For years President Obama has escaped scrutiny in a corruption scandal where his former senate seat was offered for sale.
But now all that may be ending, thanks to a lawsuit that is seeking the release of long-hidden records from a secret FBI interview with Obama and his closest aides.
Judicial Watch has just filed a suit in the U.S. District Court for Washington, D.C. against the Obama administration’s Department of Justice.
The lawsuit seeks to gain access to FBI records on then-President-elect Barack Obama and his aides, who were interviewed as part of the initial investigation into corruption charges surrounding former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Blogojevich — who was convicted in 2009 of 17 corruption charges for trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat and was sentenced to 14 years in prison — is an example of the rampant corruption that permeates the Illinois Democrat party that Obama emerged from in 2008. And there have long been questions about what Obama knew about Blogojevich’s activities, and when he knew it.
On December 18, 2008, about a week after Blagojevich’s arrest, then-President-elect Obama was reportedly questioned at his Chicago office by two assistant United States attorneys and two FBI agents for two hours about the scandal.
Judicial Watch’s attempts to discover what Obama told the FBI he knew about Blogojevich have been blocked repeatedly by the FBI in the past. This latest lawsuit is is an attempt to get a federal court to compel the release of the records.
“Barack Obama and his closest aides were interviewed by the FBI in a criminal investigation and his administration doesn’t want Americans to have the details. The Chicago way shouldn’t trump the American people’s right to know,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Main Street says
Judicial Watch does good work. They advocate free speech. I must say that Horn News also champions free speech.
Nancy says
Yes, they are the BEST!! Support them!!
Ron says
Judicial Watch is the greatest monitor of government and they depend on donations.
Raisa says
Agree. Keep up the
Good work…
Anna says
There is so much corruption in Washington, DC, When is the FBI going to ask the DOJ to indict Obama, Hillary & Bill, Rahmn and all the other traitors who have endangered our Country with terrorist attacks and willingness to allow Islamic terrorists to enter our country?
Deb says
You are so right, things have gone down hill since the affermative action phony infected our White House with his sick idea’s and hateful partner, they both hate AMERICA!
Jon Kapp says
They try to say Trump is hateful. Obviously they don’t look in the mirror. It is similar to racists calling others racist.
Teresa Petricca says
Love The Horn. Tells it like it is.
I pray the American people wake up and vote for a non-politician who has no ties to the pharaceutical, Insurance, union or any other big lobbyist. They promise us one thing and then go with the pocketbook once voted in.
Trump tells it like it is. We need a wall. I’m sick of the paid protesters who are confusing those who don’t know any better. I don’t trust anyone else to get this country out of the mess it’s in.
Ed Winkelman says
How correct
Rob says
Guess what? I hate him and every treasonous Bastard he has ever associated with! He has destroyed the country I served!
Bill says
Amen !! Same here Rob. I didn’t serve to have America support Islam and it’s goal.
Sandy Crilly says
Yes, and wouldn’t he have just lied to the FBI back then just like he does every time he opens his mouth now?
Merril says
Rob, I agree with you! I served during Vietnam and I tell every active military person I see to take over the WH AND ARREST OBAMA for treason now!
Ofra Bendavid says
Same here!
BOB says
Ann says
I completely agree with you. I also feel like some of the candidates for President are acting like spoiled brats.
Kathy Walker says
We have trash running this country and we have trash running for office for president. We the people have had it with these lying lawyer politicians. I and everyone I know will write Trumps name in Reince preibus needs to go he is lying piece of crap. Sick of these so called parties that make the rules.
old squid says
It’s those republicans you need to look after the bush gang always go along with the Dem just at the right time for the to betray the American people.
Ofra Bendavid says
They R just as corrupt as the Dirty DEM’S party!
csthomas says
as long as they can get by with it nothing will be done. sad when Arpaio n the FBI saw that obamas B C was a fraud. no one wanted to touch it. n obama knew cause he was BLACK… it never would be touched either…his hatred for the white man is something else. he uses the white man only for it to benefit him……
n congress doesn’t have the balls to buck him
Michael a says
If Obama ever get impeach, do you realized that he is black? Him and his radical buddies will cause civil war between black and white. So yeah I can now understand why Obama not out of WH. And Obama knows it too.
Michael a says
As you noticed I never called him president because he is not my president. He will go down in history as the dumbest president ever.
Rufus King says
Michael a says ! WOW !
Bernie says
Obama cannot start a civil war singlehanded my. Get real! White Privilege has ruined this country. Nobody believe the lies of the interlopers any more. Revolution is inevitable. I hope America is ready!
Danuta Kubelik says
And white men use him to benefit them. All establishment keeps together against regular people whom they made their slaves for hard work and all benefits from that work is stolen from us and taking by establishment. They give themselves the first , then to all illegals , then to 157 countries on the world. They think like communists : if people are poor then they are stupid and they would not do any revolt .
Terry says
If it is up to the RINOs in DC which have a political philosophy of RINOism, a subset of Obamaism, which is professional foot darggins/stalling they will never finish the investigation of HRC, And seal, not those Seals, the results if they slip up and run out of stall tactics. There may ot be perpetual motion but there does seem to be perpetual investigations.
I wonder what the establishment gonna do when the voters come for them? I think they will better off if they throw themselves on the mercy of the voters and promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The thought of exposure seems to have really rattled them there RINOs and dims. An old saying is power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.. Do we have an absolute scenario in PC DC?
chuck says
we need a good revolution. put obozo and all his buddies including Valerie, Hillary, etc into Guantanamo and throw away the keys.
chip Cnterbury says
I’m with you Chuck.
Kathy Walker says
Ever since the Civil war the United States has been run by dictatorship by the two parties Dems and Repubs. We the people are sick of .these media as well. We have had it with all these crooks that should be in jail. The more they keep shooting there mouths off the madder we people get they are all entertwined. All bought off like a clan. We the people will write in Trumps name in we the people don’t want the clan. It is no difference than the KKK. A very small group of people controlling the American public.
Donna Slivka says
HA ! don’t hold your breath………
David says
It will only happen when WE bring enormous pressure on the Director of the FBI and key members of Congress. NOT until they fell the heat will any of this go anywhere. If people sit on their hands than we are DONE.
Ted says
The American people have become sheep and are enjoying being lead bye wolfs!, as long as there’s BENIFITS, give when not earned, and our COWARDLY leaders remain as they are “WE THE PEOPLE”,are dummed to fail. God Bless America.
Dil-Per-Ree says
You are right about the corruption in Washington D.C., and you can attribute it to the Jesuits.
SJ Jolly says
Jesuits ??? You’re on the wrong website, Dil–Per-Re. Horn News is anti-Democrat, anti-Liberal, anti-Obama, and anti-Hillary site, not anti-Catholic.
