The violent protesters that invaded and shut down a Chicago rally for Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump earlier this week claim they were just concerned students acting out against racism.
But new information reveals the organizations behind these anti-Trump rallies aren’t just bored college kids.
According to new evidence, they’re a collection of organized leftist groups with an agenda to stop Trump.
Trump has asserted that the Chicago protest was a professionally staged “planned attack” — and it looks like he was correct.
According to multiple reports, liberal organization — which had previously endorsed socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for president — supplied material support and planning assistance to leaders of the anti-Trump mob, including signs and organizational emails that included information and plans.
Remember the #TrumpRally wasn’t just luck. It took organizers from dozens of organizations and thousands of people to pull off. Great work.
— People For Bernie (@People4Bernie) March 12, 2016 and Sanders supporters weren’t the only groups behind the violence. According to a report by Fox News, Black Lives Matter and anti-Trump unions have also played a key role in these demonstrations.
SEIU, the biggest public-sector labor union in the country, has claimed it was involved in the Chicago protest. Joe Iosbaker, the leader of a 3,000 strong local branch of SEIU, told Politico that he was a participant.
Besides mobilizing a big crowd, the Chicago protesters used some sophisticated tactics. They encouraged students to sign up for lots of tickets in an attempt to limit the crowd of actual Trump supporters, making the crowd appear to be an equal mix of those eager to cheer on the real estate mogul and those overtly opposed to his candidacy.
Once inside, protesters also stuck together in groups to help one another when scuffles and fistfights broke out. Entering in force also allowed protesters to break out in celebratory cheering and dancing when a Trump representative took to the stage to announce the rally had been cancelled.
Main Street says
Do any of them have ties to elitist Republican folks? That group seems to be the biggest opponents of the voters will.
Terry & Andy says
We agree with you that all the protestors should be arrested on the spot. We are sick and tired of for the past going on 8 years having a radical lefty as our president. We need a drastic change in our gov’t. We feel that Trump will be the one who will take control of our country and bring us back to the greatest country in the world; like we are at one time.
We need a man after God’s own heart with morals and one who wants to reduce gov’t spending, protect our borders, bring good paying jobs back to our people. I could say more but I will stop now.
Pedro says
Most of those protesters don’t even know what communism is. Do the same out side USA and they would disappear Students of what. …and Bernie want us to pay for those looser. They do have the right to protest in a civilized manner. I say round them up and put them in the USMC. They will never make.
Besides MOVEON.ORG, U.S. Congressman (Chicago IL) Luis Gutiérrez publically called for groups to get inside the Trump Chicago event and aggressively protest. Radical BILL AYERS was also there and involved.
Apparently, the far leftist groups feel it is OK to use fascist fist swinging to deny people their 1st Amendment Rights when the message is different than theirs.
angelbabyann says
That’s okay, the world is watching and sees with knowing eyes and ears and besides all of their protests, TRUMP TOOK ILLINOIS ANYWAY!!!! GO TRUMP!!!!! WE ARE BEHIND YOU 100%
cabbage says
I say put them before a firing squad
St. Edgar says
Yes, its true, we are in a new phase of a war that that still rages, but our corrupted leaders are loyal to the enemy. A firing squad is needed when the true Americans are back in control. We seem to have lost the cold war, but are now in some kind of a revolution that we don’t know the best way to fight.
P Mac says
Amen Amen Amen
Frank says
Donald Trump is just a notch above a circus clown, he has no interest in anything other than his own ego. Hillary is not our answer, that would just be four years of Gutter mind Bill calling the shots. I am very concerned that in a country of over 300 million folks that we cannot come up with far better leaders than the sick mess we are being offered now.
Sande says
Why don’t you run Frank since you know so much about Trump’s motives. We do know the Clinton’s since we have seen them in action.
Frank says
It doesn’t take a Masters Degree to see through Trumps motives. He is no more than a grown up spoiled brat who has never been told no, He has no qualities that would make a good president. If you are old enough to remember Nikita Kruschef, Donald is this country’s equal of old Nikita, I think they retired him in a Siberian gulag.
Being you have seen the Clinton’s in action, you would be willing to accept more?
My experience with politics is limited to serving on local school boards and Church boards, that is a long way from the qualities needed to be President of the U S of A.
Constitutionalist says
i agree, Frank.
In fact, i sometimes think that we’d have far better Presidential candidates simply by having a National Lottery a couple years before the Current Occupant is in place to pick someone at random to be president – then start educating the winner on Constitutional principles (as well as down-to-earth understanding of what it means to be Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces, including all Alphabet Agencies) for a couple of years before taking the office.
gene smith says
FRANK ::::::: Get a clue. Do you really believe that the millions who support TRUMP are all somehow “Stupid” and that you are much smarter and more astute than all of them.
Why don’t you spend a few moments of your valuable time and read up on the candidate. I feel that you will be hugely surprised at what you learn about THE MAN…..he is certainly not as you want to characterize him. Try to get past your bias, Check him out and educate yourself on our future President. I promise you that you will come away impressed by him, his family life, the accomplishments of him and his Children……everything about him is quite remarkable. Give him a chance.
Frank says
Gene, Donald may be a smart man, but his manners are so lacking that i doubt he knows the meaning of the word. I refuse to get into a shouting match with anyone about who is stupid and who is not. Would you be proud to have the office of President occupied by a crude, bigmouth person who has no respect or patience to accept anyone only himself?
St. Edgar says
Trump has built many buildings reshaping the skyline of New York City, Do you think that was easy considering the politics of New York?.
Raazor says
Frank, I would rather have a crude, rude, loudmouth with some backbone as a president than the p u ss y liar we have in there now….
Dane says
Something tells me that you sir, are one notch higher than a welfare recipient without the scruples to understand that the economy and politics are the administrative position of a business and we are in the process of electing a new CEO.
Until the people of this nation realize that America is a for profit business and not a socialist welfare line we will continue to fall behind in all local, national and international interests.
