The mainstream media’s libelous attacks against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump have become so fierce, even his family is getting dragged into the mix.
Recently, a magazine article accusing Trump of sexual assaulting one of it’s reporters also dragged wife Melania Trump into their story — and Melania has had enough.
Now, Melania is threatening to sue the magazine for involving her in their allegations against her husband.
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Blue lives matter in America — but Hillary Clinton and her only “Black Lives Matter” liberal friends have turned their backs, insulting the men and women in blue who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve our communities.
That is why we must elect Donald Trump president, and why we’re supporting Great America PAC.
He’s the only candidate for President who understands the only way we can make America safe again is a recommitment to a system of justice in which no government official, no private citizen, and no elected official (ESPECIALLY Hillary Clinton) can be above the law.
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Lawyers for Melania demanded Thursday that People magazine retract and apologize for a story in which one of its writers, Natasha Stoynoff, describes being assaulted by Trump at their Florida home, Mar-a-Lago, in 2005. Stoynoff wrote that she had arrived to interview the couple for a story, and that when Melania Trump left the room, her husband pushed Stoynoff against a wall and assaulted her.
The story goes on to say that Stoynoff and Melania later ran into each other in New York and had a conversation. Lawyers for the Republican nominee’s wife, Charles Harder, disputed that she and the reporter ever ran into each other, citing the following lines from the story:
That winter, I actually bumped into Melania on Fifth Avenue, in front of Trump Tower as she walked into the building, carrying baby Barron.
“Natasha, why don’t we see you anymore?” she asked, giving me a hug.
I was quiet and smiled, telling her I’d missed her, and I squeezed little Barron’s foot. I couldn’t discern what she knew. Did she really not guess why I hadn’t been around?
“The two are not friends and were never friends or even friendly,” Harder’s letter stated, and demanded that People retract their false statements.
People has refused. Soon, it may be up to the courts to decide.
Do you think the mainstream media’s attack against Melania Trump has gone too far? Comment below.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
sagatel says
On October 19,1989 at around 9p.m. Hillary Clinton sexually assaulted my beloved horse Benito. I was enraged by this incident and told this sad story to all my family members and most of my friends. Recent political events brought those nightmarish memories back and presently I am trying to hire a great lawyer Gloria A. to represent my dearly departed horse in a court of law. I am also trying to sell-share my story to People magazine, NYT, WP, HP, I also called CNA and asked to be interviewed by Anderson Cooper or that Lemon guy. Cooper declined to interview me on the grounds that Hillary C. is not a zoophile , she is lesbian. I am convinced that if God forbid, that nasty woman gets elected, we are going to have first zoophile president in the White House.
Dawg# says
lolololol, Not only that but Obama groped Chris Matthews and sent a thrill up his leg…… Remember that?
Donna Slivka says
YES, I remember both those stories !
Sharon says
Did you all seen the video of Obama on the pkabe talking on the phone while cameras on him and you can see at his pants he was getting a hard one. Look like a cucumber.
Barbara Harris says
Yes, I have seen that and many others where he proudly shows off his “erection”. He is so very disgusting…I hate when his face pops up on my screen because just looking at that face makes me ill!!!
Alle says
Ariane says
Onama is gross and his wife as Mike Pence says is vulgar and a fraud. That last teary speech about sexual assault is so hypocritical. They are so afraid of Trump LOL
Jeanette says
The only “cucumber” photo I’ve seen is of Michelle unwisely dressed in knit fabric on a breezy day!
Virginia Welch says
I saw the Nobama video showing his hard on to the women on his plane. They recorded it and laughed at him.
Lloyd says
I never seen it! Idiot!
He also groped O’Rielly on his show by the leg squeezing ploy. That must be why O’Rielly gave him a pass for the first 7 years. What a gay, er guy.
GO TRUMP 2016!!!
Derek says
That’s right LOL
Tom says
Remember how Chris Matthews told his fellow news mate how he wanted to do Melania caught on a hot mic ? The heavy breathing was disgusting.
Helen Higgason says
Good gracious, stop the silly nonsence,,for god sake!!!!!!!
Jim says
Helen – Please be respectful, stop using the name of our Lord in vain, and do capitalize God when referencing Him. Thank youl
Mary says
Thanks for reminding them of a few musts.
Roseanna Martin says
Woman you are of a foul mind using the Lord’s name in vain , stuff something in your pie hole please ….
Tina Kemp says
Insane Clown Posse= DT
Edward Camay says
Obama won because he got the 15% of Afro american voters and 80 % of 16% Latino voters. That is about 25% of the needed 31% he needs to win (only 62% voted in that election). Obama got the Latino votes because he promised to legalize all ilegal aliens (majority of which are latinos, no offense intended). Now Hillary is pulling the same trick. She wants to increase the Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US in order to get the Middle eastern immigrants in addition to the african american and latino votes! Look at what happen to France (terrorist in their immigrant population)
michael says
I am surprised that people have not started attacking the media outlets , oh that’s right conservatives follow the law unlike liberals who join the weather under ground , blow Shit up and then hang with president of the US.
petie says
That is so funny. You should send it to the Natasha person who claims this happened. Way too funny!
ken says
Our media no longer worth listening to. It is as crooked as Hillary and her gang.
Jason Silverman says
I agree. Everybody just dump the main stream media and their liberal agenda. Get your news from the internet and other sources. Boycut everything that has to do with liberalism and start now. Vote for the Trump/Pence ticket and all Republicans that support Trump. Any Republicans that does not support Trump, then vote them out because they were Democrats hiding in the Republican party all along.
Judy says
I agree completely. Hillary and Obama are the reason we are in the mess we’re in.
Derek says
Of course along with crooked Hillary
Deb says
Joseph Muzzillo says
I agree all the way do not read the times or watch channel 4 or CNN
the Media wants to destroy trump….At all cost’s , Soros, Arabic Government all gave money to Clinton she is a Dirt Bag
Michael B says
Trump is doing a pretty good jog of destroying Trump himself.
RD says
It looks as if the media is starting to back-off of Trump a bit, giving him more his due. All their plans haven’t worked against him and he is still strong in the polls. If Donald get’s in, as president, there will be a lot of media grovelling. The media are the ones who are trying to manipulate the election; not the Russians.
WeiK says
I already do not watch any of those cannels. Shut them down!!!
linda s says
Once in the White House HBC winked at me twice. Is she gay or what?
joe says
I agree, Gave up Cnn and their twisted words. internet
go on info wars you tube
Derek says
We should all watch fox. They are the truth tellers and champion for great news
Michael B says
True, but I wouldn’t miss Hannity.
Rick says
What Fox has going for it is that they air BOTH sides of an issue… EQUALLY….. not just one, like the Clinton News Network and their affiliates do.
RD says
My wife and I watch CNN with our morning coffee. Fox mostly covers the weather and highway conditions at that time. CNN does bring on a couple of Trump supporters but largely minimizes their comments. We do get a kick out of Jeffrey Lord though. He has a lot of Regan stories.
Sandra says
That is true and never found them to tell false information, if one or two words were even off key,, they mention it and correct it. Have the highest ratings and keep you fully informed. CNN or MSN distort things, and I stopped watching Chris Mattison years back when I found out alot were lies.anyway, the ratings on others aren’t good. FOX World news gives all true facts.
debdell says
The biggest problem with the media is that they paraphrase the facts in such a way as to create a false story. If you go to the huffingtonpost website you won’t believe the lies and propaganda they bury their readers with. Those that comment are so brain washed it is disgusting. I go there to comment and post links to the facts about Hillaroid. Just maybe one of those dem zombies will follow a link out of curiosity and see the truth. You should all be doing the same thing to help these poor idiots see the truth.
Here is a sample of what I post there:
Did the Clintons kill your relative? Watch this and your jaw will drop.
Joyce Sheppard says
I’m sorry, but there are only a few left on Fox anymore who are not Trump Bashers. I don’t know why Juan Williams is there he makes me sick. He is delusional. And Jeraldo Rivera, claims to be Donald’s friend and then knocks him every chance he gets. Megan Kelly and Stirewalt make me sick. Miss Greta. Judge Jeanine and Hannity are both good. Still angry what they did to Andrea Tantaros .
Ariane says
Megyn Kelly is for Hillary and she hates Trump
Dana Perino started beating on Trump she is a Bush fan. So no Fox is not even helping Trump
Except Sean Hannity and judge Jeanine
Jerry Hutchins says
If you want to watch what Fox use to be like….locate “One America News Network” and I assure you will be pleased. They report the facts and no show business involved. I remember liking the same thing with Fox. Unfortunately, I see them being more and more like the MSM.
Just look at Megan Kelly and Shepherd Smith and tell me they are not biased against Trump.
Robert K Massie says
Fox is the worst of them all!
WeiK says
So right! If anyone other than the Democrats and liberals wants to run for President in this country will be “killed” by the mainstream media. It reached the point that they don’t even pretend to be honest and fair! They are 100% controlled by the D. We, the people need to take actions to destroy the media network!!!! Boycott them, burn them down!!!
Eleanor says
yea your right and as far as fox we will not listen to MEDAN KELLY tho but listen to the others
merle dickey says
There is a new news site called OAN One america news and I find they have news from all around the world plus a lot of election coverage . i feel they may lean a little right but they tell us more than any of the others . Obama doesn’t like them .
And we need to get rid of the electorate college vote . it was put in place when communication was so far apart . If she wins those state even tho Trump would win the popular vote she will get in . And our lives are going to change and not for the good !!! Please , everyone vote especially in the states with high electoral voters .
debdell says
The first thing dictators do is take over the media. Our corrupt establishment of organized crime that includes the Bushes and Clintons took over the media decades ago. Like you stated – the media can’t be prosecuted for their lies and corruption, so it is in your face now – and so obvious. People who don’t live in a corrupt manner are sick of it. When you can’t trust the media to tell the truth then they are just a propaganda arm of whoever is running the country – right now the corrupt globalists. Sadly, a large section of Americans are not smart enough to realize they are being lied to and manipulated. The 2 conservative sites that seem to be the most honest are “the horn news” and “dennis michael lynch”. The media has embeded so many lies about Trump into the minds of the weak minded that it will be hard for them to accept the truth. That is the power of the media and why dictators take over the media immediately. If Trump can get elected he needs to have the law changed, so the media are accountable for what they print and I hope Trump sues Gloria A. for her obvious hit piece on Trump with no evidence and I would like to see how many millions the DNC paid her to do her corrupt action.
Karon Spear says
We watch OAN too – really fair and balanced. We also watch Neil Cavuto – Fox Business and Fox News – love his wit, and Lou Dobbs – Fox Business. Lou has gone off the rails a little lately because he is as frustrated as we are that lying, crooked Hillary will be elected, with the media’s help, of course.
Fox News is on its way down. Megan Kelly makes me sick with that look of, ” I am so smart and THE biggest star of Fox News, and I know you are hanging on my every word.” Really! I still love Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld – two crazy guys, and don’t forget Outnumbered! I especially love Harris Faulkner. I used to watch The Five, but Juan seems to think it is his show and interrupts everyone all the time.
Ok folks, I know I’m getting a little long winded, but if nothing else, PLEASE, PLEASE think about the Supreme Court, and what kind of Justices will be appointed by Hillary!
Ariane says
At first I would listen to them to see what the enemy was saying now it is too painful I go on the Internet and twitter. Sometimes I watch Fox in my car. I boycott Starbucks bought myself a Nesspresso machine and I save money. Do not read Newspaper all it is is bad news and then it kills trees ( good excuse) no I do not buy the slimmy New York times own by Mexican Carlos Slim and guess what I will not go see movies produced or with Robert De niro in it and all that Hollywood elite that trashed Trump but give awards to pedophiles Polanski and Woody Allen
The Hell with Hollywood
I will make my own movies !
