Schools in a Shenandoah Valley county in Virginia were closed Friday and a weekend holiday concert and athletic events were canceled amid an angry backlash about a school lesson involving the Islamic faith.
Augusta County school officials said they had not received any specific threats but were alarmed by the volume and tone of the complaints, including some from outside Virginia, according to news reports. In response, additional police were stationed at county schools Thursday.
In a statement, school officials said: “We regret having to take this action, but we are doing so based on the recommendations of law enforcement and the Augusta County School Board, out of an abundance of caution.”
Anger over the lesson has escalated since a teacher at Riverheads High School had students in her class complete an assignment one week ago. It involved practicing calligraphy and writing a statement in Arabic.
The statement translated to: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
At a forum Tuesday, one parent said the assignment promoted a false religious doctrine, while other parents expressed outrage. Some demanded that the teacher be fired.
Besides the cancellation of classes, school administrators also called off a fundraiser to benefit a local family and all athletic events.
The teacher’s lesson was drawn from instructional material that also includes Judeo-Christian assignments.
School officials said the aim of the lesson was to illustrate the complexity of the written Arabic language, not to promote any religious system.
In a statement, district officials said they will use a different example of Arabic in future classes.
“Although students will continue to learn about world religions as required by the state Board of Education and the Commonwealth’s Standards of Learning, a different, non-religious sample of Arabic calligraphy will be used in the future,” Doug Shifflett, Augusta County’s assistant superintendent for administration, said in a statement.
The News Virginian said Fishersville resident Tim Cooper called the newspaper’s office to ask why the Wilson Memorial High School holiday concert was concert.
“It looks like fear wins again,” Tim Cooper told the newspaper when he learned the reason why.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Don says
Why didn’t they start with Hebrew letters?
Marlene Langert says
Why didn’t they start with no assignment like this at all. That is BULLCRAP that the teacher was not trying to teach Islam. SHe could have had them write anything in the muslim language , but she chose something that is a salute to allah.
Allah…the DEAD GOD of the FALSE POLITICAL IDEOLOGY….NOT Religion…..That was created by the TERRORIST MOHAMED….over 1400 years ago…
Robert says
They didn’t mention the religion of the teacher. I wonder why.
P. Kathy Kleiman says
This is what common core is at its most basic. The reason they claim that learning how to write in cursive is no longer needed is because everyone does work on the computer, or notebooks and that is print–cursive is no longer needed. Well, when was the last time your 5 yr old knew how to type? This is hogwash. I am lucky in the education I pursued because they each prey on each other and someone with a good eye can see what they are trying to do. With a BA in Education, and another in History with a field minor in Historical Research, I am able to see one in the other and vice a versa. All of our important documents and especially the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and our CONSTITUTION are written in cursive and if you cannot write it, neither can you read it. This has been going on for quite a while for my daughter is 23 now, and she writes in print, whereas I did not have the luxury of having a PC in my classroom, I had to take down notes, and every word my professor said. Afterwards, I would go home and rewrite my notes so at least they would be intelligible. But, to this day, no one can read my writing–that happens after years of university work. But that is not the point. The above is the point. Take out being able to read our most important documents, thereby experts will be needed in the future to read them for you. The Catholic church allowed the Bible to be written exclusively in Latin. As such, you needed a preist or an expert, which would have been someone who had studied Latin, which was a must for any of the very upper classes. So, until Luther, only a priest could read the people the Bible, and they did so in Latin, which the uneducated masses did not understand. This paved the way for the lie of indulgences, the practice whereby people would pay to keep their loved ones out of purgatory, which made the priests very wealthy. But even a cursory view of the Bible will tell you there is no such a thing of being able to “buy” your way out of purgatory, which is a supposed place that is never mentioned in the Bible. A wonderful hoax, that is until a German monk, Martin Luther told the world otherwise and had printed masses of Bibles in German for the people to read for themselves. This ended the selling of indulgences. So, you can be sure, when you are not teaching cursive to young students, you are depriving those children of being able to read knowledge, whatever the language.
