President-elect Donald Trump is just 71 days from taking office – and already, establishment Republicans are scrambling to undermine his plans.
That didn’t take long, did it?
Of course, these career politicians are all smiles up front. “Donald Trump pulled off an amazing political feat. He deserves tremendous credit for that,” said House Speaker Paul Ryan, who throughout the election refused to endorse Trump and only last month declared he’d no longer defend him.
But political insiders are already hearing whispers that all is not well in Washington, D.C.
Even as GOP leaders pledged to work together with Trump, there are signs of serious mistrust.
While making nice in a public meeting, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted to reporters that GOP lawmakers will obstruct Trump’s attempts to put term limits on politicians.
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“It will not be on the agenda in the Senate,” McConnell promised.
At a post-election news conference, McConnell also declined to endorse Trump’s signature border wall with Mexico.
And on trade, Trump has denounced the unpopular 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiated by the Obama administration, yet some establishment Republicans remain convinced that they’ll still push through the deal.
“The big question is trade. Gotta have trade,” said GOP Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, who chairs the Agriculture Committee.
Is it any surprise? Establishment politicians know Trump has vowed to “drain the swamp.”
With just three months until Trump takes office, the snakes are already scrambling to plug the hole.
Trump’s 100-day plan was previously outlined as following –
* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;
* SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);
* THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated;
* FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service;
* FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government;
* SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
On the same day, I will begin taking the following 7 actions to protect American workers:
* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205
* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator
* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately
* FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
* SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward
* SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure
Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:
* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama
* SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States
* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back
* FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my Administration:
Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act. An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.
End The Offshoring Act. Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.
American Energy & Infrastructure Act. Leverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.
School Choice And Education Opportunity Act. Redirects education dollars to give parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.
Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.
Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act. Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-side childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.
End Illegal Immigration Act Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.
Restoring Community Safety Act. Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.
Restoring National Security Act. Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values
Clean up Corruption in Washington Act. Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.
On November 8th, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.
This is my pledge to you.
And if we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by and for the people.
Main Street says
The sneaky status quo doesn’t want American to get good jobs or to live in a better nation. Trump is more like an old school Democrat of the Truman era or Teddy Roosevelt. I am so happy that Trump won. The first time in along time that I feel good about America’s future.
Hal Dotson says
Deb says
He needs to be tough. Hope he gets term limits but could be hard. Trade is one of his areas of expertise and he needs to make those decisions he planned regarding Trade and Economy.
Arnie says
work for the convention of the states….article 5 convention. then congress has no say about term limits.
Maxx says
Been praying for and promoting an Article V for years and years. When life time professional politicians from both parties use lies and threats etc. to oppose the Convention of States you know that it is the only thing the Founding Fathers made available to the citizens of each state to rein in a corrupt government such as we have had for the past 5 or 6 decades. The only thing we have to fear is our fear of the Ruling Class of corrupt politicians. They are the residents of that swamp Trumps wants to empty. Lets all get up to speed on an Article V Convention of States and stop listening to politicians with regard to how to end corruption. Keeping Hildabeast out of the W.H. was step one. The next step is to remove every corrupt politician from federal, state and local government. Term limits should be the primary focus but certainly not the only change needed to clean up D.C. Please study up about the Article V and then contact you state legislators because it all starts with them.
tom matthews says
Mr. McConnell it is not up to you to determine the validity of Term Limits. You are an elected official and that is all. Hillery and the Demo’s have been a very poor servant to our country but so have you and your kind. You are a little late joining the Trump wagon but like all of your kind you will do whatever it takes to remain in your position. It is time for you follow the will of the people and stop pandering to your financial backers and your own interest.” Times are a changing”. Try to get on board.. Term Limits–term limits !!
Recce1 says
Arnie, that was going to be my suggestion if the GOP decided it was going to behave as usual, i.e., take the opportunity to enrich and entrench itself at the expense of the people. Let the Sovereign States once again as Jefferson said bind the federal government with the chains of the Constitution.
They could enact term limits, a balanced budget, proper vetting of candidate for office including proving NBC status, repealing the federal income tax along with the Federal Reserve, and ending the Anchor Bay problem. I also favor many of the bills advocated by DownsizeDC. org.
D. L. Hughes says
Super. I didn’t realize just what a strangle hold the entrenched political mob had; I knew it was bad, but the only thing those scum RINOS will understand I guess is voting them OUT!
Elaine Morris says
Convention of States can be very dangerous. Believe me, we do not want tht.
gene smith says
I believe that TRUMP will do well but that his BIGGEST obstacle will be the treasonous turncoats, traitors, far too long in office Politicians and especially those in his own Party.
The roadblocks they toss in his way will be enormous and well documented and lauded by the press.
He has a huge challenge facing him, but I have no doubt he will excel and GOD HELP THOSE who betray him.
wandamurline says
When the establishment has to vote to limit the time that THEY are to be employed, you can bet your @zz that it will not happen. But, if they want to keep their jobs in the next election, they had better do what the people have asked….we have been waiting for the GOP to do what we asked since 2010 when we gave them the House and again in 2014, when we gave them the Senate….now we have given them the President and by gummy things had better start happening for the people, or We The People will start our own Revolt and take away the Republican Party and make it into what we want, just like the Republicans did to the Wigs over 100 years ago.
I say let the people decide in four years, put term limits on a ballot.
bakersfield hillbilly the deplorable 1 says
why wait four years? mid term elections come in two years
trumpt blast says
We have federal elections every two years Charles !!! No need to wait 4 years !!!!
Todd says
Those who don’t want term limits, are the very reason we need term limits. Who cares what McConnel thinks, he will be gone very quickly in the next election. He is a major part of the problem, and the very reason we need to drain the swamp. These are the true deplorables!!!!!!!
E F B says
Amen !! The Corrupt elites in the Washington Mafia thank they own America and The American People . I Hate Mitch McConall .He has been my Senator for 30 yrs. Never voted for him. He walks, around with his head in the air like he own’s the world . He needs to be voted out. He only wants to line his pocket .He could care less about the American people .
daniel fondren sr. says
Dont mean to be rude dude but you are full of it.
Moehummit Leroy Goldberg says
Congress Voting term limits upon them selfs. Ha ha. Like them voting for a reduction in pay or benefits, it’s up to us vote them out . Term limits would be great they are there to serve, not make a career out of it.
Donna B. says
SavvyRead says
There are likely others taken aback by the GLORIOUS EVENT OF NOVEMBER 8; it is almost hard to believe, the SWAMP to “dry up!”
To give credit, The Obamas deserve praise for their dignified response to this mega change in our government and their own lives in the interim until their term expires. They handled this transition with grace, dignity, and valor, as did Donald Trump after a nasty election period. Both families deserve our gratitude and respect for their contributions, and sincere Best Wishes for them in the future.
It is no surprise, however, that McConnell will not rise to the occasion .. he wants that SWAMP to remain … as does Reid .. and then “Hop Along Dean;” .. “in the wings?”
Maxx says
Please remove the blinders from your eyes and the cotton from your ears. BHO is the epitome of an evil and none trustworthy politician. Eight years of his tyranny, lies and deceit and you think he deserves gratitude and respect because he made a pleasant photo op. Your brain dead to say the least.
Marycos says
All of the comments are my thoughts exactly.
I am a Kentucky resident. Travel all over our land, husband was in military, Mitch McConnell does not represent me, he is not what Kentucky stands for.
Maybe if he opens his eyes works with a real gentleman, intelligent, kind, loves his country.
He could leave his position with dignity, Paul Ryan too would be wise to observe what a real man looks, acts like.
I am an old women. Seen a lot, know a lot, and I am overjoyed to at last have another gentleman man in the oval office
Pray that he will not let those uncouth, nothing’s that only won because Mr Trump did lead him, stick up for what’s right just and promised.
Rosanne says
It may or may not be true that Obama
is’nt going to do anything to stop the
Therefore,the saying that Leopards do not change
thier spots is very very true!
PS;Best to hold our praises until we
know for absolute sure that they
are deserved.
Beverly Skinner says
Bakersfield, that is what I have been saying for years. PUT IT ON THE BALLOT. LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE!!!
Roger Henry says
Obama has said the right things IN PUBLIC. But behind the scenes, it is NOT a rosy picture. He, and Hillary, are still figuring out how to disrupt and derail Trump’s presidency. I’m sure they have had a hand in the riots (funded by Soros). Obama wouldn’t even take the standard photo, with him, his wife and the Trumps standing side by side. No matter what they felt, Presidents have always posed for that transitional photo. No, the fight is far from over!
Francis E. James says
He don’t have to work hard for it, If any member of congress refuses to support this bill the people will know their names and when the next election comes around vote them out. Lets stop the BS and FIX the country for good
Teresa B says
We won the election. The fundamental transformation of America by Obama will now stop. Trump feels our pain and anxiety and will deliver 100% what he promised. He has the names of the Dems and Rino’s that will stop him and he will fight for us. I pray everyday that Almighty God give Trump/Pence the strength, stamina, good health for the hard work ahead of them and may God watch, protect, keep them safe and give them the frame of mind to put the right people in their cabinet.
Just announced – M Pence is replacing C Christie to head transition team. Prayers being answered!!!! Amen.
Bill Chouinard says
The GOP doesn’t have the balls to submarine Trump. They will pay if they try.
debdell says
There is no way the congress will impose term limits on themselves. Maybe it can be done with a proposition and a popular vote by the people.
Debby Pratt says
Thank you for your post, Marycos! Just had my 74th birthday and have seen a lot also!! Been through ‘good’ times and bad so I’m no ‘spoiled brat’!! I know just how rough things can be! I keep hearing about what the Republicans ‘want’ and what the Democrats ‘want’—well, it’s high time ‘We the People’ get to say what WE ‘want’!! Finally, a man as President who actually ‘listens’! All these ‘babies’ whining because they didn’t get their Socialist elect into office!! They have no idea how very LUCKY they are!!
Asian Angry patriot says
he needs to get along with congress as well. But, he still need to pursue and keep the promises he made during his campaign, that’s why we elected him. America has financial loss and he needs to do whatever it takes to take the economy back. deport illegal immigrants who rely on welfare and who have committed crimes in our land, wherever they come from; and at the same time to fund our military for the safe of our nation. finish ISIS, bring back jobs; but get the people votes when it comes to term limits.
washpci says
Before suggesting ways to get around the congress regarding term limits,it would be helpful for those suggesting ideas to read the constitution of the United States. After all, it is the “supreme law of the land” and BTW, it is what dictates the terms of the House and Senate. There is no mechanism allowed within our constitution to allow a “vote” by all the people to create an amendment. The constitution provides that it can be changed in only two ways: 1) It can be done by proposing an amendment and passing it by a two thirds majority in the House of Representatives and AND also passing it by a two thirds majority of the Senate. After this is done, it must be ratified by 3/4 of the states (38) before it can become a new part of the constitution. 2) The second way would be for two thirds of the states to call for a constitutional convention. This sounds much easier, but is much too dangerous. The danger lies in that “anything goes” in a constitutional convention. In the heat of battle and negotiations, the convention could get into a runaway mode and we could find ourselves suddenly with life in our nation radically changed. The constitutional convention of 1787 became a “runaway convention”. This happened in 1787 with our present constitution. Fortunately, at that time, good men were in place well grounded in sound moral and ethical principles. Unfortunately, today, I suspect very strongly that we do not have a preponderance of such men. A constitutional convention would be a very easy, and welcomed, way for influential liberals to radically get what they want in a sudden sweep. A convention is dangerous. Please, let’s not go there.
A better, safer way (although much slower) is to propose the amendment through the Congress and let it be ratified as have all other amendments to date. I agree that those in power will not willingly loose their grip on that which helps keep them in power. Unfortunately, the GOP leadership still have not heard the will of the people and still don’t “get it”. However, if President Trump is half the man I hope he is, he will let those in power know that he will take his case to the people over the next two years. At that time, we can finish draining the swamp and get good men in Congress who hopefully, will listen to the people. It may even take another election cycle 4 years from now to get the percentage of good men in office before this can happen. I for one favor voting out any Senator or representative (Republicans as well as Democrats) who does not openly support the new amendment.