To be a strong AND compassionate nation we must first be a strong and independent nation.
Trump chooses to treat our nation as a business.
When we make this country great again, only then can we make socialism possible, to be done not as an end run but rather as an interim position to great success to all
modelerr says
Yea! Yea! I concur
Frank says
Dane, I hate to dissapoint you but I have never been a welfare recipient.
A study done by one of the major hews networks, sorry I don’t remember which one, published in the guest editorial column of our local newspaper a few days ago concluded that most Trump supporters were not stupid but “under educated”.
Anti Socialism Nana says
Socialism is NEVER the answer!!!
An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student, but had once failed an entire class.
The students insisted that socialism worked since no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism.”
“All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade.”
After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who had studied hard were upset while the students who had studied very little were happy.
But, as the second test rolled around, the students who had studied little studied even less and the ones who had studied hard decided that since they couldn’t make an A, they also studied less. The second Test average was a D.
No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average grade was an F.
The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling, all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else.
To their great surprise all failed. The professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder people try to succeed the greater their reward (capitalism) but when a government takes all the reward away (socialism) no one will try or succeed.
Joe C says
In my opinion our current president is only interested in taking our country down. One day the people who work for a living are going step back and say, “why should I work. I will quite my job and get the free stuff too” Maybe Trump is not the best but he sure is way ahead of Hillary who should be in prison.
cabbage says
Hillary has been mentored by OBAMMMA so she will take off where he leaves off if we don’t do something in November and it’s not those two dunces running against Trump
Lois Wenk says
Cruz is the best chance against Trump and H Clinton. Trump has too much bigotry.
Jake says
You have been drinking the cruz kool aid.
Danny Moran says
What planet you from Lois Wenk? If pretty boy Cruz cannot beat his own Republican party aspirants, he wouldn’t have a prayer of a chance against Hillary. Corrupt to the core, but apparently well-liked, Hillary would definitely kick ass and take names against Cruz. Trump, whether or not you like him, is the only person with money and backbone enough to beat the corrupt Demoncrat political machine.
cabbage says
slick willy could be on 24 hour female intern watch while Killary is out of the country making deals with ISIS
Jake says
I guess you voted for OBAMAMAN
Yvette says
That’s because BOTH parties are sick!!
Mj D. says
Pray for Cruz to be elected then…….. All the Dems need to go so we can clean the mess up…………
angelbabyann says
No, I won’t choose Cruz…He is more of the same establishment; I’ve heard more lies come from his mouth proclaiming he has beaten Trump over and over again and that is an outright lie. He has come in from anywhere to 2nd to 4th when 5 were running in every primary other than his own state. Showed me Texans only are loyal to their own state not our country.
angelbabyann says
Well, well, Frank, then what is your solution? Trump is our ONLY Hope to regain the America we all love; I for one do not want to be part of a third world country which all democrats are fighting to get. I say Trump will turn this country around and be the voice for the majority of the people then all you other bigots can either go back to your own country or choose another because you sure don’t represent the American dream here!
Valerie says
Terry & Andy!
Ya’ll are spot on!
Thank you! Yes we are sick and tired of these left wing radicals and that pathetic radical, narcissistic, president who justifies this erratic behavior. Obama is responsible for the creation of separation, anger and rage between the blacks and white folk’s and the horrible condition of which our country is in today. What a change over the last 8 years to put it mildly. Its discusting. Goodbye, Obama and Come On Donald Trump! Lord knows we need America Great Again.
Janice says
I, too, am sick and tired of what we have put up with for almost 8 years. Do we really want more of the same???? Omaha promised change and he certainly accomplished that. He didn’t say it would be a good change. Now we know it was all bad change. If Hillary gets in we will have Bill and Obama still to deal with. Obama isn’t going anywhere if she gets in the White House. She probably already has a position picked out for him. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!! She is worse than the two of them put together. If that doesn’t scare you we are doomed.
Maris Marks says
she intends to nominate him for the supreme court justice position
Maris Marks says
she intends to nominate him for Scalias position
Mj D. says
Trump or Cruz would make a Great President!!
OracleGuy says
Just gotta hate that First Amendment, huh?
Jackie W says
Right on point Terry & Andy! I agree! Trump is the only one with the guts to stand up for the American people and the constitution!
Lois Wenk says
He violates Constituton AND BOUGHT POLITICIANS. Stealing our right to representation. Trump is only for himself. Willing to say what you want to hear so he can do what he wants to.
cabbage says
Lois do you have a very dark tan?????????
Rick Worthington says
Lois Wenk – you are wrong again! Everyone knows you are against The Donald, and you are perfectly entitled to be – BUT as usual, you are unfortunately quite incorrect. Mr. Trump is doing this for the country – unlike many of his opponents – in fact, he has indicated that he doesn’t want to be paid should he win the presidency…he, like most Americans, is greatly concerned for this great country and is doing something to try and save it….you only need to ‘go behind the scenes’ and read about him and watch the one-on-one TV interviews – or listen to those who know him personally or have worked with or for him.
Han tran says
Lols how many time I tell you stupid shut yo mouth up.
Alicia Salinas says
Terry & Andy,
Bud says
People in the Big Rep and Dem groups are worried what Trump will reveal when he gets to DC.The only way to stop the big money backed protests is to Back Trump even more the more they protest the more the people support Trump.
Lets just see how much Corruption there is in DC and with the evidence the Gov has against the Clinton’s. Bill, Hillary and Chelsy and a lot more,Learner,Obama, Michelle.Rice,Sharpton.
It’s all over the place,It’s time to put an end to it
nj says
People have the right to hear all sides and then decide. Those who disagree should hold their own rally. Protestors who do anything to physically interrupt someone’s speech should be arrested and charged.
I never did think Trump was behind disturbances. It would not benefit him to do so.
The Truth Hurts says
Good luck arresting them in Chicago, a city run by Dems for the last fourty years.! Why do you think the crime rate is so high in that dung hole!
