All across the country, Democratic mayors have announced their intention to defy federal laws and maintain “sanctuary city” status at all costs – and like a stray dog offered Thanksgiving leftovers, the mainstream media has greedily lapped up the chance to inflame this divisive rhetoric aimed at President-elect Donald Trump.
But unsurprisingly, the establishment media are ignoring the cold, hard truth – the illegal immigrants these mayors are vowing to protect from the law aren’t harmless women and poor children seeking refuge.
The ones under threat of deportation are mostly violent thugs with long criminal histories.
In an interview on “60 Minutes,” Trump clearly addressed his immigration policies saying he plans to, “get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers,” and continued, “we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate.”
Guess where these thugs live?
It’s not the downtown high-rises of the liberal elite. It’s not next door to the mayor’s mansion.
No, these illegals are instead roaming the streets in the poorest neighborhoods in America… and these “sanctuary city” mayors’ are inviting them to stay for as long as they want!
Democratic mayors like Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel want to keep these criminals safe – and by doing so, they are sacrificing the safety of America’s poorest citizens to score cheap political points.
Here are the facts: Undocumented immigrants account for an alarmingly high level of our nation’s crime. They represent just 3.5 percent of the total population, yet account for 7 percent of federal prison sentences for sexual abuse, 9 percent of murders, 12 percent of assaults and 30 percent of kidnappings in 2013, according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
When reducing that sample to just those with already existing criminal records that Trump plans to deport, the percentages SKY ROCKET.
It seems Democrats will do or say anything for free media spotlight – even if it leaves criminal thugs free to roam the streets and prey on the poor.
Emanuel told Fox News last week that he would defy any deportation orders from Trump. “To all those who are, after Tuesday’s election, very nervous and filled with anxiety as we’ve spoken to, you are safe in Chicago, you are secure in Chicago and you are supported in Chicago.”
What safety is he referencing?
According to The Wall Street Journal, Chicago reached 600 homicides in 2016 at the end of October, a rate unseen in over a decade. Over Thanksgiving weekend alone, from Wednesday to Sunday, 60 people were shot, 8 fatally, according to CBS News – the vast majority of them poor minorities.
Chicago is already in a downward spiral, and rather than try to help his city’s poorest live free from danger, their mayor’s answer is to publically announce that criminals will be protected in their neighborhoods.
San Francisco mayor Ed Lee has also publicly declared that the city is safe for immigrants.
Being a sanctuary city is in our DNA. San Francisco will never be anything other than a sanctuary city. #SF
— Mayor Ed Lee (@mayoredlee) November 10, 2016
In San Francisco in 2015, murder rates jumped 55 percent and reports of rape jumped a shocking 350 percent, according to Breitbart News.
Where’s the media outrage!?
Mayor-elect Catherine Pugh, who has the task of leading Baltimore come December, claimed that the city with one of the highest murder rates nationally would continue to, “be a welcoming city,” and suggested she would continue her predecessor’s illegal order of prohibiting police from asking about an individual’s citizenship status, the Baltimore Sun reported.
Another city with notoriously high murder rates is also vowing to be a safe space for criminal immigrants. Detroit council member Raquel Castaneda Lopez told Michigan Radio earlier this month, “We do not stand down to our commitment to being a sanctuary city.”
While these leaders are successfully manipulating the media to write glowing reviews about how they’re inclusive and nondiscriminatory, they are all ignoring the safety of their own citizens.
Allowing illegal immigrants who are prone to crime to live in their cities will only further increase crime in these already dangerous areas.
But not all is lost. At least in Texas, Governor Greg Abbott is standing up to sanctuary cities.
Yes. I'm going to sign a law that bans sanctuary cities. Also I've already issued an order cutting funding to sanctuary cities. #txlege
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) November 28, 2016
Texas has the second highest number of undocumented immigrants in the nation according to InsideGov, reflecting Abbott’s understanding of the true effect criminal illegals can have on a city.
He understands that law and order is necessary to keep our country — and our poorest citizens — safe.
Somerville, Lawrence and Chelsea, Massachusetts are examples of this.