Doris says
Thank you
Tpackwood says
Pres Obama has too much money behind him to ever have charges brought against him ! Not saying it’s right, but that’s how it is …
june burgess says
yeah, the federal government, he uses it as his own personal checking account, him and his wife Mooch odummer
Harry L Weaver says
The only way you will ever see any ove the documents ,is when and if you elect Trump. He is the only one that will stand up for We The People } and sned the Jokers to a D O J and ask they be prosecuted after thoro investigation., . One thing for certain , Hillary will not get away if Trump is in White house. She thinks she is arrest proof at present time,believing even if served with a warrant that Obama will pardon her.
vincent marcantelli says
Please,………..this talk about Trump is getting REAL old and WEAK, Mr. Trump is and has caused himself more trouble then many of us realize, he talks about a wall, that he says, Mexico will be made to pay for that wall……REALLY?. Folks, lets wake up, Mexico is a country, and if ANYONE of us really thinks that we can make Mexico pay for that wall, when Mexico, can’t even deal with it’s crime problems, Trump, needs to stop making those kinds of statements, because if anyone stops and thinks about those remarks as he makes them, you will see that there are some cracks in those statements.
Many of his statements, and his observations about what’ going on in the world, and his remark about him having a “Good Brain”, him talking about, talking to himself about what’s going on in the world, Before, I go any further, let me inform you……I’m a Republican, and have been for years, but, if, Mr. Trump is what’s left, I will vote, but, I will hold my nose, see, I too have a brain, I also remember over 8 yrs ago when the other side, had a loud mouth dude, out selling a line of pure BS, I like so many of us knew who he was, what he was and why, but a lot of us wanted some “change”…….WHY?. Well, when we vote for who ever it will be, remember back in those days of the biggest BS salesman, just remember it’s easy to MAKE those promises, but ha, it’s something else to fulfill them!.
Ed Korte says
Vincent, you are so correct.
Cecil childers says
Mr. Vincient, You need to understand that TRUMP is not a polished politiciaan, but does have SENSE ENOUGH TO GET HELP (A CABINET)to help make those IMPORTANT DECISIONS that come before him for consideration ALL OTHERPRESIDENTS HAVE HAD the same. Why do all you protesters worry about such trivial matters??? GET ON BOARD THE TRUMP TRAIN!!
Russ Warren says
There are many ways to have Mexico pay for the wall. It doesn’t have to be actual money change hands for the wall. It can be in tariffs or penalties of some sort. i believe that is what Mr Trump has in mind. Trump is a brilliant man when dealing in money matters or he wouldn’t be so wealthy..
Bob Britt says
Really? All we have to do is stop the 80 Billion dollars a year we give Mexico and the wall would be paid for. But, we know, Obama won’t decrease any funds to Mexico or other socialist county but he will tax us to make everything convenient for illegals and refugees. I believe Trump would make an honest effort to stop our country from being over run by illegal immigrants and Middle Eastern refugees. I am not a big Trump supporter because he lets his alligator mouth overload his humming bird butt at times but he would be far better than Hillary or another Democrat in the White House. Why do so many liberals and illegals vote democrat? Because the Democrats offer everything FREE. That means more need for a larger federal government. Just what we need. More corruption in Washington. I hope, if Trump gets elected, he stops ALL of the liberal and presidential executive actions Obama has put in place. If you are illegal, you are illegal. Plain and simple. If you get free entitlements, get off your ass and get a job. The Constitution does not provide for the government to tax hard working individuals to pay for the lazy and freeloaders. Time for America to stand up. I will try to help anyone that tries to help themselves. I say screw those that wont work and those that are generational subsidy and Welfare recipients. Go for it Trump and good luck from someone who has worked for the last fifty years to provide for myself and family.
David001 says
Yeah, well Mexico received over $300 million in U.S. Aid in 2011. I can only imagine what they get now. We gave them another $300 million in 2015 and Obummer has asked for another $80 million in 2016. Stopping the payments would pay for a lot of wall.
Just sayin’.
Helen Higgason says
NEVER, that’s when, the evil people NEVER get indicted , this is why Hillary, Obama, and the whole lot of the LIBS will never get their TIME behind bars, and it seems like no one give a rats – patuddy, but I sure do, folks!!!!!
Doris says
They all have to die and meet God same as all of us, whether we are believers or not. Everyone will have their day. I truly believe this , I too am Republican, We don’t have much choice.
tom braden says
she is not going to do anything about it because she is one of them.
Bill Kay says
You are absolutely correct these rats should all be frog marched to a new residence , one they can not escape !
J. Russell Lemon says
I will not vote for anyone who supports United Nations Agenda 21. It seems that most of the politicians fully support Agenda 21’s Depopulation http://useugenics.FarTooMuch.Info … Anyone who voted for the “Dark Act” to increase the amount of poisons in our food and not put the poisons on the label, supports depopulation of the voters and their children while the food in the Congressional Cafeteria is organic and by law cannot contain these toxins.
Ex-FROM Down THAR says
Right On Anna when is the DOJ going to indict this frivolous person whom wants islams in OUR Country. Why does he NOT help OUR Vets whom have sacrificed their Lives and physical Well Being and OUR MORE MISFORTUNATE Native Americans born here on OUR soil whom have put in and given their All to make this such a great Country that numerous illegal aliens are flocking here like transients he Should be Impeached as in his younger days I’ve seen and read articles about his Muslim faith Would Not Place His Hand On THE HOLY BIBLE to be sworn in : ( , Will Not help OUR own people but yet sends tremendous amounts overseas OF $ that they use to build NEW Mosques ( Arrrgh) (Praise The Lord), I Did NOT VOTE FOR HIM : )
Rasil says
Why did not you include Bush, Cheyney, Rumsfeld etc.? Selective amnesia maybe?? Disgraceful, disingenuous and bigoted at
Inez says
This is all the reason we should all VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP !!!
Thank GOD for Donald Trump !!!
Lets all vote for him !
is our only hope for a better future for us , our children our children , & our military !!
Tom R. says
It is a complete waste of time. Neither Obama or Hillary will ever be tried for anything. I abandoned the USA long ago and from the perspective of an expatriated American, the United Socialists States of Amerika is absolutely one of the most corrupt companied on the face of the earth. I appalled Judicial Watch and formally contribute money to them but they are on a ‘fool’s errand”
Sally says
Hopefully, Judicial Watch will use the FOIA on this.
The Redhawk says
ALL we need now is a DOJ ( not the current Dept of JOKES) , and AG ( not an OBOMOBOT) and a FBI to do their JOBS teyr are PAID to do…..and Baracky as well as CANKLES could be our “GUESTS” in FEDERAL PRISONS!
Mike says
Yes about time somebody did something to that tyrant,thank you
Sherry says
Thank goodness for Judicial Watch! It make me feel like there’s at least some hope for some justice in such a corrupt government. I think anyone in the Obama administration should be under scrutiny.
Bill Kay says
A nice vacation spot for these frauds could work like Devils Island .
SJ Jolly says
Judicial Watch is noted for going after Democrats. And ignoring Republicans.
nj says
Look at the jail time (14 years) given for corruption and ATTEMPTS to sell a Senate seat.
So what punishment do you think Obama and Hillary deserve? Traitors, murderers and thieves!
