by Stephen Dietrich, Managing Editor
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign is falling apart at the seams. Should trends continue, Donald Trump will win next week’s presidential election.
But don’t take our word for it.
That information is straight from the mouth of ABC News and The Washington Post, who released shocking poll numbers Tuesday that has the Clinton campaign scrambling for answers.
The latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll predicts Trump is ahead by one point against Clinton in national polling.
Trump’s lead is not surprising. But the incredible speed at which he’s closed the gap is — the jump is so huge, even the liberal media can’t deny it any more.
Sponsored: Is THIS the Biggest Presidential Scandal in History?
A whistleblower is now claiming he has PROOF Hillary rigged the entire election… and it’s all on video here.
As a registered voter, you deserve to know the truth.
Just wait until you see the smoking gun revealed at 3:05… (The liberal sheep won’t be able to come up with a single excuse for her this time.) WATCH NOW.
Just weeks ago, on Oct 22nd, ABC News/Washington Post’s poll had Trump trailing Clinton by a staggering 12 points.
That means Trump has soared an incredible 13 points in a mere ten days — a head spinning turnaround that has political analysts and pollsters stunned.
That’s not the only good polling news, either. According to The Los Angeles Times, which uses different metrics for their polling data and is largely more trusted among conservative circles, Trump is winning by four points.
In fact, poll after poll — even from notoriously liberal sources — have the Clinton campaign in a nose dive and Trump rapidly climbing.
It appears voters are finally sick and tired of Clinton’s lies, according to data released Monday by MarketWatch that shows voters’ negative perceptions of Clinton have reached an all-time high just one week before the general election, largely attributed to the recent revelation by FBI Director James Comey that federal investigators were looking into new evidence in the Clinton email scandal.
Should these trends continue, it won’t just be a Trump victory.
It could be a landslide.
Stephen Dietrich is the Managing Editor of The Horn News
hondo says
Hallelujah….Need I say more!
Ronald Hamby says
Jeanette says
Double AMEN !!!!
larry e austin says
Glory to God as He is our source and the Cross the means, AMEN
Jjack says
May God Bless Anthony Wiener!
Rek says
The Lord has and knows all. Just keep the prayers going. We will win and Trump will flourish.
Robert Wayne says
I’ve been praying to God that Satan’s candidate, Clinton, doesn’t end up in the White House to continue Obama’s destruction of this country. I’m sure a lot of other Christians are asking God to intervene too.
Craig says
J. Burns says
God willing. I can’t wait until Mssrs Trump and Pence are proclaimed our new leaders.
I pray that they will return the USA to its greatness for the sake of the whole world. We all need strong hard working leaders!
Judith says
Agree. Hillary Clinton of the Clinton crime family is a habitual liar, cheat, thief, hypocrite, hater of women, condoner of abortions and cruel partial abortions, etc. She probably has committed or allowed/caused murders to happen. She cares about no one except her miserable evil self.
Even Chelsea Clinton’s father in law is a thief ((big time) and should still be in prison for a long time. He has not made full, if any, restitution to those he stole big bucks from.
We should all be reminded of Benghazi and
How they stole/destroyed many thousands of dollars worth of valuables belonging to the White House.
How she defended Billy boy’s crimes and brutally went after his victims. Some defender of women’s rights NOT………………………
Bob says
Landslide…is it really possible? Donald said it months ago….let it be, let it be….
Louise says
This would be an answer to many prayers across our country. If this happens it will be because God has helped His people once again. We owe Him the Glorie!!!
Soney says
Am not an American. I wont vote next week. However, I would be elated to ser Trump triumph in the polls. Clinton and her gay, proabortion gang can relocate, and no Godfearing folk would be missing them.
I pray Trump wins.
NJ says
Praying the trend continues through Election Day. I’m sure the Left has a few tricks left up their sleeves. They’re not going to go down easily. Be prepared for an onslaught of newly discovered dirty talk videos or newly discovered women or whatever they think will make woman upset with Trump. Don’t let them get away with it. Vote for Trump, or we’re all over as a country.
JW says
a b s o l u t e l y !!!
vICTOR- says
NJ, More like additional body count!
Don says
the FBI better get plenty security around Mr Wiener or he just might commit suicide
RON says
Marksman says
I’m not worried about Wiener. He’s a piece of crap sexting to 15 year old kids!
It’s James Comey (head of the FBI) that I worry about. He’s the one that reopened the investigation. And rest assured that Lynch and Obama are very tick off. Pray for this man’s safety.
Gary Smith says
This is true
DWB says
I agree and everyone needs to vote TRUMP/PENCE this election to save AMERICA and make it great again.
Andy says
It is great! But will not be if Rump gets in.
RON says
Alfred Carter says
U r so right!!! PRAY, PRAY and VOTE TRUMP/PENCE!!!
Maria says
I already voted for Trump, and yes I’m praying, praying, praying!!
Judith says
Maria, I am praying too. I am getting ready to vote for Trump/Pence. Thank you and everyone else for their prayers. God willing, in a few days, we will be able to sleep better and prosper.
JoAnn says
Ladies…Don’t let the left’s garbage distract you from saving this country from destruction!
JG says
Amen, Kilary and the likes belong behind bars forever.
Judith says
JoAnn and JG – You can’t say that too many times!
Nancy says
oh yes, they already have an onslaught of filth coming out about Donald Trump, filthy lies and there will be even more, we must all realize that it is only a smear tactic to divert we the people. If all can see that and shake if off, it will be fine…
Donald Trump our next President of the United States, make America Great Again…..
Gerry A says
Why not, we the people are Trump supporters, based on his thousands and thousands attended his rally plus people’s comments standing behind him, I know that proves he will win landslide. Trump is our PRESIDENT….period
Anonymous says
I can take all the filth that they may find on Donald Trump. At least he is not a criminal! Hildabeast IS a criminal. Why or why would anyone vote for a criminal and want her in the White House is beyond me! She is so crooked!!
GO TRUMP/PENCE 2016!!!!!!!
Judith says
Mr. Trump has made a few mistakes, but nothing compared to the evil/incompetent Hillary and her phony running mate, Tim Kaine (sp?)
Too, Mr. Pence will make a great VP and maybe later on President.
Dear Lord, Please bless and save the world by giving us Trump/Pence now.
AxelW. says
Conclusion of the day:
Lying, lawless, Kenya born, gay Muslim O’bum for Kenya
Lying, lawless, sick Killary for prison
Honest, America First, law and order Trump for president
seygor says
Also dead and illegals voting
Watch for polling place intimidation
Rob says
With 600,000+ emails that the FBI is looking at, Biden saying release them to the public (could he be Wikileak’s mole?) Title 18 I think the code is 2302(don’t quote me) disqualifies Hillary. She had federal property and tried to hide it-tried to destroy it. Rigged the election and the debates. Look at the ____________ from CNN who gave her a couple of questions beforehand, she’s gone now. I think she lost the black vote when a Black Lives Matter kid learned she was using her dad’s death as an anti-gun argument. I don’t think she has a shot anymore, but if she somehow still does btw, women coming forward won’t work anymore, she’ll need something like a nuclear bomb or I can think of something else that would work, but she wouldn’t be in office. Anyway if she gets in I’ll be with Joe Walsh, butI won’t just be carrying a musket 😉
Debby Pratt says
Right on! You were ‘close’–it’s US Law 18 US Code 2071. We’re getting quite a history lesson these days, aren’t we?? Bet we never paid this close attention back in school! That not only ‘disqualifies’ her but sets her up for a prison sentence of ‘not more than three years’. After which time, she is banned from ever holding ‘public office’ in any capacity ever again. I gather that included–‘dog officer’!
larry e austin says
Glory to God as He is our source and the Cross the means, AMEN the Americans as a whole knows her lies and grasping at anyone to try and degrade TRUMP but it is not Trumps words and wpmen as a US citizen but Hillary and crimes full of lies to the US Government as she brags about her (always about her) 30 yrs in politics but Bill Clintons women and her lying for all his mistresses and Trump never uses ads downgrading her 30 yrs in corrupt politics with ads on television every 15 minutes best part again they are past president and her offices held compared to no crimes against TRUMP as a private US citizen and no treason, murders and donations from enemy country terroist leaders for self gains
larry e austin says
Glory to God as He is our source and the Cross the means, AMEN the Americans as a whole knows her lies and grasping at anyone to try and degrade TRUMP but it is not Trumps words and wpmen as a US citizen but Hillary and crimes full of lies to the US Government as she brags about her (always about her) 30 yrs in politics but Bill Clintons women and her lying for all his mistresses and Trump never uses ads downgrading her 30 yrs in corrupt politics with ads on television every 15 minutes best part again they are past president and her offices held compared to no crimes against TRUMP as a private US citizen and no treason, murders and donations from enemy country terroist leaders for self gains
Terry Brown says
No surprise here: Trump has always been ahead.
