“On the Holmes Front,” with Frank Holmes
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi this week reminded me of an old Army slogan: She lies more before 9 a.m. than most people do all day.
Earlier this week, Pelosi had an unhinged meltdown after President Donald Trump called members of the domestic terrorist gang MS-13 “animals.”
The White House released a new fact sheet to show how evil these Unnaturalized Born Killers are: “MS-13, short for Mara Salvatrucha, commits shocking acts of violence to instill fear, including machete attacks, executions, gang rape, human trafficking, and more.”
MS-13’s rap sheet includes actions lower than anything most animals would sink. But Pelosi lashed out at the president – and compared these murderers to the Lord God Almighty.
“The president of the United States…calling people animals is not a good thing,” Pelosi said.
“You have to wonder, does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?”
Of all the people in this argument, the leader of the Congressional Democrats decided that Trump was the one who didn’t value human life!
“We’re all God’s children,” Pelosi said.
We may all be God’s children, but would God want his children murdering other little kids? The little girls that MS-13 raped, pimped, and killed deserve a little sympathy.
The American families who drench themselves in tears mourning at their loves ones’ tombstones deserve respect, but they won’t get any sympathy from Pelosi.
When a reporter asked her if “an unborn baby, with a human heart and a human liver” is “a human being,” she said, “I do not intend to respond to your questions.”
This isn’t rocket science, lady, it’s biology.
But for years Pelosi has dodged, ducked, and darted around the question of whether a baby in the womb – with a heartbeat and a kick as strong as a soccer goalie – is alive.
“The point is,” she told another interviewer, is “that it shouldn’t have an impact on the woman’s right to choose.”
She called abortion “sacred ground” once.
So, unborn babies deserve to die, but MS-13 terrorists who mutilate people are little flickers of Jesus. Got it.
Trump got his revenge when he went before a Christian group to take a political eye-for-an-eye.
“Nancy Pelosi came out in favor of MS-13,” Trmp told a huge crowd of right-to-life activists on Tuesday. “Can you imagine having Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House?”
And he beat back her allegations in the most Trump way imaginable by posting the MS-13 fact sheet on the White House website – and called it “What You Need To Know About The Violent Animals Of MS-13.”
It uses the word “animal” 10 times in less than 500 words – and every word is true.
“MS-13 is a transnational gang that has brought violence, fear, and suffering to American communities,” it says.
On Wednesday, Trump shoved Pelosi’s comment in her face again when he met the parents of girls murdered by MS-13. And he repeated that their killers “are not people. These are animals.”
Trump’s statement doesn’t mean he does not values life… it means he’s got his head on straight. He values life so much that he’s willing to defend it against people who would destroy us.
It’s hard to imagine anyone guiltier than a member of MS-13, and there’s nothing more innocent than a baby.
On Tuesday, President Trump told the right-to-life group about his respect for innocence, “When we look into the eyes of a newborn child, there is no doubt we see the beauty of the human soul and the mystery of God’s great creation.”
When we look into the eyes of an MS-13 torturer, we see how corrupted that creation can become.
And when we look into the eyes of Pelosi, we see how dishonest, senile, and morally warped one human being can get.
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”