss me off. One thing everyone forgets is, their not stopping Abortions, their saying the Doctor who is doing the baby killing has to be able to get the lady into a Hospital if she starts to bleed to death. There has been women who have dead in these killing factories. I believe this law is looking out for the women. I hope with all of my heart it stands.
Wendy says
The government kills all the time. And if we don’t do something to curb population growth now there will be a lot more deaths later. Considerably more unpleasant that a trip to an abortion clinic. Every body we add to the world population takes something away from those who are already here. Yes. I’m paying for every child born in this country, and you are, too, whether you’ve chosen to procreate or not. And thanks to zita, the average cost is going to get bigger.
Anita Ciganik says
I firmly believe in a woman’s choice but I have to ask why do we have millions of abortions in this country where any woman over the age of 12 has the opportunity to have access to birth control free of charge. If she doesn’t want a child then do NOT get pregnant in the first place.I also understand that there are sometimes certainstances where they are unavoidable like rape or incest.
Kimi Buehler says
I got pregnant on the pill. My daughter got pregnant with an IUD. A good friend got pregnant after getting her tubes tied. The only 100% method is abstinence.
Arrbuc says
Although I do not agree in abortions. I do agree that they have the right to choose GOD gave them tat right. and abortions are not free, or paid fpr by our tax dollars. We can only pray that people get the knowledge and make the right decision when it come to their choice.
Sharon says
But we are all free to choose. What does that mean in the context of things? Am I free to kill you? Of course I am!! Are you free to kill me? Of course you are? GOD gave all of us FREE WILL. But just because we can doesn’t mean we should!! That Life inside you or me or any woman has the same GOD given right to survive!!
Carolyn Wiggins says
Well stated!!!!
Champion of life says
God does not permit anyone to murder an innocent human being, Thou shalt not kill
If abortion gives someone the right to the killing of a innocent human being at what point of this
child’s life does it become murder? Pick any time in the child’s development, OK, now pick the day
before your choice of time or date, is if ok then?
JESUS blesses HIS own! says
Our HOLY FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY, thank YOU for YOU ALONE reign! Thank YOU for giving us YOUR WILL in YOUR Holy Scriptures. It is written in YOUR Holy Scriptures in the New American Standard Version:
Exodus 23:7, “Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty.”
Deuteronomy 5:17, “You shall not murder.”
Praise YOU for bringing YOUR justice upon all those who are guilty of murdering the children while in the womb. YOUR KINGDOM come now! YOUR WILL shall always be done here and now and everywhere forever! Praise YOU in JESUS’ HOLY NAME! HALLELUJAH! MARANATHA! AMEN!
GCBC says
I believe in responsibility. Why is no one responsible for the choices they make when they have sex. I also believe that once a woman becomes pregnant, it is no longer just her body involved but the life of the child. since an embryo is human from the time of conception, the child has just as much right to live as the mother. it’s not as if that embryo could be a cow or rabbit or cat. it is only human, there is no potential for it to be anything but a child. anyone saying it’s just a bunch of cells, is playing word games to soothe their conscience.
Sharon says
Exactly Right!! A woman’s “right” to choose ends with a baby’s right to live. Prevention is any woman’s right, but after a life has started, that life supercedes unless it is a threat to the woman’s life.
JESUS blesses HIS own! says
Our HOLY FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY, thank YOU for YOU ALONE reign! Thank YOU for giving us YOUR WILL in YOUR Holy Scriptures. It is written in YOUR Holy Scriptures in the New American Standard Version:
Exodus 23:7, “Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty.”
Deuteronomy 5:17, “You shall not murder.”
Praise YOU for bringing YOUR justice upon all those who are guilty of murdering the children while in the womb. YOUR KINGDOM come now! YOUR WILL shall always be done here and now and everywhere forever! Praise YOU in JESUS’ HOLY NAME! HALLELUJAH! MARANATHA! AMEN!
sharon says
I believe the women should make a choice it’s her body, but I don’t believe in the late term abortions, they should never perform an abortion after two months period. One abortion per person should be the rule. They need to learn how to use protection, not have numerous abortion. Abortions late term are murder, and selling baby parts is the most ghoulish thing ever, totally sick.
