For years, critics of President Barack Obama have blamed his weak immigration policies for rising crime and violence on American streets.
Now a new report shows that the Obama Administration is repeatedly failing to deport illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes — and is releasing them instead.
The 19,700 convicted criminal immigrants released during the 2015 budget year reveal just how extensive the problem is.
Combined, those people have been convicted of hundreds of thousands of crimes, including murder and sexual assault.
A heartbreaking example can be found in failed deportee Jean Jacques, an illegal immigrant. After he served more than a decade in a state prison for attempted murder and committed multiple parole violations, the Obama administration failed to deport him back to his native Haiti — despite numerous parole violations during that time.
Each time Jacques was arrested on a parole violation, he would serve a sentence in state prison and then be released to immigration custody. At least three times, Haiti refused to take him back, so Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials in early 2015 did the same thing they do thousands of times a year — they released a violent criminal immigrant from jail.
Six months later, Jacques killed Casey Chadwick, a young Norwich, Connecticut, woman. He was convicted of murder last April and faces sentencing this summer.
Jacques is a textbook example of the kind of immigrant living in the U.S. illegally that the Obama administration should return to their home country.
But that’s not happening. And it’s costing American lives.
ICE Director Sarah Saldana — an Obama appointee — recently told Congress that agents routinely have little choice but to release immigrants.
“What is unacceptable is even one (release). Why did you release even one person?” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, asked Saldana.
Saldana also told lawmakers that an effort to develop a system to alert local authorities about a newly released criminal immigrant is underway.
But lawmakers and others say it’s not enough.
“They got caught committing a crime. They were convicted of the crime and instead of following the law and deporting them, you released them … and they commit more crimes,” Chaffetz said. “That is so wholly unacceptable.”
Chester Fairlie, the Chadwick family’s lawyer, said criminal immigrants like Jacques need to stay in jail. And the Obama administration should pressure other governments to take back their citizens, he said, by cutting aid packages or reducing the number of visas available for their citizens to come to the United States.
“It seems to me that our State Department should have enough leverage to say to them, you cannot arbitrarily refuse to take these people back,” Fairlie said.
The House Judiciary Committee approved a bill in March 2015 that would have allowed the U.S. to continue to detain some criminal immigrants even if their home country won’t take them back. It hasn’t progressed beyond the committee.
But Chaffetz said the administration already can pressure foreign governments to take their citizens back by curbing visas. He said Homeland Security officials need to ask the State Department to impose those visa sanctions.
“By U.S. law, these countries must accept deportations or we won’t give any more visas,” Chaffetz said. “All I’m asking is that the administration enforces current law.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Larry says
The law is on the books take action. If Obummer doesn’t like it, fire him and deport him. BUT, I guess you can’t fix stupid and Obummer can’t be fixed along with the lier Hill or yass.
pabo says
Mr. Obama is the best president ever at destroying this once a great country. And the American people just stands by watching. (oh, sorry, he is black, can’t critique anything about him.)
Hotnike says
Obama is NOT black. He is 50% White, 10% black and 40% various Arab nationalities. His ass should be in Quantanamo with the rest of the terrorist.
Mike m says
He only owns up to the 10% and the media are more than happy to comply with anything he says. If the media weren’t so corrupt themselves crooks like Obama, Lynch, and Holder would have been sentenced to very long jail terms years ago. Just as bad is Bill Clinton, a lifelong sexual predator. He should have been put away for the rest of his natural life 40 years ago. What we get instead is his degenerate wife and enabler running for president as the media and a lot of stupid Americans fawn over her.
jim crawford says
We need to move up November before JULY.
Bennie Sowers says
You have spoken a mouthful Thanks
Howard says
Does anyone know if Bill Clinton is a registered sex offender or not. He should be as long as he was convicted.
I for one feels that he should be. My opinion.
DWB says
I agree and good comments.
Betta says
I saw numbers that said he is more Arab than white and more white than he is black. You are correct that he is black by a very small percentage.
