The highest civilian honor America can give now belongs to an accused rapist. And if we’re to take President Barack Obama at his word, he doesn’t plan to do a thing about it.
Comedian Bill Cosby was arrested yesterday in Pennsylvania, accused of sexually assaulting a Temple University employee more than a decade ago. Dozens of women have now claimed that Cosby drugged and raped them during a career that has spanned more than half a century.
While numerous colleges and universities have come forward to strip Cosby of honorary degrees he has earned over the years, Cosby may get to keep his most significant honor — the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The Presidential Medal of Freedom’s roots trace back to 1945, and it’s the most significant honor an American president can bestow on a civilian.
Cosby was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002 by former President George W. Bush. But as rape allegations continued to mount against Cosby this summer, Obama said he had no plans to take back the award.
At the time, Obama said there was “no precedent” for revoking the medal.
“We don’t have that mechanism,” Obama said.
But that statement has rung hollow among critics who point out that Obama has a long history of taking unprecedented, unilateral action.
Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) have been leading the charge to encourage Obama to rescind the award.
Time has a running list of Cosby honors that have not been revoked. To see it, click here.
He won a Kennedy Center Award too in the 1990’s.
Isn’t it ironic that Cosby gets blasted for stuff that apparently is ok if Bill Clinton does it? Don’t misunderstand, if he (Cosby)did it… he did it. However waiting 10-12 years to complain is a bit more that this old country boy will listen to. Sort of like 35 years later saying the priest touched me……just because the “victim” turns out to be a failure. (No I’m not Catholic.) Lets see how many people can now sue Bruce Jenner ( he still has his pills don’t it?)
35 year.
You not a lone when you say 35 years.
My Sisters baby,s were kidnaped at birth with the help of that doctor and the Richland county government,
Richland county, Wisconsin, January 13 ,1980
We have ask even Obama to step up.
No reply.
No justices .
This is not a good example for young black men to look up to and respect, or to emulate this type of behavior.
Very sad that black community Is not rising up against this type of behavior against women. Not a good male role model at all!
the black community is not in an uproar because Cosby did not rape a black woman ,,but if a White Guy had raped black woman you bet then the blacks would scream for that Guy to be in Prison ,there you go it is all racial ,Cosby is guilty as sin ,castrate the Bastard so he won’t do it again ,
I have gone all out to give Obama the benefit of every doubt about being a Muslim as opposed to being a Christian,and since my viewing of a video of him mocking the Bible something a real Christian wouldn’t do i have changed my mind.I think that his praise of the Founding Fathers is phony and i think that he would like European America to be a thing of the past,in my view it all ties in,with not stripping Cosby and it could have been my son in the Trayvon case,but he doesn’t have a problem using executive action to control legal gun owners who are mostly white,lets face it.He can still do a lot of damage in a year and Congress needs to filibuster to shutting down the government if need be.
Does the Pennsylvania State Prison serve Jello?
He should have this award revoked. His misconduct occurred during this time frame and is just now coming to light. Obama has the authority to revoke this award but he does not want to. Now if Cosby was White, that Medal would have been seized by the Secret Service Agents the day he was arrested.
I totally agree.
I would be willing to bet cosby was already moving his money elsewhere before all this hit the fan…he will be broke before all the trials take place and the women will get nothing but their name and face in the papers… Cosby was always known to be a racist, but he did have a way with the children….who liked his shows.
I thought a Man is innocent until proven guilty? At this moment in time, Cosby has not been found guilty of any crime. But the press has already put him on Death Row. And while I am not defending him, neither am I willing to railroad him without due process. And there is a very good chance he may not be found guilty. After 12 years, it may well prove difficult to get 12 jurors (all 12 must vote for guilty) to vote to convict him. It seems ironic that the press was so willing to treat OJ with kid gloves (two people were brutally murdered) , but are throwing Cosby to the wolves, without due process! I find it also amusing that there were many allegations against a former President that were totally ignored by the Press as politically motivated! And like Clarence Thomas, Bill Cosby was known for his Conservative leanings, But that is just a co-incidence, isn’t it!
And I’m Caucasian, over 60 years old and a WOMAN – (gasp!)
He has already admitted to giving the drugs to these woman which makes him guilty.
1. In three words why it won’t be revoked: ‘Because he’s black’, which leads to the question 2. Why isn’t this a hate crime since all of his victims were/are white, and 3. You can bet your bottom dollar his attorney will want a jury of his ‘peers’.
(O.J. Simpson jury)
He has already admitted guilt in previous sworn depositions: giving wine, along with drugs (qualudes) to the females~(NON-consensual sex, whom he wanted to have sex with), which will now be argued was consensual sex.
With 50+ individual women making the same claim, common sense says he’s guilty of being a serial rapist, as well as a serial racist. (Oh those black people, they’re so funny): see ‘The Obama’s’
Oh please. Spare me.ask yourself if you would leave your daughter alone with him for afternoon drinks. However, I do agree that waiting for due process is the right thing to do. I personally don’t give a hoot about the awards. I prefer justice be served
I would have thought the same thing,but Cosby is on record of admitting to giving woman quaaludes before this woman came forward,sir that is a crime and it was swept under the table.These 30 woman have come forward beyond the statute of limitations,the man is guilty of past crimes that he got away with and if you have been following along you would see that through an investigation,Cosby lied when he said that he gave the woman Benydral that is bought over the counter in a box container. When Cosby was contacted by the mother of the victim,Cosby told her that he would look at the subscription label to see what he gave her,you see he got caught in a lie and this is why he has been indicted,especially since so many woman complained about the same thing,the man is guilty and it will be official in court.
