Dear Reader,
It started in Chicago in 1934.
A man – whose identity has never been confirmed – started doing some strange things at night…
He would sleep so deeply, he couldn’t be woken no matter what his wife did…
And one night, while he was in the depths of this coma-like sleep, he started to speak.
And it was NOT the man’s normal speech.
It was almost like someone or something else was speaking through him…
As you can imagine, this terrified his wife.
So she called a psychologist who lived nearby, a Dr. William Sadler.
He came over to document these weird sleep behaviors. And soon things got much, much stranger.
The sleeping man’s hand began moving in strange ways – twitching and jerking while the rest of his body lie still.
Dr. Sadler realized what this movement was. He put a pen in the sleeping man’s hand and some paper underneath.
And the sleeping man started to write.
Words flowed onto the page at a furious pace…
The next day the sleeping man didn’t remember any of it – and when the doctor showed him the writing, he swore it wasn’t his.
And as you’ll see in a minute, he was right – there’s no possible way the writing came from the man himself.
Yet the next night he wrote more, as fast as his hand could move.
And he continued like this night after night for weeks on end…
Until he’d produced a manuscript more than 2,000 pages long…
Until you see and read it for yourself, it’s hard to describe exactly what this document is…
Because there’s never been anything like it before.
I call it “The Codex.” It may be the most important Christian book since the Bible itself… (more than a third of the 2,000+ pages are devoted to the life and teachings of Jesus, so yes, it’s an undeniably Christian book)…
But it’s more than that…
This book contains what I can only describe as modern day prophecies, some of which have already come true…
It predicted the rise of totalitarian regimes, like the Nazis in Germany and Stalin’s regime in Russia…
And the brutal communist takeover of China…
But there’s one prophecy in particular that sent chills down my spine.
A prophecy meant for us – the American people – right here and right now.
In fact, it’s not just a prophecy, but a warning and I believe it could be…
America’s final warning before life as we know it changes drastically and permanently
In fact, this warning sent me rushing to do 3 specific things to prepare… because if what the Codex says is true – and you’ll see why I believe it IS true in a second…
These preparations could mean the difference between life and death in the near future…
I’ll show you what the warning says – and how I’m preparing – in just a second.
First let me ask you a VERY important question…
Do you believe the United States of America is a Christian nation?
I know we were founded on Christian principles… but do you think we’re still a Christian nation, right now, in 2017?
Do you ever feel like we’ve lost our way… like we’ve turned our back on God as a country?
Most importantly…
Do you believe God punishes nations that turn their back on Him?
The answer to that last question has everything to do with that mysterious manuscript written almost a hundred years ago.
My name, by the way, is Walter W. Murray.
I write for a Conservative news outlet called The Horn.
Ordinarily, we at The Horn cover politics and current events – and although I’m a Christian myself, I don’t usually write about religious topics.
But this is different…
What the Codex says is coming for each and every American…
…for me, for you, your wife, your children and even your grandchildren!
Is so earth-shatteringthat I feel it’s my duty to give you the truth.
Now, let me be clear…
I’m no sucker for conspiracy theories or paranormal BS. I don’t believe in psychics, or aliens, or any of that stuff.
As a writer I rely on facts, not fiction.
And when I first learned about this document through an anonymous source, I assumed it was… well… fiction.
Maybe you thought the same thing?
I mean let’s be honest. The idea that a man in a coma feverishly wrote thousands of pages – pages that hold the secret of America’s future…
It sounds like the plot of a Dan Brown book.
But certain details of the story made me curious…
Curious enough to look into it a little further. And separate the facts from the fiction.
And as you’re about to see, the facts are simply mind-blowing.
Take the story of how the book was written.
When I heard it, I was instantly suspicious of the doctor. I figured he was the one who really wrote the Codex, and he was using that wild story to sensationalize the whole thing. You know, to sell more copies of the book.
So I started doing some research on this Dr. Sadler.
I expected to find out he was not a real doctor… that he was deeply into the occult… that fancied himself the leader of some new religion or something…
And most importantly, that he made money selling the Codex.
Turns out that couldn’t be further from the truth.
He never even tried to sell it and seemingly never made one thin dime from it.
Plus, in addition to being a well-respected psychologist, Dr. Sadler was also a well-known “debunker” of the paranormal.
