When announcing his unilateral and likely unconstitutional executive orders on gun control Tuesday, a tearful President Barack Obama said it was the nation’s responsibility to prevent the next mass shooting.
The only problem? Any assertion that Obama’s gun control measures could have prevented — or will prevent — mass shootings is simply not true.
According to an investigation by the Associated Press, the gun control orders Obama announced would have done nothing to prevent some of the deadliest mass shootings in recent history. And that includes the slaughters of 20 first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, or 14 county workers at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California.
Obama’s executive action targets and adds heavy red tape to the gun resale market. It expands mandatory background checks to gun shows, flea markets and online sales, and would force resellers to register as gun dealers.
It also adds more than 230 examiners and staff to help process background checks and calls on states to submit accurate and updated criminal history data.
Those measures are seen as crucial to stemming gun suicides — the cause of two-thirds of gun deaths — by blocking immediate access to weapons. But, the Associated Press review shows, they would have had no impact in keeping weapons from the hands of suspects in several of the deadliest recent mass shootings that have spurred calls for tighter gun control.
Here’s a look at how some recent mass shooting suspects got their weapons:
Dec. 2, 2015, San Bernardino, California, 14 killed
Syed Farook and his wife used weapons that the FBI says his neighbor, Enrique Marquez, purchased legally from a federally licensed dealer in 2011 and 2012. Marquez, now facing conspiracy and other charges, told investigators that Farook asked him to purchase the weapons because he would draw less attention. At the time, the FBI says, the men were plotting to shoot up a community college and a highway.
Oct. 1, 2015, Roseburg, Oregon, 10 killed
Christopher Harper-Mercer and his family members legally purchased the handguns and rifle he used in the Umpqua Community College shooting from a federally licensed gun dealer, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
July 16, 2015, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 5 killed
The FBI says some of the weapons Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez used in his attack on a pair of military facilities were purchased legally and some were not. It is unclear when the purchases were made and whether he was subject to a background check. Relatives say Abdulazeez had a history of mental illness, made a series of overseas trips and was arrested in April on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. In May 2013, he failed a background check for an engineering job at a nuclear power plant in Ohio.
Sept. 16, 2013, Washington, D.C., 12 killed
Aaron Alexis, a former reservist turned civilian contractor, passed state and federal background checks and legally purchased the pump-action shotgun used in the Washington Navy Yard shooting despite a history of violent outbursts and recent mental health treatment. Alexis was accused of firing a gun in anger in Texas in 2004 and Seattle in 2010, but was not prosecuted in either case. In 2011, he received an honorable discharge despite bouts of insubordination, disorderly conduct and unauthorized absences. None of that would have disqualified him from purchasing a weapon.
Dec. 14, 2012, Newtown, Connecticut, 26 killed
Adam Lanza used his mother’s weapons, including a .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle, in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Investigators say Lanza’s mother, whom he fatally shot before going to the school, also purchased the ammunition.
July 20, 2012, Aurora, Colorado, 12 killed
James Holmes was receiving psychiatric treatment when he passed required federal background checks and legally purchased the weapons he used in the movie theater assault. As in the Navy Yard case, Holmes’ treatment alone would not have disqualified his purchases. They would have been blocked if had he been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
jay says
Hasn’t everyone concluded that every word spewing from his criminal mouth is a lie? When has this Usurper ever told the truth? Oh maybe when he came here on a FOREIGN STUDENT VISA and overstayed his welcome, there was a tiny shred of truth in that document i suppose!
Jim O'Daniell Sr says
Keep up the pressure of this Islamic Loving Demorat.
aub says
call me by-stander but no reference to Sandy Hook Elementary School being a FEMA show that needs to be proven one way or other.
Sidney says
Now that’s a fact, that was a Hoax, some of the kids that were reported killed were seen alive an well weeks later, and they destroy the school, and never let anyone inside it to verify anything ever happened, just another gun grab plot.
Confoundmeonce says
How many Mothers;;;Dads;;; Family… Were Allowed to ‘ View ” their Loved Ones Who WERE ” Supposedly shot dead here ( Sandy Hook )?? At the HOSPITAL..In Transport, Ever ?? Not At all…That IS the Answer That Shows This Whole Biz Up AS the Hoax It was. A Hoax Set up.. To Be Able to Confiscate OUR Guns. Think About THAT. . People ! Don`t ever give up your Only means of Protection ..And Keep in Mind.. The BAD Guys All have Guns !..( and I Doubt the Crooks And Wrong-doers ) will ever be coerced into turning in Their Weapons to anyone !!)
Evangeleon says
In response to this article I think the title is misleading. Busted implies that the president was caught in a lie when that is not the truth. The president is just trying to do what he can in an effort to make America a safer nation. He’s not always right but President Obama is far from evil or any of these evil things you are saying. All some people seem to be focused on is negativity. If you are a law abiding citizen what are you worried about. No one is trying to take your guns.
I have to say most of these comments sound un-American. Taking out the president, calling him a criminal, a liar, delusions of a Marshall Law agenda, really? And why are we so hung up on the presidents religion. Isn’t that one of our American freedoms. Some of you need some religion. It’s just sad that we have so called Americans who feel this way and say these hateful things.
And to say that the shooting at Sandy Hook where all of the teachers and kids who lost there lives was a hoax is just so evil in so many ways. Tell that to the parents whos kids didn’t come home that day. God help us.
I try to stay informed by reading multiple news sources but articles like this do nothing more than get the weak minded all worked up.
Smarterboy14 says
Whenever I troll these sites I come away more terrified. You people are so f*cking crazy from hate and self-loathing that you will believe anything. To the asshole who thinks sandy hook was a hoax; you are broken and beyond redemption. I feel sorry for you. And Jay, what lie has the president told? You people live in a world full of innuendo and slander. It’s interesting that nothing you claim about the president is specific, quantifiable, or can be proved in any way. We have a republican controlled house and senate — and have for six of his years in office — yet they can’t seem to prove one “criminal” thing he’s done. Is it because republicans are so incompetent, or maybe it’s because you’re completely full of shit? A MAJORITY in both houses, yet the man who “every word spewing from his criminal mouth is a lie” continues to be the most admired mad in the world, year after year. How do you explain that, Jay? Let me guess, it will have no specifics, and nothing factual, just what some right wing website says or some tea-bag blogger wrote. Yet the entire congress is unable to validate anything you accuse him of. The truth is, Jay, and the rest of you, you’re completely full of shit. You live in your little hate bubble and you like it there, but you can’t come into the light because the real world, where things happen that you don’t like, is too much for you to take..
I just read something about the obama family; he has family in Kenya, cousins, etc., and they are in touch with obama at the White House continously, he is of the Muslim faith, which means he really is a Muslim, which he denies. He is so detrimental to the American way of life, I cannot believe someone hasn’t taken care of him to date; of course he is highly guarded, which is his right but oh lordy, what is he going to do next? No telling! I do believe he’s going to do one last thing before he’s out of office that will turn out to be so horrific, worse than he’s already done. Don’t know what, but I just have gut feeling.
F.C. Hilnbrand says
I think your comment about taking him out is not something that should be said even if you feel that way. WE all understand what you feel BUT do not print or say it. We all agree that he is a MUSLIM and that he would LOVE to make our country into a socialist country. He will do anything to either ruin us or find a way to enact his Martial Law plan and turn himself from President to LORD. Now WE the PEOPLE need to PRAY that he does next to nothing and that we can get to have our election and that we can make TRUMP our new PRESIDENT. Hope you agree.
Arizona Don says
I personally see nothing wrong with anything she said as long as she does not act in such a manner. There is considerable frustration building up in this once greatest of all nations. I have often wondered the same thing. Of course he is a muslim, without question. He is also a muslim caliphate sympathizer, perhaps communist since all his mentors were communists. I will never compare obama with hitler, stalin or even mao. There is no comparison he would be worse given the total control he desires. Anyone republican (which I am not) or conservative (which I am) would be done away with. The tear he shed was phony I have no reason to believe he has any compassion or even respect for anyone but most of all white Christians. He is a racist, bigoted fake who pretends to be something he is not. He is also a damn liar!
Rwb says
Nick says
If he is a Muslim he would stop illegal Israelis Zionist settlements in Palestine and he would stop giving our money to Israel as long as they occupy Palestine.
Arizona Don says
Only one. Wow one of us is way off. I would say at least half a dozen surprises. Most of which will be detrimental to both America and Americans. However, I personally hope you are right and I am wrong.
yogiman says
Anything Congress believes they should aid and abet him to do.
Rosech says
He is not an American citizen. Came as a foreign student and never filed for American citizenship, hence no documents available. He is a puppet of the world’s worst and most horrible puppeteers from many lands to take over America because they hate her and are using every nasty trick they can to own us and America. Gun control is just another trick in their book along with freedom of speech. What amendment next in line for them to attempt to override? Who knows but this administration must be removed NOW by any and all means before this year they gain even more power!
Harry says
Obama is an American citizen. His mother was born and raised in Kansas, or haven’t you been following his genealogy? The where he was born is of no consequence. The where he received his schooling is of no consequence. Those things need to be changed in our constitution to insure only American ideologists are allowed in our electable offices.
Oh he is the Number 1 enemy of the USA without a doubt and should be impeached for treasonable acts while in office. I also agree he is a liar as all Islamics are taught is ok when swearing oaths before infidels (us and any other nonbeliever). He does that well. I am of the opinion that every supporter of him needs to be sent to prison for the rest of their natural lives including Senators and Congressman and anyone else who supported or is supporting him.
bozzbuck says
It should state born of parents who were natural born. I am 1st generation so I am disqualified and i am ok with that.
mike says
HARRY, unfortunately, it’s true about his mom and his citizenship unless she had denounced and I don’t think she did officially………also true what you say about his intentions………..need to eliminate ASAP…!
