Fiscal conservatives fought long and hard against the Affordable Care Act, warning it would lead to spiraling costs and market inefficiencies. Still, President Barack Obama was able to push through what became known as ObamaCare.
Now, the predicted meltdown may have begun — and it could end up costing taxpayers billions.
“Although the Republican Party remains opposed to ObamaCare, the GOP-dominated Alaska legislature just passed a bill to bail out the state’s ObamaCare exchange, which is already beginning to show signs of a death spiral. The bill would use an existing tax on health insurance to further subsidize exchange coverage for Alaskans,” The New American reported Tuesday.
The $55 million bailout was a bitter pill for the state GOP, who in part blamed Gov. Bill Walker.
“Republican state lawmakers, who sued Walker for expanding Medicaid under the health law, swear they remain opposed to Obamacare. But they say they’re doing what’s necessary to prevent health insurance premiums from spiraling out of control and letting thousands of people lose their coverage,” according to Politico.
Rising costs and decreasing competition isn’t contained in the northern most state.
Like Alaska, two other state exchanges — Alabama and Wyoming — only offer one plan to consumers.
Cost problems are hitting sparsely populated areas the hardest. “Health-insurance customers in a growing number of mostly rural regions will have just one insurer’s plans to choose from on the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges next year, as some companies pull out of unprofitable markets,” according to The Wall Street Journal in May.
The Horn News reported Wednesday that, on average, ObamaCare premiums throughout the country are set to spike an average of 11 percent next year — and only if they’re willing to switch plans, according to analysis released by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.
“Premiums are going up faster in 2017 than they have in past years,” said Cynthia Cox, lead author of the analysis, told The Associated Press.
“If they stay in their same plan they may see a higher premium increase,” Cox said.
“The problem with coverage goes back to the fundamental problem with Obamacare: too many older, sicker people are signing up and not enough young, healthy people. As has been constantly pointed out since the passage of the law, this is a recipe for disaster. It was entirely predictable, even with the mandate that forces everyone to buy insurance,” The American Thinker wrote in May, before the Alaksa bailout.
“Right now, we have a slow-motion meltdown. But if a few more national companies pull out – and if states don’t grant the kind of premium increases being asked by insurers – the likelihood is that the process will snowball and put Obamacare into a messy, expensive death spiral.”
In Alaska, critics say that national death spiral may have just begun.
— The Horn editorial team
Of course it’s a failure. Look at our public schools, state, federal and city offices etc. Nothing but inefficient arrogance at it’s worst. If the government ran hospitals they we’d have some politicians relative, a person who checked off the right box or other non-qualified person being chief of care.
This is so true. It seems that any time the government gets involved in “anything” its a pure fiasco.
The politicians who want to dictate every aspect of our life, are in reality some of the most stupid people around. Every thinking person knew that this health care plan was not going to work, but we had it shoved down our throat anyway. Note to government: Please stay out of my life and let me decide whats best for me. You have proved over and over again that you are an utter failure at everything you do
Anyone who had ever read the Affordable Care Act would know that First, it was designed to get “Freeloaders” off the Government Medical system and those can afford to pay for their own insurance do so. This would also go far to reduce existing privet pay insurance. With the mandatory everyone eligibility, makes it one of the largest Jobs programs in decades. Those States that have worked the plan have found that it has worked well and have saved insurance policy holders and incurred medical care. Those States, like Texas, with a bigoted State leadership that have refused to work the system have caused their people to pay higher premium and medical cost. That is Not a State leader with the people’s interest at heart. Even with their resistance, the Medical community has been streamlining and expanding with more and more out patent care facilities opening every day. That is a lot of Construction and related jobs as well as medical personnel.
Yes, ACA is failing, just not in the way these Red Bigot Tea Party controls would like. The question remains, How much longer will you let Your state leaders keep increasing your medical cost without forcing them to work the ACA program like it should be. Republican Congressman have NO right to critics a program that they Refused to help craft. President Obama requested there help countless times, but the Republican Congressmen cared more about their bigoted ideas and financial backers than the American People.