Carlos Romolton says
Listen: As long as the Washington Monarchy, (AND THE SLAVE OWNERS) which remained since the constitution was crafted, exist in power (and Y-all allow it) NOTHING WILL CHANGE. If a population is designed to be dumbed-down, uneducated and subdued, AND FEARFULL, to the sheep level, The empire will survive. you think The monarchy really gives a flying $%$#@ what YOU think? BITCH-DEMONSTRATE, ALL YOU WANT. try fixing “stupid” Long live the KINGs. Dummies!! This thing is CENTERED” AND global and buys every politician or head of state, “THEY” hire to serve the cause. GREED-POWER-CONTROL. WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH! Want a better life? Just hold your breath. Hilarious but pathetic. OH! why do you think TRUMP is surrounded as a target? He’s telling you something. But then Ignorance is bliss. AKA: YOU!
Jim Bahen says
Chicago Democrats are, always have been, and continue till today to be corrupt. If you run for any office from Chicago the machine gets you elected and from that time forward you owe and are owned by the Democratic Machine. Blago got the sentence he needed, Jessie Jackson Jr. got the slap on the wrist because he knew where the political bones are buried!! Vote early, vote often, and even the 618,000 illegal aliens get to vote that is why Chicago carries the state of Illinois, pure unadulterated corruption!!
Kevin D says
You’re so right! The democrats are like Hollywood, all for show. Substance isn’t important. They actually believe their socialism will work, why, because they’re so smart.
Obama is the poster child for Anti American Values!
Carole Caras says
I applaud seeking the whole truth for “We the People
They had better Watch Their Backs, or end up like Vince Foster, Brietbart & the MD Who did his AUTOPSY, Judge Scalia/ With > NO AUTOPSY < & There Are ALOT of OTHERS WHO ENDED UP DEAD! TO COVER UP The SH*T the CLINTONS & The PIG IN THE WH Have DONE!!
Jo says
Will the blanket covering Obama’s corruption ever be lifted? I hope in my lifetime.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Look how long it took to finally hear about what the Kennedys’ were up to. Bobby crossed the mob and all hell broke loose on his family.
chip Cnterbury says
Me too Jo.
Peggy says
PRAISES TO JUDICIAL WATCH. We owe our all to you for what you are doing for WE The PEOPLE. THANK YOU. PLEASE SUPPORT THEM. THEY are the only ones in OUR COUTRY’S BEST SUPPORT.
michele says
MDubya says
God Bless Judicial Watch and news outlets like The Horn for their efforts to release important documents relating to nefarious political activities. The “lamestream” media is of no use in this regard having no integrity or relevance in accurately reporting important information to the citizenry.
Sally says
Calvin Mishalatube says
If Hildabeast is not indicted they we know for sure corruption and cronyism controls Washington and our nation. We will have sunk to a sorry low and it is our own fault for electing someone because of color and not ability.
Chuck says
If she is not indicted then this country should revolt, this is plain as it can be and if they let her off the hook then they should apologize to everyone that they have indicted on a lot less charges and that one being Pateuas.
Janice says
Our country is being taken over from the inside out! If the people do not act NOW we will be lost forever and become one of the countries that we have been fighting against for hundreds of years! People cannot be so blind that they cannot see what Obama & Hillary have already done to us! It will only get worse, it cannot get better with them over the people! They are EVIL and CORRUPT! At every election, we need to vote all these men & women out of Government offices. They should be voted OUT! They are feeding off the People! They get richer…..we get poorer!
Gretchen Schleeter says
People in this country will never revolt about anything. Too many steeple!!!
Gretchen Schleeter says
Barbara says
you wait and SEE
J. Russell Lemon says
Who wins is determined by he who counts the votees.
Calvin Mishalatube says
If Hildabeast is not indicted they we know for sure corruption and cronyism controls Washington and our nation. We will have sunk to a sorry low and it is our own fault for electing someone because of color and not ability.
ivan scheu says
my only question is why is obummer still in office and why has not been charge for treason,traitor aiding and bedding the emeny etc. why has obummer and his admin. not charge for these offense why.
Moonbeam says
So why did it take so long for this interview to come to light?
Mic Sites says
Corruption on both sides..
TRUMP 2016, He will clean house….????
clarence says
when it happens HOPE all the get out of jail cards are torn-up
Thomas Miller says
Trump has a deal with the Clintons to steal the election for them. He doesn’t want the presidency. Too much time off from the entertainment business.
Barbara says
Mic Sites says
Corruption on both sides..
TRUMP 2016, He will clean house….????
Auge says
Really, do you believe that??? Think twice before you cast your next vote. A friend
Marilynn Reeves says
Our government is so corrupt they should all be in jail or better yet tarred and feathered in public.
Nowhere Special says
I would like to see our polititions tested for DRUGS. As someone with pain for 20 yrs I’d like to see the people restricting pain pills take some drug tests.
Dano says
I agree with Nowhere Special – just less than 15 years ago, the AMA and FDA said Doctors were not doing enough to help people with chronic pain, Doctors should do more to help them manage pain. Now all of a sudden, these people are considered and treated as drug addicts, treated the same as the corner drug user.
DWB says
This P.O.S. needs to be hung for treason.
Cliff says
Fernleaves says
My guess is that !Obama knew & probably suggested the selling of his Senate seat to Blagojevich. But everyone knows Obama is a masterful liar & would throw anyone under the bus to save himself. Thank God that Judicial Watch stays on top of these things. DC is nothing but corruption – the Democrats & the Republicans
James says
And one has to wonder why the tremendous support Mr Trump enjoys ….Well this is just another reason …….
Eagle says
Obama has been a plant to take this country down, he has been well chosen as we are going down. You have to remember the Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood is in many parts of this government including the DHS, it is no wonder this department is 10 years behind. The Muslim culture has been sweeping across this country unchecked with Obama’s support. This congress has been asleep at the wheel allowing Obama to insult the constitution and destroy the American Judeo-Christian culture without opposition. The Muslim people are not here to assimilate into the American culture. Christ is the son of God, the Koranic account is a false account and Muhammad is a false prophet. Islam is a totalitarian ideology and not just a religion. The Muslim culture cannot co-exist with the US Constitution. Terrorism will occur again and again until they are recognized for what they are and directly dealt with. In the mean time the American people will suffer from the weakness of our inapt congress. Only in the Muslim culture, the truth is called Islamophobic and hate speech. Hadeed and CAIR understand the need to continue the UN/US state Department Refugee Admissions Program an important source of Muslim immigrants they need for the Hijrah (the migration). Obama will be hosting the $100 Million mosque in Maryland.via Erdogan, Obama to open Turkish mosque in US: Turkish FM, 20 April 2015. h/t Iron Burka. God bless America and god help the American people to understand what is going on. Just look around the world. The Muslim culture, the Muslim people have been the cause of the majority of all terrorism in the world. The American people have the right to be free of this insult to the constitution and free to live the Judeo-Christian American culture. Sharia Law has no place in America.
Don says
You’re spot on regarding your assesment. Islam is NOT a religion, it is a CULT. To hide behind the idea of “religious freedom” is a total scam against this country.
