Undercover video has emerged exposing multiple cases of possible voter fraud in the Democratic primary in New Hampshire.
And it puts the campaign of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders under serious scrutiny after his campaign staff — on multiple occasions — helped undercover activists, posing as wanna-be voters who live out-of-state, cast what appears to be illegal votes.
In the video, just released by conservative journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, there are multiple examples of both Sanders’ campaign staff as well as other Democratic poll workers helping to fabricate where the journalists call home.
In one example, one of the journalists seemingly asks a poll worker how he could still vote in New Hampshire, even if he doesn’t live there and is just in town staying with a friend.
“If you want to vote today, you might want to tell them that you’re staying with your friend and you’re here indefinitely, which sounds like it’s true,” the worker explains.
“Okay, yeah, not 100 percent true, but I understand,” the activist replies.
“Right, but you’re here indefinitely, and you have your address at your friend’s house,” the poll worker says. “And then you’d be able to vote.”
In another exchange, a Sanders campaign staffer explains why she believes the New Hampshire voting laws are so easily circumvented, saying that voting fraud is, “incredibly easy,” and that “they make all these lax laws, surrounding voting, so people can, like, take advantage of it.”
The New Hampshire attorney general’s office has announced they’re investigating the content of the video, which you can see for yourself here:
This is another example of why voter I.D. laws are absolutely necessary to maintain the integrity of elections.
Voter I.D. laws is the best way to ensure the legal person to that name votes.
ONLY if they are enforced, which doesn’t appear very likely. Don’t expect any new law to be passed by our treasonous congress to remedy the problem.
Absolutely right Factchecker. Every state should have and enforce Photo ID requirements. At least it would slow down the demoRAT’s voter fraud.
You are none of the few that have it right. There are too many out there that believe too much on crooked polititians only!!!!
If they are a politician, then they are crooked!!
Obama would have NEVER gotten ELECTED “IF” all the voters had to have had ID’S !! This is how Clinton will get elected !! DEMOCRAZIES fought like hell to stop VOTER ID as they knew they couldn’t use ILLEGALS to vote then !!
Indeed, Obama’s so-called “landslide win” of 400,000 votes were cast by dead people, illegals, felons, cartoon characters, and people’s PETS- living and dead, that were registered as “democrats”, along with throwing out all the conservative votes in blue states.
Agree 100%
You got that right! Not just that, radical Moslems pay voters to vote for the one they choose. Many crack heads, as long as they got paid ,they don’t care who will be the president. Saudi Arabia was number one support for Obama, they bought the voters to vote for him, and they will do the same for Hillary , so they can prosper, and continue with their mission.
I totally agree.
But it’s SO hard to get an ID doncha know?
Yeah, if you are illegal or illiterate…or both! LOL
so easy to get and in many stated it is FREE!
That should read, Photo ID is required to vote and it is easily available and free in many states.
How about all the mail in votes then they find many who voted are dead HELLO FRAUD.FAX YOUR DRIVERS LICENCE OR STATE ID WITH THE VOTE.
Only if you are an alien!
True, but those who “bend” the laws will never agree to voter ID as that would defeat them. In Ohio we have to show a photo ID.
I believe voter ID is a good thing and will help… but voters wishing to defraud will not stop there and will resort to other measures, such as voter ID fraud as well. The fake ID business will be booming during election years.
Do you even know (or care) that New Hampshire started voter ID this year that that’s partly why the lines were so long?
THEN JAN DeKNOCK how did so many ILLEGAL out of Stater’s get to vote ?? DEMOCRAZIES have ALWAYS RIGGED the POLLS !!
Yes they require an ID now, which is a step in the right direction but there is a loophole that made possible the fraud discussed in the video.
t Appears that he only reason the identification for voting is threatened is due to bo’s whims to control elections with illegal votes ..! The bo E.O.’s to let foreign illegals & muslims into the U.S. for support of his wannabe dictatorship is also the reason for all the illegal to vote and support his regime of destruction to U.S. Freedom & Constitutional Rights of Patriotic U.S. Citizens … ! Ever notice all the destruction against the U.S. Citizens in the 7 years of bo’s POTUS …?