Almost everything you say is not true and your grammar is poor. It was NOT designed to get freeloaders of the government system – it was designed to force 35M people who had no insurance and/or didn’t want insurance to buy insurance under the threat of a Supreme Court approved penalty/tax – only about 10M people have signed up, and those people are older and sicker and more expensive that the liberals predicted, a miserable failure by any standards – and more than 10M people have lost their commercial insurance as employers reduced work hours to avoid the employer mandate and as premiums jumped to subsidize the newly insured – you see, people like you and Bernie do not understand that stuff is free – and so now where are we, more uninsured than before (Obama promised a reduction), higher premiums (Obama promised a reduction), higher taxes (Obama promised this would be budget neutral) – seriously, what part of this is so hard for you to understand?
Booth, why don’t you stop insulting People about their grammar ,you are not as smart as you make believe either .
“Republicans knew it was a bad idea.” LOL ! Obama stole the idea from the Heritage Foundation, a hard-right Republican think tank. Including not reining-in the medical insurance companies and the big pharma companies.
Obama is a Threat to America ,he hides in the Shadow of the Terrorists ,he is a Coward ,he knows the Terrorists are watching every move he makes ,and what he says ,if he speaks against the Terrorists they will come after him ,Obama the Muslim knows that they are listening to our Social Networks ,and listen to all our News Media ,they are smarter and more cunning than we give them credit for ,they know everything that goes on in our Country ,Obama is the reason why they are so Powerful , Obama allowed them to grow into the Killers they are today ,he is to blame for all their killings ,because he sat on his ass when he pulled our Troops out of Iraq and they stole our Military Weapons when will our Politicians see what a Traitor he is ? Obama has the Blood of the brave Soldiers who died on his hands ,they died defending his useless Muslim ASS ,
Believer: Do you have the permission of the ILLUMINATI to expose their secret control of America ? 😕
I almost feel sorry for the people WHO voted for the big Brother in the White House. Now you pay and will vote for the lying Clintons and get the shaft again.
United Healthcare (one of the larger insurers) will be bailing out of the ‘Obama-Care’ umbrella in 2017, but I believe they will still be a ‘Medicare’ provider as of that time frame.
Apparently, as sick and poorly operated as the government run ‘Medicare’ program is, it is still more viable than ‘Obama-Care’.
I’m surprised the progressive/liberal left just didn’t open up ‘Medicare’ to the entire country as their socialized medical program of choice. (much llike Obammy’s 1% cost of living increases for seniors, (while opening the floodgates to the staggering social costs of immigration, let alone the 50,000 American Veterans who are homeless and living on the street) the devastating effect that it would have on the medical care of senior citizens would NOT be a concern of this administration)
About that:
Do you remember — from back when 0 was pushing for Noblamecare to become the law of the land — that “Town-Hall” scene, in which a woman (whom I suspect was a “setup” by 0’s people) asked 0 about the medical care that her frail 95-ish-years-old mother might get under 0’s plan — and 0 answered (and I’m paraphrasing here:) that “Sometimes it’s better to forego the medical treatment and just take the pain-pill”.
If THAT didn’t strike a GIGANTIC “alarm-bell” of FEAR, in EVERY American’s belfry …
But WAIT A MOMENT! It DID! And surveys were showing that the VAST MAJORITY of the American people were OPPOSED to this so-called “health insurance plan”!
What does THAT tell us?
“We need to pass it to see what’s in it”—Nancy (the genius) Pelosi. Funny how the leftist main stream media never brings that statement up. It’s good for a laugh every time, right, Nancy?
It is all a big bunch of BULL SHIT what they are telling us about
Obamacare!!!!!! They knew what that it was a bunch LIES, and
U no wat I want to no wats going to be done to all the Syrian immigrants who will need insurance who’s going to pay for them among housing food etc. Obama hasn’t thought of that all those non English speaking people coming in here,our nation is getting more f— Ed up every day we finally getting Obama out and look wat we got to choose from !
I believe that Mr. Obama knew exactly what he was doing with ObamaCare. It was designed to fail. Next comes a Canadian-style single payer system. Living in Minnesota I’ve seen a few Canadian paychecks. The first half will go to the government. Get ready.
