All around the country, American citizens are taking time to pause and reflect today.
It’s been 14 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Our politicians have promised to help make our country safer — but have they succeeded?
Vote below to tell us whether you feel like America is safer today than it was 14 years ago. We want to hear from you!
Throughout America, memorials are happening both publicly and privately. At ground zero in New York City, victims’ families will gather for what has become a tradition of tolling bells, observing poignant moments of silence, and reading the names of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terror strike.
What are your memories of September 11? What lessons did our nation learn — or does it still need to learn? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Bruce says
Their are a lot of patriots out their and I know that they will stand with America. To hear that the scum that did this has not gone to trail yet makes me want to throw up!!!!!!!
Total lack of leadership in the GOV.
VOTE THE CROOKS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wizzard says
This administration and all the democrats that voted for this nuclear deal with the terrrorist state of Iran should be taken away in handcuffs right now!! They are guilty of TREASON!! Iran will use every dollar of the gift that O just gave them to target and kill Americans across the world!!! Everyone should know the names of their politicians that voted Yes!!! WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!
Wendy says
One image that always struck me was the “blue grandma”: when they showed video of reactions to the WTC in the middle east, there was this woman with a blue patterned headscarf cheering, and I couldn’t help thinking, “What are you saying to your grandchildren, cheering such massive destruction like a spoiled child?” Unfortunately, there would probably be a lot of “blue grandmas” in America if the situation were somehow reversed. There will always be whackjobs in the world, what really saddens me is people who are supposed to be the rational ones that cheer them on.
Kim Cook says
We are less safe from the Police State than ever before. With this false flag attack every American became a potential terrorist, thanks to Bush Jr. This Govt. is the largest terrorist organization in the World. It’s time to take OUR Govt. back.
Daye Cook says
Thanks to Bush JR???? Are you bloody crazy. IT is this evil Muslim in the Whitehouse right now that is make this country a place of terror to live in. I an scared 24/7 worried about the Islamic terrorists coming in through the border jus a 00 miles south of us. And this evil fellow doesn’t care a damn for America, or the people in this country. he is determined to wipe out America if he can, So he can go down in history and be lauded by his Islamic buddies as the man who did it almost single handedly with his lying tongue to the rest of the bird brained dministration, And VOTERS like you. You are also responsible for the dreadful life in this country now.
Marty says
Why do you people fail to understand? The leader of evil is SATAN, and his “disciples” include Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the so-called “pope”, the British “queen” and numerous others, including the Clintons, the Bushes, OBAMA, Pelosi, Harry Reid, Brzezinski and so on. NONE of these cretins has, nor ever had, our best interests in mind! These are all members of the CABAL !!!!!
brad says
Of course we aren’t safer. The people that totally allowed that tragedy still run the country.
Note that there are thousands of engineers and architects who will explain how the govt story about the towers is impossible until you repeal the laws of physics. Look at the plane hit the towers in slow motion. WHY does the explosion come from the building into the nose of the airplane prior to contact?
It was a simple miracle that the floors fell down at the exact same hundredths of a second used in building demolition. That building 7 HAD BEEN WIRED to be dropped, since that takes a minimum of weeks to do. If that isn’t enough magic for you, throw in how the dropping of bldg 7 destroyed the historic documentation of Jeb Bush’s evildoing during the Savings and Loan scandals of the previous decades…..
Don’t you love magic!
ThomasT says
AP, a Govt. controlled org. released the article. Govt. probably monitors these comments to note how many ‘Murikans believe their story, On here quite many,
More magic.. NY City removed the remains of WTC 1 & 2 in 4 hours overnight, but should have taken up to 4 years. That being 2 piles of rubble each 100 meters high, (20% of the original height according to the laws of physics), consisting of millions of tons of twisted heavy steel girders, reinforced concrete, glass, plumbing and fixtures, electrics and wiring, aircons and ducting, office equipment and furniture, 500 meters high central cores with the lifts and lift shafts that should have stood proud, as the floors apparently pancaked, and 3000+ humans, who ‘vaporized’, (like in Bali).. all this ‘after’ the NYFD in the Tower said fires were ‘under control’.