Philip D Romriell says
Like everything else, they want us to know and understand, and believe some other nation’s language and script writings and beliefs. However at the same time make it illegal to teach basic “American English Script” to “Our Children” in “Our classrooms”, so they can influence our children in what they want our children to tolerate, embrace, accept, think and believe to be true. All of this regardless of what “We the American People” really want for ourselves, our children and our families. It is called governing by command. You know; “sit down, shut up and do as you are told”, because you do not really know what is good for you. You may better recognize it as governing by “Dictatorship”, “Kingship”, or “Monarchy”. This is just the beginning. Line upon line. Precept upon percept. Here a little there a little. You may recognize this concept of learning. The adversarial forces in the world around us know full well how to use these simple but true principals of learning to put forth their own agenda too. They are using these same precepts to change our lives on every front. In every area of our lives they are influencing what we tolerate, accept, embrace and then believe, to steer us the direction they want us to go. You have heard it before; you may know a man by which path he hath trod. Fore; Wide are their paths and wide is their gate which leads to everlasting misery and sorrow for anyone following their paths.
judy says
Finally, someone with an intelligent opinion formed from the wisdom that God gave her to acquire the knowledge that she was so kind share with us. Thank you we appreciate and agree with you. Of course I am obviously from your generation and not from the ones you shared about.
twittlebird says
A football coach can’t pray on the football field, but a teacher can shove the muslim religion down the throats of her students by giving homework assignments on their language and religion. Give me a break!!!!!
LTB says
Remember, minorities can discriminate freely and unchecked even with threats and violence, and even subversion like in this school, but whites and Christians cannot. That is the Democrat and left wingnuts method to destroy America and force their agenda on the majority of American. Our Tolerance has now ended as one can see in the backlash here and throughout America as Mr. Trump helps strike back at his fascist subversion going on in the country and the world courtesy of the DNC, and Obama.
Philip D Romriell says
P. Kathy Kleiman says
The break will be when we make sure our elections are not rigged, as was the last one, and someone who has defied the GOP ever since they have been in office, Ted Cruz, who is beyond reproach, can be elected. As he said, “My pen comes with an eraser.” The GOP candidates were told “not to talk about Obama’s Communist ideologies, his associations nor his church.” Were told by whom? Their handlers from the GOP. Since at that time, and he still is president of the GOP, Reince Priebus, Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader at the time Eric Cantor. I am convinced that the GOP has to go. The Old Guard has delivered into Barack Obama’s hands everything he has asked for if not more. If that includes selling our very country down the river, so be it. Why were these candidates of their own party told not to explain to the public and the masses of uninformed citizens who and what Barack Obama was? Because, at least my explanation of it is that they wanted him in. Look at the elections after the people rebelled against every one of his policies. The GOP had the majority in both houses. The very first thing they did was to vote on the Keystone, the most studied of all pipelines in the world. Millions of our tax dollars went to furthering more and more studies, even redundant ones, trying to find somewhere the Progressives could claim it would be harmful, they could not. Still, they voted against it. So, being in the majority, it was no big surprise that the Keystone passed, but then you have to ask yourself why couldn’t, being the majority, they override the certain veto coming from the White House? As a Jr. Senator, Cruz got a letter from an unnamed citizen in his own party saying,”Now Ted, these are only show votes for the people back home, we don’t really DO them.” It seems that was the case here. They never meant to build the Keystone, which not only would have given hundreds of thousands of jobs for the pipeline alone, but also jobs for the nuts an bolts of the thing, the truckers bringing in the materials, and so much more. Why in the world would any Republican want to slam the breaks on something so lucrative for their constituents back home? Because politicians do not work for the people who put them in office, they work for the lobbyists on K-Street, a street down