Arthur Hartsock says
It’s ironic that the Trump people were playing the Rolling Stones “You can’t always get what you want the night of his election.” I am willing to bet that Ryan and McCollum will keep their current positions in Congress, and Trump will have to deal with both. He’ll have to decide which issues are most important and work to present these issues to Congress for approval, maybe with slight modifications. Trump certainly won’t get everything he wants, but if he’s smart and the negotiator he’s known for then hopefully he’ll get what we need. A very important 6-month period ahead.
Beverly Skinner says
McConnell is the culprit. He is another Harry Reid!! If HE doesn’t like a Bill, he won’t bring it up for a vote. HE NEEDS TO BE VOTED O.U.T!!!
Todd says
AMEN Beverly!!!!!!!
patricia wright says
i am an old women i hope to heck that he can get things done and make america proud. because the democrates sure didnt do that. but the one thing i wish is to get medicare back where it was and we get a better cost of living because .3% is not going to help with the cost of the medical went up so darm much us poor ppl who had never had 401,or shares because they worked and didnt make enough to even start one. i think the ppl who said they were going to move out of the us of a. GOOD BY DONT LET UR DOOR HIT U IN THE BUTT WHEN U LEAVE. WILL NOT MISS U AT ALL.
James Freeman says
It won’t be hard for president Trump to get his ideas passed, just publish the names in congress that votes against his bills, so the people can unelect them when their names come up in the next elections!
Donna B. says
JR-IA says
If he gets term limits I’m sure legislatures will exempt themselves.
Arthur Hartsock says
I was listening to Jake Tapper interviewing Paul Ryan today on CNN. The devil is in the details in every bill that is put in front of Congress. Ryan agrees with Mr. Trump on many issues. For example he is 100% in favor of beefing up border security immediately. How many illegals are deported is another matter. Like I said, the details are the hard part. Trump and Ryan/McConnell will have to do some hard bargaining. Neither will get everything they want.
Lynn says
Term limits for all elected officials should be put in place for all public officials. It is so hard to remove and incumbent because they spend all their time gathering money for their reelection. When a U.S. congressman or Senator spends so much time in Washington, they become citizens of Washington instead of the Districts that they represent. Also, they have an opportunity to leave their jobs and become lobbyist and make millionaires out of themselves. The people have spoken and the elected officials better listen or maybe they will face the same fate as crooked Hillary. Hope and pray that Rudy Guiliani gets appointed Attorney General and Gen. Flynn gets appointed as the Sec. of Defense. Time for our soldiers to have their hands untied and do what they are trained to do. If Trump keeps all of his promises he will be another Ronald Reagan. He just needs to remember that if he doesn’t, he will be a one termer. God has given his people one more chance to prove that they can follow his will. Trump has no idea how many Christians and Jews were praying for his election. Hope that they do not go in vain. God Bless America.
Donna B. says
Carol says
100% agree. If the RINOS block him, we will not see them when elections roll around. We, the people are fed up.
Charlotte McCain says
Amen amen and amen
Michele says
Exactly. They will only have the illusion that they are in control until we get our chance to show them that we the people trump (pun intended) and we can vote their sorry butts out.
vickie says
Trump is the type of person that will verbally call out the obstructionists in the congress by name to the American peoples. Then we will know who to vote OUT!
Constance says
Yes Vicky, he will expose the members who oppose him.
No more backroom deals.
Debby Pratt says
It’s been a very long time since the American public has flexed ‘muscle’ in government. We didn’t think we ‘had to’!! Then, it seems, we forgot we ‘could’. Worse yet, seems Congress forgot that too! Well, Trump woke us up and ‘reminded’ us!! Thank you for that. Now–we need to make sure the ‘bullies’ in the street don’t take it all away from us. Their behavior is disgraceful!!
trumpt blast says
Yes he will call out their names and from Florida I’ll bet Nelson and crist will be named many times !!! Ones been there too long and the other dropped the pretense of being a Republican a few years ago and managed to get sent to congress this month !!!
Roger Henry says
Well said, Debbie. We’re returning to ‘government BY, and FOR, the people’.
Arthur Hartsock says
Wisconsin voters will decide Ryan’s future in the Congress, and Kentucky voters will vote on Mitch. Of course, the Congress and Senate members will vote on their leaders. If you’re concerned please contact your Representative and Senator.
Gerald Ladd says
If the people in McConnell’s state had done what’s right, he never would have been re elected. People bitch about change, but then put the same people back in.
Trump 2016 says
Agreed! In my opinion we need to get McConnell and Ryan out, since they represent the never Trump and will continue to undermine Trump during his term.
Agree…. for starters Ryan and McConnell have to go NOW/
rodney burke says
yep and in disgrace if possible
Laurie Young says
Absolutely Agree!
Arthur Hartsock says
Ryan can lose his Speaker of the House position, and McConnell can be voted out of his Senate Majority position. But they’re both office holders in Congress/Senate. Mr. Trump will have to deal with Congress. Won’t get everything he wants-at least not right away. But he can use the ‘bully pulpit’ to take his case to American People. And we then need to contact our Congressional Representative and Senator to loudly let them know we support Trump’s ideas. He won’t get everything right away. Mr. Trump will have to decide what issues are most important and work from there. I’m sure he knows this already.
Debby Pratt says
All very good points, Arthur! I’m sure any logical, thinking American doesn’t expect ‘instant’ changes in Washington! It’s a very ‘big, very dirty’ swamp!! Trump seems well aware of the effort that will be needed to make measurable progress. I’m also sure he’s aware to not turn his back on these ‘seemingly’ co-operative people, either. It’s the American public that needs to really understand what on overwhelming task this will be!!
Charlotte McCain says
Amen. They are the rinos bringing our country down. Term limits. Now.
Sharon Chesher says
I believe the American people need to start a grassroots agenda to get Term Limits on the ballots of EVERY state. It will not be accomplished by the very people who will lose their cushy jobs and exorbitant pay (for doing nothing except raising money for the RNC & DNC). It is up to US to get the ball rolling! We also need to get the names of ALL the “NEVER TRUMP” group and make sure they are never re-elected!
hernando says
I agree. These people are complete as#@s. They are sucking up to PRES TRUMP AND SINGING A DIFFERENT TUNE. What a bunch of fakes.
Terry Todd says
McConnell especially MUST be voted OUT asap! He has forced his Liberalism, onto the rest of the Senate, and even the House, by bullying, threatening fellow Senators, refusing to help fund Conservatives and Conservative candidates, and refusing to bring issues to the table, and ultimately a vote,
Mitch McConnell has managed to cause great division and thwarted many needed reforms, and has handed over Treaty powers, and Obama’s wish List, on a silver platter, even when constituents were fiercely against such policies. McConnell has been more aligned with Liberals, than his own party, and has caused irrevocable harm to our Legislative branch, and policies. He, and the usual suspects, RINOs, have done more harm, to Conservative causes, than many Democrats, and have blocked needed legislation, in favor of Liberals’ policies. This man is not fit to be the Majority Leader, of anything! Vote him out, Kentucky! its your fault this man is in DC!
Don says
Another thing we need to do in addition to term limits is to do away of this automatic retirement they are given just for serving 4 years in congress. That money is needed elsewhere!
mermaid says
Don, I totally agree with you. I think it is deplorable the amount of moneys these government reps. get for being in the government possessions. I read somewhere 2 years ago that the WIVES if these congressmen get over $100,00.00 a year for just being their wives, while the rest of use hard working retirees don’t get enough to live on!!! OUTRAGES!!!!!!
Alice Bell says
Most do not realize that after just ONE term in congress, it costs taxpayers $180,000/year and up for THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!!! JUST ONE TERM!!!! No working stiff gets paid when they leave a job to go elsewhere to work. One term and they go back to their law offices, businesses etc and collect two paychecks while the American worker WORKS two jobs for the pay of one!!
STOP their gravy train!!1
Bernice Denison says
You are totally Right !
Don says
Don’t put the blame on all of Kentucky part of us voted against this P O S
Bud webster says
Both are progressive marxist, so is mccain, Lindsay graham, and others that escape me @ the monument, drain the swamp means get rid of the progressive marxists
Todd says
Roger Henry says
It was amazing to see the 360 degree spin by Ryan. He wouldn’t commit to Trump during the election, but after the election, he was out there praising Trump and sounding so thrilled to be working with him. HUH??
Robert Lee says
Article V Convention of States will help Donald reign in the Congress.
The time may come for a Congressman’s constituents to physically remove them from their office on the Capital grounds. If a representative doesn’t do the job for which they are elected, escort them from the premises. That is the way it is done in the real world. Why not there?
Mike says
A rail, tar and feathers. Simple and effective with historic precedence.
Rob says
He needs to censure politicians that are trying to fight him, even from his own party.
Don says
Yes…because the Liberal Media will jump on that with both feet!!!
NeoCons_Abound says
The so called liberal media gave Trump over 3 Billion of free publicity. You may need a new catch phrase in the future!
a10isbum says
Yes, you are correct, but 95% was against him not for him. Bad press. .Wake up.
Ruth Shannon says
Jay says
the snakes think they can stop him but once he appoints someone to audit the fed, shit will fly and the snakes will be in jail, then they can stop noone
Ourania says
Trump needs to keep RINOs away from his cabinet. All those a-holes that kissing his behind now should not be part of his cabinet or part of his advisors. Get outside people involved. Forget the GOP party. They are worse than the DNC.
Kenneth Stelter says
Liberal RINOs and DEMs have controlled Congress for the last 28 years. The list of 20+ RINOs in the Senate is available on the internet.
Jay Bell says
Trump’s plan is a brilliant plan. Hopefully, the opposition in the G.O.P. will melt away, but I wouldn’t count on it. I know that Trump will be prepared to deal with the opposition be we need to pray for his health and safety. I know he will have the resolve to bring justice to the nation. We need to pray that God will be gracious and forgive the sins of the nation and restore it to greatness again.
AWM says
AMEN! VERY well said!
NeoCons_Abound says
To Bad Trump is “clueless” about economics and foreign-affairs. He will easily be “swayed” by Pence,Giuliani,Christie,Ryan
to follow their “twisted” plans. Trump looks scared already and obviously only did this whole thing to up his Brand. Of course,
America will soon be Great once he builds the Great Wall of hate and “rounds” them up and boots them all out.
Maxx says
Don’t count on it !!
Todd says
WOW,you can’t fix stupid!!!!!!!
William Meredith says
Everything on Trumps list is good for America. Although I do not see the need for a wall.Securing the border properly should be enough. Shoot the drug runners. McConnell is a known POS. Censure him. The RINO’s better realize the people have spoken. They damn sure better listen and get on board.
AWM says
The problem with NOT having a physical wall is that any future pro-illegal-alien administration can just refuse to enforce the laws as Obama did. A physical wall would require such an administration to actually tear it down or provide ways through, over or under it.
vickie says
You and me both! I feel I finally have a president I am proud of!
NeoCons_Abound says
Yeah, what a Great Country…Now any Clown with a lot of Money can become the President especially when he has no political history to be judged by.
Maggie says
Could you put together a better 100-Day Plan for the Country? I think he has done a very thoughtful job of doing so. You don’t need political history when he has great business history and success in his businesses. Sure his Las Vegas casinos tanked but he had others manage them and they ran them in the ground. Not his fault. Look at the folks in Congress with political history but not really much else.
Ms.Vickie T says
It’s precisely because he wasn’t of the political establishment that he won this election. He is on the same side and experienced a lot of the same things all of us have for so many years and those problems were increasing in number and destroying our country. We have always said that ‘America is the land of opportunity’. Anyone can come/be here and achieve the American dream through hard work and determination. Over the last 8 years or so, it got harder and harder to achieve that dream. I am looking forward to being more secure in my home and country, more jobs in all areas for all of our people and a better life for all. The rest of the world will reap the benefits of these changes, as well.
Mr. Trump and Gov. Pence are very intelligent men. They both have the improvement of the lives of the American people and the country at heart and will work tirelessly to reach that point where we are all as safe, prosperous, healthy and happy as we have ever been. I pray that you and the rest of the never trumpers will give them a chance to do the work that the majority of American’s asked them to do. I pray that you all will acknowledge the progress that will be made in the right direction. I will be praying for all of you doubters and all of us supporters to take advantage and reap the benefits of this magnificent change. God bless!
TP says
…..And feel safe again – very important.