Marlene says
So very true!
commonsenseperson says
Also, stop supporting Hollywood and those brain-dead actors.
Florence says
My son Jerry and I like the way you think
Shelly Minkley says
I am so sick about all this negative crap. Enough already! My mother used to say if you can’t say any thing nice, say don’t nothing at all ! I know this is politics but this is going to far ! I mean that for both sides. No one is perfect especially those two! Get on with the problems and issues of our country. I am to the point that the other candidates are looking good!
deerflyguy says
I’m absolutely in agreement that our media is not to be trusted to tell us the truth anymore! They never will be again, in my lifetime! In fact, I use their narratives as reverse barometers of the truth! Whatever they say, I believe just the opposite!
Pat Manchack says
I ageree100%.
Irene says
I am writing this from Britain, we are very interested in what’s going on in your election. We have exactly the same problems as you. The media just cannot be trusted. One comment I would like to make is that these women that Trump is supposed to have attacked must have been suffering from amnesia all these years and suddenly just before the election they have remembered, as if a light bulb has gone on in their collective heads. No one can be trusted to tell the truth. Good luck with finding the right person for President, but I won’t hold my breath. Minnie Mouse.
WeiK says
I have no doubt that those women are paid for doing this. Where were they in the primary? Where were they even last month? Totally BS!
shopdrop says
Yes I wonder amnesia? If the incident happened as they say, then why was it not something to bring out in the open then, shame? embarrassment? or at the time was it flattering for them and choose not to talk. Then years later they come out with this stuff and act like it was so terrible, Wasn’t it terrible back then? Makes no sense except the money Hillary ‘s campaign offered them made it worth it somehow. Not believable at all.
Cliff says
The “light bulb” that went on in their heads was the thought of a LARGE payout (bribe) first from The DNC to tell this “story” (even though there were no ‘witnesses”) then try to get TRUMP to “pay” too. I have a feeling that if these **tches keep this up, they WILL find themselves in court, and Trump’s attorneys will send them packing.
This is an “old” tactic that has been tried over and over again by the SCUMOCRATS when things start to go bad for them and they need to “take the heat off” their “candidate.
See below.
Interesting read! Wonder how many people are aware. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library – RE: H Clinton
Apparently, the FBI forgot to visit the Cornell Law Library. Word for word from the
Cornell Law Library Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office. Very specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here’s what it says:
“(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
Yes, it explicitly states “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Shouldn’t voters know that? The media won’t tell them. So it’s up to us.
debdell says
A lot of money is what turned on the light bulb in their heads. These women have been proven to be liars. Judge Jeanine has known Trump for 25 years and she said he never saw him inappropriate with women. Your country like most others are now ruled by organized crime headed by the globalists – international bankers, etc. I congratulate you guys for exiting the EU. They are trying to form the NAU here and Trump will stop that with the closed borders, so they want to bury him.
Dictators always take over the media, so you will see that the globalists have taken over the media in every country. If we don’t protect the internet from those scumbags we will lose that and we would not be communicating like this. The spread of Islam is intentional to create chaos around the world. It is part of the plan of the globalists to keep the people busy fighting each other and not uniting against the globalists. There is a big test happening in America. If the corrupt globalists can get Hillary into the presidents seat then the world is fked. She is so criminal in every way – that has been shown and proven – that they will be able to get criminals in top positions all over the globe – where they don’t already. Check this out-
Get to know your Candidate – Hillary – Clinton’s Life Full Documentary: MURDER, Scandals, Corruption And Lies Exposed!
Jeanette says
The British are some of my favorite people! Nice to see you here!
And I agree with others’ comments; the women were paid to trump up stories against Trump.
Jeanette says
Even if the media miraculously became honest overnight, we have been exposed to so many decades of their lying that we would have to check everything they say, just to be sure it wasn’t more lies.
Derek says
I only watch fox honest channels
Sandra says
Yes, and Fox WOrld gives it all. Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Bret Hume
ken semovoski says
Right oat and Megan Kelly gotta go……………..Not a TRUMP supporter.
roy says
What are you talking about it Hillary Clinton is the news media ..I saw an article on the internet not more than a month ago and it said clearly that the Obama Administration as well as the Democrat Party often directed news media’s like CNN and others to write stories that were more positive of Obama administration as well as a Democrat Party. The news reporter who published that article said that and White House Obama’s administration and the Democrat Party often paid them large sums of money to rewrite stories in a more positive light There was a lady reporter who they fired because she would not change her story about I believe it was on Iraq she wrote a true story about what was going on in Iraq and the people running the CNN show reviewed her her story before she told it on the news station and they insisted that she change and rewrite a more positive type story. The news media that we know is not the news media that was..the news media we know is nothing but a spray can of dirty white paint used to wash over the real truth. there people have become some of the worst mud throwing piece of crap that I wouldn’t let my dog sit and watch it. These 16 women are nothing but a bunch of fabrications in their own mind. looking for their 15 minutes of camera time. anybody who wait 30 years until 15 days before the election and mudslinging like these news people are doing is not interested in any truths that for sure. we know whose side they’re on don’t we. . As far as I’m concerned America needs to turn off the television whenever a new station comes on because you know all you’re going to hear is lies lies lies I have never seen anything like this political election. Donald Trump has to win and Americans to stand by him and don’t pay no tention to 16 lying women who I bet you every one of them are going to vote for Hillary Clinton and there’s no telling who talked them into coming forward and doing what they are doing. reminds me of a just a bunch of women looking for 15 minutes to Glory and getting cameras on them like someone said no evidence, no police report, not even a complaint filed, with anyone for 30 years. I consider it to be a laughable as concept of what they have done and if I was elected for president and I got in that office , believe me I would remember it too. and I bet he should too.
Jeanette says
Sounds like the TaxVictims of America have been keeping otherwise failing media outlets alive with the big payments for rewriting articles on Obama & Co. Another redistribution of the wealth of middle class America to an Obama Project.
But if you think it’s bad now, wait until the Muslims own the U.S. news media!
Kenneth Stelter says
The Establishment is the master of all those Puppets, Last April I posted “watch as the Liberal Elite Establishment as the control starts to slip from their grip they will spend billions to stop Trump and call up all the Puppets to do what ever it takes”. They have milked of “Cash Cow” for the last 28 year and do not intend to give it up until they have milked it dry.
Beverly Skinner says
What people need to do is BOYCOTT them!! Don’t buy the products that they advertise!!! When they GO UNDER, they will START to “GET IT”!!!
Betty Petrequin says
Helene says
Love it!
deerflyguy says
I’m so glad that you brought this out into public knowledge before the election! I’d much rather have a POTUS that is attracted to the opposite sex than one who isn’t sure of what sexual persuasion she is affiliated? Of course, devil woman that she is, her mother could have mated with a goat, and that could explain why Hillary has those horns?
Donna Slivka says
EXACTLY RIGHT, I do believe.
Dave says
Didn’t Yoko Ono she got her groove with Hillary back in the 80’s
Derek says
Yes horse!!!!
Carol Walker says
Love it!
Marc Goldstone says
Very funny… But on a serious note Melania has done a wonderful job by finishing Donald’s rough edges. She has made him a better man. Can’t wait for First Lady Melania Trump!
Elaine Morris says
She IS a real “Lady.” She is feminine and smart. She has a polished quality about her.
She also seems to have a depth about here that I sincerely appreciate.
rich says
Also, she is a whore . Didn’t the a hole trump say on tape he grabbed women’s pus sys?
You are all a holes and morons if you want a hole trump as pres.ray
Martin says
You have swallowed Hillary’s crap hook, line and sinker!
Communists (formerly Democrats) have nowhere to go except into the gutter and below by attacking the family of a person running for President. They can’t run on their record because it is completely negative. There has been no progress in the United States since Obama became President(?) except downward.
This whole line of attack is despicable and should be rejected by anyone who has any modicum of intelligence. Attacking the candidate is one thing but attacking his or her family is outside of courtesy.
Of course, Communists don’t understand that!
Derek says
Melania is drop dead pretty with grace and not looking like an African animal
Carol Walker says
You are trash and can’t even spell, so ignorant as well…crawl back in the “hole” you came out of, as no one cares what you say or think
Bobbie says
Your a moron and a huge part of the problem of you think a for that like Hillary isany way shape or form good for anything much less as president of the U. S. Wake the he’ll up before it is too Damn late.
Rick says
Your IQ and your highly advanced education is showing. You win. It’s tough to compete with a man who has two brains…. one the size of a pea plus a little teenie one.
2014 says
What is hillary clinton
Pat says
YOU’RE THE BIGGEST A-HOLE IF YOU WANT CROOKED, MURDERER, THIEF, LIAR Hillary and her hand picked cronies to run your life and ours. You have to be a first class idiot or just plain insane.
Pat says
Hillary has 2 brains. One’s lost and the other one’s out looking for it.
merle dickey says
Typical hate filled liberal
Sandra says
AMEN..AMEN…AMEN AND like someone already mentioned this election is rigged so again, I pray for a miracle like someone getting Hillary convicted and out of the way before Nov.8th.
Believe me, Obama has alot to do with having that slowed down and delayed cause he wants the Democratic party to live on and the Republican Party to die. I have been following research since before Obama’s election. Over eight years. If more people would at least do some reading of true facts cause the MEDIA won’t tell, more people would see the light. Lots of people just like Hillary and that is all that matters to them. No facts, no following up just vote. It happened with The BIG O and it is going to happen again cause it is rigged for the second time. BUT DON’T GIVE UP OR NOT VOTE AT ALL, that will help Hillary. It is VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO SUPPORT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, more than ever.
Patsy Martin says
Rich, if you have not know the Clinton’s as long as I have, which is a long time, and you do not know the truth when you hear it or read it, if by chabnce you accidently find someone to write the truth that is, then you need to sit down an be quiet. If you wish to vote for Johnson or Stien th atuik is your business, although Johnson is not too quik on things, but as for Hitlary, well, let me say this, Trump may be an a hole as you say Melania could be a whore as you said, she is a Hollywood personality, but the one thing neither of them are is a murderer or a traitor or a pedaphile. I’ll take an a hole and a whore over those any day of the year.
SW says
If you slept with more than 1 woman, you are too.
Jenny says
Politics is a dirty business, but, to fabricate all of these lies and pay women to affirm stories that supposedly happened decades ago is sick. This morning I am hearing that #9 has come forward and so far out of these 9 there has been witnesses/discrepancies in at least 4 of the stories. All that needs to be done is the potential rumor and and it takes the emphasis off of Hillary and her lies and wikileak reports. I really feel sorry for Melania as she is a class act and does not deserve this. She would make a wonderful first lady.
What kind of a message is this nation sending to our children that we can do or say and lie under oath but still win the top job as our Commander in Chief and President of the United States.
We all need to vote TRUMP/PENCE and show them we do not fall for their crooked tricks.
RD says
Jenny-The race at this moment is for the independent (especially the millennial) vote and those voting at the advanced polls. The lies do not matter after the votes are counted. Only the media will have to face that tune.
Sandra says
My deepest concern is back when Romney ran, he actually won, however because of the Electoral Votes he lost. So, in saying that Trump does have alot of supporters, he was doing great and the liberals as it shows want him out.What will happen I don’t know but PRAY for
a real miracle OR this country is GONE in every aspect. Our lives won’t be any safer than they are now. Regretfully to see this happening ……….a true Trump supporter.
rich says
rich says
Wanda leonard says
Then why in the world would she screw TRUMP I don’t care if trump had all the money in the world I would never screw that ugly ass creep,,,,,,,,Go Hillary
NJ says
I second that motion. She’s a class act for sure. And the Trump kids are winners too. By the way, so is Donald. He’s the right guy for the times — Vote Trump! I am.