the road from the Capitol where the lobbyists hang out. For instance, a lobbyist will tell a politician, “I will give you $250,000 if the contract to go to our corporation,” or “How about $400,000 if you vote this way.” Hence, it was not in the lobbyists–the environmental lobbyists–interests to have the Keystone built no matter how many so called “Conservative” politicians we elected on their promise to have it built. I haven’t heard a word from Joni Ernst. She was a key Conservative who promised everything our Conservative hearts wanted. But the biggest liar of all is Mitch McConnell who, in his pitch for reelection, he had to lie about what he knew he could not do…overturn Obamacare, yet that is exactly what he promised. “I will pull out Obamacare by root and branch.” Was he seen one time before the election, even 2 yrs before the election pitching against Obamacare? Not on your life. Cruz was. And he wasn’t alone. A book my company has monikered, “Our Young Guns,” include Mike Lee (R-UT), Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Rand Paul (R-KY) and others who stood behind him hammering against the lie that Obamacare is. But nowhere was McConnell seen. During the elections, he hammered home how “against Obamacare he was” but he wasn’t seen one time standing beside Ted Cruz. As Cruz himself says,”Don’t look at those who said they were against something, look at the person who was actually down on the Senate floor reeling against it.” Again, that would be Ted Cruz, and he stood alone most of the time, was called a “Wacko Bird,” by GOP establishment figure John McCain and humorously said, “if being in favor for the right things and being against wrong things makes you a Wacko Bird, then I am a proud Wacko Bird.” We see now McConnell has done the same thing Reid did to the GOP, putting up an amendment tree, which once it is filled, no one can add another amendment. Thus, attaching riders to must pass bills that are definitely not what the people want, thus giving Barack Obama everything he wants. They promised the people of the United States that this president’s time in the sun was over and his last few would be the most suckiest. It appears that nothing has changed and a revolt is brewing. But, unless we kick them all out and elect Ted Cruz to the White House, things will never change. I do not trust Donald Trump, especially since I heard him on a Liberal late night talk show, maybe about 7 yrs ago saying that “the Republicans are so stupid, I could run as a Republican and win,” but it is not only that. He was born in Queens, which some of that Liberalism had to have rubbed off on him, he is no stranger to having lobbyists get him whatever he wanted either and he even admits it! No, no Northerner is going to fix these problems. But one has to wonder why the GOP is so afraid of a Ted Cruz presidency. Because well they know that after he nominates his cabinet, heads will roll for there is no statue of limitations on Treason. And Cruz has been so angered by the “Washington Cartel,” his new book, A Time for Truth, even mentions names of Senators that broker votes not for the good of their states, but for the money it will make them from the lobbyists which only served to explain to the people how deep the corruption goes in DC but deepened the divide between the GOP and himself. If this is not compelling proof that Ted Cruz is definitely NOT an establishment insider and I have been researching him since his first days as our Attorney General, I do not know what is. He did everything he said he was going to do for the Republic of Texas and for Texans, went up against the atheists and the big environmentalist lobbyists…going all the way to the Supreme Court…and winning! Sometimes honesty is a think to be hated, and in DC corruption reigns. Ted Cruz understands this corruption, as it comes from the top down. With Cruz at the top, who can be against us?
Donald says
Ted Cruz ? NOT another one term wonder NOT EVER ! NOT another insider
Philip D Romriell says
Well said.
Neal says
Ted Crus can’t be elected President. His far-Right antics and actions dictate he can’t pull the middle of the Party or Reagan Democrats which will be necessary to take back the White House from the DNC/RNC Establishment.. Like him or not “the Donald” is probably the ONLY ONE who can. Can he do everything necessary to right 40 years of Establishment rule? ONLY if the rest of us put the FEAR OF GOD into the present Congressmen/women who supposedly represent us. No more “feathering my pocket as Schmumer of New York did on the Visa Update vote. For our country to survive ALL Congressman/woman are going to have to place the Country FIRST and themselves second. Wouldn’t that be a change!!! Remember this: 18 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT AND CLIMBING!!!!!