Lived most of our lives in Mass. I know what you say is true–they are destroying my ‘home’ state. We finally moved. Best thing we could have done. Our ‘new home’ is a much safer place to be–for now. With Trump in office, that may never really change. Hopefully, even Mass. might ‘clean up’ her act. I hope so. My daughter and grand-daughter are still trying to live there.
Try living in Califoenia where they use fake SS#’s and fake ID’S to get jobs and collect welfare under their illegal status. Our taxes are through the roof.
They do it in connecticut and all over the place. Also domestic violence all the facts have to be vented out just figure how you pay in taxes we are paying more for certain things and quality and quantity going down
I know i live here too it is so sad. I was in 1954 in Los Angeles and moved to Sacramento but is getting bad here too.
I live in San Francisco California and the situation has gotten out of hand. But hey, what can you expect from ‘coolie’ Mayor Ed Lee, the head idiot,who along with the “Board of Stupidvisors” allows this place to revert to the wild west, all in the guise of inclusiveness and protection. I’ve got a brilliant idea: Why not protect the United States citizen residents who pay taxes and in essence the salaries of these worthless ‘liberals’ . I for one ‘am sick and tired of my tax dollars supporting these cretins and I’m likely not alone in this feeling. Take healthcare: the healthcare budget is overdrawn, in the red and basically broke. Our cities main hospital, San Francisco General Hospital is over run with non-paying entities, AKA vagrants, bums, ‘boat people, and freeloaders, but I don’t want to get off subject. Our city taxes are going through the roof, mostly to support these criminal thugs and I’m sure I’m not the only one sick and tired of this outrageous ‘giveaway’. Sure as hell, none of these miscreants live near the mayor so this worthless idiot doesn’t really give a rats tukus about the rest of us. Can’t wait for january 20th 2017, then heads will roll. I for one am planning my escape from this once great city that has become a third world toilet despite have some of the highest costs of living.
I keep hoping that the rest of the country will support California’s petition to secede.
That would just create another border for the illegals to cross to get into what is left of America.
Federal funds should be pulled from sanctuary cities as soon as Trump gets into office. They will change their tunes when they don’t have the money they like to spread around to their liberal, criminal, illegal buddies.
I also live in MA, but unfortunately we have to deal with a liberal dem mayor and that shrew Warren
Why should we give them any support if they are here illegally. Send their butts back where they came from without a check from us.
On-line article today posting the top 25 rated murder cities in the US. Of the 25, 22 have Democrat mayors. Go figure that these idiots want sanctuary status.
By keeping the illegals in the states they are getting more votes or else they would have been thrown out of office. Its an immoral act to keep their job at the expense of real Americans.
Time to gather statistics and look into prosecuting them for supporting criminal activities. It might be possible to have a class action suit against them, too, brought by Americans who have been damaged by their support of illegal aliens.
Providence RI bad bad sanctuary city
The mayors of sanctuary cites must also be put in prison as they are complicit with the crimes the illegals are conducting. If Trump wants to be known as a “law and order” president, as he campaigned, he must arrest and prosecute the wealthy as well as the poor. He must demonstrate that he is not fearful of the rich people who are destroying the US; and only then will he gain the respect of the US voters and other nations.
That’s right if the mayor’s do not follow the law put them in jail. If are leaders don’t stop the harm to there citizens soon they will be forced to take the law into there own hands.The crap that happened in Ohio has to stop now
It’s up to ‘the people” who live in these communities, to vote those who ‘support their Sanctuary City”, out of office. If they aren’t registered, they must do so and then go out and vote for what is in their own best interests. Getting their homes back from the illegal invaders.
The illegals probably now outnumber (and illegally outvote) the Americans who don’t want them there.
I agree 100%. These left wing politicians who are supporting the illegal aliens are criminals themselves. They need to be handcuffed and imprisoned if they’re going to insist on breaking the law. Some ordinary owner of a bakery chooses not to bake a ‘wedding’ cake for a couple of queers and these left wing scumbags are ready to drive them out of business and start crowing about the Supreme Court’s law of the land. But at the same time they refuse to enforce the laws in these big cities they control. It’s time to make a 180 degree turnaround concerning these political criminals and the illegal aliens they’re protecting.
the SCOTUS is not the ” Law of the Land………they do not make Law, they give opinions. The Constitution is the law of the land! The Law makers make law not the courts.