Thomas E Stanley says
Probably just alkida and isis
Ron says
If you were disgusted with the election of Obama and how he has trashed America, then just wait for more disappointment if Trump is elected. Then you will finally wake up to the fact that Trump is just a big loud mouth who makes promises to people hungry for a return to a strong America that he could not, and did not intend, to keep. Remember when we voted in a Republican Senate to get rid of Harry Reid and the Liberal Senate? Nothing changed, we just got Establishment RINO Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader and they gave Obama everything he wanted. Remember when we forced the RINO John Boehnier out as Speaker of the House? We got Paul Ryan, who is maybe even worse than Boehnier, and he gave Obama everything he wanted. What has been learned from these things? Nothing. Now it is like a Mob Mentality listening to a big mouth bragart that doesn’t know how to do what he has promised, and doesn’t really plan to. He told the NY Times that the “Wall” and the “No Amnesty” promises were just initial talking points that are negotiable. The only candidate for President that has a proven record of standing for Conservative, Constitutional government, and who has challenged the Establishment in Washington of both Parties is Ted Cruz. Donald Trump’s record is that he supported the Clintons and Democrats for years, said that Hillary is great, uses foreign workers for his projects and makes clothes in China. Are we really no smarter and logical than the Democrats who elected Obama, TWICE!
OracleGuy says
Apparently not, Ron.
Chuck H. says
Among other accusations you say that Trump “uses foreign workers for his projects and makes clothes in China.” In many states you have no choice but to use “foreign workers” in large construction projects due to the lack of sufficient numbers of Americans willing to do some jobs. You can thank the Democrat party for that, Lyndon Johnson in particular. I won’t explain; if you are ignorant regarding the history of this country for the last 50 years do some reading. As for making clothes in China; go to any clothing store and you will find that the vast majority of clothing on the shelves is made somewhere other than the U.S. You can thank both parties for this since they collaborated on all the Free Trade Agreements which were responsible for the textile industries moving to countries where they could pay the equivalent of slave wages and make the companies profit margin increase exponentially.
You should use facts rather than calling someone a “big loud mouth who makes promises to people hungry for a return to a strong America that he could not, and did not intend, to keep.” You should also examine the alternatives and currently there is only one. Clinton will be Trump’s opponent for the General Election and we know the ramifications of her winning. Trump is a question mark in many regards. However, we know what will be in store for this country if Hillary is elected and it isn’t pretty. So you need to make an attempt to come back to reality and do what is best for the country. If all you have to contribute are your opinions rather than facts, please remain silent. Remember, opinions are like a**holes; everybody has one and they all stink.
Jackie W says
Thumbs up to you Chuck H!! ABSOLUTELY!
Diane says
The most important thing you said was “look at the alternatives”. We CAN’T let Hillary in the white house. Look what happened last time she was in a position of authority. We all need to stop whining, vote for the least damaging candidate and hope for the best. Same thing for the senate and the house.
Rick Worthington says
Chuck – Very well said. Your post is one of the best, well written, and well-informed that I have read recently. Obviously, you are one smart cookie and understand what is and has, been going on. The Establishment is very, very afraid of what may, nay, WILL happen to their cushy jobs along with all their political corruption, should D.J. Trump win.
Jackie W says
Can’t be as bad as Obama and we put up with him for almost 8 years! At least Trump won’t let the muslims take us over like Obama will!. The schools are already making the kids recite the allah pledge and learn about their daily routine. Having the kids say the muslim chant “allah is the only god”. Trump is a very good businessman and that is one thing the US needs to help us get back on our feet and get rid of some of this debt! He is a proud man and likes to show that he can accomplish things, so let’s see what he can do. And if that is what it takes to straighten out America, then so be it! Because America is headed to a third world status if things are not changed soon.Do you want your kids or grand kids to grow up in that kind of life? I don’t! So I will gladly take my chances with Trump for 4 years! But that is my opinion just like you have yours take it or leave it! And I can’t believe that people were stupid enough to vote for Obama 2 times either! I do know that if Hillary gets elected that we might as well keep Obama in office!! Yikes, just the thought scares me!
Lois Wenk says
Schools are States rights not Federal.
wallace shears says
they are bad seeds.the bible says satan deceives the whole world.&whats more satanic than sharia. they are slidering in like snakey moon worshippers that they are..get some guts eh”
Wayne says
Ron, You are so smart. You know what Trump said to the times when no one else does. Wow maybe you should run for idiot of the year.
M says
Linda Hardoin says
I and several members of my family received le-mails asking us to join and send money. After all there work requires money. They ask for people to join into the may-ham and pay to help payfor the goups they have to pay. Just to let you know I am NOT a Trump supporter. I am just a voter who wants a clean election. It may be to late for that. I think Trump was sent to insure Clinton wins. After all the Dems have fewer votes that expected and the GOP has far to many.
Lois Wenk says
I would not be surprised if you are right.
Lyn says
To Bill says: let’s show some respect for the man we elected as President; it’s not right to say get his black ass out the White House; his policies failed, he did not “get it” let’s not return to the stone ages politically speaking. Let’s ALL think about moving ahead past racism, economic disparity, social unfairness, let’s think about our great nation and its future and let’s try to leave it a better place for our descendants regardless of race, creed, beliefs, political affiliations. If it takes a Donald Trump to do this, so be it! Americans this is our country, our Home, let’s not let division blind our future greatness; thus country is about ALL of us. I am a senior citizen of Hispanic lineage with claim to five generations of US citizenship and I look at our beautiful country with tears and sadness; its crumbling before our eyes. I won’t be around to see the fall of this empire (quoting the fall of the Roman Empire) but you will… Think about this very conscientiously.
It is sad that decant people must step aside for the George Sorest crowd. I hope Trump goes all the way to the White House.
Janice says
I really don’t think people realize the hold George Sorest has over our Government. Who do think brought Obama out of no where and put him in the White House???? Sorest controls more of Washington’s elite than anyone realizes. And that includes the Clintons.
Kimberly Thompson says
Another candidate just recently invested in by soros is none other than Kasich!!