Authur, Unfortunately, we ALL will are all getting the shaft already due to the ‘low information/social entitlement voters’
I did not vote for Obumer two times ,and I sure as hell will not vote for the crooked lying KILLARY BITCH .,
Shows he’s no leader – Coward-in-Chief and then his head of the CIA totally refuted his position on ISIS this morning during his appearance before the Senate committee.
Someone needs to clue President O’Bozo into what’s actually going on.
Welcome to Obamacide
I wonder if the liberals will include this in Obama’s legacy?
United Healthcare (one of the larger insurers) will be bailing out of the ‘Obama-Care’ umbrella in 2017, but I believe they will still be a ‘Medicare’ provider as of that time frame.
Apparently, as sick and poorly operated as the government run ‘Medicare’ program is, it is still more viable than ‘Obama-Care’.
I’m surprised the progressive/liberal left just didn’t open up ‘Medicare’ to the entire country as their socialized medical program of choice. (much llike Obammy’s 1% cost of living increases for seniors, (while opening the floodgates to the staggering social costs of immigration, let alone the 50,000 American Veterans who are homeless and living on the street) the devastating effect that it would have on the medical care of senior citizens would NOT be a concern of this administration)
Yes and I know that you have not because you never even looked. You just believe that there is none because this is what the media, obama and the liberals say.
So, “LBB”, where IS that “Republican Plan” that would replace Noblameacare? Please at least provide a link or two to some reputable websites where that “Republican Plan” is outlined ot detailed.
Or is that “Plan” — as I’d heard & read some prominent GOP’ers (and Trump) say — to (a) defund Noblameacare and (b) “Let the states choose” and (c) Allow health-insurers to market their products — and compete for business — all over the United States (if they so choose), regardless of state-boundaries?
Well, maybe some of that can work, and maybe some of it can NOT work. And then, there’s also the “hot air” — Congress seems FILLED with it. Do you remember HOW MANY TIMES that the GOP “Leadership”, in Congress, declared that they would push to “kill” Noblameacare — but THEN DID THE EQUIVALENT OF NOTHING?
Thus — IMO — and SAME as should be applied to Noblameacare (or to ANY prposed or actualized legislative plan), and SAME as should be applied to the pronouncements and touted recommendations being made by ANY “political leader” — there’s a saying which, IMO, we should ALL be on our HIGHEST ALERT to applying WHENEVER one party or the other, or one “political leader or the other”, starts pushing for what they euphemistically call a “REFORM” of the (misleadingly-named) “healthcare system”:
Why is obozocare so crappy? That should be the FIRST question, lefty.
ObamaCare is going to fail without major government funding. Our nation would be better off to come up with a plan to actually reduce health care costs rather than just trying to pass it to someone else. The Affordable Care Act was a very wordy bill which created a lot government bureaucracy. Once again we see that complexity and regulations may not be the best way to do something.
There IS an option, written into the ACA (aka Obamacare) for faith-based wellness programs (several names- mine is Medishare) and it’s recognized by the IRS as an EXEMPTION (1 more form) from fines. Insurance companies don’t tell you of it because it DOESN’T MAKE THEM MONEY. You don’t pay for what isn’t Biblically supported (like abortion- aka murder of the unborn) , and you are responsible for seeing that your medical bills are paid (but if you do as God say’s and treat the system the way he designed it you don’t need much medical care).
This was planned and expected by o’bammy and the democrats. The whole charade was to eventually have the federal government run a single payer system. Next , the health insurance companies will fold lay off workers and will then be hired by the government ( if loyal democrats) to run the federal program further increasing taxes and the deficit . How many illegals will also be covered under the final plan ?
It is EXTREMELY important that ALL voters are aware that $chittlery has made this healthcare system a cornerstone of her campaign!!! She hasn’t just embraced it, she has VOWED to EXPAND on it!!! She has said that anything she wants to do that congress doesn’t agree with she will simply impose Executive Action and ramrod it down our throats. If we think this is bad now, just wait until she’s taxing the middle class to death in order to pay for this mess.