Todd says
AGREED Vicky! It is quite refreshing!!!!!!!
William A Foy says
A President Trump is what America &
WE THE PEOPLE have been needing for a long long time.
???? IF THE ESTABLISHMENT ELITES try blocking president Trumps legislation he should use the PEN & PHONE like Obomma did to bypass the corrupt elites & use EXECUTIVE ORDERS because it takes years for congress & the courts to change them & by then the projects or actions will already be finished.
???? If he doesn’t they will make it seem he didn’t keep his promises to the people & they will run against him in 2020.
SO WE THE PEOPLE must support & back President Trump 100% on all his actions.
REMEMBER PRESIDENT TRUMP IS OUR VOICE & WE UNITED IS THE POWER HE NEEDS TO KEEP IT THAT WAY & stop the establishment from stealing our country back away from us & end what President Trump & we fought so long & hard for.
The hardest work to keep what President Trump & we fought to get back is just stay vigilant and alert to the manipulation of the establishment elites and we will win.
President Trump needs the power of the people and so it shall be.
Congilio says
McConnell has to go.
narf66 says
Nelson Beadel says
To stop the lawlessness in the streets is to stop hillbilly clintons and George soros. They are being paid to cause lawlessness
They must be stop. Satans dogs need to go by by
jondo says
Term limits are not up to McConnell, Term limits will be up to the people And McConnell your on your way out and it cant happen fast enough because your part of the swamp being drained.
NJ says
Me too. But those rotten sneaky Republicans who refused to support him are all smiles on the front side but ready to cut his throat on the back. We have to stick with him. He has a rough road ahead with the Elites………….
rat bastard says
You are so right! Trump does indeed sound like a Democrat from decades ago. I used to be Democrat until I recognized the changes that were happening. I have been Republican for more than 4 decades now, but was rapidly losing faith. I don’t think that I’ll ever return to the Democrats, they have morphed into something unrecognizable. I fear that the Republicans aren’t far behind in that respect.
It appears that a new party is being born, a party not confined to the total beliefs of either of the current major parties. It is the party of Trump, comprised of the common sense, values, & morals from an America and from the true Americans of yesteryear. It’s refreshing to experience these changes firsthand. I now believe that there is, indeed, a chance for a bright future for my country and for our children. Before Trump won this election, I had truly given up and lost hope for the greatness that was America. Thank you, Mr. Trump for your efforts and thank God for another chance to be the country that our Forefathers envisioned.
Barbara NElson says
The phrase “drain the swamp” applies to both the senior republicans as well as the senior democrats. Many of these people enter into the house and senate with middle class incomes but leave as multi millionaires. They are just as corrupt as the Clintons and have the same puppet masters. The work has only begun now. It is up to us Trump supporters to do our job which is to vote these criminals out to office; or bring them up on corruption charges. We must though continue to support Trump.
Andy says
Mitch McConnell isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit. He has to be kicked to a back bench ASAP.
Texsheva says
AMEN! So glad the People won! The elite of DC are no different than those on welfare. They’re both sucking off the teat of the government! TERM LIMITS will turn our country around!
SJB says
Here is what I heard this morning on the news. As far as the wall in concerned.
jimmy says
you got that right I’m with you i sleep real good after the election first time in a long time
He has to watch his Back because many leading Republicans would like to see him FAIL.The NO TRUMP have not changed there mind about him.
Pam Miner says
I didn’t like either candidate. the 1 good thing about Trump is his desire to not get into a war with Russia, Putin made a speech about how it will be great to have cooperation and friendly relations with the USA. If Clinton had won we would be fighting WW3 immediately.
The bad thing to me is how his plans will have a negative impact on the children of the poor, the old/elderly, those who are genuinely disabled, those who work at minimum wage (which is not enough to live on, read Ellenbach’s book “Nickled and dimed”) These people will suffer at the hand of republicans. The republican platform is pro-big money, pro bankers, the democrats have been much more for the people.
I left the democratic party when they rigged the primary against B. Sanders.
We can’t all agree on politics, but we don’t need to be nasty and mean-spirited. I hope Trump and the republican party learns what compassion for others less fortunate than himself/them.
Ronald Christopher says
I agree with Emiliano. But what I cannot understand is that the republican Congress gave obama everything he asked for (well, almost). And they knew that obama was born in Kenya. Hell, his birth certificate is in London. Anyway, if the GOP Congress does not support Trump, for the betterment of America, then it is time to oust all of them, especially Mitch McConnell. Mitch is drunk with power and it is time the rest of the Senators reign him in and take away the power he thinks he has. He is no better than Harry Reed. I think this way. If a bill is put before the Senate then that bill is offered to all the senators so they can vote for it, up or down. It is not right that Mitch can table a bill and just forget about it. Reed did that same exact thing and it was wrong.
Jerusha says
WOW! That’s a whole lot of “stuff” [sorry can’t think of a better word right now] that he wants to propose…..term limits will be great if he can get thru to those boneheads who have been there since, well forever….guarantee the majority of people out there are not aware of what he wants to get accomplished….I pray that he will be able to get all of this done and bring our country back to where is should be…..have not had a tough-not-taking-any-crap from congress since Teddy Roosevelt and President Trump will be following in his footsteps
Judy says
Our family has never been this elated after a president has been elected. We need to get the message to these old die-hards that they need to stand out of Trumps way if they aren’t going to help him. Trump really does need to drain the swamp and use his executive action on everything that he can’t get support on. You go Trump, we are behind you.
sensitive says
I feel like a breath of fresh air has just blown over America, and It had to be now cause there would be no next time. I am so proud to have Trump as our next President! Now here is a man unafraid and loves our Country.When the whole world was against him ,he took It on AND IS THE WINNER
Ron says
IMPORTANT NOTICE! It is very important that we all contact our House and Senate members immediately to demand that they support President Trump’s plans. Even as he met with Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McConnell, it is obvious that they do not plan to support his promises to the people. We elected the Republican House and Senate so that the next president would have their support. Establishment RINO Mitch McConnell has already said “there will be no wall”, and he said that they should forget Term Limits, that “Term Limits will never make it to the table”. McConnell thinks that he is going to run the Senate as Business as Usual, regardless of what the people want. That is what he has always done. He pushed for the confirmation of Loretta Lynch for Attorney General against the wishes of the people and he and Paul Ryan supported the huge Obama budget, surprising the Democrats. We elected these people because we expect them to support Donald Trump and what the people want, not to do whatever they want (as usual) instead. We all need to let them know that we elected them to represent what we want and to support the new President, and if they don’t they won’t be re-elected.
William Gebrosky says
I feel that there may be a backlash from the never Trumpers. That goes for McConnell and Ryan. If I were Trump, I would push for both to be replaced. I just don’t trust them. I wonder what Kasich is up to. I wonder if he found another job.
Peter Joffe says
It seems that democracy is on the way out. Democracy is always replaced by dictator ship. Is this to be the result of an overwhelming vote for law and order? In a democracy you get the chance to defend yourself but in a dictatorship you get no such chance and usually spemd you life in prison, or die.
Peter S. Dunwoody says
i sure would appreciate it if our new Pres. would rescind the “anti-patriot act former bushwacker jr. enacted in it’s entirety. combining driving offences&criminal offences give the ‘states’ an unfair means to disarm the public of their 2nd Amendment rights which were initiated to protect the public from a tyrannical gov. control situation.
tom says
I really believe that the draining of the swamp needs to start within our own party. Mitchy has to go, term limits or not he has been a posh working behind the scenes. Most of what we face today wouldn’t be occurring if he would have stood up to Obama. Ryan maybe second, we fresh faces that agree with the movement. What happened to one for all, all for one? Devisive decisions by the leaders of congress has caused a lot of problems over the last 8 years. I am in 100% favor of term limits, so you constantly have fresh ideas coming in. Now we have some who are on their 6th or 7th term, and at this point it is all about the money. 2 or 3 terms is enough. Good enough for Presidents and Governors good enough for Congress and the House
Beverly Skinner says
McConnell had BETTER get ON BOARD, or he is going to LOSE his job!!! WE THE PEOPLE WANT term limits. And he had just BETTER change his attitude!!!
pete says
You are right. Totally agree.
Vivian says
Serving in Congress was never meant to be a life-long career. And, the people voting in laws for everyone and exempting themselves, needs to be stopped. I’m all for term limits!
Eva Buchanan says
Mitch McConnell better beware. He could be put out of his position as well!!!!! We want change and now, that is why we voted for President Trump. They had all better think twice about not allowing dramatic change in America. The ones against our president elect are not conservative anyway. I would not call myself a Republican if I was not a true American. Both parties had better take a good long look at themselves and do some major adjusting. You were elected by the people, for the people, just remember that!!!!!!!
Robert Hagedorn says
Main Street, you’ve said so much, as usual. Yes, our entire government has slipped and slid so far to the left since Truman and JFK, and it’s been so incremental that few have noticed. Yesterday’s liberal is today’s conservative. JFK would be a conservative today. I’m not so sure about LBJ.
Rocky Venti says
Term limits or bye bye mcconnel!
Mathew Molk says
Now we need to run the RINO/Democrat elite establishment out of Washington and see to it they never hold another federal, state, or local office or job for the rest of their natural lives. Start with Mitch the bitch and John McCain.RINO Ryan and Rob the RINO Portman from Ohio down the road too. Both are backstabbing saboteurs
President Don needs a free hand to get the job done, and not a bunch or elitists throwing road blocks in front of him at every turn.
EttaMae says
Sandra says
I was so happy when he was declared PRESIDENT, I was crying.
Jim D says
LEN says
dave says
Right on Target!!
Washington Ed says
McConnell, and many other Republicans, have got to go because they are totally in the pockets of the interests that sponsor standard issue oligarch favoring Republican policies and that are afraid they cannot control Trump.
omega 2 says
No truer words ever spoken on the RYAN AND McConnell FIASCO! Bothe are BENEDICT ARNOLDS TO THIS COUNTRY!
I don,t think they should be in power in any thing.Ryan was and is against him even when he smiles.A copra has a kind of smile before she puts here fangs in you.
Bernice Denison says
Right you are !!
Dennis W Moore says
All of the congressmen who oppose term limits should be voted out. McConnel should be the first to go.
EttaMae says
Term limits is a must. Yes get rid of Mc Connell…He is a rino
Beverly Skinner says
EXACTLY!! I never wanted him in the first place. I said way back then that he was a RINO and had NO PLACE in a Conservative place of power!!!
Todd says
Yes, him and harry reid both need to go quickly!!!!!!!
Andy Buckmichael says
Put a bullet in all of them.
Ms.Vickie T says
Please be careful making statements like that. Those are the tactics of the wicked. WE do not want to go there.
Donna B. says
Andy doesn’t really mean that; he’s just mad a s hell like most Americans, and he doesn’t want to take it anymore !!!
Politicians piss me off too!!!
Ron says
The movement for a Convention of the States is still working and they CAN put term limits forward.
george maltais says
We all need to make sure that our State Reps. back this up.We the people require this to come about.!!!!
William Meredith says
Term limits are a poor answer. They punish the good and the bad dont care.
SavvyRead says
William. You make an excellent point. Another is the total failure to organize GRASS ROOTS at the local levels, communities coming together, those knowledgeable about their local issues and willing to be “Watchdogs United.”
There are SOME dedicated NUMBERS of the local venues, but there is a lesson to be learned from the recent admission of “The Media” that they recognize their role in the incredible lapse of ethics in the deliberate evasion of TRUTH throughout this election period.
Orange County, CA has long been hailed as a “GOP STRONGHOLD,” BUT UNIONS HAVE BEEN LIKE BORDER CRASHERS UNSEEN; they exist to divert and vanquish those who would “serve the people,” and instead secure their own!! And THEY HAVE SECURED “THEIR OWN!”
On the borders of LA City and County, at least three venues were totally corrupt having robbed those coffers and left needs unmet for a decade in one instance, $Millions in compensation and benefits for those corrupt “managers” undisturbed!!!
Dennis W Moore says
Term limits are a must. Only way to drain the swamp.
Bernice Denison says
Jeff Sessions, Guiliani, and some others stuck with Trump to and through the bitter end, and didn’t bad mouth him that I know of at any time. They should stay in .Many others should be put out at once though, before they cause more damage. Trump seems to know ahead on a lot of things. Maybe someone could figure it out, Not me.
