Concerned parents directed sometimes angry questions at officials after the discovery of a small amount of mercury at a Las Vegas school prompted an hourslong screening for exposure for more than a thousand children.
The session with parents Thursday evening came as authorities investigated if a student brought the substance to Walter Johnson Junior High School on Wednesday, forcing 1,300 students, teachers and first responders to undergo testing by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to Clark County School District police Capt. Ken Young.
It’s too early to say what sort of charges or discipline could be imposed, he said. No mercury-related illnesses have been reported.
Some parents criticized the lack of information they received and the intensity of the response, but officials said it was important to be sure no one went home contaminated.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that a town hall meeting, originally planned as a forum for parents to ask questions of district, police and EPA officials, instead prompted angry parents to express their frustration as they sometimes shouted questions.
“You say you want to address it, but you’re not addressing it,” parent Nicole Watson said. “You’re talking in circles.”
One of the most pressing answers parents sought was where, when and how much of the mercury was found.
Randy Nattis, EPA federal on-site coordinator, said it’s unknown how much spilled. “A very little amount of mercury can go a long way in the way that it vaporizes and gets into the air.”
However, Las Vegas Fire Department spokesman Tim Szymanski said fire crews have described the amount to be about five to 10 drops.
Parents also questioned why, if the mercury spill was small, the screening process took so long.
The paper reported that a father in the crowd, Michael Durkin, shouted that his son came into contact with the mercury on Sept. 2. Durkin expressed concern that his son could have spread the substance through his house.
High levels of exposure can cause mercury poisoning, which has symptoms including muscle weakness and speech, hearing and walking impairment, the EPA’s website says.
After screening, the last people were released at 5 a.m. Thursday, and school was canceled through Friday. When the mercury was discovered at noon Wednesday, automated messages alerted parents.
Hundreds of anxious parents waited outside the school for their children, who slowly trickled out through Wednesday night and into Thursday morning.
Students were quarantined in their classrooms until they were screened but were allowed to use the restroom. They received water, juice and food. First responders also coordinated with parents to deliver medicine to children as needed.
“They were laughing. They were talking. They were really, really upbeat,” Szymanski said of students’ morale. “The kids didn’t complain or seem out of it. I was there really, really late and I was really amazed at their attitude.”
The fire department helped EPA workers conduct the screenings, which took about five minutes per person, though some had to be cleaned and checked multiple times. By 11 p.m. Wednesday, a fourth mercury-sniffing machine was flown in from California to speed up the process, Szymanski said.
It was the largest decontamination response the department has ever handled, he said.
One by one, the 1,200 students were swiped with a wand that checked for mercury residue. They also threw their labeled shoes and backpacks into a garbage bag to be examined separately.
Contaminated students had to be cleaned off, ranging from wipes for their hands, to dipping their feet into a tub of chemical soap, washing their hair and changing into a set of school-provided physical education uniforms.
Everyone was eventually cleared of mercury residue. The level of exposure among the contaminated students was minimal because no one is believed to have ingested it, said Young, the school district police captain.
A teacher initially reported the substance after seeing a group of boys and girls playing with it during a school assembly in the gym. The fire department confirmed the silvery liquid was mercury.
The EPA said it’s still evaluating how to decontaminate the school, which can take up to a week. The agency will check the entire property and screen all of the students’ personal items before they are returned. A town hall meeting is set for Thursday evening to answer questions.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Why all the uproar? Everybody saw what happened to the people in Flint Michigan.Do you really think the E.P.A. and this Muslim brotherhood administration gives a rat’s ass about your health?
What a waste of time and $$$. All this over a few drops of Mercury. When I was in Jr. High, in the early 1950’s, nearly every kid in the school carried a ball of Mercury with them, in a small container. We coated coins with it so they would shine. No kid wanted to be seen with dull coins. Lots of these coins ended up in the cafeteria cash register. We didn’t know it was poison. It was fun to play with. I never heard of anyone becoming sick or dying from it.
I used to break thermometers just to get the stuff.
As one who is well into senior years, it hasn’t affected me.
And these dumb bureaucrats are pushing vaccines, which really are dangerous.
Go figure.
I am a retired Medical Technologist and in my early days of work, we had equipment that used mercury in it’s testing procedure. We had to clean the mercury after testing, as it would be contaminated with the blood samples we were testing. We poured the mercury into a pan and washed the LARGE amount of mercury by hand. I am now 84 years old and have not suffered one bit from that exposure. Nowadays if one drops a small bit of mercury from a thermometer all kinds of decontaminating officials have to be notified!!! Such a waste of resources!!!