She was fired for letting veterans die while waiting for the care our government promised them — and is accused of accepting kickbacks in exchange for special treatment.
Now, she says it was unfair and she is demanding her job back — and President Barack Obama’s administration is helping her get it.
Obama’s Justice Department is siding with a legal argument by a fired Department of Veterans Affairs official at the center of a nationwide scandal over long wait times for veterans seeking medical care and secret lists covering up the delays.
Sharon Helman, the former director of the Phoenix VA Health Care System, is suing the VA to win back her old job. Helman argues in court papers that a key portion of a 2014 law passed in response to the wait-time scandal is unconstitutional and denies her an important step to appeal her firing.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a letter to Congress that the Justice Department has decided not to contest that element of Helman’s challenge, essentially agreeing with her legal position.
Helman is serving two years’ probation for failing to disclose more than $19,000 in gifts she received while supervising the Phoenix hospital where whistleblowers revealed veterans on secret waiting lists faced scheduling delays of up to a year. As many as 40 veterans died while awaiting care at the hospital, according to an investigation by the VA’s office of inspector general.
McCarthy and other Republicans reacted with outrage, saying the attorney general’s failure to defend the 2014 law could make it easier for Helman — a convicted felon — to get back her job.
“When Congress passed the Veterans Choice Act, a key provision allowed for incompetent and indifferent executives whose inaction allowed veterans to die to be more easily fired,” McCarthy said in a statement. “Now, even after the president signed this provision into law, his administration is refusing to defend this measure of accountability. This decision by the Obama administration puts our veterans at further risk. ”
Rep. Jeff Miller, chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, said Lynch’s decision was “reckless” and “remarkably hypocritical given the fact that President Obama enthusiastically supported this law.”
The effect of Lynch’s action is clear, said Miller, R-Fla.: “It undermines very modest reforms to our broken civil service system supported in 2014 by the president and an overwhelming majority of Congress.”
Helman was fired in November 2014, seven months after the wait-time scandal came to light. The scandal led to the ouster of former VA Secretary Eric Shinseki and a $16 billion law overhauling the labyrinthine veterans’ health care system and making it easier to fire VA employees accused of wrongdoing.
The inspector general found that workers at the Phoenix VA hospital falsified waiting lists while their supervisors looked the other way or even directed it, resulting in chronic delays for veterans seeking care.
Similar problems were soon discovered nationwide. Intentional misconduct was substantiated in 51 of 77 completed investigations into scheduling problems and wait-time manipulation, the inspector general’s office said in a February report.
Problems at the VA have affected tens of thousands of veterans and prompted an outcry in Congress that continues as lawmakers and agency leaders struggle over how to improve the agency.
VA Secretary Robert McDonald sparked widespread outrage last week when he compared long wait times at VA health sites to waiting in line at Disney theme parks. McDonald later said he regretted the remark, which lawmakers called insulting and inappropriate.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called the attorney general’s decision in the Helman case “shameful” and said it contradicts a statement Obama made when he signed the VA reform law in August 2014.
“If you engage in an unethical practice, if you cover up a serious problem, you should be fired. Period,” Obama said at a signing ceremony at a Virginia military base.
Lynch’s decision “not only undermines the law that Congress passed and the president supported, but it sends a clear message that for President Obama and Attorney General Lynch, the sanctity of a federal bureaucrat’s job is far more important than the health and well-being of our veterans,” McCain said.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Joe says
John says
Put his family on the waiting list and make sure it is at least a 20 year wait for his heart attack while playing golf
Rico says
Typical of this administration. No one is held accountable, no one is responsible, regardless of the offense!!! IRS, VA, Benghazi and Libya disasters, are all just unforeseen events..
We need a complete change of administration at the next election. Anyone who is, or has held a high ranking office, in this administration, must not be allowed to resume or continue government employment!!!
George says
No we need to overhaul this whole 2-party fraud.
Bob Taylor says
I think that truth in advertising should extend to the political class. If you sell yourself with a promise and do not fulfil it you should be automatically removed. Add that to term limits and hold their feet to the fire. The party system is a private club and can do whatever they want. Most people think the party is a government entity it is not. that is why they can do things like super delegates non committed delegates others appointed by the leaders. Just the kind of rip-off that we are letting them do. If something happens (good or bad) in Congress you can bet it was planned.