William says
Was his mother resident in the U.S. at least 10 years before Obama was born? If not, he’s not a citizen.
I agree with everything else said about him. He should’ve been impeached a long time ago, but that would’ve been “embarrassing” given the he’s our first black president. His administration has been the LEAST TRANSPARENT of those this century!
Can’t wait to hear his nonsense on gun control tonight on CNN!!!
jiimkirb says
You need to google how many black presidents have we had in US. You may be shocked.
jukebox says
Where he went to school is relevant, when you consider he was in a Muslim school in Indonesia during his formative years. His years at Columbia, where nobody remembers him, were actually spent in Russia as an exchange program Columbia was offering. Now, you tell me how relevant his education is.
anna adam says
obama went to columbia supposedly under the name of Barry Soreto, his step dads from Indonesia or wherever/
Sidney says
Fact, it doesn’t matter that his mother was an American citizen, he wasn’t bore here, in order for someone to be a citizen of USA that is born in another country they both must be an American citizen and be in the armed forces and stationed in that country, and also oboma came here and signed up for college as a foreigner. Another thing Cruz and Rubio are both in this same situation, we’ll have to wate an see what becomes of that, but Obama was planted here to destroy this country an what it stands for, that another Fact.
Sam says
Corrrection…Only (1) one parent has to be an American Citizen for their child to be an American and they don’t have to bee in the service
Enchanted says
In Nov 2015 the freedom of imformation group finally received his records from Occidental. He was registered as barry soetoro and was granted a scholarship based on the fact he was an Indonesian citizen. I too do not believe he is a US citizen.
mike says
Enchanted, I am 99.9% sure that if your mother is a citizen in good standing, it does not matter where you are born. As I understand this law, it applies only to the mother and not the father. Born on U.S. military bases and U.S. provinces count also. Not too complicated but a little.
jukebox says
Obama never rejected his Indonesian citizenship, and that is one of the reasons he will not show his passport.
Donna says
If there is no record of him giving up his Indonesion citizenship then he IS NOT AN AMERICAN he is INDONESION……
Eric says
I found a college Id card of his. Barry not obama. This Obama isn’t a legal name.
Rosech—and who do you think is going to do this? He should be taken out but how and who?
F.C. Hilnbrand says
You are SO right and that is why he had his records sealed.
Ahuva says
Agree. But scarry that obama brings muslims- conspirasy, in nights by UPS aircrafts to privat aeroports in Pensilvania and other places Look this!!! https://youtu.be/KIf3tElDLfA?t=1
ROBO says
Facsists like you have been around for a long time. You should all be incarcerated for a long long time. I have seen you thugs on the streets all over the USA.
sharon vierling says
I agree
John Siemens says
Remember that it is OK for a Muslim to lie to infedils. The Quran tells us so. Everything he does is to lead us down the path to Sharia law.
Jr says
He is going to try to disarm everyone that is his plain just like letting all of his brothers in the country and let prisoner out that should not be out but that is all in his plain. [ LOOK OUT AMERICAN.]
Sal Belardo says
I went to a gun show this weekend and there was a sign that read, “If you voted for Obama we don’t want your business, because you are to stupid to own a firearm.”
Mark P says
I LOVE it….that spells it out exactly!
That Sign should be hung at every Gun Show….and every Gun Store…
jam says
That is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, any one who thinks this man is doing a good job, either must be receiving all the freebies or must be on a well paying job created to spend more taxpayers money, or to collect penalties for late enrollments.
Don’t you know Sharia law is already here and if not exactly now, then pretty soon.
ROBO says
Another right wing screwball speaks out, but makes no sense. He just has nothing better to do. I doubt he made it past grade school.
dan says
Gary Smith says
I agree remember Hitler
Bruce says
Hitler cared about Germany Huh. You don’t know your history my man.
Hitler cared about Hitler. Don’t you know what he ordered as the war was getting near the end you idiot?
Jim says
PROFANITY and hyperbole are not needed in this or any public forum. They only detract from the valid points that can be made offend many and don’t need to be seen by children.
Diana says
Agree he should have been run out of White House on a rail in May of 2008, know he needs to be arrested and jailed for Treason.
What can you expect from a man produced by Parents like this.Look how he grow up.His whole life is a lie.
sharon vierling says
AMEN.he is here to DESTROY
ROBO says
–and you speak with no tongue and even worse—–no brain. My advice is go back to the 5th grade, you may learn something.
rustynail says
dan its forked tongue, also both sides of mouth
Alexdria says
The American president crying on TV is very embarrassing. He make America looks very small country. We’re Americans know that’s just Acting Cry just like 2012 rally in OHIO state. Don’t falls for that folks. Learn the lesson.
Judie K Kopfman says
Such drama in Obama’s tears. Makeup Artists can magically do the same for you by putting a small covering of Vicks Vapor Rub under his one eye, which was the only one with tears. When he tried to wipe with his hand-fingers, underneath his eye was really slippery from the Vicks Rub.
And by the way, why doesn’t a President or First Lady ever carry a hankerchief? Obama can’t even do that right!
ROBO says
Pitiful!!! You obviously have no formal education. Try school, it may help. Good Luck!!
Micah says
Not only that, Sandy Hook was a hoax he and his sycophants cooked up after getting input from others that a shooting done by a mentally challenged person would have the most potential for enacting gun control laws.
Lorna Carrier says
I agree…why doesn’t someone pass these statistics on to the “criminal mouth”. He is such a traitor!!! Tears and all…I guess this is his “last hurrah” before we get rid of him once and for all! And oh yes, that crying is so fake; he should be ashamed of himself!!!
Have you ever tried to induce tears on a whim? Ammonia works, a little sticky on a finger works, thinking of a very sad story works, but then we’re talking about obama, he has no emotions, so he can’t just ‘cry’ on a whim, what did he use? It would be interesting to know.
jukebox says
He must have found out that Michelle destroyed his favorite stash of the good drugs and hashish.
Eagle Walk says
Well hopefully they will imprison this traitor or this spy once it is all said and done and they see his evil deeds. America is great because of it’s people not its government. The people establish the government not the government establishing or ruling the people. That it what made America great the people could remove those traitors or those spy that infiltrated our country and political establishment. Know I only see these communist \/ socialist bent on change our country to something its not. We need to go back to What made America great! God in America not Liberalism…..
He should impeached for all the things he did to bring America down.He should be stripped off all the Benefits retired Presidents get.He is not worth a penny.But this would not hurt him,because he has enough Money put away and he will also get a Bonus from his Muslim Friends for weaken America.
Virginia Piccininni says
I couldn’t agree more.
The man is a moral disaster.
docmeb says
Your good o boys have done nothing for years so this guy does something and you fight. TELL ME HOW MANY KIDS GOT TO DIE BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING IF YOU DON’T LIKE HIS PLAN WHAT YOURS???
Connie May says
My plan, & that of courts & police officers is to put more criminals who use guns to commit a crime in prision for a looooong time! Also, stop demonizing the police so they are cautious about doing their job to protect neighborhoods.
Sal Belardo says
President Obama and Hillary are incapable of telling the truth. It is Pathological. They are sick and they don’t know that they don’t know!
robert barnes says
Judge in Alaska issued arrest warrant of obama for treason. For details http://www.annavonreitz.com Anyone know who the worlds best bounty hunter is? After you learn more. My question will becom clear.
Mike says
Morons don’t have an understanding to how crooked the nra is. All they know is Obama is coming to take their guns and they go out and buy more and more and hoard their guns like hamsters store food… all the while the nra gets kickbacks from gun dealers. What a scheme! The nra and the gop candidates spread the myth that Obama is infringing on the 2nd amendment. What a crock! He is the only one that has the gumption to take on the nra and protect your naive rear ends! Ignorance will always be bliss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mike says
—-MIKE…………..you really need to wake up over tha bammar or you’ll be mohammed not mike. But you are right about your ignorance or stupidity and thus your bliss. Sleep on. You do know all of the mass situations were performed with legally bought weapons. Why haven’t my guns, owned for years and years, ever killed anyone.? Sleep on and sweet dreamin. And please burn your voters reg. card……………if you have one.
anita says
when will Washington wake up and deal with Nobama like a criminal should be dealt with ??? wake up you Pea brains in Washington and earn your Salary ,
What do you expect from them.They are fat,rich and don’t give a hoot about the People.We need Trump to kick Asssses.
walt says
This would be good for the whole Country.But send Obummmma and Family also back home to Africa.
marymerritt says
he is nothing but a total control freak who will have his way despite of what the law reads especially at the cost of every taxpayer in the nation he swore to uphold the laws of this country the day he moved into the white house but istead of obeying the laws he has chosen to violate every 1 because he will have his way come hell or high waterits no surprise that he stays out of this country so much because he is avoiding any chance of assignation due to all his lies and lack of leadership. im sure there are many citizens of this country who would be ecstatic if this should happen and they would be singing and poipping the champagne I personally cannot wait for this to happen and it cant happen to a nicer guy
Richard Cunningham says
Obviously the same as you, I think Obama would lie when the truth would do more good. And as for background checks that’s a bunch of baloney. If those doing the checks would simply do their jobs a lot of criminal acts wouldn’t be taking place. For instance: a number of years ago a guy named Patrick Purdy killed a bunch of school kids in Stockton, CA. Purdy was a convicted felon several times over. Several of those convictions were on firearms charges. Liberal California judges turned him loose. He was arming himself “legally.” When the bought the weapons he supposedly underwent background checks which he passed. He should have turned on red lights and had red flags flying all over the place but those who check backgrounds simply didn’t do their jobs in one of the states with some of the strictest firearm laws in the land. Then, we never hear about FAST AND FURIOUS anymore. Obama, Holder and the ATF told dealers to sell their weapons to illegal buyers. Those weapons were sent to Mexican drug cartels and killed no telling how many people. What do we ever hear about that now? All any of those so called leaders in government, be they Republicans or Democrats are interested in is making us helpless, and of course keeping their nice soft jobs.
vincent marcantelli says
Ladies and Gentlemen, please, we ALL KNOW that this person who is living in Govt. Housing, and using Govt. Transport, and running us in to the Worlds poor house…..WE KNOW THAT he and his MINIONS, an those who surround him are ALL liars. And well, it is looking like those “chickens are coming home to roost”. And the sooner we get to the facts that we MUST understand this the better off we and the world will be.