Helga H. Schuessler says
I too
Rick says
Trump has led a life that we can’t relate to. People prostrate themselves to money and power. Trump has had both for literally all his life. He’s not acclimated to kissing anyone’s butt because he’s never had to and never will have to. He’s a proven leader… a SUCCESSFUL leader and THAT is what this country needs RIGHT DAMNED NOW…. NOT A PROVEN AND ACKNOWLEDGED CRIMINAL WHO MAY WELL BE GUILTY OF MURDER.
Democrats rely on their dependent class Sheeple to ignore their criminal activities as long as they keep getting FREE housing, FREE food stamps, FREE Obama-phones, FREE abortions on demand… FREE, FREE, FREE GIMMES.
WITH A TWENTY TRILLION DOLLAR NATIONAL DEBT, THE FREE WELL IS ABOUT DRY. What happens when the FREE stuff stops coming and the only guys with guns are the gangsters in Government??
WeiK says
Rick: You have it right! Those days are ahead. Hillary promises to TAX THE RICH and GIVE IT TO THE POOR. The reality will be: the rich will find their ways to avoid that, or they will leave! Who will be the next? We! Hard working middle class. It is a downward path that many countries had been on it and went straight to the hell!!! That is the path Obama wants, Hillary will continue!
rich says
The trump children are as big an idiot as their father!
Pat says
Keep it clean, dude. The Trump children aren’t running for anything. How would you like someone to bad mouth your children?
Marilyn says
Rich: What causes you to reach this conclusion about his children? They seem to be responsble, law abiding and successful adults.
Joe H. says
Get a life, you are the idiot.
Jeanette says
But Trump’s daughters never had to worry about Muslim female mutilation, because he would never support such butchery.
But Hillary … now that’s an entirely different story, isn’t it? She supports Muslims unconditionally (that means no matter what they do, for those in Rio Lindo), and that means that she supports their common cult ritual of mutilating girls and women.
I’m not supporting ANYONE who supports mutilation of girls and women, no matter how loudly that candidate insists that she REALLY cares about girls and women (right!).
So go find a website where there are stupid commenters; people here are onto you and Hillary, and the Clinton Mafia.
SW says
You know them personally?
Derek says
Left so envy her Especially her classyness beauty and grace. Not like the horse we have now in the white house
rich says
merle dickey says
2 sentences and your the moron . But what can be expected from a hate filled liberal We need to work together to get this country straightened out and work is the word . No more freebies unless you are mentally or physically handicapped . This having one kid after another just so you can get more government assistance is over !!
Natasha Myers says
This guy is a troll …. don’t waste your time, he can not think for himself he just does what he is told to collect his paycheck. When his usefulness is gone, they will discard him without a second glance.
Ladd says
A tranny is NOT comnparable to a real woman anyway. Michael and Barry haveNO class at all.
Jeanette says
Very good point!
Patti says
Love it!!!!
Phyllis says
Melania appears to be a very nice lady which is far from what we have now as first lady. I would never vote for people who were lawyers and lost their licenses for malfeasance of any sort.
Wanda leonard says
She has no glass for being with THE DUMP she married TRUMP for his money and to get a green card!!!!!!!
Elaine Morris says
My first thought was: “Clinton did this.”
Guess what, Clinton did do it!
Hillary Clinton’s communication’s director, Jennifer Palmieri, said in a statement the latest run of allegations “sadly fits everything we know about the way Donald Trump has treated women.”
Suzanna says
Grabbing for anything is that the way I look like! Yes three weeks before election and coming forward with lies and media promoting it is shameful! I am a woman and will not have my intelligence insulted, women can think for theirselves! All the Hillary camp and media is doing is making people mad and they will vote because no one controls the American people! Attacking a classy lady like melania she strikes me someone with a big heart! Donald trump does not do it the political way! Why because the American people are tired of being told what the government will do and don’t do it! The middle class is suffering and like someone telling it bluntly even if it’s not what is sugar coated or not what some people believe in at least he is standing up by hisself against whoever and has the backbone personally I don’t see how he is keeping his composure with his party, media, Hillary campaign! Remember senators and representatives can be voted out! Media need ratings, papers and magazines sold, and skeletons in closet everyone has! Both Hillary and bill have been in spotlight over women or emails issues basically trust issues for me! This election has been a all out war on trump and even melania! I might not agree with everything said but I think he can sit down and work with other politicians! But I for one have my views and a last minute smear campaign shows Donald trump is no quitter! The world has respect for a leader who will fight for their country! Unfortunately I don’t see world leaders being afraid of a woman president and I’m a woman!
2014 says
What is hillary clinton
If you want to know more about hollary clinton watch the video about hillary america you will see the true side of her and Dem. Party
Jeanette says
That’s Dinesh D’Souza’s latest film, “Hillary’s America.”
I especially liked the scene in which he was interviewing his fellow prisoners, asking them what they were in for (rape, murder, bank robbing, assault – mostly big, hard-looking guys with tatoos).
One of these fellow prisoners asked what D’Souza was in for, and he answered that he was there because he gave too much money to a political candidate. The tough burst out laughing!
Rick says
Hillary the Hypocrite. …. Her campaign slogan should be, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with B.S.”
WeiK says
Rich: Hillary is not even elected. We already can “smell” her shit. She will run the government in secrecy, rumors and gossipy everyday, corrupted officials at every level, anyone who dare to challenge her policy or tell the truth will just disappear. Why we never heard mainstream media talked about the death of DNC’s staffer who leaked email to WikiLeaks and brought down the DNC chairwoman? Because he was murdered by Hillary!!! These are the days we will be living in if H is in the White House ( It will be a haunted house by then!).
Sandra says
I also asked the question about the DNC staffer…….Funny how that got dropped immediately.
I am with you, (fishy huh?) and that will not be the last of those kinds of things if someone speaks our of turn. The media has already been threatened by Hillary that if they don’t do as she says their fired. Sounds typical of her Correct???
Jeanette says
But Rich LIKES everything you just said!
William says
Yes to damn far Trump needs to censer the magazine and possibly sue for name discrimantin.
Sharon says
Yes you can tell all these stories are false. If they were true given Donald’s money they would have cone out years ago. Now decades later. Hillary’s pay off! Just like Larry Nichols who worked for the Clinton’s back in Arkansas days and his presidency he said the Clinton’s accuse their opponent if crimes they committed. Look up Larry Nichols on you tube. Just like they are trying to Tue trump to Russia wgenits obvious that Hillary gas ties to Russia including podestra Hillarys campaign advisor. Hell even joe bidens son works for a oil company in Russia. These idiots are pathic!!
NJ says
You’re right. Didn’t know about the Biden’s son connection, but they’re all so crooked, its amazing we’ve managed to survive as a country. They’ve been selling us out right and left. I wondered why we’re in such pathetic shape, what with Obama putting out the word, all over the world, that he will give you food, shelter and hospitalization — if you’ll just come to America and Vote. Hell, he’ll have you picked you up at the Border if need be — just come to America and VOTE! He’ll give you food, shelter, hospitalization, just come to America.
No matter how many votes Trump gets, I am very worried that the Democrats are going to steal the election. Why else are they bringing in thousands and thousands of people from as far away as Columbia. The only way we will survive is to elect Trump! Let’s all get out and vote………………….
LJT says
You said it! Donald has to win against the lies if Clinton, the media and rigged polls. Lets all
get out there and vote TRUMP/PENCE!!!!
WeiK says
NJ: The Democrats had cooked up this plan long time ago! Only now it starts to show the results. Their ideology and policy will not stand a chance to win Americans’ heart and support. How can they win? (1) control media propaganda, (2) increase the population of poor, (3) flood country with illegals who will vote for them! On this path, no opposition party ( any party) will have a chance to win unless we do something to change this. One and crucial step is VOTER ID LAW!!! Absolutely necessary! But, there are many liberal judges overturned this Law in some states. It is a long road ahead!!!
Constitutionalist says
One way you can help is by visiting http://www.stopthesteal (dot) org. If you wish to volunteer, you can email stopthesteal(at), too.
WeiK says
Sharon: Well said! These women are paid well for doing this! Shins lights on how Hillary will run this country!!! Lawless gossip land!
Catherine Amundson says
I cancelled my subscription to People Magazine 2 days ago. If only more would do the same, People might fire that reporter!
Maxx says
How odd? When I was on a security duty detail in Libya in 2011 and Hillary and her entourage arrived with Brian Williams in tow without even a single enemy round being fired Hillary came up and hugged me and put her hand on my crotch and kissed me asking “can you please take care of me because Brian refused on the flight”? I told all my buddies and they all laughed and it was all I could do to keep from vomiting. Maybe I should get in touch with the media and Gloria Allred. They can’t prove it didn’t happen, so what do I have to lose?
Sharon says
Maxx you crack me up!! Lol!!
Chris says
Go for it Maxx! It’s a pity the horse from an earlier post is dead and couldn’t have given evidence anyway. Perhaps the judge may have asked the horse if he found Hillary attractive he could have answered ‘Neigh!’ Sorry about that!
NJ says
You’re right Maxx. And funny too. My husband’s a veteran. Semper Fi………………. for Trump. He’s a patriot, which is not a way to describe Obama/Clinton. Trump has been willing to give up much of his business for the moment, and his personal life. His wife and kids deserve better. I hope we will able to push him over the finish line, despite the cheating. I’d like to know how they know that the Electoral College plans to give their vote to Hillary. I thought they had to wait til Election Day to do so — but she seems to have most of their votes to begin with. When this over, and Trump is hopefully President, we will all have to push the country to stop the cheating. Every voter should have to present a picture I.D. that can be validated. Its been said for many years, but nobody ever does it. The Democrat and Republican parties like it the way it is. God forbid we should elect a “commoner.”
If Trump wins, the GOP that asked Billy Bush, old George Bushes nephew, to turn over his tape of Donald Trump talking about stuff that many guys, and some girls, talk about when they think they’re off-camera speaking to a friend. Billy Bush turned out to be more concerned about the “Stop Trump, and Never Trump group than he has admitted to – probably because he’s a Bush, and the family hates Trump. Even more so, since they had planned to put Jeb Bush in the White House. We now know that Republicans.(led by George H.W. and others, are responsible for the release of the tape. Trump clearly thought he was talking to a guy — and fellow show biz friend. Or something. He definitely didn’t know he was being recorded. Billy Bush should be fired. Along with Paul Ryan and the Never Trump group. We need to take back our country. The Brits did. We can do it too.
Carol Walker says
Please do!
Pat says
You go ,Max. Get more of the truth out about nasty Hillary.
F. C. Hilnbrand says
Max we ALL know that could not and would not happen as she is into WOMEN and you are not one. Well I should say you name makes me think you are a man. So if the name you use is shortened and really Maxine I might think it could work. But she has the woman with black hair that has been with her for years and is her attorney so you know THEY are very CLOSE with one another. So I do not think you have a chance in hell trying to prove this in a couort of law. And remember Hillary IS above the LAW!!
I know you were being funny and so am I so don’t get upset.
Ladd says
Yes, she LOVES her Muslim Brotherhood controller, Huma Abedin. That is why she wants to bring in the Muslim armies as “refugees”. That is what we have to look forward to if she manages to take the position with all of her fraud. She had NO accomplishments that worked out, all she HAS is fraud.
WeiK says
Max: Good story! Well told. We need more of those. Haaaa!
Jeanette says
Works for me!!!
But, careful, you might die under mysterious circumstances, circumstances which would never be investigated.
Patti says
Max you are right on!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!