It’s the lamestream media that’s been falsifying the discourage folks from voting for Trump.
Don’t be surprised if Hillary fainted on camera.
Now her team has to find a way to keep her out
of prison; which will take some doing. Question is…
will she take Obama along with her?
AxelW. says
Yes, let’s hope that she takes lying, lawless, Muslim Obama with her!
jim says
AMEN to that !!!
Holly says
Wow, I hope this keeps going. Hilary just can’t win!
Andy says
Yes she can, and will.
Mathew Molk says
Stop taking the stuff your commissar is giving all you marxist useful idiots. . It’s not LSD. It’s horse tranquilizer and is causing permanent brain damage to the the good little commies that are taking it. .
Judith says
Andy – You should do your homework – research unbiased records!
ed says
and bah-bye to all those moving out of the country if Trump wins..
Alfred Carter says
Do you think Mark Cuban will stick around long enough to collect his “reward” from MADONNA????
Dorothy M. Neer says
Start packing!
Debby Pratt says
LOL!! To go ‘where’?? Other countries have already said they don’t want our ‘political’ refugees!
Canada was very vocal about that!! On the other hand, maybe Putin will now agree to ‘peace talks’ with Trump! It could be the start of a ‘whole new world’!! YESSSSSS!
Mike S says
The democrats said that if Trump wins the election, they’re all leaving for Canada. In light of this, Canada is going to build a wall between the U.S. and Canada and make the Democrats pay for it!
Lori says
I second that motion!! Real truth..TRUMP HAS BEEN 15 pts. AHEAD OF THE HILDE HAG THE WHOLE TIME. Can you imagine what he is now???!!!! Those lib polls were all lying. There were just 3 that were always right on. LA Times , Rasmeussen, and another one, that’s it! Tired of all the lies and the protection of a criminal by the MSM!!!! Enough is enough!!! WE THE PEOPLE know the truth!!! SOROS, OBAMA AND HILDE HAG ARE ALL GOING DOWN!! WE THE PEOPLE do NOT like CHEATERS!!! No HILDE CHEATING HAG for us!!! GO TRUMP!!!
Andy says
You wouldn’t know a lie if it bit you.
Mike S says
Are you suggesting that Hillary bit Lori and Lori didn’t know it???
Mike S says
I saw your comment below about “Goon Squats” and I’d like to enlighten you a tad. Do you understand that “Illegal” as in Illegal Aliens, means that it’s against the law? So anyone who is here illegally is breaking the law whether they are from Muldavia, Morrocco, Mexico or the Moon. I have a ton of Mexican friends, several who were on my coaching staff in Calif. The folks were either born here or waited in line and came accross legally. They cannot stand the illegal status of the people who jumped the line, aren’t paying taxes and are taking advantage of our services. I think Andy that you are a bit of an idiot not to understand the problem. We are a nation of laws and if you have your way, that founding principle will be over because when have you ever seen the Clintons care about the law? They don’t and neither does the apologizer in chief. Get educated so your posts will make some sense.
Paul C says
And you fail to recognize the whole series of lies even when it doesn’t bite you else you wouldn’t be in the bag for Hilda Hag
DarlK says
Neither would you, Andy. You prove it every time you post.
Terry Brown says
They are blaming Comey for causing their apple cart to tumble:
The fact is their wagon has long lost its wheels.Comey is still in
their pockets, regardless what they are trying to make voters believe.
There has always more than enough evidence brought forward from many
different sources that can effectively place Hillary behind bars for a very long time.
The whole system is rigged, and it’s only the will of the American people that will
change it. No politician can…FACT! The people should have demanded long ago;
that Hillary be removed from the list of qualified candidates.
wandamurline says
The ABC polls were rigged….there was no time over the past month that Killary had a 12 point lead….ABC finally admitted they rigged the polls…they were attempting to make you and I decide that she was so far ahead that we shouldn’t even worry about voting…..these corrupt Nazi news need to be shut down and if I were technically savy enough, I would shut them down by hacking their systems…unfortunately, I can’t even figure out how to use the new Windows 10…so I guess that they will continue transmitting their propaganda lies.
Ron says
Right On Solid On The Solid Solid Gold To Donald Trump And Mike Pence
Bill says
Yeah, Wanda…I don’t get along with Windows 10 either. Getting a new laptop-going back to Windows 7.
Mathew Molk says
With you 100% – I have been saying ALL the poles were phony from day one.
And hey,,,,Windows 10 HAS to be some kind of a commie plot to drive us nutz too!
Charles Masterson says
I love the sound f it, but where is the proof ?? I tried Togo to the VIDIO, but kept taking me o a bullsh*t site !!!
Missy janie says
To quote a recent post “Bill Clinton was taken down by a vagina, conversely Hillary is taken down by a Weiner”????
Debby Pratt says
Goes to prove–they both need to ‘clean up their act’!! Meanwhile, the White House is over-due for a good Fall Housecleaning!! Ahh–to breathe the ‘fresh air’ of freedom once again!!
Mathew Molk says
Now it’s time to send the rest of the RINO/Democrat elite establishment packing.
Thomas Odell says
Let’s celebrate.
Mathew Molk says
Hey,,,It’s easy to figure out how it’s happening. – They are starting to use real numbers and not rigged polls so they all don’t look like complete fools after the upcoming Trump Landslide.
Trump was NEVER actually behind. At least in North East Ohio, anyway.
Lupe Sanchez says
Hey this is good for Donald J. Trump, he’s going to be our next President. Thank the good Lord
Barney says
Hillary Clinton and Obama wants Sharia Law and Islam for America. See what Muslims do to their women.
hondo says
I am praying fervently and will continue to send my requests heavenward knowing the One True Judge will do what is best in these matters and will rest peacefully!
Praise be Almighty God!
James says
Trump!!! 2016
Evangelina Martinez says
You know what I don’t believe Mr. Trump is only one Point ahead which makes him 13 Points ahead. I believe that Mr. Trump is a whole lot farther then what they are saying. They don’t like him and so they are hiding the real Truth. But now because of everything being Exposed about Hillary Clinton they can’t hide it any more. So what do they do? The say Oh! Wow! Mr. Trump is ahead by One Point. BS. He’s been ahead a lot longer then just today. Mark My Words on it and that will probably be exposed too just like everything else. Now they’re going to try to Cover their Rear Ends with it but they will always be the Lying Cheating Main Stream Media no longer to take Seriously or Trust that they will be Biased and put the Real Truth Out. As Far as I’m concerned they are done. I won’t trust them and they won’t be the first that I would go to to hear the News.
Arthur Hartsock says
Everybody should take a deep breath and relax for a moment. The truth is that most polls have been useless this year. Has anyone in this audience been called by one of these pollsters? I haven’t, because I have a smart phone and I have it off much of the time. So I don’t know who these remnants of the population are that still have landline phones. Anyway the only poll that counts is taking place Nov 8th. We’ll know the truth by Dec 1st.
Edroman says
Throw the bitch and the black bastard into the deepest, darkest pit in the world and forget them, forever…
Edroman says
Tell all of the stupid dimocraps and liberturds that you happen to know and tell them that o ba ma ass changed election day to November 9th. The will believe anything. They are the brainwashed and braindead idiots of society.
