Pressure from a growing immigrant population may have caused a high school in Jackson, Wyoming to cancel their annual ‘American Pride Day’.
But that didn’t stop their patriotic students from organizing a mass protest. The brave high school students ignored the cancellation order, and showed up en-masse to the school decked out in red, white, and blue.
According to a report from the Jackson Hole News and Guide, Activity Director Mike Hansen made the decision to cancel the patriotic day for fear of offending or making some students feel, “shut out.”
Hansen went on to say he was afraid of backlash from students who don’t feel American, and didn’t want them “targeted and singled out by this day” because other students wanted to show their love of country.
The school district has a growing immigrant population, but school officials stopped short of specifically naming any group they feared offending.
Many parents took to social media to express their frustration with this new brand of hyper-PC. One reported parent, Ted Dawson, had the following to say:
This Hansen dude or dude’ess has no cahonnies and doesn’t know what being an American is. Immigrants come here to be Americans not to change America into what they came from. If they do want to change America into their previous domicile then they are most welcome to leave. So if America and all it’s traditions offend you then get the hell out!
i almost agree with you i think you should have included hansen in the invitation to leave also ,he should be terminated asap ,isn’t it his job to make sure all students,immigrants INCLUDED, learn to be AMERICAN citizens,HE SHOULD BE RELEGATED TO ASSISTING THE DOG WHISPERER AND NOT GIVEN ANYTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN A POOPER SCOOPER
People who are so easily offended by any expressions of support for American traditions and values should realize that Americans are also offended by those who express disrespect for those same American values. “When in Rome, do as Romans do” applies equally well to America today.
If these immigrants came here for the love of America, then show us that love, or go back to whatever hell hole you came from…If you can’t assimilate with our culture, then it’s time to reverse direction….Adios Amigos !
Phil said it very well. ALL those students are benefitting from every American who has put their life on the line to protect and preserve the rights and liberties (including benefits of a FREE education system) we have, should be celebrating the pride of Americanism. If they are not grateful and respectful of that, it’s time for them to go find a school in Iran or Iraq to go to. Mr. Hanson needs to find an administration position outside our borders as well where he will feel “more comfortable”!
You have to applaud the Students that decided to stand up for our country and let people know that this is America and when people come here from other countries they expect and they also know that they will have to adjust to our style of living, if they wish to remain in our country. People from other countries are our guest until they become citizens, which is something obuma and Hillary don’t understand, when they start offering instant American-ship. Almost like putting your favorite instant drink in water, stir it and wha-La it’s done. As smart as obuma wants people to think that he is, all they really have to do is dig a little bit deeper to see that he is nothing but a Patsy for Law breakers and felons.
…land of the Free, home of the Brave….those kids are free and brave….coodoes to them…more than most of our politicians….
As a first generation Italian AMERICAN, I grew up among individuals and family members who emigrated to America prior to World War II. My family was extremely patriotic and regarded America as our “terra promessa”, or promised land. We kept our Italian traditions, but everyone tried their best to speak English and respect American laws and Constitution. When my mother finally became an American citizen, she actually kissed the ground she stood on. Today, there are far too many takers, who do nothing for our country. Instead, they oftentimes try to remake America into the nations which they left behind. To them, I can only offer this advice— if you do not wish to respect and honor the nation that provided you with a new start and opportunity to better your life, then please, go back from whence you came.
Barack Hussein Obama’s name is part Hebrew and Arabic. Barack in Hebrew, mean lightning. Obama, in Hebrew, means, heavens or heights, or places on hiigh. Hussein in Arabic, means, a white stallion, All together, his name reads as, lightning from heaven, which Jesus said about satan being thrown from heaven. The muslims describe their Messiah as a white stallion. Obama is doing exactly what the Antichrist is supposed to do!
Then there is the O name itself, how is it ignorant to question whether the a man named:
If your name were Liam O’Brien would it be ignorant to assume you might be Irish??
If your were Mosher Goldberg would it be… That you are Jewish?
If your name were Alberto Pregno would it be…
That you might be Italian??? So why is such a big deal, or Racism to wonder if a person whose name is a perfect combination of say: Osama Bin Laden or Sadam HUSSEIN might be Muslim.
You could not make this up if you tried!!!
Great comments. Agree completely. Do you suppose that the problem originates in our colleges and universities???? Many professors proclaim from their bully pulpits that the USA should be ashamed of past decisions and our history is full of terrible events that we should be very ashamed of. There is even a push to not teach our youth the first 100 years of our history. Really! That eliminates the development of our constitution and what the Magna Carta represented. Of course the Pilgrams were not important-just a bunch of religious people that didn’t like the State Church of England. Could go on and on. Food for thought.
Something about this doesn’t ring true. This is, after all, WYOMING, not Berkeley. Of course, in Berkeley an American Pride Day would never even exist in the first place. I wonder if Hansen deliberately acted to provoke the students into engaging in a protest he actually desired just to get into the news and draw attention to PC run amok? At any rate, I do also applaud the students for their reaction. It shows they are not brainwashed.
If immigrants have a problem with our country they are free to leave. I’m tired of bureaucrats who have problems with the country which supports them. If you don’t have pride in our country perhaps you would be happier elsewhere.
It seems to me that all groups of Immigrants have now been given their own Holiday or special day. But we the Americans can’t have any kind of day because it won’t be politically correct.
Well Done Samuel! I thank you for your research but I would like to address Leo’s Comment! First of all you didn’t get it because you don’t know scripture. Had you taken the time to read the word of God you would know and recognize exactly what Samuel’s referance is to. The only one making this stuff up is you! You ignorant dolt!
If Mike Hansen, the Activity Director, felt pressure from the “growing” immigrant population, why didn’t he take the opportunity (with cooperation from the Principal) to schedule an assembly to explain and educate these pupils of immigrant parents what this celebration was all about. Perhaps a flyer could have been prepared in advance for those kids to take home to the parents and they , too, will be educated about the American traditions and invite them to join in the celebration. It seems to me that the way Mr. Hansen handled this situation is giving the “growing immigrant population” the wrong idea. We should all be proud to show our patriotism.
Why would American Pride Day offend anyone from another country,. If they have come here to live, supposedly they want to become Americans, so they should take pride in the fact they have made it here,. If not, let them go back where they came from!
My humble opinion is, if we will not stand for America in our schools, then how can our fellow countrymen in uniform and law enforcement, rightly stand?