Whatever says
“The Donald” is not going to take the White House. He is splitting the Republican voters, does not have the Hispanic vote and does not have any Dem votes. It is going to have to be Rubio or Bush even though no one wants Bush simply due to his ties to his family. He was a good governor in Florida and people there loved him when he was governor until the situation with George Bush, Jr. which was really a whole lot of dirty dealings from Dems due to the mess in the system rather than Jeb himself. It is unfair in a way to Jeb. Cruz is too far-right to pull the votes necessary to win. My guess would be Rubio and with Trump out of the way and Cruz out of the way, he will have the means to rally everyone behind him if he were running against Hillary or Sanders. “The Donald” is not going to win against Hillary or Bernie and neither is Cruz. Rubio will roll over either one of them if he runs against them. He will make it to the White House for the GOP. The rest of them are going to bring on another 4 years of Democrat mess. Think about it. Right now they are running against each other as GOP nominees. Thing bigger picture…who is going to win against Hillary or Bernie. That is who we all need to rally behind and it is NOT Trump.
Actually it is a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY that has been Cloaked…DISGUISED….as a Religion….ALLAH is DEAD GOD…
Constitutionalist says
In Aramaic, the language Christ taught in most often, the word for God is “Allahah.” It may not be a Good Thing for anyone to judge either too swiftly or too harshly against Islam, lest Christ’s words be activated against them, to wit:
“As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”
“Give, and it will be given unto you.”
“With the measure that ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again … and more besides.”
Do you claim that Islam is an enemy of Christ?
“Love your enemies; bless those who curse you; do good to those who hate you; pray for those who abuse you.”
We who claim Christ ought to obey Him, and thus prove our true discipleship by our deeds, not our words.
On point to this topic, i agree that in a time when prayer is forbidden in schools and Islam is welcomed while Christianity is forbidden, those who reacted angrily to the course material had every right to object and demand curriculum changes. If i lived there, i’d certainly do similarly.
Retort says
Sorry, Constitutionalist, but you are ill-informed. Jesus did NOT speak in Aramaic. That is a faux apologetic of a major Christian sect. Don’t believe it? Prove it to yourself; go look up the words of your cited verses in an Aramaic concordance. Oops, there is no such thing. However, there are Hebrew, Chaldean and Greek concordances. Wonder why that is?!
So, to be doctrinally correct; false religion IS to be despised for the evil that it is, and resisted. The deceived masses who are led astray are to be pitied and prayed for.
Constitutionalist says
Doubt you’ll ever see this, but i wanted to rebut your “retort” anyhow.
If Christ never spoke or taught in Aramaic, then the Peshitta – translated directly from Aramaic texts and often used by the EO(Eastern Orthodox) – has been made up. Scholar disagree with your opinion AND your conclusions.
Besides, i can think of at least 3 Aramaic words Christ uses in the NT: first, “ephatha,” which means “Be Opened”(spoken to the deaf man He healed, see Mark 7:34), “Talitha Koumi”(Little girl, I say unto you, Arise, Mark 5:41), and “Abba,” which means “Father,” but would be more akin to “daddy,” one example of which can be found at Mark 14:36. There are others, too, of course, like “Raca,” but i don’t really recommend using that one, lest you put yourself in danger of the hell of fire.
Jeffrey says
Well of course the sentence they used would cause an uproar! Did they not think? But to think parents or òthers concerned about this would do something to the school or one of the other events ìs stupid! But the idiots who thought teaching these kids that sentence was a good idea should be worried about their jobs! We are tired of those in the teaching community thinking they can do whatever they want with our children and they have a rude awakening coming!
Pam Taylor says
Exactly! Like see the dog run. The dog is running. Run dog run.
The government cancelled all the religious acts, like prayer, reading from the Bible, even the Pledge of Alignance to our Flag! in our schools! We will not make an exception fo anyone!!
Donald says
This is when we should have realized our own government had turned into the MOB run amuk and tork the wealth out of the nation . Then was the time this grand loss of national pride was deprived in our schools and the sick nation heading to the dump.
twittlebird says
I wonder how many times this teacher has given the students an assignment practice writing glyphs of other languages such as chinese. There symbols or glyphs are also beautiful to see written.
Philip D Romriell says
JH says
What teacher would even include this in lessons given the current climate regarding Islam? Stupid person should have known better!
Lowell J Mux says
And still no one sees what Common Core is leading us to?
Patty says
I see where Common Core is leading us to. Donald wants to return the education systems back to the local level. Common Core is part of the UN Agenda.