Personally, we plan to vote against every incumbent in the senate, house, etc….join us–get a fresh crowd in our federal government!
Ted Cruz!! Okay–he will fight for America….trump is waffling, lying and backing down already.
Mr Obvious says
And they’re all from the establishment and liberals.
L. Shamus McQuade says
Yep, just like the SA did in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Paid thugs by the Nazis. Once they served their purpose most of their senior leadership were murdered in the Night of the Long Knives
glen says
I Think they are helping TRUMP more.LOL keep it up fools.TRUMP 2016.
The Globalist Elites control most of Congress, in both parties! Anyone, who is taking Millions from Special Interest like Cruz and Kasich are also in their pocket, which is why these two are getting A FREE PASS form these Despots! They are usurping the Will Of The People and Using Our Money to DO IT!
If the people do not stand up against this Oligarchy now, we will not get another chance!
JerryD says
If you noticed all of the fights that broke out and the demonstrators that had to be lead out were all blacks. I would not doubt if the Obama administration had black lives matter show up to cause problems. I don’t trust Obama, Kerry, Hillary most of the people in the congress,Loretta Lynch, most of the puppets in the State Department and the list goes on and on. I also don’t believe that the press allows Josh Earnest White house Sec. to spoon feed them whatever he wants to and they report it like its facts. Earnest is the biggest puppet and Obama mouth piece, hes a liar, a phony he is nothing more that a ass kisser. I know it is his job but he should not do it so well, He puts out more BS than a heard of Bulls. I think he is an American unless him and many other are moving to the side of Islam. This country is falling apart I read where Obama and Lynch want to allow the courts not to impose fines on criminals cause they can’t afford to pay them, and it could cost there jobs and homes. I wonder what race this is being researched for. If the commit a crime they should go to jail, they should have thought before they committed the crime if they could afford it.Hillary Clinton should be right there with them for a very long time she said no one is above the law and should be punished. She also said that no one was hurt in Benghazi The Ambassador and the three marines that were kill because she lied mean nothing. Yet there are democrats that still support her and this corrupt administration I feel sorry for my children and grand children when the muslim brother hood led by Obama take full control
Ask what you can do for the nation says
Anti Trump is originated from Republican Party. Then the democrates party took advantage of the situation . Trump was attacked by both left and right . Shame on all professional politicians . They are the one who created wars . Wars inside and outside the country. Bloody !!!!
They do not need H bomb to clean up the nation if they orchested this kind of war. They are street smart ppl . after all , they only want to get rich themselves Not for the NATION !FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
We should wholeheartedly pray for Trump to be even stronger , and have envision to be proactive . GOD , please be with with TRUMP to protect us from these EVILS
TRUMP TRUMP 112% not only primary but all the way . VOTER LIFE IS MATTER . voters pray for Trump to be 112% victory. Not under
The number 112% is the percentage of delegates CAR SICK need to fight for just for nominee .BY MATH . What a perfect number .
He must be out of his mind to stay in the race OUT OUT OUT OUT . Save money for VETs,Charities. Save energy for volunteer work in the military hospitals .
So I use this number to show the contrast to point out with the same number what can be done with either TRUMP and The rest of all both parties with HILL. BURNY . CAR SICK , CRUZY the CRAZY LION LIAR.
Jim says
I hope americans can see how the n.w.o.and elitists are doing all they can to stop trump who would not obey there one world govt and police state agendas. It is so corrupt from every angle against trump it makes me vomit and i cant even vote as i am canadian but concerned as this is so obvious. GO TRUMP GO. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Ross says
Shelly says
I totally agree with you
DWB says
I agree and hope common sense prevails.
Janice says
I keep hoping and praying for common sense to prevail. I really believe Trump will do his best to keep his promises. That’s more than any of the rest will do. We have let politicians run this country into the ground. Time to try someone who is able to do what he says. I have lost all respect and trust in politicians. They are out for themselves. Trump doesn’t need their money and owes no favors to anyone. Can’t say that about any of the rest with their Wall Street buddies.
Della says
glen says
Thanks Jim
Dana Fiola says
The Democrats and Rhinos are in a fight for their lives and show it through the chosen tactics. I do hope that if Trump wins he has a memory and responds in kind with mass firings of those responsible across the very government seated in Washington DC. I can’t remember any conservative ever doing so once the battle was won. I’ve watched to many of the conservative governments destroyed by the very people that they choose to remain in power. Under cutting and leaking sensitive information is just one way these immoral animals respond to kindness. Get rid of them one and all Mr. Trump for your own good.
DWB says
I believe that is what they are afraid of and the corrupt idiots will lose all the perks.
Janice says
That is it in a nutshell. Don’t want to lose all those perks they have and want more.
A Reasoned Thinker says
Dana Fiola — I agree 100% with you. I particularly like your comments about hoping Trump “has a memory” about what certain people have (EXTREMELY UNFAIRLY) attempted to do to him. Such people really are underhanded and immoral. I have never witnessed anything like it! Only vote for Trump! Go Trump.
Juan J. Ortega says
All of you Trump supporters are nothing , but a bunch of sick puppies .May God help Trump and his sick supporting puppies .
Bonnie says
You are no better than the rest of those who are calling people names (sick puppies) good grief…we all should be respected for having our own voices. Look in the mirror, what do you see..somebody who you think is better than the rest of us??? I pray God does help Trump to get elected!!!!!!
Janice says
Sorry, but you certainly didn’t make much of an argument with your childish “sick puppies” comment. Makes me realize we really do need Trump more than ever.
cabbage says
Bonnie you are the sick one who is probably an atheist
glen says
i think you dont like trump cuz you stand to lose something when he is the potus. Juan otega
JerryD says
Juan J Ortega, Spoken like a true Mexican, Do you have a green card?
Joanne Hamilton says
The Justice Dept should arrest these people.
Fred says
The Justice Dept??? You mean Obozo’s pal Loretta?? Fat Chance.
