It’s obvious that President Barack Obama has been doing everything in his power to ensure Democractic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wins in November — even if it means lying.
Recently released FBI documents reveal Obama betrayed and lied to straight in the faces of the American citizens he supposedly serves, all to protect Hillary.
The president claimed he didn’t know anything about Clinton’s questionable use of a private email server, but recent reports show Obama was actually using a pseudonym to communicate with his former secretary of state through her personal email address.
The FBI released nearly 200 pages from the investigation into Clinton on Monday, and notes from the interview with Clinton aide Huma Abedin are damning for the president.
During the April 5th interview, Abedin was presented with an email exchange from June 28th, 2012 with the subject line “Re: Congratulations.” Abedin claimed she was unfamiliar with the name of the sender, but when informed it was believed to be a pseudonym for the president she responded, “How is this not classified!?”
The revelation of Clinton’s communication with the president shows exactly how much respect Obama has for the American people. He clearly cares more about defending his potential predecessor than upholding his promise of transparency.
Obama told CBS News on March 7th, 2015 that he had learned about Clinton’s personal email account through news reports, adding, “The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency, which is why my emails, the Blackberry I carry around, all those records are available and archived.”
The fact that he could blatantly lie and stress the importance of transparency all in one breath is laughable… and, more importantly, proves that these two power hungry snakes will say and do anything to remain in control.
The State Department is refusing to make any emails between Obama and Clinton public, citing the “presidential communications privilege”. It can be assumed that the congratulations email was in regards to the Supreme Court’s ruling that day upholding an important portion of Obamacare.
Other documents included in the FBI’s release paint an image of Clinton as out of touch senior with little to no technical knowledge.
The FBI’s write-up following the Abedin interview claimed, “she could not use a computer”, while the interview with aide Monica Hanley showed Clinton had no idea what her email password was.
Hanley also revealed she had lost a thumb drive which contained all of Clinton’s emails, a national security risk that should not be taken lightly.
These released FBI records expose the overflow of devious, disorganized, inept individuals Clinton surrounds herself with.
Are these the people we want back in the White House next year?
— The Horn editorial team
Farmer john says
Nothing new here….We have a CIC that does not know the word…TRUTH….he has proved this to the American people every time he opens his mouth. These two are the same…habitual liers….oh and I forgot to mention they are both dumbocrats. I would be ashamed to tell anyone I support either one of these two……….. MORON’s ! This is what has happened to our country folks, we have a media that is bought and paid for by the left and politician’s that have a pre-requisite of being a known lier before they can run for office. This is NOT the AMERICA I was brought up in……..SAD.
El says
Why refer to the FBI as a source of truth? The FBI IS NO DIFFERENT THAN Russia’s KGB. THEY WILL LIE, KILL, DECEIVE – anything to support the Obama administration to convert the USA to Socialism. Worse still – the mainstream Congress will watch it happen.
Michael says
El, I believe you,er the ones lies so much evidently you did not pay attention what congress had already said, they said they will block Obama whatever scheme he thinks he can get away with, people in WH are watching him like a hawk now.
Debby Pratt says
I hope they ‘mean’ it!! We need that to protect us from the horrendous agendas Obama wants to push through in these coming months!! Of course, be aware of his ‘poison’ pen and ‘executive’ do-whatever-he wants to’ power!! That man needed to be ‘gone’ Yesterday!!! Thanks for the post! It did offer some small ‘comfort’ that maybe our Congressional ‘watch-dogs’ are doing their job after all!!
Gary says
Mitch McConnell will go along to get along. Eve. If we wi
The whitehouse we have the wrong leadership in the senate. If he had a backbone he wouldn’t let Obsma get his way. Pathetic
This ZEBRA would love to push this country over the cliff, all in he name of ALAH. What an SOB MOSLEM HUSSAIN A$$HOLE of a KENYAN we have?
ron says
Michael,If they were watching so close they how did he get away with giving Iran 1.7 Billion Dollars in cash( that can not be traced) ? Why does he get away with bringing our enemies into our country? There are more and more bombings and shootings related to Muslims and he just allowed 3 times more in than he originally said he was going to. Also he is such a great leader that the government mistakenly made over 850 and now they are saying possibly 1800 immigrants( on the watch terrorist list) legalized citizens of the USA .Is that what you call people in the WH watching him like a haw now ?
Old Geezer says
Be careful, Michael, of whom you criticize (El). Congress can’t be counted on for ANYTHING as long as Sen Majority Leader Mitch “The turncoat” McConnell and good “Old Reliable” Nancy Pelosi are in DC. Also count Harry Reid among those One-Worlders until January when he retires, finally.
It’s a shame what the United States has turned into since the ’40’s, where patriotism and love of God meant EVERYTHING. Until we put God back in charge, we will continue to suffer regardless of who wins the White House.