Wayne Colburn Perelman says
But let’s not rest on our laurels, let’s still contribute, not only to Donald, but to every Republican for the house and senate and in local races! And above all, do all we can to see Hillary is JAILED!!!!
sagatel says
I hope she bleaches herself out from our lives once and for all.
heath says
no.. that she trades in the pantsuit for a jumpsuit… jumpsuit
wandamurline says
On Joe Aripio’s Arizona work gange in the 115 degree summer and living in a tent….oh, by the way, she will get to wear pink….all the prisoners wear pink….and she will get to watch the weather channel and Disney.
Al says
In a orange jump suit.
Jim says
We can be civil. While she serves her time, let her wear an orange PANTSUIT.
Paul Mathieu says
OMG that is hilarious…
Eileen Ross says
Well, that can at least let her have some Martha Stewart lemon in her water.
Andy says
You know what is really hilarious, is the RUMP GOONSQUADS that will be going through our great country picking up the people they think don’t belong here. VEREY SAD!!!!
Mathew Molk says
Hey Andy the asshole. You think it would be BAD to round up and send all these criminals out of the country/
And by the way, ANYBODY that comes into this country illegally IS a criminal and needs to be rounded up. – Hell I’ll work for free!
rpink says
I agree it will be funny just to see the look on her face as they strip search her and exchange her $12,000 Amani suite for the $10.00 orange one.. Would love to see that on TV news
RON says
Plf0091 says
Why should she get a orange jumpsuit. That means she is still sucking on our tax dollar. Exile her to somewhere in her Middle East.
Donald says
Already owns one! Saw her wear it once!
jim says
Yeah get the fat ass in a Orange jumpsuit and send her to VW Womens prison so she can look through the bars and see the coal mine employees as their shift is up!
JW says
how funny (LOL)
Betty Shively says
Pantsuit even?
Lori says
Dan says
Go Trump!!! America Will Be Great Again!!
Rob c says
It’s about time now if they will just indict her and give her the same justice anybody else gets for mishandling top secret material. Go Trump/Pence!!!!!
…. What goes around, comes around !!! I’ve been telling my friends all along…. I DON’T believe the polls…. TRUMP WILL WIN BY A LANDSLIDE!!!… We’re fed up….. and her campaign is coming apart at the seams….. GOD IS GOOD!!
Hey Hillary…. I heard BENGHAZI is quite nice this time of year!!! PACK YOUR BAGS AND TAKE SLICK WILLY WITH YOU!!! ……. TRUMP/ PENCE FOR AMERICA AND AMERICANS!!!!!
Robert F says
But what about the people who have already voted? The polls will not affect them. It is time for the silent majority to speak up.
Big D says
You can still change your vote even if you already voted. Check your state rules. I know in one state today is the last day you can change. Spread the word.
Jeanette says
In some states voters can change early votes, so for those who are not total Democrat addicts, they could switch to Trump.
OracleGuy says
But why would they? She’s still the superior choice. Trump will be spending the next year defending himself against the women he assaulted.
Alan Humphries says
Oh shut up azzhat.
capt ron says
Alan Humphries …
. Don’t discourage the poor delusional (OG) idiot, it makes even the weakest of US look so good.
Donald says
Isn’t azzhat too nice of a name for the idiot?
nadine says
By the time the publish a book on all of the cliton’s crimes there will be more pages that the OBcare Act. Think about it.
Hanko American says
The ever-popular OragelGuy has once again reared his ugly head, which looks just like Hill-Da-Bitches ass!!! I guess they both use her fat ass for thinking,HUH!!!!
Mike S says
If that’s so, he’ll have to wait in line behind Bill who will be taking up the court docket for quite some time.
Mathew Molk says
Still on the horse tranquilizer, huh?
RON says
RON says
aw says
and she will spend her time defending herself against the FBI
Mathew Molk says
My wife and I already voted,,,for Trump just like everybody else we talked to.
The only way the cackling witch can win now is by MASSIVE vote rigging and that will likely start a civil war that will leave nothing for her to steal.
Awake says
If the media was honest, Trumps numbers would always have been up!!
Who in their right mind would even consider voting for the VILE nasty old hag?
If she doesn’t win- I sure hope she serves time in prison!!!!! Cuz that’s what we DO in America !!! HILLARY!!! That’s what we do!!!
Goooo TRUMP!!
Jim says
My advice to all my conservative allies is to remain vigilant. This is a woman who is obsessed with becoming the first female president, and she has demonstrated a predilection for lying, stealing and doing whatever it takes to satisfy her needs. She is capable of anything and does not care about the consequences. HRC is arrogant, and she thinks folks like us are “deplorable” and stupid enough to fall for her BS. This should end her political career; however, with the liberal media on her side, and with most of the GOP elites who refuse to support Trump, don’t count her knocked out yet. We need to be aware of her capacity for evil and trickery, thus voter fraud becomes a factor we must not ignore. TRUMP 2016 & 2020!!!!!!
NJ says
I’m with you — as you can see from my previous comment. They still have to time to launch a massive counter attack against Trump (and us)…………………….be prepared. Don’t get caught off guard. They will do ANYTHING to stay in power. What else have they got?
OracleGuy says
All they need to do is point out his questionable tax-avoidance schemes, his history of assaulting women with impunity, and his general lack of qualifying skills to lead anything but a real estate office.
Alan Humphries says
Hey dichead they tried that and guess what?
It didn’t work!
Go back to mommies basement and suck your thumb.
OracleGuy says
It’s still working and that “Mexiacan judge” will make him pay back the money that Trump U stole. And it’s spelled dicKhead, dichead.
Alan Humphries says
Apparently you have the attention span of a 3 year old. The DemonRats have tried those things for months yet the attacks haven’t worked. The American people are finding out daily the extent of the Clinton’s corruption and are sick of them. She’s sinking faster than the Titanic. Your nimwit party should have picked uncle Joe. Better luck in 2020.
John G. says
Alan Humphries – like their idols O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown and Hillary the “Hun” just more of the same lies, corruption B. S. no policies to make things better just continue the same ole’ crap the last two terms have wrecked upon we the people and our country. They should consider moving to Canada along with Rosie the “Rotund” One, Barbara the “B _ _ _ _” and the other Hollywood “Liberal Left”.
pastriesqueen says
oracleguy, you must be one of those that don’t file taxes because what Trump used is totally legitimate. Go read up on about NOL (net operating loss). Speak with some knowledge and facts. Otherwise, shut up!
OracleGuy says
I guess not having started multiple failed companies I just don’t have the same write-offs as the hero of the masses.
pastriesqueen says
oracle, obviously, you have zero clue about how businesses work. Many businesses failed. In the process, they hired a lot of workers. My neighbor started 3 businesses and 2 failed, a 66.67% failure rate & he’s a solid democrat. I can assure you that Trump does not have a 66.67% failure rate. You refuse to acknowledge he has many SUCCESSFUL businesses. I don’t expect much from an ill-informed, low information, ignorant individual like you. Like I said, you probably a welfare recipient, pay no taxes, have received many freebies from obama and you are afraid you have to work for your paychecks if Trump is the POTUS.
Choo-choo! Choo-choo! Here we come. Oracleguy, start getting used to have to work for a living.
Mathew Molk says
No shit, Orcle-fool. I’n mot suppriesd you never wrote off anything. because NOBODY on the public dole starts ANY kind of a company.
GO get a job, and pay some taxes and THEN come back here and tell us it’s bad to use legal write-offs.
And BTW, If you knew ANYTHING at all about write-offs you would know that if you loose $1000 you reduce your tax liability by about 300 bucks….You are out 7 hun in anybodies book. — It pisses me off when a fool like you tells me “Oh you can just write that off? I once punched a guy in the nose as I fired him for telling me that after he got a $3000 welding machine stolen off one of our job sites by not securing it and just left it sitting there.
In any case there is no profit in starting then then loosing a company. You watch too many movies, clown.
Alan Humphries says
Did you just post “it’s still working”? My aren’t you a genious?
Alan Humphries says
What’s a Mexiacan? Before correcting someone’s spelling wouldn’t it be prudent to make sure your spelling is accurate?
Oracle guy,you are a clown.
Terry Brown says
Maybe not quite a clown, ’cause clowns are very intelligent.
It takes an intelligent parson to play an effective idiot.