VioletteHeggen says
I believe that, yet no one is doing something about it? Fire them all Trump !
Brigid says
Rico, Thank you. I agree. But lets get to the truth, all of the past Administration in Congress and Past Presidents have not taken care of our Veterans. It all started with Reagan. Charging veterans a Copay for prescriptions. Never in the history of the VA was this ever done. Soldiers have VA for life once they have served. That is the contract! All Presidents since Reagan have been doing everything to change that. Even making it so veterans have a 5 year cut off to file their claims. Meanwhile, we have veterans from WW1 and WW2, Korea, Vietnam etc. who still have not received their benefits. The VA is nothing but a freaking liar and has been for the past 40 years since my discharge. This is a system that all Presidential candidates pledge to make better and they are all liars. George Bush Jr. and Congress while he was President did not fund the VA till election year. The VA was terribly in debt. And suddenly Bush sends them 4 million dollars. That just paid off the money they were behind on. And Privatizing it is another joke. Then there will be nobody to watch the hen house. And veterans stick together to keep each other informed of what is happening. We don’t want it privatized. We want more doctors, more hospitals and more clinics.
Gail Doyle says
My Husband and Both Sons served.. Husband Army Viet Nam, Eldest Son 10 Years Navy middle east, My Youngest Son Army Afghanistan.. Bush inherited the Problem it grows like cancer. What it needs are a panel of trusted Government officials.. which should include… Army , Navy, Air Force, and Marines, and all other agencies tied to Military and Public apprised of Time Frames.. Public should be notified that . We the family of these Veterans demand Our Men and Women be taken care of. Their should be over site making certain the Men and Women who Protect US, are themselves Protected.. I am a Military Mom , My Family is my Life… Take Care of Them.. It is YOUR JOB!!
From a Wife and Mother
All My Men served in 3 Wars
Viet Nam Husband Army
Middle East Eldest Son Navy
Middle East Youngest Son Army
Len Bishop says
I agree with you and all that you said. It is a shame that the men that were drafted into the service have to beg for help. They in most cases “volunteered” and many lost their lives protecting all of us. How can anyone oppose health care to these men and women to save the nation they loved. For the president to hide/back the “fired VA head” to get back in office that was disgraced by her action or disregarded responsibility is entirely unacceptable!
William Cluff says
You are as right as anyone could be!!
Kenny says
Brigid, you are soooooo right in complimenting Rico for his statement regarding “O” and his lackey Lynch!!!!!!! Lynch is a real dope as AG and she should go to jail with “O.” Also, how Helman can sleep at night after her killing the Vets is criminal! She should be in jail also and for the dumb___ administration to support Helman’s case is also criminal. Go Bigid and Rico!!!!!!!!!!!
Gary Smith says
VioletteHeggen says
I totally agree with you!
Big TED says
Its not who you know its who you kiss up to.Typical Govt. bullcrap.
csthomas says
Its cause hes black is the reason.he gets by with it
csthomas says
Its cause hes black is the reason.he gets by with it
William M.Lahti says
Totally agree with that proposal. Obama “appointed” so many of his liberal cronies into positions of power and control. It is necessary to eliminate most of the positions he created and replace the ones that may still be necessary to the smooth working of the government.
Brigid says
Sharon Helman, needs to be jailed for murder in the Second Degree. People call your senators and House of Representatives to stop the reappointment of this woman. I am a service-connected veteran and I went to the Phoenix, AZ hospital with a ripped medial meniscus in my knee. I could hardly walk and went to the Emergency Room. I needed surgery on my knee. I sat in that waiting room from 3:00p.m. to 3:00 A.M. when I finally got angry and told my uncle to take me to his house. They took my x-rays within one hour of my check in time at 3:00 p.m.