Beverly Skinner says
Guliani is not a in any position, other than to help Trump make it to the Presidency. He WAS the Mayor of NYC!!
I adore Jeff Sessions. He IS a GOOD Senator, but he would be good in other positions too.
The problem is, too many, get in, then get ensconced in the POLITICS, and forget what they are there for. And if they are well liked, they STAY in that position for YEARS doing NOTHING.!!! THAT is why we need term limits!!!
William Gebrosky says
Term limits are necessary, but this Congress and Senate will fight it. No way Trump gets this past them. Most have an easy lifetime job with good pay above the table and even better pay under the table. The best insurance, retirement you name it they voted it for themselves.
Mathew Molk says
Yes, and I am involved with it….Everybody else here should get involved too.
Art 5 will set us free from the elitists.
Whatever it takes, Drain the swamp!
(Like the old song goes, we did it before, Well do it again) .
Joe says
“100-day” Trump ambush.
Hey boys. Don’t do this. You will be so sorry for the embarrassment and ridicule and disdain you will suffer for now and forever.
IronPhoenix says
Concur. Back Trump or get ousted on your next Primary. His election was no accident. it’s an utter rejection of liberalism, political correctness, establishment, democrat, globalist, etc agendas. Back him or get OUT. We The People will NOT take it any more.
Dennnis says
I agree with you. We also need to get turm limits on the house and Senate. We the people are the ones that must vote on this not the ones that are going to find new jobs every 4 years.
SavvyRead says
Outcomes of this recent election could have been disastrous if DONALD TRUMP had not scorched the political earth to the extent that the rats were run off!!
Why has there not been outcry against this “Electoral College” concept; we might have had Hillary on our hands!! And those people could hang around for entire lives!!! Donna Brazll, who reportedly came into possession of questions to be posed to Hillary Clinton during the debates is the Chair of The DNC?
Todd says
Well said!!!!!!!
Michael Creasman says
You are exactly right, Joe. We will stick with President Trump for the duration. Senators and Representatives will pay the price if they do not support the man we elected to be our president.
Paul Swoyer says
Stupid is as stupid does
Let them
I am a 25 year successful business man , Donald understands in business if you don’t get the job you don’t eat , there is no second place. Trust me he knows what’s up why fire them when this is over the bad ones will all be in jail for treason . 🙂 and the American people all of us will unite and prosper. Now it up to us to unite and have his back 100%
Don’t you see what they are doing?
Let get it on the people have made there voice known
Anyone not for it there’s planes leaving every hour
4 years from now this will happen again
God bless America
Gayle says
The News Media CBS, CNN, MSNBC, all Media outlets need to get on board to Help Trump gain control of these Idiots rioting. Stop feeding them anger, an rebellion on our President – Elect. Get behind Trump an support him for all Americans!!!! God Bless America!!! Get over it Hillary is history an she needs to be in prison along with the other corruption in our government!!!
Tess Brex says
Americans have the right to dissent and disagree with the president, and others in govt.
Don’t expect Americans to leave this beloved country just because they disagree.
Mathew Molk says
They have been at it so long that they think they are invincible,,,,Kind of like the Clinton Crime Organazation, (Who has a wall to climb now)
Let’s get them out for good.
Drain the Swamp.
dcb says
“Establishment” Republicans are pond scum! They do not understand Mr. Trump’s election as our next President of the United States was a referendum not only on Obama, Clinton, Democratic Party ideology, but also a referendum on them. The American people are tired of the status quo in this country. Wake up leaders of this great country…the PEOPLE have spoken…LOUDLY !!!
Charlotte McCain says
So true. They are afraid they are going to lose their gravy train. And they should. Term limits will help get rid of this.
Gerry A says
Very very clear, thanks for the people who stand behind him vote for him to be our President. Now we know our country is safe and back to
Be most powerful nation in world again. God bless
CaptTurbo says
CONgress truly is a cesspool of RINOs and communists. We must drain that swamp!
Danielle Johnson says
GOP…not who America voted for. It’s Trump and his outstanding group of people that believe in his positive ideas,w ho voters backed! Please start telling positive stories. Dont give attention to the crap!! Done with the Bull S.
Angelic says
I voted for Donald Trump because America needs a change. I’m ecstatic that Mr. Trump won. However, I am in fear for his life because of the mean protesters and also on his Twitter account he has some very horrible comments after his tweets that I would not take lightly I pray that the Lord watches over him and take him under his wing of protection and guides him through his Presidency as we watch the world get better. I’m scared that mr. Obama will declare martial law before Donald Trump gets in and then we will all be doomed he’s planning something with all these FEMA camps opened around the U.S. I pray this doesn’t happen and that Donald Trump gets in the White house before it does!!
Charlotte McCain says
SavvyRead says
Angelic: How many of us have that ominous sense that something could just “explode;” what?
We cannot trust “The Media,” and to study the photos of those loonies in the streets, the crazies, their hostile appearance and ghastly outfits, and really closely, it is the graphic portrayal repeated of the same types of those constantly in a rant, responsible for their own stagnance, for having failed to seek and pursue education for personal growth as well as “jobs;” and who find solace in destruction wrought in their continuing riots as children in tantrum!! They need to be institutionalized for the danger to public lives as well as costs of infrastructure crucial to social systems of health, education and welfare.
John G. says
Any Republican involved should be singled out publically for his constituents so they can vote them out of office during he next voting cycle.
Thank God Harry Reid will no longer cast his evil being in the Senate Chamber.
Southern By Choice says
Not sure McConnell is any better than Reid. What we all have to remember is the entire house runs again and another 1/3 of the senate will be up for election in another 2 years. We cannot forget who these traitors are and get rid of them once and for all. It makes me sick that people like Ryan can say “Donald trump heard the voices of the people when no one else did.” Of course they didn’t hear us – they didn’t want to and figured they were as secure as bugs in a rug – more like gators in a swamp really. They just cannot believe that We The People have spoken and said we are sick and tired of elite ivory tower politicians who line their own pockets, then come back in 2 or 6 years and tell us how much they have done for us. Bull hockey – Convention of the States is long over due, and Trump needs to think about getting behind this movement – that is after California secedes! Can’t happen to soon
SavvyRead says
Let us not think of “seceding” to allow a takeover by “those” types; and particularly here in Southern California where we have much to be thankful for; the weather is such a blessing!!!
JoAnn Graham says
John G, When Congress pulled this obstructive crap on Reagan for something he was trying to get done, he went to the American people and told them exactly WHO was holding up the works by refusing to work with him, and the CONSTITUENTS of these Congressional obstructors let them know they would be UNEMPLOYED if they didn’t stop their BS GAMES. I predict Trump will be VERY GOOD at doing the SAME THING to these worthless RINOS who are scheming to preserve “business as usual” and SABOTAGE Trump’s attempt to clean up the MESS they have made selling out to everybody with a fat checkbook, and representing those lobbyists and THEMSELVES instead of the people who elected them.
If they are NOT willing to do the jobs they were elected for and represent the people they were ELECTED to represent, then they need to be SENT PACKING so we can elect somebody who WILL represent our interests, in their place. The American people are SICK of government of, by, and FOR corrupt career politicians and their lobbyist contributors/cronies, and we will NOT put up with their BS business as usual any longer!
SavvyRead says
Well Put!!!!
Gerry says
rinos like mcconnell, ryan, mccain, lindsay need to be ousted ASAP. I can’t believe the voters in their styates ever put these dirt bags in office again. These people are absolute dirtbags even worse than the demoSCUMS. Trump needs to fill his cabinet with people he can ABSOLUTELY, UNCONDITIONALLY trust to watch over these back stabbing, weasel snakes who CANNOT be trusted for 1 minute. The channel gets turned anytime one of these scum bags get on TV because every word out of their mouths is BS, just as bad as obozo and the witch.
Harold Bennett says
Totally agree!
Joe says
These traitors should be recalled, every one of them.
Jim Spencer says
If Trump does a tenth of the things on this list, this will be a vastly better country. And I fully expect him to accomplish much more than a tenth of it. Those who are calling for and expecting Trump to “move toward the middle” are going to be sorely disappointed. He won. Repeat: HE WON. The guy who wrote The Art of the Deal isn’t someone who will give up much ground.
daniel says
Yes but term limits are a must,These people are sucking the country dry. and it has to stop. They should have to be included in any Medical insurance plan that they pass for us. How absurd this last deal was. Bill Clinton even thought so. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, I heard that somewhere when I was growing up .
Old1 says
Trump made them look like the idiots they are and will do it again. He’s got something they don’t have. The American people who want our country back in the hands of the people. They were sent there to work for our best interests not fill their pockets and screw us over to do that.
Mike says
Yeah, term limits and remove the elitist special heath care and retirement package from the backs of the American people!
Robert Bradshaw says
It’s about time that someone with cajones is elected President. Senor Trump will accomplish most of his 100-day plan. He has been a successful businessman for a reason. He sets out his goals and works to achieve them. I for one applaud him for his agenda and support him 100%.
Skipsart says
You go ahead Mitch and try to block the move for term limits.
But you forget that we the people are calling for an Article V convention of States and we will bypass your a$$.
JoAnn Graham says
The “establishment” political do NOT want Trump to interfere in their “business as usual” of ENRICHING themselves with activities that would put any of the REST OF US in jail–such as “insider trading”, using “inside” information they receive to profit by buying and selling stocks–ILLEGAL for everybody else. Taking BRIBES from lobbyists who make big contributions to their campaign and provide them with OTHER perks such as free trips in exchange for passing legislation that enriches a narrow “special interest” group who PAYS those lobbyists, and on and on.
Our government has become a CESSPOOL of corruption, and the rats swimming around in it don’t WANT it drained or cleaned up!
Old Geezer says
JoAnn, you’re right on!
The establishment is that Shadow Government we hear about but don’t ever get the names. I’m guessing they’re the big money guys, like Goldman Sacs (Hillary’s buddies), George Soros, and maybe even the Bush family, and heir ilk. Trump is STRONG and won’t be afraid to stand up those ornery no-good Americans.
If Trump is able to initiate and steer term limits through congress and did nothing else, his legacy would be a success. I love his slogan of “Drain the Swamp!” How pitifully true that is. We’re with you Donald — All the way!!!
Alan Humphries says
Well here we go with the bull****! We the American people demand these repub/demons start working for us instead of special interest groups.Ronald McConnell better take the hint that he can be replaced.
Danny Stewart says
It is time for a new party to replace these stupid establishment nuts.
Ms.Vickie T says
I agree! The democrats may as well call themselves the Communist Party. The republicans are moving to the left. Very few members of that party are truly interested in upholding and defending our Constitution, which is what they SWORE to do. ALL of the Communists need to be deported out of our country. Many years ago they did deport those who supported communism for this country. They only wish to bring down what our country was established on and enslave the people. I, for one, don’t want that to happen.
We must keep tabs on our representatives and let them know that we are watching. Contact them by phone or email with your stance on the issues, visit their offices, give suggestions for remedies to problems, subscribe to, read and respond to their newsletters. Keep in contact with them and please be courteous. We must be vigilant to ensure they are doing what is best for us and our nation. Blessings!!
JoAnn Graham says
Apart from all the good he will do, isn’t it refreshing to have a President who will actually WORK at the job he was elected for, instead of jetting around campaigning, fund-raising and playing golf like the CLUELESS DILETTANTE he is?
Trump hasn’t even taken office yet, and he has ALREADY done MORE work than that WORTHLESS “community organizer” has done in EIGHT YEARS in office!
Rob c says
If they fight him on term limits he will again go to the voters and call them out by name!! They don’t want to vote themselves out of power but it has needed to be done to get rid of corruption for a long time! No way around it to clean up this mess.
Elizabeth says
Obama thought Congress was difficult to work with! They’re going to be especially hard core with Trump. What they forget is, he has the American people behind him, for the most part, and Congress is supposedly in their position to be a spokesperson for us, not to gain wealth! So, perhaps it’s time to send the sniveling children that can’t play well with one another home without any retirement or other benefits! These people have good reason to fear Trump!
ClaudeA says
You are right about the people being the real power. You are not right about the Donald. His allegiance is not with his electorate.
Don’t believe this?
Watch . . .