Laurie says
Do we really want our elections won or lost this way! The Clintons can suck the decency out ofeverything they touch better than anyone! They have no class, no integrity, and no honor! Is this the way our children should be raised? Win or lose, honor comes first!
dawn says
How does one assault a horse?Clinton did this for sure?
Haroldugene says
Horsey style
Seslaprime says
Lol, Nice. totally what they are doing.
NJ says
I love your satirical sense of humor and your insight. Great way of making the point. If we are all lucky enough to have Trump in the White House, Melania will make a fabulous first lady. She’s had to take it on the chin, along with her husband. No wonder so few good people run for President. The Elites take care of things — “ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.” God forbid, the people should choose.
Diane says
I’m certain old Gloria would defend your beloved Benito! She was last seen chasing a fast ambulance in L.A.
kipkowalewski says
Here! Here! Too poor Senior Benito!!
Joyce says
Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress. Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical. Only Hillary Clinton deleted 30 some thousand emails after she was ordered to hand them over to the Fed. Only Hillary Clinton had that same computer wiped clean by professionals. Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges then laughed about it.Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi. Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails. . Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire. Only Hillary Clinton lied about lying to the American people. Only Hillary Clinton was involved in “Cash Cow “Only Hillary Clinton has a long list of scandals. Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband’s sexual harassment (and rape) accusers. Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician. Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks. Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto. Only Hillary Clinton was labeled “Extremely careless “about national security by the FBI! Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class. Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election! Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House. Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victims parents where lying.
Rich says
Derek says
Shame Hillary good she is a liar thief dishonest and she and her family are so greedy for wealth and power
2014 says
Watch Hillary’s America and you will see the real side of Hillary.That the black america where slaves for the Democrats thru the history of the Democrats party watch the video.Maybe the black america should watch the video they would change there mine about voting for hillary.
Karen says
I’m a Celebs Daughter I’ve got pull with the Enquirer and Inside Edition you can email me at id be glad to help!!!!
Michael Wisley says
I witnessed it
BarnicleBill says
Melania says they were never friends or even friendly! Really, who you gonna believe? Melania or a douch bag reporter from People Mag.? That reporter is as bad a liar as Hitlery!
merle dickey says
Good one . I am sure there are many out there that have had Hillary assault them and/ or their pets !!
Carolyn says
boy do i agree…..
Frankm says
It’s sad that the Demo’s have gone so low as to make these headlines without vetting the source. Lying Hillary will be impeached within two months but look what that will leave us….. Gay Tim. America can not win. God have mercy on us. In His name I pray.
Ariane says
I love your comment. It describes all those corrupt hypocrites especially the media. I feel so betrayed by them and that lemon guy is a gay guy that was abandoned by his birth mother so he has issues so he prefers a president that swings both way. That would excuse Bill that Hill did not give him what got from other woman especially that poor Monica they wreck her life when they continued their agenda of money and power.
I saw a funny video of a woman travelling in an airplane abd being cornered by lesbian Hillary in the bathroom. I think wc should all play that game until the election. All of us deplorables should maje accusation that we were sex assaulted by Hillary.
Ariane says
Where is my reply ? You call that free speech ?
Mkina says
Melania is very unfortunate to have Trump as husband. She does not know the other so called ex-wives are still his wives. And some moron on this page said that Trump should win to save destruction of the Judeo-Christian Traditions? I believe people don’t know that Trump has 3 wives at Trump tower. Of course he fakes has 1 wife and 2 divorced ones. Trump has commanded his ex-wives never to bring or date other men while living there. Trump sometimes calls them in his bedroom. Remember Trump and Melanie do not share the same bed-room or bathroom. Trump is a sinner. But we have morons on this page who still believe Trump is Christian. Trump is another Gadhafi who had several wives and virgins around them to grope. I have advice for them. Please vote for Hillary.
Constitutionalist says
First, provide ANY proof at all for your allegations in re: Trump’s ex-wives still being married to him.
Please vote for Hillary.
Your “please” and your pleas will fall on deaf ears around here; everyone knows that The Liar has perjured herself and destroyed evidence, at a minimum, and deserves to be LOCKED UP, not elected.
She’s been destroying evidence since she first began her public career, and has been a career criminal, as a result.
In re: Behghazi, she should also be tried for “depraved indifference” or “negligent homicide” for ignoring OVER 600 cries for beefed-up security from Stevens, too.
Larry Nichols says that The Liar often visited San Francisco during the Arkansas days, and tells us that BJ Billy said she was attending a witches coven.
So since those who willfully practice the dark arts ally themselves with satan – he who is a liar and murderer from the beginning – it follows that his acolyte would do the same.
Any who vote for her may well share her fate, for knowing the truth about her and desiring Barabbas all over again, anyway.
SW says
Gotta stop reading gossip rags, you know the ones, two headed baby born to 5yr old. Man has baby with a pony. 2yr old drinks from fountain of youth, reverts to zygote.
Virginia Welch says
I watch Alex Jones because the media portray him like a crazy, conspiracy theorist. He has proof of Hillary’s team rigging the polling booths
in cahoots with other world globalists who want our country destroyed. China will make it appear Russia is guilty for our problems so that we will start WWIII with them. They
Ronald Hamby says
LMAO !! Thats a good one !
Arthur Hartsock says
I know I’m slightly off subject. But so far the polls have been very unreliable this year. So we won’t know how seriously the accusations against Trump have hurt until Nov 8th, plus a couple weeks at least. At very least Trump has seriously shaken up the GOP establishment. Next election they’ll be completely different. Whole new set of leaders-if GOP survives at all.
downtown says
Who cares about any accusations,theyre just words and probably not true anyway.The bottom line is,theres only 2 running for office,and of the 2 who do you want as Pres,a billionaire or a compulsive liar,and all around bitch,with a pervert for a spouse.Gee,seems like a no brainer to me,but what do I know.
Donna Slivka says
All around bitch? NOT the half of what she is…….
Chris says
Go for it Maxx! It’s a pity the horse from an earlier post is dead and couldn’t have given evidence anyway. Perhaps the judge may have asked the horse if he found Hillary attractive he could have answered ‘Neigh!’ Sorry about that!
merle dickey says
down town was being nice
Jeanette says
Evil monster is more like it.
Ironhorse says
The wrong vote decision will annihilate the Supreme Court for generations to come, so keep that lying, broom flying Benghazi murderer out of the White House..
NJ says
You’re right Maxx. And funny too. My husband’s a veteran. Semper Fi………………. for Trump. He’s a patriot, which is not a way to describe Obama/Clinton. Trump has been willing to give up much of his business for the moment, and his personal life. His wife and kids deserve better. I hope we will able to push him over the finish line, despite the cheating. I’d like to know how they know that the Electoral College plans to give their vote to Hillary. I thought they had to wait til Election Day to do so — but she seems to have most of their votes to begin with. When this over, and Trump is hopefully President, we will all have to push the country to stop the cheating. Every voter should have to present a picture I.D. that can be validated. Its been said for many years, but nobody ever does it. The Democrat and Republican parties like it the way it is. God forbid we should elect a “commoner.”
If Trump wins, the GOP that asked Billy Bush, old George Bushes nephew, to turn over his tape of Donald Trump talking about stuff that many guys, and some girls, talk about when they think they’re off-camera speaking to a friend. Billy Bush turned out to be more concerned about the “Stop Trump, and Never Trump group than he has admitted to – probably because he’s a Bush, and the family hates Trump. Even more so, since they had planned to put Jeb Bush in the White House. We now know that Republicans.(led by George H.W. and others, are responsible for the release of the tape. Trump clearly thought he was talking to a guy — and fellow show biz friend. Or something. He definitely didn’t know he was being recorded. Billy Bush should be fired. Along with Paul Ryan and the Never Trump group. We need to take back our country. The Brits did. We can do it too.
Ladd says
Yes. One office at a time, starting locally.
LJT says
If Hillary is elected I don’t think there will be another election. America will be run by the New World Order
along with the rest of the world. VOTE TRUMP/PENCE !!!!!
BarnicleBill says
Arthur I agree with you! I don’t believe the polling has been truely representative of the voters! I think…..come election day…… Trump voters will be coming out of the woodwork! Watch and see ….. Glory be!
Patti says
I agree with you! Go Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WeiK says
Arthur: Forget about GOP! As a party, it is finished! I believe that a new party will emerge in the future. The party which truly represent hard working Americans. Republicans are just as corrupted as Democrats which turned election process into a 3rd world politics! When the country hit the bottom, when the people had enough of it, a revolution will take place! The picture is not pretty, but it can be real!
Ariane says
I think she is leading no only because of the smear but because his own group of republicans have betrayed him. It seems you already have given up. If Hillary wins I do not think any other Republican can win. Too many immigrants too many democrats. We also cannot forget the TRAITORS Ryan, Romney, Kasich, Mc cain, Bush, Graham …and all the other that turned their back on Trump and let that corrupt witch win.
jwb says
I am really glad to hear this, he needs her to stand by him, I do expect Donnie to be searching the web for wife number 4. VOTE PENCE, THE ONLY TRUE AMERICAN ……………….
Dawg# says
True Americans don’t allow emotional dialog to influence their decision at the voting booth, but will allow logical reasoning to prevail for what is the best for America as a whole. We have just seen for the last eight years the evil that is caused by allowing emotions to dictate principals.
A system of morality that is based upon relative emotional values is a mere allusion. A thoroughly vulgar conception that has nothing sound in it and nothing true.. (Socrates)
Terry Herman says
Amen to that. We can’t let democrats in for another 8 years or we won’t be able to recognize our own beloved country.
Amerigo M. Cimino says
What can you do about this?
Do you think the mainstream media’s attack against Melania Trump has gone too far? Comment below.
Clinton, seems to be immune from any criticism from the Media, so any “news” from them should be suspect.
I cannot imagine what would happen to Trump, if he had any of these acts against him, instead of Clinton.
I think he would already be in prison!
NJ says
I think he would be in prison too. The ladies appear to be lying, and the mainstream media avoids discussing or even pointing out HRC’s many, many revealing e-mails. All of which proves her to be crooked. Her husband, the sexual predator, is also crooked. Do want those two back in the White House? Absolutely NOT!.
Pat says
Of course Clinton’s immuned. They own the main stream media. Watch FOX if you want the real truth (especially Hannity).
NJ says
You said well my friend.
Pawanna says
She knows her husband better than any media – she knew all about him prior to their marriage – So you can get out of line to be her # 2 guy……LOL LOL LOL
Francisco Machado says
By voting for Trump you vote Pence in as a Vice President – which has historically been a stepping stone to the Presidency. If Hillary is elected, I wouldn’t even be surprised if she outlawed all other political parties. Historically, it has been done in other countries, and flooding the United States with refugees from inimical countries could have the same effect.
NJ says
Yes………….you’re right. God help us on Election Day. Its not just our duty to vote. This time there are many more reasons to vote than there is room to talk about. We all know what’s at stake. Do we want to be our own boss, or do we want to elect a known liar, who is part of the global effort to stop America in its tracks.. i have no doubt that Hillary will go after ALL of our rights by changing the constitution. She sat at the feet of Saul Alinsky and is bound to carry on Obama’s mission to destroy America from within. As president, she will be ruthless. We have to use our heads, and vote for Donald Trump.
WeiK says
Francisco: Your prediction about Hillary can be true. She will do everything and anything to stay in power. What is left for American people? Bloody battles are ahead, my friend!
merle dickey says
Not until he has served his term(s)
capt ron says
jwb …
.Grow up would you !
Joe Z says
All of this “Evil Trump” stuff is media BS. Watch Clinton Cash on Trump wins the election…period.