Rafael Hernandez says
Need to start with chillary and her lies, corruption and deception. This should have been in the AG’s agenda a long time ago. Petraeus was indicted for leaking secret material. the receiver is a reservist with security clearance; maybe she did not have a need to know but at east she could be halfway trusted. chillary gave every hacker in the world a chance to know about us; Militarily and diplomatically. Get chillary in jail; simultaneously begin dealing with professional rioters and subversive organizations. zzz her
Rafael Hernandez says
Need to start with chillary and her lies, corruption and deception. This should have been in the AG’s agenda a long time ago. Petraeus was indicted for leaking secret material. the receiver is a reservist with security clearance; maybe she did not have a need to know but at east she could be halfway trusted. chillary gave every hacker in the world a chance to know about us; Militarily and diplomatically. Get chillary in jail; simultaneously begin dealing with professional rioters and subversive organizations. zzz her
Buster says
The protesters that created violence should be jailed. Freedom of speech is one thing, violence is another.
Della says
Richard Sabaski says
I totally agree
George says
Hope North Korea nuke Chicago.
Hot in Portland says
Not a good response…more violence? The protesters have rights but so does Trump. Progressives/liberals scream about their rights but unless your opinion agrees with their skewed opinion, your opninion must be stopped. I can’t put a campaign sign in my yard in Portland OR! I did a few years ago and got death threats. Sounds like fascism to me…
PAUL says
Dennis says
These criminal organizations like Move on and Black Lives Matter(All fucking lives matter) are domestic terrorist organizations and should be treated as such. These fools are projecting what they oppose. They are racist, violent and oppressive ignorant morons.
While Obama sits on his ass not saying anything regarding there criminal activity the honest decent blacks continue to be beat down and oppressed by this liberal teet sucking administration. Living intolerance is the spawn of intolerance. Obama you need to pack your bags and get out of the PEOPLE’S HOUSE and try not to steal anything on the way out like your little bitch friend Hillary did. DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON YOUR WAY OUT!!!
PattieA says
Rose says
cabbage says
Hey Rose their free speech was paid for by people like” Soreass” big illary and OBAMMA supporter
T says
Trump is a Bigot,and a Rich dude that could care less about the common people,he is not the reason America is standing today,but he is the reason we have to take our Democracy back from the GOP,they are bought and sold,by the Koch Bros,they don”t even play fair with him, because his views are from his reality TV show—–they have nothing to do with the issues that face common Americans today or tomorrow, listen to what he says,he is telling you exactly who and what he is,he doesn”t address the issues,its all about petty BS—and how great he is——I beg to differ—–he will be the perfect President to run us into Bankruptcy–he knows all about it–how do you think ,he got wealthy,leaving everyone else holding the bag?
Della says
You view of Trump is SO wrong! He’s not a bigot! He’s never been racist,that’s such BS! The US is truly a screwed up mess & Trump is the only one who can get it back on track..either get on the #Trump train or get run over by it ????????
Jeff says
Do your homework we are in bankruptcy now we owe more money than are country is worth
[email protected] says
He never say’s anything. All he does is brag about how good he is. He has no substance or explanation of a plan. All he say’s is we are going to win, win,win, win,. That sounds good but Tell us how. The guy is a blowhard. I have been following all the candidates forums and I find him with the least substance of all of them. He is as bad as Cruz. Cruz uses his religion as a badges and has nothing to do with the state of the union. I feel . they are both bigots. On the GOP side the only one that is realistic in his thinking is Kasik. On the Democrat side It would be Hilary. They tell it like it is. If you Think there is gridlock between congress and the senate against the president now, Just wait till Cruz or Trump takes over.It will be four years of nothing. It will be 4 years of nothing accomplished and worse than anything this nation ever seen. God help us all. I am 75 years old and this is the worst Campaign I have memory of in the history of this nation. in my lifetime of politics.. People beware.
cabbage says
AZwtmpima I bet you are an illegal Rag head
thomas henson says
America is already in bankruptcy, some people just don’t know it yet. Like the people getting free hand outs from the tax payers.
Debbie says
People that know everything are more dangerous than Liberals.
Go ahead, vote for Hillary.
Dr. D says
“T” What world have you been living in? You need to take a reality check! We do not live in a Democracy by the way, our country is a Republic. “The perfect president to run us into bankruptcy ‘ wake up and smell the roses. We are bankrupt, they just haven’t chosen to announce it yet. If you ask people what occupation is the least trusted the majority of people will say attorneys. If they say politicians it is the same thing. Our whole government is full of attorneys. They are trained in the best way to cheat and win at any cost and many of them are good at it. It is time to elect someone who has actually achieved something in their lifetime. Someone who doesn’t claim to know everything about everything but has a track record of surrounding themselves with good knowledgeable people and using them as advisers. Hopefully Trump doesn’t know how to play golf and would spend more time governing than vacationing. We have a chance right now. We may never get another. Trump wasn’t put up by any organization to run, thrown in front of us by the powers that be. Sure he says and acts unwisely at times, maybe even more than sometimes but that doesn’t detract from his ability to get us out of this mess. At least we know what he is thinking. I believe he will become a bit more polished as time goes on and will make a good president. Time will not be kind to Mr. Obama and his legacy will not be what a president would like it to be.
cabbage says
maybe his plane will go down as he exits our white house
Bonnie says
Get your facts straight, before you start bad mouthing Trump!
Bonnie says
This comment was meant for “T” above.
cabbage says
T you are a real democrat dunce
Lois Wenk says
Trump is bigoted against Women – His treatment of Mygan Kelly, The other woman reporter who is pregnant and fainted, And his treatment of Carly F.
Trump is bigoted against disabled – The woman reporter who is pregnant and fainted was treated badly.
Trump is bigoted against Blacks – Under his watch Trump Enterprises had to be court ordered to stop segregated housing. Also Trump buy politicians for his benefit. Slave owners did the same thing in the past.
Trump is bigoted against Jews – “Hitler was right” Hitler degraded Jews, Used them as scapegoats for Germany’s problems. Then killed them.