The sooner we as a Nation come to grips with the fact that Obama and “crew” have been lying to us as a nation from the very first day that he stated that he was wanting to become the President of this country. This man had started his lying even before he entered his first college, he lied on his entrance forms and has continued to do so ever since.
What is needed……he needs to be impeached. pure and simple. He, is the pure evil that many people have talked about but what and where this Congress and the people have failed, failed ourselves this is something that we as a Nation did a few years back, with Bill Clinton. I, don’t care if [you leave the WH], the act in it’s self, the event of the impeachment, is enough……It’s like when you lose a/your license, NO ONE PAYS ANY ATTENTION TO YOU, YOUR VIEWED AS THE LOSER, THAT YOU REALLY ARE!
daniel says
this administration is mental unstable and they trying to decide who is unstable to Owen a gun. we should start with them first they need mental help.
Jeff Irwin says
Was he vetted before entering the US ???
Bruce says
He didn’t say it would prevent ALL mass shootings. But it would prevent some of them. So why is that a lie?
So what’s wrong with expanding background checks to Gun Shows?????????
Bruce says
Let the ugly vicious attacks begin!!!!!
Billy says
Not worth my time.
Diane says
Ever hear of the U.N. Agenda 21? Disarm citizens! He’s following their directive as all good communist leaders do.
senior74 says
I agree with you, Obama is the UN puppet, pushing everything on the UN Agenda21 plan! I found a document of the UN Office of disarmament affairs (UNODA) *& the jest of it says “they must confiscate weapons of civilians so they can finish implementing Agenda 21”. The excuse for the agenda is global warming/climate change but the real reason is to make America part of a Communist one world government & control everything., especially humans. I was shocked to learn that we have over 70 communist in congress. I remembered when I heard that we had had an un-American committee in congress so I researched & found it had been disbanded years ago. Even some republicans are in that group. I found that the elder Bush was the first to sign on to the agenda agreement & every president since has pushed it. I trust Ted Cruz the most to fight against this because he is a constitutionalist. He would fight to keep our constitution & sovereignty which we are going to loose if we don’t have someone to fight for it!! Also he is only politician to even mention this agenda. Even liberals hate this if they learn about it see democratsagainstunagenda21.com
Don says
Ralph says
If you will open your eyes and see what he has been doing since he’s been in office then maybe you will have a different outlook about him and his lies. It’s been proven he instigated Isis and has been funding and supplying Isis with weapons and finances also his 32 isis camps in the U.S. and has lied about that. Look around and read.
Gary says
Why don’t we required Background checks when you run for office?
Virginia Piccininni says
His birth certificate is still a fraud. I have seen it layer by layer.
Software jocks know how to un-layer it.
nj says
I think candidates should be subjected to the same security checks as for the highest top security clearances plus extra.
Lie detectors, interviews from people throughout life,
Mental and physical health evaluations. A check on all travel and for what purposes, etc. If there is even something questionable, the candidate should be disqualified. And it should be public record. If our president to be can’t or won’t be clean and open about life before office, we can’t trust to be in our HIGHEST office.
Unfortunately, unless we clean house and establish term limits and start vetting candidates better, we will continue to get, liars, thieves, power mongers, sexual predators, and traitors to choose from. Then the marketing media will complete the whitewash on that pool.
No wonder, many don’t vote. It really is not about great choices, but only lessor evil any more.
I want old school interviews where candidates show what they have actually DONE as their credentials to be president rather than promises. It is the DONE that is the evidence.
Rob says
The dealers at Gun Shows already have to do background checks; however, individuals can sell guns on their own — just like if you bought a gun from the classified ads. When you start restricting the sale of one individual to another then it paves the way for all-out gun registration which history has proven across the globe that it will lead to confiscation. The article above already proves the BS that Obama is spewing is fictional — he basically wants a way to eliminate gun ownership in this Country, he knows he has to start small and work his way up (like Australia and England — where their crime rate sky-rocked when they took the lawful citizen’s guns). You want a comparison: go back and look at Switzerland’s crime rate when citizens were REQUIRED to carry guns per their law: it hovered around ZERO PERCENT. Look at this Country: in the areas where there are the most carry permits issued, the crime rate is the lowest, conversely, the highest gun-related crime rates are in the areas that have the strictest gun control laws; i.e., how’s Chicago doing lately?? Might want to investigate the facts before bloviating your views…
Jeff says
Maybe someone could define what a “reseller” is.
Should a parent be required to get a FFL to transfer a gun to their child or even another family member?
Yet another “BS” move by the “DEM’s” and their unending desire to dis-arm America.
Bruce says
There are plenty of Republicans in that Camp also. But they have a deep fear of the NRA unfortunately.
dan says
Bruce says
Violent crime and gun-related deaths did not come to an end in Australia, of course. But as the Washington Post’s Wonkblog pointed out in August, homicides by firearm plunged 59 percent between 1995 and 2006, with no corresponding increase in non-firearm-related homicides. The drop in suicides by gun was even steeper: 65 percent. Studies found a close correlation between the sharp declines and the gun buybacks. Robberies involving a firearm also dropped significantly. Meanwhile, home invasions did not increase, contrary to fears that firearm ownership is needed to deter such crimes. But here’s the most stunning statistic. In the decade before the Port Arthur massacre, there had been 11 mass shootings in the country. There hasn’t been a single one in Australia since.
There have been some contrarian studies about the decrease in gun violence in Australia, including a 2006 paper that argued the decline in gun-related homicides after Port Arthur was simply a continuation of trends already under way. But that paper’s methodology has been discredited, which is not surprising when you consider that its authors were affiliated with pro-gun groups. Other reports from gun advocates have similarly cherry-picked anecdotal evidence or presented outright fabrications in attempting to make the case that Australia’s more-restrictive laws didn’t work. Those are effectively refuted by findings from peer-reviewed papers, which note that the rate of decrease in gun-related deaths more than doubled following the gun buyback, and that states with the highest buyback rates showed the steepest declines. A 2011 Harvard summary of the research concluded that, at the time the laws were passed in 1996, “it would have been difficult to imagine more compelling future evidence of a beneficial effect.”
Richard says
But they don’t have a second amendment to a constitution like we do, so those kinds of laws are illegal
Bill says
We are not in Aussie land we are in the USA and we have a right to own and bear arms set forth by our founding fathers.we can’t help if you people fell a sleep when they wrote your constitution .
DJ says
Bruce, Australia has been a test bed for gun control and I believe that if you send in the MK ultra mind control nuts groomed by the CIA to do these shootings, get the results you want which is total gun ban in aussie land then you shut off the supply of MK ultra nuts naturally the stats look good. This is exactly what is happening in the U.S. Do I need to list all the shooters in America that were under the influence of Phycotropic drugs and mind control?
173rd Airborne says
That’s exactly right. Too bad there’s so many, not bright enough to understand the constitution and have not sworn an oath to uphold it at ANY cost’ like so many REAL men have done before.
Pam Ela says
@173rd Airborne Muslim presidents and over the border terrorists that he lets in and our government run public schools have discredited the REAL men who have fought for this country’s freedom and independence. It is appalling and disgraceful.
Mike says
Background checks already exist at gun shows (and internet sales, before you bring another lie into the argument).
The fact is if already a criminal, you won’t buy guns a t a show. You will stick to the illegal guns available to you on the street, through theft and other devious means.
As bugs bunny says, “WHat a maroon.”
James Cloony says
It restricts American citizens from purchasing guns—AND IS IN VIOLATION OF THE 2ND AMENDMENT OF OUR CONSTITUTION —do you even know what the 2nd amendment says?
Bruce says
Maybe it’s time to repeal the second amendment.
Robert Dimmock says
Bruce are you stupid or a chicken. If we give up our weapons we will die and no longer be a free people. do drink the koolaid, stand up and wake up. THINK>
Bruce says
I’ve never owned a weapon ever and I’m living a long health life. Of course you people put my life in more danger than is necessary.
Ahuva says
https://youtu.be/KIf3tElDLfA?t=1 Look it. obama conspirasy brings muslim to USA by UPS aircrafts on nights to private aeroports in Pensillvania and other places- without any security checks. 30 and more buses tooks “refuges” strait from aircraft and going to small towns. FOR WHAT? WHY CONSPIRACY? Take a look youtube above!!!
Pam Ela says
Maybe it’s time to send the Bruces to the UK and give them free housing in the ‘No Go Zones” and in in the ‘Gun free Zones’ .
Sam Bidwell says
Oh, Pammy, you such a dear, sweet thing, always trying to attack simple logic childlike, schoolyard , name-calling and silly, emotional rhetoric. Maybe it’s because your empty-headed arguments don’t have any merit on their own? Now, don’t get all excited again, darlin’. I’m only asking.) Just the kind of emotion-charged, empty-headed puppet the NRA needs to push its agenda, and rake in millions of dollars more to promote their money-making agenda.