Then this revealing arrogance about the Donald’s boss’ relationship with world leaders, in this case, Putin. This Bishop’s smirking as he turns his back on Putin says it all, in respect to the Donald.
In case that you actually place trust in the ancient Living Word of The Deity, here’s His record on this “election.”
Try a little honest respect for what is purposefully hidden from the public eyes regarding the disguised powers that form the REAL government that causes riots in the streets by the idiots who rather let dumb-ass emotions rule their political “understanding” than to use common sense.
Ric says
He will probably only have two years to accomplish his plan, which is a tremendous plate full by any objective standards. Reagan had an agenda of three main goals that he wanted to accomplish if he was elected. And he had to fight hard, day and night, to accomplish those goals. I believe that Democrat committees and RINO groups have already been set up, going over this list and sorting out who will be working against which one of these goals. I support this game plan, but as a realist I understand that he’s going to be goring a lot of favorite bulls in DC. I don’t trust McConnell, Ryan and a lot of Republican leadership in Congress. Many of them will smile in your face and stab you in the back, twisting the knife as they do so.
Donna says
Not if we the people make sure we put him in another term.. and after that?? Well there’s more Trump’s where he came from.
Robert Dorr says
Wow, I just looked over President Elect Trump’s 100 day plan! Awesome ideas, I hope he can pull!
Larry padgett says
Along with term limits there should be a cap on campaign spending. Allot same money to candidates thus eliminating the rich from buying election and special interest groups from interfering.
Mike says
I agree. Hillary spent close to a Billion dollars and lost!
Where did all that money come from??
sarala says
vested interest groups/countries of course ,shame on her! she is a disgrace to female gender!!
Ms.Vickie T says
A disgrace to humanity!
talsidar says
on a scale from 1 to 10 how corrupt is political establisment, answer 20
socialism is a disease. our politicians have been infected. our public institutions have been infected.
the answer is the philosophy of capitalism. read the book capitalism, the unknow ideal.
learn all you can about capitalism
should be manditory learning in our schools.
Hougo says
*** Lets drain the swamp, forget the wall at our southern borders “US/Mexico” and
build the wall around Washington. Get rid of those traitors..!
ClaudeA says
That “Washington” you mention is NOT part of the soil of the united States of America. It IS sovereign property by proper deed of trust, British Crown Territory, and as such is the Parliament-duly deeded American Territory head of state offices place of business.
Get your facts straight before talking, please.
Norbert Ueberschaar says
WOOOW, What an idea, I will volunteer to build it.
Douglas Graves says
* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back
If their country refuses to take them back simply load them in a C130 and put a parachute on them. Then push them out as the fly over their homeland. They came here illegally they can go home illegally.
Norbert Ueberschaar says
Faaaaaaaar to expensive; open Gulags in Alaska, two hot soups and $1 per day till they have enough to pay themselves trip back from where they originally came – illegaly. Wait a moment; send there hussein TOO to be Gulags “president” for LIFE!!!
Spunky says
Keep track on these RINOS and established senators who is going to fight Trump – the people have spoken
D. Armstrong says
I just hope that Trump has a lot of real good security people around him, along with some long distance security men, personal that can use a real big gun with a long range scope & the knowledge of how to use them. He @ this time is up against the so called world crime organization, these so called people make the old mob men look like a play ground for kids. These real tools cost a lot of money, Trump can afford to buy them & hire the people, they do not come cheap either & there are some out there that like him.
Norbert Ueberschaar says
HOPE, HOPE – I TOO, but Lyndon Baines Johnson organized killing of J.F., Kennedy and his killer Oswald so if Democrats (demonrats) killed ” their man ” why the RINOS would not kill Donald -“their man” ?!?!
O Donald, o Donald I would hate be in your skin; you are going against the worst criminal syndicate on our Globe!
Only Stalin, Hitler, Mao Inc. could do that job.
dennis says
What and why does the above plan not make sense to the 59 million voters who voted 4 hiLIARy?!!!!! Its a no brainer that almost every part of this plan will greatly help AMERICA AND AMERICANS TAKE BACK CONTROL OF OUR CONTROL OF OUR GOVERNMENT and stop the corruption and malfeasance of both parties that have made themselves dirty rich off the people who put them in the SWAMP term limits is done by a constitutional convention! !!! We have the RIGHT AND THE RESPONSIBITY TO DOTHIS? Why Iis this so hard to understand by the liberal voters!!!!!! Support PRESIDENT TRUMP AND MAKE AMERICA SAFE, AND GREAT AS IT SHOULD BE!!!
Edgar Skinner says
What about States doing a Recall on any Congressman or Senator that doesn’t work for our citizens?
Marlin Francksen says
Right now the RHINOs are planning attacks. Trump has to bury the Hatchet and put them in their place NOW!!!
He has a very good 100 day plan.
Walter says
It does not surprise me, they did it to Nero why not Mr. trump. They are nothing but back sabers and traitors to the American way of life. Have they ever served in the armed force’s of the U.S.? Mr. trump has to set up his own party of republicans that would be true to the nation. Judge if you want, but to judge is to be judged also the same way. Every one has a chance to run for President no mater who. It is out constitution that makes us who we are. Then there is the bill of writes that gives each and every one of us that right. Mexican started the spread of hate and that is why there are people out there that go along with them. If they would have got some one that would be able to give them Amnesty there would not be any problems. They are for them selves not for the American way of life. By the looks of things, Mr. trump has told it like it is, they are trouble makers that want to run the U.S. the way they want and not the way it was intended to be.
Dick Morton says
I seriously doubt Onama will declare martial law. He needs the military to back him on such a declaration and that isn’t likely to happen.
Ms.Vickie T says
You must have forgotten about the U.N. troops standing at the ready. I heard that some are already here, along with trainloads of military equipment. Consider what he will be losing once President Trump is in office. Much of what Obama did over 8 years will be abolished, rescinded, trashed. The current POTUS speaks about his legacy. There won’t be any. What he thought of as his primo accomplishment was Obamacare. Just about all of the Republicans and several of the Democrats in Congress want Obamacare gone, too. Who would let 8 years of ‘work’ be taken away without a fight? I am praying that Martial Law does not happen, but we must be ready, just in case. Some think it won’t happen. Thinking and wishing aren’t effective tools. That’s why I take advantage of the power and might of the one and only true God and pray. Join me??
Mike says
A pretty aggressive agenda for the first 100 days!! You know what is coming next!! Full and loud protest from both the republicans and democrats. Like a bunch of squealing pigs they’ll both do everything they can to undermine Trump. That’s when he should go on national television and explain to the people what’s going on.
We the people elected Trump not the blood sucking RINOS and democrats. If they don’t like it, They can resign and go back to the rocks they climbed out from under.
Walter says
I for got to say. That when i was working at LA airport, there was a mexican Co-worker thatsaidthey will take back the U.S. And look they are doing it by coming into the U.S. with out any permission. They break the law and do not care if the break the law
American DaddyOH says
GOD Bless America and GOD Bless Donald J. Trump. We The People have spoken and now it time to get to work. Imagine what it will be like to see the steel mills running once again and all those steel workers back making great money. Detroit was once an awesome place full of great paying jobs building the best cars in the world and it can be once more. Hundreds of thousands of jobs in the logging industry in the Northwest that we lost to a spotted owl will come back. Thousands of shovel ready jobs building the Great Wall as well as giving American artists the largest blank canvas ever for murals. People making and spending money once again. Restaurants, Bars, theme parks and resorts all humming with business. The future is bright once more, Amen.
Donna B. says
Daddy OH,
You need to run for President.
esther says
Thank you ! Thank you! Trump! I feel so much safer already. I get tears just reading what you plan to do. We have to clean up our government and get our military and economy in order. I truly love you and your family. I pray for your safety as you work for a better America.
Robert D says
He should add 1 more, stop giving billion’s of taxpayer”s hard earned money to Countries that hate us, like Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and many more. Plus NATO, our country pays the most, its time for all the other NATO Countries to pay their share in money and military.
My biggest suggestion is to pardon General Petraeus and make him our next Secretary of State! Yes he was stupid in letting his book writer see stuff she should not have, but he has paid his sentence that was given him, heck Hillary has done way worst and she got off scott free! General Petraeus is very smart, and would know how to handle Putin and Iran!
ClaudeA says
Will the REAL Donald Please Stand!
Here’s The REAL Donald, as he bows to the pagan Roman Empire . . .
Along with Hitlery Clinton . . .
Wanna See 4 Urself how arogant the papal Rome power brokers R?
Then go watch as the papal (PayPal?) ambassador to Putin smirks as he turns his back to Putin after being presented . . .
If you dead-brained American christians and other media hype-duped citizens had the smallest of sensibilities, then you would have spurned the voting booths. Instead, you pray to your dead deities and beg your puppet phony government for mercies it has no power to ever deliver.
What a riot you have becum, you blind Sheep
Here’s another sobering clip that reveals this entire sham for the sheer magnitude of it’s massive mankind-eliminating forces on tiney cosmic dust speck earth . . .
You’ve murdered in cold, ruthless hatred, over 100,000,000 of your most vulnerable citizens, and you arrogantly refuse to stop this barbaric attack on your unborn population. Is it any wonder that you are so blind to this “election” sham?
bakersfield hillbilly the deplorable 1 says
why do you think we voted for trump instead of hitlrey? we hope he will stop funding the murderers!!!0 yea i believe he is presbyterian not catholic.
Ms.Vickie T says
Mr. Trump did, indeed, address this issue during his campaign several times. Ditching Obamacare will deal with a lot of that. Nobody will be required to pay for the slaughter of those babies against their will. Glory to the MOST HIGH GOD!!!
Donna says
Have these Rinos not learned anything. Term limits have to come we need to get these career politicians OUT!!!!
Justin W says
The Trump plan presented in this article sounds great. Let’s get started. As one of Sen. McConnell’s constituents I will be contacting him and requesting that he work to enact Mr. Trump’s agenda in its entirety.
By the way, voters already have a term limits capability. It’s called an election. The politicians who don’t support President Trump’s agenda may find that their voters will limit their term in the next election.
cbanalyst says
When the Republicans , in the 90’s controlled all 3 gvt branches; they promised term limitations. They did not deliver & I left the Republican Party. Now, Trump wants the same & they’d better deliver.
bakersfield hillbilly the deplorable 1 says
Me too, Sounds like I have twin bro out there
Robert says
Apparently the Establishment Republicans didn’t understand the message sent by the voters electing Trump.
The message was that we the people are sick and tired on the Establishment Politicians and will be more than happy to vote them out of office!
P Stenger says
NO!!!!! We the People will no longer put up with the crap! You will be gone in the next 2 years if you start obstructing what needs to be done to get this country going again. I wish some of you were gone now. The only reason you are not is because of Trump! We have had enough! I knew you could not be trusted!
artsr says
I guess they feel safe now ,but we the people will be watching. Then in two years ,four years we will REMEMBER and you WILL LOOSE by VOTING AGAINST YOU or not FOR YOU. Three already have lost there seats and Your NEXT..
ClaudeA says
Then, you’d best be prepared for the Donald to turn against you . . .
Then this . . .
Watch as the papal rep turns his back on Putin and smirks, knowing this Putin sucker is just another world leader under his thumb . . .
Then, this sobering the ancient record of this “election” . . .
Kay says
I guess these D.C. jerks don’t realize that we the people have spoken, and we are tired of the same old B/S that goes around! Let them buck Trump…they’ll be gone come their time for reelection! We, the people, will continue to speak!
RALPH says
GO 4 IT,
George says
Those “Good Ole Boys” pushing the 100-Day Agenda best take a lesson from the Presidential election that put Trump in the White House. The mid-terms will be coming up in just two years and at least a few of them find themselves with a new set of walking papers too.
The people have spoken and Trump is the duely President Elect and should be treated as the duely elected President by both the general public and both the House and the Senate. The Republicans are now in control of the House, Senate, and Presidential Offices and are in a position to do great good for the nation if the self-serving do-nothings will get off their cans and do what they have been elected to do – Serve and Defend this nation as a whole instead of greedily lining their own
pockets at the expense of the tax payer.
Obstructionists that refuse to cooperate when issues that are intended for the good of the country are put on the table by the soon to be President Donald Trump may feel the back lash of an angry nation just Clinton did in the election.
