Desperate for attention for his presidential candidacy, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is on the offensive, calling Donald Trump a “madman.” But he didn’t stop there.
Jindal says the GOP front-runner is “egomaniacal” and a man with “no principles,” who risks costing the party its chance to regain the White House.
Jindal’s words in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington were unsparing, even coming from a candidate who’s held little back when it comes to Trump.
The governor said: “The silly summer season is over. It’s time to get serious about saving our country. It’s time to send Donald Trump back to reality TV.”
He called Trump a “carnival act” and said rivals shouldn’t be “kissing up” to him.
Like some others in the sprawling GOP pack, Jindal has been struggling to gain traction in the race. Low single-digit polling numbers will keep him off the main stage for the September 16 GOP debate.
The Associated Press contributed to this story
andrew domenitz says
Sadly, it takes a man who is not beholding to the corporate totalitarians, to speak of things that everyone else is afraid to say. Free speech is not free when your masters won’t contribute to you for speaking the truth. Trump may only be a flash in the pan but he might ignite a conversation about of our more taboo problems
Hoffhack says
This is just a case of a drowning man waving his arms in the air to attract attention! With Trump approaching 40%, and Jindal at 0.9%, is it smart to call 40% of the people stupid? I guess he never read “How to win friends and influence people!” (lol)
[email protected] says
Jindal desperate. He is lost. Art seeker. Jealous of Trump, a poll numbers. JINDAL IS SO DESPICABLE. This guy needs to go back to India
Scott J Brewer says
Andrew D. sums it all up in his comment on 09/10/15. I could not agree more. Free speech and ‘FREEDOM’ are definitely not without cost. Too many of our fellow Americans have paid the ultimate price with their blood. The time has come for our so-called leaders to put we Americans, and the United States of America first and foremost. Stop selling themselves out and stop selling the American people out for their own political and financial gain. The only way to turn this country around and make America great again is to stop accepting all the half-truths, untruths, and downright lies being spoken by our elected officials. We can and must put a stop to this nonsense. The Clinton’s, Obama, most of the Congress, Republican or Democrat, have been getting away with the complete and total disregard for the people who elected them, as well as, all the folks that do not vote and are clueless, for far too long. The simple answer to many of these problems is TERM LIMITS. No longer should we accept career politicians that stay in office 30 to 40 years and even longer. We need candidates with new and fresh ideas and candidates who run for elected office for such reasons as making America better, stronger, fairer, and yes, great once again. As Andrew said, we must expect and demand our leaders to be beholden to the citizens of this great nation and not to the special interests, not to being re-elected term after term, to all the rules, policies, programs, and laws that we as citizens must abide by because we can’t exempt ourselves like they can and do, or vote ourselves pay increases whether deserved or not, once and for all. The one thing we must not do is put another Washington political insider into the position of president of the United States of America, the most powerful leader of the free world. We must take back our government NOW, as later will be too late.
David Jackson says
In Jindal’s rant he began by noting all the positive things Trump brought to the debate that needed to be addressed . Then he went on the attack. If these issues, such as immigration are so concerning to the public where have the Republicans standing on the stage been? Apparently, the only one with the intellegence, leadership skills and the balls to address them has been Trump. Jindal’s and the rest are me too’s now that Trump has gained all this popularity. None of the others are leaders. I am so disappointed in Jindal. He has run to the establishment with Jeb Bush at the helm. The party has endorsed Jeb or one of the other RINO’s. It will be up to the electorate to quash this elitist attempt to stay in power. For me, I will not vote for any establishment candidate. If one emerges I will be voting third party.
David Jackson
richard churchill says
term limits have a great appeal but in the final analysis they are undemocratic. If we wish a senator to have more time because he does a good job why should term limits negate our vote. No , let a new person show he can represent us better and vote for him. The problem is most people are not informed and do not want to spend the time to be informed. Would we the people not re-elected president Reagan for a third term ? Of course.!!!! Look at what a lack of knowledge put in the White House.
Scott J Brewer says
Exactly Richard, and don’t think for one second that without term limits, that same lack of knowledge could, and probably would, put that “WHAT” back in the White House for a third or even fourth term. Don’t believe me? Look at who the Dem’s have chosen as their next ‘anointed one’; Hillary Clinton. So, even if Obama couldn’t or wouldn’t get re-elected, given the state of our knowledgeable and well informed voter, putting Hill-Bill in the White House would be giving “WHAT” a third, and possibly, a fourth term. This, my friend, would be an even bigger disaster than what we have now and that is saying something. Placing term limits on our elected officials gives them the incentive they need to work together for the good of the country; not just their state, district, or party. There is no need for career politicians. Look at the private sector and how they employ their executives and company leaders. Gone are the days of lifetime, one company employment because, business growth and productivity require new ideas and thinking, as well as, synergy, team building and development. A out of the box approach for solving problems and developing techniques and technology, to produce, manage, and create, products and services, never before tried or thought of, as a better and more efficient way to accomplish the company’s mission; in other words, building a better, more efficient, cost effective, results driven mousetrap. Do you see this kind of teamwork and synergy conducted in any branch of government today? That is because these elected, so-called leaders are only interested in furthering the control of their party or, getting re-elected to a new term. What it is not about, is doing what is best for the country. Our founding fathers’ never intended, nor imagined, anyone would want to serve a lifetime career in politics. The reason for this, is that no one foresaw members of Congress, creating laws for everyone else, that they conveniently exempt themselves from, for their own well-being and prosperity. And who in the private sector do you know, that gets to vote themselves a raise in pay and benefits whenever they choose, with or without meeting performance standards and expectations? These are the things that, we the people need to get changed, by holding our elected representatives to higher standards. Term limits is the check and balance we need to hold our representatives to their word, their pledges and their promises. This is still only one tool at our disposal, for getting the shift in power back in the hands of the people. Another great tool is the ballot box, so that we the people, can get our voices heard and get back our government of the people, by the people, for the people.
The Washington insiders and career politicians are running scared, because the voter is fed up with the lies, the business as usual state of affairs, the wasteful spending, a complete and total unwillingness to establish harmony and compromise, kicking the proverbial can down the road, even though the road ended some time ago, raising our taxes and getting fewer services, taking more and more of our freedoms and human rights, and a thorough lack of resolve in doing whatever it takes to make this, our country, once the most powerful and respected nation in the world, great again. Donald Trump will do this. Ted Cruz will do this. Dr. Ben Carson will do this. Don’t listen to the naysayers, the pundits, the critics on both sides of the aisle, the haters, and finally, those desperately trying to hold on to their power and control. Continue to give these outsiders your full and unwavering support and, we can and will make this nation great, once again.
drbhelthi says
Mister Bobby Jindal flushed himself with his abuse of professional terminology, which he is not qualified to use. Were he qualified, he would not have used the terms to describe Mr. Trump.
If the folk of Louisiana are paying attention to Mr. Jindal, he will not be re-elected to the governorship.
Victor Raghunath says
I am very disappointed in Bobby Jindal.