After going home the next morning I went back to the ER and asked if my name had been called yet. They were angry and said that they called my name at 9:00 a.m. They told me to wait that they would get the doctor. Then the doctor called me back into the ER and said I need to see an Orthopedic, he couldn’t do anything for me. I told him to send a message to the Denver VA Orthopedics so they can set me up with an automatic appointment. He didn’t do that. I returned home 2 weeks later. Got off the airplane and went straight to Denver VA hospital. I was checked in in 5 minutes. Sent to x-ray and taken back to the ER. I saw the doctor in 30 more minutes and was scheduled to see orthopedics the following week. Denver sent me for an MRI and scheduled me for surgery. I had to wait 4 months for surgery. This is what is going on in the VA hospital system. Had I been in California I would have had my surgery in less than one month. The Democrat states take care of their veterans. The red states are lousy. And as for Ms. Sharon Helman she should never be given another government job period. The VA was outsourced for the idea of making things better. It didn’t make anything any better. And Senator McCain’s Choice Card for veterans did make things better if the veteran was allowed to use it. For over a year the Choice phone number didn’t even work. Call it and no such number. And now that it is election year that Choice Card 800 number is suddenly working. I am voting for Trump!
James G Rush says
The only job that Sharon Helman and Obama deserve it the job of cleaning their prison cells. He has done nothing since taking office except try to dismantle our military and destroy this nation. He has made America the laughing stock of the world. It says very little for the citizens of this nation that they would elect someone to be our commander in chief applied for college financing as a foreign student, has a bogus social security number from a state that he never lived in. He has preformed many acts since taking office that any American citizen would have been tried for treason for and Congress is still kissing is butt.
VioletteHeggen says
Smart move! Welcome aboard! Trump for 2016, the protector of America!!!!
William M.Lahti says
I am also a retired veteran. I live in WI and go the the Clement J. Zablocki VAMC here in Milwaukee WI. It is listed as one of the top five VAMC in the country. In the past three years I have turned my diabetes around, lost fifty lbs, cut my A1C in half, and many other improvements in my overall health. This took place immediately with virtually no prolonged wait times. I have had two heart attacks in the same year and received three stents as a result. Again with no prolonged wait times. I also had two gall bladder attacks and after the second had my gall removed. Again, no prolonged want times. Everything I’ve had to have done here was done with the speed, courtesy, skill, and accuracy as any private hospital I’ve ever had to deal with. My point here is that the color of the state is not only irrelevant but has nothing to do with the quality of services offered by the VAMC’s. The problems with those VAMCs that have issues have everything to do with the administration of those individual MCs. For there not to be any actions taken against those administrators that have shown their incompetence is nothing short of criminal. She should remain fired and fined. She should never be allowed to hold a position in any government department. The private sector will handle her in the best ways they always have. She will no longer have a career in hospital administration again.
PatriotForever says
After he is tried for Treason, aiding and abetting the enemy and for being an ACCESSORY TO MURDER.
Thomas Stanley says
Since when is incompetence is no reason to fire an employee? I guess since incompetence rains in the presidency?
The Redhawk says
YES Obama FIRST ….the cHIEF IDIOT seems to be Hiring Lesser Idiots so that he can LOOK better than they being the BIG IDIOT!
VioletteHeggen says
Smart move! Welcome aboard! Trump for 2016, the protector of America!!!!
Terry says
TRUMP2016!!!!! TRUMP2016!!!!! TRUMP2016!!!!! TRUMP2016!!!! TRUMP2016!!!! TRUMP2016! !!!! TRUMP2016!!!!!
Bill says
Main Street says
They serve themselves.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Sharon Helmon is a murderer, she deliberately, intentionally & deliberately allowed the veterans waiting for
medical treatment to die in the Phoenix VA medical center. She doesn’t deserve to get her job back at all, she
doesn’t deserve probation either. That B@$CH belongs in a women’s prison in the same cell block with the most
Violent women that will just use her for a punching bag, that would be the best punishment for Sharon Helmon.
John says
A total incompetent running the government what other outcome could we expect- those who voted for him have ruined this country. The most transparent administration in the history of the country – what a joke, Coward-in-Chief Obozo.
walt jones says
Of those who voted for the half breed Muslim?Kenyan Tranny ? Almost 80 % of them have not served a day in uniform and I challenge left wingers to challenge me on this !! Halmon should be tried and if found guilty of murder then she should be given 25 to life for murder. But the Half breed has already told his lap dog Loretta Lynch to not allow this to happen. Let’s face it we don’t have a congress to uphold the laws and dipshit just lies his way through everything knowing this. Get a law on the books that says “Term Limits to be ” six years for President, Congress and senate, we should not have to put up with, in some cases, 32 plus years of incompetence
Username*Gordon A says
I think a term limit of 2 terms served concurrently or not. Also after their term they do not get retirement for life nor medical for life. Just go back to the job you had like it was supposed to be according to our forefathers plans.