The godless Communist Nikita Kruschev said it best when he declared, “Only Communism needs to take charge is one generation.” Careful, folks, that’s where we’re heading unless we change course immediately.
One more point: A democrat in the WH means the Supreme Court will continue to interpret the Constitution to their socialistic liking rather than to that of our Founding Fathers who relied on a Power ahead for their thinking and rational.
If Hilliary (the World’s Second Biggest LIar, next to Barack Hussein Obama) gets elected, you can kiss the America we have loved and RESPECTED goodbye. Whatta shame. Go Trump — At least you’re better than Hillary, which ain’t saying much.
Dave says
Ditch Mitch
George Bis says
Amen Old Geezer. You are so right, but then we were a Christian nation, no longer under the gay muslim socialist and Hillary who is jew Saul alinksy socialist. She sucks. Bill Clinton probable never had sex with her but he sent on world wide tours to get her out of the White House. Read Armageddon by Dick morris who guided Bill Clinton to win a second term. He knows Hillary as you and I do not. read the book.
elia arana says
I agree!!
LRoses says
Ya, ah huh! Ok
Kadok says
the problem with that is; It is really really late in the game to start trying to block someone, at this point Obama has his network of judges set up to put a stop to congress anyway they can. The word they minus the t&y is HE. Congress should have put a stop to what HE was doing years back, it was blatant disregard for the constitution, congress, the law, the people and the country and yet HE put people in positions to make sure he would succeed and the people would not be able to prosecute him.
bonboyl says
And he calls it “transparency”. He is so disgusting.
Jeanette says
You can’t depend on them; the Senate caved in on Obama’s Internet Giveaway, scheduled for tonight.
mrp says
Impeach Comey, another liar and Hillary hack.
Gary says
Definitely. All of them should be in prison
You forgot the RAPIST. You know, I only used my CIGAR Billy Bob Clinton.
Ron Lindsey says
Take it for granted all appointed heads of Federal Agencies have been corrupted by Obamas Administration. A recently retired Federal Agent advises believe nothing that can’t be fact checked by the Amish and Little Sisters of Mercy!
TooLateNow says
It’s not that the heads of Federal Agencies have been corrupted. The straight shooting heads were replaced by Obama with the current crop of corruption. Look at Louis Lerner, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch.
Jeanette says
And a similar thing has happened to our military, apparently.
James L lucus says
Don,t forget that the Whitehouse is also full of members of the Muslim Brotherhood now also ,Also many advisors to department heads are Muslim or Iranian.He filled the goverment with these traders and is now in full mode with Hilllary filling the country with unvetted muslims. We have had Eight years of the biggest Trojon horse to ever be cut loose on the American people.It was his plan all along ,All you have to do is a little research on him to know his plan all along has been to destablelize the country and make it as weak as possible.This so called first black POTUS has set race relations back at least 75 years and at the cost to his own people .Although he dont consider himself the same as the common Blacks in America.He believes he,s above them and that he is some sort of royalty.
june says
No difference then between them and odummer and HilLIARy the hildebeast
Jeanette says
To be fair, the regular FBI agents are apparently disgusted with Comey’s shocking and disgusting behavior.
Painting all of them with the Comey brush is as fair as painting all police officers with the “black murderer” brush.
El says
Why refer to the FBI as a source of truth? The FBI IS NO DIFFERENT THAN Russia’s KGB. THEY WILL LIE, KILL, DECEIVE – anything to support the Obama administration to convert the USA to Socialism. Worse still – the mainstream Congress will watch it happen.
Claire says
Throw the book at both these crooks!
To quote our esteemed Secretary of State, “They are deplorable!”
Michael says
Go away troll
Michael says
Go away troll go troll elsewhere.
donald pedigo says
Yes I agree with Farmer john ever time they open there mouth another LIE comes out, why would any one with any brain at all wont a Bitch as the CIC that Lie`s about ever thing .
Maxx says
Way beyond mere disgusting dumocrats, outright communists whose mentors were all avowed communists; Alinsky, Ayres, Frank Marshall Davis, Grandpa Dunham, Jeremiah Wright and the list goes on.
You forgot to mention Mr. A$$HOLE Mark Cuban. Talk about being jealous of TRUMP having more MOOLA.
Clarence Clark says
NOW THAT IS ONE BIG ASSHOLE_mark cuban looks like an ass also. Maybe he leave America also with rest of them going.
George Bis says
Amen about Mark Cuban, the POS. screw stark tank. let him live off the lamb for an African handball pro team. Screw Cubam
Jeanette says
Grandma Dunham, too.
Joni Johnson says
I agree with you 100% and if People don’t wake up we are really lost. The ” Deplorables” are very aware of what is happening.
