Emboldened by the victory of protesters at the University of Missouri, college students around the country are beginning to organize nationwide behind a set of outrageous demands.
Students at the University of California, Berkeley and more than a hundred other colleges and universities staged marches Thursday. They want tax payers to pay for their tuition and pick up the bill for the cancellation of student loans – a total of $1.2 trillion in debt.
Known as the Million Student March, the demonstrations at schools from Massachusetts to Hawaii were inspired by remarks Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders made during an interview with Katie Couric in June.
The Democratic presidential candidate said Republicans in Congress would be forced to tackle the student debt problem if a million young people marched on Washington.
Instead, groups of demonstrators numbering in the hundreds delivered their messages closer to home, including the Texas State University campus in San Marcos, Texas, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and the University of California, Santa Barbara.
In Philadelphia, a contingent of students from the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University and Drexel University rallied together outside City Hall.
Most of the events were planned at public universities and colleges, although a few private colleges organized rallies to show support.
The marches targeting the cost of college were scheduled before student protests over racially charged incidents at the University of Missouri and Yale put a renewed national focus on how colleges are dealing with diversity.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main street says
When they graduate they look forward to unemployment or low wage no benefit jobs. Foreign H1-B visa youth get most of the tech jobs. No protests about that. Those who seemed lazy or slow in the 70’s or 80’s in school, would look like scholars in today’s America.
Pay and these are the supposed EDUCATED YOU SIGNED, YOU PAY,
Elizabeth says
The students classes have been dumbed down until the students do not have to study so, they run around spouting off things that they have no Idea about. Where do they think all of this money is going to come from. I don’t want to pay for their education when they are squandering it. My children payed their own way with scholarships student loans ( which they paid back).
Kenneth Van Antwerp says
We all had to pay our own way through college, why should they be any different. I had a very unique way of paying for my college education, I WORKED MY WAY THROGH.
Ludlow Porch says
The only job these degrees would qualify them for is Political Activist! That market is already saturated!
Len says
Just a question….Why are the tuition in United States so high compared to other countries?
Don says
This is so similar to the Chinese revolution after WW2. It is the liberal teachings starting in the lower grades of the government indoctrination centers called public schools coming back to bite the very people that orchestrated the indoctrination.
Main street says
Many college grads today don’t have the basic reading and social skills of an eight grader 40 years back. Some check off the right box to get into schools. Some go because they have parents with money.
Bob Rivett says
And way too many are merely affirmative action.
buddy says
richard courtney says
I was in the US Army during the Vietnam war. UNC , Chapel Hill drafted my meager (back then) military pay to pay my student loan while I was overseas. Thanks a lot. This alumnus will never donate to that university.
Dan Bruenning says
Gee government workers and their favorite donating unions get their student loans erases after paying ten years at a much lower rate than us old timers. Oh and the government pension plans are so much more than SS. A favored minority group gets free college in California and that’s OK. The system let millions of good manufacturing go overseas. Billions have been spent on illegals.
Yup Erase student debt!!!!!!!!
Bob Rivett says
Screw you, you little turds.
Ludlow Porch says
Colleges and Universities in the U.S. are nothing more than dens of Racist, Bigotry, Hatred and 1st Amendment opposition! Padlock the doors and close these institutions of civil unrest and lawlessness, immediately and forever! Problem solved!
walt says
You hit the nail on the head
Gary Mercatante says
Yes, and now it looks like the “indoctrinated” are turning on their “indoctrinators”! That is about the ONLY comfort that can be taken from this. Today’s college graduates have little going for them in terms of common sense and how to function in society. I have had to work with enough of these Gen X’s, Y’s, or whatever letter we are on these days and most of them are useless. In our era of “networking” (read Group Think), they can’t complete an assignment unless they suck in the whole world to help them out. These people have no idea how to think for themselves and do something independently. Colleges are turning out functional idiots and, as you say, should be shut down.
karen says
Nothing like the waitress work and summer jobs around to pay your way like I had to do many years ago? Maybe that is asking too much when you have an irresponsible Socialist politician telling everyone they are owed everything. What will these worthless pieces do when everything runs out?