Only there are too many of our citizens who have never been taught what is actually IN the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Healthcare is not a “right.” Free (taxpayer funded) education, which has pretty much become brainwashing, is not a “right.” A certain wage or standard of living is not a “right.” The President doesn’t single handedly write LAWS and put them into motion. In the real America, the American Dream, is, you get what you work for. Your standard of living should be up to the individual citizen. Our government has devolved into one that robs from the working class to give to the non-workers, and encourages them to keep voting Dem for the freebies. Political correctness has overtaken Civics in schools across our country, because we might OFFEND someone from another country. Really? Since when does ANY other country do that??? Time to get real education back on track, having children learn and say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing patriotic songs in class, and put God’s moral compass back in the school system. Pride in country must be TAUGHT. For Heaven’s sake, the other side is teaching trash to our kids. What do we expect???
These ‘mayors’ are criminals too and should be deported to prisons where they belong. Just imagine a “politically correct’ mayor who welcomes carriers of Ebola into their safe cities? The liberals will make the biggest fuss. Ebola is a dread disease and so too is crime and Islam. Prison is too good for these traitors. In the good old days they would have been hung from the nearest tree. Its time to change the laws of the land and make criminal Mayors accountable for each and every rape or Jihadi killing.
In the Old Testament God spoke a curse over all the cities of the world! Not hard at all to see that curse in action nowadays! The cities with the strictest gun regulations have the highest murder and overall crime rate statistics in the country!
The God of the Old Testament was always doing things like that.
Fortunately, things supposedly changed with the advent of the New Testament, so maybe God no longer hates the cities that He (as the Creator of human beings) is responsible for!
How many illegals are in San Francisco and how do they afford to live there. ? Google employees can’t afford the rents how does an illegal pay rent , food, utilities unless of course a drug dealer or other crime major.
They are on government hand outs.
It appears they work for the drug cartel.
And collect on ‘your dime’!
They have about 20 people living in the house
They also jam 4 families into a home designed for 1. Saw that in CA. Unbelievable.
A couple of years ago they had 120 people living in one house in Jasper County, SC. They were not black or white. I will give you one guess.
You hit the nail on the head. Blame Mayor Ed Lee, this worthless ‘coolie’ sold out to the chinese and his co-horts in crime the ‘Board of Stupidvisors’. These worthless liberals hopefully are going to have to follow the law, or have their cities Federal funding cut off, then, let’s see how long they’ll coddle these miscreants, can’t wait!
All Federal Funds should be stopped immediately until they are fully compliant – those in decision making positions should be jailed if they continue their Sanctuary City status.
I believe that Trump said during his campaign that all federal monies would be withheld from sanctuary cities. He should also have the mayors of these cities arrested and jailed for aiding and abetting criminals.
YES, Rita! These sanctuary cities are nothing more than criminals protecting criminals!! It’s time to take our country back from the loser criminal assholes that are calling the shots!! End O’Vomitism & the rest of the communist/muslim plot to destroy AMERICA!!! WE THE PEOPLE have spoken!!
If these “sanctuary cities” refuse the will of the people, it may be time to resurrect that old ‘wild west’
thing called “vigilante’s”….Of course tar and feathering politicians used to work quite well also. There
are a few mayors who would qualify for this…….
I agree totally. Shouldn’t charges of ‘Obstructing the Law’ be brought against the Mayors of those cities?
How can they defy the Law like that and be allowed to get away with it? It’s sending a very bad ‘silent’ message to the citizens of all ages–especially our ‘young’ people!!
Either that or contributing to a committed felony. This could net them the same penalties as the felons they’ve protected.
Trump should have the federal marshals pick them up and let them know by aid and give special favors to criminals is to be locked up for 10 years in prison. that might cool their attitude.
lock them up for 10 years would only put the burden on the tax payers as usual …… get rid of them send them home and if they do not obey there is the other way part B..
my opinion with/without moderation is… that these mayors when they are elected and sworn in usually swear an oath to uphold and enforce the laws of their city, county, state, and federal governments. My opinion is when they refuse to do that then they have the law and should be arrest for it, just as any other would be. They just might change their minds about becoming a sanctuary, also if some of the criminals were settle next door to them it might change their minds
mean to ‘have broken’
amen to that!!! Maybe what we need is the fed gov pass a law that when a illegal commits a crime. The mayor be held responsible for their crime, along with illegal.
