Meteorologists are “growing in confidence,” that a massive winter storm will move into the mid-Atlantic and northeast regions beginning late Thursday and lasting throughout the weekend.
This winter storm could dump a foot – or more – on over 50 million people across the East Coast.
The National Weather Service is forecasting snow with rain mixed in from midday Friday through Saturday night, and the winter storm threat was increased from “moderate” to high.”
According to, states in the Midwest can expect 2-6 inches late Thursday and into Friday.
And of the latest projections, on Friday evening the storm is expected to move into Washington D.C., Richmond, and Philadelphia. Projections have accumulations reaching more than a foot of snow — as much as three feet in some models — throughout Saturday.
The storm is expected to move into New York City, and then into Boston, as the weekend progresses. reports the total snow accumulation could vary based on a number of factors, including timing and the exact track of the storm. Authorities are advising everyone living in the projected path to monitor the storm daily, so residents know exactly what to expect and how to prepare.
2-6 inches??!!!!!!!!!!!.With “models” showing in feet….LMAO!!!!!!….What a bunch of PUSSIES…..I deal with mutliple FEET in REALITY not models of snow at 8000 ft ASL in the Sierras, sometimes without power for days….You plan, you store, you improvise, you overcome you adapt…….GROW UP and SMARTEN UP!!!!!!…Snowpocalypse??….Quit making up RIDICULOUS words, throwing them against the wall to see if it will stick……..Grow a pair
I moved to Ky. about 20 yrs. ago and mover to the country. The first year here we had a ruff winter as winters go. for Ky. Being also from the Sierras many years ago I was somewhat prepared, Had a generator with food and water back up. After about two days, it was necessary to take the generator that I was using for water and heat to my neighbors so they could get water from there wells and heat their homes, I asked them why they were not prepared for such an event and I was informed that it does not happen often. Wow what hindsight. Most of my neighbors still do not have the means to provide for them selves in a time of need.
Maybe we should hold a global warming rally to tell everyone how carbon dioxide is causing the earth to warm and to destroy all the world’s ice formations. Why wait for summer to warn people about global warming.
Did you ever hear of weather people getting anything right
They are growing in confidence? LMAO
Absolutely good and true posts
Serves the Easterners right ! They all consistently vote for Democrat and RINO bums with all their corruption and crap they’ve brought upon this country. This winter will be God’s wrath upon them. Their liberalism is catching up with them. I’m from the West and the oncoming storm for the East is routine in Rocky Mountain country, especially my home state of Wyoming. When a winter blizzard hits the Rockies it’s no big deal to the media. But let it hit the sacrosanct all holy East, home of His Majesty Obama and it’s a cause for panic plus another of his speeches about Global Warming a.k.a. “climate change”. It goes on and on ad nauseam. Watch, when the summer arrives with higher than normal temps, then the media and whiners will start talking squawking about “Global Cooling”. What? Obama in his SOTU speech with his expected rant about guns, squawked about “climate change” instead and the best part is, appointing Joe Biden to be Commander in Chief of curing cancer. Well, ol’, Joe Blow by the end of his term as veep will accomplish nothing as he has always done in his tenure of Senator. It’s not easy living life in these United States with clowns for political leaders. So, who’s the blame? The people, of course, for buying into “hopey changey” just like they did fighting over Cabbage Patch dolls and Pet Rocks. Meanwhile it’s been stormy and gloomy here in Las Vegas now giving away to sunshine and warming up while our Eastern brethren freeze their butts off and going along with their Dear Leader and his war on coal to heat their homes. Maybe Debbie Wasserman “Medusa” Slutz will arrive with the cure for the common cold next.
Obongoloid is incapable of accomplishing anything but destruction of our country. If the clowns in DC quit spraying our skies with their toxic chemicals there wouldn’t be crazy unnatural weather anywhere.
But you must remember , you can’t argue with idiots and politicians or you become on the same level they live on. Idiots don’t understand the truth, politicians don’t have an understanding of what truth is. If you don’t believe me look at who resides in the white house. (Otherwise known as pathological liars.)
I’m from central Pa. And I could not agree with you more!
Thank you, I really did laugh out load at the ridiculous comment you left. You should be onstage or locked away. I truly hope that was tongue in check because if you believe that you are certifiable. God doesn’t like us so he brings us snow. Have you ever really read the New Testament? Guess what, Jesus was a Socialist not a Republican.
the lord said that they look to the sky and say it be fair an a good day. but can’t discern the Sign Of the Time Jesus is Coming Soon Amen.
Right On!!!
We get that much every day by the handsom lake.
Show me a liberal and I’ll show you an idiot. Why? You ask why, because the majority are going to vote communistic. And not one of them knows what communism is. That being said, how can you trust a person that stupid?
We’ve been snowed under for 7 years so I look forward to a little “White Relief”
Did you know that the manufactured number “97%” of scientists believe in global warming and it being caused by carbon dioxide yet 38,000 have signed on to believing that we are heading for the biggest cooling period in over 200 years.
Oh well! We don’t have government employees or university grantees of government taxes or grantees from our most liberal foundations to count I our side.
Let’s see!!
If 38,000 is 3% they must have 1
He,s your leader too eddie G,like it or not.This downeaster didn,t vote for him either.
Actually, Eddie, President Obama has done a pretty good job given the hostility of many who are too blind and foolish to make rational decisions. Next time you post, don’t forget to blame earthquakes, methane from gas wells. Medflies, spiraling population problems and tidal waves on him too. Keep warm.
All I have to say is I definitely believe in God ! However, Im not sure whether i would rather freeze to death or be fried lol! One thing I do know is that right now I sure do pity the mail man !!!!! lol!
Yes, I wrote an approximately 3-4 paragraph last week about the sotu and it disappeared off my screen but never appeared in your columns. Can you tell me what happened to it?