I would like to see a ruling for Congressmen and Senators that they had to serve in the military service either regular or reserve of more than 3 years..
Terry says
I agree Walt Jones to run for president he or she should have to served at least 2 years in uniform to be eligible that includes congress and the senate too!!!
Constitutionalist says
Congress = House of Representatives and the Senate.
me says
JoEllen Schupmann says
I certainly hope Trump does overturn this. My God, 40 Vets died & she did nothing. She should be tried for murder, & Obama right along w her if he helps her get her job back. Prison has a job just waiting for her.
ronald applewhite says
i am a service connected disabled army vet and can say that the treatment of vets is below the treatment of dogs at the vet. maby we should start going to a animal vet for better treatment. ron
JoEllen Schupmann says
Impeach Obama now. He is nothing but a discrace & a laughing stock to other countries.
unique says
I am not surprised Obama is incompetent himself.
Rivahmitch says
Obama, Lynch and Helmon all need to be found drowned in a shallow ditch.
jim gould says
Just another example of career politicians inept confusion on how to run a business. In addition, Union power overcomes logical positive actions, it’s a disgrace!
stopspending says
Just another example of O using his pen and phone to go around the wishes of Congress and the people. Maddening is that he says when signing the bill that they should be fired then when he thinks no one (the sheeple) are looking, he supports the liars. Same old same old and if Hil is elected it will be double the trouble.
WSmith says
Why would this surprise anyone? What Barack Obama says and what he does have been two different things since day one of the most corrupt administration in American history.
J. D. HARRELL says
Grampadon says
Incompetence and falsifying records are reasons for firing! It was up to her to make sure the Vets were properly taken care of. I believe the person in charge, at the different locations should also be fired. If you check to see what salaries they make, for doing a lousy job (most make $300,000 or more a year), we taxpayers are not getting the service we are paying them. Obama should look into the records, and verify if they are true….he would be surprised how the records are ‘fixed’ to show they are worth the big salaries.
FED UP says
Don’t let the door hit you and your spawn in the ass Obama when your lazy ass vacates the PEOPLE’S HOUSE.
Larry says
Just an insane statement by an phony politician, “I shouldn’t be fired just because I’m incompetent” but like I have said before “You can’t fix stupid”
PattieA says
Hey!!! What do you expect from him? Stupidity is in his blood or lack of it.
Robert says
What a exciting president.can it get any better this fool is a friend of the devil.what can he do next to embarris him self and show his emcompteness but his followers voted him in the second time. God help us.
Solo says
Why is he getting so involved with personnel issues…..unless he has things to hide and cover, there are bigger issues and concerns that he SHOULD be paying attention to…!
The Texan says
He has a history of getting involved with things that have nothing to do with his duties and responsibilities as President
El Tejas says
Incompetence is one of the best reasons to fire someone. The only better one is corruption. And where there is corruption involved there should be an arrest. With his record of incompetence and corruption it is no surprise that Obama is attempting to help her.
JoEllen Schupmann says
Please keep the comments coming, whether you think they are right or wrong…I will see to it Congress & Trump , (cause I know he will mention this as one of his talking points in his daily speeches), will keep this story alive. We absolutely should be able to assure our Vets that they & their health is important to us, as they give up so much to serve, for us. Zthank you, in advance…
Gene says
Well as a retired government employee I know first hand of Government employees being fired and then coming back because they filed EEO complaints, even though they couldn’t do the job. This is no different the lady couldn’t do a job but did profit her self from it she was and still looking for that easy to do nothing job in the government. I spent 30 years with the military and a USPS carrier we have good people and bad but once hired you can’t get fired. Unless you are caught stealing mail. She doesn’t deserve her job back and Obama needs to take a stand on this issue. Mr. Obama grow a pair and stand with us veterans on this issue.
Brigid says
Don’t hire her back. She can file all the EEOC complaints that she wants to. Veterans do not trust her. Make sure MSNBC hears about this and reports it. Veterans have a right to know and a right to call their Congressman. Get busy vets and flood the phones in Washington D.C. I am going to call the DAV headquarters and let them know.