Oracle guy see if you recognize this person, and let
us know; what you think… last chance to be civil
John G. says
OracleGuy – I doubt you have the skills to manage an “outhouse” much less a real estate empire no just an office you dimwit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike S says
Hmm. Sounds a little nervous. Do you understand that Trump is a businessman who has a ton of lawyers and accountants to whom he pays a lot of money for advice. THEY have advised him NOT to make his taxes public until the audit has been completed. The Clintion foundation is about to be decertified by the organzation in charge of charities. The news today is talking about the 5 separate investigations addressin that phoney foundation, primarily why only 10% of the monies actually go to the supposed beneficiary. Haiti comes to mind. Check it out.
Mathew Molk says
Tax avoidance shceams ??? Any business man who has an accountant with enough brains to heat his hair oil would uses every LEGAL deduction and he is under an audit right now,,,if there waqs anything illegal there it would already be out so you can forget that one. (Before we retires we did that ourselves – It’s just common industry business practice)
Everything else you mentioned is either pure fabrication or out and out lies, so that’s a no sale too.
The cackling witch better figure where she is going to hide out after the election. – The FBI should pull her passport right now.
RON says
ed says
It’s 1920, and a stout, round-faced woman wearing a long dark dress paces vigorously around the White House carrying a pile of mail and memos. Meanwhile, journalists huddle by the entrance, notebooks in hand, waiting to catch a glimpse of the person running the country: her.
Sorry, Hillary Clinton, but America has already had its first (acting) female president. Three decades before Clinton was born, Edith Wilson, Woodrow Wilson’s second wife, ran the Oval Office for 17 months. Nobody voted for her, and she never actually referred to herself as president, but she did take charge of many executive duties after her husband was left incapacitated by a massive stroke.
stopspending says
Not only is Hil determined to become pres no matter what it takes but her staff and this administration wil also do whatever they can, whether it be legal, ethical or not, to get her the win. I worry about the early voting because the dems “get out the vote” campaign takes buses to the ghetto, hauls people to vote, just to make sure they get those votes. They also hold big rallies in a church and then haul them to vote – that is why areas have voting on Sunday – so they make sure they can get the deadbeats tot he polls.
Mathew Molk says
Everybody I saw at early voting were 100% trump supporters.
And think of this, Clinton has a hard time filling the girl’s gym at a Jr. High school while Trump is filling stadiums with people outside unable to get in. I think we have more then enough to offset her busses.
All of us in the basket of deplorables are likely to vote too and we are not voting for the cackling witch either.
And on the subject of voting, If you don’t consider voting a sacred duty at EVERY single election you do not belong in this country. — Just go to Arlington Cemetery to get an idea of what your right to vote cost. Trust me. it cost A LOT!
RON says
RON says
Gerry A says
Trump the President, plus GOP’s = President,,Congress, Senate taking the entire administration, that’s History
Frank W Brown says
Keep up the pressure EVERYONE, don’t get complacent, and get your family and friends to VOTE!!!
Mark says
What Crooks beating all Republicans and Democrats out of there hard earned money for years. Get rid of Hillary Rotten Clinton once and for all on November 8th.
MalcolmX says
AND YET THIS MORNING the media nerds are still beating the old bags drum saying she has it locked up;; we will see Nov.08, 2016.
larry Bee says
close down the Clinton Foundation, then go after all the crooks involved and put them all in a REAL PRISON !!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Take all of that Clinton foundation money and put it to good use, there are many community centers, health clinics, libraries that can use that money, and also for senior citizen centers can also use that money.
Mike W says
Unfortunately, the Clintons moved $1.8B to the Bank of Qatar, where it will be available after all US accounts are frozen.
Mathew Molk says
Marine Corps ???? Bet they can get the money back from those sons of allah.
James King says
Firearms Prevent Tyranny and Crime by James W. King
America’s first president, George Washington, is quoted as saying “firearms stand second in importance to the Constitution and deserve a place with all that is honorable. I totally agree with the second part of his quote but disagree with the first part. Firearms are more important that the Constitution because without them the Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot be defended and preserved. America’s third president said “No free man should ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Tyranny in American government has occurred during the administrations of Republicans Bush Sr. and Jr. but has reached epic levels under Clinton and Obama Democratic administrations and even greater tyranny is projected to occur if Hillary Clinton is elected. Democratic corruption is rampant in all three branches of government, the FBI, IRS, FDA, DOJ, and the Supreme Court. All the aforementioned presidents and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are advocates of open borders and a One World Government which would necessitate relinquishing American sovereignty. Hillary’s plan is to implement draconian gun control, bans, and confiscation of firearms. She has made statements that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is her No.1 enemy.
All or part of the following violations of the Second Amendment would likely be attempted or carried out under president Hillary Clinton: semi-auto bans, mandate universal background checks, overturn the Heller Supreme Court case that verified firearms ownership is an individual right, shut down gun shows, implement Australian style confiscation, national firearms registration, use of tax dollars to promote gun control, secret government ban lists, ban online gun advertising, extreme executive actions on firearms, end lawful access to firearms, and repeal of the lawful commerce in arms act. None of these acts of tyranny would reduce crime. Firearms would be available to criminals on the black market. Even if firearms ownership and manufacturing were banned in America guns would be smuggled in just as drugs are in violation of drug laws. No sane right thinking person wants criminals and terrorists to have guns. Strict law enforcement of existing laws and prosecution of criminals is the answer but Democrats have been very lax and lenient on criminals. But what these One World Government advocates are really attempting under the cloak of humanitarianism and gun control is to disarm Americans so that there can be no resistance to the implementation of a One World Government.
Chinese Communist dictator Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong) stated on Nov.6,1938 “Political power comes from the barrel of a gun”. What he meant is that guns should be kept out of the hands of the people and only the rulers and those who do their bidding are to have guns. Taking guns from the people as Hillary proposes is a sure sign that a country is moving toward Fascism or Communism.
Dr. R.J. Rummel’s research shows that in the 20th century 170 to 360 million people including women and children were killed by governments. In virtually every case the victims were unarmed or under-armed. Stalin killed an estimated 20 million in Russia 1929-1952, Germany 13 Million 1939-1945, China 20 million 1948-1952 and the list goes on country by country.Yet many liberals in America today express the opinion that only police and government should have guns. President George Washington warned Americans “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force and like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master”.
Switzerland was not invaded in World War II like other European Countries. Why? Because the head of every household is required to own and maintain a full automatic firearm. Japan made the decision not to invade mainland America in World War II. Why? Japanese Admiral Yamamoto had been to America and knew that there was one or more guns in most American households. Yet with a firearm in every home Switzerland has the lowest crime rate of any civilized country. In America multiculturalism and political correctness have been the gods of the liberals since the 1960’s and mixed with gun control has greatly increased crime. Japan has no citizen owned guns and a low crime rate but they have refused multiculturalism. Gun Free School Zones implemented by Democrats and RINO Republicans have been a magnet for criminals and the mentally ill and have been responsible for most of America’s school shootings. Now unarmed schools are wide open for a terrorist attack on children.
Prior to leaving office Obama is trying to get congress to ratify the UN Small Arms treaty which would allow gun confiscation in America by UN troops. This treaty would be in violation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights but corrupt Democrats seem to consider this irrelevant.
Mike says
FYI, blue is a good visible target color during the daylight hours. But it disappears faster than other colors at twilight.
John Soroka says
The people may be finally getting smart. Hillary and Obama are both far left wing globalists. Many politicians are also infected with this mental disorder.
Ron C says
Wow it is kind of scary, that the American public are finally awakening to her evil ways….
Mikeyavelli says
I’d love to believe that, but she’ll slither away from this one too .
But, it will follow her into the Whitehouse.
Sandy says
OMG the LORD has heard our prayers!!! Thank you, thank you!!! Now America WILL be great again!!!! Go Trump/Pence!!!!!!
Daryl Poe says
But Hillary is still polling near 100% among dead people.
Kimberly says
Praise God! Looks like the American people are finally waking up!
Larry O'Connell says
Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill are the Anti Christ of this century. We must prevail to save America.
joe says
Time for the Clintons to go away,they destroyed the Democratic party along with O`bama and the rest of the crooked political hacks
Mathew Molk says
Totally correct, Joe.