Trump is bigoted against Muslims. He sent a lady sitting quietly in his rally away like a criminal. And blames all Muslims for terrorism. American Muslims are mostly good citizens.
Trump is bigoted against Hispanics. Border Crossers mostly are not rapist (rapist sexually harm people) nor are they drug cartel (drug cartel sell drugs and kill people), nor are they terrorist (terrorist kill people). They are poor people who are looking to feed, clothe and shelter their children. If Mexico was going to build the wall they would have.
The truth is as long as we have so few workers we need to get more paying into Social Security because the clock is ticking before it will go broke. Abortion is killing the future workers. Today the birthrate is too low to sustain Social Security since Social Security was not saved for by politicians but treated as a general fund. These poor people are volunteering if we let them. People like Trump will not be able to get cheaper labor if they get minimum wage.
Trump is bigoted against Asians. The truth is only N Korea dictator controls N Korea not Japan nor China.
Trump has brainwashed his supporters or is bigoted against them. “If I kill someone here right now my supporters will not leave me”. Chose if he is bigoted against supporters or brainwashed them.
Trump is spoiled rotten – When he is confronted or talked badly by his supporters standers that person and belittles them.
Trump is a bully – if Trump does not get things his way, he slanders, leads in disrespect toward the person not cow-towing to him. He even threw his friend who helped him in the past under the bus.
Trump says what you want to hear then does his own thing.
Trump is part of the establishment problem. By buying politicians to get his way, he stole your representation. He does not care for you this shows he will do as he pleases.
Rob says
These pukes are a bunch of pussies and they know it. Mr. Trump should have more security outside of the building where the rallies will be held. I hope that he does this so the people that want to hear him can do so.
Larry says
The only chance we have is Trump and Ted, but I hope if it turns out to be Ted, he gets tough, really tough!
Proud American says
I’m not at all surprised with their desperate measures. The establishment politicians are scared for their jobs. They don’t care at all about America or Americans, only themselves. Ovomit woke us up and Trump is showing us more about politics than we were aware of. Trump is the ONLY candidate with a backbone. Just hope the useless Republicans who were elected to HELP us finally stop Obeyme’s choice for Supreme Court. No more Liberal/Progrossives. GO TRUMP 2016/2020!!!
A Reasoned Thinker says
Proud American — I totally agree with you! Go Trump.
john says
Common sense? I haven’t seen any in the US lately!
cabbage says
Is your real name Juan?
Clarence says
The Chicago Trump rally was well organized by many organizations who are afraid of their “free lunches and no work ” being taken away.
It is a sad day when supposed college educated kids vote for a socialist / communist.
Maybe we need to look at their liberal professors whom most have never worked a day outside of education. Go to Russia or China if they like socialism so much. Take Bernie with you. Hillary is Obama 3 or worse.
Trump or Cruz is this country’s hope and it will not be easy once Obama gets all his agenda’s passed with the spineless congress.
Gösta Walin says
I follow this from Sweden, a small country in northern Europe that has been invaded be people we do not understand and who are going to harm us immensly. In fact we need your help.
I admire and hope for Mr Trump primarily because of his attitude towards Mr Putin, president of Russia. I do hope Mr Trump will become president of the United states of America.
Gösta Walin
from Gothenburg in Sweden
Gösta Walin says
I follow this from Sweden, a small country in northern Europe that has been invaded be people we do not understand and who are going to harm us immensly. In fact we need your help.
I admire and hope for Mr Trump primarily because of his attitude towards Mr Putin, president of Russia. I do hope Mr Trump will become president of the United states of America.
Gösta Walin
from Gothenburg in Sweden
Constitutionalist says
How hard can it be to expel the Muslims from your country? Why would you need OUR help to do so?
But i do have a suggestion: find a way to tell them all that when they came to YOUR country, they agreed to abide by SWEDEN’s laws, YOUR laws; tell them that Sha’ria is neither to be taught, nor promoted, nor applied, nor even spoken of in your country. If they disagree with or violate that condition, tell them they are free to emigrate to any country that ALREADY HAS Sha’ria, and they can inflict that miserable code somewhere else.
i’ve read many times about how the incidence of rape has skyrocketed since the Muslims came in large numbers. I certainly hope the Swedish MEN remember their Viking/Berserker roots and protect their women with strength and power – violence, too, if need be.
Something to recall is that Islam is often spread throughout various countries by means of immigration, too; they’re all about “religious tolerance” and “diversity” and “equal rights” until they become the majority, at which time their tune changes and they apply a special “tax” to all non-Muslims and otherwise discriminate against the rest of the non-Muslim peoples in that country.
Two things you may wish to recall(or learn), historically:
In the early years of America’s Republic, the Barbary Coast pirates were routinely engaging in acts of Piracy on the seas, stealing cargoes and holding Americans for ransom. Prior to Jefferson, most presidents and Congress simply paid these thieves bribes to leave American ships alone, like many of the other European countries.
When Jefferson took office, he thought the paying of bribes to criminals to be abhorrent, for he soon got a ransom demand that would have amounted to 1/4 of the entire federal budget; in addition, he discovered that the Muslims considered it a Divine Order from Mohammed to take captive all non-Muslims, making slaves of them if they would not convert to Islam. The ones held for ransom were routinely tortured, but allowed to write to relatives for help in getting released. Jefferson, who fought diligently for religious freedom, could not reconcile their beliefs with his own. Short story? He sent a fleet of American warships to their headquarters in Tripoli and a few other Libyan cities, and eventually destroyed them. All of them. In fact, a famous “Marine Corps Hymn” has a line in it which says “to the shores of Tripoli” which commemorates these victories.
