by Kylie Handler, editor
Leftist celeb Rosie O’Donnell can never keep her mouth shut, and this time she just insulted every silence breaker.
In the year of sexual harassment scandals, many women have come forward accusing men of harassment and abuse–but O’Donnell wants everyone to know that it’s just our culture.
Not only does she not believe the victims, she is not ready to hear them share their tragic stories.
In an interview with The Cut O’Donnell discusses her new show Smilf and how it relates to our feminist generation.
Not surprisingly, she is not a celeb who backs other women in her industry, instead she tears them down.
“I do have this real problem with society now saying well we’re all ready to talk about it,” she explained about the current sexual reckoning.
Ready or not, Rosie, this is the new world we live in so you better get used to it!
“All of you men who behaved by this previous paradigm — the one that was prevalent in the culture and that we could not fight, from Anita Hill up onto Ashley Judd, all that space in between — all of you men are now going to be decimated for what you did in the time where the culture had not caught up to the reality of all of the wrongs we have used in order to make it,” she stated.
So, according to O’Donnell these male celebs harassed and abused women because of the culture and that just because we now have many women coming forward accusing these celebs–it is not their fault, it’s the culture’s fault!
Just when you thought it could not get worse, it does. Just wait!
“I was so heartbroken over the Al Franken thing, completely heartbroken. I felt dejected and I felt like, Are you kidding me?” she said.
No, Rosie, are you kidding me? Why is it not shocking that this insane woman is a supporter of a creep like Franken?
“I may come out to be really wrong and everyone can say how dare you, but I don’t think Al Franken is a predator. I know Al Franken and I know men who are also predators, including my own father, so I am always on the lookout for men who are predators. Al Franken’s not a predator,” she stated.
Honestly, how dare she…
Franken did resign and admit his wrong doings, and now she is calling his victims liars?
These brave women came forward to confront the man that is a predator and O’Donnell thinks it is her place to give an opinion on it.
Here’s a tip for O’Donnell, keep your nose out of things that do not pertain to you.
Men who harass others do not do it because of the culture–they do it because they are creeps!
–Kylie Handler is a news editor for The Horn News