President Barack Obama promised that his costly Affordable Care Act — nicknamed Obamacare — would help combat the spiraling cost of individual healthcare.
Since it’s implementation, critics and health care professionals have called it a disaster.
The data proves them right — this year healthcare will cost tax payers over $10,000 for each man, woman and child in the United States, a record high according to experts.
According to a new report from the government released Wednesday, the nation’s health care tab this year is expected to surpass $10,000 per person for the first time. The new, embarrassing peak means the Obama administration will pass the problem of high health care costs on to its successor.
The report data, released by the Department of Health and Human Services, projects that health care spending will grow at a much faster rate than the national economy over the coming decade. That cost increase will squeeze the ability of federal and state governments — as well as employers and average citizens — to pay.
Cost increases are predicted to average 5.8 percent between 2015 and 2025, faster than in recent years that saw health care spending moving in step with modest economic growth.
National health expenditures will hit $3.35 trillion this year, which works out to $10,345 per American. The annual increase of 4.8 percent for 2016 is lower than the forecast for the rest of the decade.
According to a report by The Associated Press, faster growth in medical prices and an aging population are partly to blame for the trend. Medicare and Medicaid are expected to grow more rapidly than private insurance as baby boomers age. By 2025, government at all levels will account for nearly half of health care spending, 47 percent.
The analysis serves as a reality check for the major political parties as they prepare for their presidential conventions.
Usually in a national election there are sweeping differences between Democrats and Republicans on health care, one of the chief contributors to the government’s budget problems. But this time the discussion has been narrowly focused on the fate of Obama’s law and little else.
Republican Donald Trump vows to repeal Obamacare, while saying he won’t cut Medicare or have people “dying in the street.”
Democrat Hillary Clinton has promised to expand the expensive government health care benefits.
Both candidates have said they will authorize Medicare to directly negotiate prescription drug prices, which the data says will grow somewhat more slowly after recent sharp increases.
Obamacare attempted to control costs by reducing Medicare payments to hospitals and insurers, as well as encouraging doctors to use teamwork to keep patients healthier. But it also increased costs by expanding coverage to millions who previously lacked it. People with health insurance use more medical care than the uninsured.
Despite much effort and some progress reining in costs, health care spending is still growing faster than the economy and squeezing out other priorities, said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a bipartisan group that advocates for reducing government red ink.
“No serious candidate for president can demonstrate fiscal leadership without having a plan to help address these costs,” she said. “No matter whether a candidate has an agenda that focuses on tax cuts or spending increases, there will be little room for either.”
The $10,345-per-person spending figure is an average; it doesn’t mean that every individual spends that much in the health care system. In fact, U.S. health care spending is wildly uneven.
About 5 percent of the population – those most frail or ill – accounts for nearly half the spending in a given year, according to a separate government study. Meanwhile, half the population has little or no health care costs, accounting for 3 percent of spending.
Of the total $3.35 trillion spending projected this year, hospital care accounts for the largest share, about 32 percent. Doctors and other clinicians account for nearly 20 percent. Prescription drugs bought through pharmacies account for about 10 percent.
The report also projected that out-of-pocket cost paid directly by consumers will continue to increase as the number of people covered by high-deductible plans keeps growing.
Wednesday’s report was published online by the journal Health Affairs.
John G says
President O’bozo has adversely affected every segment of our daily lives – the elections can’t come to soon so we’ll be rid of this moron.
The Redhawk says
LIKE HIS RELIGION ADVISER JEREMIAH said ” DA CHIKINS HAVE CUM HOME TO ROOST” and FInally his BIGGEST of all his LIES is IMPLODING all around him…and leaves his Legacy to be a sheet of toilet paper for the FLUSH routine
Rob Painter says
Unless there are enough morons to put Hillary in office! She wants to give health care to everyone citizens and illegals! She will cost us our reserve status in my view and we will be a true banana republic like Venezuela, where there are food lines to stand in for hours and you might get some mayonnaise!
Why do you think the dems want our guns?
We are the only nation with a second amendment and it prevents the government from having absolute control. There is not any army that can stand against 50 million armed citizens!
Sarah Booth says
I am a 69 year old female and was diagnosed with diabetes in March of this year and have to take 5 shots a day. For the first time, I reached the donut hole. My prescription for diabetes requires 2 pens. One prescription now costs over $300! I have yet to refill the prescription for the other pen, and I have 5 1/2 months to go. My husband also has diabetes and our prescriptions are more than our house and car payments combined. Obamacare needs to be repealed!
Sue says
Contact the manufacturer of the insulin you use. Most manufacturers will supply you with a supply of the insulin you need and or vouchers for discounted product. Ask you practitioner for assistance in finding programs that offer free or discounted products. Investigate prescription programs that will intervene on your behalf. If you have Medicare prescription coverage make sure the insulin prescribed is a formulary item, if what you are currently using ask your prescriber to write for the preferred product. Good luck, I have found myself in your position and have had to decide which prescription to fill and adjust my diet and activity accordingly.
Marcia says
Dear Sarah I am 75 years old and a female and I have diabetes and take 75mg of insulin a day. it is not enough to bring down the sugar levels but enough to I can keep my feet. I used to pay$5.00 per pen for the insulin and the obamacare came on the seen and now I pay $300.00 I live on $1,000 a month so I do not have much money and with Obamacare it is costing me more and more. My husband has diabetes but he is not on insulin.