Jan says
I am so glad that this CIC piece of shit will be gone soon but not soon enough before destroying this country. Clinton is a patch right off his ass and needs to be stopped. FBI Comey should also resign. Will drink for joy when the whole present administration is gone all A.H’s. None of them should be left they are all corrupt starting with the white house on down to possibly the janitor.
edna bowden says
Sadly nothing will be done about it! Same as for Hillary! The FBI is in bed with all of them.
elia arana says
Mr director of FBI, was working w the Clinton Foundation, n then Obama apointed him for the FBI job,
John says
If the witch is SELECTED by our dumbassed EDIOT COLLEGE, Well then,,,,,, folks its all over for this country.
She will hand over the power of this country to the UN, and UN troops will occupy our country!. Look out America, here comes the DEMONIC New World Order.
The biggest problem this country has in the SELECTION PROCESS IS THE Electorial College . It can be bought!. brided , coerced and intimidated.
Peter Danzo says
Don’t forget whose company located in Spain is responsible for counting the votes – non other than that communist George Soros. I don’t believe the anointed one even won the last election. How can you explain numerous polling districts nationwide where he “won” with significantly more than 100% of the vote – statistically impossible?
George Bis says
we can and should revolt; a second revolution. screw Hillary and the gAY muslim socialist in the Whtie House.
SavvyRead says
Very succinct observation. And right near THE WASHINGTON POST and the likely gathering spots around DC.
Freda says
Freda says
bob555 says
Me either, & the American voter seems to KNOW about all the shit that goes on in government, whoever or whichever party is in power, BUT keeps on returning to Congress the SAME asshole morons who have f**ked up the country so bad,& when they keep doing the same thing, just COMPLAIN about it, but NEVER vote for a change.
Remember this this election day. It’s been POLITICIANS who have put this country in the sad shape it’s in, NOT private citizens. It might be private citizens
( lobbyists ) who try to curry a vote in their best interests , BUT IT’S THE “POLITICIANS ” who except the BRIDES they offer.
Steve Hadley says
People keep sending their representative to Congress because they feel it’s the other representatives who are crooked. Their’s isn’t. That’s why things never change in Washington. What’s wrong with this picture??
Garrett says
I agree fully with your diagnosis
Pat says
more of the same Hillary will get in……. trump is right…… everybody is on the take and everything is fixed…listening to tomey nothing will be taken care of no matter how we vote it doesn’t matter……I am so tired of hearing of politicians saying that they won’t vote for either haven’t for a long time because of the crime and corruption in politics……..politicians get a good salary for not representing us …..they also get great health care plans and wonderful retirements our government are as corrupt as all the other governments out there
michael says
Obama supported the lie of the video causing the embassy attack, hey you can keep your doctor, and I am a Christian (not). Everything he says is a lie. Thank God he is going out, if we are lucky he will have a massive heart attack soon so we don’t have to hear all his future lies.
What a piece of garbage. The first time I have been completely ashamed of a president.
God help the country if that even worse garbage Hillary wins. If her lips are moving you know it’s a lie, but a lot of dummies out there will vote for her. The zombies, drones, and leaches on society.
Sam says
I wonder if those wire payments and cash paid to Iran was black mail? Our President cannot tell the truth but people do not seam to care. Sad day for America!
Robert C. Whittaker says
Anyone communicating by the Internet should know that sending or receiving e-mail their is a line at the top or bottom that shows the address of the communication. Obama cannot deny his knowledge of Hillary’s illegal server.
This is why Hillary was never charged doing so would result half the government officials would be equally charged for not reporting it.
Steve Hadley says
Not so. Emails sent to Hillary while she was Sec. of State went to the department’s email servers and were then forwarded to her home server. Most senders would never know this.
George Bis says
good comment and so believable. the media is left of center or socialist.
retired says
Impeach Obama now, Impeach now……..
Comey and other FBI people should be jailed for lying under the oath they took when the job was offered.
disgusting how Clintons and others get away with so much corruption….jail time would be too easy for them… strip them of all their ASSets…….
Trump/Pence the only fix for the legal american citizens…….
William krumholz says
Ya you got it right spot on , it is beyond pitiful !
Peter Joffe says
There is no better place for one criminal to be, than in the company of other criminals. As we all know crooks do not rat on each other. This is well illustrated in the relationship between Clinton and her Ayatollah Obama.
SlyFox123 says
For the love of GOD, when will the Democrats face up to some obvious and simple facts, the rest of the country knows that your two favorite people Obama and Clinton are two of the biggest tellers of the most dangerous lies in this country and maybe in the “free world”. She started to lie back before Obama, came on the scene, but he was telling lies before then. They both have NEVER stopped that practice, these people and there followers do this with such ease that they don’t even “blink” when they do it. They lie like they breath, [All the time]. Geez, come on November, and as an old song went…..”So long, it’s been good to know ya”, well, in both cases…..that part of the song is incorrect!