You noticed!
Amen! A resounding Amen!
This very reason to CLEAN OUT the BLOOD SUCKERS in Washington= They ALL are FREE LOADING POWER GRUBBERS who could not work a day in there life as they are WIMPS !! They become MILLIONAIRES off US-The hard working LEGAL American and we BUY IT !! Then as luck turns out that some don’t have the chance to have a retirement plan ,they try to live off SS and the Government wants to kill them off to use that money for themselves !! The laws should be and we should DEMAND it that” THEY live with the SAME PLANS we have to live with-SS , Medical , Retirement & etc. They make laws that WE have to live by BUT NOT Them ? WHY? Obama , Jarrett , Clinton , Kerry , ALL should be put in GITMO and throw the key away !!
I believe Cruz is the man to do this–probably the only one–Primary reason Fox has black ball
Cruz —But now Fox is getting called out on this very stunt
Cruz isn’t even a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. His name shouldn’t even be on the ballot.
This is why I and my family will not vote for any incumbant running for re-election!
Voter fraud will not stop all they,election board that is should disqualify all who voted illegally and lock them up and those people will never be able to vote for the rest of their lives
In Chicago the familiar rule is, Vote early and vote often! It is a one party city, Democrat through and through.
CHICAGO is CONTROLLED by the MAFIA ,DAILY started years ago and OBAMA is part of it . That is how he WORMED his way in ! He can talk and look close to his STRINGS-Jarrett & Axelrod are 2 mqin ones pulling his strings (PUPPET)
That’s why they called Daily “the Boss”
Should have put into place voter ID long ago.
Especially in California where illegal aliens have been voting for years. That’s why the demorats don’t want IDs being required to vote.
Absolutely – Photo IDs must be required as well as the check list for voters home addresses!
So sad that here in America many people are lacking honesty!
This is corrupt. Our votes can be rendered useless.
What is interesting is that these these violations were done in the Obama campaigns and the media-,
gray-washed their illegal fraud schemes! These smells like a Clinton Fabricated Conspiracy plan!
An election judge who helps an ineligible voter should be removed from that duty for the rest of his/her life.
You are correct Bill Peterson, and yet the Democrats are against proper identification with some lame excuse to perpetuate their fraudulent schemes. The DEMOC-RATS WILL DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO WIN ELECTIONS, WE HAVE SEEN THAT IN THE PAST ELECTIONS, THAT IS WHY i LEFT THE PARTY.
True but the Democrats and Clinton always says to Republican that they alienate voters,but they are very wrong or else they want to do everything easy just to win.We really can’t trust them ,if not lie ,they break the law.Sad.
I was wondering why Hillery Clinton took so many votes. It shows to me that there is some scum drudgery afoot. I believe that Hillery would do anything to become president (although it was never proved) murder, remember the Vince Foster affair?
It’s true that we need a woman for president. And she does have the qualifications for the job but in my estimations she is not the woman for the job.
As this is one woman’s opinion and with no evidence to prove my theories only speculations. With only what I hear from the news causes my fear of this woman.
That is nothing! I saw Obama on Univision, tell people, in Spanish, that all they needed to vote was a SS card or a Driver’s License. When I went to vote, I saw many illegals and found out my district for Clearwater, FL, in Pinellas County, was NOT requesting proof of US Citizenship, as is required by US Federal Law. The people in charge of the voting place at 315 Court street gave no excuse and on the contrary, were extremely rude and on the side of accepting illegal voters. Now, I want you to google “US Social Security Card” + “buy” and then google “US Driver’s License” + “buy” and you will see not dozens but hundreds of websites all over the world selling them for about $50!
US Passports are a little more expensive, maybe $250 to $450. Is it any wonder that Obama won his election? My dad was in the Army and I am a US Citizen and would really like to see our Federal Laws enforced re requiring proof of US Citizenship to vote.