JESUS blesses HIS own! says
Our HOLY FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY, thank YOU for YOU ALONE reign! Thank YOU for giving us YOUR WILL in YOUR Holy Scriptures. It is written in YOUR Holy Scriptures in the New American Standard Version:
Exodus 23:7, “Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty.”
Deuteronomy 5:17, “You shall not murder.”
Praise YOU for bringing YOUR justice upon all those who are guilty of murdering the children while in the womb. YOUR KINGDOM come now! YOUR WILL shall always be done here and now and everywhere forever! Praise YOU in JESUS’ HOLY NAME! HALLELUJAH! MARANATHA! AMEN!
Kay says
Unfortunately for many abortion is the preferred form of birth control. Availability of birth control, free at Planned Parenthood clinics has not effect. The moral fiber of this country has sunk to unbelievable depths.
Wendy says
Because the condom breaks, because the Pill isn’t 100% effective, because he says he wants a kid and then changes his mind when she gets pregnant, because she’s so dominated by him that she can’t say “no,” because circumstances change and the home they though they’d provide for the bundle of joy suddenly isn’t there anymore, because they realize the vessel’s damaged and don’t want to condemn a soul to it for an entire life . . .
And I very much doubt abortion is the “preferred” birth control. No one keeps track of how many pregnancies didn’t occur because of condoms, oral contraceptives, tubal litigation, vasectomies, or IUD’s, It’s just the resort women turn to when they find out the hard way that one of the others has failed.
Janet says
What if the mothers of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc., had decided to abort them? Would those women have been equally sinful?
It seems that sometimes we have to “sin” just to make life tolerable.
But I realize that for some people, there is so excuse for the sin of taking a life.
And so now we tolerate the likes of Isis monsters in our midst…as well as other, “softer” and more gentlemanly monsters I will not name…
steve atterton says
most of the one’s that are getting pregnant are the one’s that are so young they really should not know what the word pregnant mean’s and the second I am sorry which include’s both black and white are those that have learned it adds nearly $700.00 dollars to their check ? everybody that either don’t believe that or want believe need’s their head checked
Mead Carlson says
Lots more welfare and lifetime free medical if all reproductive choice is stopped. The unlimited population growth folks will never let up in their crusade to eliminate women’s reproductive choice.
Jeffrey says
Women and men have all of the choice on reproduction! If you want a child then get pregnant, if you don’t want to get pregnant then use some form (and there are màny) of protection! Sometimes it doesn’t work and by having intercourse you are accepting the risk! But when protection fails it should not be the baby that pays the price, the ultimate price of death! People need to start being responsible for the actions they take! And if the courts so wrongly (in my opinion ) say that women can get an abortion then I would think that they would want the best care possible when getting an abortion, why wouldn’t you expect the clinic you go to to have to adhere to normal medical and surgical practices and why wouldn’t you want that doctor who is performing the abortion be allowed to àdmit you to the closest hospital if there were comp,ications? A lot of women have died from a botched procedure because there was no chance of being admitted to a hospital. Some peop,e who are performing these procedures are not even a Doctor! And this would keep them out, hopefully! Why is it just about women’s health and doesn’t include the health and welfare of the baby? Why not have the baby and put it up for adoption? There is no good reason to Kill the baby!
JESUS blesses HIS own! says
Our HOLY FATHER GOD ALMIGHTY, thank YOU for YOU ALONE reign! Thank YOU for giving us YOUR WILL in YOUR Holy Scriptures. It is written in YOUR Holy Scriptures in the New American Standard Version:
Exodus 23:7, “Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty.”
Deuteronomy 5:17, “You shall not murder.”
Praise YOU for bringing YOUR justice upon all those who are guilty of murdering the children while in the womb. YOUR KINGDOM come now! YOUR WILL shall always be done here and now and everywhere forever! Praise YOU in JESUS’ HOLY NAME! HALLELUJAH! MARANATHA! AMEN!