Peggy says
Ok who’s going to stand up and get these people out before we are destroyed? Obama is guilty of treason. He has destroyed our country. He’s not even worth our money to keep him in prison. Let him fast in prison for what he has done to us, but not all his fault. Those that let him get by with it need to go, too.
JoEllen Schupmann says
I have to agree w you on this. Anyone & everyone involved in her getting her job back should go down w her.
PatriotForever says
Congress BETTER STEP UP and grow some balls or short hair and take care of business. The CRIMINAL is a CRIMINAL and COMPLICIT in Murder. Those people generally go to jail not get rewarded, but then Obama rewards AL CRIMINALS and further VICTIMIZES the VICTIM’S.
Isaiah 5: 20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight! 22Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine And valiant men in mixing strong drink, 23Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away the rights of the ones who are in the right! 24Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes stubble And dry grass collapses into the flame, So their root will become like rot and their blossom blow away as dust; For they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.…
Brigid says
Right on. I needed to hear that quote. Music to my ears. Their day is coming.
Wayne schmitt says
Hussein obama,crooked hillary,need to share a cell,with a fort leavonworth kansas,address,I pray when mr Trump gets in office ,his new attorney general,will,prepare a place,for the obama administration,to live out their days,preferrably,a work camp.
Jule Boatman says
Budget cuts and cut backs. That is the real reason for improper care.It is like fighting a bear with your hands tide behind you.
fra conn says
O’turd and rest of the idiots [socalled fed management] should be TARRED AND FEATHERED
john says
There is no doubt that the incompetence in the VA system covers most of the top level BUT It actually starts at the white house and comes and then goes right down to the clerical level of the VA clinics and hospitals… The whole system is a joke. You try to make an appointment. “There are 37 people on the line ahead of you”. “Your call is important to us, so stay on the Line”, So you hang up… When there is a short wait, of one 6 or 8 you wait and after you hear the connection being made, The next thing you get a dial tone. I have to drive 5 hours for a doctor to tell me that my PSA test did not change since last year. I get no gas allowance, as i worked for a living. Last year when I drove the 5 hours, I was told that the doctor was on Vacation. None of his appointments had been cancelled. “Wait in the waiting room and another doctor will see you.(one hour). He turns on the computer and tells me that nothing has changed since last year, and tells me to have a nice trip home. I lost the use of my right arm in December (I am right handed). On my first visit to the VA, the doctor did not even come into the room to examine me. I was given an exercise and sent home. On the next months visit she came into the room where the wife and I were waiting and asked how the arm was doing. “No better than last month and I am having problems with my knee again.” She tells the wife and I, ” I am here to see you about your arm and not your knee”. After months of waiting I am scheduled to see a Real Doctor at the VA hospital (not for treatment, for evaluation). He did not examine me, he looked at the X ray and MRI and told me that 3 of the 4 muscles in my shoulder have pulled away from the bone and because of the atrophy of the muscles pulling back, over time, they have pulled back too far and can not be reattached… SOL You waited too long. To this day, NO VA doctor has examined my arm. I have gone to Vets Choice, but the damage is done. Vets Choice sent me to a Orthopedic Surgeon locally for therapy. She moves my arm two ways and tells me my shoulder is frozen up. She examines my medical history and asks me why there is no mention of a frozen shoulder. It is because I have never seen a VA doctor. Weeks have gone by and I am waiting for authorization so that the doctor can work on me… How many more stories would you like to hear. The sad thing is that many of the Vets that are worse off than I am get even worse treatment. Has I been a freebee, an illegal or a muslim immigrant, that this country does not need, I would not have been treated like that. But I am a Real American Vet, so they can get away with it… God Bless this once Great Nation. USAF(SAC) 1960-1965
Peter Anton says
As a disabled Vietnam Vet who has been a patient at the VA Medical Center for over 45 yrs. I have experienced more improvements in the last 7 yrs. than the previous 40. There are long waiting times but that’s to be expected with all the Veteran’s that use the facilities. Most of the people commenting on this site are imbeciles that probably never served a day What a bunch of jerks that are critical of the POTUS when they have not one iota of knowing what their talking about. It appears that there are many people spewing nonsense who probably idolize the draft dodgers Trump and Ted (poop stain) Nugent. IDIOTS, spend your life in a wheelchair and maybe you would appreciate what the VA does for it’s Veterans.