I have always been a Republican since even before I was old enough to vote, but there were good things about the Democrats before Johnson, but now it is nothing more then a communist front organization. Time for HUAC again, for sure.
joe says
our freedom and lifestyle as a western nation is at stake.The country will not survive with the Clintons in total control of the country and our lives.
Uncledunad says
I want her fully investigated tried covicted and sentenced to the fullest extent…any person that has that much power should be held to the highest standards, not given any special treatment
Mikeyavelli says
Too much money and 30 years of time and international bargains invested for Illiar to lose . But we’ll make life miserable for her in her Whitehouse.
Bud webster says
Where are all the infamous libturds? Anyone who has read my posts here i havent been shy calling for a trump landslide, this goes back prior to the 4th of july when trump was surging in the primary. As far as hildabitch, i have one word fro her tyranny traitor Marxism””””’ espionage. She took classified material, illegally. Put it on a private server, knew it was hacked several times, lied about that. Allowed our enemies more times to hack due to the fact she and her henchman didnt want the hacking to be known furthering the security invasion and risk to fellow americans. She put men and woman in the intelligence community in grave danger as well. During world war 2, the Rosens or levys a jewish man and woman were executed by the united states government for stealing classified material and giving it to the Israelis government, and we weren’t even @ war with them. This is much much worse. Hildabitches crimes are way past prison. She needs to be hung by the neck, and all who knew it was illegal to do should be hung next to her. You want to stop the crap going on by the progressive marxists? You want to drain the swamp? This would be one way of pulling the plug
jim says
I worked in the Intelligence field out of our Embassies in Europe and my sentiments are exactly the same! The people that I still keep in contact with feel the same!
POTUS TRUMP I voted already!
CaptTurbo says
What a condemnation of the American electorate that the Marxist criminal witch could even be on our ballot much less in contention at all. Sad times.
Jeanette says
Eddie says
It’s times like this when having an extra set of eyes and ears would come in handy. WE have to pay attention to Killary since she is a weasel. But more over than that we MUST also focus our attention on OHOMO. He is a slithering venomous snake. And is capable of just about anything. Most importantly his ability and willingness to implement martial law to suit his needs. It wouldn’t surprise me to see him start an altercation with the Russians just to stay in office under martial law. He is a snake at best and when you want to get rid of a snake, chopping the tail off won’t solve the problem. You must remove the head to insure your well being ! So we need the military to arrest and incarcerate him until he can be tried for treason against the United States !
Sue says
American people are not all stupid to condone what is going on. We saw what is happening to the country and we need to stop the alliance of these corrupt people. Let’s go out and vote!
Ed says
Everyone needs to vote. Don’t listen to the polls, they often times cause people to think there is no hope of winning so why vote or to think that their candidate has it all rapped up so they don’t need to vote. Don’t fall into that trap, get out to vote no matter what anyone is saying. Even if you are in the west and would be the last person voting, get out and vote anyway.
Raymond Silipino says
The public at large is really worn out and disgusted with all of the Clinton lies, innuendos and scams that she so proudly expounded on during her campaign. Most of her radical campaign was full of what she is going to do that further brings this nation down. She cheated and told so many fibs, lies and fabricated stories to the extent of total boredom. She played the feminine card along with her daughter so much that I think she really believed that all females were just totally under her spell and stupid enough to cast their “vaginal vote” for her solely due to gender bias. Other things that raised the RED FLAGS were the constant barrage of her smiling, hand shaking rubbing elbows with all of the individuals that would love to do nothing more than annihilate this nation and the American was of life. She can not comprehend that regardless of the political affiliation of the Nations Citizens, each and every one of these very Citizens deeply love America, its way of life and dreams and the Esprit DE Corps that is so naturally instilled in our way of life.
jim says
Raymond, very well said!
POTUS TRUMP, I voted already!
OracleGuy says
She may have been less than truthful but Trump pegged out the liar, liar, pants on fire meter with his whoppers. He has nothing to recommend him and no new ideas, so he just attacks what Hillary has proposed. At least she has some ideas to discuss.
Alan Humphries says
8 more years of giving away free stuff. Apparently you don’t pay taxes. I’m sick of my tax money going to free phones and abortions.Stick with corrupt Hildabeast I’m going with Trump.
pastriesqueen says
oracleguy, if you think he has no new ideas, you must have been in a coma in the last month. Go read up contract with America. Hillary is the one with no ideas, all she’s doing is attacking Trump personally. All she’s doing is extending obama as a 3rd term. Let me guess, you voted obama twice and want a 3rd term. Are you on welfare? Are you afraid Trump is going to make you work for your paycheck?
Vicky says
Obviously you have only listened to Lying Hillarys fake promises or yes went to Hillarys website to see her policies,, because she herself has not done many rallies herself. Only ones for money. Trump has been setting out many answers to what Mike Pence and He would do. So you need to listen to his rallies to make such a statement that you made, which I am sure you have not.
John G. says
OracleGuy – the best option for you is to keep your mouth shut and keep’em guessing, but by opening it and spewing your crap you leave nothing to the imagination – we all know you are a total loser (NUMBNUTS).
Most are saying the left wing MSM is just doing more CYA to try and retain any credibility, their abuse of freedom of speech and dereliction of the public trust is horrendous..the piper is now looking to be paid……The “D” will win, he will win by a large margin and establish the mandate to return to rule of law, constitutional representation…remove and repeal horrible policy, return to sanity for energy cost and energy development that will create the means to speed up this country’s economic growth and financial recovery……the right wing marxist like myself who believe in economic mobility to maintain a strong middle class, this creates a upward mobile economy for all Americans and defeats the left wing marxist elitism that that the Halfast B’Ob the “unknown” and the Shrillary’s of the country call socialism and results in the stagnating of real Yankee ingenuity, capitalism and the free market……..I hope we are going to remember this lesson about our liberty, learn to treasure our heritage and guard it jealousy…..
OracleGuy says
ONTIME, starting your post with “Most are saying” makes it appear that you are repeating Fox News rumors. That’s how they introduce the stuff THEY have made up. After a few hundred repetitions, their viewers assume the stories must be true, having heard them so often. Of course when you say The “D” will win, you must be predicting a Democratic victory, and are probably correct.
John G. says
OrcaleGuy – as always you have nothing to offer sans cheap attacks and B. S. as usual – scroll down to the bottom I left a post for you and the other two like minded “Moronic” associates of yours (law5960 & let’s not forget Fig Newton) WOW the 3 Amigo’s of B. S.’dum ride again.
Mathew Molk says
I am one, Someone on CNN and another one of the commie networks are 2 more.
Don’t you see you are done for?
We are all watching you and your ilk bustout. You gonna; be da homecoming queen of cell block 4 when we catch you voting more then once in THIS election
Susan Ifland says
You are one stupid M.F. Go crawl into your hole and stay there!
Lisa says
“Halfast,” huh? I’ve GOT to remember THAT one! Ahahahahahaha…..
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The truth about the Clinton’s & their wrong doings are coming up to the surface. The Clinton’s always pointed their fingers at rulers & former rulers of other countries for being crooked, corrupt & evil, yet they did the exact same things on a bigger scale, covered it up, lied about it, have been getting away with it. Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton’s campaign is in panic mode, I voted for Donald J. Trump absentee, so did many of my neighbors, former neighbors in Loser City Tucson, the San Diego & the Los Angeles/Long Beach/Anaheim metro areas, and many metro areas across the country. Yesterday when I was driving, I have seen a lot of Trump-Pence signs, then next in number of signs were Johnson-Weld and then Stein-Baraka signs, but only 2 Clinton-Kaine signs. Next week when the election is taking place, there will be far more voters for Trump than there will be for HKRAKC. HKRAKC is going to wind up in least place in next weeks election unless the Clinton camp will fix & rig it, and of course the Clinton camp relies on the NON VOTERS who have never ever voted at all for NO REASON and never ever will vote at all for NO REASON, but will point their fingers at all of the corruption and constantly complain in public. NON VOTERS are the ones who fix & rig the elections by not voting and they let and allow the corruption to flourish and continue, plus there are the SFB idiots that will vote for HKRAKC, the only difference is one group at least votes and has the right to complain while the other group that never votes does not have the right to complain.