If Islamic women (for all we know, they could be men) are allowed to dress in total black with their face obscured to hide their features and identification, what would happen to ANY American citizen wearing a white hood and white robe??? What if he/she/they/ declared that it was part of THEIR religion???
They would most likely be severely discriminated against and hasstled by certain factions in out society, as well as law enforcement.
But that discrimination would be warranted and OK according to the Obama justUS department….go figure!!!!!!
chip Cnterbury says
Don, I like that.
Marie B. says
The comments by ‘Eagle’ are right on the mark!
Richard Townsend says
I agree wholeheartedly. I am a retired military man and took an oath to GOD and Country as well as to fight Communism on all fronts, foreign and domestic. Now, I’m ashamed of our government because they only serve themselves. For them to say they will ensure that everything will be free. I didn’t know they massed produced a product and use the revenues to do it. Just who do they work for? What’s happening now is communistic and insane. If I weren’t so old I would look for a free country to live in.. SO ASHAMED…………
Keith D says
People should look to Mario Berry of DC the mayor that got caught red handed with cocaine and hookers!! He got re-elected anyway. The problem is people make decisions on “feeling some way” and logic goes out the door!!! Killary can be President from Leavenworth and the Demon Rats will NOT care!!!
Auge says
True words, but you put your best foot forward and tell them the truth about the Clintons,
I remember the first day their daughter went to school and refused to get in a Col. car that was going to drive her their. He wore a uniform and they didn’t like anyone in a uniform.
And remember when they left the White House, they stole things from there and left the House in one big mess. You want to welcome them back???
Jon Kapp says
They want to get back in the White House because there are some things they missed.
Jerry says
Tom Fitton Knows where the criminal really is, Obama he was in neck deep selling that seat
Alean says
Ted Cruz has been fighting Washington cartel as a Senator he needs the power of being President to complete the job. I will vote for Cruz. He does what he says he will do. TED CRUZ 2016
Auge says
GOOD FOR YOU Cruz all the way. We are for him in our State and I am passing the word
around to all friends in other states. CRUZ ALL THE WAY. I don’t need a play boy who wants
power over other peoples land either.
Kathy Walker says
Cruz Rafael is establishment bought off. Just another crook.
Nowhere Special says
Ted Cruz wife is AN ELITEIST -a former member on CFR and a VICE PRESIDENT of Goldman Sachs during the 2008 bailout of bank crooks and corrupters. Ted was also funded by Big Banks for his senate race and now Presidential race. Born in Canada !
Squeek says
Ted Cruz twists and turns EVERYTHING when he speaks. He is a double talking lawyer and talks down to the public. He is one of the most condescending people I have ever heard speak, and I can’t figure out why people are falling for his BS.
diana says
Ted Cruz not natural born by JB Williams 2016
Sounds like he isn’t even an American citizen if he didn’t take the naturalization Oath which he himself says he didn’t.
Constitutionalist says
Sounds like he isn’t even an American citizen if he didn’t take the naturalization Oath which he himself says he didn’t.
Even if he had, t’wouldn’t make any difference at all; naturalIZED citizens are barred from the presidency, just like Schwartzeneggar and every other foreigner who comes here, studies, passes the test and takes the Oath.
i don’t even know what citizenship THEORY he’s relying on; according to sources, his mother voted in Canadian elections, which ONLY Canadian citizens can do – so even if she WAS born in America, she obviously became a Canadian citizen at a time when dual citizenship was FORBIDDEN by Canadian law. Same with Rafael Eduardo; he was a Canadian citizen ’til 2014, and apparently CLAIMS he held “dual citizenship,” which again is semi-liquid bovine excreta; his mother HAD to have given up her US citizenship to be ABLE to vote in Canada, and his dad has NEVER been a US citizen. For 14th Amendment citizenship to apply, he would have to have been born on US soil, which he was not – but even if he had been, he STILL doesn’t meet the “natural born” requirement, that is, that BOTH parents must have been US citizens at the instant of his birth.
Personally, i think that not only should he be arrested for felony perjury(lying under his oath of office as Senator), but also for Fraud, for PRETENDING that he’s qualified for the presidency when he KNOWS he’s not! During the run-up to the 2012 re-election of D’OweBama, he said that no one should vote for him because he wasn’t natural born, which means that he KNOWS he’s unqualified by the exact same criterion, and has been accepting donations AS IF he could be a lawful president…which is, of course, fraudulent.
But it won’t be long before he’s exposed as a hypocrisy-laden adulterer and philanderer, which should totally sink any chance he once had at the presidency…and ruin his public image as a “christian.” This will instantaneously make all those who voted for him because they thought he was the “Christian choice,” especially in Utah, feel like damned fools…perhaps akin to that other Ted that that foolish “christians” trusted, Ted Haggard.
Personally, i would have preferred that more Americans were Constitutionally-literate, and rejected him on the grounds that he’s completely unqualified under Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 – but if they finally come to the realization that he’s unfit because he’s a lying hypocrite POS, that’ll suffice to keep him the hell out of the office…which will be fine with me.
Ron says
I conclude that the more things change the more they stay the same. Term limits would be a good start.
Constitutionalist says
i think that term limits for CongressCretins would also be a good idea – but which damn-fool in Congress would introduce such a Bill, and how many damn-fool CongressCretins would VOTE for it!
Nah, i think that the only way to get that done would be to propose, write, and pressure State representatives to initiate a Constitutional Amendment; if 3/4’s of the State legislatures pass it, it BECOMES law, and the wastrel CongressCretins can’t do a damned thing to stop it!
Carolyn says
Barry is a fraud as a president. I would never believe a word he says….and I even voted for him in 2008, but did not vote for him in 2012. He has increased our national debt by the thousands and his Obama Care is a big flop. And worst of all, he supports Hillary because he is also involved in the Benghazi terror attack. Shame on him.
diana says
You mean Obama has increased our national debt by the trillions don’t you? By over 9 trillion so far. More than all past Presidents combined as a matter of fact!
Awake says
I can’t wait for the DC MADAM story to come out in the coming weeks. Showing CRUZ was on her list !!!!
Google it. It’s getting juicy!!!
Cruz is a creep
Trump 2016
Constitutionalist says
First, D’OweBama should not be impeached. Only LEGITIMATE presidents can be impeached, and D’OweBama was never Constitutionally-qualified in the FIRST place.
Second, neither yourself nor any group of private citizens can sue for a Constitutional breach; only the State where you live can do so:
“But, indeed, NO PRIVATE PERSON has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it. The States are the parties to it. And they may complain. If they do, they are entitled to redress. Or they may waive the right to complain. ”
Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520
Lastly, if by “impeachment” you simply mean “get that lying, traitorous POS out of the WH,” i’m totally on your side. However, it should happen by means of arrest and trial, preferably before he leaves office, but afterward would be ok, too, especially if a conviction will result in a fine roughly equal to the entirety of his pay and benefits while illegally occupying the office of the Presidency. i would prefer that the monies he’s required to repay would be sent in check form to everyone his policies cost their jobs, like the poor bastards at Disney who had to train their foreign Indian replacements.
