She’s a strong conservative woman and was one of the most outspoken supporters of President Donald Trump on the campaign trail.
But now, best-selling author Ann Coulter seems to be turning on Trump — and she’s not alone.
Coulter has previously described herself as a “one issue” voter, and told The Daily Caller in a Sunday interview she has become increasingly unhappy that Trump’s border wall isn’t being built.
“I’m not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises,” Coulter admitted when she was asked if she still trusted Trump. “But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out.”
The turnaround is surprising for many political analysts. The conservative firebrand has been one of Trump’s most vocal and fierce supporters in the past. In 2016, Coulter penned a book titled, “In Trump We Trust.”
Now, she admits she’s worried Trump is heading in the wrong direction.
“I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s op-ed in The New York Times today,” Coulter said, referring to a vicious anti-Trump opinion piece published Sunday. “Where is the great negotiation? Where is the bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?”
Coulter went on to say she refuses to apologize for supporting Trump, and said “I still believe in Trumpism.”
She also places most the blame for the wall’s failure on the feet of the Republican-controlled Congress, calling the career GOP politicians “swine” that “only care about their own careers.”
“Yeah, I mean, my fingers are still crossed. It’s not like I’m out [on Trump] yet, but boy, things don’t look good,” Coulter told The Daily Caller. “I’ve said to other people, it’s as if we’re in Chicago and Trump tells us he’s going to get us to LA in six days. But for the first three days we are driving towards New York. Yes, it is true he can still turn around and get us to LA in three days, but I’m a little nervous.”
According to reports, Coulter isn’t alone in her misgivings.
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” has reported on rumors that former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway has begun distancing herself from the president, and refers to him only as “my client.”
Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, another outspoken Trump supporter, expressed concerns over the “downward spiral” in Washington, D.C on Monday, according to Bloomberg News.
“The White House has got to do something soon to bring itself under control and in order,” Corker said. “It’s got to happen.”
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