I wish Obama would drop dead so we can get Trump in and he will repeal obamacare
janet says
To Sarah and Marcia,
This might help: there are natural ways to bring down blood sugar levels without drugs: avoiding sugar, simple starches and carbs, and the lactose in dairy food (substitute yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.)…
Good luck to you both!
Wayne says
Remember when Pelozi said let us pass it and then you can read about it. I’ve never known bigger crooks. What’s sad is they are such amateurs and we let them do this to us. Don’t make the same mistake happen again. VOTE TRUMP!!
Constitutionalist says
i have an idea:
Eliminate all health insurance completely.
NO ONE has any or CAN have any.
Overbilling stops – there’s no one TO over-bill.
Overcharging either stops or greatly slows down, as individuals will go over every bill with a fine-toothed comb and question every charge, especially the more ridiculous ones like 5 bux for an aspirin.
Individuals will look for alternate means to get and stay healthy – or they’ll die and eliminate the problem.
Doctors and nurses will have to reduce their prices or go out of business.
Medical health equipment providers will have to lower their prices or go out of business.
Hospitals will have to reduce prices or shut down(personally, i don’t believe ANY corporate entity should be allowed to own ANY hospital at ANY time; “profit-motive” should have NO PLACE in patient care – EVER!).
But yeah, i’ve told anyone who’d listen from the git-go that D’OweBamacare was completely unconstitutional. Read (or do a word-search) through the Constitution, looking for the word “health.” Not in there. Ergo, not a delegated power to general government, but one retained by the People or the States, iaw their constitutions.
While you’re reading, look for even the HINT of the idea that ALL Americans can be compelled to by ANYthing from ANYone at ANY time, for ANY reason – not in there.
SCOTUS scumbags apparently declared the ACA “legal as a tax.” It ISN’T, but let’s take them at their word.
IAW the Constitution, all “bills for revenue”(aka “taxes”) MUST originate in the House of Representatives.
D’OweBamacare originated in the Senate.
There’s your out, right there. However, most D’uhMer’cans have no clue that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, superior even to the Supreme Court, and that they have neither duty, nor obligation, nor need to obey anything Unconstitutional – and not as SCOTUS defines it, either, but as they can read with their own eyes and understand with their own minds.
Don’t believe me? Good! Here’s some proof:
“The right to defy an unconstitutional statute is basic in our scheme. Even when an ordinance requires a permit to make a speech, to deliver a sermon, to picket, to parade, or to assemble, it need not be honored when it’s invalid on its face.”
— Justice Potter Stewart(1915-1985), U. S. Supreme Court Justice
Source: Walker v. Birmingham, 1967
“The inherent right in the people to reform their government, I do not deny; and they have another right, and that is to resist unconstitutional laws without overturning the government.”
— Daniel Webster(1782-1852) US Senator
‘An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.’
~Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p. 442
‘The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.’ 16 Am Jur 2nd, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256
Know rights or no rights.
Them’s yer choices; become smart Americans, and leave the ranks of the D’UhMercans.
Arthur Hartsock says
I like looking up your opinions, Mr. Constitutionalist. Apparently you know more about that subject than I do about demolishing buildings. Mr. Obama isn’t stupid. He purposely wanted the full effects of ObamaCare to come to pass after his administration is over. Now as this Affordable Care Act is revealed as the train wreck that it is, who will the typical uninformed voter blame? They’ll blame the next President-I’m sure of it. The massive problems will come down upon us like an avalanche. And the low information moron will blame the current administration. This shows why our Founding Fathers weren’t too keen on the American Public voting for the President or Senate. Maybe they were right.
jose says
HELL-LARY she is crook and vindictive I dont trust her even with my eyes open. She will turn this country into a communist regime and every single American will lose their freedom I wont even recommend her to take my dog out to pee
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Jose I wouldn’t have Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton be in charge of a garbage dump at all, The Clinton’s belong on Devils Island. She will completely destroy not only our country, but the entire free world. If she is our nations next Figurehead, I will be leaving our country once I have everything I’m presently selling all sold, I want to be as far away from the Clinton’s as possible. Donald Trump has my vote in November.
Vicki says
Nice to see i am not the only one contemplating leaving if that evil woman becomes president. Just don’t know where to go at present. Would love Switzerland but the million dollar requirement for citizenship leaves me out.
Justin W says
The Affordable Care Act has been criticized since its earliest days by those who said that this would not reduce healthcare costs. Hopefully the next president will work to come up with a health care reform bill which will lower health care costs and get the government out of the health care business.
Emily says
I cannot afford this tax . And I hate that a bipartisan congress passed this new tax . Nothing but Rinos and Dinos , posers , two faced politicians , whose main interest appears to desire to own America, impress each other, and impoverish everyone … Except themselves .
Pvet says
The treasonous SOB in the White House sold Americas bag of shit, for one reason to take more money away from the American people, as people who have money or not dependent, and the elites who own Obama want the people to be dependent on them. This was a design failure from the starT,it was never designed to save the American people money but to take more of it. Obama is a liar a thief and a murder and everything that comes out of his mouth is geared toward the distruction of America.
The Texan says
There are families that are now paying more on their health care insurance premiums than they do on their mortgage payments.
Arthur Hartsock says
Does anybody remember how badly Sarah Palin was treated when she predicted that ObamaCare would lead to rationing of care? Just look above at the percentage of the health care budget spent on patients during the final couple of months of life. So the obvious answer will be to seriously reduce health care options during this end of life period. Just hurry up and die old man/woman!!