Before the Umbqua Community College (UCC) shooting, a posting on the message board site 4chan included a chilling warning telling other users not to go to school Thursday in the Northwest.
Multiple media outlets are reporting that the post may have come directly from Chris Harper Mercer, who is being widely reported as the gunman who killed nine and wounded seven at UCC yesterday. Mercer died following a shootout with police.
Replies included users recommending murderous tactics and targets to the original anonymous poster, speculated to be Mercer. And Thursday’s tragic mass shooting in Oregon may have had a specific target – Christian students.
According to multiple sources citing witness testimony, Mercer stopped his attack and began demanding to know students’ religion. If they answered they were Christian, they were executed with a gunshot to the head.
One student posted on Twitter an account from her grandmother, a reported UCC employee, detailing the religious targeting.
A neighbor, Bronte Harte, told The Associated Press that Mercer “seemed really unfriendly” and would “sit by himself in the dark in the balcony with this little light.”
In the Los Angeles-area suburb of Torrance where the reported killer lived for a short time several years ago, neighbors recalled him as uncommunicative.
Mercer has also been linked to a blog post expressing admiration for Vester Flanagan, the man who killed two Virginia reporters on live television last month.
Roseburg is in Douglas County, a politically conservative region west of the Cascade Range where people like to hunt and fish and pursue other outdoor activities.
Hundreds went to a candlelight vigil with many raising candles as the hymn “Amazing Grace” was played.
UCC has approximately 3,300 full-time students and 16,000 part-time students, and is located in Western Oregon on the North Umpqua River. The 100-acre campus holds sixteen buildings and is approximately six miles north of the town of Roseburg.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Like with the Ferguson shooting, I will wait for the facts before commenting about the shooter/shooting itself.
Anyone notice that spent brass on floor in picture was from pistol rounds? Sure wasn’t AR ammo from large capacity magazines as OBama seemed to intimate.. Also, shooting was in gun free zone again. Doesn’t seem to happen out where victims could be armed. Heavy gun law Illinois scored high in shooting deaths over weekend again, 60. Obama again says we need more gun laws. He made No mention of 60 Illinois’ deaths. Let’s see, 7 deaths worse than 60?
If you look at the ethnicicty of the 60 Chicago victims, you gotta wonder: maybe Obama don’t feel like Black Lives Matter as much as a political opportunity to further his covert agenda.
When is someone going to figure out that the mentally challenged and the lack of attention from the system is the problem not gun owners!
I agree completely! This is a total lack of mental assistance. Why?
Actually most of the ‘shooters’ have had mental health? help. Historically speaking most of them have been on Ritalin and/or Prozac which is noteworthy as the side effects are frequently homicidal and suicidal tendencies. Short of drugging a ‘troubled’ kid, perhaps a bit of human caring and friendly help would be much better. Another major downside of being labelled with a psychiatric term is that they are NEVER eligible to be in the military or on a police force. AND the psychs have come up with so many things that they label mental illness, such as fear of tomatoes! NO kidding! At their meeting they throw out different human behaviors and VOTE on the ones they want to call new mental illneeses. If you look at the checklist teachers are given to indicate a mental illness they list such things as fidgety, talkative, not able to sit still for a long period of time, in short, normal kids! Some lazy teachers prefer to have little zombies to teach. Something’s wrong here!
I think your on to something, but the big drug companies wont like it!
I agree, there is no test that is evident of a person having a mental illness, no blood test, no urine test; No “thought patterns”, Nothing. What they do is get together in a board room, and decide what they can add to the long list of their mental heath diagnostic statistic manual, and they decide that with a show of hands. And with the stroke of a pen they can sign someones Life away; Just like that. m.c.
Whenever budget cuts occur the mental health field is one of the 1st areas to have budget cuts, also chemical dependency counseling places face such drastic budget cuts that our Government has combined these 2 fields into 1 field. Which also means more caseloads are put on the same amount of counselors and these counselors are expected to do the impossible. That is they are required to handle additional case loads and are not given more time to fulfill these needs.