Where’s the media outrage!? I want to know where is the outrage of the legal citizens in these cities? They are just as much to blame for keep electing these thugs to office.
Mudguy, the media is only outraged when state officials try to enforce the already existing immigration laws that the Feds won’t enforce. Like here in Arizona.
I’m hoping the latest developments in Washington are sending the message–loud and clear, that NO ONE is above the laws of this country and that include ‘officials’!! They can not be allowed to defy the laws. The ones ‘on the books’ need to be enforced and ‘new’ ones made when needed.
Trump should send this message by having his new AG prosecute Hillary Clinton, then move on to these mayors and other officials who are harboring federal criminals.
amen brother
The sanctuary city mayors should have their addresses posted for all those illegal immigrant criminals to come camp out In their front yard. Walk the streets with their children.
Write on! If they are law and order representatives, they should not get away with the behavior of protecting criminals and violent illegal immigrants.
yes yes yes!!!
the yes yes multiple reply is to Doyle.
Ditto CA. All funds stopped and even I would like to see those who voted for this in the mayor’s office and council sent to jail for disobeying OUR laws and allowing exponentially rising crimes of all kinds, along with filth, trash, etc. If CA actually gets permission to secede, we in a northern part of the state will NOT but let the idiots in Sacramento, San Francisco and all the way down to southern CA secede because we are not PART of their stupidity (this would also include Silicon Valley which once they become billionaires they hate America! Ironic!) so let them as part of our San Jose area enjoy living apart from us. In any case, a lot of what they do is done in other parts of America and abroad. No more Mexican anything as having lived in Mexico, the quality of work is lousy and, yes, either move our countries back here or check every item made in Mexico and charge a huugge import tax on their products. We want “Made in USA” back as quality #1. We have stopped going to SF and Santa Cruz because of invaders on our soil and the drain on tax monies and crime. Go, Trump! and shoot down their balloons of hypocrisy and stupidity!
Impeach the Governor of California and get rid of sanctuary cities and deport all illegals. Bring on the wall.
Sounds like a ‘plan’, Sharon!! Bottom line!! LOL! Love it that our ‘President Elect’ is already ‘at work’!! HE’s not ‘waiting’ for Jan 20th to lay the groundwork!! I’m ‘tickled pink’ that we actually got the ‘right person’ in office! He’s got a huge job ahead of him and needs all the support and help he can get! Still, he’s not even ‘flinching’ but rolling up his sleeves–ready for the job!! YESSSSSS!
I live in WA state which is more like a sanctuary state rather than just a city. The thing that amazes me, is that Trump is talking about not protecting the criminals and deporting them, not the people who want to be here legally and are not criminals, which is exactly what we should be doing! How did the liberals ever become so screwed up that it’s ok protect criminals but not our own citizens? I know it’s all about the vote but good grief anybody with half a brain ought to be able to see that! If they want to be here LEGALLY that’s one thing, but to protect this scum at the expense of the rest of us is just so disgusting and corrupt I don’t even have any words for it! They should all be ashamed as should the media!
There should be no Sanctuary Cities anywhere in this country for illegal criminals. These cities are sacrificing the safety of their most vulnerable citizens..
Walking Tall V staring Donald Trump in a country near you January 2017
For about a year Dayton, Ohio has been a sanctuary too. The solution is simple, cut off federal funding. No trash pick up, electricity, whatever TV., hot water. Their cell phones may still work if they have generators. Manipulating the media is easy, the real media, the who, when, what, why, where and how died long ago. Now we have entertainment news or there is alternative websites/newsletters that you trust. I get 4 WND, and some Patriot ones, but if you want to go this way get what appeals to you.
The libotards always seem to have their priorities totally misplaced. Safety and security in our country is the responsibility of the government at every level for it’s CITIZENRY. illegals are just that, illegal. The dems just look at them as another vote.
Why would anyone want their city to be termed a sanctuary city, another name for crime ridden cesspool? The states need to step up to the bat & say NO MORE you liberal bleeding hearts. You want a sanctuary city, let em live at YOUR house & see how you like that.