JerryD says
I agree with your comment 100%, However that would require the Senate Republican Party to initiate the process. They are to busy worrying about Donald Trump. I have not seen Congress or the Senate In session on C-Span for two weeks maybe longer Obama had about 50 of them go to Cuba with him . Maybe they got some dance lessons while they were there. There is a big to do about Trump and his comment,s about abortion, he said if it illegal then women should be punished, I agree are we going to be a nation that only certain laws apply, Especially the ones Obama is allowed to break. If abortion is against the law then it is premeditated murder on the part of the woman, she doesn’t get up one morning and say this is a good day for an abortion. They say the Constitution gives them the right to do to there own bodies as they please. If that is the case why have so many people been put in prison for committing assisted suicide? That person is in much pain and discomfort and has the desire to die to end that pain and suffering especially when there is no alternative but death. What is good for a pregnant woman and the unborn child I am sure is not suffering as much pain as a terminally ill person that is fighting a debilitating illness with no hope for a future. I agree with Trump if made a law then there should be a punishment for all involved.
Constitutionalist says
i don’t understand why the Senate would have to initiate the process of arresting the president; anyone with sufficient access could do so, including Secret Service agents, anyone in any branch of the Military, local Police, even tourists who are American Nationals and happen to have a set of handcuffs with them when they see D’OweBama during their WH tour.
The thing about the Rule of Law and why it’s so important is that it means EVERYONE is under the same law. What applies to the lowest-paid sworn Marine Corps recruit is equally applicable to the sworn Commander-in-Chief…and that would be the Supreme Law of the Land.
If Citizens cannot hold any office-holder to account for their Unconstitutional actions, then the Constitution is worthless as a means for keeping our Public Servants and Public Employees in check; as i believe i noted above, “It is not the government’s job to keep the Citizen from falling into error; it is the CITIZEN’s job to keep the GOVERNMENT from falling into error.” So says SCOTUS judge, and so say i.
JerryD says
My understanding is it would take the Senate to impeach Obama at least that is what I have heard it is in the Constitution You know his friend the Attorney General Loretta Lynch isn’t going to do anything. They are both protecting Hillary Clinton. I tell you what January 20, 2017 can not come fast enough. I am still waiting for the Obama and his Administration to march ISIS down the streets of Washington DC. in a take over from all the muslims he has allowed into this country.
Awake says
I pray every day that the FBI will be placing not only the clintons, but also the Obamas behind bars.
Im hoping its going to happen sooner than later. So, is older folks can witness it!!
Once TRUMP is elected, he will allow the FBI, the military, the police and border patrol to do their jobs. They have all been held back too long.
The clintons are so corrupt, and hilLIARy must have so much dirt on Obammy. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Not that any of it’s going to be new news.
Goo TRUMP!!!
Constitutionalist says
i hope you’re right that Trump – if he’s not killed prior to taking office – will be the next president and “appoint people to investigate” Clinton and others.
Although i never voted for D’OweBama and tried my best to warn people off of him, my little voice went unheeded, more’s the pity. What i WAS hoping for (the whole “hope and change” thing) was that given D’OweBama’s antipathy toward the Shrub, that he’d also “appoint people” to investigate, especially the war-profiteering corporations in Iraq and Afghanistan who either did shoddy or NO work, yet billed outrageously for it anyway…and/or the literal PALLETS full of FRN’s that “got lost.”
But that’s the thing i like most about Donald at this point in time; he seems MOST sincere about getting far better deals for America, paying down the national debt, getting OUT of debt to both China and Japan, and basically re-negotiating the hell out of every damnable treaty and unfair trade deal that politicians have saddled Americans with, especially the ones which have cost American jobs, especially in manufacturing.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if, as a country, you make and sell more stuff than you buy, the people will be prosperous. Look at the industrial post-WW2 US economy on up through about 1963 or so, for example…or the current Chinese economy, arguably the world’s strongest.
But then, more and more anti-Republic and more pro-Democracy useful idiots got in power, ignored the Constitution and faced zero consequences for Oath-breaking, and the national debt began to leap off the charts to the point where now – especially that manufacturing has been deliberately exported – it’s mathematically impossible to pay off or even reduce, much. Hell, the Grace Commission(under Reagan, designed to ferret out waste in government) reported the truth no one wanted to hear or do anything about – that every penny collected by the IRS went to ZERO government programs or services; ALL of it, every single dime, went to service JUST THE INTEREST on the debts of the bankrupt UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc.
And that is really the root of the problem that NO ONE dares touch; you see, every “dollar” currently in circulation is backed by nothing except the taxing power of the USG. They are “debt-notes,” representative “color of” money, worthless IOU’s. A REAL dollar is a specific weight and purity of silver. When this country began, it had just been through the experiment of the “Continental,” a paper representation of a “dollar,” and the then-treasury dept. printed FAR more of them than they could ever back up; intelligent Americans soon saw through the scam, and the phrase “not worth a Continental” entered the lexicon – which is the REAL reason that Congress is only authorized to COIN money. The Constitution NOWHERE authorizes Congress to PRINT it, nor does it authorize Congress to delegate(shirk) that most-important responsibility to ANYone or anyTHING else – but they did it anyway, and no one held the bastards who got the Federal Reserve Act passed to account for their criminal, felony-perjury Oath-breaking. But the FRB moved slowly; even after it began getting the Treasury to print their notes, the majority read on their faces “Redeemable in LAWFUL money at” then gave the name of the bank where the paper could be exchanged at face-value with the substance that made it good.
With FRN’s, you cannot truly “buy” anything; you can “legally acquire” things – eat them, drive them, whatever – but because they’re “lent” into existence, they carry with them a debt-obligation. Only SUBSTANCE permanently EXTINGUISHES debt; “color of” money just “allows” you to “legally discharge” it. Stanek v. White sortof explains this(albeit in obfuscatory language):
“There is a distinction between a ‘debt discharged’ and a debt ‘paid’. When discharged, the debt still exists though divested of it’s charter as a legal obligation; during the operation of the discharge, something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist, which may be transfered, even though the transferee takes it subject to it’s disability incident to the discharge.”
— Stanek vs. White, 172 Minn.390, 215 N.W. 784
The owners of the Unincorporated “commercial” banks headquartered in Basel Switzerland’s Bank of International Settlements certainly understands this principle; if ever one member bank owes anything to another, they permanently EXTINGUISH that debt by transferring the appropriate amount of gold coin.
But anywhere that “debt-notes” pass as actual “money,” those who use it are ignorant of the slavery that use entails; one of the most succinct citations i have which explains this goes:
“Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.”
Here’s another quote that describes our current near-hopeless situation:
“The whole profit of the issuance of money has provided the capital of the great banking business as it exists today. Starting with nothing whatever of their own, they have got the whole world into their debt irredeemably, by a trick. This money comes into existence every time the banks ‘lend’ and disappears every time the debt is repaid to them. So that if industry tries to repay, the money of the nation disappears. This is what makes prosperity so ‘dangerous’ as it destroys money just when it is most needed and precipitates a slump. There is nothing left now for us but to get ever deeper and deeper into debt to the banking system in order to provide the increasing amounts of money the nation requires for its expansion and growth. An honest money system is the only alternative.”