Meaning he spent a lot of time proving things like psychic mediums, Ouija boards, and séances – which were popular at the time – were nothing more than clever parlor tricks.
Not exactly the profile of a would-be cult leader.
Now I started getting really intrigued.
But what about the book itself?
Before I went to the trouble of finding a copy – if there even were any copies to be found – I did more research.
And I can tell you this much, as strange as the whole thing sounds, it’s really tough to write it off as a simple hoax.
For starters…
The Codex has been analyzed by literary experts, and they say it is – at the very least – a work of true genius.
One that would take an accomplished writer years to produce…
It’s incredibly long and covers a mind-blowing array of topics. And yet it doesn’t contradict itself the way most long books do.
For example, it starts – like the Bible – with the creation story.
But it goes into an incredible amount of detail… not just our planet but our solar system, galaxy, and universe…
And there are certain things in this creation story – like the concept of plate tectonics, and dark matter in outer space – that scientists didn’t know about until many years later…
Things that indicate the true author (or authors) of the Codex knew things no one else on earth knew.
And that’s just the beginning.
Because the book doesn’t stop with the creation of our solar system and the Earth…
It goes on to describe a complete history of the human race, from Adam and Eve onward.
In fact, it has a lot in common with the Bible itself… even a highly detailed, very intriguing account of the life of Jesus that fills in gaps in the Bible story…
Then there are the prophecies…
As I mentioned, it predicted the rise of authoritarian regimes like Nazi Germany… and Maoist China…
It predicted the United States’ decline into sin and depravity in the decades following WWII…
It predicted that we would turn our back on God as a nation…
And it’s very clear about the punishment that’s coming…
More on that in a minute.
The bottom line is, anyone who seriously examines the facts about this book can’t help but to come to the same conclusion. Whoever did write this strange manuscript, it was NOT the sleeping man in Chicago.
In fact it’s hard to believe it came from any human being at all.
It’s hard to explain, but when I read it, I got a certain feeling… and the only other time I get that same feeling is when I read the Bible itself.
Now, let me be clear…
I’m not saying the Codex is definitely a message from God to the American people.
As a Christian, the Bible is the only document I know is the Word of God.
But I know something else, too…
Nowhere is it written that the Bible is God’s final Word. Nowhere does it say He would never speak to us again…
Especially if He needed to give us an urgent, life or death warning…
Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?
That was an entire society that had turned its back on God’s will… boiling over with so much sin and evil, God had no choice but to destroy it… down to every last man, woman and child.
But before the destruction, there was a warning. God gave the people of Sodom and Gomorrah one last chance before it was too late.
Some heeded that warning… and escaped with their lives.
Others didn’t hear the warning… and whether they were innocent or guilty, they paid the price.
And after examining all the facts about this mysterious book, I believe the Codex may very well be…
God’s final warning to Americans, before he unleashes wrath like we haven’t seen since the Old Testament…
A few minutes ago I asked you whether America was still a Christian nation.
I think the answer is clear – all you have to do is turn on the TV.
I also asked you if you believe God would punish the US for turning its back on Him…
Again, I think the answer is clear. It’s not that he wants to punish this country – but just like in Sodom and Gomorrah, when evil grows too extreme, it’s His law that it must be destroyed.
Now let me ask you another question…
How long would you and your family survive if there were no more food at the grocery store?
If there wasn’t any medicine at the pharmacy?
If no one answered when you called 911?
If water stopped flowing from the tap?
If you had to defend your home against violent mobs?
Because if the warning in the Codex is true, we’ll come face to face with that reality and worse… very soon.
Now if you’re anything like me, you’ve known for a long time that the US is heading for collapse… a you-know-what hits the fan scenario.
And you can just feel it’s closer now than ever.
And maybe you’ve taken steps to prepare.
If so, I applaud you.
But there’s a problem with the way most of us prepare…
We’re just guessing at how it will all unfold.
We try to imagine what form the collapse will take… what items and skills will be most in need… and prepare accordingly…
But without knowing exactly what will happen (and when) – it’s impossible to be completely prepared.
That’s where the Codex comes in… it reveals exactly what the American collapse will look like.
It’s a warning that lines up perfectly with my own research into social, political, and economic trends…
In other words, what the Codex warns about is already starting to come true.
And if you heed the warning, as I have, you know exactly how to get ready for what’s about to happen… how to make sure you and your family stay safe during the coming tribulation.