There is an old saying that says “Every country deserves the criminals it raises”…..
The mentally challenged are the morons in Washington, starting with the Moron in Chief that sits in the WH spewing all his anti-American garbage. Why doesn’t president Moron comment on the 60 dead in Chicago?? Because it would expose all of his flawed thinking…..make no mistake he is trying to position himself to disarm this country and finally weaken us to where we have nothing left to fight back with. Wake up people !!
You need to post this on Facebook
Your message needs to be read by the whole world.
Good job.
with all of the lefty double-talk this is starting to sound like a muslim -matter. our esteemed head mussy has already put his foot in his mouth with his anti-gun propaganda.and all of the demoncraps are following his lead..
When I heard the shooter was singling out Christians my first thoughts were, the government will call this something other than what it is. And guess what, they found a new name for muslims killing Christians. Amit-Christian Group. The only group I know that singled out Christians and kills then are muslims!!!
It is convenient to withhold his name as it might sound Islamic! Remember the Fort Hood mass murderer was NOT a terrorist, but just a mal-adjusted soldier! (By the way, when will his execution take place??) Strange that the present mass murderer was being raised by an over-protective, anti-social, mal-adjusted mother; that he comes from divorced parents; and that one of them taught him to be a God-hater!
Was he Muslim? Trust…Christians killing one another statistically happens FAR more frequently!
All of the UK (and most of Europe) just do not get the U.S obsession with guns. Its simple realty. In the UK (and E.U) very few guns in public ownership…………very very few people getting killed by guns. In the U.S lots and lots and lots of guns with a ridiculous number killed by guns.
Do not trot out the usual excuses “people kill people not guns” pleeeeeease what total B.S. Without guns the number of murders would be a fraction of what they are now. As for the Second Amendment the U.S Supreme Court ruled that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices. Also ruling that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”.
Our governments are just the same as yours….Bought and paid for corporate-ocrasys, looking out for the 2%. But we are not insanely stocking up on arms and ammo in prep for a insurrection fantacy.
It seems that it is politically correct to never compare the locations, such as Detroit, where there are VERY strict gun laws and “no one has guns”, with the location with the latest tragedy. I read that there was 60 people killed in Detroit while the idiot in Oregon killed 9. Ovomit will never make that comparison.
One should remember that gun free schools and such are helpless targets for nuts. Why will this not make headlines?? Remember the gun free military shootings? How many times has that happened?
If there is not a convenient gun a real killer will work around that!
and spoons make us fat and pencils make misspelled words. Get rid of guns,,, remove them from the hands of the criminals and I will think about it. Won’t do it, but would think about it. Hey how many were killed by drunk drivers???? Let’s ban cars and trucks
We all know Illinois, especially Chicago, has banned guns. Last weekend, 60 more were killed with guns. Why? Because thugs, including thieves and hold up villains do have guns, mostly illegal guns, and the citizens can’t protect themselves. So grabbing all of our guns, will not prevent death by guns of any type. We need them to protect ourselves. Too many people with mental illnesses, as well as druggies out there, and their neighbors, friends and relatives won’t turn them in.
A ridiculous number killed by guns? You haven’t done much research have you? In Russia the murder rate is five times what it is here!
I can only wonder how many of these are staged to get “gun-control” ….Ummmmm
Totally agree with that. NLP at its best. Happens every time there is some real news happening that a shooting takes place to distract!!
That is their MO, has been for some time now! When real damning news happens this Muslim-Marxist jihadist is nowhere to be found but when these False Flags happen simultaneously this half-black communist is “Johnny on the Spot” with his communist gun control agenda! Come on sheeple, these happenings are like a “Hollow-Wood” script! How convenient that the shooters now are always “taken down”! Now we will have a 24 hour around the clock coverage by the state-run, fifth column media! He is the Devil’s Advocate and it will be a tragedy for AMERIKA because nearly half of the dead Republic actually believe this demonic psychopath has our best interests at heart – I’m being generous in saying that he might actually have one! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION!