Yale Schiffman says
Virginia is (was) a handful of states that did not participate in Common Core. That being said this stuff is buried in the Virginia Standards of Learning and Standards of Quality. We’ve tried to clean up the SOLs and SOQs. Now that there is a Democrat in the State House and he appoints the members of the Board of Education there is no chance of changing it until there is a new and hopefully conservative elected Governor. At least in Virginia, because they don’t participate in CC you can change things. Once CC gets in place there is no chance to make changes. It would take a Congress with backbone to shut down the Dept. of ED and gut Common Core. Yes, and we know how gutsy they are. It is also unfortunate there are GOP hopefuls running for President who think CC is OK. They don’t get my vote.
Terry says
Islam is not a religion. It is a form of govt that uses a burka to hide it’s real intent. It is on a worldwide crusade to take over and enslave politically the world. There is no freedom of religion in Islam since islam is the state religion.
If a muslim campaigned for election, what would his platform include? Ban all pork from the nation? Honor killings? Jihad is everyone’s duty He will impose sharia law? Women are not allowed to hold office? Or drive? Other “religious” ideas? ?????
Yale Schiffman says
Church’s chicken was purchased by a Muslim. The first thing they did was ban pork products from the menu. The offered a great substitute. Chicken gizzards.
Justin W says
The Islamic statement the teacher had the students to write is a conversion statement. That is what someone says when they convert to Islam. So, the teacher basically converted these kids to Islam. This would be similar to having the kids to print out a statement acknowledging they are a sinner and asking Jesus to save them and come into their life.
This homework assignment is probably the clearest violation of the First Amendment I have ever seen. Students should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be forced to convert to a religion as part of a school assignment. The teacher should be fired and should have her teaching certificate revoked. It would be interesting to know the religion of the teacher. I’m going to guess the teacher is a Muslim and she bragged at the mosque about the conversion of her whole class to Islam.
Sir Herbert Plumer says
Agreed. No problem with teaching Arabic. That was ABSOLUTELY NOT a neutral statement. That teacher should be fired. Imagine the teacher making the student write out “Jesus Saves”. The teacher would have been fired already.
wendy says
I recall when studying (before high school) Thanksgiving, that the Pilgrims had long Sunday masses, so long that men would walk about the church during mass with poles: one end had a feather to wake people who fell asleep, and the other was shaped into a ball to rap the heads of people who were paying attention to something other than the sermon. And that there was a second group, the Puritans, so called because they wanted to “purify” Christianity.
And, of course, we started each day with the Pledge of Allegiance–“under (a Christian) God” and all that. . .
Alice Clark says
Joe Cilc says
Teaching Religion is not allowed in Schools, so why are yhey pushing the muslim religion? The voters should replace the School Board for allowing this!
mastermic says
wendy says
You do realize you just invoked the ancient Egyptian’s supreme god, right?
wendy says
It’s not allowed in lower grades. These are HIGH SCHOOLERS. They SHOULD be getting exposed to major religions of the world, because once they graduate, it’s too late.
Kathy says
I went to CAtholic college and one of my electives was World Religions, and being an Agnostic, I took it. I also do not utter the words “under God” in our pledge of allegiance, and walk into places of worship all over the world to view their art work..I see no reason to have a teacher in any class below college level teaching a child any sentence concerning a religious belief, unless he is employed in a school which is not paid for by tax payer money, is of the faith that the parents are raising their child in and paying for out of their own pocket and the child has a choice in the matter. One need not believe in a superior being to be a good person, as deeds speak louder than words. As by cousin, who happen to have been a monsenior would say about eating meat on Friday…It is not what goes in your mouth, but what comes out of it, that is a sin.
Winston says
Great comment Kathy. I totally agree, we do not need Dogma touched at all in our schools, not just the Dogma that any one certain faith believes.