That’s why I created this report… to get the word out to as many patriots and Christians as possible…
So we don’t end up like the Germans in the 1940’s: caught unprepared for a massive and violent shift in our way of life…
And that’s why I’d like to send you a FREE copy of the Codex itself – the entire 2,000 page book…
…(plus a “condensed” version to make it easier to read – also free)
Details in just a second.
First, let me show you exactly what the Codex warns us about… how the American collapse will unfold.
On page 1,194 of the Codex, it talks about how we will change from a nation founded on strong Christian morals – to a nation with no morals at all.
And it says that this shift – this turning away from God – will lead directly to the rise of a totalitarian government.
What does that mean exactly?
Well, Hitler’s Third Reich is one example of a totalitarian government… as was Stalin’s Russia and Communist China.
But those are very different countries from our own.
What would FULL-FLEDGED totalitarianism look like in 2017 America?
I’ll warn you – it’s not pretty. In fact, the next few minutes may be disturbing to sensitive viewers.
But you deserve to know the truth, so you can prepare before it’s too late…
Imagine the elite using hunger as the ultimate tool of population control… so they can finally get rid of the Constitution and erase all individual freedoms.
Imagine watching millions of Americans turn over their guns in exchange for food…
Imagine watching your friends and neighbors line up to go into work camps… because they’ll starve if they don’t…
I’m sorry to be so blunt, but I’m simply following the warnings of the Codex – AND my own research into the current state of America – to its logical conclusion.
And we need to be prepared.
But maybe you’re thinking, “that’ll never happen here…”
Aside from the fact that this is exactly what the Codex warns about, all it takes is an honest look at the facts to see that’ it’s already started.
See, throughout history…
Totalitarian regimes arise in 4 specific steps – and we’re already past step 3.
The first step is to set up a surveillance grid to monitor the population. In Hitler’s Germany it was a network of spies, informants, and secret police.
In the U.S. in 2017 though, we have the digital version… the NSA collecting every phone call, text, and email from every man, woman, and child in the country.
Not to mention surveillance cameras on every street corner… GPS tracking chips in smart phones… and secret surveillance drones circling the skies 24/7…
It’s pretty terrifying when you think about it. The U.S. has become the biggest, most advanced surveillance state in the history of the world.
And they’re watching our every move.
That’s Step 1.
Step 2 is to spread pro-regime propaganda while silencing any opposing voices.
Most people don’t know this, but there’s a law that prevents the U.S. Government from using the media to spread propaganda directly to the American people. It’s called the Smith-Mundt Act.
Or rather, there was a law.
It was quietly re-written just a few years ago – specifically to allow propaganda to be used against American citizens. There was almost no media coverage of this change.
But now, anytime you’re watching a network news program, or reading the paper… legally, it could be actual propaganda meant to brainwash you into accepting the gradual slide into totalitarianism…
Meanwhile, conservative Christian and patriot voices – the people who stand against tyranny – are slowly being eliminated.
A couple months back, a prominent journalist was fired and had all his stories yanked from the web with no warning – seemingly because he dared to question Hillary’s health.
And just a few weeks ago, one of the most popular conservative radio hosts was cut off the air mid-sentence for talking about the same thing…
Point is, they’re not just watching our every move, they’re trying to control the information we get… that’s Step 2.
Step 3 is to build a massive police state.
And guess what? They already have.
It’s called the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
All it takes is a trip to the airport to get a glimpse of it in action.
As someone who travels a lot, I’ve been through more naked body scans and blue-gloved gropings than I care to mention.
And it’s not just the TSA.
As we’ve seen recently, every local police department is outfitted like a small army… with riot gear, tear gas grenades, rooftop snipers, helicopters and tanks. This is all done through coordination with DHS.
Look, I support the police – especially in the small town where I live. But it’s pretty obvious big city cops are being militarized – turned into a standing army for the coming regime.
And all that is just the visible part of the police state. It’s meant to desensitize us to constant police presence.
What’s really scary is what’s happening behind the scenes.
Did you know the Department of Homeland Security has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in the last 4 years?