Warren says
Please God give this country the chance to show you we are still a Christian nation and allow Trump to be president! We pray you don’t allow Hillary to become president and lead this Country even further away from you! Amen
Dee says
I think Trump has had the lead for sometime . Maybe this fbi thing is just so Hitlery can say this is what cost her the election ? just saying , it’s possible. This way too if she is finally found guilty she can get her pardon from obummer , because knowing Trump will be elected she’s worried about Then being prosecuted . I’m just So Greatful we finally have an Outsider and a Brave man who wants to “drain the swamp” , which is so long overdo .. Wow Thank You TRUMP/ PENCE !!!!
reggiec says
The only way I want to see Hillary after Nov 8 is walking into a courtroom in an orange jump suit.
Jane Benton says
Another consideration – Could the connection between the Bushes 41/43 etc. and the Clintons be their mutual “affection” for Saudi Arabia?
Is Saudi $$ going to the Bush Foundation, too?
Would that explain why, after swearing to do so, the Bushes will not support Trump – the Saudis do not own him – could this explain the Bushes animosity towards Trump? The news tells us that the Clinton Foundation and Hillary have gotten millions from the Saudis for years.
ISIS Sunnis – Huma Connection- she must be a Saudi Plant – Hillary knows that – among many other things! We still wonder about 9/11. They would destroy America as we know it! Bush/Hillary/Saudi Arabia/Huma/$$$- – Should we consider telling more story here ??
Please – Trump/Pence win – they are our only hope! Jane B.
Bernice Denison says
Yes, and Bushes’ are for a OWO, including old father Bush. We have seen the Establishment Republicans turning away from the American people; voting with the Democrats too many times now and are waking up to the truth. Trump must win!
TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa says
Could very well be. But don’t underestimate “sour grapes.” Jeb!
Hope says
Thank you all for your incredible comments, especially James king for your incredible knowledge!!! “She” literally makes me feel ill when I hear her voice!!! Trump has to win. I’m a closet trump supporter. I work at a courthouse and literally nobody talks politics so I’ve learned to zip it. It’s like therapy to hear all your trump support and like I feel she should be indicted and sent to prison in an orange jumpsuit! LOL! Have the press all around her in that garb and no makeup and hair done! She is evil! Like somebody texted we need to keep our guard up and keep on prayin’ brothers and sisters for Donald trump to be elected president!!!
Abe says
Does anyone really listen to and believe the news these days????
JOHN M says
Alfred Carter says
Not from any MSM networks and specifically NOTHING from the Clinton News Network (CNN)!! Only the independents say it like it is!
John says
Maybe God has decided to spare this gaggle of sinners one more time. We have been often warned to repent and turn away from the wickedness of the traditions of man.If this reprieve is not met with national penitence, and I doubt that it will, there are disasters to come far worse than we have seen.
Angela B says
We seriously need to pray for the safety of Donald Trump & his family!! Desperate times call for desperate measures from the Hillary camp!
Lord, we pray you put your hedge of protection around Donald Trump & his family. Please protect them from any harm! Amen!
Jim Dagata says
This election reminds me of Reagan, and the peanut farmer. I was in business, rates were 20% and I was hanging on by my finger nails, I was elated when Reagan was elected and with in a few years things started to get much better for business. If Hillary gets elected, I feel nothing but gloom and a national night mare. She has lied for over 25 years, and I cant forget what she did to the travel office employees at the White House, she ruined their lives, and claimed she had nothing to do with it, however , later it was proved she was the culprit behind the whole mess, what an evil human being . nothing more to say , lets hope she never sees the inside of our House again
jerry holbrock says
I think a good ad would be to have a voter walking up to a voteing booth with these thoughs in their mind [sandal after scandle–lie after lie– corruption and more corruption– putting our country at risk with personal computers–destroying principle after principle ect.] and the voter deciding “I CAN NOT VOTE FOR CLINTON” and then walking into the voteing booth to vote. I think that would decide some votes..
jwb says
GOD will save you, not lyin’ Donnie or his partner in crime HRC. They have no means other than making false promises and sucking people in to their cult. CALL THE ELECTION OVER AND THEY BOTH NEED TO QUIT AND WE CAN START OVER. EITHER WILL BE IMPEACHED WITHIN THE FIRST 100 DAYS ………….
JOHN M says
Clarence Clark says
I told everyone here that Trump will win with about a 82% vote for him, LOOKS like I said it right.
Mike W says
Hillary has run out for hiding places and all of her(their) past scandals and corruption are coming back on them. There is no place left to hide. Many have known for a long, long time just how bad the Clinton’s are, others are no longer able to deny it. Some will still bury their heads in the sand and hope someone makes it go away. Hillary is not trustworthy. The Clinton’s are not trustworthy. Chelsea’s husband and father in law are not trustworthy. Most people associated with the Clinton’s are not trustworthy. I cannot understand why anyone would be so blind as to trust them. Lies, lies and more lies is all you can expect from Hillary.
pastriesqueen says
My family voted for Trump! All together we have 8 votes in 3 different states. And there will be many more.
Trump train. Choo-choo! Choo-choo!
John G. says
Seeing Hillary the “Hun” doing a “Face Plant” in the polls is a welcome and long overdue “wonderful occurrence”. I can only hope that our “Liberal Left” colleagues (OracleGuy, law5960 & Fig Newton) all “Morons” in good standing share our happiness in her long overdue demise.
Charlie says
She may not win, but she will never be prosecuted; wake up people!
John G. says
Charlie – her defeat at the polls will suffice for now.
Danny Jain says
This is inevitable; Trump was closing the gap, even without WeinerGate scandal.
All on the basis of his future plans for America – a fresh start to Obama’s non-working past policies re-run – to be triggered by Hillary!
I can hardly wait to hear Clinton giving her Election Night Conceding Speech!
Nancy Cearey says
Nancy Cearley says:
November 1, 2016 at 12:58PM
Praise the Lord! God works in mysterious ways!
Mathew Molk says
She will be too busy getting on a plane bound for a country with no extradition to make a concession speach.
mARCIE says
If Donald wins the presidency Comey can then prosecute the WITCH AND SEND HER TO PRISON!!!
Beth McLean says
I just hope and pray that Trump will win by a landslide!!!!! It’s about time America woke up to see Hillary for who she really is, a dangerous woman and not one for the White House. It’s not the right time for a woman president right now. We need a strong, determined, powerful leader that Donald J. Trump Sr. will be! Go TRUMP!!!!!!
Dawn says
Let’s make it a Trump landslide. Take nothing for granted. Get out and vote Trump.
Joe says
I have missed one election since JFK was elected! That was when Nixon won!! I have been predicting Trump was our next president for about five months or more! I have also said he would win easily! Maybe not a landslide but the surrender call from hilly will be early! You will still get your beauty rest to make work that morning!! What a great day for the United States!! Obummer better be sneaking out of town soon and be taking his cronies with him!!
joe Boysen says
I have been expecting a 50 state sweep for at least 6 months now! Maybe DC too! Maybe ALL 3000+ counties and EVERY precinct!
Rocketman says
The number 2 man at the FBI, who’s wife was given $500,000 was attempting to cover the new e-mails until AFTER THE ELECTION but Comey learned about them just in time. The timeline of this is ALL HILLARY’S FAULT and not Comey’s. You reap what you sow Hillary and what you deserve is a dirty jail cell for at least 40 years or until you die and go to hell.
Lisa says
Justin W says
We need to remember the victor is chosen by electoral votes. I suspect the poll numbers vary by state. The poll numbers that interest the campaigns are the ones from the swing states.
Hopefully Donald Trump will win. Hillary rotten Clinton has made a career out of corruption and incompetence. If she becomes president our nation is likely to become one where dishonesty becomes accepted if the person is able to pull it off. I can’t believe any honest person would vote for Hillary.