Let us hope Trump is successful in eliminating sanctuary cities. These pathetic mayors will not bow to Federal law until they are personally affected by illegal alien violence. And it has to be personally. Look at San Francisco….Kate Steinle is murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported numerous time and it didn’t change their minds at all. Until it affects them, it will remain the same. We are definitely in favor of removing Federal funds from these cities who refuse to enforce Federal laws. And I wonder how he will address legalizing marijuana…there’s a Federal law against it……..
Illegals are unmolested by the police in sanctuary cities if they do not committ a felony. They are being shown how to get welfare.
They are also being shown how to get drivers licences “motor voter” which they use as ID to vote. Democrates have also been advertizing this to Mexican and Central American countries to intice them to come to the USA. I have traveled extensively in western Mexico and I would estimate that over half the working age population has moved to Los Angeles. The only ones left are the very young and the elderly. Bravo to Greg Abbott, finally a governor with the guts to do something about the crime and the gettoes that we have now in our cities and is not afraid of the illegal voters, shich we are told do not exist.
I agree that all Federal Funds should be pulled from these cities that support Sanctuary City’s and the officials that back this should be jailed. How much of these funds go into the pockets of the politician’s in those cities? I know that pulling the Federal money will hurt Real Citizens but the so called elected officials don’t seem to care, time they were removed from office.
Get rid of the enemy within! You know who they are!!!!!!!!!!!
Why would those illegals leave? We, the American people have AWARDED them with the most precious gift: INSTANT CITIZENSHIP TO THEIR CHILDREN AS SOON AS THEY ARE BORN!!!! Anchor babies that are the mainstay of the heart bleeding liberals. STOP giving citizenship to ALL OF THOSE WHO ARE HERE ILLEGALLY and then we will see a decline in the massive accumulation of immigrants.
All mayors of sanctuary cities should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.
While in addition backing the racist idiocy of Black LIES Matter AND preventing the innocent and law abiding from being able to protect themselves with the idiotic gun laws that have been passed. In short, these “officials” have done all they can to endanger the poor and helpless.
to make sure they don’t come back tattoo “illegal” on their forehead, and microchip them like I do my puppies. Then we wont have a problem identifying them when they slither over the border any which way they can..
Number of illegal offenders is higher. Sanctuary Cities refuse to inquire about or keep records on citizenship of the criminals specifically to hide alien status of their criminals…and if they know the suspect is illegal they don’t report it to immigration. They give a BS excuse that they want illegals to feel protected so THEY will report crimes & cooperate with police! Like hows that working out??? The out of control escalation in crime says it all.
Perhaps another way to deal with sanctuary cities is to cut off ALL federal funds and assistance to the STATES that have sanctuary cities. I.E. — If Calif. suffers major forest fires, mud slides, earthquakes, etc. etc. and asks for Federal assistance tell Gov. Brown he won’t get a single dime until he abolishes so called sanctuary cities. Let Calif., or any other such state, try to deal with their own problems then see how fast they toe the line. Mayors and city council members who approve sanctuary status should be held accountable for major crimes committed by anyone being protected under sanctuary status such as the young woman killed in San Francisco by an illegal alien who’d been arrested numerous times, deported (five times?) but allowed to remain in Frisco’s sanctuary city. Any congressman or senator who voted against ‘Kate’s Law’ should be kicked out of office!!!
Why are all democrats so very very stupid? Why are they breaking our laws and not being arrested? Trump will take care of the problem quickly………say bye to funding of all federal money. Rahm of Chicago is the shadow of BO, one in the same that will ONLY go out of his way to protect lawbreakers and abuse American citizens. It is extremely safe to say that Chicago, NYC and San Fran have learned NOTHING by the election. Look around and see all the republicans kicking dem’s asses to the curb. the people will no longer live the lies you speak!
In Texas it is not so much Sanctuary Cities but rather Sanctuary along the entire Southern border from Texas to the Pacific Ocean under the control of a quasi government operated by La Raza. The Democrat Party has provided them political & legal cover since 1910. For proof just look at the voting pattern – solid democrat Blue.
Anyone doing business along the border must deal with some aspect of La Raza. Have 19 years of experience dealing with them. I had a Patron whom I dealt through – same man for all 19 years.