Dawg# says
I certainly hope you are right Joe Z.. Thanks for your post.
maria Castellanos says
The bias unprofessional media got to go.ASAP. Some times after listen to Mr. trump I understand the meaning of his all clear to me.I turn the news I want to cry to see how the media has tuist and misinterpret his meaning. I wander are they that stupid? dishonest and corrupted?
Dawg# says
Ms Maria
Thank you so much for opening your heart and using your brain. It is Patriots like you that America needs more of. God Bless you lady Maria.
Theodore Windle says
The media is biased, and is backed by a political system that wants to stay in power. This just does not have the feel for a democracy at all. I agree with the writings of Socrates, a great thinker for all times to heed. If this “mud bath” is to continue between candidates, I would hope that D. Trump will have an attorney present to field slander law suits. The nation has forgotten that they elected a ‘OJT’ president for 8 YEARS !! A puppet president, supported by off shore interest, the same as the Clinton Foundation. This is not the same USA of our Founding Fathers.
WeiK says
Maria: You bet they are! There is no truth , no fact in their reporting. The sole purpose of their doing is to influence the public view, manipulating information, and control people’s mind. That is the only way they can win!
sagatel says
I think Mr. Trump is spending way to much time defending himself against suspicious allegations. Most of us already know Clinton’s in cahoots with mainstream media are playing the dirty game of Trump’s character assassination. If they achieve their goal and Soros stooge becomes president, American electorate demographic will change forever. She is planning to give to millions of illegal immigrants amnesty. These people in turn will be able to get medical and welfare and they will join millions of other welfare recipients and they will forever vote for democrats. Shifting demographics in US will doom GOP and we will have basically one party system. She will bring some 65 thousand Muslims to this country and I am sure we will become another France. She does not care about terrorist attacks, she does not care about evaporating jobs, she could care less about drug epidemic among our youth. She dreams about open borders and her crazy desire for American supremacy in the world can end in nuclear war. She is not only corrupt to the bone but she is extremely dangerous. Mr. Trump should talk about issues and problems that are facing this country….nothing else is important…
Dawg# says
You are so right segatel. Thanks for all your comments. Trump is going to have to understand that we couldn’t care less who he has sex with……… As long as it isn’t Hillary, lol.
Dawg# says
Sorry for name misspelling, Sagatel.
sagatel says
Let us hope for best outcome….this was the dirtiest presidential election in my memory…
Jake says
Your 100% correct. This country is going down and all the media has to say is about 10-20 years ago slander.
Please everyone vote 1) Same old Same old – Hillary Clinton
2) Change to improve – Donald Trump
jwb says
You are right about being right about being right. We all know that DJT is a liar, hater, bigot, womanizer and is the least presidential person of all time. That has nothing to do with his popularity. He has been one wacky dude and that is why we will vote for him. Get back to the issues that you started with, don’t try to defend yourself, no one will believe you anyway. Your personal history speaks volumes and you need to get to the points that we need to hear and you started with. Building walls, deporting half of the nation, ending entitlements, rebuilding the military and lowering taxes, this is what you need to be doing, period,. IF YOU WANT YO DROP OUT, GET PENCE IN THERE AND HOPE HE DOES NOT FOLLOW YOUR AUTO DESTRUCTION DIRECTION. YOU GET MY VOTE TO SEE PENCE FOLLOW YOU .
P.S. – no one cares about the emails, move on dude …………….
Bob says
If Pence were the nominee you would hear the same trashing going on….everyone opposing the Dem machine gets the same treatment. If Americans are too ignorant to see this then they will get the government they deserve, and for a very long time….
Rosech says
jwb: Well, just like the media you claim so many bad sides of Donald and most are not true, so I gather you are a troll for the democrat Hillary while trying to speak about Pence being selected. Sorry, Pence is nice but not what is needed to get OUR America back. We need strength, intelligence, and man with a business background success as America is a BIG business and has been raped for several decades now. Pence as VP is good, as president, no way!
Ladd says
A Hillaroid lemming comes forth! go off your cliff, We the People will NOT follow your example.
If Trump were all the things that the media – and you- say that he is, he would not have been in business for so long….. Would not have kept his employees happy & intact…. And therefore would not have been prosperous. So much for all the lying, negative hype….
EVERYONE VOTE TRUMP — it’s our first AND LAST opportunity to take our Country back….
P.S. – to jwb– Why do you say ‘nobody cares about the emails?” It is the smoking gun proof that she SOLD OUT AMERICA & it’s resources– & pocketed the money for herself, her compromised rapist hubby, & spoiled child. She CERTAINLY did not want America & the voters to know this— that’s WHY she set up the private email account & bleached all the evidence, AFTER it was suboeoned!! Only the brain-dead Clinton lovers, who sadly cannot read or understand the meaning of the word TREASON, say “nobody cares about the emails.”
THE HORN NEWS October 14, 2016
Damning new secret documents prove that Hillary Clinton doesn’t just e-mail classified information carelessly from her private, homebrew server.
For the right price, she’ll blurt out national secrets to a roomful of elites on foreign soil.
Pentagon insiders are hopping mad that Clinton exposed the top secret details of their anti-terrorism program to a group of foreign bankers while bragging about her role in tracking and killing Osama bin Laden.
One of the thousands of e-mails WikiLeaks revealed includes Hillary’s security breach, which came during a November 2013 speech to bankers in Toronto.
“I was in the small group that recommended to the president that he go after bin Laden,” Clinton bragged – as if the whole country didn’t want President Barack Obama to kill the terrorist mastermind.
Then Clinton crossed the line, and broke her oath of office by giving away classified information to her big dollar audience.
She revealed that “the analysts and collectors and good old-fashioned spies” gathered information about bin Laden’s whereabouts “from cell phone conversations.”
“I will tell you,” Clinton told her foreign benefactors, that those spies began “putting this matrix together and saying, ‘This guy used to protect bin Laden. He just made a phone call. He said this in a phone call. We need to figure out where he is. Then we need to follow him.’”
The only problem? The methods used to track bin Laden were considered classified at the time.
Can Hillary Clinton be trusted with national secrets as president of the United States if she announces classified information to foreign elites? Evidently nothing is really secret to her, if the price is right.
Experts say that Hillary violated protocol, and maybe even committed treason, by signaling the exact procedures Americans use to capture terrorists. And it’s got them ready to explode.
Dan Maguire, a former Special Operations official, told Fox News the fact that intelligence agents let Clinton get by with this shows “a lack of integrity and a lack of discipline” on their part.
The Obama administration let Clinton slide for the umpteenth time – as she has on Whitewater, running the Clinton Foundation like a felonious money-laundering operation, and destroying 32,000 e-mails under subpoena.
But the Democrats put the screws to American vets, including one of the people who actually killed Osama bin Laden.
In August the Obama administration forced one of the Navy SEALs who actually helped kill bin Laden, Matthew Bissonnette, to pay $7 million to the federal government for releasing allegedly classified information without their permission in his blockbuster book No Easy Day, written under the pen name “Mark Owen.”
The political elite always play by a different set of rules than normal people, even distinguished heroes like Bissonette. After all, it was Joe Biden who told the public it was Navy SEAL Team 6 that killed Osama bin Laden, basically painting a lifelong target on them and their families. He hasn’t faced any penalty, either.
Until now, the American public debated whether U.S. spies had caught Osama bin Laden thanks to waterboarding or other sensitive surveillance tactics. Now, we know that foreign elites got the inside scoop in exchange for paying Clinton’s massive speaking fees – along with whatever additional favors they managed to wring out of her.
Joan T. Schmitz says
You said it exactly right! Voter’s beware! Read the facts!
John Illinois says
Trump is doing what few Republicans have the back bone to do–DEFEND HIMSELF AGAINST THOSE BS ALLEGATIONS OF THE DEMONRATS. Romney and McCain failed to do that, and look what happened.
Susan Duffy says
It is incomprehensible to me that the public can’t see how orchestrated the media attacks on trump are. The media bias is blatant.
emauro says
I think the whole thing is High school level of thinking. SO, you all have the brain of a child. You need to get your way, no matter what.
Just go with the only one that has a brain. Pray Trump just ignores all the mess and talk about what is IMPORTANT.
The Best Thing we can do is PRAY HARD for TRUMP.
Wanda leonard says
You need to pray for Trump he is headed for hell. ,That’s where he belonges nasty nasty creep!!!!!!!!!!!
Maureen Davis says
I agree. He needs to stick to the issues that are important to us. Everything else is just noise. I also wish he would bring up Benghazi again. Not just the phone calls she ignored, but the fact that once all the news started, she got too sick to work and then quit. Can you see her doing this as President? OMG, then we would have her clown of the VP. OMG again. Cannot let this happen. A vote for Trump is a vote for America, not more Czars.
Joyce BROTHERS says
Politically incorrect says
People Mag supports Clinton just as the mainstream media. The truth of the matter is no one is can be a perfect candidate due to the internet and social media, this is not like the elections of the past when no internet was available and going forward is only going to get worse.
Trump really does not need to defend himself as the newest polls show him only 4 pts behind now and most people do not really care about it and just want to know their stances on the main issues the economy, national security and jobs. For real if the Bernie supporters really paid attention (the young) they should be very pissed off that she rigged the primaries and the fact that Bernie is now supporting Hillary which is a slap in the face.
I do believe Trump is by far the lesser of 2 evils and if the Bernie voters really wanted to pay Hillary back for stealing the primary from Bernie they would vote for Trump just to show her what comes around goes around.
Trump and his wife should in fact sue the mainstream media for not actually checking the real stories. I would not be one bit surprised if later on it comes to light that the Clinton campaign bought and promised these women special favors or money to make these statements.
What needs to happen is every Trump supporter and all those Bernie supporters as well as the undecided voters need to vote for Trump to ensure the election does not get rigged. The more votes for Trump will make it that much harder to rig the election. Not only that but when you cast your votes ensure you check that all those you voted for are actually the ones that are checked before you finalize your vote as it has been said that even if you vote for a certain person that it switches to another candidate and if you do not check these before finalize as most people do not check before hand.
CaptTurbo says
I wonder how much they paid the slut to lie about being assaulted?
jim says
FAME is what they are paying to these zealots! They are not for a better America, they are into winning by any means necessary including lying, cheating and denegrading because of a false belief system!
Ladd says
If like Kahn Kasir, maybe $100,000 — and HE was the 5th Gold star family Hillary’s campaign ASKED! They paid the first four $5,000 for being quiet about the request and their refusaal. LOTS of money thrown around by the Clintons!
jim says
a little more reality:
Fact #2: Trump has 18.6 million twitter followers.
Hillary Clinton has only 6.1 million.
The best part is that most of Hillary’s are actually fake. According to the Washington Examiner, 41 percent of Hillary’s “followers” are not even real people.
In contrast, The Daily Caller says that Trump’s followers are 90% real with 90% of them having a previous voting record.
CaptTurbo says
I wonder how much they paid that slut to lie about Trump to help the disgusting leftist “news” media smear Mr Trump so their lying Marxist criminal will have a better chance to finish destroying America?
capt ron says
CaptTurbo …
. Hers’ and family account need to be checked along with the other liars. …
. We need to stop the steal ! …
. Wear red to vote in person. …
. Write TRUMP in red ink on your voter sign in. …
. Tell the press, if they are there, you voted for TRUMP.
Constitutionalist says
I wonder how much they paid that slut to lie about Trump to help the disgusting leftist “news” media smear Mr Trump so their lying Marxist criminal will have a better chance to finish destroying America?
AFAIK, no evidence has yet surfaced that any of these women could rightfully be called “sluts.”
If, however, their living circumstances vastly improve in short order, that could be seen as primae facie evidence that they are WHORES.