That’s billion with a B…
That’s enough ammo to keep the entire U.S. military locked and loaded through 20 years of that war…
And a lot of it is hollow point ammo, too. And since hollow points can’t be used in international conflicts due to international law, there’s only one place they can be planning to use it…
And we can’t forget the unconstitutional laws and executive orders signed by Obama…
Including the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, which legalizes indefinite detention of Americans without trial (meaning they can lock us up and throw away the key anytime they want)…
EO 13603, which authorizes the government to take control of the entire food supply of the nation in the event of a national disaster…
Not to mention a classified program called REX 84, which orders the construction of large “detention camps” in strategic areas all over the country… as well as plans for rounding up “dissidents”…
Clearly, the police state is in full battle mode. They’re getting ready for something big.
That’s Step 3.
That’s where we are right now.
The only thing left is Step 4. And this is where things get dangerous.
This is what the Codex warns us is about to happen… which is why I strongly urge you to claim your free copy of this incredible book in just a minute.
Because Step 4 is to use a “trigger event” to roll out total military control of the population.
In Nazi Germany, the trigger event was a “false flag” terror attack: a fire in the German Parliament building.
That’s the excuse Hitler used to roll out total martial law.
From our analyses though, our trigger event will be something much worse… a catastrophic economic collapse.
One that will make the crash of ‘07 look like a Sunday picnic.
Any economist worth his salt knows it’s coming, and soon… so I won’t waste your time making the case again.
There’s WAY too much debt to ever be paid back… The bailouts after the ’07 crash just papered over a giant gaping sinkhole… and all the Fed’s money printing is just delaying the inevitable.
The only possible outcome is a complete financial meltdown.
When it happens – and our analysis of long-term economic trends leads us to believe it will happen before the end of 2017…
You had better already be fully prepared.
Martial Law.
Mass gun confiscations.
Work camps filled with starving Americans.
And a brutal, violent crackdown on anyone who tries to fight back.
For most people, the first sign that something’s wrong will be all the gas stations in town running out of gas.
Then you notice the ATM isn’t working, and credit cards have stopped working too.
My friend, please – if you see these 2 warning signs – understand that the collapse is already in full swing.
Within a day or 2, grocery and department store shelves are stripped bare.
And once there’s no more food at the grocery, that’s when things get really ugly.
Hunger turns ordinary people into animals. If you live in a major city, you will witness horrors that defy imagination.
And that’s the moment – in the midst of the chaos and violence, the government will step in with their “solution”…
They will, seemingly out of nowhere, have food and shelter available for anyone who needs it.
Millions of people will go willingly into the camps – because they know they’ll starve if they don’t.
Friend, I know this sounds like it couldn’t happen here – but that’s precisely what the Germans said in the 1930s…
That’s why I feel so strongly about getting this message out while we still have time, however short that time is… and that’s why I want to send you a free copy of the Codex today.
See, while the Codex gives us a stark warning about what’s coming, it doesn’t give us a specific plan to prepare.
That’s where it helps to work at a conservative news outlet.
I have a crack research team at my disposal.
We’ve spent the last year “war gaming” the Totalitarian America scenario. We’ve studied the deep history of Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China… and other totalitarian regimes throughout history.
We’ve looked closely at the people who survived, and what they did.
And we’ve come to some really surprising conclusions about how to deal with what’s coming in America.
A lot of it turns standard “prepper” thinking right on its head.
Make no mistake, these tactics could be the only thing that saves you and your family.
That’s why we’ve published our findings in an uncensored special report called: Totalitarian America: Surviving Martial Law 2017
Which I’d like to send you as soon as possible, with your permission, of course – along with your FREE copy of the Codex itself.
I’ll show you how to claim these 2 life-saving documents in a second…
First, let me show you why Totalitarian America is so different from any other “prepper” or survival manual…
For starters, it’s not about “bugging out” and going totally off grid.
From our research, you’re usually better off staying where you are in most cases. But…
There are several things you absolutely MUST do if you want to survive what’s coming.
As I mentioned, the thing that will make most people vulnerable is hunger.
So obviously you need a way to feed yourself and your family without going to the grocery.
But in Totalitarian America, you’ll learn why most “survival food” is overpriced garbage.
It’s also extremely unhealthy, especially if it’s all you have to eat for days or weeks on end.
There’s a much cheaper, easier, and healthier way to make sure you and yours stay fed… and it starts with a trip to the hardware store.
It all starts on page 23 of Totalitarian America…
We go into a lot of detail about how to make sure you have a secure, renewable food supply.
Because if you’re well fed, you don’t have to submit to the elites in exchange for a meal.
But that’s just the beginning.