Joe Clark says
Once again liberal foolishness reigns supreme. When will the idiot voters wise up and stop treating their political parties as if they are sports teams. More common sense is needed in evaluating the BS spouted by them, and not their words BUT Their actions. The DemoNcrats have been taken over by loony liberals and the republicans are there also. The school unions are totally DEMONcrat. Raising LL now is a bit late.
mastermic says
Never!! It will only happen if by some small chance that a group of liberals are all beheaded by ISIS inside the US borders. Only and only then will they crack their eyes open and see a little bit, but not all…..couldnt happen to a better bunch of people though i must admit
Doug Gentry says
Fire the so called teacher. It is high time to make an example out of islam promotion in tax funded schools. School Boards should be held accountable also. It seems no one evers has to take responsibility for their actions, in Government, public school except an innocent administrator in Missouri because of liberal thugs. When football players should have lost scholorships. It is time to push back on White privilege and PC. Stand Up People.
Dan says
The teachers in the school I worked in would let this “teacher” know she must be looney. Islam is a way of life for Muslims but a way of death for Christians. Just think over this Christmas we will spend over 3 million of our tax dollars to give our president his vacation. I bet he will be surrounded by armed guards and again he doesn’t want us to have guns.
Winston says
She was not teaching Islam. “Islam being a way of death” has no more business being considered than not doing this lesson. You and those like you have no business being involved with curriculum either. You would have these students be taught your beliefs if you could.
mastermic says
this is a prime example of things to come. America is being eaten alive by American liberals that think they are good hearted citizens by embracing people of other religions and cultures. This is not a bad trait, however in the face that we are at war with Islam, it is inconceivable that we would teach our children how to read and write Japaneses or German during WW2. I pray to God that this teacher is terminated and also labeled as a traitor to the US
wendy says
And who would have translated all those intercepted communications if no one spoke Japanese or German? In WWII several codes were based on Native American tribes’ languages. Why? Because, to a non-American (and even to a lot of Americans) it was too obscure a culture for outsiders to understand. The Japanese had a premium on Navaho code-talkers, because they had experts on Americans, but not Navahos. If you want to stop an enemy, you have to know what drives them. You want to know what drives them, you have to study them, INCLUDING their religion. ESPECIALLY their religion, if their social/political structure is based on it.
Kris says
Teachers are never held accountable & can’t be fired for misconduct because of public sector unions. Public employees have become the elite class because we allowed them to unionize. Well how exactly do they negotiate their contracts with the taxpayers that are footing the bill? They don’t & that’s exactly why these unions should be illegal.
wendy says
Come over to Wisconsin. They make around $10/hour and often have to come in on weekends (unpaid) to get things done that they don’t have time to get done during the week because their schedules don’t have any prep time in them. And with that $10/hour, pay for supplies out of their own pockets because their budgets have been gutted.
Winston says
Wendy you are so correct. My Aunt Wendy is a fabulous teacher with so much zeal for teaching and when people attack teachers I just don’t get it. Are people this stupid that they just do not know how little they make for their time and how much they put in out of pocket? I have the same issue with attacks on law enforcement, all that blaming all cops does is discourage good people from serving, why would they !
TAS says
Excuses, excuses! I don’t see them quoting the Bible in English, allowing the name of Jesus or having anyone copy the Tanach (Old Testament) in Hebrew script. I can’t even imagine them ever even thinking of showing the Hebrew lettering even though most of the Bible was written in it. So! No more excuses!
wendy says
When I was in high school, our World History class was divided into castes during our study of India, even though the (Hindu religion) caste system had been outlawed decades ago. And the reason a school that a friend of mine used to sub at didn’t have anything that could possibly be labeled Bible references was because they were afraid getting sued by the anti-religion crowd.
BILL says
wendy says
Every hear the expression, “Know your enemy”? Do you really think we can deal with the threats of Al’Qaida and Daesh by graduation a generation of religious ignoramuses? This isn’t some bunch of third-graders. These are people who may be in their last year of formal education, and will soon be entitled to vote on the people that run our country, or even run themselves. And you want to get PC-I-don’t-want-to-hear-it about what drives the greatest threat to our country (next to the DemoPublican, croney-capitaism-serving idiots, that is)?
