It was widely reported the failed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton suffered a screaming meltdown on election night — but a new book shows, in detail, exactly what really happened… and it’s really embarrassing.
Up until that fateful night, the mainstream media and Hillary’s many cronies had been whipped into a frenzy with false information that it was all-but-guaranteed victory. It was destiny that Hillary be elected the first female president of the United States.
Then reality hit — and Hillary couldn’t face it.
Her head got so big, that even when it was clear she had lost to President Donald Trump, she was still in denial that the American people had bitterly rejected her.
Her screaming, tear-soaked rage was so out-of-control, even former President Barack Obama was forced to step-in and tell Hillary her time was up, The Daily Caller reported.
But there was one problem: She wouldn’t even listen to him!
A new book “Shattered” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, details the failed presidential campaign of Hillary, including intimate details of that Nov. 8th night and the early 9th morning.
Obama’s White House political director David Simas reportedly warned Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook it was time to acknowledge their defeat on election night.
“POTUS doesn’t think it’s wise to drag this out,” Simas said to Mook.
Obama knew that Hillary’s goose was cooked after Trump was victorious in Wisconsin late Nov. 8th.
But the Clinton campaign ignored his suggestion and refused to give in — so Obama took matters into his own hands and called Hillary directly, followed by a call to her campaign chairman John Podesta.
“You need to concede,” Obama demanded of both of the presumed losers, who were still desperately hanging on.
While Hillary dragged out her public concession until the next morning, she did finally make the pathetic concession phone call to Trump early November 9th morning.
“Clinton said, ‘Give me the phone.’ And then the first woman who was going to be president got her opponent on the line and said two words she never expected to say. ‘Congratulations, Donald’,” The Washington Post reported.
If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, she than pathetically apologized to Obama, whose legacy was considered by some to be riding on her victory.
“Mr. President, I’m sorry,” she reportedly told Obama.
The phone calls reveal the desperation and denial of the Clinton campaign in those final hours before she could admit to herself the truth: She lost and Donald Trump would become President of the United States.
— The Horn editorial team