There is nothing Texas can really due except to cede the border area to La Raza. Which in effect they have done.
Visit Houston and witness the decay and the high incidence of crime in areas that were livable not so long ago. Also, the blame should be put on those people: business and the like who prefer to pay miserable wages for shoddy work instead of employing good workers and pay fair wages. What a shame!!
Here’s an idea for the leaders of sanctuary cities–make the area around the politicians’ homes the place where the illegals are required to live. I would like to see Mayor Emmanuel surrounded by the Muslim extremists who are living in Chicago illegally. After all radical Islamist love Jews–or more accurately stated they would love to see all Jews put to death.
…. Amerika urgently needs clean of: criminals, illegal immigrations and Islamic extremists!!! Please let
Do is free from contamination with
wild animals
You need to boycott the Hollywood elite, their movies and concerts, their businesses, etc. Boycott foreign made goods, boycott Amercan manufacturers that have shipped jobs to other countries, etc. Boycott sanctuary cities.
If you followed the election by counties, you would know nearly the whole country was red. The blue zones were in the heavily populated areas, where lots of aliens, especially illegals, live. Does that indicate anything about where illegal voting took place? Lee Tousignant, above, has it correct, except to add that Obama has shackled ICE and all other immigration law enforcement. Sorry, the Dems have been getting votes at taxpayer expense – BTW a short report just came over FOX showing proof of this.
The Communist Progressives are only for Criminal Illegal Aliens, Criminals in General, Cop Killers. They do not care about America’s Citizens
I want to make a comment about those liberal sanctuary cities that protect illegal criminals from being deported. I praise President Trump when he stated that he will stop all government aid to those cities. What if these protected criminals commit a crime outside these sanctuary cities, who will take the blame and responsibility?
These illegals are just like the local town drunk bum who police who have given up with the continued arrest. They’re picked up and in minutes another takes its place so our first line of defense just turns their heads while swallowing another donut. Like the cockroach these Mexican illegals will be the only ones left.
Never under estimate the influence by, infiltrating the poorest neighborhoods, of islamic agents, probably associated with the Nation of Islam operation that has Chicago as it’s base of operations. The N of Islam is a front organization in America wearing a burka of “religion” for the global islamic agenda of imposing sharia law on the world. As the system of laws for all nations as they fall under the caliphate, the kingdom of man. Ruled by the caliph, who is likely a king, and of course being islamic, never a woman. Women have no rights in islam, and neither do the people that live in islamic nations, thus they are subjects and not citizens. We, as a nation, appear to have dodged an islamic bullet by electing T instead of H? Muslims do not have a sense of nationality. Instead they are taught that islam the religion is both religion and nationality. Thus the name, Nation of Islam. That is like saying there is a Nation of Baptists, a Nation of Catholicism. Oranges are not apples and religion is not a nationality. In islam mosque and state are co-mingled. Probably the only place that uses the powers of govt to impose the religion islam on the people. Personally I do not want the govt telling me what to believe, and neither do protesters. However they seem to want to tell other what to believe. On the other hand govt can and needs to tell us what we can and can’t do. Some of our acts are under scrutiny while others are not. Like we can’t speed in a school zone, but we can assemble in a church to worship God, or even in a factory to build cars, etc.. The Constitution gives citizens, not subjects, political freedoms and imposes restraints on elected officials. Such as they can not establish a state religion. Which means, among other things, they can not appoint who is a bishop or pastor or ayatollah, can’t tax citizens to pay a bishop’s salary or to build a church, etc.. In islam govt money is used to do all these things. And In Pakistan you can’t work for the govt if you are not a muslim.
Maybe we should legalize concealed carry for all lawful citizens in sanctuary cities since the police cannot protect you , Chicago has had over 4000 shootings and 700 murders this year, the arrest rate is 18% of what it was last year. Guess that the arrest rate shows how the democratic mayor and his cohorts are protecting the citizens.I wonder if the liberal politicians and courts have tied the hands of the police and are behind this .
Down here in Texas
We love our gov
And he loves us!!