Both the democrats, and republicans are bought and payed for oil company,drug company, and aluminum can company stooges, they don’t work for us, we have a capitalist gov.
I guess you haven’t heard of Jesus having an army to fight the Antichrist Gov. are you going to be in Jesus’s army? The antichrist gov. is our US gov. run by the greedy company’s that are destroying our world
I ask people What caused this economic depression? no one can tell me, well do you know? high gas prices did, when the price of gas goes up so does the price of everything else, and the only thing that will bring us out of this depression is free energy , so force the auto company’s to make only water to hydrogen cars and trucks and conversion kits to change the pieces of junk fuel injected, and diesel trucks to run on hydrogen with switches to shut off the fuel injectors, and the fuel pump, don’t do this now and the economy will collapse soon, when our bought and payed capitalist Gov. goes bankrupt Tell every one not to buy a new car, and tell them to tell others, tell them they must do both. Don’t buy a new car, or truck., free energy is the only thing that will bring our economy around, like it was in the 50s ,60s
Cancer society’s are not doing any research, because they found cures for cancer way back in the 1930’s, and you won’t be giving them any money if they come out with a cure, they are the biggest mass murders, and you are paying them to kill you with chemo, and surgery, they can’t make any money curing you, catch 22, the best cure for cancer is in a book Encyclopedia of healing Juices, by John Heinerman, page 141 under Grape/ raisin juice, a man diagnosed with cancer didn’t do the murdering chemo, he buckled down and eat his fruits and vegetables, and killed all of his cancer, red fruits and vegetables, have a substance called lycopene that will kill cancer, and keep you from getting cancer, pore nutrient is what causes cancer, and a host of other illnesses so eat your fruits and vegetables, with your meat. a good balanced diet.
#1 cause of Alzheimer’s is aluminum poisoning, take all cookware to recycling, and don’t buy anything in aluminum cans, spread the word to every one, when we stop buying they will have to make iron cans, and cookware, so spread the word and tell those you tell to spread the word also. #2 cause is iodine deficiency, that cause’s bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, suicides, eat fish, and yogurt 2 to 3 times a week spacing them out every 2 to 3 days, because iodine will be depleted out of your body in 2 to 3 days
The flu shots have been tested out to have 25 mg of mercury per shot, they tested to have formaldehyde, ethylene glycol ( anti freeze ) and aluminum the #1cause of Alzheimer’s, ADD and ADHD, .The drug company’s pills are coated with aluminum oxide, they are slowly making you brain dead zombies, to give you a strong immune system from the flu, colds, and a host of other germs, and bacteria, you want to get Garlic, powder, and or minced and season with a little almost every day, all nutrients will be depleted out of your body in two to three days so you need a little almost every day, a garlic container should last a person 8 to 10 months.
Diabetes is one of the biggest medical scams, it can be cured with a little cinnamon almost every day, like iodine it will be depleted in 2 to 3 days, so a little almost every other day will keep your blood sugar level normal .
There’s a 200 mile per gallon carburetor sitting in the patient office collecting dust bought up by the oil company’s, Volkswagen has a 264 miles per gallon diesel but it’s not coming here, tell everyone not to buy any new car that gets less than 40 miles per gallon, and tell those you tell to tell others, continuing to tell everyone and we will boycott the making of these pieces of junk low mileage cars and trucks, and force the auto company’s to make kits to run cars on Hydrogen from water electrolyzer producing all the hydrogen with the alternator on your car / truck this is possible with two switches to shut off the fuel pump, and fuel injectors to change these pieces of junk cars, and trucks to hydrogen. boycott the auto company’s tell everyone, and tell them to continue telling people don’t buy a new car, or truck, also tell everyone to boycott aluminum cans , and cookware, they autopsied alzheimer’s patients and found aluminum nodules on the front lobes of their brains, aluminum poisoning also causes ADD, ADHD , and a host of other mental illness, also they found out that Iodine deficiency causes schizophrenia, bi-polar, depression, suicide, so eat fish 2 to 3 times a week, or take iodine pills every 2 to 3 days Make copies of this and give it out to people.
