A disturbing new report from Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has found that Planned Parenthood is throwing aborted fetuses away like common trash, sending them to be discarded in landfills.
In a surprise response, the controversial organization admitted it engages in the practice, but tried to argue it was legal.
An investigation into Planned Parenthood’s three facilities in Ohio that provide abortions was announced by DeWine in mid-July after anti-abortion activists began releasing undercover videos they said showed Planned Parenthood personnel negotiating the sale of fetal organs.
DeWine told reporters on Friday the disposal practice is callous and violates state rules requiring that fetuses be disposed of in a humane manner. He plans to seek an injunction Monday to prevent Planned Parenthood from disposing of fetal remains in landfills.
“I just don’t think Ohioans thought that fetuses were being disposed of in landfills,” said DeWine.
Stephanie Kight, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, acknowledged Sunday the organization aborted fetuses, then processed the tissue and sent to a solid waste facility for disposal.
Republican lawmakers in the GOP-controlled Ohio House planned a Monday news conference to announce legislation following the attorney general’s investigation.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Patty Patriot says
I’m not shocked. These monsters probably drink the blood out of the babies before they throw the babies in the trash. Only heartless libtards throw babies in the trash. I thought they would want the babies so they can put them up up for gay adoption but no just throw in the trash. Lord what Obama has done to this country. Pray for America today please.
John R. De Lude says
Prayer foe these people would be a waste of time.
I suggest a LONG stay in a maximum security PRISON.
About 99 years would suffice.
marymerritt says
being totally pro life I am totally disgusted with this action but considering the current regime in Washington it will be funded and continue to be funded by a radical and liberal who could care less about human life and will stop at nothing to get his way his big problem is he is such a wimp that he will not contest any laws that he will veto any motion that stops all funding to this disgraceful atrocity anyone who is pro life should be outraged but our mr. wonderful thinks nothing about but when we considerhis actions after the beheading of an American citizen it shows how little regard he has for any life funding a group of murderers will never happen
Ann says
We can hardly hang on until O is out of office. The fetus remains should be considered biohazard materials and just like hospitals and medical disposing of human remains, the PP should also be using the same method of whatever one may want to call it, remains, tissue, etc……. It was once part of a living being!!! Egads, just what have we become!!!
Dan says
Disgusting acts from evil people.
Lisa says
Sodom and Gomorrah. Why should God protect us? Liberals are destroying our morals. They want a murderer, liar, and a cheat as president just because she’s a woman. She’s not the best woman for the job. We need someone who will fight evil. Trump is too full of himself to be considered.
Ken says
If it’s not a “baby” then why can a murderer of a pregnant woman be charged with 2 murders? Just throw it out with the pepsi cans and leftover tunafish!
William Mahrt says
Of course, it is horrible, but what is, at root, most horrible is that they are killed in the first place.
melissa says
These peoples evil will be returned upon them 100 fold.
Donna says
I hope so!
Justin W says
Once again we see what passes for professionalism from the abortion industry. I guess if Planned Parenthood can’t sell the bodies they are going to find the cheapest way possible to get rid of them. Maybe its time America got civilized enough to shut Planned Parenthood down.
Karnevil says
What are they supposed to do, hold a funeral service?
Ken says
Catholics do if a miscarriage occurs
Elaine says
The remains should be cremated and/or buried with at least a modicum of dignity and respect. These remains are of human life.
Don says
This has gone on far too long !! Planned Parenthood should be Charged with CRIMES Against Humanity, and Murder !!!
rosalyn maue says
I feel if abortion didn’t exist,neither would this problem. I had a unexpected pregnancy after being left a widow. Abortion was not an option. Who has the right to play GOD!!!!!!!!! Yea sure nine months of your life are inconvenienced, so what! Someone did that for you once upon a time. If you don’t want the child the options are out there. Don’t take a life, you have to be able to sleep at night after such a horrendous decision. I sleep at night just fine, except for the babies that cry out from the grave or landfill!!!!!
Arnolds Mullins says
It’s a sin against nature an against God. Woa be up on the people that do this trobel thing MURDER in the eyes of God an man.
Pat says
Hospitals throw spontaneous aborted babies in the trash too. All early terminations have always been thrown away. Which is why I don’t understand why people keep call fetuses people but never have funerals for them when women’s bodies terminate the pregnancy. And everyone is so concerned about the fetus until it turns into a baby and then most people could care less if the mother can’t take care of it or is too poor to even feed herself or her baby. Maybe if you get rid of the reasons women have abortions there wouldn’t be a need for them.
Ken says
What are they, frogs?
warren says
Maybe the reason God is allowing this to happen is that these people killing their unborn babies are devil worshipers because God’s children would never do this. Over time the devil and his followers lose because they have been eliminated.
Jim says
If a Dentist has to put his medical waste into a medical waste system, why not human tissue from the bodies of the unborn? The abortionists are committing illegal acts. But then, remember Kermit Gosling, MD? He kept a jar of some of his “trophies,” and the press went…virtually silent.
I am from Ohio. I am also an abortion survivor. 4 Way Cold Medicine with quinine just didn’t do the trick. Nor did a rough motorcycle ride from my probable birthfather, whom my birthmother would not marry. (how do I know these things? family members and first wive of my alleged birthfather, not the probable birthfather.)
If it weren’t for the laws prohibiting legal abortion at the time, I would not be here. But then, neither would Obama nor Clinton (Bill) Both would have been scraped or sliced or burnt with saline solutions, or dismembered piece at a time. As I would have, too. Perhaps they are in favor of such murders because they both have a deep, disfiguring self-loathing?
Kimberly says
States prosecute when a baby is killed in utero and now babies are being thrown into landfills?!?!? This is not planned parenthood, it’s simply cruelty and a callous disregard for human life.
Ken says
planned unparenthood
Margaret L says
Human babies & their body parts–in addition to deserving proper burial/disposal–also happen to be biohazardous material. Have these bums been penalized for violating the related local & Federal laws? That’s the only way to really hurt these insensitive dealers in human flesh & misery–kick ’em in the their money bags.
Stephen Russell says
Is this on video?? Must share from group that does PP videos to date.
Land of Laws says
Disposed of in a humane manner? How about not murdering them to begin with?
Guy Castronovo says
These ,people partake in the slaughter of inocent and helpless creatures of God. Have lost their souls.
Muleskinner says
This is plain pre meditated MURDER. Both by Dr. and the bitch having it done. They should get no less then the death penalty.