Wendy says
Back in the day, people said “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away” and they considered death by disease and hazardous work, and “acts of God” to be a fact of life. They’d probably look at a modern doctor with his machinations and fancy concoctions and say, “Who does he think he is, to steal a man back from the Pearly Gates when God has called him home?” And yet we approve of controlling when we can leave this world, but still insist on not regulating admission into it. Forcibly saving a life is playing God just as much as forcibly taking it. More so, because it is the way of things, even for vegans, to feed on death; and it is the way of mothers everywhere to stop nurturing their offspring if they lack the resources to do so, either before or after birth; but it is most unnatural to force into life that which was not meant to be.
Kay says
You are so right. Abortion clinics should have to follow the same safety regulations as other surgery clinics. The abortion advocates seem to want special exceptions for them. Who in their right mind would want to go to a sub-par facility or a clinician that is not properly accredited?
Wendy says
You don’t need “admitting privileges” to go to the ER. The EMT’s that hang out at most kinds of races don’t have “admitting privileges.” “Cut men” at boxing matches don’t have admitting privileges, even thought they can get drugs that are otherwise restricted to physicians.
Many of these clinics don’t have admitting privileges because they’re too far away from the hospitals. Anti-abortion activists know this. They know that many financially-challenged women have a hard enough time getting to the clinics. By knowingly setting conditions most clinics can’t meet, they force them to close and make it impossible for women to scrape together the money to be away from their meager jobs long enough to have an abortion.
If you think lack of “admitting privileges” makes a clinic “unsafe,” how can you justify forcing women back to the coathanger?
Janet says
I can’t help but point out that for some unfortunate people, getting born is the worst thing that could ever have happened to them–and sometimes to other people as well.
And so I can’t help but suspect avid pro-lifers as being not so much avidly pro-life as fanatically anti-abortion, and sometimes even totalitarian in their basic orientation. I am also aware that the term “pro-life is manipulative, working the guilt strings with the implication that “anti-life” is the only other alternative possible in the matter. Just as the ongoing media reports of atrocities uncovered at Planned Parenthood likely gave many people the impression that all abortions performed are of that nature…
Just saying!
Sharon says
Mead-reproductive choice should come BEFORE a life is started, Not after!!
Kay says
Amen. As a society we need to be teaching responsibility. Free everything has created this problem.
Donnie Johnson says
I think it should be up to the parents, & not a Judge or Dr.
DBL.D says
Delusional dems, in ten years after stopping abortion, they will publicly, state that they are wondering why America has so many parent less children.And what a tragic crisis it is, and rant about moral responsability .
YourGodSays says
Abortion is wrong, but a mother’s choice is right.
Sharon Jenkins says
In my opinion, if a Dr is going to perform abortions, they should be required to have admitting privileges to hospitals. There is always the possibility that something could go wrong.
Briguy says
Abortion is MURDER, not matter how you look at it! You may not get the death penalty on Earth by having one, but you will surely get it in the afterlife, as you will spend eternity with Satan! As well you should! Women who kill their unborn babies should be ashamed of themselves!
Scott Carroll says
The woman who want an abortion do not have a right to choose, that is murder! The Constitution guarantees us the right to life. How about a woman in her thirties or even a man? Can a parent decide that they should be put to death because they are causing an undue burden by living in the basement? NO! That too is murder. I cannot for the life of me figure out how a human embryo is not life but a microbe on an asteroid or another planet is considered extremely valuable life. What is wrong with you people?
James Stevens says
Easy to decide when it is not your body or your responsibility to raise the child. There are also many exclusions to the rule.
Rape, Incest, fetal mutant, emotional instability, mothers health, etc. It is a very complicated and emotional path. There will need
to be limits in place and special concessions for the many situations that would make bringing the infant into the world wrong.
If it is just a matter of convenience, then the child should be carried to term and turned over to the state for care and finding a good home to those unable to produce children but wanting a real family. Trust me, you can deeply love a child even when they are not your blood. That is the work of our creator stepping in and allowing compassion and giving the newborns a life. jwstx
Laurence Coventry says
Abortion is murder in several dictionaries. Chambers 20th century states murder is excessive and reprehensible killing, not legally murder. Law is not virtue. Law said slaves were 3/5ths human and could be killed.(US) and Jews were subhuman (Germany), and could therefore be killed.. The law in the western world that the preborn child is not a person is the sole excuse for abortion. It flies in the teeth of all biblical references to pre born humans and the whole science of embryology.