Strange, Trump was informed that Obama was born in the United States…….but wait, when Obama was going to a West Coast College, he stated on an application for FREE MONEY, he checked the box, that he was born in another country…….so, the question is…..WHEN DID HE LIE?
Or has the lies gone on for so long that the country is so tired of it all that all we want is for the Obama’s to be just gone, gone from our life’s, gone from the headlines, gone……go home to Chicago, Kenya, Haw, or just anyplace!
madmaxschnauzer says
Is anyone surprised that he would “Lie” ??? Same as usual, and we will probably learn alot more about how we have been lied to as time passes. How are they allowed to continue to get away with what they are doing and have done? Where is congress in all this and why are they not paying attention and doing the job they get paid to do??? Disgraceful>>>
Greg says
Max, If you had been paying attention, you would know that Congress has been “paying attention” and has been attempting to investigate this and other issues. There is not a lot they can do when they are ignored by the executive branch. With a bought and paid for DOJ, Congress has no teeth.
SW says
Agreed, they are way to focused on getting re-elected to do their job.
Kent says
They are also the ones who gave away all their power to Obama. Now they are intent on maintaining their
gravy train!
LRoses says
bob555 says
It will be interesting to see where Obama winds up after the election & when he leaves office. He might be a “winner” no matter who is elected as if Hillary wins, he could wind up in some nice government position, & if she loses he could wind up working for the Clinton Foundation.
Only time will tell.
John G. says
O’bozo the “Clown” needs to be tried for TREASON and imprisoned for his crimes against the UNITED STATES AND it’s PEOPLE.
He is the worst thing that’s ever happened to our country and he wants Hillary the “Hun” to assume the Presidency to protect his legacy which doesn’t exist so WAKE UP AMERICA – let’s insure she doesn’t get the opportunity to continue his intentional bad acts.
VOTE TRUMP/PENCE 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ronald Lummus says
He is a traitor
Where is congress
He needs to be shut down
He is stealing money
Could be used for military
Why hasn’t he been impeached?!????????????????????⚡️
larry e austin says
Obama has lied for clinton like both of them knew about the 400 million dollars paid ransome for soldiers held by terroist and laughed about leaving others to be slaughtered(n0 charges) and of treason by clinton emaling classified information for big money for crooked clinton foundation used for hillarys bribes and obama recently stated he hates whites, Christians and Police and obama devided the country with his and michelle started the BLM, if Whites started a WLM WHOA what more porotest Obama would start and him making instant citizens with syrian and africa if they signed a agreement and taken care of by democrats by voting for criminal hillary (another lie and hillary knowing it) no charges again by FBI and congress and cuban, the bushes, romney graham, rubio all traitors against the GOP for supporting hillary the criminal and liar to FBI and obama lying to congress about the 400 millon for ransom (no charges) ya rhe democrat politics and GOP supporters all lie a criminal named hillary
LRoses says
Then we have to vote for “Freedom” vote Trump.
Clarence Clark says
Ron says
Our country has been taken away from us by a ” GOD FATHER ” mentality.
Edward McAnany says
barry1817 says
so sad that we have this abuse of our laws and our trust, and even worse we get republicans that would switch to vote for this lawless regime, instead of going third party
But then we are seeing what we, conservatives, knew all along, so many republicans aren’t unless they are lying to the public to get elected
Debra Cherney says
I switched from Dem to Rep so I could vote against H and for “The Donald”!
Steve Hadley says
You didn’t have to switch. Any voter can vote for whoever they want in the election no matter what party you are registered in.
elia arana says
ME TO !!! ME TO!! I see everything so clear!
Donna says
We need to vote out these crooked politicians
CJ says
Obumma & the Clinton’s would probably be turned to stone if they uttered the truth for once in their lousy lives
Steve Hadley says
And Trump is better?? He lies all the time!
William says
Kick All the politians out of office but damn few and start over by electing some people in and vetted a lot before voted in to any office no more good buddy boys.
Shirley James says
Donald Trump, is the biggest lier I have seen in politices. I would never vote for Donald Trump.
ch says
Seems like every thing that the muslime liar in chief learns about is thru the news. That is damning in itself. He doesn’t attend his security briefings or any other of his mandatory meetings, they could interrupt his golf game. The muslime liar in chief has lied from the very start. He like hiTLIARy if his lips are moving he is lying. This is no surprise to any one who is informed and been watching what has been going on since this communist traitor starting running for President. The first and foremost lie is he is NOT eligible.
Mikeyavelli says
You got that right. Everything about obama, his past, his family, and his intentions is false. Obama is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on any country at any time in history.
John says
We all know what a lying piece of crap Obama. He’s been lying for the past eight years.