The second story is about a General Blackjack Pershing, who was in charge in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. Muslims were constantly harassing his troops, rushing out of the hills with machetes and scimitars, killing and wounding quite a few. Pershing took about a hundred Muslim prisoners, and compelled them to dig post-holes, put the posts in the ground, and tamp the earth firmly around the poles – then he ordered them all tied to those poles. Next, he brought out a live hog, and walked it from one end of the tethered men to the other, then slaughtered it and drained it’s blood into a tub. Next, he had his men come forward and dip their bullets in that blood. Then he ordered his men to execute the Muslims – all but one. Once 99 of the Muslims were dead, he had a mass grave dug, and all the bodies were thrown in the pit. Afterwards, the hog, it’s entrails, and it’s blood were thrown on top of the corpses. THEN, the one remaining was let go to spread the story.
He never had any more trouble with the Muslims again.
Joseph Falzone says
Now is anyone really surprised about this. The politiction are scared that if / when Trump wins they won’t be able to rip off us Americans. Hell they will more then likely loss there long standing jobs. The change is coming !
Nancy Page says
Any “protesters” paid to attack Trump and his supporters should be called what they are, TERRORISTS and ASSASSINS!!!!!!!!!
Lois Wenk says
If you mean physical harm you are correct. If you mean telling the truth about Trump you are wrong.
armydadtexas says
All these groups are pieces of human excrement, cowards, puds, DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. (George commie Soros) Black Live Matter (RACIST, Black version of the KKK) Cowards and Thugs one and all. Loser Sanders followers. a group of loud mouthed malcontents who don’t have a clue. and the DNC an organization hell bent on destroying America. Oh let us not forget SEIU. Harry REIDS Personal a$$ lickers and thugs.
To each of these groups GO TO HELL! You are nothing but Domestic Terrorists. Ignorant and full of sh*t
The_State_Paradox says
Oh, but Conspiracy Theorists are crazy, right?!
Maybe being referred to as ‘crazy’ is double-speak for Free-Thinking Citizen.
George Orwell tried to warn us all but nobody ever listened. Now it may be far too little far too late.
Aldous Huxley was also one who could see the ‘writing on the walls’ of the prison being constructed slowly all around us.
It took many decades but one of the last chapters in the final stage of the NWO is almost ready to tighten its unbreakable grip that it has had around the throats of the fabricated notion of “Rights of the Individual above all else” intended by The Founding Fathers of America. We need Thomas Jefferson to return from the afterlife and defend this once great nation.
Madmarmot says
Wow, I wasn’t planning on voting for trump, but I must say this is scary stuff. Organizing mobs to shut down political opposition and free speech? This makes me think of the Chinese cultural revolution. This kind of mob mentality is really scary. Next thing you know, we’ll have a one-party system.
All “unnacceptable” opinions are met with “protest” and shut down. Next, it will be illegal to express a different opinion. Then, these cheering thugs will roam the streets with guns capturing and arresting or worse everyone who doesn’t think like they do. Congratulations moveon, you just killed free speech. How does this accomplish your goal? It is the victory of a road rage fight that hurts the other person, but teaches them nothing but to fear and hate you. Your victory is no less shallow than this. And you taught me that just to spite you, I will now vote with those people whom you despise so much. You have just converted me. Thanks.
Constitutionalist says
LOL! We already HAVE a one-party system. The Corporatocracy has bought the Democrat AND Republican parties, which are little-more than wholly-owned subsidiaries. Oh, they have superficial differences, and different corporate owners(in some cases), but the end result is always the same: nothing substantive changes.
Want proof?
Tell me about the last time you heard any candidate from any other party than Democrat or Republican speaking on any show or news report on Corporate-Controlled MainStream Media(henceforth known as CCMSM). You can’t recall, you say? Quelle suprise!
“One of our best-kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of huge corporations control the flow of information in the United States. Whether it is television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books or the Internet, a few giant conglomerates are determining what we see, hear and read. And the situation is likely to become much worse as a result of radical deregulation efforts by the Bush administration and some horrendous court decisions. Television is the means by which most Americans get their “news.” Without exception, every major network is owned by a huge conglomerate that has enormous conflicts of interest. … The bottom line is that fewer and fewer huge conglomerates are controlling virtually everything that the ordinary American sees, hears and reads. This is an issue that Congress can no longer ignore.”
— Bernie Sanders(1941-) US Senator VT, former US Congressman VT
Source: “Congress Can No Longer Ignore Corporate Control of the Media,” The Hill (12 June 2002)
While i don’t like Sanders and the Socialism he represents, on this issue he’s dead-on…and it’s damned dangerous to Liberty and the principles outlined in the Constitution for(not “of,” for of implies origination) the United States of America.
Susan says
Where did my country go? A communist flag at a political rally? They should be arrested!
cabbage says
A Communist flag does not read well in the first amendment These idiots are bought and paid for by the idiot democrats such as Sorruass and Bitch Killary and I wouldn’t doubt if the RINOS didn’t throw $$ in the mix
Lois Wenk says
The one who harm others physically should get arrested for battery. And No I did not change my mind I refuse to vote for Trump.
John says
Generally speaking… people who are full of themselves are “generally” pretty empty individuals.
Justin W says
This news needs to be proclaimed by the Trump campaign. If this is a concerted effort to foment trouble the troublemakers need to be identified and their supporting groups need to be exposed. Sometimes a person’s enemies give you a good idea of what the person is like. I feel a little more comfortable supporting Donald Trump knowing the unions, move, and socialist/communist groups hate him.
John says
I knew people in high school and college who’d talk really, really big! There was an element of truth, however, certain things were exaggerated beyond the reality… Trump creates those thoughts to me personally. The way he talks about his ventures and when a cursory look is given to the reality… It’s kinda eye opening. There are some things I certainly like about him… His bravado, the guy has definitely got a fight inside of him…. He’s no pushover, doormat (beta male he is definitely NOT!) He’s a take charge sorta guy and I certainly like that. He’s dismissive of critics – Doesn’t place a lot of stock in what other people say. He’s got that sorta “I could careless” attitude towards critics.
He’s the emotional candidate, inarticulate, impulsive – while Cruz is the rational candidate, very articulate and calculated. Together the two are unstoppable!