Love ya! Write soon. :{)
jim says
spoken like a true suck ass commie !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
jam says
Oh Sam Bidwell you dear person with such hypocritical remark the idea to own a gun is because you have a right to do so, just because cars kills a lot of people that does not mean they will revoke the right to own one, I realize that most people do not understand what the amendments are all about, but believe me our forefathers knew what they were talking about, you remove any thing from the CONSTITUTION and this country with go down the drain regardless of the mighty armed forces that we have. And another thing as stated in GOD WE TRUST believe me they knew what they were talking about, regardless of your beliefs there is no better option.
vincent marcantelli says
Bruce, your remark, as it deals with the Second Amendment, maybe we should do away with all of the amendments of the Constitution, no better than that Bruce, hell Bruce, for you and ALL of Obama’s friends and those who think like you, just do away with all laws and the Bill of Rights, so that way when you find your azz’s in a crack, we can all turn our backs on your sorry azz’s.
humbert sergio says
we need to dethrone king Obama before he destroys this country beyond repair
John Siemens says
They probably know what it says but never learned that words make sentences and paragraphs that have meaning.
ko says
You are a nut case that must be to stupid to realize that there is no gun show loopholes. Back ground checks are done at all gun shows. Learn what the hell you are talking about before posting this type of BS. You are listening to this damned liberal lie. Educate yourself on existing laws,you will learn that there are laws already that cover all sales.
Mike says
You are nothing but a living moron concerning loopholes, etc. You quack like a duck as if you know exactly what you’re talking about. Learn how to spell too. In your ignorant and naive message, you spelled the word to, wrong..
Alan says
Which of the mass shootings would it have prevented? Clearly none of the ones B.O. mentioned in his speech.
Michalina Roberts says
In the snall village I live in you can go down to the river and can get anything you want asd well as drugs
Hankmacaw says
You fool – he only mentioned the least offensive of the provisions in his EO. If you think that an older person should be precluded from owning a firearm because he/she doesn’t handle his/her financial affairs – you need to move to Syria and get the he!! out of my country.
Meathead says
2nd Amendment – “…..the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”. What part of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” is not understandable? Where is the word “except” and conditions listed after “infringed”?
The federal government chips away at the Constitution to establish tyrannical control over the American citizens and is waaay outside the authority given it by the Constitution. For those of us who have fought for and understand “freedom”, we have no desire to relinquish any of it.
John Siemens says
1. It is unconstitutional. What part of infringement do you not understand? The checks at gun shows already exist. Obama lied!
2. All these additional checks just add more bureaucracy and make it harder for law abiding citizens to buy guns to protect themselves and others. The police are minutes away when seconds count. When you are about to be killed, do you want a citizen with a gun to protect you or would you rather a citizen with a phone call the police who will arrive in time to investigate your death and start looking for your killer?
3. Obama is turning increasing numbers of criminals loose on society – illegal alien criminals, refugee terrorists, release of terrorists from GITMO, release of criminals from prison.
4. Criminals that want guns will get guns. They do not care about the law. None of what Obama says will stop criminals from having guns. New laws just make criminals change the location where the transaction takes place. The new venue could even be your home where a criminal thinks you have weapons.
5. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Take guns away from good guys and bad guys win. Obama is taking guns away from good guys. The reason for the second amendment is to insure good guys have the weapons necessary to stop bad guys.
Randy says
Since you brought up the 2nd Amendment in your first point, John, which part of ‘A well regulated militia being necessary to the preservation of a free state’ do YOU not understand? Do you belong to any regulated militia group dedicated to protecting this country? Where is your point of muster? When do you train, and how often? Who is your commanding officer, and what unit does he report to?
As to your fourth point, the sad fact is, all guns start out legal — legally manufactured, distributed and sold. Therefore, when the bad guys get them, at some point they are obtaining them from irresponsible ‘legal’ sources who did not, or could not, contain what they had.
And as to that amazing final point, the fact is, in a one-on-one confrontation, the chances are overwhelming that your own gun will be used against you, than it is likely to be successfully used to protect yourself, your loved ones or your property. You are just living a fantasy that so many of you John Wayne wannabes harbor in their heart of hearts.
Pam Ela says
Oh poor Randy another sheeple who has had the nose ring implant.
Fact is: Even the Police admit we are safer with Guns.
Fact is: Having protection saves many people lives as the police are only minutes behind when seconds count.
Fact is: If you are too stupid to use a gun for protection for yourself and your family and you think an idiot criminal could out smart you I feel sorry for you….But then Shut the H##L up and do not dictate to the rest of us.
And stop watching those fantasy television shows they are starting to rot your brain.
Randy says
Sorry. Didn’t mean to offend. I guess the truth hurts, especially when it comes to gun people hearing it.
Randy says
Pammy — you are getting all emotional here. The ‘fact is’, the bad guy ALWAYS has the advantage. He has the element of surprise, for one thing. Long before the ‘good’ guy ever even thinks of getting out his gun, the bad guy has already got the drop on him. Second, as one retired state trooper I spoke with (and he was an avid gun person), the bad guy has the added advantage that the good guy will always ‘blink’, the bad guy won’t; after all, he’s been here before, where chances are this is all new territory for the ‘good’ guy. And don’t forget, if you fire first, suddenly YOU are the bad guy, and will have to face the consequences.
And don’t sell them short. If you assume all criminals are idiots, you just gave them a huge third advantage.
Love and kisses, sweet heart. Sleep well.
Pam Ela says
Oh Wrandy did I touch a nerve. Having protection has saved my life. And I’ll pass on the kisses.
Kim says
We already have laws on the books that aren’t being enforced. We have mental patients who can buy guns when they shouldn’t be able to. Lets enforce the current laws, and tweak the mental health issues/laws, instead.
Back in the 50s, everyone had guns. Kids took them to school and left them in the coat closet until after school (out in the country, one-room schools, etc.) They carried them because they never knew what kind of game they’d run across on the way home (deer, squirrel, etc) and an opportunity to bring home some food might come up, so they carried them. No one shot up schools back then, no mass shootings took place. Why??
The real question are: What has changed in our country? Why do people feel so desperately stressed out, fearful and hopeless and depressed and angry that their only recourse is to shoot and kill people? Why do mental patients wander the streets and schools–even those under psychiatric observation, and yet they’re allowed to buy/own weapons? Why do people think they won’t have to answer to a higher power for what they do? Whether you keep guns unlocked in a gun case and allow your mentally sick kid to practice with them, teach children that there is no real truth anymore and everything is relative, or you are the actual shooter–we all have to answer for these wrongs some day.
We fight drugs the same way as what Obama wants to do with guns by (supposedly) making drugs harder to get (ha ha) and put all kinds of laws in place to restrict their use, yet we still have an epidemic of abuse and death.
I mean…really…how long do you think it will be before those seriously intent on using their guns illegally will find a way to break/hack any kind of new technology to prohibit the use of said gun?? The criminals hack computers, ipads, etc all the time, no matter what security features are on them.
Personally I think its a spiritual issue that needs to be addressed. Guns don’t kill people alone, they require people to do the killing. We need to work on the way we think in this country, to include those who fail to do their jobs and enforce the laws already in place, handle the mental health issues better, and start teaching morals again in this country. There is no hope or future in a Godless society, no matter what the secularists try to say. Eventually, the Godless fail and their culture/society spins out of control and destroy itself, still believing they’ll someday evolve to a higher order. Its laughable. And we’re witnessing it, now in this country.
Lorna Carrier says
Thank you Richard…you are spot on…
Aspergus Hermann says
I use to visit a friend after school,and we would go hunting on the week-end
I brought my rife to school on the bus –and the bus driver would look after it till
I rode home with my friend –We had common sense and respect
Ronald West says
very good article kim. I agree 100%
Randy says
Kim —
Wha-a-a-a??? I don’t know where you were brought up, nor do I have any idea your age. All I know is, growing up in the wilds of South Central Los Angeles (near Watts, if you will) we NEVER saw a gun at school, not even gang-riddled high school in the sixties. You either have a very weird memory/imagination, or somebody has been filling you with a bunch of tall tales about what life was like in this country back in the wild frontier days of the middle twentieth century.
While I have no problem with your fundamental beliefs in turning to a higher order to help resolve much of our problems, for those of a less religious point of view, I think much of the answer can be found right in our own Constitution and Bill of Rights. The fact is, ALL freedoms are based upon the understanding that one person’s liberties end where another’s more fundamental rights begin. Thus, freedom of speech does not give one the right to unjustly ruin another person’s good name. In the case of gun ownership and use, another man’s so-called -right to bear arms’ must be tempered against another person’s more fundamental Right to Life, and a reasonable expectancy of safety in this society. The way things are now, that simply does not exist. And any laws, moratoriums on gun manufacture and distribution and ownership, must take that into account.
Fred Baldwin says
We’re ALL concerned about school children getting killed and OBAMA MADE A TEAR FOR THEM. If he is so concerned about the young, why doesn’t HE defund PLANNED PARENTHOOD who not only kills MILLIONS of children AND sells body parts to boot. That TEAR HE SHED IS A JOKE. THE ABORTED CHILDREN can’t speak for themselves
humbert sergio says
Obama tears were as fake as his efforts to stop radical islamists he is an outrghti phony
Tony says
There is alreday background checks if you are a I
licensed seller
Lorna Carrier says
Get real!!!
mike hunt says
hobama and hiliery just open their mouths and spew untruths in such a pleasant way that we are caught in their webs of deceit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathryn says
More gun regulations for the responsible will not change how mentally disturbed (home grown and foreign terrorists) get their hands on guns.