Clinton goes without saying. Hillary figures, if my lying cheating husband can pull the wool
Over everyone’s eyes, why can’t I do the same. These people are bold and non caring. They
Want what’s good for them and for the Clinton its power. By the way, what was the device protruding
From Hilary’s jacket at the debate. Something else sneaky with her.
John says
We all know what a lying piece of crap Obama. He’s been lying for the past eight years.
Clinton goes without saying. Hillary figures, if my lying cheating husband can pull the wool
Over everyone’s eyes, why can’t I do the same. These people are bold and non caring. They
Want what’s good for them and for the Clinton its power. By the way, what was the device protruding
From Hilary’s jacket at the debate. Something else sneaky with her.
Gary Canavan says
Consider the future with him as secretary gen of the UN
John says
I have never in my life time a bunch of deceitful group of politicians. The worst in
History. By the way, what was lying Hillary wearing under her red jacket? Look
AT the picture, something is protruding from the back right side. She is nothing but
A sneak. Could it be some sort prompting device or a medical device feeding her or
Delivering a shock wave. Something else kept from the public. The media was to
Busy focusing in o Trumps sniffles.
Nicole Hunter says
Seems that Hillary was called to the office of Valerie Jarrett and Obama back in 2009 when they told her she had to stop sending emails thru her personal server — OBVIOUSLY SHE DIDN’T LISTEN TO THEM. So, YES, Obama knew, and Jarrett Knew, and Huma knew — along with how many others?
FBI Director James Comey basically delivered a coded message to the American People and the world: She is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, certainly should not be president and should be brought to justice.
However, Lynch and Obama made it clear to him – if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he then failed to get a conviction, he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison.
The key is in what Comey said: 80 email chains. That means an exchange between people – Hillary sending AND RECEIVING. If Comey charges Hillary he has to charge the others in the chain. What if the exchange is with Obama? Is it a stretch to think the Secretary of State would be in email contact with POTUS?
So, Bill went to Loretta and said shut this down – or else! If Hillary is charged she will tell under oath that some of the emails were with the President, and that makes him also guilty of a felony – IMPEACHABLE.
The Republicans would go for it. The Democats would yell racism and the country erupts in violence.
Lynch tells Comey he’d better watch it or he could be to blame for violence tearing this country part.
What is he to do??? So, Comey takes 20 minutes to spell out everything bad Hillary did – like a trial in public. Then he stops short to prevent any unrest, AND problems for Obama.
So yes! Of course, Obama lied about the e-mails! He’s as much at risk as Hillary.
Terry says
Is that Vendetta Lynch, head of the DOJ? American Dept of Jihad?
steven says
Good one Terry !!!!!
Ruth Shaffer says
Why doesn’t someone spell this out for Mr. Trump so he can ram it down her throat just before the end of the next debate so she can’t answer or defend herself…like she did with him.
Sam says
Things happened just before the debate. I think that he contacted Hillary to keep quiet about the killing of US Ambassador until the debate is over. If anyone can find this e-mail or a telephone call, it will be a disaster for both of them.
Trump should concentrate to find this out.
Louis Intres says
Honestly; I am sick of the myriad times that facts have proven to us, that Hillary, Obama, and all their sycophantic minions have lied to the American people. Likely even committed felonies and possibly treason. Yet, nothing is EVER done about it. We have a spineless Congress, led by a Republican majority, more interested in retaining their positions than representing the people. As long as we elect representatives who betray our faith in them, and there are no consequences for lying and betraying the wishes of the majority, we will have rampant corruption in Washington and in our political system. Quit electing the same people to Congress from your own state, as if they are not at fault. Their inaction evidences their own corruption and obedience to a failed administration. Continue as we are and we deserve the corrupt leadership we install to lead us down the road to destruction.
Mike E V says
Who lost the thumb drive? Was it Mrs Bill or her aide?
Mike E V says
Imagine for a moment if all politicians were suddenly removed from office through the election process and replaced with everyday Americans from all walks of life. Just think of the things they would uncover.
Randy Jackson says
Surprised that Ovomit would lie—–again?
Hell no, this Embarrassment-in-Chief has lied all his life.
His entire life is a preposterous lie.
And the demonRATS think he’s wonderful, the best presidon’t ever, a genius—–well I disagree, he’s nothing more than a skinny ass, pig ear, cock sucker.
Bernie Lyons says
Why does Trump have to release his Income Tax records. THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT TO DO THAT. Your Taxes are priveledged Info as far as I’m concerned. Tell That lying sack of excrement to explain Ben Ghazi, how her and Bill the “Horny” can accumulate such wealth in such a short time, and why all those emails were deleted after they were subpoenaed. She should be indicted and throne in jail for the rest of her natural born life with NO chance for parole along with her husband and they should be jailed in the same cell with each other. Who knows, maybe she will kill him. we should be so lucky.