Mike Moritz says
I am a disabled veteran from the war in Iraq, I am not stupid as you believe. My generation has been screwed in disability claims to help reduce costs. Many are disabled and deaf, yet get 10% for injury and unless totally deaf nothing for loss of hearing in both ears. Try getting a job if your deaf and unable to stand on once broken legs. The medical care is excellent, the VA administration sucks, they do love their bonus monies for keeping cost down. I spent nearly 28 years in uniform and your delusional. The VA has gotten worst since this administration found ways to save money on younger veterans needs. I do get 10% which is deducted from my military pension each month. I have private health insurance, yet after Obama fixed health care, I no longer have coverage for needed treatment on my leg and ankle forcing me to need the excellent care of VA medical professional. There are thousands of veterans since Korea, that have been denied treatment since lost records cannot defend in theater or on duty injuries. Do me a favor ask new veterans at VA were their health records missing after discharge? Yup there are problems with the VA and most of them come from the executive branch.
Robert rogers says
She got what she deserves.And Mr.Obama has no concern for veterans eatheier
Justin W says
Like so many other instances, President Obama’s words are plentiful and of little value. Maybe it’s time to shut the VA hospitals down and allow vets to get health care from regular hospitals.
VioletteHeggen says
Yep! Not to mention the media who are all in cohorts with the liberals
Mike Moritz says
What does Sharon have on the secrets of the executive branch? What did Lois Lerner hold over them, and Hillary sure not to be indicted definitely knows too much dirty laundry to not go down taking the rest of them with with her. I would like to them the heroes of the left for being constant in their betrayal of veterans. Plus Attorney General Lynch and her lying team of lawyers deserve credit for obstruction of Justice, and witch hunts for possible civil rights offenders while ignoring assaults upon whites by minorities and black on black murders. It is truly tunnel vision, they have a sick twisted view of America, if they want criminals they can find them by looking in a mirror.
Wendy says
Thing is, she’s got a VERY public “black mark” on her record. Even if she gets this “important step in her appeal,” it doesn’t mean her appeal will be successful. Any employer with a modicum of decency won’t touch her. and any employer greedy enough to want her skills despite it won’t care.
But then, if NOBODY takes her, then she’s on unemployment and the taxpayer ends up taking care of her, anyway.
theicecube says
But you missed the point, she will get her job back with the title of “incompetent” removed plus all of her back pay and legal costs.
marcia j champagne says
0bama and all his crooked administration pals need to be booted, incarcerated, and punished to the max with no forgiveness, no bs pardons. It’s time for folks there in DC to be responsible and accountable. Hell, she’s labelled incompetent…….guess what, no job doll baby. Guilty of numerous other charges as well……she and Hillary should have jump suits with matching pumps! And as for the corrupt, scheming, scamming, lying, pos in the white house……gitmo sounds ideal! This country is a disgrace. We are the laughing stock of the world. A total embarrassment. Obama is doing all that he can in his last months in office to further humiliate our once great nation. I swear he has three 6’s on the back of his skull. All this business as usual in DC needs to end. Every last department needs to be cleaned out……take out the trash…..say bye bye cock-a-roach! We the people are taking back our country. Together with our new president, Donald Trump, we will make America great again!! Go Donald! TRUMP 2016
lizaz says
This is typical obama…..”fire” someone and then let the person back in no matter how incompetent she is. Like the head of the TSA “removed” from his job and is still being paid while they look for another position to give him. It’s no wonder we have suffered almost eight years of ignorant, narcissistic behavior by many Federal employees at the expense of the American taxpayer and in the case of the VA, causing the deaths of an unknown number of brave citizens who served their country in vain. God help us survive the next almost eight months until this “administration” is in the dust bin of history. The worst president in my 76 years on this earth……
Don says
Incompetence is no reason to lose your job??? Well, actually if it was a reason, Washington DC and all the state capitals would turn into ghost towns overnight wouldn’t they?