Speaking of Clinton, I read where there is supposed to be a movement afoot to convince the Electoral College to overturn the election and hand the keys of the White House over to Clinton. While this may be a physical possibility, they best give it a second thought. With Republicans in control of both the House an the Senate, she wouldd be a lame duck president from day one.
Again, the people have spoken in no uncertain terms and it is time to get on with business, both in the private sector and the house of government.
Maurice Striegler says
My personal contribution to Donald J. Trumps victory was my hand made sign; “VOTE TRUMP**TRUMPS BILLARY** LIES. Even Billarys die hard supporters know Bill and Hillary have violated our Constitution and the Rule of Law; Hillary’s bland recognition of her willful violations; “I take full responsibility” does not gets her off the hook. Only a fitting punishment to fit their many crimes will help our Nation heal the wounds caused by Billary. I would remind all my fellow citizens just how we arrived at this point in our nations history. For the past 50/60 some years our nation has been victimized by both corrupt parties. It is an astounding feat made possible by a very small group (545 to be exact) elected and or appointed politicians; 1 Command in Chief, 9 Supreme Court Justices, 100 US Senators and 435 USA House Members. In a nation of 320 million citizens it is crystal clear, at least to me, that we have the major source identified in this elected and or appointed 545 fellow citizens seriously out numbered. To solve a problem one must clearly identify the problem. Obviously President Elect Donald J. Trump has likewise identified the major culprit for who they are. “Drain the Swamp” succinctly identifies the who, way and why the “self anointed DC “elitists” have been enjoying a “feeding frenzy at the tax payers trough”. President Elect Donald J. Trump has obviously reached the same conclusion. These thieving conspirators/corruptors will not go quietly into the night. They have enjoyed some 60 years of dividing “the spoils”. Donald J. Trump is uniquely attuned to the “swamp”. He knows many of the key players of this “shake down tax payers racket”. He knows how the DC game is played. He is a proven success in one of the worlds most competitive business arena; world wide real estate development. He’s a proven problem solver, he is smart, he is comfortable in his own skin, he knows he is not a god, he obviously has demonstrated a unique ability to succeed. For the first time in many years, (I will turn 83 in December 2016) the presidential elect has explained our nations problems and has outlined his program designed to correct the problems. He cannot do it alone. He will need the support and prayers of all of our nations patriots. The engrained “corruptors” of our body politic have become “addictive” to the consumption of We the Taxpayers Funds. lee1233
Joe says
We should all consider this an act of mercy and grace from The Lord Jesus Christ.The handwriting is on the wall.We all have a chance to turn away from what we know is wrong and turn to Him.We may not get another.
GEO. says
jwb says
Well as the day breaks, no longer are the DNC a topic of discussion, I guess that is all forgotten. Now we just fight within the party, unity, not, just focusing on a torn country and continual political division. I SAY SUPPORT DONNIE OR GO HOME, HE WON THE CONTEST, GET OVER IT AND GO TO LUNCH TO LUNCH EARLY. DONNIE, FIRE THEM ALL AND START OVER WITH THE FOLKS THAT BELIEVE IN YOU AND GO TO WORK. NO MORE IDLE GOSSIP PLEASE, MOVE ON, WE AIN’T GETTIN’ GREAT WITH THIS. .
Sharon S. says
McConnell is just an old fart who wants to just sit around and collect his money. Also these people in government who retire or who leave should only get a portion of their former fees. Why should the people continue to pay for these freeloaders who do nothing in government but collect their pay checks. Let’s get real people, if they don’t do anything but hang on, we need to get rid of them.
JCP74 says
I saw where Trump got 290 Electoral votes and Clinton 218. that should tell protesters how much American voters wanted Trump as President.
Sergio Pastor says
My opinion we need to get McConnell and Ryan out, in the first place since they represent the never Trump and will continue to undermine Trump during his term…………GOP if you want to exits Ryan and McConnell have to go FIRST!!!. I am a Latino but AMERICAN first. Lenin was correct, the Soviets did capture the minds of a single generation, the so-called Woodstock Nation who grew up from pot-smoking hippies to now be the DEMORATS leaders teaching the next generation. VIVA USA
Clayton says
What a wonderful and uplifting article, I feel better about America already. Now I would ask that people put away their sharp rhetoric and wait for proof before you criticize. If President Trump can get just half of what he has outlined here, but I believe he will get close to if not more than 90% of it done, and done in a time period that will astonish everyone. Remember Trump is a doer when he has a job it usually gets done ahead of schedule and under budget, and he knows how to fire someone if they are not doing their job. People should understand that President Trump is a tenacious individual do good work for him and you will be rewarded, stab him in the back and it could easily be your downfall. I would like to thank everyone for all the Veterans day greetings and and say that after 7 years of distress for our wonderful America I sit here with relief and piece in my heart, I can see the possibility of America being great and prosperous again.
unionquickpicks says
Paul RINO & B*tch McConnell both must go!!
Methinks that Trump knows exactly how to take these elitist clowns on. Remember how most of us underestimated Trump in the primaries & just look at where he is now!!
I’m more than willing to give Trump the benefit of doubt that he will have his way with these LOSERS as much if not more so that Obama did.
ratbite says
Richard Wauters says
70% of Americans want term limits on congress. Its ok for the president governors and mayor of NYC . if they can’t get it done in 2 terms time to go. The gravy train should stop now.inmy business you don’t produce your gone.period
Bula says
Entire illegals pack and go now otherwise Trump will force you to go out. These are all illegal who protested that’s why it happens at night not in the day. Trump has only one duty to protect its people the citizens and legal people living this rest can go to hell.
Terry Ray says
Even if there is a hint of Mitch or Paul undermining Trump’s presidency a effort must be made to get them to step down.
Gloria Uptmor says
It is so refreshing to be able to read so many warm and intellectual comments regarding our newly elected president to be. We all need to keep him in our daily prayers and to continue to support him fully! He is up against a wall and there are millions out there who would like to do him harm.
ratbite says
If the Republican elites like Ryan & McConnell try this crap it will finish off their Republican Party. They are not conservative in the slightest & will be forced out of a new genuinely CONSERVATIVE Republican or the Republican Party will be replaced by a new conservative third party.
Rob Manwiller says
You’ve got it! – the NCP (National Conservative Party)
Donna B. says
the NCP — YES, YES, YES!!!
armydadtexas says
Though we won the general election, don’t think for a second that Americans aren’t still pissed off at you. Because bozo’s we are.
You promised America at the 2012/2014 elections that you would stop Obama and the socialist democ-RATS from harming our nation any further. That you would end Obama Care, and the illegal edicts Obama added to it. You would stop Obama’s illegal amnesty for Illegal Aliens and all other Obama ILLEGAL edicts.
What you did instead: Attack Conservatives in the GOP, tell Conservatives through out America to shut up and go away, you punished Conservatives in Congress by taking away their committee chairs. Then you turned around and FULLY FUNDED everything that Obama demanded, including his nuclear deal with Iran and the RANSOM paid for AMERICAN hostages in IRAN. You did NOTHING you promised. You in fact LIED to the American people.
If you dare attempt to sabotage Donald Trump’s
, you may as well shut down the GOP, because you will no longer exist. We are done asking you to do the will of the people, we are telling you, do your damn job or get the hell out.
Tear up Obama’s deal with Iran
End Obama Care
Enforce our Border security/build the WALL
End the EPA
Build the Pipe-line
Give America the policies to become completely energy independent
Remove restrictions and oppressive taxes on businesses so all Americans have the opportunity for good jobs
End the Close Minded Leftist agenda in our Universities.
Prosecute The Clinton Cartel once and for all (an independent prosecutor) End the guessing game
Build up and support our Military before during and after they serve our nation
Hold the VA to account and reform it.
REFORM entitlements put America first, entitlements right now are counter productive and are bank rupting our nation
Immediately work towards building up (positively) the inner city
End the persecution of Judeo Christians in America once and for all.
Above all honor your word
Todd says
Norma Alvarado says
We need to remember the our elected officials name for next term election. If they won’t work for us , they will be out of office just like the Clintons. 30 years is too long. It is an official seat not a career seat. We will demand term limits on the politicians. They forgot who elected them, we will be heard. We the people have spoken and we are tired of the Swamp. Do your job that you were elected to do or be replaced by the people.! Amen
Gloria Uptmor says
It has been so refreshing to read so many warm and intellectual comments in regard to our newly elected president! We all need to keep him in our daily prayers and we must continue to give him our full support. He is up against a giant wall and there are many out there who would like to do him harm. God bless him for taking on this tremendous task.
Rob Manwiller says
“We, the people…” will replace every one of these ass-clown mutinous GOP RINOs A.S.A.P.! Count on it! This sh*t will NOT fly anymore. I’m “making a list, checking it twice…gonna find out who’s naughty and nice…”
aw says
It looks like both Republicans and Democrats will be trying to prevent President Trump from accomplishing his goals………its a shame that our country, not only has to fight ISIS, but also has to contend with OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, who still wants to follow the Obama/Clinton Regime, and keep our citizens down………WE, THE PEOPLE, WANT OUR LIVES UPGRADED AND EQUAL TO WHAT GOVERNMENT AWARDED THEMSELVES. Don’t hold us down any more, there is no reason for it……..the world’s problems are man-made for greed & power. There are other ways and we stand behind President Trump. Past government blindsided Americans with constant CHAOS…….ENOUGH ALREADY! Don’t further create discord within, let him do his job, and THINK and come up with better ways of doing yours within your respective parties.
DAR says
Put the vote to the American people not the house and senate. Who do they think they are to vote themselves long term security and unlimited funds from their pet projects. END TERM LIMITS!!! No public employee has a lifetime promise of employment with benefits. Rino’s need to stop sabotaging the betterment of our Country with their selfishness and greed. Ahhh…the mob is “fickle”… and WE WILL vote you OUT! More than half this Country is AWAKE…while the other half is weak, & empty. Standing in the streets crying. Taking the only paycheck they can get from underhanded scumbags. Think and vote carefully congress. WE the PEOPLE are watching. God Bless & Heal Our Veterans!!!
Sal Belardo says
The left is crying over a women felon who broke more laws than I can count! She prostituted herself by using her government position and made millions dollars! When Hillary and her husband left the White House she said they were broke and almost immediately bought a $10 million dollar home in Chappaqua N.Y.! They are both worth over 200 million dollars and recently bought the home adjacent to their property for 3.5 million dollars. Don’t you wish you were poor like them? They also took money from the Clinton Foundation for their daughters wedding. Hillary has tainted everyone she comes in contact with!
Myra Singer says
How can the Congressional babies, who only want their way, become aware of their immaturity. GROW UP Congress persons and stop being obnoxious children. Suck on a lollipop and keep your mouths quiet and your immature thoughts underwraps. Many of you only think about the linings of your pockets. Don’t stop Trump’s plans for making AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN.
Scott says
McConnell is swimming in the swamp for many years. Of course this inept politician is against the “draining of the swamp.”
richard bevens says
i think they no what is good for them they all should leave with out trying anything like bill and hillary and there crew
Arline says
Thank God that we finally have someone with a vision for America! McConnell and the other obstructionists must go so that the vision can become reality.
aw says
In response to the GOP plots “100-day” Trump ambush, it is time for WE, THE PEOPLE in every state, to LEAN HEAVILY & AMBUSH SENATORS, CONGRESS, DOJ, REPRESENTATIVES GOVERNORS, MAYORS, (not violence) but with mountains of letters, emails, tweets, etc. to start behaving in a manner that benefits WE, THE PEOPLE.
John Harkins says
President Trump’s 100 day plan is what I expected from him. I built the Trump Marina Casino in Atlantic City NJ. for him.
He is disciplined firm and fair in obtaining his goals.I expect he will select independent thinkers and doers to help him to get his objectives done. These objectives are the same as the founding fathers ideas were.Today they are more involved and complex but they share the solid goals of the individuals respect and a freedom to whorship the God of your choosing.
I am a builder and would assist in building the WALL on our southern borders.
God bless our country, people and our new President.John
aw says
Ms.Vickie T says
Yeah, pretty much a lost art, unfortunately.