Joe says
OK. He was caught redhanded. Anybody here want to bet what they are going to do about it?
Terry says
These released FBI records expose the overflow of devious, disorganized, inept individuals Clinton surrounds herself with.
I doubt disorganized anything is the operative word for this admin. As FDR supposedly said nothing political just happens, it is all planned. Transparency is the word used to described O’s admin’s intent. But is not what is/was practiced. The political turmoil associated with WJC’s time was pretty rancid. But this admin’s turmoil goes way beyond rancid. And seems to have no limit. Is this admin a branch off of I Inc? Islam Incorporated??
This is not Egypt, we are not all Jews, but our elected group seem to be enslaved to outside, un-American interests. And I don’t think God is going to swoop down and lead out of this mess with an Exodus! No. We will have to do it ourselves by electing people that believe in America, that believe our laws are far superior to sharia law and are willing to risk their “career” for the continuation of this nation. In fact they have given us their word to uphold and defend the Constitution. Not to defend to illegal immigrants or un-vetted “refugees” from a part of the world that has declared jihad, a “holy” war against us. And has erected govt offices, called mosques, around the land using funds from foreign govts. These are political cells engaged in stirring up trouble and dissent. Called the Nation of islam!
She belongs in jail along with her husband, she is so concerned about Donalds wealth that he and his dad made legally with no illegal issues, his children run his company now legally., Where did she get all her money?, Foundation?? From Corporate with many promises?? and from phony speeches, Are the American people that dumb?. We have a candidate who worked with his hands and resin to where he and so respected by business .. She is a liar, She lies more than any candidate we have had so far along with the present one. Do you want that again?? SHE IS NOT TRUE TO HERSELF…….. HOW CAN SHE BE TRUE TO US….??????
Texas Son says
The U.S. federal government under this COMMIE is totally CORRUPT!!!!
Carolyn Matzura says
There is absolutely nothing that Hillary and Obama have not lied about. Wake up Democrats and investigate the situation beyond the propaganda the Democrats shove down your throats. It is time to think about America and not partisanship. Look at the lies, the state of foreign affairs, the divineness about race in the US., the economy, the illegals pouring into our country without proper vetting, the protests, the terrorism in america…..Is that not enough to re-evaluate? It is time we Americans joined together for a better america, and the citizens take back control instead of the VIP corrupt politicians on both sides.
lizaz says
We have the most corrupt government I have seen in my 76 years and it will remain so until we elect a real President of ALL the people, not just his friends and people who give him money. What is amazing is the ignorance of the left who either collaborate with the corruption or are too stupid to see what the liberal candidate represents. Nothing will change if she is elected except Americans will continue to be denigrated and her and her rich friends will get richer. Let’s pray our traditional government will be returned to us in January.
George Bis says
god bless you;I agree
Constitutionalist says
D’OweBama LIED?
Why, i’m shocked…shocked, i say…
But has D’OweBama ever been questioned under oath about his knowledge of The Liar’s “private” email server? If not, he’s not a perjurer, and will get away with it – at least, until after Trump is elected.
It is my sincere hope that Trump, if not the first thing after he takes office, at least w/in the first hundred days, establishes an Independent Commission with full access to ALL gov’t files(including those of the NSA) to “seek and destroy” both D’OweBama AND The Liar, as well as every sycophant and toady who betrayed not only the public trust, but also violated their Oaths of Office, to send a STRONG and UNMISTAKABLE message to EVERY oath-breaking Criminal and potential Traitor in America, public or private sector, that any more of this WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Timothy Thompson says
Obama has been caught lying to America over and over again and nobody seems to be able to tag this POTUS for the slime he is. His condoling Hillary’s email use is by his own emails using a phony name. These people Obama on down to Hillary and Kerry, Harry Reid they all are so cocky in thinking they are above the law and can’t be caught is laughable. It’s getting close to the time when Obama’s ship will be seen with all the rats abandoning his ship. There will be a kink in his now cocky manner he seems to break the law and our constitution and bill of rights. There is going to be some payback for his eight years in office. All these officials taking the 5th means there was a crime committed and they are calling out to not addmitting to their part in a crime. If Trump does win, Hillary and her house of cards will crash and that’s why she is paniced if she loses, there won’t be anybody who will take the fall for her once she is outed for being the criminal she is.
Jimmyjohn says
Oh Come On now You wouldn’t think Obama Would Lie to The American People, Let see from Day 1 Every time he opened his mouth A lie, Well I guess he would lie to America.Now wouldn’t he ????????????????????
American tax payer says
Question; President Trump,with In your first 30 days in office,do you plan to restore the lost TRUST in our leaders? Will you prosecute those who abused their office? Those who lied under oat? Investigate those unanswered investigations of deaths of those connected with the Clintons? We need answers to move forward to restore our faith and trust in our elected leaders.