Ludlow Porch says
Did anyone see that empty headed play thing on Megan’s show last night on Fox? When ask how would such a move be paid for? Her response was, “I don’t know!” She is a Blond with shoulder pads and dirty knees! It’s time we revisited those days of yesteryear. Fire hoses, police dogs and Bull Conner!
Gary Mercatante says
Yup, Liberalism truly IS a mental disorder. This proves it. Time for the PARENTS of these “educated” morons to rise up and quit funding the little twerps. They can’t all being going to school on 100% student loans; SOMEBODY’s got to be helping them. College degrees aren’t worth the paper they are printed on anymore. It is basically used as a “sifting tool” to determine who gets a job (maybe) and who doesn’t. Not everyone is cut out to go to college and these little boneheads that can’t think for themselves are a perfect example. Keep the ones that WANT to learn something and kick the others out!
Mary Chadburn says
What’s with all this student debt anyway? I worked my way through college. I paid for it. Yes, it was not immediate, but I was debt free. We truly live in an instant gratification, debtor’s society.
Justin W says
College is expensive. Maybe these students would be better off getting jobs rather than spending their time protesting and partying.
If a student signs up for military service I think the government picks up the tab for their education. Then again, military service would cut down on the time students have for drinking and have sex.
Gary Mercatante says
Perish the thought! We should deny a young person’s “right” to the college “experience”: Sex, booze and drugs? And have someone else pay for it? Forget the fact that they are actually there to LEARN something. It’s the partying, unbridaled sex and unlimited drugs and protesting that really count! Man, has time passed me by.
Mary Chadburn says
Employers also have tuition payment programs. You usually have to get B to get paid for tuition and A includes books. But these are commuting classes and cut out all the extra curricular b…s… .
michael says
if the college student wants tax payers to pay off there debt then draft them it to the military and send them to war like in the Vietnam war
Elizabeth says
It is my understanding that if they go into the military they have to stay 4 or 5 years to have their debt paid. I think all of they college age children should be drafted into the military for at least 2 years.
Gary Mercatante says
Has anyone questioned where all of the money goes that is gotten from college sporting events? It is well known that, especially the large, universities can rake in millions of dollars a year between football and basketball alone! My goodness, why do you think that college football teams do practically everything they can, short of killing each other, to get into “bowl” games and get nationally ranked? Winning one of those things can bring in over a million dollars alone. Doesn’t ANY of this money get funneled back into the universities to help cut down on the student tuition costs? Why don’t any of these bone-head protesters think of THAT? Probably because they have never been taught to think for themselves!
Bud Wood says
What we are seeing is the end of a functioning country. Not a big deal because such typically happens this way.
Typically because the question is “will success spoil the USA” and the answer is “yes”. It is just surprising that USA culture is failing so quickly.
Thumper says
VoEd graduates earn more than 99% of college grads and don’t have time off from their JOBS to protest!
Pam says
I will help my daughter pay for college if she works parttime to contribute to her expenses, and lives at home and commutes (lots of schools in this area). She may need to take an occasional break from studies to work fulltime. No private school unless she gets a full ride scholarship. I will not cosign for any student loans.
Mary Chadburn says
Good for you. You are bringing her up to earn and appreciate her education.
Elizabeth says
That is awesome! I wonder how many parents and students do that. probably not more than one percent or less.
rodney says
put em in FEMA camps! better yet in chain gangs working off their debt. find out who the leaders are and exterminate!
ta says
With a below average family income, I supported 5 people and sent my 3 children to as much college as they wanted — and without debt. It can be done, but it requires some foresight, planning, frugality, prudence, etc. Why do or should these radical freeloaders want to punish people like me by stealing my hard earn property?
littlebit says
They give you a blank stare when you ask who is going to pay for this. The problem is that most in this generation have never had to pay for anything. 1.3 trillion in student debt is around $4000.00 for every man woman and child in the US. Then you add the tuition etc, going forward. The 1% ho not have this much money if you take it all.