Politicians like Cruz, Rubio and Bush, bah humbug! All they do is bombard us with emails asking us for money while they follow their own agenda and that of the big companies who are lobbying (another word for bribing) them with campaign money. So when these politicians get in, they obey their lobbyists and DO NOT HELP US HAVE A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE…NO, NO, NO, THOSE POLITICIANS WANT A GOVERNMENT WHICH IS ONLY “OF THE POLITICIANS, BY THE POLITICIANS AND DEFINITELY ONLY FOR THE POLITICIANS!
I am writing a book full of truths portrayed with sarcasm, which I hope to publish before summer, entitled “If I were President”. One of the top things I would do if I were President would be to require Politicians to pass a 25 year background check and a neurological lie detector test. Why neurological? Because those politicians are so used to lying that they would pass the normal blood pressure based lie detector test with flying colors! Another would be to have a virtual fence along our borders and our ocean and lake shores. Another would be to send all the prisoners in Federal prisons to those two uninhabited islands quite a bit off the Alaskan coast. Those islands have no trees, so they could not build boats to escape. The only thing they would be given would be fishing rods and water filters. No cable, no TV, no gym and no other bennies. They would have to fish for their food, build igloos for cover and use specially provided filters to turn sea water into drinking water. Think of all the money we would save. I would also patrol all of Wall Street and other such places to look for drugs and send them to deserted islands in the South Pacific and elsewhere, without phones, without boats and without any communication with anyone else. They would be busy trying to find food and water, which are there but they have to hunt and collect the water.. They would get off drugs within a couple of months so the would not be able to get the drugs there in any way. With all of them off the streets, the US economy would be great because as far as drugs are concerned, no demand, no supply AND WHAT IS EVEN BETTER, Wall Street would be run by people with clear minds, not as it is run now, by people whose minds are confused by all kinds of drugs.
Somehow, since it was used against the Clinton machine, I just can’t get too worked up over this. What is the old adage, “Payback is a female dog”?
How do you think Obama got into office voter fraud rigged election booths.
that’s what I have heard for eight years now but I didn’t think our country was so crooked but I am learning more and more about our government and I am mostly shocked and disappointed where is the Christian in us have we lost all love for God
When in Obama’s watch that’s the start of we cannot even recite Pledge of allegiance and they let Marijuana to be on the ballot to be legalize,They can’ stop it by putting on the ballot because of a lot of bad circumstances or people will abuse it but they did allow ,just because they want their vote.Unbelievable.That shows how corrupt our leaders are and it’s all politics is important to them not togobern,decide what is good laws and they must be a good leader,but they failed us.Sad.
When in Obama’s watch that’s the start of we cannot even recite Pledge of allegiance and they let Marijuana to be on the ballot to be legalize,They can’ stop it by putting on the ballot because of a lot of bad circumstances or people will abuse it but they did allow ,just because they want their vote.Unbelievable.That shows how corrupt our leaders are and it’s all politics is important to them not togobern,decide what is good laws and they must be a good leader,but they failed us.Sad.Are you saying I’m repeating? Are you really watching me and didn’t get it?
Agree Glen but if the demoRATS do it to their own just think about what they will try and do against Trump !!!!!!!!!
Right, It really won’t matter in the primary election, but what about the national election? If they’re cheating in the primaries, it will be multiplied thousands of times in the general election.
That’s how Obama won his second term! Now they’re bringing in electronic voting machines with no paper trail that can be set up to come out 51% to 49% any way the programmer wants. I’ve seen that on local news broadcasts by the man who builds them. Yet they continue to bring them in.
Voter fraud is rampant across the country.
Voting machines are HACKABLE, plus the results are counted in SPAIN by a george soros company!!! What is WRONG with this picture???
You are so right I witnessed it in 2012 first hand in Nevada! You are right that is how Obama got it in 2008 and 2012!
You know for sure they will pull it again something needs to be done about this!