It would be better for this administration and/or future administrations to regulate the mentally disturbed from getting their hands on guns and other objects that can do harm to innocent individuals.
robert barnes says
See video EVERY THING YOU KNOW IS A LIE on http://www.youtube.com
Mike says
I see you know how to spell the F word. Other than that you’re a complete asshole! Maybe someday we can elect King Obama.
William M.Lahti says
It is a lie because all examples of past shootings and all evidence of existing laws shows that no matter what you do to keep guns out of the hands of some a__hole who desperately wants one to commit whatever heinous acts he wants to, will not stop them. How many times must you people be told this? How much evidence do you folks need to see that anti-gun legislation will not stop criminals from getting guns if they want one? It is really getting to be quite embarrassing to keep showing you people the truth of your false agenda and you still don’t get it. Instead of pampering criminals, letting them out of jail, reducing sentences, making their illegal activities legal, and all of the rest of your stupid bleeding heart weeping. How about trying to make these people pay for their criminal activity, serve their sentences, get behind the police instead of fighting them, getting the drug dealers off the streets instead of supporting them with your purchases, going into the ghettos and bust these gang bangers straight into a prison cell, something please. When you finally get your heads out of your collective a__s then maybe we can take a bite out of crime.
marymerritt says
its another way of him forcing his ways on every citizen of this nation
Going Panther says
It is ANOTHER straw to break the camel’s BACK……..just like a beaver, he can NOT cut down a tree with one bite…..BUT he keeps biting until the tree falls….it is the same with GUN laws…..one step then another until we loose our protection from the tyrants, murders, robbers, rapers etc…that is why we don,t need any new gun laws…..BELIEVE me, the BAD in our world are out to take our guns, so we will have to bow down to them…
LauraLee Cooper Moore says
Please keep me posted on all the LIES that our media and Government spews out….
robert barnes says
lamestream media lies. Do your own research. http://www.youtube.com what to watch, type your request in little box, enter
Richard says
Obama, and his group are using the same tactics that Hitler, Stalin, and the rest have used. Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and stupid people will believe it.
Rob says
To add to your comment, Richard: Hitler and Stalin (and other tyrants) seized lawful citizens guns from them as part of their rule. Want to see “Gun Control” at it’s highest “effectiveness” look back in time and witness how well it worked for the citizens of those regimes…
JT says
Richard, he is as phony as a $3.00 bill a tearful obama who the hell is he kidding. At Sandy Hook he was tearful to, 15 minutes after his speech he was laughing and kidding around outside with the media and his weak minded followers. This is just the start of accomplishing his goal to disarm America! Has he ever mentioned cleaning up the street gangs from possessing illegal guns, no but he’s hell bent on taking them away from legal gun owners. Stiffer background checks are a great idea but will that include the illegals and his brethren whom he’s allowing to infiltrate our country by the thousands!!
Lorna Carrier says
Yes, for sure…he is all for his “brethren”….how the heck did he get in for a second term??? He thinks everything is a big joke…very sad what he has done to our country.
marymerritt says
if he was tearful after this what was wrong after an American was beneaded in the middle east obviously there is a conflict of interest and all he is doing isplay a role to get sympathy and have his way after this its the voters who elected him because he does not give a damn about how the citizen protect themselves all thos mass shooting could have been avoided if most of themad been armed and able to defend themselves but instead he is using all these examples to manipulate congress and get his way it just another form of his devious nature and what he says and what he does are 2 different thingssend a request to your congressman to vote that he be impeached and solve this problem ASAP the sooner this jackass is gone the better for this nation so it is an emergency.
Gary Smith says
Pam Ela says
Double amen.
Bill says
Bring the tears like hitler did,but the facts remain Obama is nothing but a lier.trying to take away our rights anyway possible
humbert sergio says
right on but the niave fools will buy all that bullshit
Charlie says
Is it not true that if you lie continuously then you are a pathological liar ? Further if you are a pathological liar are you not mentally ill ? So now will leave it to all to make a conclusion .
Bruce says
I would say that you are a congressman!
Richard says
Bruce, its apparent that you are a bonehead, so save us all from having to read your tripe.
Obama said he’s tired of reading letters from grieving parents. If you believe this turd cares what we think
what about all the people who have been voicing their outrage about allowing our southern boarders to be wide open, and bringing multiple thousands of people from Syria into our country and giving them a home
a car and spending money while men who have given their all in our military are deprived medical care and are homeless.
Bruce says
Southern boarders? Are those people in the South that rent out on AirBnB?
Bill says
Bruce you are a total asshole go back to your hole you crawled out of
Pam Ela says
Bruce please remove the ring from your nose that the liar democrats lead you by.
nj says
Pick your battles, Bruce.
Rosech says
Obama has already been considered a psychopathic narcissist who hears only his voice and thinks he is fantastic. That is why he is a puppet. They praise him, pet him, and feed his ego. This administrations needs to be removed NOW before further damage is done to us and America. Can we do it? Of course. Where there is a will there is a way and our Constitution states it clearly.
Mike says
Looks like you considered it for the general electorate that voted for Obama. If you and an ounce worth of brain cells you’d be lethal to yourself. Thank God there is Obama looking out for the stable minds!
robert barnes says
oboma is a foriegn agent who declared war against the people of America in our own land. Not a US lawful citizen and has no rights to our laws of protection. And being active war lord should be shot on sight with all his collabrators.
marymerritt says
is this called not saying the words radical islam because he is 1 and refuses to admit it?
George westenbarger says
There are more killings a year using golf clubs and hammers from a FBI REPORT
So if it just saves one life (as Obama said in his speech). So we should out law golf clubs or have backround checks and do backround checks on all hammers
IT IS THE SAME THING IS IT NOT? People are being killed that way Dumb
Bruce says
It is NOT!
pswick says
There also being killed by being run down with car (vegas) and people use knives as well should those have background checks too DON’T BE A STUPID IDIOT your prob voting for Killary too what a fool
Bruce says
I’ll vote for her ANY DAY over TRUMP or CRUZ.
marymerritt says
does this apply to stabbings and martial arts both are not viotent weapons but can be used for the same reason
John says
Why should abomination stop lying now. It’s what got him into office and it has not stopped since… To stop a bad man with a gun… It takes a good man with a gun….TRUMP can turn this mess around and save our country…TRUMP 2016!!!
JAMES says
As a Canadian I have to believe what u say is true–ONLY TRUMP has the balls to turn your country around. Gun control did nothing in Canada to stop gun crime “You stop a gun crime with a BIGGER GUN—“TRUMP ALL THE WAY”.
marymerritt says
as long as he stays in office it will never happen so lets all celebrate when he is gone trump and cruz are the right answer and Hillary is just another example of his same policy of lyingso she is the last thing we need
Ralph says
I wouldn’t say he’s a pathological liar he’s a moron who thinks that people are supposed to believe whatever he says because he’s president and also being the racist he is white people should be extinguished. He doesn’t plan on leaving the White House under any circumstance once he declares martial law and that’s getting close.
Pam Ela says
He actually is a pathological liar. Go you to You Tube and search Mia Pope.
And another past schoolmate says this:
“I’m not trying to do a one-up on you, but I had this jive-turkey pegged from his days as a teenaged punk at Punahou School in Honolulu. Not saying I knew him well, because I wouldn’t have wanted to be close friends with a lazy, shuffling, no count pot head… but I knew him. Many of us, those of us who are/were a few years older, knew who he was, where he lived, and we knew he hated America even back then. And don’t kid yourself… the only white folks that half-popolo kid tolerated back then were his grandparents…”
These are REAL people who knew him. Then add that to his Muslim belief . Muslims will lie and produce faux tears to further their agenda.
Pam Ela says
P.S. And your right he wants the whites and all non-muslims extinguished.
connie says
Everything that president Obama says, the opposite is true.
E.g. Chicago, and Baltimore are loaded with violence. These places are populated with his own people.
Judy says
Let’s face it. No amount of restrictions are going to prevent anyone who wants to get a weapon of any kind will manage to get one and I have never heard of an NRA member being convicted of a crime using their weapon. All this is going to do is continue to allow the bad guys to obtain weapons and the good guys from having them. Next he’ll be wanting to take them away from the police whose only defense for the citizens and themselves is their weapon. Words and actions will not stop a bullet if the holder pulls the trigger. ALL LIVES MATTER.
raymond connor says
john furlong says
He is a compulsive liar who is attempting to destroy America from the White House. Never should be there in the first place and committed impeachable offences myriad times; so why is he still there??????
anthony volpe says
I have always bin wright with my predictions. Obama needed to take away guns from us so the Muslims coming into this country could kill us.
anthony volpe says
We need Trump To save America
AK says
At this point, I doubt that anyone can save this country but with Trump at least we would still have some rights.
Rob Shipley says
obamatron and his muslim minions can get my guns from me the REAL AMERICAN Revolutionary War way……..
pry them out of my cold dead finders. General broker here. I buy and sell guns anytime that I chose. As a licensed FFL pawnshop broker in the 80’s my wife and I bought,sold,traded, and pawned over 1,400 rifles,pistols and shotguns. NARY a one, NARY a one ever became a flaw or a glitch on the yellow papers of the ATF, NARY a one. My wonderful American dad was a deputy sheriff in Terry,Montana, in 1933 and 1934 because he owned the fastest car in town, and……….shot a Colt Bisley .32-20 revolver so very well. During WWII when he was a Northwest Airlines captain he flew everywhere with a Colt 1911 .45 in his B5 bag. The Empire of Japan only attacked U.S. held soil (the Aleutians) ….only the Aleutians……because there weren’t hundreds of thousands of ARMED citizens up there…………….GOOGLE and LEARN the 2000% truth of the Final Days we all live in.