Bennie Sowers says
Yep raised by white grandparents
Marcia says
Well if you mother went to Kenya to ask your father to divorce his wife of 7 children and marry her and he did not then found out she was too far along on her due date and could not fly to HA. She had Obama in a hut owned by the mother of his father. Then he was in school and went to a Muslim school learned the karon and that has 57 verses and that is why he thinks we hve 57 states His mom took him to HA and her mother worked for the Social Security Administartion and that is where he got all the ss numbers and cards. He came to the USA on a student visa and I do not know who paid for his education but it was not his mother or grandpearents. When he was a senator jr. he voted “present” so he did not have to make a decision of yea or nay.
Bennie Sowers says
Cwid says
Word has it Bill Ayres parents funded Nobama’s education. They lived near where I live now. Their mailman was interviewed and he remembers Obama being at their house.
Jack Kinch says
Think it was the lying Clintons who lost their law licence s.. I didn’t know NObama’s wife practiced . law. I thought she just bragged like Locobama.
Carol says
You hit the nail on the head
am says
All the more for the taxpayer to support and look for them to be registered to vote, like the 200,000 in Virginia, just in time for them to vote for Hildabeast.
Henry says
We are witnessing Venezuela’s dead Marxist President Hugo Chavez at work. Chavez legalized all illegals and allowed them and released prisoners to vote. President obama is fully focused on the “Dreams from My Father.” The MSA. The Marxist State of America.
Ken says
Stupid? Are you kidding? Clearly he’s doing it on purpose. In fact he’s very clever, albeit corrupt. And the most important thing? His billionaire supporters are letting him do it; As are the military heirarchy. The elites are directing policy. Obama is an actor. Do you really think the rich and powerful would allow an unqualified, socialist to destroy America if they did not support him 100%?
Jack Kinch says
The liars are losing the battle. They were ahead for a while. Pray for truth, honesty and justice.
BWJ says
I’ll take that to mean the criminal, traitor, bastard wants citizens to round the scum up and kill them. Good savings of tax dollars!
Armedextremelydangerous says
As John Wayne would say, “A Mans got to do what a mans got to do!”
Michael A. says
I second that.
uncle_fweddy says
Finally! A solution that is 100% guaranteed to work. Well Done!
Roy Fredrichsen says
It just might come to vigilante justice to protect the wives and kids from all that degenerate scum.
Jackie says
Peter Krzywicki says
Bea says
BARRY out case closed.
Armedextremelydangerous says
Obama is the U.S.’s first Black president. How would it look to the world if is sorry ass was impeached?
RC says
How would it look to the world if Obama was impeached and found guilty? Who gives a damn? Obama has made it crystal clear that he hates this country. He WANTS crime on the streets. He WANTS terrorists in our country. He WANTS Islam to entirely take over our country. He WANTS anything bad for our country to happen. Look back at what the Muslims say they want to do. Attack from within. Create chaos, then anarchy, then take over. If that Muslim bastard isn’t stopped he will manage to do exactly those things. Personally, I feel he was planted in this country by enemies to do exactly what he’s doing. And being elected president by a bunch of damn blind brainwashed (brain dead) fools is just the olive in the martini for the terrorist Islam worshipers. Any who don’t think Obama is one of them had better wake up and take another look. I just hope the women who voted for Obama look good in burkas.
Ken says
RC, I think the bastard Obozo was definitely a plant from others such as Soro’s and his life like cronies, who absolutely hate the whole ideology of what America stands for. These same people that hate this country have made millions, billions and probably even trillions from the U.S.A. while at the same time dreaming up our whole demise.
This whole open borders worldly theme of everyone being the same, being orchestrated by so-called puppet masters as they fill their coffers has become the biggest crock of bull to ever surface on the planet. These godless POS need to go as well…. Let’s get back to being independent nation states and respect one another!
Ilse says
You said exactly what I have been preaching for a long time. And you put it short and well.
wanda sheridan says
who gives a shit what the world thinks, Obama needs to be impeached before it is to late
Kevin Pierce says
and tried for treason
Cliff says
That’s easy… they are lazy assholes.