Justin W says
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are incompetent and corrupt. Obama has run the nation like a third world dictator. Hillary will do the same. Obama sought to undermine and ignore the Constitution. Hillary will do the same.
If we want to have any chance at making America better our first step needs to be removing the Democrats from the White House.
angelika griffin says
All LIARS are irrelevant, so Obama was NEVER relevant in the first place
Ron says
It boils down to one major position.
The left voter’s want free stuff from the Government.
And they know that Bill and Hillary will make that happen.
fish53 says
He’s behind all the corruption! The House and the Senate needs to make all of them “step down” and invite truthful, for real investigators into this mess. They needs to investigate Lynch as well. There was a reason it took so long to swear her in as Attorney General. Look at all this (open for for ALL eyes to see) corruption in the USA government. From the President on down to the FBI. All cover-ups for one another. If one squeal on one then, the whole scammers go down together. That’s probably why they are covering for one another. And that’s probably why Killary said, she will never be indicted by the DOJ. What a great big mess? Something has got to be done about all of this. Obumo is worried about a legacy. What legacy? He is the worse African-American president we have ever elected. Wake Up People to the demon-craps corruption. Trump/Pence!
NAN says
El Tejas says
So what else is new? He lies about everything. He is honorary president of the national liers club. And Hillary is the honorary vice – president.
Now that the revelation about Shrillary using electronic devices to aid her debating tactics onstage Monday night and a source saying she received the debate questions prior to the event, what will B’Ob have to say about his endorsee then?????
Timm Ross says
It’s really clear that the Fungus has spread through out our Government. Stating at the top should trickle down, if we’re ready to eliminate this discease that’s destroying our Country. My wish would be Jail time, and control of THIER assets .
TIMM ROSS sr. says
It’s really clear that the Fungus has spread through out our Government. Stating at the top should trickle down, if we’re ready to eliminate this discease that’s destroying our Country. My wish would be Jail time, and control of THIER assets .
Lou J Apa says
Oh no, obama bin lyin!?……
Patricia Salaz says
Obama has been a complete waste of eight years. He is an incompetent, arrogant disgrace to our Country. I, for one, will be happy to see the last of him and all of the Obamas. Hillary Clinton is more of the same!
Ken says
Isn’t it kind of late to keep an eye on oDAMa. Where were everyone for eights years. He, his cronies and the liberal media had already done damage to America. What patriotic Americans would want to do this to their own country. They are the Trojan horse, the moles. America will fall from within. Don’t trust the Republican Party. They betrayed America. They are useless. They have control in congress and the senate and did absolutely nothing while they let America go downhill and the Constitution ridiculed. These same republicans PROMISED if they were voted in they would stop this and that. Instead, they cave in to the demoncrates. Especially that spineless boehner. Sometimes you wonder if these so call republicians weren’t demoncrates in sheeps clothing. No demoncrates nor republicans for me. Conservatives will fight to preserve and enforce the laws of the Constitution of the United States of America.
John Magurn says
To quote Ms. Clinton, “At this point, what difference does it make?”
Nothing has been done in the past and nothing will be done now or in the future!!!
M. S S says
AW says
Disgusted with the whole political regime says
Why isn’t anybody addressing that Obama is selling Yellowstone National Park to China. How many other pieces of The USA does China own. Wake up America. I did not believe this until I researched it. Check it out America. Eastern world is going Western and Western is going Eastern. Is this what we want? I think not.
Steve Hadley says
This is totally fabricated. Can’t we do some fact checking here? Otherwise this site becomes less and less relevant.
If you make such a claim you should back it up with facts.
FedUp says
obummer promised to have the most transparent administration ever, but the first thing he did was to seal every record associated with him. Some examples; college transcripts, college admission paperwork, his disatation, and his birth certificate. So much for transparency.
bonboyl says
I couldn’t believe how Trump was pounced on for thinking that Obama was born in Kenya. Like he was the only person in the country who questioned just who the guy was and what his real name is. I saw a birth certificate posted on FB but 8 experts declared it was fake. If the guy has an American bc, why wasn’t he vetted and the birth certificate shown when he ran for president? Why post a fake one 4 or 5 years later if he has a real one?
Joanne says
Steve Hadley says
Well, no, not all lies. Some misinformation along the way and a few lies. After all, he is a politician just like the rest of them. However, thankfully the country is in better shape today than it was 8 years ago. That’s a fact.
Jeanette says
And how many tens of millions of Americans are out of work? How many have lost homes because of that?
How many millions of illegal aliens and “refugees” have piled into America’s “Pay them your money” list since Obama has made it so plain that they are his Preferred People, not Americans?