Patrick says
any ambusher’s
let the voting public know ,we will either vote them out in time ,and if serious we recalled every last one ,we will stand together s one ,for we are majority who put Donald Trump in office and we will rid the vermin state by state if that what it takes.We render all assistance for Donald Trump to clear and clean the Washington D. C. swamp ,post -haste Democrats and Republicans what ever it takes to make this once great nation ,great once again .God Bless the United States of America
Camille says
McConnell is a 2 face liar, he has been bought and paid for by big business, just like the rest of the liberals. He is a RINO, and doesn’t deserve his job.
The Texan says
American citizens have made it clear what they expect from their government. Instead of fighting Trump and alienating their electorate base they should take the initiative and start working on the issues that confront our nation. One of the things they can start on immediately is a review of our immigration and naturalization rules, regulation, and laws to determine if there is valid reason to modify or change any of them. They could have any needed legislation waiting on Trumps desk the day after inauguration. They could review and determine the rules for accepting refugees. At the very least refugees should be screened for potential terrorists that may be embedded among them. They should agree to be subject to and abide the laws of the United States and the communities they will reside in. They should be expected to learn English and follow the path to naturalization. These are just a couple of things that Congress and the GOP leaders take the initiative on and keep in favor with the party base.
Camille says
Congress had better realize that we voted Trump in because we want change. We are tired of the pussy RINO’s. If they hadn’t given Obama everything he wanted we wouldn’t have been in the mess we are in now. Incase anyone is interested USA,Numbers, gives out the voting records when they vote, so it does help you keep in the know.The site also sends info to your congressman or woman on how you want them to vote. We do have to stay involved if we want results. God Bless America, Donald Trump,President elect, and keep him and us safe.
nancy norris says
Forge on ahead, we have been walked on, stomped on and need to get on with the program. gooodddd
Arnold says
U agree it high time we the people stand stead fast with our President an give up know ground the Lord has been mercifully on the USA with us .pray for President trump let lift up our prayers to God for country for a nation that believe in God we trust God is still in control our present President Obama went against God laws an pass laws against our GOD Obama said it ok for men an to married God SAID it is abomation for woman to married one another an likewise so will judge him I just wrote what God said .Bless Our elect President AMEN
Pxxat says
All that you say is right, we must back Trump, he is our voice, and we must be his, no longer can we sit back and just watch, we must go to the streets, raise our voices, make our presence not only heard but felt. Trump is our champion, and we must be his Army, no longer a silent majority, but a loud fierce vocal one. It’s time to stand and make the liberals, rino’s, and progressives know we are here to take back America, for Americans, and run our country by the Constitution we love
Deano says
It’s about time the middle class stuck up for itself and went another directon.These progressives and left liberals are the exact scum they tried to make Trump out to be and are in total’s sad they stooped so low to try to portray him a racist and a bigot and put his family through hell….Everything Trump wants is for the good of our country and has great insight how to turn us around…America has been infested with pure evil and gotten away from God,law and order and has been a rudderless ship for a long time..We needed a leader who is strong and loves our country and it really showed he’s the right man for the job by coming out on top while everything was stacked so high against him…The news media and pollsters,Big money,Obama’s and their cronies,the progressives,the democrats,most of the women,black and Latino vote and Hollywood, Bon Jovi and J-Z and all their fear mongering,racial rhetoric and slandering couldn’t stop him or even slow him down…hey he has his faults but he tells it like it is and they don’t like it…Lets stop trying to meddle in other countries affairs and giving them our borrowed money and rebuild our country and take care of our own.lets secure our borders and give our agents support..Lets empty our prisons of illegals and stop giving them all free rides,let’s try to rebuild our infrastructure and school systems and help our inner cities renew some pride and dignity and most of all let’s stand United and learn to become great again
Pxxat says
The Democrats will back Trump, because their butts are on the line. They know Trump has an Army that will vote them out, and if they want to survive they have to suck-up and appease his supporters.The Rino’s on the right, think they can block him because they think its about Trump, its not about Trump, it never was about just Trump, its about us, the American people. This is our house and we can serve eviction notices on all of the Rino’s, that get out of line, but we must be vigilant, and must always let them know.. we are watching them!
Ralph Ormsbee says
All it takes to stop this is turn lose investigations into theses people and the Clinton Foundation and see if they want that or to do the job for the American people for we will call for your end
eyeswideopen3 says
I had a feeling Mitch McConnell and Ryan are actually going to try to cause problems. Ryan always wants to mess with our Social Security!! How about you stop stealing from it and take illegals off of it and it might be okay!! I for one can not wait until President Elect Trump drains the swamp, it is not supposed to be a lifetime job. I have never understood why we allow them to live off us forever. Mr. Trump needs to be careful dealing with these people all of them!!
Dianne Lehman RN says
Actually, the ones that stole our Social Security needs arrested, told to put every penny back, then thrown in prison.
Dianne Lehman RN says
Come election time, we’ll just vote the slugs out. Remember, We The People are in control, not you.
S Julie says
Dear Mr President Trump,
Thank you! I feel safe already. So much work ahead of you…. but don’t worry – you are the chosen one to save America and God is looking down upon you – He will protect you. You have our backs and our prayers. We know it in our hearts you will deliver what you promised. You are THE man. “Drain The Swamp” and please stay safe.
Your adorable Deplorables. MAGA!
Phyllis Adams says
Mr. Trump needs to watch these politicians that would not support him. They are very bad men. We need to support President Trump and pray for him and his family. I thank God for allowing Mr. Trump to be elected. Mr. McConnell is not fighting for Eastern Ky coal miners and Ryan should be ashamed of his actions. Mr. Trump had to fight all of the media and so many others. Mr. Trump keep on the right path and lean on God for your guidance. Keep your good heart toward making America great again! You are smarter than the clowns that think they are so smart. Proud of the American people that saw through their games. Don’t get discouraged, there are lots wishing you success.
Steven says
Just like the people voted Trump in, the same people should vote the bums out, starting with McConnell.
Jeanette says
I certainly will, as soon as I can!
Jeanette says
We wouldn’t need term limits if Americans didn’t vote dishonestly for whoever will give them the most goodies – a sort of taxpayer’s welfare.
The “GOP” needs to figure out that that isn’t spelled “GOD.”
Politically incorrect says
Everyone has to play nice in front of cameras now even Obama after numerous times of stating Trump is not qualified to run this country but now has to suck it up in front of cameras.
Now everyone in public office is running scared because all the pocket lining they are getting is soon to be over and Trump will have no problem calling these politicians out and throwing them under the bus if they want to fight against him with anything he tries to do to actually help this country.
The people of this country spoke very loud in saying they didn’t want a person so blatantly corrupt and thanks to WeakyLeaks showing (we already knew the gov’t was corrupt) just how really corrupt the gov’t is and the next step was actually a revolution of the people before a civil war on the gov’t to over throw them (like a 3rd world country does)
Term limits has been mentioned by many Americans for years and of course it is going to piss those that are lining their pockets at the tax payer expense now if only he would make it mandatory that all these politicians take the same health care program as all the common people have to have. as well as only collecting 2% retirement like most working class. That would be the grand finally if he could pull that off but.
Darlette says
It would be smart to not go after the term limits at this time. We have the majority. We also have a huge
mess of other problems that we need to focus on. Why get the very people who need to be working with him all worked up.
They don’t want to give up their job. Mr. Trump should do what Allen West said Go about doing what you’re doing without
making everything known. No term limits right now.
Kalev says
Term limits should be a top priority now and the people who truly care for America should back President-elect Trump and continue to back him 100% when he is sworn in on this matter.
Mathew Molk says
That is the way it has always been done and the reason we are in such a mess.
What did Davy Crocket say? Make sure you are right and then go ahead. – No sleezy deals Do what you said you were going to do or we will never trust you again, and that includes Clinton indictments. even if he dosent get it done and the RINOs stop him if he gives it best shot we will be OK. If McConell tries to stop him he will be the goat of the game and public pressure will knock him on his arse/
tired says
Trump/Pence are no fools they will know exactly what to do if push comes to shove.
John Buchinsky says
I lived 26 urs in NYC, I like many others, I KNOW trump. He is a crook but for some reason, you all trust what he says. YOU WILL BE SORRY.
Minerva Moser says
They can plot all they want. There is a powerful movement afoot to end all of their political careers: see There is nothing they can do to stop it; the people know this is necessary to help end the cronyism and back-door deals with lobbyists. It is GOING to happen.
Kalev says
Now is the time for the Constitution Party and Conservative Party to begin preparing for mid-term elections as well as gear up for the 2020 elections. Time for new political actions to finish the restoration of our Republic and Constitution.
rosie46 says
McConnell is a weasel and will stab Trump in the back whenever he gets a chance. He is a weak RINO and kissed Obama’s butt every chance he could. If he does not see the handwriting on the wall, he will be out the Senate and the sooner the better.
Ronald S. Zimney says
Remember folks, keep the pressure on the obstructionists who defy Trump. Email or snail mail, plaster your Representative if he steps out of line. For you folks who like to write nasty stuff, here’s your opportunity to do some good. Just don’t offer anything that can be interpretable as a threat to do bodily harm. Suggest to them that they could to themselves, their family and their country a favor by putting a loaded gun to there head and pulling the trigger. Tell him his spouse and children will mourn about a week before they come to realize what a wonderful thing he did for them. Another excellent tactic is to put a dollar bill in the letter and tell your Rep that you understand only the smell of money will permeate the stench of the load of manure packed between his ears. That one has gotten excellent results for me. One resignation and one very nasty return from a very prominent federal Senator. The nasty return gave me the opportunity to nail the bastard again, and my second letter took the win out of his sails. He was very contrite his remaining months and died in office.
Mark DeBarbieri says
“There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” JFK, stated ten days before his assassination. The “Powers That Be” are serious about their eventual one world government, for which half the population must be eliminated in order for this to happen, This probably the one reason why we have Roe vs Wade and the murder of 56 potential human beings, GM foods and forced vaccinations! Now we have rioting in the streets because of disgruntled voters, for which “political correctness” has promulgated this behavior and the “Powers That Be” knew this! It is entirely possible that if the rioting continues, it could escalate to a degree when we could lose one third of our population in the United States, because of the subsequent removal of guns from everyone who has them. Why do you think the government wants gun registration… so they can find them!
Stephen Russell says
Trump better fire McConnell, McCain, Ryan etc RINOs from herd or theyll ruin OUR , Your 100 day Plan.
Dump these RINOs
trumpt blast says
As he wants to cut the red tape on new meds ! He needs to end the gag from the mouths of those who know about nature’s meds !!! The only resonance we never hear about safer natural medication is it takes the profits away from big pharmaceutical companies !!! By law they can’t put a patent on natural items like healing herbs and oils that won’t destroy your body as they heal you !!! Unlike most manmade chemical medicine !!! Then he should end the land grabbing of the BLM who was behind the stand off out west !!!
A.W. says
Dear trumpt blast…… are so right about the Meds………7 yrs ago, told I had lymphoma, challenged diagnosis, downgraded to sarcoidosis, challenged the prescriptions……..the real culprit heriditary pernicious anemia………managed by a cheap monthly B12 shot………but no profit in that, then the B12 shortage came about…….really a shortage on a man-made substance????? you should see the list of drugs prescribed that I refused to take!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The status quo & establishment don’t want outsiders in Washington unless they are of who they like. The establishment has and is with the help of non voters and the morons that keep sending the establishment Washinton insiders back to the House & Senate that are & are trying to destroy the country, like the Clinton’s & their cronies & relations along with those they own. Term limits on members of the House & Senate are needed. The President/Figurehead & the Vice President/Vice Figurhehead are limited to no more than 2 elected terms not to exceed a maximum of 10 years, the same should also apply to the House & Senate as well.
Eee. Shortt says
Pray that God will put a hedge of protection around Donald Trump with all his endeavors.
abbott says
this will never happen, this is more liberal and rhino wishful thinking. we are witnessing the actions of haters. we saw they will not stop. the American people will respond with a loud voice because its over for the agitators. they will become destructive as they have become domestic terrorists. And as far as the Rhinos. they will be sabotaging there own carriers .the liberals forgot in their haste . they were given the great privilege of contributing to our country and instead showed their collective arses. they want to hate, they can hate themselves. because did it to themselves..