Want to know how to make sure your house is NEVER targeted by mobs, looters, or government agents? Use this “camouflage” technique to make them think your house has already been ransacked…
How to guarantee a never-ending supply of clean drinking water, even if you’re miles from the nearest river, lake or pond…
The secret to hiding guns, ammo, and precious metals so they’ll NEVER be found by anyone but you (without spending thousands on a hidden safe)…
A “Master List” of the most in-demand barter items, so you can get whatever you need during the crisis. One of the most surprising things we discovered in our research was how important barter becomes under a totalitarian regime… and which items are most valuable. This section alone could save your life.
How to “harden” your home against violent attacks. Just in case the “camouflage” technique doesn’t work, use these sneaky tactics to make anyone who tries to get into your house regret it instantly.
What to do if the “secret police” show up at your door demanding you evacuate your house and go with them. Door-to-door searches and roundups WILL happen… but not everyone will be taken. Say these 5 words to any government agent to make sure they leave you alone.
And so much more…
Can you see why having this manual could mean the difference between life and death for you and your family?
Friend, the terrifying warning from the Codex is already coming true… all that’s missing now is the final trigger event.
When it comes, will you be ready?
Please, let me send you this manual, along with your FREE copy of the mysterious Codex, right away.
We’ve made both available as instant downloads you can read right on your computer…
Which means seconds after you click the button at the bottom of this page…
You could be reading the most important Christian book since the Bible itself…
And learning how to survive the earth-shattering changes coming.
There is a small fee for the Totalitarian America survival manual – just enough to pay my research team.
It’s less than you’ll probably spend on gas this week. And the 2,000 page Codex is yours FREE of charge.
And if you decide you want your money back for any reason, you have a full 60 days.
Just let me know at any time during those 60 days and I’ll give you a full refund with no questions asked.
You can even keep both books, with my compliments…
I hope that shows you how urgent this is… this may be your LAST chance to get the information that could save your life.
And I simply can’t bear the thought of you leaving here without it.
Click the button at the bottom of this page to access the secure download page…
And just to make it a no-brainer – I’m including 2 additional free bonus reports…
In addition to the full e-book version of the Codex, your download comes with a convenient “condensed” version.
It covers ALL the most intriguing, eye-opening, and spiritually moving parts of the Codex.
I recommend reading this first, then if there are any particular sections you want to read in more detail, you can click on them in the table of contents in the full version.
But that’s not all.
Because this “condensed” version of the Codex also includes:
The Codex “American Prophecy” Guide.
This is where you can survey all the predictions the Codex makes… including some that have already come true, and many that are yet to come…
You’ll find out exactly what they mean, AND how they relate to prophecies in the Bible.
And I truly believe that once you read these predictions… you will want to start preparing immediately.
I know I did.
The value of the information is truly priceless.
Because as you now know…
If these predictions come true, being prepared could mean the difference between sickness and health… even between life and death for you and your family.
And keep in mind, this is in addition to your free copy of the full Codex… AND your exclusive survival manual, Totalitarian America: Surviving Martial Law 2017…
In other words, while… a summary version of the Codex could be sold for $300 or more, because of the amount of research that went into it… and the exclusive survival manual will be priceless when the time comes…
You can get it all, right now for about the cost of one dinner out.
Isn’t your family’s safety worth much, much more than that?
And keep in mind, your download is covered by a no-questions-asked 60-day money back guarantee. You don’t risk a thing to download your copies today.
You have 2 whole months to read the Codex… to get the big picture via the summary version… and to see the eye-opening prophecies yourself… and
Learn the real-world, battle tested survival secrets that will keep you alive and healthy during the coming collapse…
And if you don’t think it’s worth hundreds more than what you paid, just let us know by email, and you’ll get a quick refund.
I hope that shows you how much I truly believe this information will change your life.
Again, I can’t say the Codex is definitely a message from God. But what if… just what if… it IS real?
What if this is our last chance to heed His warning, before it’s too late?
What if this is your only chance to be the protector your family needs?
What if this one book could change both your life… and the course of history?
Click the button at the bottom of this page to download your free copy PLUS the complete survival guide for totalitarian America…
Remember, you have a full 60 days to read the manual – and get a full refund if you don’t feel safer and more prepared than ever before.
So please… don’t wait to protect yourself and your family.
Click the button below to get started.
God Bless,
Walter W. Murray
The Horn News