And no, I don’t believe the made-up numbers about deportations that the Border Patrol says are untrue, or other numbers concocted to make him look better There are too many instances of government numbers that are nothing like his.
But his always jumping to the conclusion that the police were guilty, long before the evidence was in has certainly helped, hasn’t it? Black Lynch Mob – er, Black Lives Matter – tried to burn someone alive at the Charlotte riots. Very nice. No doubt learned from Obama’s Favorite People, the Muslims.
But what I’m really waiting for is the wave of American employers who have realized that their newly hired college graduates speak Ebonics better than they speak English, because minorities had to be passed whether they actually did pass or not. Because Obama made it plain that minorities and illegals are to be given special treatment, whether they have earned it or not.
I’m sure there must be a country where Obama-like schemes are even stronger; you would probably love it there! Venezuela?
Elizabeth says
We knew Hillary is well protected by all the trash aroud her!!!!
Bruce says
Now, she doesn’t know her password, how to e-mail or address the pseudonymic Precedent ?! They ARE the vast right-wing conspiracy against themselves !! IMPEACH !!!
Steve Hadley says
It seems to me that it is plausible that Obama did not know about Hillary’s email server. All email sent to her would first go to the state departments server and then forwarded to her private server. Most people she would communicate with via email would not know this as it would not be evident to most email recipients or senders.
I know you all hate Obama and Clinton but we should look at facts and not let emotions get control of our judgement.
Jeanette says
And the FACT is that it says in the article that Obama was emailing to her private email address, using a pseudonym. That’s about as damning as it gets before Trey Gowdy is standing next to Hillary when she receives one of those emails from President X.
And I would hope that most Americans don’t like frauds and thieves, who are complicit in the murders of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, many of them children, and who push the tyrannical political system (disguised as a religion for the benefit of naive future targets) that actually commits the murders of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, many of them children. While we’re on that subject, calling to Allah (“Allahu akbar!”) to witness, approve and reward the murder of a human being has a name – it is called “human sacrifice” when any group OTHER THAN MUSLIMS practices it. Obama and Hillary have covered for the practice of human sacrifice perpetrated by the followers of Islam, even when the victims are Americans … and you’re worried about how people “look” at Obama? What? Don’t you have anyone you’d rather not see turned into a human sacrifice by these Favorite People of Obama and Hillary?
Tell us about not being emotional when one of YOUR loved ones has suffered because of one of his schemes.
Cap'n Kirk says
the fact is, Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Mills, Abedin, Comey and Holt and any other Obama or Clinton lackeys are douche nozzles…
Jeanette says
They are dangerous, evil monsters who are all involved to one degree or another in selling America down the river.
warren says
President Obama can’t tell the truth about anything. In the book written about dreams of my father he claims he was born in Kenya, raised a Muslim, and his real father was a communist being followed by the CIA FRANK Lloyd Davis not Obama. Obama a student from Kenya was hired to sign his birth certificate so his grandfather who was working for the CIA could cover up his daughters pregnancy by this communist. This is what was written in the book. Is it true?
Gaye says
Yes, take a look at a picture of Frank Marshall Davis…..Obama is the spitting-image of him! Then look at a picture of father Obama….no resemblance at all !!
Jeanette says
There has never been any question of Obama having “respect” for Americans! He’s not one himself, and not-too-bright Americans were manipulated into voting for him even though they knew nothing about him except (they thought) he was black.
He was maneuvered into his position as alleged president so that he could do as much damage as possible, either to allow the globalists to sink their teeth into America, or to allow the Muslims to do so, or both – possibly in tandem rather than together (the globalists would make short work of the Muslims after they had relieved the globalists of the chore of getting rid of most Americans, as per Agenda 21/2030).
Jeanette says
Remember, the Koran allows Muslims to lie to infidels in order to push Islam into more and more regions and countries.
That has a ring of familiarity, doesn’t it?
Irene M says
Sometimes I wonder if the Russians are as bad as they are made out to be. Everything we hear about them comes from the T.V. and politicians. Maybe they aren’t so bad after all.
Gaye says
50+ years ago I went to a meeting …..the main speaker had, for many years, been ” A Communist for the FBI”. He spoke about a serious plan…….A 50 YEAR PLAN TO DESTROY AMERICA ….from within!. Starting with teachers in our schools, planting communist ideas in the heads of our children . Entering public and political jobs at the city level at first ….building a base, then moving into other areas of influence……thus…..the plan of destroying our country from within.!!! NOW….here we are 50 years later ….being destroyed from within…right on schedule BLATENT,WILLFUL, DESTRUCTION OF OUR COUNTRY !
Obama who has been destroying everything he can with his PEN AND PHONE.,….. is now allowing millions of sworn enemies into our country……………starting to look like Treason to me???
and now we have Hillary running to finish off the job! …and bring in millions more sworn enemies to help her.finish off the job