The start of the problems with voter fraud 8 years ago & many other crimes that have internally destroyed the U.S. Foundation of Constitutional Freedom & Rights is very obvious .. ! The solution to the problems is to eliminate the #1 illegal threat with or without a do nothing congress to stop the crimes of treason … !
Yes, but if Clinton turns it to her advantage, that is very bad!
What is new? I have worked at the polls for over 8 years and they have been doing this for years. The Democrats all well known to do this and especially for a presidential election. They bring in by car and bus loads people and even illegally go with them in line and vote for them even when we tell them they can’t go with them. We have people from out of state that vote and can’t even give the right address where they live and ID’s are from out of state and they are given right to vote. Why do you think the Democrats want to do away with voter ID’s? Why are they pushing illegals citizenship so they can vote? Time for our country to wake up. How many did Obama given citizenship to last year and about all of them in key states like VA, FL, TX, Ohio. I even heard MD has over 100,000 more voters this time voting than before. We forget where they are planting their people. Government rights to take the land and plant illegals anywhere but don’t let citizens get on the land to live!!!
Same day registration is the easiest and fastest way for people to vote illegally. Either bus loads of out of stater’s or even bus loads of locals. They cart them around from polling place to polling place to file in, get in the same day registration line, produce some bogus local utility bill, register, then get in line to vote. Then they file in the bus, van, or whatever and haul them off to the next polling place. I know this because in 08 and 12 I was a poll observer and my job was to notice these vans, follow them, take pictures, write down plate numbers along with the state, and make a report. The reports were then turned in to voter integrity person for action. At no time was there ever any action taken with those reports. The main excuse was that after the fact would not help correct the votes being cast. Again, more republican propaganda about wanting to do something and then not following through. I no longer identify as a republican but rather as a conservative. The system sucks and no one wants to do a dam thing about it.
Certainly hope Project Veritas is around and on the job in November!!
I will never understand the Democrats fighting against voter ID requirements.
Because it will make their illegal voting 10 times harder to get away with. You know — the 110% voters in 1 district, the deceased coming to life for 1 day just to vote for the demoRATS and not to mention how all these illegals get to vote.
Here, Here. Or how 105% of the REGISTERED VOTERS in certain Philadelphia precincts voted for Obama during the last election?
Hopefully, now you do?
They’re determined in whatever way to get in again. AND, IF they do (democrats, that is), we are all doomed. Children and future generations are going to have quite a price to pay… WE MUST GET OUT AND VOTE TO PRESERVE WHAT OUR FOREFATHERS BEGAN OH SO MANY YEARS AGO. …and WITH THE PROPER ID.
Is it legal to vote in two or more primaries in different states?
Is it fair to vote in two or more primaries in different states?
If you answer yes to either of the two questions, you are a party to voter fraud. That is why we need to have primaries on the same day for federal elections or primaries and heavy fines or consequences for those that commit voter fraud.
That is why Dem’s have won the past two elections, there have been more deceased voters rising from the grave in the past two presidential elections than of all of history combined.
How much truth was the report of several cities votes in 2012 we 100% Democratic? Not one person voted the other way? I would call that impossible, let’s fix the problem!!
actually it sounds like what is needed ( and I hate to think about how it could be screwed up) is a national data base of voters that once a person votes anywhere once it indicated that they have and cannot do it again, of course this means every polling place would have to connect back to the data base in real time connection so their voting would be noted immediately, costly but possible
Does anyone wonder whether voting can be hacked? Votes completely voided, changed, deleted? What security/audit/controls are in place at all to validate and ensure accurate voting tallies?
I don’t know about “hacked” but in 2014 in Illinois voters witnessed the electronic machines changing their votes from Republican candidates to Democrat candidates and were unable to switch is back. One of the Republicans running for a State seat actually had it happen to him so he reported it. Who knows how many people didn’t catch it and had their votes count for the opposite of what they wanted. I can’t remember how or if the issue got solved but I was living in Illinois and definitely watched my ballot carefully when I went to the polls.