Merrielee Legath says
Long time voter!!
All of this is to get minds off the real issues.
If Clinton wins we are in big trouble.
Obama will be on the Supreme Court and
Bernie Sanders will be in charge of the Senate.
Do we really want this???
Think long and hard when you go to vote!!
Wanda leonard says
I have thought long and heard that’s why President Hillary Clinton will get my vote along with 123 people my friends!!!!!!! Go Hillary gods speed!!!!!! The rest of you people need to play a little golf enjoy life a little Trump is the mark of the beast 666 !!!!!!!!!!!!5
jim says
a little more reality:
Fact #3: Trump averages 160k viewers per live stream.
Clinton averages 400 viewers per live stream.
Wow. That is bad. Trump also gets 5,000 percent more eyeballs focused on the screen than Clinton. Yep. She really is that boring to the folks.
jim says
a little more reality;
Fact #4: Instagram.
Trump has 6.2 million followers.
Clinton has 800,000 followers.
Instagram is a platform with mostly all pictures and not much substance – exactly what Hillary supporters love. And still she does very poorly in this medium.
jim says
a little more of reality;
Fact #5: On Reddit.
Trump: 297,696 subscribers
Clinton: 21,429 subscribers
But on Hillary for Prison: she gets 255,228 subscribers.
Trump has more subscribers than Clinton on every major social media outlet but what is even funnier is that there are nearly 3 times as many people subscribed to “Hillary for Prison” than there are subscribed to the Clinton page.
The best part is that the DNC’s leaked emails from WikiLeaks have proven that Clinton pays people to support her online. Trump supporters on the other hand willingly actually like and follow him on Social media.
Trump actually has the support of the people. He is going to win this election come November no matter what the mainstream media would like you to believe.
Right now, every single patriot needs to share this article with friends and relatives. We need to fight these rigged polls that seem to come out every day. Hillary Clinton has a big bag of tricks and is trying to trick the American public into voting for her. Let’s show America the truth.
Cynthia says
Yes the mainstream media has done nothing but exonerate the Clintons and bash Trump. Do you people not know how to read? Look at emails at least the ones her and her cronies didn’t destroy. How illegal does this have to become before you wake up and see what they have done? Trump should have cut lose on HRC in the first debate but didn’t because Chelsea was there. Is she even Billy’s daughter? Start covering both sides and get your heads out of the Clintons rectums before we all go down with these two dictators. She’s an evil person who I hope implodes on stage before she takes us all down!!!
BobbyG says
Mainstream Media should be taken apart piece by piece.
NAN says
Constitutionalist says
The Liar fell out of heaven…or perhaps more accurately, her demon did, an eon or more ago.
Margie Bridges says
Mr Trump needs to stay with the issues and don’t fall for Hilllary’s plot to get him off his course. He needs to look and speak directly to the American people about issues that affecting and will be affecting our lives, children lives and grandchildren lives for the next one hundred years. The Supreme Court Justices! All lives Matter! Please pray for our nation! ????????????
jim says
People need to understand…the media IS the democrat party!! Think Russia,,the Iron Curtain.
Lorene Johnson says
There is nothing wrong with DONALD TRUMP. He is a decent man with a heart of gold. His children are a good example of the kind of man he is. The only thing we need to focus on is getting him in the White House. Our country has fallen so much in the last eight years. We need our values put back. We were a very strong nation and we can be again. All he wants to do is protect and serve the American people. It is a shame and disgrace that people cannot see the evil creeping in on us. Disrespect everywhere, time for We the People to put a true AMERICA loving President in office and that would be MR. DONALD TRUMP.
Jean says
I wonder how much the Clinton machine ” paid for play” to the sluts that made accusations about Trump that mysteriously happened more than 30 yrs ago. Well, I will be voting for Trump to save our beloved country from the communists and the sympathetic terrorist presently in the White House. It’s time to clean house and take out the trash !! Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and a two-faced monster and should not ever be considered to be president. If you don’t like bitches, don’t vote for one !!!
jwb says
Most likely the same amount of $$$ that the DJT machine paid Bill”s ladies to appear last week. It’s all about shifting the blame and covering up your past. No issues will be talked about until after the election. It is now all about he said and she said and getting bored as all get out. . VOTE FOR PENCE, HE IS THE ONLY HOPE ……………..
Rosech says
Donald didn’t have to pay because these ladies have had it and want Bill via Hillary pay for what the pair did to their lives. I hope he invites some Gold mothers at the upcoming debate to stare at Hillary and see how she reacts. She reacted quite nicely at the barbs from Trump and without a wire and people telling her what to do, she would have collapsed. Resting 2 weeks so the drugs ware off and she can be drugged again to the nth degree in order to be able to stand. Trump, please do NOT allow a stool for her again! She stood aghast at the truth, so throw the whole kit and caboodle at her and definitely stay on track about plans and policies because she has never, ever stated any plan or policy clearly. I have listened to both of you and she has nothing to offer but communism. We can only hope she passes away before the elections due to her very serious mental and physical disabilities and serious drugs she is taking plus the “uppers” so she can at least last a mere 90 mins. I liked the first debate because the debate ran over 5 mins. and Bill ran to put his arm around her to keep her from collapsing and hurried her off stage and not into the spin room. Yep, just what we need a mentally disturbed and physically incapable person in our WH. NOT! Their current nasty barbs are not having the effect they thought because it works only on politicians and not an outsider who has faced barbs before and won!
capt ron says
Rosech …
. IMO what you say is correct but what we most need is to stop the steal from TRUMP. …
. TRUMP will win the popular vote but what is most important is about the count and electoral college ! …
. Then there is the very real problem of B HO not leaving the WH that he was never qualified to occupy. ..
. Please PRAY, PRAY, PRAY that GOD will take charge of that problem !
Haroldeugene says
rt. on Mister ol Capt. Ron brother!!!
LJT says
It would not bother Hillary if the Gold mothers sat beside her because she would need a
conscience and Hillary has no heart or conscience.
Paul S says
All of these charges are over ten years old.A lot of these women have asked trump for favors and jobs.Most are a complaint that he kissed them.One said he almost kissed her.Say three hell marys and forget about it.Joan Rivers publicly said that Obama is Gay and Michelle is a transgender,if anyone cares?I am voting Trump-Pence ticket.
Sharon Krzemien says
It’s about saving our country and not so-called sex abuse that happened uh, was it 12 or twenty years ago? Who cares!!!! We want the right strong leader in the White House that doesn’t make excuses to other countries none of which we owe any apologies, and one that says what he means and means what he says! Does Hillary meet those qualities or does Trump meet those qualities? Forget the politics and rhetoric of the crooked left and vote for what is and will be best for our country! God Bless America!
Joan Greenlaw says
Yes, the media has gone to far. I wonder who is paying for that. Some how I think the Clinton people are behind it. LOL
Della says
I think all these women were paid by the Clinton Cartel to knock Trump out of the race,bc Hillary knows she can’t beat him fairly! Everyone of their stories have been debunked! Hillary Clinton is not only a flawed candidate but a flawed human!,she is the last person who should ever be given power over US ,she’s a lying criminal who belongs in jail!!
ldeb23 says
The mainstream media is as corrupt as the Clintons. I don’t understand how people don’t see this. News reporters, editors, etc. have no accountability so they write the crap we listen to and watch every day. Pretty much started with Dan Rather in the Bush/Clinton election. Makes you wonder if he was promised something by the Clintons. I’m white, female middle class and it pisses me off big time that all of a sudden these women are coming out of the woodwork just weeks before the election. It takes forever to get through all the crap looking for truth and the issues. That’s what I want hear when I turn on the news, not about someone’s transgressions! Clinton allowed Benghazi to happen with no help, she has lied about security leaks via her emails, she has lied, lied, lied about everything, should be in prison and yet people still are backing her. I am voting for Trump because he will get things done that NEED to be done and Pence will help tone him down some, I hope. Trump isn’t our typical candidate and THIS is exactly what we need in office. With Clinton, it will be the same crap we have had for the past 8 years, that’s if we are still alive after she is elected. Vote Trump/Pence for a better, stronger America!
ldeb23 says
*Bush/Kerry election
james says
AMEN, JEAN! she don’t care about women. she is only about what she wants. that is to be the first woman president. & she will be Obama’s bitch.
Wanda leonard says
Trump is the mark of the beast 666 he will lead you to hell it is in the Bible,I see the future! Get ready to go to hell it don’t matter who you vote for!!!!!!!
Constitutionalist says
Wanda leonard-
Trump is the mark of the beast 666
No, that would be The Liar, who is also a murderer allied with he who was a liar and murderer from the Beginning.
he will lead you to hell it is in the Bible
Chapter and verse, please.
I see the future!
If the “future” you see violates the Bible, you’re getting your information from a demon. REPENT! Swiftly.
Get ready to go to hell it don’t matter who you vote for!!!!!!!
A vote for a liar, murderer, a destroyer of evidence, one who obstructs justice, steals, violates election law, cheats, conspires with the Horns of the Beast(corporate-controlled mainstream media) to pervert justice, a destroyer of nations, a hater of humankind(men, women, & children, including “retards”[her words]) – is a vote for a devil or demon in league with the evil one.
She’s been a witch, a practicioner of the dark arts, since her Arkansas days, at a minimum.
Trump? Not so much. You say you “see the future”? Take a look at this, and tell me why i i should believe YOU over him:
Wanda leonard says
Trump is the mark of the beast and I do see the future Trump has lied so much please he gets the trophy and you are right behind The Dump!!!!!! I have Sean YouTube what a joke please you would beleave a dog has ten legs if Trump said so . All I know Hillary will win !!!!!!!!
Milanka Jevric says
Trump is absolutely right about media news regarding all those women coming up with their unpredictable stories.That is only to confuse people that day don’t know what to do it is just terrible what they doing.Hope Trump will vin and fix everything and make America Great again.Go Trump GO just Go ahead.
Pat says
Who cares how much sex or with whom Trump has had it? Sex doesn’t run the country. Trump stands for all the important things. He wouldn’t have any sex if the other parties were’t willing. They were looking at his bank account and that’s why it all happened in the first place. They thought they coul score financially. Can’t you accusers see that?
Wanda leonard says
Pat give Dump a call Iam sure he would screw you it sounds like you would like him to,,,,
terence says
It wouldn’t be sensible for Trump’s wife to get involved, she will become fair game if she voluntarily enters the dust of the campaign arena on her husband’s behalf, and will thereby extend the number of people the Clinton media can fabricate(?) dirt on – her background as a model might well lend itself to all sorts of possible lurid stories which once in the public domain cannot easily be countered in the time remaining to the conclusion of the presidential election.
Enrique Chavarria says
sorroy I make a mistake
my name is Enrique Chavarria and yes I m for trump all the way
also a group of person, we did vote for him in south Carolina and will do it again
no more of Obama and Hillary
Trump do not fight any more, just go for your ideas, do not collet the Salary and give to the
go trump
bob paglee says
During her formative years in Chicago, Hillary Rodham was a political disciple of Chicago’s Communist in Chief, Saul Alinsky.
Is it now a choice between a vulgarity or villanity? For the good of our nation, I will certainly choose the less-destructive of those two evils.
Floyd Hammond says
It’s always been the democrats strategy to demonize the opponent because they know most of their voters are low information voters and they will believe anything that”s thrown at them. Democrat voters vote for their selfish selves and most Republican voters vote for what is good for the country, unfortunately the country will have to be destroyed before some will see whats happening and the rest of us will have to live with there bad choices.