Milanka Jevric says
As someone said before hope she will bleach her self out of our lives.Enogh is enough I’M very happy that Mr.Trump Donald will take care of the best country on the world.Turn us back to positive direction and make great America again. Solute people,Congrasulation Btavo,m mnogo hvala
Ric says
It’s too early to break out the champagne and start celebrating a Trump victory. I voted for him a week ago but we haven’t reached the finish line yet. Now is the time to encourage relatives, friends and co-workers to recognize the treachery done to this Country by Bill, Hillary and the Democrats for decades now and there is only one viable alternative to letting Hillary put more nails in America’s coffin. One thing that you must remember at this final week is that the Democrats will stop at NOTHING to maintain high political power in this Country. Lying, cheating, vote fraud, dumping military ballots, fixing voting booth software, aggression against opponents, etc. All of these and more vile actions are in the Democrat victory game plan. Don’t underestimate the evil that they can do, even after November 8th. Don’t slack off now and count your chickens before they’re hatched. Now is the time to go full speed ahead to defeat Hillary and her evil gang. Victory needs constant effort and alertness or it can evaporate in an instant.
Lori says
We all know the Clinton Cartels have more ammo up their sleeves, these evil-tons will stop at nothing to stay in power; lie, steal, cheat, destroy lives, etc. I pray every night that people wake up and take their chance on the non perfect non politician man and vote Trump. This evil clan of elites can’t control this country for another 4 years our country won’t survive 4 more years. i was not an Obama fan but i did not think (at the time he was elected) that our president was an absolute criminal, I feel like if god forbid we elect her, we are getting a full fledged criminal as our commander and chief..
me says
Thank You, JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Philip Allen says
The Democrats and Liberal has lied to the American Voter and People long enough. Look at our debt almost 20 trillion. Illegals coming into this country can’t be vetted according to the FBI. Obamacare was a lie (you can keep your doctor and premiums and cost would go down) Everything with this President Obama has been a lie and Hillary want to continue with Obama policy including taking away our rights and liberties affording in the US Constitution not to mention our 2nd amendment rights to keep and bear arms. All the problems we are faced with as a country has been mostly created by the Liberal Democrats and then they tell us that either everything is ok or they will fix the problems (that they caused in the first place) Hillary Clinton is a liar also…look at scandal after scandal that has come out that she is involved in. Both Hillary Clinton and President Obama along with Loretta Lynch belong in prison after a criminal trial is conducted. Vote Donald Trump for President in 2016. No he is not perfect but he truly cares about this country and is the best person for President on the ballot. at least give him an opportunity to be President. If he doesn’t meet your expectations your can elect someone different in four years but if lying crooked Hillary Clinton gets in our country as we know it will be destroyed. Play the Trump Card and vote Donald Trump President Me and my wife did and proud of it. It’s time to Make America Great Again! Thanks.
sagatel says
She called Donna Brazil dead buffalo, millions of Americans deplorable, young black males are super predators, latinos are needy…She tries really hard to divide Americans along racial lines. She is truly despicable person and a first presidential candidate in US history who is under criminal investigation.
Sherry Lipari says
It is simply one more evidenced truth that God can and does use our human error and inconsistencies for greater good! PTL!
sam says
Wow, just got home yesterday from an operation. This kind of news really cheers me up! Go Trump.
Dorothy M. Neer says
Maybe they, who want to leave the U.S. if Mr. Trump gets elected, should perhaps start packing!
Mathew Molk says
Hey Dorothy, If they try to change their minds let’s track them down and put them on the bus with the illegals we will be rounding up.
Bruce says
Make It A Trump AVALANCHE !
kevin says
As i say what you do wrong for years it will come back and bite in the case of this deplorable politician hillary R. Clinton who has repeatedly done for over 30 years..lied, acted above the law, lied, lied and blamed others for her personal actions..gee it sounds like she was never given a moral compass when she was growing ughh she never grew up!
kevin says
Lokk who is deplorable now!
kevin says
look who is A Deplorable now! I guess huma used her ex’s laptop now and then and those 650k emails just so happened to get on there! idiot! Thank Bill clinton for introducing you to Weiner! Without that you would not be in this FBI pickle now! Your going to prison! So is Weiner! maybe hillary will have the balls to visit you once a year!
kevin says
Now we can see america for the first time since 1980 get back on track..i think the elitist republicans owe Trump an apology for getting our country back if they are even listening!
Floyd R Turbo (American) says
I’ll believe it when hillDAWG goes the way of Saddam Hussein. I.E. the SEALS drag her out of her spider-hole, she’s convicted of treason in a court of law and her fat a33 causes her head to pop off her body like a champagne cork when they ha ng her.
To all you Churchians who say that this is too harsh – consider that this woman allowed MILLIONS of criminal illegal aliens into our country where they could rob and murd er free American citizens just so that she could ensla ve us and line her own pockets.
That’s why the penalty for TREA SON has always been DE ATH…..
Mathew Molk says
It’s us that owe the RINOs something.
We need to get rid of the whole corrupt RINO/Democrat Elite Establishment and see to it they never hold another Federal, State, or Local office of job as long as they live. .
Floyd R Turbo (American) says
I’ll believe it when hillDAWG goes the way of Saddam Hussein. I.E. the SEALS drag her out of her spider-hole, she’s convicted of treason in a court of law and her fat a33 causes her head to pop off her body like a champagne cork when they hang her.
To all you Churchians who say that this is too harsh – consider that this woman allowed MILLIONS of criminal illegal aliens into our country where they could rob and murder free American citizens just so that she could enslave us and line her own pockets.
That’s why the penalty for TREASON has always been DEATH…
Gerald McManus says
11/8 Trump wins the election in an unexpected landslide.
1/20 Trump sworn in as POTUS.
1/21 Riots begin in black ghettos.
1/22 Trump asks GOP Congress for marshal law.
1/23 Congress approves marshal law.
1/24 Trumps order troops in to stop riots by any means available.
1/25 Trump jails members of liberal press who support rioters.
1/26 Trump restores law and order across USA.
1/27 America restored to greatness in one bloody week.
joe davison says
Today Mr. Trump is ahead 15,926 early voting/mail in voting in Florida. He is the first Republican to lead in early voting/mail in voting ever in Florida.
Rey says
TRUMPETERS don’t be too excited…Hillary is an horrible choice but Trump is not much better…Presidents are just puppet front men (or women) SELECTED not Elected ,the system is rigged …Policies are made by a shadow Government (the real Power that be)
This orchestrated election circus including the complicity of our Mainstream “News Media” is to give the American people an illusion of Democratic choice…and CHANGE…we heard that word before right ? guess what…..
Whether you vote for Trump or Hillary they will sell you another War in the Middle East for Israel who owns our spineless Congress, the National debt will go up no matter what… it is just a question of how fast and the 0.6% millionaires will become billionaires while the 99% will struggle to pay their taxes, maxed up credit cards , medical bills or their “sucker student loans”.
Presidents are NOT in control, just check the 16 intelligence agencies spying on YOU (NSA head quarter alone in Laurel MD has 40.000 employees and they have 6 locations) are you naive enough to believe that Trump is going to change that ? Too busy to blame Obama for it ? it took decades to build the system GESTAPO TYPE wake up ! , Now our Department of Homeland security is in charge of the voting machines and counting, don’t forget the Private Defense contractors who ONLY make money when America is at War…(Wondering why NATO want another Cold War ? ) do some research on WHO is really behind world wide “terrorism” and this fake war on terror ($$$$) and you ‘ll realize who are really in charge. Vote as much as you want you will not change the shadow Government who really control the President decisions which NEVER benefit the American people..(READ THE PATRIOT ACT) by the way it is the same thing in Europe… Presidents and their Government are no longer representative of their people so they use fear of “terrorism” (outside enemy) including FALSE FLAG attacks to control the ignorant masses …until they wake up…i’m afraid it is too late these FEMA concentration camps built under the secret program REX 84 (google it) kept empty so far will be used pretty soon..
Good night and luck. My vote is NEITHER ONE 2016, i know it’s pretty bad…
Mathew Molk says
God bless ya Ray (and you really need it) but you watch WAY too many movies.
SGale says
Hi All,
I am a college educated woman, who lives in NJ (a state of democrats and years of state government corruption) and I and my whole family are voting for TRUMP. We can’t, however, tell anyone in our state/neighborhood because we immediately hear, “how can you vote for Trump, he’s a racist who will drop a nuclear bomb as soon as he gets into office.” So, could it be that there are more people like my family that have been behind Trump from the beginning but won’t tell anyone about it?