I’ve been through the Obama care fiasco. Talk about a meltdown! What a joke. I’m too young for Medicare, too old to look for a full time job with benefits and trying to get through the insurance maze is nervous breakdown material. I was appalled.
Why are people acting surprised? The Affordable Care Act was intended to fail so that a Single Payer Plan would eventually be instituted. This was all announced a long time ago and the architect of Obamacare even became the whistleblower who explained the nefarious goal. My Question: since all this was brought to light early on, why are people now
acting as though they are shocked or surprised? Doesn’t anyone pay attention when people state their goals?
Thanks again, obozo, for all you’ve done to destroy our health care, economy, security and military strength. You are a complete, disgraceful failure in every facet of your “presidency.” You and your appointed legion of idiots couldn’t have done worse if you tried. Wait, you were trying to do this all along. You aren’t stupid, you’re sinister. You, Kerry, Pelosi, Reid and Hillary (and dozens more) should all be required to give back all your salaries, with interest, because you certainly didn’t earn a penny of it. The Obozo legacy will be that you did the worst possible job in every category and in every conceivable way, shape or form. You are uniquely sorry. Don’t let that big door hit you as you leave the WH and America in the biggest mess in history, and we have you to thank for it all.
I have voted Republican for years but under Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and before these two tyrants, the republican party is BS. Not much different than democrats when it comes to power to party and not power to the people. These POS think it is about their job, their party their power. It is not about the People they were elected to serve. We need to throw these bums out and start all over. Washington is corrupt to the very core.
Ron Lewis, you are absolutely correct. However, the big question is, “How do we get the RINOs out of office when most of them were just elected in 2014 and have 4 more years in the power positions?” Mitch McConnell is useless as leader of the Senate and Paul Ryan, who has to stand for election every 2 years, has hoodwinked the voters of his district so much they just continue to return him to the House. We need another person like Newt Gingrich to be leader of the House and a good conservative like Ted Cruz to be the new leader of the Senate. The problem is, “How do we get this to happen?” Ryan and McConnell come before the cameras and sound conservative, then they go back to their offices and scheme to give the Democrats and Obama everything they want. The only answer is to vote all incumbents except true conservatives out of office this year.
What gets me is how few attack the Constitutionality of such a “law.”
After all, the word “health” does not appear AT ALL in the Constitution, just for starters.
Second, i’d like ANYone and EVERYone to look for any part of the Constitution that authorizes ANY gov’t agent, under ANY pretext whatsoever, to ORDER any American to purchase anything from anyone at any time for any reason.
If it ain’t in there(and it ain’t), it AIN’T CONSTITUTIONAL, damn SCOTUS all to hell for their “decision” anyhow.
Here’s the litany; memorize it or just roll over and become abject slaves:
The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, with all it’s delegations of powers and all it’s restrictions on the use of power. See Article 6, which EVERY officeholder agrees to when they take their oath of office.
Because the word “supreme” actually MEANS supreme, it follows that any and all laws which do not comport themselves to the Constitution are Unconstitutional by definition.
Any Unconstitutional law, statute, regulation or “policy” is Unlawful, by definition:
Anything Unlawful is Illegal, by definition;
Anything Illegal is Criminal, by definition;
ERGO, anyone voting in favor of any of this CRAP is a Criminal awaiting arrest and prosecution.
But ignore everything i just wrote.
Suppose, for a second, that SCOTUS ruled correctly, that D’OweBamacare is “legal as a tax.”(it isn’t, but let’s pretend.)
Ok, they gave Americans their out: “All bills for revenue(aka “taxes”) must originate in the House of Representatives.” Says so, right there in the Constitution.
D’OweBamacare originated in the SENATE!
Well, according to the research i did, technically a bill was introduced in the House, voted on, then sent to the Senate; the Senators COMPLETELY ERASED EVERYTHING IN THAT BILL(including the title thereof), dumped D’OweBamacare over it, and sent it back to the House.