The democrats will flood the country with those so called refugees and fast track them to citizenship just to get the votes for the next election, if it were not for their vote the democrats would not give a dam about them. Same with illegal immigration, they will open the flood gates for mass illegal migration and again it is all just for the votes. Anyone that applies for citizenship legally is a fool and waits many years to get in, why do that when all you have to do is walk over the border and your basically become a citizen immediately with all the support financially, more so than an American citizen receives, its like a reward system for illegally entering America and you can bet all the terrorists of the world know all about that easy entrance.
I pray that the American People will wake up before Nov 8 and vote for trump, America’s only hope left.
Cheryle says
So tired of all this slander being strewn about by the Democratic party. It’s just malicious unfounded crap to take away from the issues and the corruptness of the democratic scandals and wrong doings. We can’t have people like the Clintons continuing to sabotage America. LOOK AT ALL THAT HILLARY CLINTON HAS LIED ABOUT. LOOK AT THE 4 AMERICANS THAT WERE SLAUGHTERED IN BENGHAZI BECAUSE OF HILLARY’S ” WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE” ATTITUDE. LOOK AT THE PEOPLE WHO KNEW TO MUCH ABOUT HER DEALINGS WHO MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED OR DIED SUDDENLY. WAKE UP AMERICA! WE NEED TO REMOVE THE TRASH FROM OUR GOVERNMENT, OUR GOP, OUR WHITE HOUSE, OUR CONGRESS, OUR FBI, OUR ATTORNEY GENERAL. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
randy says
Don’t threaten to sue them.
Sue the ever lasting shit out of them!
Presela Anne says
Yes, I agree, if Trump loses this election, what WE THE PEOPLE should do is file a CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT as American citizens. It would be on our behalf and in defense of Donald Trump, AGAINST THE LYING LIBERAL MEDIA WHORES, ALL MSM, and said lawsuit would be that the MEIDA LIED, repeatedly, over and over, unfairly libeling Trump, and did not allow this man to run his campaign FAIRLY, while showing extreme BLATANT BIAS against a woman who has been PROVEN to be a TRAITOR to her country. I don’t know if such a lawsuit would be possible, however, I hope someone is looking into it. What the media has done is ENABLE Hillary, a woman who wants to OPEN OUR BORDERS, amongst other things, allowing God knows what to enter our country, etc., as if we are not in bad enough shape already. The MSM CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH ANY OF THIS. Ditto for HILLARY CLINTON, the MOST CORRUPT CANDIDATE TO EVER RUN FOR THE PRESIDENT. God Help Us.
Pat says
Good idea!! Why don’t you look into it and contact an attorney to start it?
Constitutionalist says
Presela Anna-
Libel – written falsehood.
Slander – oral falsehood.
If you heard it on tv, spoken by one of the Talking Heads, it was slander.
Wanda leonard says
They are planning to sue Trump and if it happen to me I would sue the shit out of Trump no one wants to screw him he is so ugly he said he would like to screw his daughters,the Dump is a sick sick slob Hillary is to good to be in the same room with the Dump!!!!!!!!!
Seslaprime says
The Libs are in Panic Mode. Obviously they do not believe the Polls either. explains the barrage of desperate lies being slung at the GOP nominee. I Suspect that the real Polls are flipped, Most likely, Trump has a 10-15 point lead, which would explain the incredible popularity Trump has nation wide. As I drive around my area in Oregon (a liberal State) I dont see any Clinton/Kane signs, on the contrary, I see massive Trump/Pence signs everywhere.
I think this latest Propaganda Campaign by the Libs is the biggest mistake they has done yet. The Lies are obvious and are steering undecideds toward the GOP nominee in droves.
I think we are on the home stretch to Make America Great Again
Joyce BROTHERS says
Melania you are such a Special Lady! I look forward to seeing you become our new First Lady in the White House ! It has been a long 8 years to be subject to Michelle Obama who does not and never has respected the United States of America and these were her own words. MAY God Bless you, Donald and the Trump Family!
jodi says
I think all this media smear is very sad. We need to pray everyday for Mr Trump and stand by him until the end. If Almighty God is for Trump and has brought him to this place for such a time as this then who can be against him??? God has forgiven and redeemed Mr. Trump and God will make him win and it will be miraculous and we who see, know and understand the providence of God will give praise and glory to Him at the end of election day.
Nicholas says
According to the latest polls Trump is 4 points behind and has lost some of the college educated woman’s vote. These sex accusations against Trump have opportunistically emerged days before the debates and 4 weeks before the the most important election of our lifetime . We don’t know whether these allegation are true or not. But consider one of the accusers: claims 30 years ago while on a flight in first class Trump raised the bar between the the two seats and proceeded to ” octpuss” her for 15 minutes. I’m not a rocket scientist but how can someone possibly grope, fondle, etc. for 15 minutes and gone unnoticed by any other passenger, stewardess ? Furthermore, In first class there is no bar you can raise between the seats. If my memory serves me correctly 30 years ago the cockpit doors were left open and if indeed the accuser was sexually assaulted no one heard the commotion ? If Trump was sexually assulting this individual wouldn’t you call the stewardess to report the assault ?Excuse the pun but these seem to me “Trump-up” charges. I urge the college educated women to be smart and don’t fall by crooked hillary’s machine to distract you from what’s really important: security for you and your family; appointed supreme court justices who will uphold the constitution; improved economy( we are growing a little over 1% annually);school choices(crooked hillary is beholden to teachers union and opposes schools choice. I can go on and on why we must elect Trump for president. Our government is broken and corrupt where crooked hillary gets away with serious crimes .Where are the governent checks and balances? there aren’t any, we are becoming a “banana republic” Very sad.
Vote for Trump on Nov. 8 so we may take our country back.
JJ says
Don’t EVER believe the liberal media.They are bought and paid for by the LEFTIST LIBERAL PIG GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie Moshenk says
The media is liberal and very unfair to Trump. We all know the media lies .
Jan says
Go today and get the New Movie “Hillary’s America”… It’s a Must See!!!… You will learn the history of the corrupt democratic party and how the clintons get away with their disgusting crimes against America and the American People. You can get it at Red Box, Dish Network, or Direct TV…Don’t miss it!!!
merle dickey says
There is also one called “Clinton Cash” that explains what went on when she was secretary .And another one that she and Bill belong to is the Bilderberg group which some say it has been dissolved but I don’t think so . She is a strong supporter of the NWO which would be the breaking point for us if she places this country into it . If she wins I predict a civil war in the states, which will end badly for all .She is the most corrupt person to ever run for President Including her husband who pulled the wool over our eyes for many years .
BenL says
Liers, liers, liers, they are all in cahoots with the mother of all liers, the truth is not in them, they even lie to themselves and believe their own lies.. Why do you think the Abomanation is supporting a person he hates so much—he knows his neck is in the same noose as her’s if she does not win…The dems are one boiling pot of corruption…GO DONALD TRUMP!!!!!
ALAN C says
K Koz says
Trump needs to look the camera dead on and make statement about all the alleged moral blunders, and say what does it matter? My morals are not what this election and the media needs to be zeroing in on when HC and the Wa D.C. hacks have sold the USA a piece at a time to foreign corporations and persons who are extensions of their governments. All these sheeple blathering on over old allegations against DJT as a private citizen is irrelevant compared to the treasoness crimes HC and BO the Dems and RINOs have perpetrated on this country while on the US payroll. They are to be held accountable for violating the US Constitution. They are not above the law. But they will appear to be if voted in. For the rest of us I will be the bread lines…
Joeb212 says
The MSM is so focused on stopping Trump they no longer care about journalism or ethics. But for the life of me, I do not get why the MSM is so afraid of Trump, or better yet, love the Clintons so much that they will cover up anything they do. Will someone please explain it to me.
Scared says
I agree with what NAN said above. If HRC wins, America, as we know it and as it was founded to be by our Founding Fathers, will be gone forever. We will become a communist country, no doubt. But, this is not about Obama or Hillary……it’s about George Soros using Obama & Hillary to further his communistic agenda for America. He has been infiltrating America for decades to slowly bring America down. He hates America and what we stand for : God, Christianity, capitalism, our wonderful Constitution, Bill of Rights, Ten Commandments. Our Founding Fathers based this great nation on God and Christianity. ……..therefore, God blessed us, our great country. No other country was founded in such a way. That’s why so many foreigners want to come here for a better way of life. And, can you blame them? Now, Soros wants a one-world order so that he can control everyone and everything. Knock America down to a 3rd world country. What bigger feather could he ever have in his hat than to bring America down. Soros will no doubt rig the elections to give us Hillary. He gave us Obama…….he will make sure we have Hillary. This way, he is able to continue with his satanistic agenda thru Hillary. WE THE PEOPLE need to wake up before it’s too late. NAN is so right about our young people being brainwashed. Our kids today are not being taught the true American history, patriotism, what America truly stands for. Each generation is slowly being brainwashed, introduced to Soros’ beliefs, which are communistic. We will have the Muslim religion forced down our throats. It literally will be Hell on Earth. WE THE PEOPLE need to wake up and take our country back before it’s gone forever. Trump is our only hope of being able to do this. PLEASE, everyone vote for Trump if America and your freedoms mean anything to you. TRUMP IS AMERICA’S ONLY HOPE.
Susan says
All the media has said sandalous and liabliist, words and actions against the Trumps that are unconfirmed. What ever happened to the who,what, where, when, and why? That journalists are supposed to ask. This is public slander at it’s very best. The Trump’s should sue everyone. This is terrible behavior. You run a story after it has been confirmed, not before anything has been confirmed. Media , you are showing your very slanted view for crooked Hillary. Too bad you can’t be trusted either!!!!
Diane says
Mainstream media publicly shamed by 20,000 Trump supporters!
LaVona says
Everyone needs to see this video. Please, Please see this!
Tweeter says
All those women who attacked Trump sold their lives to Hillary Clinton in addition to the little fame they might get. They’re so stupid without realizing the consequences of lying. they will pay for it to get a little fame, and blinded by the money Clinton might have paid them. Clinton has so much money. She sold the US to foreign enemies. These women will be in jail, wait and see. Housemates with Hillary Clinton in the Big House.
merle dickey says
Some of them may wind up dead by mysterious clues.
esther says
It’s easy to see the media is biased and so is not worthy of the title ‘ news ‘. They have to report both sides evenly. I believe they orchestrated this whole anti Trump thing. Nothing is true. I bet the liars get $$ from Clinton’s campaign and hope to get more for their lies. I’m very angry we Americans cannot have honesty in elections or reporting. If Clinton wins, it will not be an accurate reflection of how America feels about her dishonesty. Most don’t know about it. Glad to have Melania stand up for what is right. Maybe they will all topple in the face of truth.
Ralph Ormsbee says
Absolutely but look at the source they are Terrorist of the muslim faith I think
Phil says
I agree will all of you, One thing about the media today its no longer a news reporting the truth but it has become an Internment just to make money. most of them are failing on their ratings so they decided to stick with Hilary that is paying millions to keep them alive,
Now I see why Fox news has been number 1 for the last 15 years . They have never showed any favoritisms, on either sides, except for Kelly’s files, She’s a two faced democrat and wants Hilary to win. Even though I never watch her , something about her I have always disliked, I wish they would get rid of her, another thing I dislike is They keep bringing Jeroldo Riviera on their show, another washed up reporter. and really don’t know what he’s talking about. Well lets pray for a GREATER AMERICA , A Safer America, A stronger America. for our grand children to live in, and their grand children to come.
LJT says
I totally agree with you Phill. When Kelly’s files comes on I turn her off. I can’t stand the sight of her or the
sound of her voice. She does need to be fired.
18 years ago, I was visiting the white house with my 12 year old son. While I was busy looking at some of the interesting things there, my son disappeared. I was frantically looking for him, but thinking the Whitehouse was a pretty safe place. Was I ever wrong.