You should stick to playing baseball, Bryce.
Brice is 100% right. By following a simple protocol I cured my diabetes in a month.
Obama serves the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. It is common knowledge that they answer to no one. You might google: common knowledge It does not matter who becomes the next president when that person will serve the Board of Governors. Stay home and save gasoline!
The Manchurian candidate(s)? You could be onto something!
I was thinking the same thing.
You must consider, helping the handicapped. Mental or physical, doesn’t get votes. These shootings get emotions stirred, make people want something done now. Don’t matter if it’s right or wrong, just something. Libs can jump on guns as the villain because they’re highly visible. Helping the handicapped would be truly helpful but not very noticeable. The public just needs to think and pull their heads out of the smelly place.
Get a grip…………and get real
Are thinking like a Christian ? l am a Christia, and the devil are doing his job again US using our people to attack us… But the only thing we can do is pray for them.
Robert, you are “right on!!!!!” He is a mussy, with an agenda: to make the US of A a mussy country!!!!! How frightening is that?????
And, you’re also correct about the demoncraps!!!!!!!!! Fooey on Political Correctness!!!!!!! When good people do nothing, EVIL WINS!!!!!!
God help us…….we need You!!!!!!!
Yes there is a God but no one knows how to communicate with God, and religions condemn communicating with God. Satan is a very good deceiver, and has a lot of religions, every religion is the deceiving religion of Satan.
How to communicate with God and work God’s miracles, do every thing that Jesus, the disciples, and the prophets did and even greater works, do you want to know how?
Communicating with God will bring heaven on earth, how to communicate with God? how did the disciples, Jesus , and the prophets communicate with God? these people are all ordinary people like us, but are Neanderthal cave men with a highly advanced race of people that set themselves up as Gods, yes the Jews had flesh and blood Gods, just like the Greeks, Romans, Aztec, Incas, Indian, and the Norse Gods, and had the people feed them with offerings of food these Gods instructed and trained the prophets, Jesus, and the disciples how to communicate with the spirit God, and when you can communicate with the spirit God , you can do everything Jesus did, and even greater works. The cure for all sicknesses, it tells how they communicated with God in the bible, Just put all the versus together that pertain to baptism of the Holy Ghost, if you don’t know I’ll help you. [email protected]
To talk to God you MUST go through Jesus Christ ALONE!!! Or God will not answer your prayers. So says the bible.
“Roseburg is in Douglas County, a politically conservative region…” Which is probably the perfect hunting ground for a typical liberal who hates Christians and asks potential victims if they are so he can shoot them in the head, instead of their leg.
Most dangerous place in any American town is a gun free zone.
It is so amazing that the media refuses to point out the fact that only Christian students was the target to murder….If a teacher had a weapon that mass murder might not have happened…..then Obuma the muslim gets on TV and lobbies for gun control..Why does he have to have an army to protect him and his family? These innocent kids don’t have a chance against a lunatic in a GUN FREE ZONE….they are the target and Obuma likes it that way…..Wake up you parents and stop with the koolade…Your kids are in danger…You are responsible for their safety,,,..or their vunerablity…It’s not the gun, it is YOU.that is at fault…..These outrages will continue until he gets his way….guns will be banned and then we are all targets…..More people have been saved by guns than have been killed ….that’s a fact…look it up…don’t listen to his lies…about anything…Seek the truth!!