Beyond all this who is entitled to judge whether another is worthy of life outside Nazidom? A prolifer, asked how long he had been pro life said since Conception. It is not a case of passing judgment without responsibility, but of not determining that I am entitled to support the killing of someone else.
Women’s health is a lie. In Ireland doctors stated in 1992 that there was no connection with abortion. British doctors have been free to write up their abortions as for saving the mother’s life for decades , but have only chosen to do so four times in the last 10 years, while two million other abortions were taking place. Women’s health is a red herring.
Rape is a no win trauma, but abortion is another. There is also no reason for the child to pay a grisly capital punishment for the crime of the father. A very attractive state beauty competition winner is a prolife advocate. She is the product of rape.
Jo says
I feel an abortion should be the decision of the women to decide I do believe if a person is raped and/or incest is involved an abortion is appropriate providing the decision is made by the individual it happened to.
Eric says
I’m anti-abortion, PERIOD! The best way for one to avoid an abortion is very simple; don’t get knocked up in the first place! If pregnancy is due to rape, keep the kid and make the parents learn how to take care of him/her. That’ll teach them (the rapist, especially) to wait till they’re ready to start a family!
Janet says
I can only hope you will be reincarnated as a woman…
Vickie T says
There is no reincarnation.
Constitutionalist says
There is no reincarnation.
Tell it to Christ, who stated – clearly, unequivocally, without dissimulation or prevarication – that John the Baptist IS Elijah.
Madmarmot says
Your saying that a victim of a rape has to stay with her rapist to raise the child???!? What the f are you smoking?
Madmarmot says
“you’re”- sorry
Justin W says
Abortion advocates need to consider how crazy they are looking by fighting laws designed to protect women’s safety. The law doesn’t shut down the lucrative abortion industry. It just requires them to meet the same medical standards that other surgery centers would be required to meet.
In the 90s President Clinton said abortion should be safe, legal and rare. These state laws are designed to protect the safety of the woman who is purchasing the abortion.
In the past the abortion industry has said that revoking Roe v Wade would result in a bunch of back-alley abortions. What they don’t mention is that by not requiring abortion providers to meet basic medical standards, women are still getting back-alley quality abortions. The difference is that Planned Parenthood is growing wealthy providing the medically dangerous procedure.
Kay says
Why Planned Parenthood thinks they need an abortion clinic on every corner is a mystery to me. We all travel to find the best specialist for certain ailments, why should there be so many sub-par abortion clinics? We should all strive to have the best, safest care possible. Planned Parenthood exagerates every situation. Texas has not banned abortions, just wants to make them as safe as possible. PP keeps saying Roe vWade is being attacked and will be reversed when the truth is it is not.
Lois Wenk says
PP is taxation without representation. If pro lifers do not exist who are pro choicers and pro abortionist fighting? Abortion is bigotry against, disabled people, and racial minorities. Since we are the ones that are being pointed at as an excuse to keep it legal. No such thing as an unwanted child. Just arrogant liars of PP. And people who value a business killing people over using sense like they used for used car sales man.
Look at a sonogram and tell me why the picture is not that of a baby.
Laurence Coventry says
In the UK the Abortion Act 1967 was mounted on a campaign of lies that tens of thousands of women (one estimate a quarter million) were dying in back street abortions. As a death certificate is necessary these women must have been buried on common ground at dead of night by the thousand. The official figure for that year was 32, It was also cried that every child should be a wanted child. This was nonsense. The inhuman barbaric practice of abortion against unborn children was matched from that time by a sharp and continuous rise in the number of children taken into government care. Care not for the unborn, care not for the born.
The relevant Member of Parliament then also claimed “Safe legal and rare”, but UK has limitless abortion on demand, de facto if not quite in law.
The US equivalent, the 1973 Roe v Wade, is full of presumptions that can be refuted by modern knowledge. It was also brought in on huge lies on the number dying of back street abortions, as later confessed by ex abortionist Bernard Nathanson.
Doug Gentry says
To the mis informed tax payers do pay for abortions, they took defunding PP out of the Budget bill, your newly elected senator voted for. And I am sick of the Rape, and incest, BS They may account for 1% so that argument is used by uninformed people. Many times the woman has issues about what she has done. Being a Christian I know a little about how the Devil works, I have made decisions, while I just wanted to have my way. As soon as I did sin , guess who started pricking my mind, the accuser of the Brother -n, So Repent or Go to Hell, That is a choice one should really think about. As long as the State/ Gov pays money. It will never stop.