— Frederick Soddy(1877-1956) British author, professor, Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1921
But all this is WAY off-topic for this thread; more on-point, i’m thankful for Judicial Watch, but i strongly suspect that unless and until some daring whistleblower comes forward with at least SOME of the documents they seek, the (IN)justice department will either deny they exist, say they “can’t find” them, or use the “dangerous to National Security” catch-all dodge. “Most transparent presidency in history”? Bovine excreta. “You LIE!”, said the Congressman, and i agree. D’OweBama is provably a liar, perjurer, criminal, fraudster, and traitor.
Larry says
I think this Admistration is ripe and stinks. Just thinking that the first Black President would allow this government to falls this far in lawless actions. This may be another shove it to the American people.
Mikeyavelli says
They call him the most brilliant man on earth, yet, he knew nothing about Rev wright’s hate speeches, or William Ayers, or Tony Rezko, or the selling of his still warm senate seat.
Now that’s brilliant. And no one, no one dares challenge the Sumbish.
Ray says
Let’s face it, when 49 % of the people are getting free stuff, they don’t want that to stop, they will vote to keep it coming. That happened in 2012, Romney won the public vote, but lost the Electorate vote because of the areas O’Bama won had more “Free Stuff ” voters in it. Get ready to watch that again. And the people we need to sway are so blind for Hillary that it is not going to happen. Even if she is one of the biggest liars and cheats to ever walk the White House, she and her cheating husband are going to get another chance to steal more furniture. The people who support this are just IDIOTS !
peewee henson says
the rug that is used to sweep the shit under is too small and has been that way for a long time. now the dirt is coming out
Larry Biddle says
Goodbye Hillary, hope you get a Republican cellmate whose name is Butch
Philip says
Chicago Politics at it’s best, Chicago, Illinois’ history of political corruption.
That says alot about Obama the Blowhard he is the best at crooked politics.
The best at LYING to we the people, and gets away with it or so it seems.
Dave says
That’s where Cruz and Hillary get’s it from. The President is suppose to set the Example.. There you go…
Dave says
I Believe that Ted Cruz has been lying to the People from day one. Him and Marco Rubio. They are both Cuban and why not stand together. Like the Story in the Enquirer about Cruz’s affairs. Cruz and Rubio talked about that issue months before Cruz Blaming Mr. Trump for putting that story in the Enquirer. First of all how would Mr. trump even have known about that story? Which holds true that one of Rubio’s men had sold the Story to the Enquirer. Everyone is against Mr. Trump because they all know he will make the changes that need to be made to get our Country back on Track where it should be. Not one of the other Candidates have mentioned bringing the Industry back to our Country where it belongs. Oh they mention Jobs alright, but where are they suppose to get them from? McDonalds, Walmart? Hillary wants to raise the Minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. There will be a lot of fast Food and small business’s closing as a Result of it too. There will be the highest unemployment Rate this country has ever seen if that happens..It will be the First time Our Country has ever filed Bankruptcy….. Then there will be a War for sure right here in the United States. We will be invaded by another Country trying a take over. It won’t happen because there will be tomany people that will stand up and fight, but it will happen.
Constitutionalist says
It will be the First time Our Country has ever filed Bankruptcy
You should maybe try googling “Bankruptcy of the United States.”
If you dare to do so, you might shortly discover that American criminals voted to re-organize the United States as a Corporation in 1871, and that corporation has declared bankruptcies SEVERAL times, since. It is now known by the all-caps designation of UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and similar all-caps titles. Check your mail, especially from any gov’t agency whatsoever, but in this instance, from any federal agency.
If you’re old enough, you may remember that subtle change in the various States, as well – that is, going from proper spelling and capitalization to ALL CAPS, e.g. “Commonwealth of Massachusetts” to “COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS.” This happened much later, perhaps shortly after the adoption of the UCC, aka the Universal Commercial Code.
The short story is that the USG has been bankrupt for probably the entirety of your lifetime, and it’s true rulers are the “holders in due course of the bankruptcy(ies).” You have heard, perhaps, of the “shadow government”?
chip Cnterbury says
Dave, I think you are right !
DustyFae says
Nothing will become of this so why lie to the American People, Obama and Congress has been breaking the laws for decades and no on one did nothing— they are all corrupted and especially our judges who are hand picked by the corrupt Obama and are NOT elected into their positions
Jo says
If I had to guess I’d say Hillary R. Clinton will not be indicted there has been too much to hide I feel sorry for Comey and his investigators for doing there jobs and the truth will never come out about her there is too much Obama and Hillary have on each other so one has to cover the others asses. Obama’s legacy should be a barrel of laughs for whoever writes it.
James says
Americans the people on the hill in Washington d.c. and the oval office and all the political politition around this country think they are above the rest of us and they actually take care of their own because each one of them has something on the other one to control them with. They feed off of our flesh our labor our money and we are at their mercy and they are not going to allow us or a Donald trump or a Ted crude or any body to change their system of control and domination over the little weak and helpless Americans who made this country great.
Texas Son says
Another dishonorable deed done by the Master of Deception. Thank you, Judicial Watch and Horn News for bringing it to light!
john says
Gibberish, Cruze is the one to clean things up, not trump. Trump will back track on everything he has said if elected
Constitutionalist says
You mean Cruz, the Canadian who hides his citizenship records? The Cruz who does NOT meet the qualifications for the presidency listed in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5?
The same Cruz who has ALREADY lied under Oath(his Oath of Office as Senator), and therefore is a felonious Perjurer?
Yeah, another Unconstitutional president to follow the Current Occupant. What could go wrong with that?
Constitutionalist says
Cruz(no “e” on the end) is Constitutionally unqualified, is receiving backing from the Bush crime family, has a wife working diligently to remove America’s borders to form a North American Union including Mexico and Canada which will no longer use either dollars or pesos, but an “Amero,” just like the “Euro.” On top of that, he lies constantly, including under his Oath of Office, which makes him a felony perjurer. To cap it off, look at this nutbar! Weak chin, little bean-teeth, pasty skin like a cross between a nerdy Dracula and a sleazy used car salesman…AND, speech/voice analysts say he’s lying about sleeping with women other than his wife, based on the fact that his statement concerning the issue contains a ratio of about 5 attacks to each denial, a clear indicator of deception.
Wait ’til the attorney for the deceased DC Madam releases the ph. #’s and names on her list. Whaddaya wanna bet that Cruz figures prominently among the whore-renters?
Tom says
Amen. The founders did not struggle for independence, write these charters and pass them down to us–at the cost of many lives–only to have us put them on the shelves unread or rushed through hurriedly with less attention than we give to the sports page or entertainment section of the newspaper…as beneficiaries we are obligated to study their works conscientiously to help us understand the past, confront the present and prepare for the future.
I have no belief or trust that any legislator knows the Constitution other than a document to be circumvented and passing of law making to acronym agencies. We have lost nearly every freedom afforded us under the Bill of Rights.
