It started with a teacher providing donuts to students at a prayer meeting. And it resulted with a group being invited to hand out Satanic coloring books to middle schoolers.
It sounds too outrageous to be true… but it is.
Atheists provided pamphlets on topics like sex in the Bible, problems with the Ten Commandments and a Satanic activity book to middle and high school students in a rural Colorado district earlier this month, the result of a fight between Delta County schools and critics over whether it should continue to let everyone from Little League organizers to the Gideons distribute literature in schools.
The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) is behind the literature. The Madison, Wisconsin-based group got involved after learning about a Bible study with a teacher who offered free donuts to students who showed up for the gathering before school. The Daily Sentinel reported that the district recently discontinued the group but the gathering has been revived by students instead.
A woman also complained in December to the Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers, which contacted FFRF. The woman was upset about Bibles made available in schools on tables designated for pamphlet and book giveaways, and there were also complaints that students who didn’t take them were bullied, said Anne Landman, founder of Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers.
The Freedom from Religion Foundation successfully sued over a similar distribution policy in Orlando, Florida schools. In an effort to also change policy in the Delta County district, the foundation asked for permission to offer the pamphlets, which it calls “non-tracts”, as well as Satanic activity book on the same tables.
In a letter to district superintendent Caryn Gibson, foundation lawyer Andrew Seidel said the group would rather the district just change its policy and stop all groups from distributing literature in schools.
District spokesman Kurt Clay said the policy is not aimed at helping religious proselytizing but allowing the easy distribution of information about outside groups like Little League and the Boy Scouts in small towns where there are no recreation centers and most extracurricular activities are run by volunteers. He said officials are considering changing the policy but that will take some time.
“We’re trying to get the proper material out to kids,” he said.
Clay said the school district did not want to risk a costly lawsuit but also decided that students would not be hurt by the giveaway.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main Street says
It took the Roman Empire hundreds of years to decline into evil and decay. It’s taking us just a few years. 47% of Americans are on some sort of welfare supplement. Most new jobs are low paying no benefit ones. College grads and returning vets can’t find good jobs. The baby mamma, baby daddy culture is fast replacing married with kids culture. Yet, the biggest issue on the news in the past 2 weeks is “transgender bathroom rights”.
Eva Lindsay says
yes, so sad… come quickly LORD JESUS.
Lee carreiro says
You guys are so funny. This so called Satan church was formed because parents were getting upset about the Christian Taliban always getting their way. So they formed a religion with a colouring book. Get over yourselves already. What freaks.
Lee carreiro says
You guys are so funny. This so called Satan church was formed because parents were getting upset about the Christian Taliban always getting their way. So they formed a religion with a colouring book. Get over yourselves already. What freaks.
Edmond X Ramirez Sr. says
Add to that that anything that is antithetic to the endemic and ethos of America and the intentions of our Founding Fathers is allowed, while anything that supports the Constitution, religion or the morals of the 10 Commandments and the dangers that the new muslims pose, as well as the economic danger from illegals is condemned … we are a nation in the throws of The Decline and Fall of America. If we don’t take back our government, the government will continue to take over and eventually fail and we will become the detritus of the “real” American way of life we were born to expect from the Constitution.
Constitutionalist says
If we don’t take back our government, the government will continue to take over and eventually fail and we will become the detritus of the “real” American way of life we were born to expect from the Constitution.
i think you had your finger on the crux of the Constitution right up until the last 12 words.
Those who founded this country were of the opinion, oft-expressed, that our Rights come from Our Creator, and no man nor body of men. The Constitution was meant to bind Public Servants and Public Employees, forbidding them from exercising ANY unnamed powers. It’s binding on THEM, not US.
But since nary a one has EVER been so much as ARRESTED for violating their Oath of Office, they have come to expect that they NEVER WILL…but until they are as routinely arrested, tried, and convicted as are perjurers – and for the exact same reason, lying under oath – they will not FEAR the People, and they SHOULD. As Franklin put it, “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fear the people, there is Liberty.”
We do not have our Rights because the Constitution GIVES them to us; we have them because they were given us as our birthright from Our Creator. If one believes that a piece of paper gives them their rights, another one can take them away. The French have a saying: “Constitutions are made of paper; bayonets are made of steel.” Have steel in yourself, and require Oath-TAKERS to fear Oath-BREAKING.
Dwayne says
What was once a decent country bothered with problems managed by reliable and ethical elected officials endeared to their constituents has become a nation managed by party leaders pushing their own agendas and holding control over elected representatives to party agendas with no regard to the best interests of their constituents.
Special interest groups of all kinds can now force their opinions on us and on our kids. The government keeps track of every kid in school; heir ages, their illnesses’, their grades in school, what classes they take, what extra curricula activities they attend, virtually everything the kids do from day one though their graduation from school is documented by the government. In most cases the government knows more about our kids than we the parents know.
No more pledging allegiance to the flag, no religious activities, any suggestions in the class room, on the play ground or on the athletic field is being prevented by special interest groups while our rights to freedom of expression, the rights that have forever allowed the pledge of allegiance and prayer in school is being taken away.