Leonard says
I have a very valid question. Will these same students be willing to turn around and band together to pay these same expenses and costs for all the students who have had the same loans and costs before them???? What a totally stupid idea. How illogical can they get. They might have an easier time paying their loans and debts if they didn’t have to have new cars the latest in new iPhones, I watches and everything else that is HIGH TECH. Where on earth did this idea come from that they are owed something????? I’ve often wondered what the logic is behind this give me, give me and the government owes it to me thinking. One day they will wonder why their taxes are so high. LORD HELP US.
Elizabeth says
You are right!. If after graduate they find a job if they can Will.They be willing to pay the next students going to college by letting the Gov. Take half of their paydays for taxes so, they can pay the next student free education.
Gary says
This same argument can be used for the minumum wage laws that they want to keep raising.
As soon as they get $10 they want $15 etc etc. Then after they get their tuition paid they’ll be protesting for a new car because they can’t get to class on time. etc etc.
Are all college tuition’s the same? Public schools are suppose to be. Let’s just add 4 – 12 more years on to High School then maybe they will learn something.
WD says
Think how students got into this mess:
1) The government, the educational establishment, big business, and other parties who benefit, have propagandized parents and society that a kid who does not get a college education is a worthless individual, and will live a life of meaningless misery. Therefore, everyone is brainwashed into believing they have to obtain a college degree at any costs. This demand for college degrees pushes up the price of a college education, and devalues the degree.
2) Parents are raising spoiled brats, who think they deserve the world handed to them on a silver platter.
3) Easy money (with the government’s help) was made available to students in the form of loans, which does not have to be paid back until after graduation.
A college degree is only a piece of worthless paper. It is not the paper that counts — it is what a person does with the knowledge gained that counts. Unfortunately, there are a lot of students who have been issued these extremely expensive diplomas, but they still do not have the skills or knowledge demanded in the work place.
In addition, the assumption behind a college degree is that the student is gong to live a life of dependency and slavery (i.e., working for someone else). Most businesses use the degree as an initial filtering tool in an overcrowded market. However, the person who is going to create jobs (i.e., run their own business) does not necessarily need a college degree. A customer buying a product does not care if the owner is college educated.
Until people wake up and realize that a college degree IS NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for success in life, and not everyone needs to go to college, this situation is only going to get worse; and most likely the government is going to eventually put the expense burden onto tax payers.
Joe Atkins says
Frankly, I’m sick of this entitlement mentality among Americans and everyone else that steps foot in this country. No one, and I mean no one has given my wife or I anything throughout our entire lives. We had to work for everything. We had to work to pay our tuition. We didn’t take out loans to pay for collegel. We worked it off as we went. Today, everyone thinks they are entitled to a hand out. Well, they’re not entitled to other peoples’ money. Things are going to reach a tipping point, possibly even a breaking point, where those who work for a living are going to get damn sick and tired of carrying those who don’t. The new class war is not going to be between the rich and the poor, but between workers and non-workers. That is the new class struggle. If workers and producers don’t stand up to the whining entitled non-working class, this nation will go down, and go down hard. Life in America will become so bad it will make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park.
p va biljon says
Here in south Africa they started with the same rubbish, and students who want to study are intimidated an assaulted.
Bruce says
In a pigs behind !!!Terrifying to think these are the country’s future leaders
sarah says
Oh yeah make us taxpayers pay for even more. Please… So sick of the handouts. I want to go to school, not eligible for free/low cost schooling but they want us to pay for their schooling.
Stella Martinez says
These freeloaders come from third world countries and feel entitled for the tax payers, to fund their education, food, home, car, etc. College is a privilage and their parents should have done their homework, instead of having so many children in order to live off the system. That is the only reason they are here, they will never go out of their way to volunteer or do anything good for society.