People need to realize that it is not the knives, scissors, 2X4’s, metal pipe, screwdrivers, hammers, OMG … and not to forget the most chosen form of a weapon, the firearm, that are killing people. People kill other people using the items listed as well as other items used as weapons that are not listed. It is unfortunate when the offender is so young in life. It is unfortunate when the young person exhibits signs that could be mental illness because he is antisocial and prefers to be alone. Reports are saying he has had no counseling or psychiatric treatment because he has exhibited only non violent behavior in the past. Many people will argue that if guns were banned this young person could not have had access to the firearm. Well, all the criminals who have access to the black market will have access to weapons and when this happens eventually we have the same problem as we have today with gun access being regulated and illegal gun access easier than ever, especially for the young people who know other young people who know someone on the street or someone who has stole one and wants to get rid of it silently. Unfortunately when it comes to our young people all the so called normal behavior, all the normal precautions, and all the rules and Laws won’t stop a teenager when he or she makes an irrational decision due to a threshold of events that to his or her emotional level have spiraled out of control. For some children it results in violent outbursts and yet others who have the same social background, education, and family lifestyle show that they have problems and need help in a total different way. Children make decisions based on emotion with or without pain, as well as experienced upbringing and or growing up, with and without abuse. Their decision making abilities are not as rational as that of an adult in the same situation, their brain still has growing up to do in that area. This is NOT saying that they do not know right from wrong!!! Some are arguing that this is a Hate crime against Christians, and it may very well be. And then the question will be is how a child of this age came to have these kind of feelings toward others and no one knew??? No one will know until the investigation is complete. Sometimes all they find in situations like this is all the answers in the world don’t apply, and unfortunately nothing could have been done. This is a tragic and unnecessary loss for all parents and family involved.
Our Heavenly Father be with you all
What Is missing in this world Is love! And faith Parents! Love And protect your children! No mater how old they are!
Unfortunately we cant protect our children, because we cant be with them 24/7, and we cant live their lives for them! What we can do is teach them how to protect themselves but teaching them how to use firearms, along with martials arts classes. This will greatly improve their chances when things happen..
guns can’t kill,,, people kill
guns do not kill people kill
I have just finished reading the supurb book COLUMBINE, the definitive story of the Columbine School shooting, the “query about religion” is taken straight out of the event that occurred there and I think this wingnut is just a copy cat. Howe on this green earth is it possible that so many can blame “Obama” for this? You people need to get a grip.
( Howe) on this green earth can we blame Obbey for this?….Very simply, he’s to blame for the vast majority of all the problems in this country for the last seven years….His statement in 2008….” We will fundamentally change America”…It’s the only truth he ever told, everything else has been a mountain of lies….Now you can finish your Kool Aid.
I agree, he’s almost as bad as George Bush!
Yea, you’re absolutely correct! In past seven years, economy bounced back, job rate up, unemployment down, people buying homes and cars again, no successfully launched full scale terror attacks in America, no American initiated wars abroad albeit we are still dealing with effects of the GW Bush War in Afghanistan; the country is a mess!!!!!
The gun issue remains problematic in this country. To that situation I say, doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results amounts to lunacy.
God’s continued Blessings upon this great country of ours called The United Srates of America!
I pray that God will clean up your hearts from racism and hate.
Think about it. Why do mass shootings happen only in gun free zones? Because there is no one to fight back. That’s why they choose those places. If there was someone there with a gun that stopped it you would never hear about it.
Statistics show that over 2 million crimes are stopped every year right here in the USA by a citizen with a gun. WHY DON’T WE HEAR ABOUT THEM IN THE NEWS.
Another one of Obama’s fool tools.
What about the 14 yr old that stabbed his pregnant mother 20 times. According to Obama we should outlaw knives. Anyone who ownes a kitchen knife should be required to register the length, type of knife and how many they own, with the Feds. And any household that has a mentally ill person living there will only be allowed to have plastic knives otherwise you will have to eat with your fingers
Don’t forget hammers, screwdrivers, five gallon buckets, (more infants die every years by falling head first into a bucket with some type of liquid in it than are killed by guns), swimming pools, automobiles, (now there is a real killer), and last but not least outlaw politicians. Everyone of the above listed kill more Americans each year than criminals with guns. The wars politicians they start and then micro manage so that they are un-winable kill more young men every year than anyone else.