Painfully I would like to contribute to these organizations doing the work we cannot do, but when you live on a restricted income you must decide whether you want to eat or take your medications..
Constitutionalist says
i agree; there are at least 2 State Constitutions that make reference to “frequent recurrence to fundamental principles” as a recommended course of study for proper application of Law and Lawful means.
But in one area, i disagree with you: the Bill of Rights is NOT what affords us these Rights; our Rights come from our Creator. The Constitution was written as a means to SECURE these Rights(named and un-named, see 9th and 10th) by requiring office-holders to swear on oath to “preserve, protect, and defend” them “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Unfortunately, we did not follow instructions, to wit:
“It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle.”
— James Madison(1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President
Source: “A Memorial and Remonstrance”, 1785: Works 1:163
IOW, the FIRST time any office-holder voted for something (or signed something, or ruled something) that was NOT IAW the Supreme Law of the Land, he should have been immediately arrested, tried, and convicted of felony perjury, that is, lying under his oath of office, or simply lying under oath.
Personally, i don’t think it too late to take this route…assuming enough iron-willed Citizens are willing to first try to do this through “proper channels”(filing complaints with various City, Town, County, State, and Federal sworn government agents) until it becomes obvious that no LEO is worth his or her salt due to their refusals to arrest, THEN to en-masse effect Citizen’s Arrests, under the following Principle:
“It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.”
-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, 1950
IMO, all office-holders who refused to make arrests after proper complaints were made should ALSO be arrested and tried for Oath-breaking, too, as well as malfeasance of office and dereliction of duty and any OTHER charges that seem suitable and wise.
Jim Caggiano says
Because of our complacency that louse in our white house is trying his best to destroy and finish raping our America, The people that voted for his never took a good look at his total ignorance of the job and his background. He has hidden so much at a tremendous cost that it will take years to dig out his sordid past ! Let’s wake up before it’s too late in the next election !
andy says
I wonder how come a good boarder fence was never build
Is it just possible that the cartels are paying off some of our elected officials???????
chip Cnterbury says
andy, check.
Gail Davis says
Judicial Watch is a fantastic group of people. They have sued our government through the court system and gained a lot
more information than our current Congress could ever get thru their investigations on Bengazi, Hillary etc. They are also
suing in court to clean up the fraud voting in various states, which we desperately need. I can’t believe how corrupt our
government truly is. and our officials should all be behind bars.
Thomas says
Obama choose to hide these records as he knew he would have been impeached if they had gotten out in the Public Domain. The big question is who has been clamping down on the release of these records and why? The FBI should not exclude Dick Durbin who persuaded Obama to run in the first place and has helped cover up all questionable facts of his past more than likely as he has the power and influence in the Ilinois Democratic Party.
Justin W says
Considering Chicago politics, Blagojevich may be the fall guy. It would be interesting to find out if President Obama had anything to gain in this transaction.
john says
it is absolutely incredible how naïve, stupid or blind most of Americans choose to be. Hillary is a professional liar since her days in the Arkansas whitehouse and she continues to abuse her privileges and mislead the ignorant while she considers herself to be above the law…anything goes, just ask her aides and pilot in Arkansas. and how ’bout our fine leader…he’s laughing all the way to bank on our nickel. Washington is in the sewer full of nothing more than traitors, self indulgent sob’s professional manipulators and con artists squeezing the life right out of the constitution while they kill American opportunities if they don’t agree with their own agenda…interesting how they are exempt from any accountability. The whole Washington scene stinks of monumental graft and corruption to suit themselves while the American taxpayer foots the bill for all of their BS…Term limits and prosecutor action should be one of the first things our next President should install. As the smoke and mirrors parade continues, we are sinking deeper and deeper into an abyss we may never get out of…it saddens and infuriates me to see America coming apart at the seams at the hands of crafty idiots we elected and the republican party is imploding as its own worst enemy…I mean come on guys , get it together, tell us how you are going to rebuild America instead of tearing each other down and strangling the American dream. It is time for conservative Americans to take America back and put politicians in the same hell they led America into. Thanks to The Horn.
Bill Haycraft says
The following might clear up why Obama is so messed up. This is all true and the truth will set us free… Bill
Traumatized and abandoned.
1926: Eight year old Stanley Dunham discovers his mother’s body after she has committed suicide. Stanley’s father then abandons the
traumatized boy, leaving Stanley in the care of his maternal grandparents in El Dorado, Kansas.
Stanley is psychologically devastated by suicide & abandonment!
Stanley Dunham becomes a troubled teen.
The emotionally damaged boy grows into a rebellious teenager. Stanley punches his High School principal and becomes a drifter, hopping rail cars to Chicago, then California, then back again. At age 20, he marries Madelyn Payne on the night of her Senior Prom.
The hurt little boy grows into an angry young man. Stanley spends time as a rail hopping drifter.
Psycho Stanley fathers a girl – names her Stanley.
Just before leaving to fight in World War II in 1942, Stanley impregnates Madelyn. A girl is born on November 29, 1942. Because Stanley wanted a son, he names the girl after himself – Stanley Dunham. (Middle name of Ann)
What kind of a psycho names his daughter Stanley?
Stanley Ann Dunham endures childhood trauma.
After the war, the Dunham’s bounce around the country for 15 years – moving to California, back to Kansas, to Seattle, WA, to Mercer Island,
WA. and finally to Hawaii. Stanley is teased about her boyish name at every new school she attends. The instability of constantly moving,
the teasing / bullying over her strange name, and the constant reminder that her father wanted a boy – will combine to turn young Stanley Ann
into a traumatized psycho like her father. A girl named Stanley is teased about her boyish name.
Stanley Ann Dunham becomes a troubled teen.
At 17, Stanley Ann now goes simply by “Ann”. By this time, she has already embraced Marxism (as had her father), is posing naked for a Communist named Frank Marshall Davis, bashing America, and having sexual relations with older black men.
Frank Marshall Davis (right) had a passion for photography and pornography.
Ann is impregnated by one of two Black Communists.
1960: Still a 17 year old college freshman, Ann becomes pregnant. She claims that a Kenyan Marxist named Barack Obama (who she met in a Russian language class) is the father. Obama, apparently unbeknownst to Dunham at the time, has his own wife and children back in Kenya. Ann was having sexual relations with another black man during this time – Frank Marshall Davis (more on him later).
Obama looks nothing like his Kenyan father, but resembles Frank Marshall Davis very much.
Barack Obama Jr. is abandoned by his Kenyan father.
Less than four years into the unlikely marriage, Ann divorces the Kenyan bigamist. Barack Sr. returns to Africa in 1964. Little “Barry” experiences his first abandonment. Barry will briefly see his alleged father again in 1968, when he is about eight years old, only to have to say goodbye to him. Barack Sr. will later die in a driving accident in 1982.
The reunion with the father figure he longed for was very brief.
Ann remarries an Indonesian man and settles there. In 1965, Ann marries Lolo Soetero. She, Lolo, and little Barry settle in Indonesia. (Ann and Lolo will divorce in 1980)
Stanley Ann has a baby girl with her new husband.
