President Donald Trump is putting America back to work — and even supporters of failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are cashing in.
That’s because the often-violent anti-Trump protests sweeping the country have some opportunistic liberals laughing all the way to the bank.
“I voted for Hillary, but I’m almost happy that Trump won,” Paul Rossen recently told The New York Post. “It’s given me a new economic opportunity.”
Rossen says he grossed over $1,000 during the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. selling anti-Trump buttons and signs to angry liberals. His merchandise includes signs showing the president as Adolf Hitler and a pile of feces, among other things.
He’s not alone, of course.
All over the country, sign makers, and button sellers are cashing in at the often-violent liberal protests.
Another liberal vendor, Sharon John, bragged, “I sold 500 anti-Trump buttons in just one day at the Women’s March.”
Jones was interviewed while peddling flags, so-called “pussy hats” and “Not My President” buttons and signs at the International Women’s Day strike, The New York Post reported.
One must wonder, do they feel remorse when a violent liberal bashes an innocent person with an anti-Trump sign they made?
Or are they laughing all the way to the bank?
— The Horn editorial team