John says
President Obozo feels compelled to do as much damage as possible during his final months in office – now off to Japan on another apology tour I’m sure.
WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerry says
Problem is — just like Chaffetz — ” asking ” that the current laws be enforced. Where are their guts — Congress should be demanding laws be followed or take the proper action. Congress has let this fraud and his corrupt regime get away with not enforcing existing laws, only follow laws they may agree with and changing laws they don’t agree with. That is ALL illegal. I realize that most of our politicians have their pockets open for any lobbyist,corporation and foreign ruler to stick whatever in them but what does obozo have over them. Are they that afraid of being called racists that they can’t or won’t do their jobs. Haiti won’t take this dirt bag back — BS — take him to their nearest Haitian airport and drop the SOB off and leave him. Same with the rest of these scum countries. mexico is flying Cuban illegals to our southern borders so they can cross into this country ??????? what are we doing about it. obozo’s agenda is to have this country overrun with illegals from anywhere in order to bankrupt our systems. It is time for these border agencies, ice, all law enforcement agencies, national guard and our regular military if necessary to take the reins and clear this country of ALL illegals. Tell obozo to be damned if he doesn’t like it .
Helen says
What in the world is our elected officials doing. They are selling America out,
Peter Krzywicki says
This is why I carry.
Cbujan says
Lets face facts Obama is our real enemy.
Texas Son says
Counting down the days till Commie Comrade B.O. is out of office in January, 2017. Not a moment too soon!!!
Louise Cave says
A lot of the above commentary is deserved but vindictive and boorish. Critics of an existing administration and its mistakes should take the time to write coherently and not resort to “Obozos,” etc. Let’s approach issues as serious as the release of foreign felons with rational suggestion, then follow through at the polls!
Pat Griffin says
Like, the Media with Trump? Anyone who doesnt like him? Even Our President Obama???
Athanasios1 says
What a wonderful bunch the people elected.
M Allen says
Oh how great is -0’s hatred for America. This is another ploy to his destruction of our system and wanting to rule America on his own. He has gone against our Nation’s core principles so many times and laughing as he does it. Our only hope is for God to heal our land but that can only be done if enough people are willing to turn back to Him, learn His ways (not religion) and apply them daily.
Jim Evans says
Of course when Obama is no longer president, he will not have to worry about what happens on our city streets. Just another move from our dirt bag president.
Justin W says
The illegal immigrants whose home countries refuse to accept them should be sent to a federal work prison. If nothing else they should be given a pick and sledgehammer and spend their day turning big rocks into smaller rocks. This is another example of why the death penalty should be on the table in murder cases. Once executed a murderer is no longer a threat to society.
Justin W says
Barack Obama has been a lawless president. He ignores the laws of our land and the Constitution. Anyone who wonders how a third-world dictatorship works can look to the Obama administration. The lawlessness of him and his officials is a perfect example of oppressive dictatorships.
Alan says
The request made of the administration is the equivalent of asking pigs to fly.
Peter says
Fly them over their country of origin and drop them out of a plane with a parachute. Remember those old films of paratroopers jumping out of planes and their rip cord being pulled for them? It can’t be any easier than that. Tell them to keep their legs closed and point their toes if they land in water.
Lisa says
OK so let’s get this right… The so called king wants all our guns, let hard criminals out of prisons, and empty gitmo. Makes perfect sense to me, to lock and load people and practice shooting often.