Winston says
All in Caps, that doesn’t make you look like a lunatic. With the Caps and the ignorant comments I hope you cannot pass background checks for firearms. The school was not teaching ISLAM , no need to be a little drama queen.
wendy says
I get so sick of these brainless parents that think America’s laws against mixing church and state means that we can do so with the study of other countries. In Islamic countries, it is NOT POSSIBLE to study them politically without having SOME understanding of Islam, because Islam is not only their religion, but the foundation of their government. And the most elementary understanding of Islam is that phrase. Reality check, people. “KNOW YOUR ENEMY.” You can’t deal with an enemy if you insist on remaining ignorant of them.
These are HIGH SCHOOL KIDS, not elementary schoolers. They SHOULD be at a level where they are studying other cultures, INCLUDING their religions. I don’t know what high school the rest of you graduated from, but mine had both World Geography and Sociology. memory gets a little blurred as the which class studied what, but somewhere in there was a rough understanding of the eight major religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, and I think Shamanism). I do remember our World History class being divided into castes during our study of India.
Do Christians understand that they’re invoking the religion of the Egyptian pharaohs with every prayer? (Egyptian deities are all aspects of “Amun”–the unseen one. Through the centuries, this eventually evolved to “Amen.”) Or know about the argument that the Bible has no mention of Jesus’s early adulthood–because he was in India teaching as a BUDDHIST monk?
Winston says
We have the dram filled fanatics on the right and of course always a total leftie who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. People like you are the ones who do not even know how to change a tire. Because of the specific language they had them writing yes sir it is not appropriate. All of what you stated above is pretty true and to experince whatever did not require “there is no God but Allah”You are acting dumb if you say it is no big deal. Yes they are in High School and should be old enough to handle it, no irreparable harm done. Trying to lecture people about who or what they pray to makes you look like the a hole bubba. People have the relationship with a God of their choosing and it is not your business to think you have the tecnical knowledge to tell them what it is. God knows who I am when I pray buddy no matter the language or words.
Kathy says
That teacher ought to be fired. Used to be a good teacher would never be that stupid. But, the dumbest people with the lowest SAT scores are today’s teachers. So expect stupid teachers to do stupid things. I say lower their salaries with no lifetime freebie benefits and I bet no one would be a teacher in America.
Dan says
Kathy you may know some teachers that are not worth a hill of beans but your attitude shows you must know a bad teacher and then in your mind they are all bad. I for one remember many good teachers. To lump all teachers as low ability is far from the truth. It is like saying all cooks are bad because you eat at a lousy restaurant.. Maybe you should learn to think before you write such nonsense or maybe you had all the bad teachers in the world and that is why you are so dam dumb
Winston says
Moronic comment. Woman I have an Aunt and a good friend who have 60 odd years teaching and nobody does it for freebies and pensions. Accusing Teachers of being stupid and you make yourself look stupid.
Tadhg says
IF they REALLY want to teach “comparative religion” then I want to see Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Shinto, Native American Religions, and others. Compare and Contrast. Try making kids think instead of repeating the teachers’ thoughts.
A good test is “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” In any religion you should be able to tell someone who truly practices it by their life and works. Just because says they are “insert religion here” doesn’t mean they are. What does their religion say they should be doing. If you read the Bible, especially the New Testament which is where Christianity comes from, you see what Christians should be. If you read the Koran you get a view of Muslims. Instead of saying “all XYZs are …” you should say By their teachings “all XYZs should be…”
Ah, but I forget, schools arn’t supposed to teach any more, they are to Indoctrinate… Sorry, my bad.
Danuta Kubelik says
Parents should pull out of school all members of Board and administrations and kick their a…
williamz says
I am beginning to wonder if the muslims know if the word allah is the name of a Sumerian moon god of war? As far as I concerned someone choose a perfect name for what the muslims are trying to accomplish or do they know it and this is why the isis is out to destroy all the old temples.
steve edwards says
To reply to P. Kathy Kleiman (above) I believe the original bible
was written in Hebrew (and Aramaic) not Latin.
Also, as a retired teacher I can definitely state that this
“teacher” (in the article) WILL BE FIRED!