AND, what has been done about it? By our current president – NOT A THING! He sits back contently letting these things happen.
We wil soon put him in our history books ad he will no longer be able to destroy any or our rights again ; BUT, Hillary Clinton says she will continue with his agenda and see the things he was started are continued.
America can not afford another year or another term as we have seen with Obama in the White House; allowing Hillary (or anyone like her) to carry on with where he leaves off is unacceptable.
Everyone MUST do their best to see that Hillary is not elected. Every family member, every relative, friend, neighbor and associate MUST be contacted and all effort possible made to see no one supports Hillary Clinton! She should never be allowed anywhere near the White House or in any position supported by Tax Payers money!
Obama could not have done these things though without the support of politicians backing him. We must see that those who have stood back and allowed these to happen are removed from office as soon as possible. Those who have failed America have no business in any office!
Gary says
Thank you don’t know how it could have been explained any better!
Sarah says
Nailed it
randy says
it has taken 35 years for the decline in our economy. We started losing jobs right after we passed NAFTA… then other trade deals that were supposed to create jobs. Apparently the jobs they spoke of were for other countries not America. Thank you Congress you are doing a fine job destroying the country.
Juan Jose Morales says
A friend from Kew Gardens, NY, would not vote for Romney because he was a Mormon; I wonder if he is happy now, having unleashed a treasonous Muslim hellion devil worshipper to lay waste upon this land.
Eva Lindsay says
I have a friend just like that… sad
Main Street says
Sounds like my neighbors. They vote once in 20 years. They rarely if ever hire Americans to do their work at their house. They are so proud to be childless. They only are friendly when they need a favor. The man wears everyday in the summer USA t-shirts that are made in China. They constantly complain about the way the nation is going. They fail to realize that they are part of the problem.
PATTI says
well said!
Thomas Cordell says
So they now distribute their religious literature alongside, the Christians? They are so smart that they know there is no one that knows all about everything, because they know everything and there is no one (else) like that.
patrick says
Now that is just stupid. Where do these people come from?
We know we have a devil worshiping muslim in the WH, so if we have people in this country that could elect the biggest ass hole in the world twice, nothing would surprise me.
This is also what you get, when you let anyone into this country, just get votes for your UGLY party.
Can we please impeach get after the idiot in the WH!
Gregory Dahlman says
It is ironic that the Freedom From Religion Foundation wants to promote their religion – Satanism.
rocky balboa says
David S. Pease says
We are in the end times. Bathouse Barry is the Antichrist and the Pope is the false prophet written in the book of Revelations.
Elisabeth says
Have we gone mad????
Has everyone given up to the evil influence that is pressuring us daily.
Is no one strong enough to stand up and fight
Rusty says
Cub scout and little league materials are one thing but, if you open the doors to religious material like Gidion litirature why would there be an outcry when other beliefs put out their own beliefs? They have the constitution to back them. Freedom of speech. I do not condone this witches organization because I am a christian but it seems that by law they can do this. Leave religious literature in church, sunday school, or in your own homes. This way you won’t invite athiests, witch believing organizations, or even religious sects you don’t approve of into your schools.
Don’t believe any poll. My Poles confirm that Hitlery will get two terms. Stashu and Wanda say that she will get 10-20 for espionage and 20-50 for murder.
One year ago the rino rats saw El TRUMPO ON THE HORIZON. They said we must crush his chances so we will make a rule. If he wins the peoples vote we will give those votes to Jeb Bush. Then Bush washed out, They said let’s use Rubio to take out Trump but Rubio washed out. Then they said lets back Cruz to take out Trump and once the bigger threat is gone we will take out Cruz on a legal technicality. Then we will shove our favorite Rinorat down the peoples throat. The demo commos are with us. The communist media is with us and even the Conjobservatives are with us. Trump is completely isolated and we can get away with anything. The only group that is more treaherous than us is the Klinton Klan. They have the all inclusive party but the all inclusives are not allowed to run. The Klinton Klan will think for the suckers.
rhonda says
I truly hope u are right about trump, but I have my doubts, for example, just ask yourself one question, why did bill Clinton call trump two weeks before he announced he was running for the president? I think something stinks in Denmark or in this case, the USA, God help us all, are we being deceived?
Justin W says
There is no surprise here. The Freedom From Religion group is a satanic group. The same can be said for every other atheist group. The fact they are distributing satanic literature shows who is ultimately behind them. It’s amazing how these groups will reveal their true identity if they are given time.
Arthur Hartsock says
Christianity and traditional Western thought/values are under assault. If the US surrenders to this war, then where will we go? I suppose we’ll have to pick a large State and then secede from the US?
Keith says
So they were handing out the Quran to children. SATAN’s Bible (The Quran) should be burned.
Arthur Hartsock says
How long before we have a Satanist party candidate for President? What is the Satanist stand on Trans-Gender bathrooms/locker rooms? Do Satanists believe we landed on the moon, or was it a Hollywood hoax? Imagine how stupid we can get with this. Sorry, I couldn’t resist!!