House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on CBS’ “The Late Show” on Tuesday to call for unity and “healing” among Americans… but only if voters give Democrats control in Tuesday’s midterm election.
In other words, Pelosi is implying that she’ll only call off the growing mobs of violent protesters if she’s given control of Congress.
Host Stephen Colbert pointed out that Pelosi was wearing purple and asked if there was a hidden “message” in her outfit for voters.
“It could be!” Pelosi said, and implied it was time to forget blue Democrats and red Republicans… if Democrats win.
“It’s about unifying the country. I think it is time to heal.”
Colbert asked her if the “temperature” of politics was being toned down.
“Well, I think when we win, you will see evidence of that.” Pelosi said. “Because when we do win, we will have –as we open the new Congress — we will honor the vows of our founders: ‘E pluribus unum’, ‘From many, one.'”
“Well you couldn’t imagine how many we would be or how different we would be from each other, but they did know that we had to strive for oneness. It’s okay to disagree, a marketplace of ideas, that’s exciting. But it is also important to find solutions that unify and not divide. And that’s what makes a big difference between Democrats and what’s in the White House now,” Pelosi told the crowd.
Pelosi’s comments echos a call for incivility former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made on Oct. 9 on CNN.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for,” Hillary said. “I believe if we are fortunate enough to take back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”
Apparently, Pelosi and top Democrats want their message to be clear to American voters — the mobs will only be called off if they’re given power.
You can watch the video here —