Multiply shootings are bad..What I want to know is why Obummer never thinks about all the black on black in the cities that happen each and EVERY day around the country. Why do these fanatics have to attack schools?
It is not PC to talk about black on black violence. No one is out to get them like they are Christians. IMO there is significant muslim influence in black communities that predates O. Muslims have no sense of nationality. They are trained to think like that in their govt schools. IMO this is what muslims have been selling to the black community for decades, except they use race instead of religion. Probably to the extent that some, maybe many, blacks put their race instead of nationality? There is no separation of mosque and state in islam so public schools are mosque/religious schools. And they claim they are being discriminated against if they don’t get their way.
Everybody is missing the point. Stupid people with guns kill people. Crazy people with guns kill people. Evil people with guns kill people. But damn near everyone does something stupid, crazy or evil every so often. When too many people were dying due to poorly designed cars, we mandated safer cars. We should mandate safer guns. Stolen guns should not be able to fire. Only you should be able to fire any gun you buy, unless you declare who you are buying it for and that person is either over 21 or your own child–we don’t need the HIgh Holy Poobah of the Church of the Tax Evaders buying a gross of rifles to pass out to his followers at his ranch. When you buy a gun, or exchange an old gun for a new one, you need to register it–if a car runs over a pedestrian and speeds away, it’s much more likely to be found if it’s registered and licensed. If you’re drunk or on medication for or causing depression, your gun should be inoperable. If for some reason you are attacked while drunk or on medication, there could be a safeword that would allow your gun to fire one magazine and then become forever useless. When your doctor prescribes medication that fights or causes depression, or when you check into rehab, or when you fail a sobriety test, or when you are jailed or arraigned on any charge involving violence, your guns should be confiscated,
Great idea Jim. Now you invent a gun that only fires for its owner. There have been some very smart people try to accomplish this, and none of the inventions have proved to be reliable. There was an invention that needed a magnetic ring to be worn by the user to fire. Only problem, it didn’t always fire when needed. One police department bought into this idea, but the department Armour was diligent enough to test them before they were issued to the officers. It was found that the guns fired about sixty to seventy percent of the time. You try using a gun for self protection that only works part time. We will all send condolences to your family.
Really? All of what you advocate is just another way to get you in another gov’t database. Confiscation anyone? How about we arm everybody and let them protect themselves and each other when something like this starts to happen? All that would be left is the truely evil. Put “The Black Awakening” or Russ Dizdar into a search engine to find out why this is really happening.
I live in Canada and we have had gun laws forever. It seemed to go along nicely but recently we have had a lot of murders in the streets….driveby shootings and gang related shootings and house invasions. Regarding house invasions the criminal has done whatever he came to do and fled by the time the police get there. I am thinking I do not want to be at the mercy of these thugs so what do I do? Get a gun?…perhaps. I would rather fight and I am a 74 year old woman.
If you were my mother I would encourage you to take a gun safety course, not one of these come for an hour and get your certificate type deals, a real safety course with several hours of instruction with their equipment and then when ready, with your own purchased equipment. They offer these type classes at most larger gun sales stores with indoor gun ranges. also weapon wise there are some nice 380’s with laser site that is excellent for night time intruder, or if you are in a not so well lit environment. They are also very small, but do a good job. I would also encourage you to get a concealed weapon permit, if it is available to citizens where you live. If you are in the physical condition to do so, I would also encourage you to take a self defense class for women. It teaches you how to defend off certain types of defenders. Please note that I mean no disrespect by the above two sentences, my Mother, My Best Friend, passed away this year at age 67. She was 5′ tall and weighed 85 lbs my whole life, she had severe health issues but she was awesome!!!! I wish you the best of luck with your dilemma.
Peace and Safe Passage
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. (Romans 1:28, 29)
It not our foolishness, it’s our darken godless view we have perpetuated in this society.
It’s not luck that made us great, it’s the Lord.