Elizabeth says
I read each of your comment and sorry but i have to agree with All the comment writer
Im wondering ; if only the House Speeker would have resined ; becouse he could not do his job as he whished to; that is terrible when you have to leave a job ; where your decision can’t see the light. This country of ours deserve better leader; think well about this last sentance of mine on the Election Day; like min wage; he say D.T ” i will leave it to the State ; why? Isn’t his job when he President to tell the State ” do it better or Else” if no than he better not be voted for
SUE says
our law makets are do nothings. I thinkwe should have a whole new slate. This illegial has made a farce of America. No countries respect us and they are right. The things that have been and continue to happen are forewarned in The Bible. What a shame that the people here are suffering because of greed and corruption. I do not blame all the other countries that want to come here. Everything is free unless you are a true citizen. CORRUPTION IN FULL BLAST AND OUR CONGRESS IS JUST AS BAD DO NOTHING TO STOP ANYTHING AND PRINT AND SPEND MONEY… SHAME SHAME
roger domnie says
and you think trump can do worse than this piece of crap, eight years of ruining america! fire every last one of them, then let them lie, cheat, steal from themselves on an island by god knows where! can’t get rid of all of them too soon!
James says
I don’t think we will EVER be rid of Obama. Just wait… Before the November elections, he will have some of his muslim buddies hit America hard in several states at once, then he will claim martial law and stay in the white house forever! I heard Obama say Trump will never be President. Well anyway that’s the Only way he can stay in office
Chucky says
When has he been right about anything? Never!
Rob says
Why are we paying to house these vermin in our prisons? Their country does not want them, no problem. We drop them from an airplane. If the chutes don’t open or a defective, I don’t care!
Either that or put a bounty on them dead or alive. This should be for every illegal because they get drunk, the drive a car and they kill our people.
Gang members like MS 13 should be shot on site. They are easy to identify with MS 13 tattoos even on their face!
It’s time we act towards illegals like other countries do! We are to soft on this!
Families from south America come over, take them right back to Mexico. No more coddling for these people that don’t show.up for court hearings!
Someone may call me a bigot. I am not. I welcome anyone legal!
Blacks have really gotten the shaft here! When entry level jobs could pay much more, they don’t because there are always illegals there to work them for cheaper.
Illegals commonly pool their money. A house they could not afford alone is divided by 20 and then they have plenty of money to send back to their family.
This has got to stop! We need to uphold our laws. We don’t take care of American children, but continue to take them in by tens of thousands!
What is a real abomination is to actual pay illegals benefits! We.are $19 trillion in debt, yet illegals get 20% more than an American families! If illegals were not living here collecting benefits, we would not have to pay to educate them which is extremely expensive with interpretations especially when they speak some ancient Indian language. Others speak Spanish and Portuguese. All undo cost that we should not have to pay if they aren’t here!
In the meantime, we throw out the welcome mat for Muslims that shouldn’t be here and should be kept in a safe place in their own country with weather and conditions they are used to. Why should we infiltrate this country with potential people that want to kill Americans?
We need to be strong, not have these puke laugh at us!
Peter says
If you ever run for president. I will and many of my friends will support you.
Elisabeth says
Would the ICE or Obama take any of these criminal immigrants home with them to live with them? NO THEY WOULD NOT, but the are turning them loose into our communities so they can again rob and kill us.
BV says
And the left thinks Trump is so terrible for wanted to deport them. As president he will have the law on his side to do so. Look up U.S. immigration / 1952 immigration and nationality act htm/
Constitutionalist says
your link doesn’t work.
william p callwitts says
mark my words…martial law will be declared by Obama and we won’t even have a 2016 election…unless we as americans stick together and get rid of this tyrant…civil war is coming…and you had better be on the right side….if America is ever to be what it was in the past…all of us had better get on our knees to the real God who made us and follow His standards again..or He will judge us with even more wrath than we have already seen. as far as these people on the left go, He doesn’t forget their arrogance and the breaking of His righteous law. these lesbians ,gays, and anyone else that mock God will spend eternity wishing that they had not. God bless America again, but only when we deserve it again. anyone who votes for Hillary Clinton or sticks up for what Obama has done to this country is a TRAITOR, and should be treated as such. thank you for listening…
WhiskeyMan says
“Obama releases 20,000 criminal immigrants!”
(… but not in his, Secret Service protected by taxpayer funds, back yard!)
Think about that when electing your ‘so-called’ Representatives!