Constitutionalist says
i think that Trump would be a damn-fool to take Cruz as a VP candidate – and i don’t think Trump to be stupid. He undoubtedly knows that Cruz has sealed his birth and citizenship records for a reason – and that reason is that Cruz KNOWS he’s ineligible for the presidency.
So let’s say that Trump IS elected and Cruz is VP; what happens when these angry wealthy bastards hire someone – maybe even Secret Service – to take him out? Why, Cruz becomes president.
Have you ever watched any of The Young Turks videos on Cruz, and the plainly insane things he apparently believes? If not, go to youtube and spend an hour or so watching several.
John says
As for the protesters – well the people confronted in these situations can and should use justifiable force should they feel that there lives or someone else’s life is threatened. If the protesters will be interrupting or disrupting any event they should be removed (forcibly) if necessary.
It’s a free country and if they don’t like what will be discussed then they should not attend. Kinda like going to a movie… If you don’t like the movie, director, actors or such… Don’t see the movie. It’ll bomb the more people do this. But to go to the movie and disrupt those who “want” to see it… Is basically stealing. They have not allowed the people who paid for the event to experience the event… Force needs to be met with force.
Constitutionalist says
You’re right, i believe; i’ve NEVER seen any bully back down until he(or they) are confronted by superior force (or threat thereof).
These tactics seem to be right out of Tricky Dick’s playbook, too. Trump’s opponents seem all-too-willing to engage in any and all means necessary to disrupt, deceive, denounce, deny, double-cross, debase, demean, or otherwise, as long as it stops Trump…or at least slows him down, some
Nevertheless, despite all the evil, underhanded, sneaky and manipulative means being employed, he’s surging on up anyhow, rising above, like the cream in a fresh bucket of cow’s milk.
I’ve read the following, and believe it to be true:
“If you have ever seen a four-year-old trying to lord it over a two-year-old, then you know what the basic problem of human nature is and why government keeps growing larger and ever more intrusive.”
— Thomas Sowell(1930- ) Writer and economist
i also agree that “officials and babies should be changed often, and for the same reason.”
Kathy Owens says
Everyone in every office needs to be removed, term limits set in place, and an actual vote person per person count not this fake voting that is going on now. Democrats are elitist they only care about themselves tell you what you want to hear and screw you once they get what they want. Republicans are nothing anymore because they are the same way all about me. Talk out both sides of there mouth promises made nothing done by both sides. This country is a disgrace due to all the greed. If I make it and get rich screw everyone else. Our Vets this is a disgrace they pay they get the risks they take and they pay the get and the medical they get is disgusting and disgraceful. Black or White everyone needs jobs and quit thinking anyone owes them anything including a free ride to College. IRS needs to be done away with and flat tax. Drug dealers killed, Lobbyist done away with, Insurance has to be overhauled and more affordable, anyone over 65 should never ever have to pay another tax in their life after paying for all those years. You should be able to own something at that age right now no one owns anything it’s all about taxes due to GREED. Our roads are disgusting and every thing needs a committee to over see all projects that has no family involved in any of the work performed. This GREED has to stop so everyone can live the American Dream that will work everyday and contribute. NO MORE WALFARE becasue the ones that does need it don’t get it, when and what makes it right that you can only get help if you have bastard children over and over and not accountable for any of your actions is BS. That’s my grip for today thanks for listening.
JerryD says
Why were my comments deleted, Is this another news agency that is controlled by the Obama administration?
Constitutionalist says
They may not have been deleted; i’ve found that it’s often necessary to refresh the page before they show up. Give that a try before looking for the way to contact the staff, here, ok?
i know that on at least 3 occasions, now, when i’d try to post the Horn’s software would not allow it; never did figure out which key phrase prevented me from posting, but i simply deleted sections and repeatedly tried to post until it “took,” so to speak.
i did a little digging, and discovered that one of the owners of The Horn used to be in charge of one of HW Bush’s “Thousand Points of Light” Foundations, so since Bush was a CIA head, this site is possibly a data-collection point for the CIA, but i don’t care; i hope that some of what i post may plant seeds of conscience and awareness of just whom are their TRUE employers, the “receivers in due course of the bankruptcy(ies)”, but certainly neither Americans NOR the Constitution. At least they’ll no longer be able to deceive themselves that what they do is “for God and Country.”
paul says
Came across this yesterday.
paul says
And this.
jay says
In defense of Mr. Trump, he speaks the language of a highly successful businessman, calls a spade a spade, and if one would spend the time to acquaint themselves with his platform, they will come away with a changed attitude of the man. Oh, and by the way he cares less of being POLITICALLY CORRECT.
wizard says
Why would Trump’s supporters be trying to disrupt the proceedings and create violence?
Arthur Hartsock says
I was running a hot dog vending cart in St. Paul during the Republican Convention in 2008 . A group of anarchists were taking a break from breaking stuff. They came to my cart to buy bottled water to wash the tear gas residue out of their faces. They also stripped down and washed off their upper bodies. These young people had plenty of cash to pay for my water. And as they stripped down topless I could easily see that they were very attractive. What I’m trying to get at is that these young protesters had buckets of money from their handlers. And it was also obvious that these youngsters were partying like crazy when they weren’t breaking windows. So I got a first hand look at a real protest group. Some of them are sincere radicals, but I’m sure that the majority are there to have the time of their lives. In case anyone is interested.
Don says
Shades of the Furgeson Missoui protesters, who were offered money to rally at the protests, only to be denied payment after the protests ended.
I have no doubt that George Sorass, as well as the ‘Clinton Foundation’ are involved as sponsors.
As the lame street media constantly touts polls that Hillary would soundly defeat ‘The Donald’, they seem to be afraid that the opposite is true, and the slander campaign continues unabated.
The Clinton campaign even fears Bearnie Sanders, with election fraud reported in both Iowa as well as Arizona.
We can ALL only hope that the Clinton FBI investigation will totally derail her Presidential aspirations, truly showing her for what she really is.
What is it they say about KARMA????