We live in a sin sick, Godless society. if anyone should doubt me, simply turn on the television and watch the filth come out of it!
Another coward seeking glory by shooting the unarmed (defenseless) students in a gun free zone. and unarmed security. Unlike our politicians they were not surrounded by armed security.
I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with–and EVERY WORD of–responses by PAT, and CLAIRE TWARDOSKY (both Oct 2nd comments)!!!!! And yes, GOD help us in OUR America–NOT the “mussy’s” !!!!!
Too bad those Oregon students weren’t members of the Oregon State Militia and armed.
Here in Texas we passed “open carry”. America, get a clue before it’s too late. Restore your Militia and stop the Democrat and country club Republican gun grabbers and traitors in Congress, the WH and your state legislators. FB me for info.
I can only wonder how many of these are staged to get “gun-control” ….Ummmmm
YOUR not the onlyone Caryolin & I could almost guarantee it but then somebody would be sure and ask how & why I know about MK-Ultra and such projects producing “Manchurian Candidate” effects/results.
They are after the people’s guns and don’t care How Many they kill to get the job done. They know that they cannot take over a countries people as long as they are still armed.
They are doing a fantastic job at Dumbing Down the people / sheeple so that all they care about is “Constant Contact” with their Smart Phones. Now convinced that knowing what “all my friends are doing” is the most important thing in the world has become a huge success with da gubbament working its ways to get what they want.
I always thnk of a Famous Quote from one responsible for Millions of lives to get what he wanted!
What a Good Fortune for Governments that the people do not think! Adolph Hitler.
Now does everyone still believe that Muslims don’t hate Christians? O is still bringing over thousands as we speak.
It’s not Obama, it’s the Jew world bankers who call the shots, and it’s happening in every western country on earth! It’s all part of a much broader plan for world domination by the Illuminati.
The only thing that stops a bad man with a gun is a good guy with a gun! Bad people will always have a way to get guns,don’t give up your ability to protect yourself and your family!!!
We can sit here and point fingers all day long, but until we get a clean sweep of all the crooked politicians we have, none of this is going to stop,the most important thing we all need to do is turn this country back to GOD,we have become a not GOD fearing country like we once were.My prayers go to King Jesus,He is the only one that can help us,let us turn ths cuntry around,Praise God.
It is sad, but ironic, that many of our mass murders take place in institutions of learning. Our leaders and social manipulators first took God out of schools in the ’60s and generations of our children have been provided a Godless education. Those that objected to the Christ less “education” are scorned and viewed as unenlightened by the media and political processes. It would appear that the principle of reaping what we sow is valid!
Education without including God is not education It is indoctrination and leaves an emptiness in the lives of the indoctrinated
Hate, drugs, violence are natural attempts to fill that emptiness and find meaning in life. May God have mercy on our deceived and empty people!
Bet this guy was on Psychometric Drugs like all the other shooters these past few years. Why doesn’t anyone in Government comment on that?
Because the big drug companies have too much political power and money, just like the big banks, and the big corporations.
I realize that we’ve become the nation of ‘politically correct’, but lets step aside for a moment and name this butchery for what it really is. If you are a loner or a weak minded individual, you don’t need anything to fuel your ‘inner demons.’ The problem we have as a society is that we’ve embraced violence as our god, and our only means to communicate with one another. There are ga zillions of dollars being made by creating more violent movies and video games and I’ll be the first to tell you that the majority of the people parked behind their joy sticks, won’t go out and slaughter people, but the reality is, our culture has morphed into a beast that neither knows how to control anger, desertion, loneliness, depression, anxiety, whatever is fueling your dislike or mistrust. Families have no inner action with each other except yelling and cursing at one another, our homes have become battlegrounds. This is very fertile ground for Satan and he loves it. He loves you filling your mind with killing and every other vile act that humans pour out on one another. Clamping down on guns isn’t the problem and we’re too damn stupid to see it, or maybe God has blinded our eyes? Regardless, the pattern to these senseless killings probably all follow the same path, no friends, no family ties, dealing with mental instability and pouring gas on the fire by watching the killing in videos and movies. I know the people making the mountains of cash by selling this ‘mind candy’ would tell me I’m crazy, but to their dislike, seriously this is more real than real and it won’t be going away.