Nick Leuis says
God Bless you, Rob. for saying what you said, I think there is a lot of Fighting Men in our Country, Better Believe it,
Pam Ela says
Of the shootings listed: The Sandy Hook guy looked like a crazed eyed sociopath and the rest are NON-Americans. Probably Huessin’s over the border terrorists. Obama’s faux tears did not fool me one bit. He is helping his brotherhood over our borders and wants us defenseless. We need to go into the msm and try to have patience with the oblivious and try to enlighten the sheeple before we end up like Germany being circled by groups of 20-30 Arabs who assaulted and robbed so many people at New Year’s the police could not even keep up. Or like Sweden where rapes and severed heads are becoming the norm. Or Australia where the gun ban that Hellary praises is causing crime and home invasions to skyrocket.
Beheadings and rapes Brought To You By “The Religion Of Peace” …..by those who worship death and destruction.
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds turn in an ugly direction.” Barrack Obama – Paperback edition of “Audacity of Hope” Page 261
To vote Democratic is to vote away our civil rights and freedom and safety.
AK says
Pam – the crazed eye Sandy Hook shooter was a creation. Watch “The life of Adam” on YouTube or watch “we need to talk about Sandy Hook” or “unraveling Sandy Hook”. The evidence is overwhelming and indisputable that “Nobody died at Sandy Hook”, which also happens to be the title of a book that has since been banned by Amazon but you can still find it online. Proofing that Sandy Hook was a hoax couldn’t be easier because this whole operation was botched so badly that none of the facts fit the narrative.
Pam Ela says
AK. Thanks for the heads up.
robert barnes says
see http://www.commieblaster.com
robert says
obama doesn’t care about mass shooting. mass shootings are just a means to get his agenda passed… and his agenda is to disarm Americans, and Americans need to wake up and see why he is disarming them…..obama should be impeached,,,, Hillary for prison 2016 obama her cell mate
Ralph says
I don’t know how many feel as I do about Obama and what he has done to our great nation but I feel he should be arrested and made to pay for his crimes against Christians and AMERICA. I feel he was not elected rather he was put into office by some rich and powerful entity to do just what he has been doing with his racism and attempting to corner gun control in order to prevent honest people from defending themselves. We are beginning to be a hated nation due to the Obama administration especially Obama himself. We used to be a rich nation not only in material things but also other countries had a lot more respect for us then even Russian President Putin commented on the respectability but we have none since Obama has been in office. Most of our so called elected officials in Washington should be replaced as they keep allowing Obama to do what ever he wants with his executive orders. What a bunch of pansy a–ed wimps.
robert barnes says
This http://www.youtube.com video EVERY THING YOU KNOW IS A LIE proves in detail your thoughts are correct. Also see annavonreitz.com
Landon says
Obama shocks us all with his tears. I have no doubt that he is truly upset that those people lost there lives but he is incompetent and does not know how to deal with the situation or any situation for that matter. He has run our country into the ground and it is time for “we the people” to take back our country. Our ruling class (the presidency) needs to be removed and it is our civil duty to remove it and reinstate a non-corrupt government.
Pam Ela says
Those tears were produced to further his agenda. And every democrat with a ring in their nose fell for it. The gullible will be the death of us. People who are not evil and not manipulating cannot see through his veil.
Cliff says
Sofia Smallstorm, who produced and directed the documentary,“Unraveling Sandy Hook”, which many regard as the best video study of the Sandy Hook event, recently interviewed a Los Angeles school expert, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook and his knowledge of what had transpired.
Governor Malloy had held a press conference that day, explaining that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen, which raised the question, what “something like this”? Did he mean he had been told a school shooting massacre would take place? or a drill that would be presented as a real event?
Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.
Given his background of 41 years in the California public school system (from custodian to district superintendent)
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/11/school-safety-consultant-obama-education-officials-told-me-sandy-hook-was-a-false-flag-no-children-died/#MSkbCkqH8mMmbtYD.99
Bruce says
Wow. Talk about spewing pure crap!
Frank says
Sounds like Bruse is in bed with Obama. Must be Muslim. Is it crowded I’m there?
AK says
Bruce – instead of criticizing watch the documentary yourself. You will never again believe that Sandy Hook was real.
Bruce says
“Back in the 50s, everyone had guns.” What are you talking about? I grew up in the 50s and yes some people had guns, but most of the people I knew did not have them.
Roland says
Haven’t heard anymore news on the militia camp out in Oregon or the status of gun control in the Ukraine and how it helped the Ukranians
Don says
Most if not all of these mass shootings were carried out by people raised by democrats, or who vote democratic, and were on psychotropic drugs.
Bruce says
No doubt!
robert barnes says
demoRATS exposed; http://www.commieblaster.com
JD says
Obama’s plan is to work toward complete confiscation. When that occurred in England and Australia, gun crime went up substantially since law abiding citizens were defenseless. I conceal carry because a policeman is too heavy! As usual Obama misrepresents gun shows as a loop hole when FFLs and background checks are required. On line purchases must be shipped to a FFL dealer where background checks are required. He implies that is not true. If all guns were confiscated criminals would make guns at home. My major question is ” If guns are not the preferred weapon Obama wishes for murders to use, what weapon does he prefer they use?
robert barnes says
obama’s excutive orders are not valid law. You are not directley affected, unless you are stupid enough to volenteer to bend over, see USC 18 TITLE 42 SECTION 1983 on http://www.youtube.com and google
Sue says
Coming from someone who never has to worry about protecting his and his family’s life with all the body guards that he has and always will. He is trying to take our guns away and our freedom. Most of the killings were done by terrorists or psychotic people. Guns don’t kill, heartless people do! Obama is Muslim, so why would he care about the American people. I just don’t understand why he has not been impeached and Hilary is not in jail. They both are paying top dollar to have their pathetic asses saved. Our judicial system sucks!!!
AK says
Our judicial system does what it is intended to do which is to use the law suppress the people. 80,000 pages worth of new laws passed every year virtually guarantee that you constantly break laws without even knowing it. That is done by design so that when they want to get you, they can charge you with whatever they want.
robert barnes says
As to the problem, see http://www.annavonreitz.com Judge in Alaska arrest warrant of oboma for treason.
Justin W says
If memory serves me correct in the Newtown shooting Lanza’s mother also paid for shooting lessons for her son. I bet she didn’t think he would use her guns and the training she gave him to end her life.
Unlike many people on conservative websites I’m open to considering reasonable gun control measures, but I’m not in favor of exploiting victims to push measures which would not have prevented their death. The laws promoted after most of these tragic shootings would have done nothing to prevent the carnage if they had been in place. President Obama should be ashamed of himself for using dead children to push an agenda which would not have prevented their death.
If President Obama is concerned about the lives of young Americans he should go after the abortion industry. Every year more more than a million Americans are slaughtered for profit before they are able to be born. Where are your tears for the mangled baby bodies, Mr. President?
Eagle Walk says
I agree Abortion is Murder and needs to be stopped. Obama needs to protect our schools with some security and not with tazers but real guns. Obama created this mess with all his illegal executive orders bent on overthrow of our constitution and the balance of power that constricts the Congress, and the President from exerting to much power over the people. Obama has exerted power over the people with his Executive Orders. These are his will not the people’s will. This by our Constitution is illegal and treasonous. Obama should be impeached for not upholding his duty to protect the citizens of America.
ron howard says
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds turn in an ugly direction.” Barrack Obama – Paperback edition of “Audacity of Hope” Page 261
To vote Democratic is to vote away our civil rights and freedom and safety.
You think the DEMS will get it? I hope SO…………..
robert barnes says
see http://www.commieblaster.com
Bob Cook says
Yes we need to impeach Obama for violating our 2nd amendment rights.
changing the subject : He is a thief for stealing our social security money we paid in and using for his agenda.
He is a felon himself for being in this country illegal himself
Grumps says
Obama is everything that the real America isn’t.
Grumps says
Obama preaches everything the real old America wasn’t. If it wasn’t for guns we would probably speaking Japanese or German.
Jim says
In his speech…”90% of the American people support gun control.” Where in hell did he get those stats?
Ernie Palmquist says
People that want to commit these criminal acts will always be able to obtain a weapon that will acomplish their goals. Outlawing all types of guns, ammunition, knives, swords, base ball bats, poisons, clubs etc. is not the answer. Enforce existing laws and make the punishment fit the crime. Some people do not belong in society and we need to revise our criminal justice system to favor the law abiding responsible citizens of this country and not the criminal. Pass a law that says if you commit a capital crime and you are found guilty beyond any doubt it is an automatic death penalty and quickly administer the punishment, no exceptions. This will make people consider their actions and definately eliminate repeat offenders. Those truely insane should be perminately confined in an apropriate facility and not returned to the public environment. Prisons should be self supporting as much as possible and qualified inmates given job training to provide skills that would allow them to enter the work force when released. Habitual offenders should never be released into society. Obama is totally wrong, Guns Do Not kill people. “People Kill People” Close the barn door BEFORE the horse gets out.
Randy says
I totally agree that our criminal system is completely broken. But please remember that virtually every gun starts out ‘legal’ — from manufacture, through distribution to point of sale. Yes, the bad guys can always get guns. But that means that they are obtaining them from some ‘legal’ source in the first place. Unfortunately, the ‘legal’ gun people have helped to create the problem by being such easy marks for those who would do us harm. If gun owners had properly protected their firearms, the bad guys would not be able to procure them so easily.
Ginny says
When Obama gets rid of his bodyguards that carries guns, I will believe he means it. As far as him shedding a tear, he has learned from his Hollywood cronies how to fake cry. I saw a tear where he rubbed his finger on his left eye, but not a one in his right eye. Thank God I never voted for this lying piece of crap.