Sanctuary cities. What about sanctuary nations or states? Or even sanctuary branches of govt? South Africa with apartheid was a sanctuary nation, and with segregation in some southern states these were sanctuary states, based on race instead of immigration status. And by not indicting high level govt employees for possible illegal actions, these branches and/or depts, agencies, office holders make the govt a sanctuary govt? No difference between say Saddam, a king who was/is above the law and a sanctuary anything which makes someone or some .org or even a .gov above, exempt from the law. I even wonder how much sanctuary violation of the Hatch Act does on in DC? No one is supposed to use govt resources for personal political gain?
Trump will have problems getting a bill passed designed to defund sanctuary cities as the Senators and other lawmakers have these cities as part of their voting block and will vote against any law that could alienate their constituents because of lost funding. Democrats will also not support a bill either as both sides of the isle recently voted against a bill designed to do the defunding. There is your proof the law makers are only concerned with getting re-elected and not public safety.
Round them up -run them out- build the wall
At least Governor Greg Abbott from Texas has the right idea protect Americans first at all costs
Do Americans not deserve to be safe? These officials that don’t comply need to be FIRED!
Why does it seem everyone follows what CA does, They are so screwed up and on the verge of bankruptcy that no one should follow this totally politically correct state and if the federal money stops Jan 21st then within a couple weeks CA will be wishing they had not made a program allowing illegals to get ID’s for welfare and giving them drivers licenses which no illegal should be getting any gov’t benefits to begin with.
CA is the worse state for this liberal BS and any state willing to follow them are complete idiots.
Reason to Defund those cities since LAPD Chef Back favors Illegal alien Felons in LA CA
I say Defund & CUT deep.
I would first cut off all Federal aid to these cities, then I would send every single illegal into those cities to reside since they are sanctuary cities. I would take a page right out of the Bible, if you leave a sanctuary city other than to return to your country of origin before the end of the current Presidents term or terms you will be subject to a fine, jail and possible execution depending on your crime.
Need to cut off funds to sanctuary cities and figure out some way to hit the elected officials with a crime,like aiding and abetting the criminals because that is exactly what they are doing helping these people to commit crimes, so when an illegal commits a crime and he is sheltered in one of these cities arrest him and also arrest the mayor of the city as an accessory to the crime
To those cites who want Muslims –Fine when the money runs out
and No one will give ya a hand ,Like in law reinforcement to help
with crimes or anything of that matter go ask Your Muslim Garbage
to Help because those of us who do not want them will not hear the
crys for help.
Why would the citizens of these towns and cities want these criminals living in their mists? Anyone would think that they would welcome the opportunity of ridding their communities of these dangerous individuals. These criminals are not even fellow citizens but foreign national invaders. It is self destructive to protect them!
In the state of LA, we have many sanctuary cities, and in many of these places the “out of town” visitors act as if they are “untouchables”, they are rude, they act as if they are more important then you, which in and of itself is upsetting, and I for one am in total favor of NO MORE FUNDING. These people have there own “hide outs”, but guess what, they can go to any place, but you can not go to there places. They, do not get stopped for obvious traffic violations, but “you” will be. They, send money “back home”, but if you want to withdraw $ in an amount of what it is this month, you are questioned…….WHY?, and yea, some of these “folks” are more then they seem…….This invasion has got to stop and, and the funding to and for these places HAS GOT TO STOP!. And, before I forget it…….don’t to go to the emergency room, forget the wait, but look at YOUR BILL!!!!!!.
The talking heads on Fox are flirting with asking good questions, however, I’ve yet to hear a lefty being put against the wall and asked, “You are in favor of illegals being in the US and you are in favor of US taxpayers supporting them, even if they do harm. It seems that you pick illegals over your own countrymen. Give me a number. How many Americans are you comfortable being raped, kidnapped, or killed by illegals before you think that illegal immigration should be stopped and that illegals should be forced to leave?” It is obvious that the left has its priorities backwards. The left is Marxist oriented, Fascist in its behavior and anti-American. It is time that we started pointing it out.
In memory of Kate Steinle the Federal Gov. needs to stop all funding to these sanctuary cities. I hope Kate’s family sues the city of San Francisco. I can’t wait until De Blasio is out of office as Mayor of NYC. With all the murders going on every week in Chicago there Mayor needs to get his head out of his ass and focus on that not protecting the border jumpers who have no right to be in this country.