1st step.. An Arab in a cave in Afghan. shuts down the 1/2 trillion$ US air defenses with his laptop, this when OBL is reported dying in a Kuwait hospital with kidney failure. OBL then sends 22 L pilots to do a job. The pilots are named within 48 hours after the attacks, BBC stated many to be still alive later, CNN stated none were on the passenger lists. The pilots pass through security, get on board, are counted for takeoff.. without boarding passes or tickets. After takeoff they go through locked cockpit doors, overcome burly ex-military pilots with box cutters, fly to remote areas near the Canadian border with no radar coverage, switch off their transponders, turn back, carry out perfect full speed descents, their first time in 150 ton jets, without the necessary continuous radar talk down, arrive at their destinations at the correct height to carry out the attacks. Aprox 200 facts shave been identified that defied the laws of physics.
Yep pure magic them terrrs can do to keep the ‘Murikans scared.
Jim says
Thomas T, I am curious where you get your facts from?
TED says
Jim: A good place to start is the site that Brad eluded to above.
Curtis Mills says
An airplane crashed into the Empire State Building in the 1940’s and that building did not fall down. Kinda gives one pause, doesn’t it.
Each year about one hundred and fifty thousand people are killed by the medical industry by properly given medications and properly done procedures; the Trade Towers debacle killed less than three thousand. Keeping things in perspective is important.
In some countries bombings and mass killings occur on a daily basis, yet government clerks in this country keep trying to whip up hysteria over this ten year old incident so they may more easily achieve their “control everything” goals.
Curtis Mills says
Clearly my math is not so good, try fourteen year old incident.
Viola Perry says
The more we bomb other countries the more haters and terrorists we create but that does not deter the 1% who gain from perpetual wars. They do not value any life at all. They sell us this crap by stating they are protecting our freedoms. 9/11 was an in-house job so the public would go along with their attacks on other countries and where did the trillions of dollars disappear that Rumsfeld told us on 9/10 was missing?
Bigfoot says
Well…..anybody want to be a Christian, now??? Check the Bible. It’s all lining up.
TED says
No one will know the day or the hour…..
rodney burke says
with the American communist party in office. We are NOT even safe. When we get another party in we can deal with 1. Islam 2.Hispanic criminals and black panthers.
TED says
Come on man wake up. The current administration has simply continued what was started during the previous administration! There’s not a nickel’s worth of difference between the 2. There is no difference between the 2 parties. It’s one of the clearest uses of the age old “divide and conquer” method ever seen. They keep people the public whipped into a frenzy about nonsense issues while they are working together behind the scenes cutting dirty deals. Don’t fall for it! Every few years the “bad” party is voted out and when the “good” party takes over what happens? NOTHING! Do you seriously think that the Repubs are going to come in and save the day? They had 6 years during W’s term where they had both houses and could have passed anything they want. Did they do ANYTHING about the open borders or any other issue? NO! All they did was pass a dozen or so pieces of legislation (like Patriot Acts I and II and the Torture bill) which destroy the bill of rights while doing NOTHING to make us safer. It’s been going on a LONG time. It’s ALL of them–not just Obama!
Robert says
the REPUBLICRATS are all worried about trump, he is rich enough to not have to beg for money from the party.the people have finally got someone that will stop this bunch of bullshit artists in congrerss. WE THE AMERICAN VOTERS MUST USE OUR HEAD, VOTE FOR ALL NEW REPS. AND CONGRESS PEOPLE THAT WILL DO WHAT WE WANT, NOT WHAT SORROS AND HIS COMMIES WANT..THE DEMOCRATS HAVE ALL GONE COMMUNIST/MARXIST. WE HAVE 90, THAT IS NINETY–VERIFIED COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST /MARXIST MEMBERS OF CONGRESS UNDER THE DEMOCRAT BANNER, a large number of the repub’s are fence riders,voting for the down-wind items that they can steal from[FOREIGN AID] it is now a slush fund for retirment.. WAKE UP AMERICA OR WE WILL LOOSE OUR GREAT COUNTRY……..