MalcolmX says
Reasons why America has reached this sorry crossroad in it’s wonderful history; 52% of idiots gave this POS eight years to wreck this nation; 1.] he IS NOT A REAL AMERICAN, HE GREW UP IN INDONESIA, 2.] he has NEVER HELD A REAL JOB, [community agitator is not a capitalistic adventure], 3]. he acquired a college degree as a “FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT” how can he now be a citizen? , 4.] he has never served in the military, [but he is COMMANDER IN CHIEF], 5.] he is an anti colonialist some how convincing himself colonialists STOLE ALL THE RICHES FROM THE POOR, 6.] he is NOT A PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN [ONCE A MUSLIM ALWAYS A MUSLIM], 7.] he despises our founding fathers and the Constitution, 8.] he is a communist [Frank Marshal Davis] father/teacher and his white mother’s family were communists as well, therefore he neither understands or supports free market capitalism ; [he is big central planner and social engineer]. Are there still 52% of idiots out there to do it again?
theicecube says
Yes, they will still vote Democrat no matter what, as to them, all of these scandals are actually right wing conspiracys to make Obama look weak.
Don says
Ever hear the expressions: ‘Birds of a Feather Flock Together’ or ‘Water Seeks It’s Own Level’? That would be just about everyone in the Obama administration.
Losers, one and all.
old1 says
What else was expected from these people. And Clinton will be at least another $ years of this type of shameful and foul govt.
theicecube says
Come on people, this is about one thing and one thing only, Obama’s legacy. So Obama can say there are less prison inmates when he leaves office than when he took office, he has been releasing convicts early all across the country, even some with life sentences while at the same time working to remove our right to defend ourselves. Thanks to his PC nonsense, criminals and felons, are now to be called “justice involved individuals” by the justice system so they can feel better about themselves and keep honest people in the dark when hiring. He can say, because of his great leadership, Gitmo has less prisoners than when he was elected to office, even though most that have been released have returned to terrorist activities. So if the law is considered unconstitutional and Sharon Helman is reinstated to her job, the title of incompetent will go away and the number of veterans that died because of incompetence will be replaced with the number of VA patients that survived because of Helmans great leadership under Obama’s presidency.
george upton says
What you expect of the ignorant and the arrogant consistently.
BILL says
clem says
Congress do YOUR job!
Albert L Biele says
It seems that anyone who is successfully, but irresponsibly negligent in the proper treatment of our veterans; causing death for lack of timely treatment, should be given a second chance to kill our veterans, according to Obama. Could it be that he despises our military for reasons unknown? The man should have been impeached years ago.
Armand says
It really doesn’t matter Obama and his HAND PICKED APPOINTED MUSLIM WHITE HOUSE STAFF couldn’t give a SHIT about our VETERANS or the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Vet's Wife says
When will some one find the back bone to stand up and call for the Impeachment of Obama…I don’t care if he has less than a year left, he does more damage every single day! As for McCain it’s time he is voted out of office for being a traitor to his fellow veterans (he is running for reelection this year…HINT HINT).
My husband waited 11 months to get into the VA for presumptive lung cancer. We had to pay 20% of his cancer treatments and testing if we had waited for the VA he would be dead, it might not sound like much but cancer treatment is not cheap. It took a good part of retirement to pay bills, left him unable to work. The VA says the cancer is cured and it did no damage! He now gets to pay a copay to the VA for his appointments and meds (Before Cancer my husband didn’t need any meds or the oxygen he now needs 24/7.
I am handicapped and now I get to buy Obummer Care with a HIGH deductible and no help..they say my husbands income is $75 to much for me to get help (I have no income).
Arthur Hartsock says
Ms. Helman is typical of the riff-raff that Mr. Trump will have to deal with if he is elected President. So many Congressmen, Senators, Judges, and government bureaucrats that are worthless, incompetent, and corrupt. Good luck, Mr. Trump!!
Ginger says
No surprise. Typical Obama. Always on the wrong side of every issue. Maybe he mistaken this woman for Hillary, since both sound guilty of the same thing. Incompetence, and guilty of taking illicit bribes. Sad. This is why the sooner Obama is gone, the better. And, Hillary should be indicted and not even allowed to run for president. Time that we had someone in office who will clean up the mess at the VA.
Kenneth Bowman says
VIle Liberal Scum are the enemy of freedom and all loyal American citizens. Allies of Islam setting America up for invasion.
Kenneth Bowman says
NAZIS protect each other. Both are Vile Liberal Scum enemies of the United States Constitution are by definition enemies of the military and it’s veterans.