Lois Wenk says
Not defunding PP is needed. Pro lifers have taxation with out representation. Not a good American value. Money that can be better used for shrinking the national debt. Which no one has a beef about.
Constitutionalist says
“The whole profit of the issuance of money has provided the capital of the great banking business as it exists today. Starting with nothing whatever of their own, they have got the whole world into their debt irredeemably, by a trick. This money comes into existence every time the banks ‘lend’ and disappears every time the debt is repaid to them, so that if industry
tries to repay, the money of the nation disappears. This is what makes prosperity so ‘dangerous’ as it destroys money just when it is most needed and precipitates a slump. There is nothing left now for us but to get ever deeper and deeper into debt to the banking system in order to provide the increasing amounts of money the nation requires for its expansion and growth. An honest money system is the only alternative.”
— Frederick Soddy(1877-1956) British author, professor, Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1921
These statements were made during hearings of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, September 30, 1941. Members of the Federal Reserve Board call themselves “Governors.” Governor Marriner Eccles was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board at the time of these hearings:
Congressman Patman: “How did you get the money to buy those two billion dollars worth of Government securities in 1933?”
Governor Eccles: “Out of the right to issue credit money.”
Patman: “And there is nothing behind it, is there, except our Government’s credit?”
Eccles: “That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”
Congressman Fletcher: “Chairman Eccles, when do you think there is a possibility of returning to a free and open market, instead of this pegged and artificially controlled financial market we now have?”
Governor Eccles: “Never, not in your lifetime or mine.”
— Marriner Stoddard Eccles(1890-1977) US banker, economist, and Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1934-48)
Source: during hearings of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, September 30, 1941.
Can you now see that “paying down the national debt” is impossible without destroying the current debt-based monetary fraud? And that if one were to succeed in so doing(a mathematical impossibility now, btw), then there would be no “money” in circulation?
Amil says
Abortion is wrong and should only be in case of rape or incest. The rapist or incest participant should be put away for a long long time. To my knowledge a young high school girl was raped and the family took her to the doctor the next morning and he performed a DNC and took care of that particular problem. This was at a very popular mall, a log income housing project was built in the neighborhood and crime was really bad and within 5 years the original people were moving from the neighborhood and the MALL closed. That area is now a blight.
Constitutionalist says
What i want to know is this:
Where, exactly, does the Constitution guarantee a woman the right to have an abortion?
I’ve never seen the word “abortion” appear in any part of it, including Amendments.
If this is a case of SCOTUS “interpreting” something to exist in the Constitution that does not, in FACT, appear in the Constitution, then not only should the ruling be struck down on the grounds that SCOTUS CANNOT MAKE LAW, but every single one who voted in favor of ruling something into law which they have neither the right nor authority to do should be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED, charged with the High Crime of Usurpation, that is, the exercise of powers NOT DELEGATED to them – and, upon conviction, be immediately removed from their office for betraying the public trust by violating their oaths of office.
The whole doctrine of “implied powers” is utter bullshit; anyone of ordinary intelligence reading the Preamble to the Bill of Rights and the 9th and 10th Amendments – even the dullest of intellects – can readily discern that oath-taking members of the general government are RESTRICTED to JUST THE NAMED powers, and no more. Taking powers not delegated to you is exceeding the boundaries of your lawful authority, plain and simple. It would be like hiring a babysitter who decides she may also throw out your furniture.
Lets all fight for the Right of the Child in the Womb, the innocent , the voiceless etc etc.,
America is a Democratic Country. Ones freedom ends where the Baby`s freedom start.
Save Trees!!! Save Environment !!! Save Planet !!! All`s fine.
But what about Babies save them too… we are ready to help refugees, Compassion , Humanity,
Excellent, Help the Victims of natural calamities, Then why not Human Babies ? Strange people,
Are we enemies of human life….. There is enough for all food for all to share, of course if we do not hoard…
Save life, save babies . Give them a chance do not suppress and suffocate and strangulate. its inhuman and more