So let me ask you to think(i know, it’s hard, but give it a shot): if i go to a car mechanic, and he draws up a contract, and i take it, completely erase everything on it, and write a completely new contract, did the mechanic originate that contract, or did i?
But please review the Preamble to the Bill of Rights, especially the parts i’m about to highlight, and you tell me(in the light of the 9th and 10th Amendments): Is D’OweBamacare IAW the Supreme Law of the Land? Also keep in mind as you read this Preamble, that most of today’s textbooks, from elementary school through graduate studies, have OMITTED this portion of the Constitution! Now, consider “why would they do that” as you read:
THE Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution.
RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.:
ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.
This, plus the 9th and 10th Amendments, should have made it clear to even the DULLEST of intellects(even on SCOTUS’ benches), that USG agents are not to take ONE STEP beyond the NAMED, lawfully delegated powers. Period.
It is to the everlasting shame of Americans that no officeholder yet has been so much as arrested for violating their oath of office, much less drummed from public service for so doing. i mean, that’s why they’re required to TAKE the oath ab initio!
Obamacare is the biggest SCAM inflicted on the American people and we are paying dearly for it. My own insurance carrier continues to go up yearly. I am so sick and tired of being a Caretaker for those who should take personal responsibility for themselves and their families. Enough is enough is enough.
Just wait till the tax bill comes due for the taxpayers for all the illegals he shoving in your states this is going to add much more financial burden on we the people. Obama is totally out of control and needs to be removed from office. Or military and police swore to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domesti this is going to add much more financial burden on we the people. Obama is totally out of control and needs to be removed from office. Or military and police swore to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and Domestic. It’s not only all responsibility as we the people to protect the Constitution but it’s our duty to protect freedom for our children and their children please Marxist in our federal government or destroying. They no longer represent us , However they do Fear us as an armed citizenry is why they want the guns,not for your safety but for theirs. The second amendment was written for exactly what’s going on right now with the mass of corruption in this government as they put we the people in back of the bus for the illegals they’re bringing him to overwhelm the system with debt and as their tool for anarchy.
Under Obama care there is a section that states anyone over 65 has to meet with a committee to decide if they live or die.
I am one of those people and I know I would be killed I am in a wheelchair and so I cannot work. I am also over 75 years old. I am a polio survivor and my dr. gave me the wrong high blood pressure meds and I got cold inside my body and pulled all the muscles in y legs apart.. So I would be on the list to kill No one has read that part of Obama car e
I figure The L stands for L. King was shot in the Head.
B. is Bobby Kennedy was also shot in the Head.
J. is John Kennedy was also shot in the Head.
You can take away the K.K.K. they did not have anything to do with it.
Who do you have left: L.B.J. and H.H.H. How about that????
“Obama Care” is – ” THE AFFORDABLE CARE” which exist over years and President Obama tried to modify it so that those who cannot afford to pay their health Insurance can get help. But we the tax payers are responsible for the payment and the Republicans in the Senate feel bad to help those Americans who cannot afford to pay their Health Insurance, that is all about, and send wrong message to the American people, it has help a lot of White Forks since it told place. The Republican Party is self interest party, that is why Donald Trump has join them, and they are facing the MESS. We hope for the best. Thank you. .
OR COURSE IT IS FAILING! Obamacare was designed to fail. This will become the excuse for transition into a national health service, much like the Veterans Administration system. Hillary Clinton tried to create this and failed. If she gets elected, she will create a national health service that will work just as well as the VA is working now. We in the US will suffer dramatically degraded health care.
A National Health Service is what you see and hear the effects of in England, Canada and Australia.
Examples: The wait time for most surgery is very lengthy – Look it up for yourself; One example I
read (of 30 odd) was in Liverpool where an older lady ( I recall as 67 ) needed an Replacement
Surgery of Her Hip and waited -On the List- for 20 months. There are many more examples and Your
Research of these three countries are further exampled, in the same manner, by other European Countries.
I could tell you all day of these But for You to believe it You must research it. I retired US Military and
then worked another 17 before having to, Medically, Retire from that also. And— No I don’t get everything
for free.
Ronald Regan said it best, “The 9 scariest words in the english language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”