They have done it in Ohio, his second term they bussed people in
Voter fraud should be prosecuted. Those who vote fraudulently and those who knowingly encourage or assist in voter fraud should go to jail.
I’ll have to admit I didn’t think the Sanders campaign was going to be the one mentioned. There should be an investigation of Bernie’s campaign. If voter fraud is a part of the campaign, he should be prosecuted. I’m tired of people trying to vote more than one time. Their multiple votes makes my one vote of less value. Hopefully New Hampshire legislators will see this video as a call to fix their voting laws. Each person should be entitled to one vote and only one vote.
On top of everything else the Dems have done now it’s their Super Delegates ! Massive voter fraud helped get Obama elected and both political parties knew it. Hard to say it never happened when some counties had more voters than voters. Nobody cared enough to do anything about this, not our elected officials and not American citizens. And so it goes !
It should be mandatory in every state to show picture ID. An affidavit like these voter volunteers were taking aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. No legal Picture Voter ID, NO Vote! Period! End of story! None from another state, 30 day registration also in every state. You can go to the County Clerk in any state 30 days ahead and pre-register.
Well if I recall there was voter fraud in Iowa by Hilary’s backers and nothing was done. Kind of strange now Hilary’s backers are saying Sanders is cheating, well it’s looks like no Democrat can be trusted and every vote cast for either Hilary or Bernie should be checked and double checked just can’t trust the Democrats.
I lived in Europe for a number of years, mostly in Deutschland/Germany. All European citizens have a national identity card (Ausweis in German). When voting in these countries, one has to prove his/her eligibility to vote by presenting his/her national identity card, which proves citizenship and place of residency. Of course, this would be considered racist in our country. How stupid we are!! I am 100% in favor of voter ID’s to provide proof of citizenship and residency.
And, these lying ass Democrats wonder why we are so fed up with their crap. THIS is the very reason that the majority of Republicans are not the wealthy. We are middle income people just like them, but we believe in honesty and consider the right to vote as a privilege. They not only lie and abuse this Constitutional right but they make a travesty of a REPUBLICAN DEMOCRACY. No wonder that people from the South are so sick of the northeast and far west states. I am from Indianapolis but I live in MS and now I truly know why they are called DAMNED Yankees. (yea – I said it)
Rights and privileges are contradictory terms. If you have a right, then it is not a privilege; if you have a privilege, it is not a right(because it can be taken from you).
For example, if you have a Right to bear arms, then getting the permission of the State(or Federal Government) by a “license” converts the Right into a Privilege.
You have a Constitutionally-guaranteed Right to Free Speech, a Right to practice the religion of your choice(if any), and a Right to Freely Assemble. Do you submit to not only getting a “license” for any of the foregoing, but pay for it, too? Then you’ve foolishly consented to having your Right taken, and a Privilege put in it’s place.
“The poor people, it is true, have been much less successful than the great. They have seldom found either leisure or opportunity to form a union and exert their strength; ignorant as they were of arts and letters, they have seldom been able to frame and support a regular opposition. This, however, has been known by the great to be the temper of mankind; and they have accordingly labored, in all ages, to wrest from the populace, as they are contemptuously called, the knowledge of their rights and wrongs, and the power to assert the former or redress the latter. I say RIGHTS, for such they have, undoubtedly, antecedent to all earthly government, Rights, that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws, Rights, derived from the great Legislator of the universe.”
— John Adams(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President
Source: A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765
What he’s saying here is that your Rights long precede the formation of any and EVERY government, and they will OUTLAST them, too – because governments don’t give them; Our Creator does.
Maybe they all learned something from Florida and 2000 and how to steal an election. Lotta outsiders were bused in by lil Jebbie to help protest the recount and to get his idiot brother appointed to the POTUS job. Never mind that the popular vote was way in favor of Gore and if America actually had one-man-one-vote, as we tell other countries they must have, Bush would never have been appointed by his pals on the SCOTUS.