I’m not saying this guy is innocent,but all these women come out at least ten years later and now a new one suddenly comes out from ten years ago..I think they all see the need for attention or money to be made.The mind is prone to exaggerate over time and create what they call false truths overtime and people think things actually happened to them over time when they didn’t.
–Jim — Do you actually think that at least 50 women would be lying about the same thing ? He has admitted ti giving the women the drugs, so what more evidence do you need ?
Jim,i read the entire report it was posted.If you look at it,it’s open and shut,you don’t admit to giving woman quaaludes and Cosby foolishly admitted to it.
Lets see now–Black lives matter!!!!! – unless your a Black Rapist, then you get medals. Isn’t that how it goes?
Good one.
PK, not that isn’t it. The rape information wasn’t know at the time of the award. How can you make such a statement? However, I DO support the recall of the reward regardless whom awarded it. For Obama to refuse to take action should be of not surprise to anyone. He only wants to take action for things that will have a complete negative impact upon America. I don’t look for him to do anything.
This man is a serial predator of women who has gotten away with it for years, all the while being hailed as an upstanding citizen of the U.S. He should be stripped of any and all glory immediately. The president’s failure to acknowledge this and to allow him to be held in a position of honor is reprehensible.
Great….he should be locked up with Obama
Innocent until proven guilty… The Nobel Committee isn’t talking about revoking Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize either.
Fortunately, we do have a judicial system that is “supposed to” protect all people until they are “proven, in a court of law” to have committed a crime. Once (or if) that is done, then certainly any awards that were presented under “false pretenses” should be revoked or withdrawn. BUT, NOT UNTIL THEN !!!!!
In our system a person is innocent until proven guilty. Mr. Cosby deserves the same. Let’s not forget that others have been declared guilty in the media and public opinion based on the words of a person only to be exonerated when the full story came out.
Would you expect anything different from a fraud who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for absolutely NO reason ????
Bill Cosby should be put in the same cell with OJ, and they should be fed Viagra.
I am against the idea of rescinding this award before any conviction has been rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction. At the same time, I am not rendering a judgement on this case or his potential guilt; I just don’t think rescission is the proper step now. Let the case make its way through the legal system, and let due process be rendered before taking that step. To do otherwise is a slap in the face to the concept of “innocent until proven guilty.”
If your sister or daughter or wife were one of these 50 women….you would feel very differently…..Fry him!!!!!!!!!
Guess we can never predict how low people will fall after they have been held in such high esteem..
I believe that being raped by a celebrity would have been very difficult for one to digest. Coming forward would be not only difficult but shameful in ones mind. Bless the one that came forth first. She unleashed the shame and gave voice to those that were kept silent until now. The shame now is upon the perpetrator of such devious crimes.
With cases like Cosby’s I look at it this way. Why did it take so long to report it and how many are jumping on the band wagon? Money is a great motivator. According to the comments, he has been found guilty. All we need now is the penalty? Any suggestions?
Has anyone noticed that for many years the news media is spending a lot of time making news, more than reporting it. They will take a rumor and twist it into a fact.
Here is a twist. Two go hunting and come up missing. One hunters body found The next day the dog was found, The third day it was reported the dog was found guarding the body. Did I miss something?
What about Obama’s Nobel peace prize? I have always under the impression the prize should be earned before being presented. I think it should be taken away from him. Obama has never been my president. He didn’t win office honestly either time. In my 75 years I have never dreamed our country would be in the sad shape it is in. Crooked politicians abound, just follow the money trail. Nothing else seems to matter. To heck with their constituents and the constitution and bill of rights and all that constist of good clean patriotism. Life need not be as complicated as our government makes it. Quit importing terrorism, deportation of what is already here, build a strong military again, take care of veterans, build that wall, rid our country of government appointed officials who do not have our best interest at heart. Get rid of all unnecessary government entities, quit using S/S funds illegally. Oh, how the list runs on. Wishing all a happy new year.
o heck _
I feel very sad about this, because all those years I felt he was a good person. God said what is hidden will be made known. So many evils are being outed now!
Annie, I believe he WAS a good person. He probably heard someone else talk about the drugs and his sexual drive prompted him to give it a try. After there was nothing said about it, he decided to try it again. He got caught up into the realization that something MIGHT NOT be said and his sexual desires kept the action going. Everyone’s sin is in the hands of GOD. I would say, isn’t it a wonderful thing that God is merciful to us mortals? If he wasn’t everyone of us would be in sad shape.
WTF??? You forgive this scumbag???? What if it was YOUR daughter he drugged then screwed the hell our of her for HOURS!!!!??? I don’t care what you think but God does NOT condon such sickening sexual deviants as this ‘has-been’ slime ball!! God will punish him thoroughly by sendign him to hell!