Robocop says
Religion is NOT supposed to be taught in schools! Isn’t that the reason the left gave for forbidding prayer, or any mention of Jesus? So why is this teacher allowed o leach Arabic and state that Allah is the only true God? I’ll tell you why, because of PC and the left infiltrating our school systems. This has been going on since the early 60’s when the USSR decided to instill Communism in our school children to destroy the United States. These left-leaning and anti-American ‘teachers’ have been ruining our kids for awhile now and the results are what we have today. They have gone even farther by allowing under-educated people to teach as well as out and out anti-Americans. They need to get back to teaching the basics, Math, English, Reading & Writing, History (both world and US), Geography, and Science. The day should start with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a minute of silence.
Winston says
For the conspiracy buffs out there this most likely was not an attempt to indoctrinate the children. It does show you how naive and two faced the school systems are and society as a whole. I just highly doubt there is any sort of lesson that states “Jesus is the son of God and there is no way to father except through him”. I know for the simpleminded of you that you need to think there is a link all the way to Obama and make it more than it is, you are dramatic little immature teenagers. It is bad enough just as it is and it is getting worse. If this type of thing happens IN WV or Ky it can happen anywhere in the land
Neal says
Political Correctness needs to take a vacation! Those Left-Wing Nuts have cost our country too much for too long. How about actually using the Constitution, Written Law by Congress, American Pride, Love of our Country, AND what’s best for the United States as a whole (not the individual). Along with that, NOT allowing fringe fanatics to rule our Society? Too Many things for you to think about, maybe? Hope not. We really need some drastic changes made to take care of 18 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT AND CLIMBING!
Whatever says
This is why I home schooled every single one of my children and even worked while I did so. I worked hard to ensure they were properly educated and that they were successful. I have two working on their Master’s and one working on his Bachelor’s. They are socially saavy and have many friends and their co-workers love them. One thing I can say is that the main reason I pulled them to educate them at home was due to things like this and the ability to incorporate our own religious beliefs. I also felt a school my oldest son attended for four months was placing him at risk due to attending with violent students who had a history of setting fires in school and bullying. Florida, at the time had very and low educational standards, as well. Jeb Bush did change this and Florida became a much better state.
When I went to school, we had prayer in school. We sang “Glory, Glory Hallelujah”, “God Bless America”, “Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho” and “America the Beautiful”. Look at where we are today. Everyone here is absolutely correct in the posts above. If prayer and the songs I mentioned are no longer permitted in school…why are they teaching Islamic phrases in school? The parents are right to make the stand against this and Common Core happens to be of the UN as someone previously stated. We are being integrated into a one-world system. This is Biblical and we can fight all we want but, it is going to come to pass as God has said it would.
My advice is to get back to God’s Word and rest peacefully in it knowing it will all be okay no matter how bad it looks or how bad it becomes. He has already told us how it will go down. This is why I home schooled my children…so that they could learn in God’s Word and they could pray in their school to be ready for this. And, that is what we have done. This is also why parents should continue as long as they can to exercise their right to make decisions in the best interest of their child and educate them as they would see fit. Big government thinks they are wiser about what is best for a child than we are as parents when it is normally the other way around.
Aurora Goldberger says
This teacher is a muslim plant to brainwash our American children she should be arrested and after a few years in the slamer she should be sent to savage land far away from the US.Trump is right no more muslims coming here let them go to Russia Putin will teach them a good lessonThe hell with sharia law!!!
Paddy says
Good grief – you festering heap of neo – theological, intellectually elitist, bleeding heart liberal, tree – hugging , politically correct wannabee clever people – WAKE UP!!! – You stupid freaking Americans didn’t see pearl harbour coming despite all the socio-economic or political signs at the time, OR 9 -11 , and you obviously can’t see the next one coming either , and it will surely be the biggest one ever………this country needs to make NObama’s reserve Democratic Muslim Party (otherwise known as the GOP) redundant, vote every one of them out – get rid of them all RIGHT NOW and create a new, fair, inclusive, conservative, patriotic, Judao – Christian AMERICAN party that all Americans regardless of creed , colour or ethnicity can rally behind, or you all deserve what you’re going to get – and very soon – I have no sympathy for any of you… better wake up quickly America………….. and God help us all……….