Ann hires a transvestite to be Barry’s nanny. Already a full-fledged feminist Marxist, Ann Soetero hires ‘Evie”, a transvestite, to care for young Barry. In 2012, it was revealed that Nanny Evie is now a broke homosexual prostitute.
Desperate and destitute, old Evie survives by prostitution. Obama won’t help.
Young Barry is bullied by his Asian classmates. The only Black in an Indonesian school, Barry is outcast and bullied as “the boy with big ears.” Little Barry Soetero doesn’t fit in.
Ann has a baby girl, then dumps Barry on her parents in Hawaii.
Little Barry is again traumatized by the pain of rejection. After having a daughter with Lolo, psycho Ann ships 10 year old Barry off to Hawaii to be raised by his grandfather.
Barry’s little psyche is sent from the frying pan into the fire.
Grandpa introduces Barry to a Black Communist bi-sexual. Grandpa Dunham is friends with the Communist bi-sexual Frank Marshall Davis. Davis will become a mentor to young Barry. It was Davis, an avid photographer, who took the nude photographs of young Ann Dunham.
Davis tells of his sexual deviance in a book entitled “Sex Rebel Black”, written under the pen name of Bob Green. In lurid detail, he describes 3-way sex sessions between himself, his wife, and a young girl named “Ann.”
Davis wrote the filthy “Sex Rebel Black” in 1968.
The dirty old Communist will finish corrupting little Barry.
Teenage Barry is a lazy student and a heavy drug user. By the end of High School, generations of family dysfunction and painful rejection will have already shaped the man that Obama will become.
By his own adult admission, Obama wastes his High School years as a heavy pot smoker and a mediocre student.
A self described “lazy student”, Obama has a passion for smoking marijuana. (later on cocaine) After high school, Obama is a self-described mediocre college student at Occidental College in California.
1980’s: Young Obama is plugged into the Globalist – Communist Presidential Pipeline. At some point during the 1980’s, Frank Marshall Davis, and others above him, plug “Barack Obama Jr.” into the subversive network of Professor William Ayers. Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, are former FBI fugitives and founders of the Communist / terrorist Weather Underground.
Obama is to be decorated with Ivy League degrees and groomed to be the first Black President.
Obama began his first political campaign in the Chicago living room of Ayers and Dohrn.
Ageing hippie communists Ayers and Dohrn are still very active in politics today.
The radical Marxist Reverend Jeremiah Wright specializes in finding women to marry the professional men who frequent his church. The angry Michelle and Obama are believed to have been matched up by the Reverend. There is no record of any other women in Obama’s life prior to Michele
Few men would marry an angry woman. So Reverend Wright gave her to Obama.
Obama and the America-hating Reverend go ‘way back.
Barack Obama is the product of generations of severe psychological dysfunction.
The neurotic manifestations rooted in both sides of his family tree include – suicide, abandonment of children, multiple relocations, polygamy, rejection, bullying, drug & alcohol abuse, and communist subversion.
To cope with the pain and low self esteem of childhood trauma, the ego creates a false Superman. We clearly see the narcissistic personality disorder manifested in the anti social behavior of Grandpa Dunham (naming a daughter after himself, joining the Communist Party), Stanley Ann Dunham (posing for pornographic photos, having sex with older black men, dumping her child), Barack Sr. (secretly keeping two families at the same time), Nanny Evie (dressing up as a woman, engaging in homosexual prostitution) Frank Marshall Davis (joining the Communist Party, boasting of sexual perversion).
This is why Obama himself is so arrogant, so conceited, so callous, so sensitive to criticism, so dishonest, so immoral, so vindictive, so cold, so cruel, and so dangerous.
Like the Frankenstein monster of Mary Shelley’s classic novel, Obama is seething with rage at the society which he blames for the pain of his dysfunctional childhood.
Apart altogether from his flawed Marxist ideology and his manifest incompetence, OBAMA IS RUTHLESS..the perfect man to lead a nation of dumbed-down, degenerate sheep, many of whom are themselves narcissistic psychopaths.
That is why Obama’s invisible Globalist masters chose him. And why the 47%ers, elected him.
Richard says
O.k., I’m talking about the many things Obama has to hide in his closet and my whole comment goes blank. What the fuck is going on here? What’s the matter with you people. Don’t you want to hear the truth about this corrupt, illegal president? This has happened to me on other occasions as well on other news sights. I don’t know if it’s the news sight itself, or if there are hackers out there whose job it is to protect Obama at all costs. I’m really getting sick and tired of this same ‘ol crap happening all the time.
Constitutionalist says
In the past, when i had a similar problem, i’d compose my reply either on an email or on a Word doc, then cut’n’paste it to the “reply” page and submit it right away – this almost always worked(thunderstorm power-outage stopped one from going through).
But on top of this, this Horn website screens for particular words; just a couple days ago, my post came back “blocked” because it had the word(i’ll spell it phonetically) “You Sir Pay Shun” in it. Why that particular word should be screened out is curious, to say the least. Took me awhile to figure it out, too, but i did.
Maybe the owners of this website – and politicians in general – would prefer that Americans not know that this is one of the High Crimes for which they can be arrested, tried, and upon conviction, removed from office.
Vera Longan says
Judicial Watch was around when the Clinton’s were in the white house. asking for donations so they could convict the Clinton’s in all the dirty and crimminal acts that they were into at the time. Those two are still walking the streets, nothing was done to them, now she is running for President so her ad her sex offender husband can get back in there and do more of the same.
Judicial Watch did nothing. The public could see all the crap they were pulling, but there was nothing done. And there won’t be anything done to Obama either. Mark my word.
ron says
I can’t figure why catholics,who don”t believe in abortion or gay marraige would be democrats.I can see why teachers,union workers and minorities and illegal immigrants ,because they all want something for nothing would be democRATS.
One correction, the only central banks not controlled by money changers are China, Cuba, and Iran. But now that Cuba is opening up it will be taken over.
ray says
And this is what diversity has gotten us…….. a half black and half white man in office to take the heat off the rest of the corrupt white politicians who are pulling the country down faster and faster, while the crooked politicians keep lining their bank accounts.. Keep the voters fighting among themselves, they are not smart enough to see through the corruption going on and how they can get away with all the fraud, lies, and corruption…..Trump tells it like it is and the politicians turn it around or try to turn it around and say Trump is incorrect on all matters……TRUMP is probably the only fix for the mess this country is in…. Trump is for the legal American voters….. If you want things to get better put Trump in as CIC. if you want things to go on as they are go the other way …….. voters it is our choice….. make it better with TRUMP, or let it as is and go with one of the others…
Trump to the white house for a better America in 2016
Mark Mathews says
People on this site are always criticizing the political leaders as if they are the reason America is declining. But they’re just people who have sold their integrity to industries that have the money to install them. If not them, someone else would have taken their place. What I’m saying is our political leaders aren’t the problem. It’s the indelible greed of human beings (especially the moguls of big corporations) that motivate and finance people to trade their humanity for their profit.Our political system and leaders are just a means to an end. Removing them won’t change a thing.