Ben Williams says
Our founders understood the basic nature of man (depravity), and that any man or woman could be corrupted. They set up checks and balances to control it. People seem to think they can trust some politicians and not others. We need to elect the best people we can and hold them accountable for what they do. Sadly this has not always been done. Failure to do so has consequences,which we are now paying for. Lets make sure those who have been elected do their best to fulfil their promises!
Carol Grossi says
They should be put on Social Security just as we the people are. Their retirement benefits should be deposited into the SS fund. Let them purchase their own Retirement plan just like we have to.
They should be bound by all laws that we the people are bound to.
They should be covered by the same Health Insurance we are covered by.
In other words no special privileges They are paid to do a job not rape the American people.
If it’s good enough for the people then it’s good enough for them.
Donna B. says
SGale says
Trump is an intelligent man who knows how to work a good deal and solve conflicts. He’s used to winning and will win for us. It may take a little time, but I think he will steamroll over the RINOs and remind them that he is the CEO of the USA. Trump doesn’t have to play DC games because he didn’t take dirty money from special interest groups, banks and wall street. He owes NO ONE, except those that elected him (us). The only problem is – ALL the politicians ~ THEY took money from special interest groups (including Ryan I’m sure) so they all “owe” donors and will fight for those interests and not ours. I think President Trump understands the game and will rise above the BS of DC and run our country like a business. Let’s give him a chance -Yay, I’m actually optimistic for future for the first time in a LONG time!!
Mack says
The establishment Republicans and the dirty DemocRATS may be in for a big surprise in 2 years if they try to obstruct Pres. Trump’s plan to get rid of the obstacles hurting America jobs and prosperity. McConnel & Reid are BOTH bad for America and their self-centered ideas need to be DUMPED in the next election if they are running.
Kevin Beck says
No surprise that the so-called leadership of Congress, which really consists of a bunch of weenies, would oppose what a President from their own party wants to accomplish. These weenies gave in to many of Obama’s demands by allowing such acts as the Omnibus Spending Acts to sail through Congress, that they can’t believe it when someone wants them to do things right.
Edward LeMeur says
Please Mr President be very careful with the GOP don’t trust them Most are rotten as the Dems They are going to gang up on you and try to take you down and if they get you before your first 100 days The people won’t stand behind you like they should Good Luck and May GOD Bless you and give you the wisdom to straighten the mess in government Thank you Edward LeMeur
Tom McDonald says
Thank God for Donald Trump winning the election. It is a huge win for the hard working, law abiding, loyal, patriotic, good citizens of America!
It most certainly showed we are fed up and sick and tired of the Washington bull that has dragged our Country down to very low depths.
President Elect Trump can and will clean house and get us back on track, using the age old rule of “majority rules”. He respects our citizens as well as our Country, which is more than that p.o.s. Obama and those low life Clintons have ever even tried to accomplish.
david martin says
Marc Goldstone says
Wonderful platform. Term limits will require a Constitutional amendment as otherwise a future Congress coudl eliminate it. So Congress will not have the option of supporting or opposing term limits. Trump should support and fund the Convention of States effort.
Should also define Natural Born Citizen as born of two US Citizens as it was understood by the founders.
2’nd amendment must be clarified as was the original intent to apply to citizens whether part of a well regulated militia or not.
Robert Taylor says
As a disabled vet who spent way too many years out of the country I did not see it being taken over from within. I do have a question that I hope someone can answer citing a law that allows it. If McConnell can stop a bill already voted on by the house then why do we need to be paying the other 99 persons?
On a different front the allowing of a State convention to change the constitution is a double edged sword. We would need very close observation of what they are doing. I would go for it if there was a method wherein the people had to approve any amendment changed or added. Remember they could also remove any of the current amendments, change the body of the document and take away rights as well as add. Take a look at how the states have mostly destroyed the 2nd amendment. Do you want them to have full power to just remove it?
William Perry says
I am also looking for health care reform. Right now I have insurance for me, my wife and our boy. The pay out to have insurance is enough but then you have to meet a $6000 deductible and then still have to make co-pays. Obama care tells everybody they have to have insurance but it does not tell the providers what price they have to charge. They of course are raising prices and also raising prices on meds. This is killing us as my wife lost her job over a year ago and she is still looking. We are fighting to survive on my paycheck and this has been a more stressful time in my life then when I was in the Corps. I pray Trump does get the job done and both sides of the isle let him.
Robin Boyd says
If career politicians from any political bent do not work in harmony for the betterment of the American people, they need to be replaced. Personally, I would like to see only American citizens with established success in the private sector be able to run for any political positions. The intent for politicians seems to be to utilize a person’s proven abilities to enhance government’s ability to work for the American people. There also needs to be a constant turn around of government positions to insure no politicians become too powerful in one position.
jack says
Our president elect has a tough assignment ahead of him; made harder by the fact that so many of his party are so corrupt. Everyone is in on the take and that complicates the weeding out and cooperation. But he must do it, it is part of why Mr. Trump was elected. Hopefully he is smart enough to see the evil around him and not be sucked into its temptations. He can’t be nice to those that themselves are not nice, including the Clinton’s, Obama and Soros. They will continue to work against him, the government and us; this is how the mess has all come to a head in the first place. Those that need booted should be booted—strength and leadership—two qualities that have been lacking in the last 8 years.
SgtYork says
Trump is correct, these asses in Congress and the SCOTUS both think they are Leaders as well as the Law Makers,Congress is the law makers,they must go back and look at their position names,for Congress it’s Representives not big time Leaders,they work for the Voters who hired them. They make thier own pay raises,that’s a crock to I’ve never worked in a company that I told them what my raise was about go be,or how much and when I was going to take Vacation reguardless if I was needed in that period. This has got to stop,we hired them they need by having four town hall meetings with those who hired them get the bosses feelings on things not them telling us what is gonna happen. Congress as well as the SCOTUS seem to think they are in a Retirement home telling the Nurses what thier schedule is and how they want things done their way. We the American Voters have not furnished a retirement home for them. This is crazy many of them will get $300,000.00 a year in retirement while we tax payers get if we’re Lucky maybe $22,000.00 a year and many dont near get that much. They need a 3 term limit or we want new thoughts and ways for America.Same goes for the SCOTUS they should only have 3 terms of 3yrs per term, 9yrs total. We need judges with new and fresh outlooks not a old judge who has been there 20yrs 75yrs old and half asleep most of the time. In other words Judges who will give America True Honest Constutional Justice and not some fool party lines.
This then boils down to Trump is correct on TERM LIMITS and Col. Acie McConnel is just trying to save his lazy,RINO,ILL TAKE THAT MONEY FOR MY VOTE and I’m siding with big money men like Soros and SCREW THE VOTERS after all I’m Now The Leader Not Them. Your dang right ITS TERM LIMITS BY TRUMP OR WE THE VOTERS. We’re tired of getting the Short End of the Straw. We want TERM LIMITS GO FOR IT TRUMP WERE BEHIND YOU100%
SgtYork says
This the real test to see if the Republicans survive or the whole Party DIES of Political Suicide. We put the man in the Drivers Seat We Wanted,not what the dang Politition wanted. We pay the bills,we hire those in a Congress that is lazy,non cooperative with each other or we their bosses. There title is Representatives not Leaders of America. They are to at verious times consult with the people who hired them with Town Hall Meetings. No company I’ve ever worked for let the employees pick the raise in pay they get,weeks of Vacation,and Perks. Its Comming down to they must learn their Position in LIFE and not tell us this Position. Trump with his TERM LIMITS is 100% Correct not only on Congress but the SCOTUS, they are hired for life with no excuses if they screw us. They now also need a set down and review what their job is,and it’s not making Laws but interpreting them. These clowns in both divisions of Government over the past years have given themselves the reigns(?) and assumed the position of Drivers. They are living life as if they are in a high pocket retirement home telling the nurses what and how go do things their way. Can any of us workers out there stand up and show us that they get way more retirement money than the people who hired them? No way as many in this government get $300,000.00 a year in retirement,most of we the tax payers just might get $24,000.00 a year if we’re lucky. We do the work pay the bills hire the people and get the shaft as the people live the hi life and it’s now time we stop that crap and start running the way Congress and the SCOTUS are hired and the wages they get. TERM LIMITS is Our Answer and the likes of Col. Mc Conell is just himself trying to save a $300,000.00 yr retirement or maby even more. We need go trat them like they do us wit a bird and a spit at.
Walter says
The people involved are anti American’s If they really believed in this Country they would hold up together and up hold the President. Are they planing Coo. The president elect should take action now to spear head the problem in Washington. If they want to help the illegals to break the law, Then they should go to jail for helping to break the law after the fact. They are the ones that are corrupt taking bribes to pass laws to keep people in the poor house while they get rich getting bribes. Like the pricing of Medication, insurance coasts, interest rates and so on. Check it out and you will see that it is so. They probably take cash to avoid any proof of taking money for a bribe. They should give Mr. Trump a chance to bring this country back . Why have they not helped the Veteran in getting a price reduction in buying a car, or dental work for all vet, war related or not.. Lower the monthly payments on a car loan, no mater if it is bad credit or not. Or now down no mater what the credit is. this country is discriminating against me. Women pay less on Insurance then men. It is called sex discrimination.
Ernst Hall says
Trump should call a Constitutional Convention to institute term limits. Congresspeople will never agree to limit their own well being. Or, as it were, to limit their gravy train.
wizard says
First of all, term limits; term limits have been an issue for the past three decades but it is difficult to convince someone to pass legislation that will loose them their own job. But of course they can loose those jobs if their constituents would just vote them out of office. But unfortunately local voters too frequently are of the mind set that their own pet Senator or Congressperson is somehow not part of the problem. Now as to what Donald Trump can or can not do; We have not elected a want to be dictator in the vain of Barack Obama. Obama had a tendency to ignore the Constitution and our laws. He attempted to circumvent Congress whenever it suited him and accomplished a lot of his objectives through questionable executive orders. He even made secret deals that not even Congress was aware of much less the American public. And Congress abdicated much of its Constitutional authority to him. Unfortunately for Obama executive orders do not have the same standing and protection as properly passed legislation. Those executive orders can be rescinded just as easily as they were issued. Rescinding most (if not all) of his executive orders would go a long ways do undoing much of the damage he has caused.
We expect President Trump to keep his oath of office and abide by the Constitution. We expect Congress likewise to abide by the Constitution. We expect congress to work with the President to pass legislation on the issues that are important to Americans and will be to the benefit of our nation. They need to address the national deficit and a balance budget. They need to take a hard look at our current tax laws. They need to discuss how best to encourage small business and promote job growth in the private sector. They need to review the Affordable Care Act for viability and how to fix or get rid of it. Perhaps they could to take this opportunity to actually read it. Of course there are other things as well but this might be enough to start with. We need our system of checks and balances to be restored.
wallace says
remove my name from the mailing list immediatelyu
Presela Anne Seago says
I’d bet my house that LOTS of the idiots out there tearing up our cities to protest Trump’s win have not even sat down for 5 minutes to even LISTEN to what he wants for America. And that is the saddest part. Many of these protesters are COLLEGE STUDENTS, hopefully some of them have a few brain cells intact, but you would never know it from this ridiculous behavior. And when you consider the GARBAGE being taught at our schools these days, and especially the colleges, it puts this mindless reactive protesting into a special category of doing nothing but DAMAGE to America. Trump wants to HELP AMERICA, he wants to HELP the disenfranchised, he wants to HELP OUR ECONOMY. How can even these pathetic immature liberal idiots not realize that this is a GOOD THING??? Hillary was not going to fix it, she was only going to continue the downward spiral started by Obama. All of this protesting crap makes me seriously worry for America, and for the continued positive existence of the human race. These people have NO common sense. The protesting proves just how many IGNORANT PEOPLE there are out there. And the numbers appear to be growing. And it is encouraged by liberal nonsense and ideologies that are DANGEROUS to our country, and the world.
I say lock them up, if this continues. It has ALREADY gone on far too long.
paula says
one way the TERM LIMITS can pass Congress is to agree that it will become effective with each NEW elected congressman ….rather than ever expect those SITTING members to vote to cut their own terms…..Of course they should (Many of us chose TRUMP because he WAS NOT a member of congress or anything else connected to Washington DC….) and just to get the term limit vote passed, I would agree to it applying to each person to be elected after this date……