Donald Trump’s polling numbers are getting better and better. A new CNN/ORC poll released today had a new, shocking fact – not only have Trump’s numbers gone up (according to the poll, he’s now at 24% among GOP voters), but his negatives have gone down. And according to the poll, he’s now leading every other Republican candidate on every single issue.
If his numbers continue to grow at this pace, he could defy mainstream media’s initial dismissal and win it all, a fact that has his fellow GOP presidential candidates scrambling.
Trump has recently divided his Republican rivals anew with his call to rewrite the Constitution to crack down on millions of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, and to force Mexico to pay for a better border fence. Scott Walker embraced some of the plan Monday, but other contenders, such as Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina, dismissed elements as unworkable.
Whatever Trump’s ultimate plan, the polls indicate it’s working for now.
Trump’s immigration proposal, his first formal policy plan since announcing his candidacy in June, won praise Monday from the GOP’s conservative tea partyers, some of whom favor changing the Constitution to reverse the “birthright citizenship” guaranteed to anyone born in the United States, no matter the status of their parents.
Trump leads his Republican rivals in national polls, and his proposal quickly reverberated within the party, which has struggled with the issue of immigration.
Party leaders are determined to expand the GOP’s appeal with Hispanics after the 2012 election in which Mitt Romney won just 27 percent of the Latino vote
Like Trump’s early derogatory campaign statements about immigrants, his new plan has lit up angry conservatives. But it also has annoyed Republicans who see the nation’s growing Latino population as an opportunity to demonstrate sensitivity to minorities who have voted overwhelmingly Democratic in recent presidential elections.
The Associated Press contributed to this story
Danny Stewart says
I pray to GOD that he is the next president.
World Traveler says
I agree 110% !
Patricia Dotson says
I would like to see Donald Trump as our next president so far he has done what NO other candidate has done [USE HIS OWN MONEY] which is something unheard of in political circles.
But I am very much afraid as we get closer to election time his lead will diminish & Carly’s too. To me the perfect ticket would be Donald Trump / & Carly Fiona as V.P. she seems to be very level headed which could prove an asset to Donald as he does come off as being quite an egotist but even saying that I believe that is one of his good points as he does not recognize losing he would find the best people to handle the job at hand & being the person he is he must be in control & no doubt in the past many have tried to unseat him & he has survived so he is used to fighting & one thing even if you do not like him he believes in himself & the country& the people maybe not in that order but those are his beliefs & I think the caption he has formed [ LETS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !] means a lot to the people but not to politicians all they really care about is AMERICANS have/make enough money to keep the GOVERMENT running smoothly. He is going after the golden goose [GOVERNMENT] & the GOVERNMENT is needed to keep the country moving successfully whether we like it or not, it is a very delicate balance that politicians have created & probably only politicians understand which when push comes to shove will hurt him come election time because they consider him an outsider & our voting machines are set up to where the people votes[electorate] are over ridden by the electoral college . & they will not chose Donald Trump if he manages some way to beat that & become president he will go down in history as the person that really changed our country but with all of the things wrong right now I do not know if he is even capable. You must admit the last 2 elections we did get CHANGE. What you think about that change is in the eye of the beholder.
Jack Hartwell says
I’m fairly sure that the puppetmasters will not ALLOW Trump to take office if he isn’t in their court. Most any voter by now should realize that the voters do not elect anyone. Even if he wins by a landslide, unfortunately, he wont be allowed.
alidavangalen says
The people will win.!!! “Nobody” else. The Donalds will win!!! Keep saying it. The know it all “Nobodies” will loose and never know what hits them!