Joanne says
well lets just make the criminals gun dealers that should make it easier for them to get as many guns ammo they want, once you have your ffl license you can take passion of as many firearms as you want. But we need to make sure and tell the criminals they can’t load any of them that will show them and stop them. lol
Joanne says
maybe that’s his plan to make the isis that’s here gun dealers so they can easly aquire guns if this is whats going down were going to have atf inspectors in harms way this is getting ugly by the second
Joseph Falzone says
I can’t believe that after 7 years there are still people ( Americans ) that still believe this Muslim president we have in office.
We the people need help and it’s kind of scary how much more damage Obama can still do before his term is over.
There must be some way the American people can get him out of office NOW. He has done more harm then Isis has to this country.
I say Donald Trump for President ! I truly believe he will bring the right kind of change this country needs. I know after all that Obama has done
To destroy this great country it will take time to fix but I believe Trump can get it done.
Joanne says
I wish we could put Donald in there now
Randy says
robert barnes says
Yes remove this POS obama now. see http://www.annavonreitz.com Judge in Alaska arrest warrant of oboma for treason. read every thing on her site. Then ask around who is the worlds best bounty hunter?
catmanrocker says
Why hasn’t this shit bird been impeached ??? What is wrong with obummer is the american people.
robert barnes says
Judge in Alaska has issued arrest warrant of obama for treason. For warrant details http://www.annavonreitz.com
Texas Son says
I absolutely NO LONGER believe anything that he has to say. He reminds me of a serpent.
Randy says
The sad fact is, nothing will end gun violence, as long as there are guns. Do we need guns? Sadly, yes, for certain specific purposes. Does every man, woman and child in America need eight of them, as the current estimated count indicates, just as obviously the resounding answer is no. (Please don’t bore me with the spurious argument that most of those guns are in the hands of the ‘bad guys’. All guns start out being legally manufactured, distributed and sold. Therefore, all the guns that the so-called ‘bad guys’ have were procured from irresponsible ‘legal’ guns owners who did not or could not protect their own firearms.) Does the Constitution guaranty anyone the right specific right to own a gun? To anyone with a sixth grade or better understanding of simple grammar, again the answer is no. The bottom line is, as with any Constitutional right (and what the Gun People fail to recognize) is that ALL RIGHTS ARE BASED UPON THE FUNDAMENTAL PREMISE THAT ‘EACH OF US IS ENDOWED BY HIS CREATOR WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHT, AND THAT CHIEF AMONG THESE ARE THE RIGHT OF LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.’ Any time any of us exercises any Constitutional freedom, it is with the implicit caveat that we are not allowed to impinge upon another’s fundamental right. Thus, freedom of speech and the press does not allow us to unfairly ruin another’s name; religious freedom does not allow for human sacrifice. In the case of gun ownership and use, your so-called right to irresponsibly wield your piece about without regard for other people’s safety, or to play at being a self-designated police force at the endangerment of others, are all negated by the non-gun people’s most fundamental right to Life, and a reasonable expectation to safety and security in their daily life. You may have your guns, just make sure that they are pointed at yourselves, not others who have no interest in your petty, childish foibles.
AK says
Sandy Hook needs to be exposed for the lie that it is so that the whole country can see that the government will stop at nothing to disarm the American people. If you haven’t done so you owe it to yourself to watch a documentary called “We need to talk about Sandy Hook” (on YouTube). There are hundreds of videos one more compelling than the next that prove beyond any doubt that nobody died at Sandy Hook. Nobody who has seen all the evidence still believes the official story. By now there are millions of people who KNOW that Sandy Hook was a hoax and that number is growing by the day. If you still have any doubts about that ask yourself how many people claim that the Columbine shooting was a hoax? Nobody has ever claimed that Columbine was a hoax or would be able to prove. Sandy Hook was botched so badly that there is a mountain of evidence that completely blows apart the official story. Please watch this or any other documentary that lays out all the facts as to why the shooting never actually happened.
Bruce says
Oh please. Stop that crap. How do you think the families who lost kids would feel about that nonsense. You’re really insane if you think that is true.
Jim says
The only thing the President could say that was the truth:
“I lied.”
Everything else was, is and will be a lie.
James says
How is Gods name did we ever get BHO elected to be commander in chief of our armed forces when he never served one day as a solder who all I know cannot stand him. I served as I was drafted in the vietnam era. The only thing I have to say is I for one, never ever voted for that scum bag. God Bless America……..
Bruce says
So neither Bush or Clinton were soldiers either.
Vaneeta nigro says
I was out in the sand hills and saw a sign on the tail gate of an old Nebraska rancher. “DON’T. SAVE THE STUPID”. I think it fits here
Kim says
I have to add, I just read this article from a British newspaper. Guess all of their gun control laws aren’t working too well:
Bruce says
That’s one mass shooting. We have a mass shooting every two months.
Bruce says
Britain has had one mass shooting ever! There was also one in Scotland about 15 years ago. So that’s two mass shootings in 50 years. How many mass shootings have taken place here???
Anna Janek says
NOBODY DIED at SANDY HOOK: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control
This Book was Banned by Amazon.com
Bruce says
Of course Amazon would not sell that crap. They’re not stupid.
Bill says
Obama has been getting away with this for 7 of his 8 years. Why has it taken so long for everyone to finally see the true Obama! Do you really think anything is going to happen to him now? Should of could of has passed.
Gee Vetter says
Folks, this is hardly Obama’s ‘last hurrah’…with 11 months remaining in office, he is hell bent on wreaking havoc in the US, and he will continue to usurp his executive authority to go around Congress in every instance…he cares not about his legacy…he has made it clear that his single foreign policy objective is World War in the middle east…Paul Ryan, our new Speaker of The House, needs to grow some balls and initiate impeachment hearings…regardless of the time it takes to conduct impeachment proceedings…And as Congress controls the ‘power of the purse’, Paul Ryan needs to exercise leadership and cut-off the federal funding, and fight fire with fire…Mitch McConnell- are you still breathing?…you are as quiet as a church mouse, and have totally deserted the electorate…they will remember your false promises when you are up for re-election…You are despicable!
Gee Vetter
7 Jan 2016
Randy says
I agree, Gee. If you don’t like what the politicians are doing, or not doing, go after them. Good luck.
rodney says
YOu mean you expect anything remotely close to integrity from a muslim AND a communist? I don’t think so!
Johnny Maconald says
For a UNION Organizer that worked at one of the most corrupt places in America and thru hook & crook was a State Senator and somehow thru his “connections” in Chicago, IL was put into office as U. S. senator and then thru the same “connections” and Fraud was “elected as president” sure has some more lies “every time he opens his mouth” His Chicago, IL Cronies are partf the biggest corruption of the most crime filled city in the U.S. Sorios and Bloomburg are the other 2 pieces of S–t just like Obama.
They have their motives and they are very personal and all about themselves!
Randy says
Unlike, say, the NRA?
Kevin Beck says
If the Jerk really believed that his corrupt orders would have stopped these acts of violence, then why the hell didn’t he enact every one of these on day one?
Obviously, he knows the truth. He also knows that a disarmed populace cannot revolt against him.
AW says
In each instance of mass shootings, the shooter illegally took someone else’s guns to commit the crime! Legal gun-owners know to NOT give their guns to friends, neighbors & relatives! Legal FFL dealers KNOW about dong background checks, NOT allowing someone to purchase a gun for someone else. What would have PREVENTED this last mass shooting, would have been PROFILING & BACKGROUND CHECK for the Muslim extremist “immigrant”, which is impossible because there is no paper trail on immigrants. Barring her from our nation would have kept her out!
Randy says
Problem is, virtually ALL guns start out legal, from manufacture through distribution to point of sale. The reason ‘the bad guys have all the guns’ (an exaggeration) is that, at some point, they somehow procured them from a ‘legal’ source, by sale, theft, or simply disarming some John Wayne wannabe who thought he was being a tough guy and defending himself, his loved ones, or his property. All I can say is, best wishes to all those gunnies out there (and woe to the rest of us) who think that they are somehow going to make any difference in our national, or local, or even personal security by packing heat, intending to blow away anybody who crosses them.
Bobbi says
I have been saying it and will continue to say it! Get Out And Vote. The only reason Obama continues to get away
with all this, is because of the people we were mislead by and voted for. Let’s become smarter and vote the useless
politicians out, and replace them with people who really care about our country and our well being… Let’s do our
homework and pay attention to what has and is going on. It’s up to us!
Kevin says
<3 <3 Amen <3 <3 !!! !
Paul says
AMEN!! We the people of Americas have the right to vote. But if you don’t get out and vote. You have no one to blame but yourselves for the condition this country is in. With out fulfilling your responsibility as American Citizen it falls YOUR SHOULDERS for the path this country is on!!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE TALK TO THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU INTO GETTING OUT AND VOTE, IF THEY REALLY WANT CHANGE IN THIS COUNTRY, Instead of complaining. THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL MAKE THE CHANGES IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!
Randy says
Good for you, Bobbi! I totally agree with your message, though I doubt we would be voting the same way.
Jim Evans says
There is nothing in the world including the tougher background checks that will stop any mass shootings. It is all a big farce.
Randy says
Yes, but so is the continued proliferation of uncontrolled guns in our society. there are already more than eight guns for every man, woman and child in this country, and estimates from over a thousand rounds of ammunition for each weapon. I think that some sort of intelligent moratorium on any more guns for awhile is reasonable, without seriously impinging on anyone’s so-called Constitutional rights.