I am a 61 year old Christian woman. I own a gun. My dad bought it for me 30 years ago when a girlfriend was brutally murdered by her husband. He taught me how to use it and care for it. I’ve gone target shooting many times and I’m still a pretty darn good shot. I’ve never had to use it to defend myself, and it has never occurred to me to go out and shoot people, but I have it should I ever need to protect myself from people like this.
Living in wild country, 2 miles from nearest neighbor I have twice been thankful for the guns available. The muddy, hairy man that was trying to get my dog close enough to garrot with the wire in his fists, didn’t come any closer when he saw me at the door with my shotgun and a pistol on my hip. At that he slowly sidestepped out to the edge of the yard. So .i called the sherif. The man was gone when he arrived but he was so muddy he could be lying in the field unseen. Knowing my dogs would let me know if he came back, I kept the guns out til hubby came home.
President 0 is doing what he does best (0 for the People ) 100% for the Puppet masters and SATAN
He is the GREAT Impostor. Never was a US citizen, Christian, or cares about our Constitution and country, or the God this country was founded on. An impostor, and a Traitor to this country, that should be hanged On LIVE TV. As for Muzzle hums. I say let the war begin.
ONLY EVIL FLOURISHES when Good PEOPLE do NOTHING. Muzzle hums have been the cancer of the world since the beginning of recorded time.
Cascia, your name implies some ethnicity other than Caucasian. Heaven forbid some hate group came after you because of your name sounding unAmerican!
Where is all of this hate coming from? And some have the audacity to claim hate and God in the same sentence! God is LOVE and is no respector of person. God looks at the heart; consequently, some of you had better try inventing escape routes from Hell!
> All of the UK (and most of Europe) just do not get the U.S
> obsession with guns.
Maybe that is because they can not comprehend that almost all their wars, including both world wars, happened because better armed nations decided to invade the lesser armed nations, where citizens had few arms.
Up to and during WWII it would have been pretty hard to send 6,000,000 Jews/Kenites to their death in gas ovens if they all had been “lightly” armed with .38 revolvers, 12 gauge shotguns, and 30-06 rifles.
Russia and Germany never would have rolled through Poland if Poles were armed. As it was, their so called “army” was armed with mostly obsolete weapons on horses, never mind the citizens.
Germany would have failed FAR sooner invading Russia if the common citizens had been armed and trained.
Japan never invaded the USA or gave any serious thought nor attempted an invasion because they expected a rifle behind every bush. The AK invasion was just a ploy to draw the US fleet away from Midway, which did not work. So, as expected they left their troops out to dry.
As our first president said, that rejected being king:
“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient armsand ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” — 1st President George Washington
The USA use to be a “Christian” nation that followed the words of Jesus:
Luke 22:36 (KJV)
36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
We are well armed because we are the nation of Babylon and were meant not to be attacked until the end days when God wipes us off the face of the earth (Zech 13). Then the world attacks us.
Since most of Europe and the UK have rejected God and the Bible, it comes as no surprise they can not comprehend the need to be armed. Even after being the cause of 60,000,000 dead just in WWII.
I kind of hold the Christians somewhat responsible. People had noticed his behavior and yet did nothing. As Christians we are suppose to help, to help carry each others burdens and yet no one offered a hand of friendship? What would Jesus had done? If someone had taken the time to talk to him, sincerely ask him how he was, extend a helping hand, things could have been very different. Christian behavior like this makes Christians, and God, look bad. We are representatives of God and not noticing and taking time to help another is not representing God or Jesus very well. Christian means Christ-like.
False – Flag!!!!
Great post. I’m going through some of these issues as well..