Also, my husband is in construction, and ALL of the men at his job-sites are TRUMP followers, however, a lot of their wives are voting for Hillary and are trying to drag them over to their side.
Finally, today I looked into my choices for Obamacare, which I have right now and need to re-apply for next year. I found out that we now have 2 choices open for us in NJ next year… yes, just 2 ~ Amerihealth and Blue Cross Blue shield. I have Amerihealth right now and even though I have the better quality one (Tier 1 and Tier 2), I have been denied when using this coverage, until I call and tell them that I should be covered. One time they told me I’m not in their program (yeah, OK, I pay every month on time, for 8 months, but I’m not a member?) Oh, sorry they say. Then they tell me the doctor I got from THEIR directory is NOT in their covered plan. I call and get another apology. So, even though I have Obamacare…. they really don’t want me to actually USE it!! So, if a state like NJ with a LARGE population, now only has 2 insurance companies in Obamacare… can you imagine living in a state out west or down south??? My god, I think we are being lied to and this situation is WAY worse than the administration is letting on. I hope people find out about this BEFORE election day, because it is a MESS and directly effects the middle class and our wallets.
WAKE UP AMERICA, the corrupt, lier, weasels in Washington are too busy living the high life and robbing us blind to even notice what is going on in this country for the hard working “deplorables” that pay for their cushy jobs. We are in MISERY and things are going to get WAY WAY worse if the country elects Hillary and her Clinton Organized Crime Family and friends!!! I’m so pissed off I could just scream that no one gives a crap about us. New Jersey just raised the gas tax today by like 28 cents a gallon to pay for the roads that were supposed to be already paid for. They mismanaged the funds and robbed the pot of cash and now are making us come up with the difference! So between the higher gas taxes and Obamacare, it’s going to be a tight Xmas.
Sorry to be a downer but this close race is scary and I don’t really trust this administration to put on a fair race. They seem to have fixed just about every obstacle in front of Hillary to get her to this point. What do they have up their sleeves for the last 7 days??? VOTE PENCE/TRUMP next Tuesday and bring everyone you know with you!!!!
Jim Glover says
Good! I thought I would be voting for Trump the loser who thought if he lost it would be a waste of his time. But having a good peace plan is not a waste of time and now I might be voting for the winner.
Minerva Moser says
I live in the Blue Abyss (California), and I asked my plumber the other day who he was voting for. He responded with a grin and no hesitation, “Trump!” I was really glad to hear it.
Mathew Molk says
Same here in Cleveland, but their are Trump yard signs at over a 10:1 ratio over Clinton signs (except for the “Hillery for prison” signs – Lots of them) .
I was an Electrical.Millwright contractor and am retired now but I was with the trades for the past 25 years. I still see the guys and although the union leadership is pushing Clinton, most of the guys in the halls are all for Trump 100% (They want to keep their guns if nothing else)
The cackling Witch is dog food,,,,after it’s been through the dog. Watch where you step the day after the election.
El Tejas says
Anyone but Hillary!
ClaudeA says
Ya’all better begin bowing and yelling ‘hail chief clinton.’ Only idiots believe this
Joe Flo says
the thousands at the Trump rallies and the few at Hillary’s… the handwriting is on the wall.
Lois Wenk says
First of all no law says we as a nation need to stay WITH THE TWO MAIN PARTIES. We have a lot of third parties that beat out Clinton and Trump in quality of candidates. Abraham Lincoln was from a third party when he was elected as president. He as we all realize was not the worst president we ever had. He (worst president) was from a major party. The Dems and Reps have too many people brainwashed we do not need to choose the lesser of two evils. We can make America great again by going back and look at what made America great. First, the government gave businesses freedom to do their job of giving us jobs. The government does a lousy job at it and expecting a president or other politician to do that is asking for war and communism, Both are bad and causes prosperity to go away. Governments’ job is basically two fold. Protection of people from both foreign and domestic. Keeping the peace for a people in the nation. The contract/agreement we have for that is our Constitution. The Founders made us great. We can return to our greatness if we keep and return to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the founders intended. The Constitution party offers us that in their candidates Darrell Castle and Scott Bradley. They are also aware that different areas of the nation have different needs. They have both sides of the nation represented. Neither of the major parties do they are all Easterners.
Ndukwe says
Lois Wenk says
Polls and coverage are against third parties. Most polls never give the option of someone not Dems nor Reps. So Polls are purposely unfair and deserve to be ignored. Dems and Reps get on ballot automatically third parties have to petition and spend money the major parties don’t. All of these are a form of theft done by Dems and Reps system. Because of the delays in order to get on the ballot, there is an unfairness to third parties to have time and money to get on the campaign trail and get votes. Major parties need to be confronted on this. Israel has a system we need to look at. It helps with representation by the politicians to the people. If we want lobbyist to not steal votes have skyping from states the politician represents. Let this be the center of their location. To help on the national debt shrinking, have the Whitehouse used as an museum to bring in money.
Mathew Molk says
????? I take it you are a Green Party supporter and are all about global warming.
I I was to design a guy to get us out of the mess the RINO/Democrat elite establishment got us into I’d have a drawing and spec sheet of Donald Trump coming of my drawing board. – No holds barred, tell it like it is, SOB that takes no shit from no one.
It’s all over but the shouting. – The green party is history.
Mildred says
“That which is done in secret shall not remain hidden!” God has spoken.
roy lytle says
after she losses put her ass in jail , just like you would any person in this country committing a felony/crime….
then put her husband in the next cell , lol
such as life is when you think you are above the laws of this country………..
Minerva Moser says
I’ve been thinking, since our nation’s pledge of allegiance includes, “one nation, under God…” and on all of our money it says “In God We Trust,” it just seemed like God ought to be looking out for us. So, maybe with this latest news, He is. I’ll keep praying.
Mathew Molk says
Not that we don’t REALLY need the help, but God has too many other things to worry about and doesn’t God help those who help themselves. We got out self into this mess and now it;s up to us to get ourselves out….And THEN thank God for letting us prevail.
In the mean time, though, God bless you, and God bless the USA!
silverback says
You know, I have been pumped and dumped so many times I’ve got calluses. I am taking this to heart, but won’t celebrate until 11/9.
GG says
Thank you, WIKILEAKS…Thank you!!
Lorraine E Blazich says
Our voting process is so incredibly corrupt it no longer matters who the people vote for. The voting machines have been purchased from george soros and are easily changed to democrat. Bev Harris explained how easily the vote counts are changed increasing democrat votes and decreasing republican votes. And voter fraud is now and always has been ‘off the charts’ in our country.
Donald Trump is the Peoples Choice but the voting process is way beyond “rigged.”
Hopefully if the system is “rigged” sufficiently to put the evil woman hillary Benghazi clinton back into the white house, I hope and pray that Donald Trump demand an investigation from top to bottom .
Eee. Tekoa says
Hey, Andy and Oracleguy, get a life; looks like you want to go down the tube, wanting Hillary to win.
God help us all if she does. We all need to wake up and not get too excited seeing that Trump
is ahead right now. The anti-Christ woman might just have something illegal up her sleeve at the
last minute. We need to really prayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and prayyyyyyyyy that she doesn’t win.
Susan Ifland says
Thank God! I believe she has dug her own grave. She has been so smug I have wanted to jump through the television and smack her up along side of her head. I am going to ask for a paper ballot. I do not trust the machines. They are rigged in her favor. Please God let Trump win!!!
Roger says
Amen! She’s so vile!
Roger says
Hillary’s chickens… are coming home… to roost!
Samw says
Never fear the Ukraine under orders from George Soros will hack the election. The Russians will get the bill. Hillary will start WW3
Roger says
T S says
Soros will walk away. It was a gamble and ‘the horse went lame on the final turn’. He is in damage control anyway and it is a big mess that is going to take years to go away. Do you know anything about lawsuits?
T S says
Soros need to concentrate on Cyprus, to unite it and make it a nonextradition nation. LoL
Clare says
just wondering how long my post will “await moderation” ……. 😉
Hey igiveoralguy Bill Clinton raped a 12 and 13 yo girls then paid off there familes. DICKHEAD