That wasn’t intentional voter fraud though, that was defective ballots.
It makes me sick to think anyone would do such a thing, I want my vote but only my vote. I’m a democrat, honest and follow the law
I think showing ID is a great thing. I can ‘t believe anyone would want to dishonest. It an honor to be able to vote.
It makes me sick to think anyone would do such a thing, I want my vote but only my vote. I’m a democrat, honest and follow the law
I think showing ID is a great thing. I can’t believe anyone would want to dishonest. It’s an honor to be able to vote.
The democrats are PROS at committing voter fraud—look what we have in our White House for the past 7 years !!!!!!
As Democrats know full well, requiring voter ID isn’t racist in any way, shape or form, it simply prevents voter fraud; a major necessity for Democrat wins.
First, hooray for the technologies that caught the bastards!
Second, have you ever heard this quote?
“It is enough that the People know there was an election. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide EVERYTHING.”
Know who said it?
i have a friend who lives in England; he told me that every election, at every vote-counting place, one member of each party that has candidates is there, as well as a cop, to make immediate arrests if voter fraud is suspected or detected.
So while voter ID will HELP, it won’t make a damn bit of difference if those who COUNT the votes are not subject to scrutiny – oh, and electronic voting machines PERMANENTLY BANNED(have a visit to Bev Harris’ website, http://www.blackboxvoting.org).
IMO, every vote-counting station should have video cameras uplinked to the internet which can easily be reviewed by any citizen or Citizen’s oversight committee, ESPECIALLY in close races.
For far too long, idiot Americans have considered their civic duty done once they got their stupid little “I Voted!” sticker.
Oh, and the author of that quote? Josef Stalin.
Wake the fuck up…before you never wake up again.
VOTER I.D.!!!!
NO SURPRISE…..The D****RAT Party and VOTER FRAUD….Has a Long Long Long History….EXAMPLE: 1960 Chicago…CROOK COUNTY…Manufacture of Votes…Including many DEAD PEOPLE whose Current Address was a Cemetery….And that goes back many decades before that in Chicago…They should be renamed DemoFRAUD Party…or DemoCORRUPT Party….
Everyone should have a picture ID voter registration card before voting – period. No exceptions or excuses.
Don’t you people get it?
How do you know that those who COUNT the votes are honest? If you cannot assure yourself that those who COUNT the votes are precise and accurate, it won’t matter a tinker’s damn whether voters produce id or NOT! Bev Harris, at http://www.blackboxvoting.org, repeatedly proved that the voting machines are not only easily hacked, but the vote counts can be CHANGED by someone with a laptop nearby! And further, that those who are charged with verifying the contents of the voting machines are NOT ALLOWED to gain access to the inside of them, either.
IIRC, she even had a specific example of how a particular machine in a Florida district cast something like 10,000 negative votes for Gore during the Gore/Bush election. You would do well to ask yourself how anyone can cast a negative vote, because they CAN’T! Even so, when the voting machine results were tabulated, 10,000 votes were SUBTRACTED from Gore’s totals!
Voter ID won’t do shit to change a fucking thing where it matters – when the votes are COUNTED!
If no one gives a damn about that, then “the fix is in,” more corporate/banking shills/puppets/sycophants will be put in office, and nothing will EVER change – except when the NWO goons take over.
Is it me, or does it seem like mostly Democrats doing this? Guess this either spells desperation, or just a total disregard for the rules. So one could say some, maybe many Dems are blatant cheaters, liars, that are continuously seeking ways to skirt moral character.
The Justice dept under Obama has fought the rights of states to require voter ID over the last 7 years and lost in the supreme court though they were able to put temporary holds on the implementation of them in several states, much more information can be found here: https://en.wiki2.org/wiki/Voter_ID_laws_in_the_United_States
Voter ID is a requirement to stop the fraud !!!!!! How simple can that be ! What kind of government do we have.
Ask yourself, ‘What is the use in voting ? ”
Enough is enough we need to get our Laws and our government back under control !!!!!!!