Daniel says
Obama said that he is implementing gun control because he wants to prevent any more mass shootings??? That is a real whopper lie. So why is Obama releasing violent gun assault criminals into our streets? Why is he releasing terrorists from gitmo? He is releasing them so they will do more mass shooting in America. He thinks that we Americans are stupid and can’t see what he is doing so he can push his anti Gun agenda hopping that these gun criminals will shoot up a town so he can get on TV and say look there are more shooting we need to do something again. Obama is the problem! Obama is the main Terrorist of all Christians and Americans.
One Big Ass Mistake!!!!!!!
He had the opportunity to do so much to unite this country, however he has created a BIG Mess instead.
Phillip Lake says
Have you ever seen such a sickening display of Hollywood TEARS. That was the stupidest and most disgusting display of FAKE emotions I have ever seen. It was actually comical it was so corny.
D. S. Brangham says
My fellow Americans, I despise Obama as much as anyone, but you have to remember he isn’t capable of doing any without the support of Congress. There are 435 members of the House and 100 Senators who are just as guilty of treason as he is; they could stop him in his tracks anytime they really wanted to. Keep that in mind for our next election cycle.
Randy says
Fairly spoken, and one of the true, intelligent comments I have seen here. I might not agree with all of your rhetorical comments, but you do seem to understand the proper approach to evoking change in our system of government.
AW says
Kevin says
Randy says
Sure, Kev, RUN from anyone who expresses thoughts different from yours. Note that the NRA has already chickened out of a meeting with Obama to discuss gun legislation. What are they afraid of? If they are so sure of their philosophies, and so sure that Obama’s are wrong, why don’t they just meet with him, blow his case out of the water, and expose him for the fraud that all the gunnies claim he is. Could it be, maybe, just maybe, that THEY are the frauds?
Art says
I can hardly stand to even see this dude, much less listen to him. There is nothing about him I can say I care for. All he has ever tried to do was DESTROY the United States. Pay attention to his actions, what he says, have you watched his actions while talking? Then you must have noticed his purposeful gestures. There is nothing about this individual that should have made you think he was worthy of being elected to the Office. Did I vote for him? Absolutely not. I said he was not Born a Citizen and still say it. Absolutely NO ONE would spend millions to keep their records sealed otherwise.
Randy says
All I can say, Art, is that the NRA has refused Obama’s invite to discuss face-to-face the subject of gun legislation. It seems to me, if they are so sure of their stance, and so sure that Obama is an idiot, maybe they should be spending some of their own millions to go face him, blow his ideas out of the water, and end this debate once and for all. Or maybe the NRA has just as much to hide as Obama…
What are they afraid of? Just food for thought.
Cyberats says
How about the truth this time ?
During the latest mafia enforcers control, since 2008, over 162 shooting hoaxes have been manufactured by the federal government in conjuncture with LEO and local EMS.
The goal ? No, not self defense, but disarming the sheep to herd them to the slaughter.
Every Tyranny in history disarmed its people, this Empire is no different.
Randy says
So the NRA has rejected Obama’s request to have a meeting over the subject of gun legislation. On can only ask ‘why?’ If their ideas are so rock solid, and Obama’s so ridiculous, as the gun proponents claim, why doesn’t the NRA just show up and blow Obama’s case out of the water with the power of sheer logic and argument? Is it because like most gun proponents, they fear that their ideas cannot stand the damning light of exposure to the truth? Yes, they can hide behind their empty rhetoric as much as they want, and continue to enjoy the full and unquestioned support of their millions of dues-paying, mindless minions. But until they come forth with a solid, realistic argument, their words will forever fall empty and weak to the tens of millions who still have the ability to think for themselves.
Nick says
All these events are hoax events in order to achieve some political goals such as take away our weapons and our rights.
We should resist those who are trying to turn this country into a police state before it is too late.
NO SURPISE Coming from King Obama. LIES LIES LIES. It is all an illusion because Obama is intellectually dishonest! Another reason why TRUMP will prevail over the progressive DUMB-O-CRAT’s. TRUMP is engaged and supported not only by traditional fiscal conservatives, minorities, different religions, and genders are supporting TRUMP. And although the media and pundits like to show TRUMP doesn’t have the majority in any particular traditional “class” – they forget that TRUMP reaches every economic class, which ends up the majority of votes… Hmmmmmm Maybe The Donald is trying something the others haven’t in the last forever past elections – TRUMP is there to serve the people and make things better aka Make America Great Again.
Questionman says
I want to thank you very much. Thank you very much for proving my point! I call you pricks out and you have the galls to play holier than thou on me?
Bwahaha! Of course, all those improvements are never his doing (i.e. Obamacare had nothing to do with Obama… that’s RICH!) But on the flip side of the same coin, anything bad MUST be his fault. do you hear your illogical self?
What “Gun Grab agenda?” Did you even watch the speech? He made it explicitly clear that he is supporting background checks, not gun confiscation. They are two entirely different things. Calm down and stop being so paranoid.
He had a personal visit with the families of the victims. Republicans and YOU didn’t show up.
Did Bush Jr. cry when propagandizing Americans with the lie that Sadaam Hussein & iraq had WMD? No.
Did Bush Jr. cry when he collaborated with the israeli MOSSAD to destroy the WTC? No.
Did Bush Jr. cry when he was hiding out in a school in the state dictatored by his brother, as the MOSSAD was destroying the WTC, 9-11-2001? No.
Did Bush Jr. cry when initiating the destruction of Iraq? No.
Did Bush Jr. cry when signing the Patriot Act? No.
Did Bush Jr. cry when signing the Dept. of Homeland Security act ? No
Did Bush Jr. cry when initiating the fraudulent war on terror ? No
Beano McReano says
THIS has NOTHING to do with gun violence. You are looking at a COMMUNIST TACTIC to disarm the populace. He is using emotion linking then crying blinking to turn in your weapons.
Do not let the negro fool you into his handlers COMMUNIST agenda.
Esther says
Vain or narcissistic people MURDER other people. If you read you Holy Bible Romans Ch 1 or your Holy Torah or your Holy Quran, you will see that God has already told us thousands of years ago the TRUTH, that it is homosexuals that MURDER because they are vain. Here’s a good solution to drastically reduce murders and ALL other crimes…..
Why not recriminalise homosexuality in 1 state only as a trial if you like, to see the effect ? I expect homosexuals will up and leave that state and move to other states and commit their crimes there, rather than face imprisonment ! I’m just trying to solve a serious problem using wisdom that comes from God ! If India, the LARGEST democracy can recriminalise homosexuality for the ENTIRE country, then surely the USA can ban it in just 1 state, if they are really serious about wanting to stop MURDER !
More than 80 out of approx. 200 countries in the world have banned or outlawed homosexuality and these countries enjoy very LOW crime rates, especially that of murder and other violent crimes ! Don’t take my word for it, why not conduct you own research ? Of course, you will need to change the Government to bring in his law. A Cruz President I think will support this law, not sure about Trump. Peace be with you !
wilbert jennings says
What is concerning me is , we are an informed nation and all that obama is doing along with his party and the Republicans is destroying the the very fabric of what we stand for. Where is the out pour of descent for the abuse the president is inflicting on our very own Constitution? Where is the out pour that America showed during the Viet Nam war against our involvement. We are helping muslims fight muslims. They all serve allah a moon god a fictitious made up god one of 600 gods. They are intent on dominating the world and America is the last barrier and with a muslim president it won’t be long before our wives are covered head to toe and we are bowing before a nothing inity that can do nothing for you. Our GOD is the one true God and will judge all and soon for the times we live in are like the time Revelation refers to. Read Revelation and then look around and listen for it is spot on. Our Bible has basically been fulfilled, short of end times and those times are upon us now. Choose and chooses wisely for whom you will serve
Charles says
“Those measures are seen as crucial to stemming gun suicides — the cause of two-thirds of gun deaths — by blocking immediate access to weapons”.
I just wondered which part of this statement the commentators here didn’t quite get. 2/3 of gun deaths i.e 20,000 a year are gun suicide related. The report confirms that “those measures are seen as crucial to stemming gun suicides …”
What is wrong in doing something to reduce this? 20,000 deaths a year mean nothing?! If the proposal doesn’t eliminate the gun related problem 100% then nothing should be done at all? Right?
I still don’t get it!
God bless America!
Bill says
Its not about gun control, its about collecting information on gun owners.
Shelia Minor says
Every body is talking about gun control , when they came out and said that you need a gun permit to carry a gun you had to get on the computer and put a lot of information and answer a lot of questions and pay for that right then and now just for sh-t’s and giggles I thought what the hell i’ll give it a try and low and behold the next day I was approved for a permit , I have never owned a gun,I shot a gun 1 time and that was to kill a posim I spelt that wrong but you get the gest ok anyway and that is the only way you can get one , went and got finger printed , paid then went to the police station to get the rest of my stuff done in less than a week I had my permit , now I have my guns and respect for them and know the right and wrong with them . You are the ones to have control over guns ,you don’t let the gun control you , you control that gun . There are so many freaking idiots out their and they think they are such big shots going out and killing and robbing well guess what if I was a judge and you want to go out and kill so bad do you know where you ass would be it wouldn’t be behind bars you would have a 1 way ticket to Affiganistain or Iraq I know I spelt Affganistain wrong to , what ever I bet when they got back or if they made it back I bet they wouldn’t want to kill any more ,That’s what they need to do with every body that has killed from baby’s on up they wouldn’t need all these jails and such now that’s what I call gun control and for the drugs get rid of the drugs and then there might be gun control too, as I said its to bad I’m not judge or jury cause there ass’s would be gone hopefully not come back . To cruel oh crap too bad . WHAT YA THINK!!!!!!!!