I heard my boy screaming for help. I ran to the door the sound was coming from.
When I entered the room my jaw dropped. Hillary had my in her grips and was giving him head. I got there just in time to prevent, Billy boy from forcing anal sex on him.
I wish there was some way that I could recover the thousands of dollars, I spent on psychologists to try to help my son get his balance back.
He still can not look at a picture of Billy or Hillary without breaking out in tears.
These two criminals need to be in prison, not in the Whitehouse.
The crooked press should be sharing a cell with them.
I was offered $1,000,000 not to share this story, but was not in any way tempted.
Richard Ferebee says
Democrats r so stupid u can’t help them. By the way l got a100 prime acres of great beachfront property in Fuquay for sale. I only want 10,000 an acre.
Presela Anne says
Seriously, I do not believe that all these RIDICULOUS accusations against Donald Trump are true. But beyond that, even if some of them were, it would not influence me EVEN REMOTELY to EVER support LIARY CLINTON in this election. I am a Trump supporter, since DAY ONE, and what amazes me is that there are actually people out there who would even ADMIT to be voting for Hillary Clinton. What in God’s Name has happened to people? To our country? Incredibly, Nixon was impeached for erasing 18 minutes of a tape, yet, the news media now OPENLY REMARKS that Hillary STINKS with corruption, they talk about ALL of it openly, yet, she is supposedly ahead in the polls, and is just one insane election turnout from the White House. Watching the so-called “news” is VERY DIFFICULT, because it makes me feel like I am living in The Twilight Zone. The Friday that the Trump p****y word tape was released, the media went BEYOND AMOK CRAZY playing it ALL WEEKEND, practically nonstop, instead of focusing on the REAL ISSUES in this election, like ALL THE HILLARY CORRUPTION, the WikiLeaks releases, and the fact that Hillary Clinton is not even physically CAPABLE of being a full-time president. This all feels like some “alternate universe,” it is that disturbingly crazy, and honestly, I have never seen such insanity in my life. If Donald Trump does not win this election, I so fear for the safety of our country, of our BELOVED AMERICA. It shocks me how many people appear to be in some kind of coma, sleep-walking through something that ALL AMERICANS should be OUTRAGED about—–that Hillary Clinton may be the next “president” OF US. Of America. Can’t get my mind around it. WAKE UP, EVERYONE. For God’s sake, WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. VOTE TRUMP. And pray for America.
Grover Syck says
Most of Trumpie’s problems are self inflicted.
All Hillary has to do is just keep him talking.
He will take himself sown, and drag the republicans down with him.
Presela Anne says
Sorry, but “Trumpie’s” problems are not “self-inflicted.” The media is BLATANTLY TRYING TO DESTROY THIS MAN, AND HIS CAMPAIGN, with LIES, with CORRUPTION, with nothing but garbage to deflect away from Hillary Clinton. Trump went into that first debate and tried to do the right thing, he was honestly debating the issues, until LIARY CHEATED, along with Lester Holt, and brought up some stupid crap about calling a beauty “fat” years ago. In Trump’s defense, I get totally why he is defending himself. Most people would, especially against LIES and B.S. designed to distract from all the REAL ISSUES in this election, like the fact that Hillary Clinton is the MOST CORRUPT LIVING BEING EVER BORN on planet earth.
Edward Ksepka says
When it comes to demonizing anything Trump the media will sell their souls and do whatever their masters tell them.!!!
Grover Syck says
Trump is desperate.
He is pushing the little witch out into the spot light.
Better be careful, she will melt.
Carolyn Reilly says
We sent CNN an e-mail complaining about a Clinton documentary and bio and one on Trump that run, frequently and back to back. The Clinton bio-doc leaves the viewer with a feeling she is brilliant, service oriented, a devoted family person and worthy to be President. The bio-doc on Trump leaves the viewer with a feeling he is sleazy, creepy and not worthy to be President. The hidden agenda and bias are cleverly presented and that is not the role CNN should have. Now 2 news people; Donna Brazille and Willy Bush are in job problems and if there is a look at the Clintons they have a history of setting their own careers on fire, more than once, and destroying the careers and lives of many others who have associated with them. The Clinton’s have altered the lives of many people around them for the negative Trump has no reputation for any of that.
karenseas says
Really think families should be off limits. This really has descended into the gutter & I am sick of it all, both sides. Think I am going to delete my FB app on my iphone after the wednesday debate, too distracting/distressing. I have tried to post good stuff but trying to change people’s minds on what is truly important (the big issue being the future of our country dictated by SCOTUS appointees and a radical socialist agenda) is futile. People won’t like this but scripture says it correctly: it is “casting pearls before swine” to argue truth. From a proud member of Hillary’s Basket of Deplorable’s. Post what you want I refuse to respond any longer to the profanity & leftist idiocy put there.
bob paglee says
Vulgarity vs villanity? — easy to choose for the first one!.
Carolyn Carter says
All of the previous comments are so off. My question: where is the libel?? How is Mrs. Trump being “dragged” into her husband’s lecherous mess? A conversation with another woman???? Sleeping with the enemy has rubbed off; not everything is worthy of a law suit.
Betty Alexander says
the wife of deceased john lennon (one of the beatles) had a lengthy affair with HRC of the “Clinton Machine”, that has been on Facebook for awhile. I wonder how many gals hRc has groped. (Probably more than several)
I have noticed, after hRc was given the debate questions by Donna and Roland, she threw them under the bus. They no longer work at Clinton News Network. Some of the “reporters” are enraged that someone would stoop that low to get the debate questions.
hRc is a nitwit, a liar, a thief, a “womanizer”, in cahoots with foreign countries, was the instigator of ISSI, made guns easily accessible to rebels, became a billionaire by being in ‘PUBLIC SERVICE” ( if you want to call what she has done public service.)
speech giver for 6 figures and a lawyer that had her license pulled—-in cahoots with Lynch and Comey -saved from an investigation.
George says
Me Trump may be attracted to many women but no one has accused him of rape or homo sex
.Bill c Clinton is a rapist and Hillary surrounds herself with Women? Why does she always wear pants? Why does she still have a staff leader who’s father was editor of a Sharia Law newspaper and who she worked for many years?
Obviously she loves her for her Muslim radical beliefs or her physicality or both
Obama slept with his college male roommate for 5 years. Hillary??
Are we headed for Sodom or Gomorrah?
Cathy Chats says
Did anyone else notice that Gloria Alred’s client had to read her story from a paper. Doesn’t she know her story well enough that she doesn’t have to read it from a prepared statement. How absurd! How unbelievable can you get! Sounds to me like she didn’t learn her lines very well. Other stories are unbelievable to anyone with any sense.
Jack White says
For the last 15 years or so Our Country has been run by Murderers,Thieves,Rapists,Gays,Lesbians.and Pedofiles.And,Did I mention that they are all DEMOCRATS.AS for Congress,Most of them are Cowards and WIMPS.Same for the Senate. I AM not Republican,Democrat,or Independant, I am a REALIST.and——I AM A VETERAN.Period.End Of Story. Vote TRUMP.
Mark Plenn says
Beings that Obama’s wife the super sensitive Michelle has ranted on Trump and both Hillary and Barri Obama have made statement thru associates about Trump’s wife; it is only fair to say IT’S OPEN SEASON ON MICHELLE OBAMA!!!!
db says
And there is so much to go after form her racism to blowing millions of our tax dollars on her lavish vacations, not to mention her loss of law license, fraud, racist papers, and forgetting she is not an elected official of any government, much less in ours.
merle dickey says
Oh what a louse . Wearing all those different wigs and dresses that we have paid for and her vacations !! she takes her whole family with her , China said they were rude and left a huge mess. I am shamed of what has been let in OUR white house .He is cocky , walks the, aren’t I wonderful strut . Yuck !!
Presela Anne says
Michelle Obama SICKENED me in her pathetic pansy statement about being “shocked to the core” by Trump’s lewd comments. Seriously, was this stupid woman not also SHOCKED TO THE CORE by the Hillary Clinton corruption that has been PROVEN? What about the CORRUPTION of her own husband? Here is the so-called “first lady” who said that “white folks is what is wrong with America now.” AND SHE WAS ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH IT. Cannot believe the hypocrisy of the Obamas, the Clintons, the news media, and anyone who would actually vote for ANY CLINTON going back into the White House. If Hillary wins, those who voted for her deserve what they eventually get.
Key H says
You can not trust anything coming out from CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS.
Albert Sperber says
It is the same old spin and spin of the democrats to take you off issues of importance. It is win at all costs for them and lie and cheat does not concern them. If the general public buys into it, than that is how dumb we have become.
Concerned citizen.. says
I am with Malania. She is a beautiful modest lady and these Hillary women have come out of the garbage pile and told lies that affect her and all of Trumps family.. I wonder how much Hillary paid them!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to up-hold the women that Clinton assaulted. I wish they were a bit bolder.. I read where one actually sleeps with a gun on her night stand for fear that Hillary will have her killed. I’m hoping that in the last debate “The Donald” trashes Hillary telling her enough of her trying to destroy him and and gets to the point of what he will do in making America better instead of her trash bagging bashing…Let’s keep him and his family in our prayers.. Malania we are with you.. Go get People Magazine.. I will stop reading their magazine as of this weekend….. We are in for a rough few weeks ahead. Let’s keep praying for God to give Trump the words to say and he will keep his cool when facing her in the debate… I am voting for the man TRUMP!!!!!
Pam says
She paid them alright!!!!!! They sold their souls the devil herself. But what goes around comes around. My comment below doesn’t sound right, but you get the message.
Tina says
Just yesterday, I watched a YouTube Video from TruNews by Rick Wiles titled: “Trump Chosen by God To Stop America’s Destruction – Astounding Prophecy 2011,” given to him by through the Holy Spirt sent by God, a revelation to Mr. Mark Taylor, a retired lieutenant fireman official. There are also at least dozen other testimonials and 1000s upon 1000s of messages given for over 30 years, due to Abortion and now Same Sex Marriages. Therefore, Mr. Donald Trunk is God’s anointed. Therefore, there is no way corrupted, dishonest, criminal, exercising disordered authority Hillary to win. Here is insert from a message sent by God you can find at given to us 09/03/16: Rarely has one nation been given the influence to redirect the path of world governments. This will all be lost, however, if you choose leaders who are controlled by the international power cartel. National identity must be the treasure you cling to – otherwise this nation, like so many others, will be swallowed up by this cartel and ushered into the New World Order.” He is talking about corrupt members of this organization, like Hillary. Here’s another insert from another message sent by God on 09/07/97: “Today sadly, much responsibility must be placed on the laity who are consecrated to Me. I cannot depend on Church leadership to unit in an effort to vanquish the enemy through the Rosary.”
db says
On May 23, 1996 Hillary Clinton attacked my Pussy Cat and sexually abused it by pressing it up against the wall and lifting it’s tail up. My small pussy could not stand the repeated oral application and tongue lashings Hillary forced to include kisses, petting, and caresses. My Pussy Cat has never been the same since.
Presela Anne says
Thank you for the HYSTERICAL LAUGH your post is now giving me. This is just TOO FUNNY. You ought to be writing parody’s, comedy, and such. However, in regards to LIARY CLINTON, I would not put it past her to assault a kitty cat, or anything else, for that matter. The woman is a TRUE PSYCHOPATH, a SOCIOPATH so void of any conscience that she will do ANYTHING TO WIN, no matter how corrupt, no matter how wrong, no matter how vicious. What amazes me is that ANYONE would be low enough to be okay with winning the presidency based on LIES and VICIOUS ATTACKS. If she wins, it won’t be an HONEST WIN, and this disgusting woman will be the MOST HATED PRESIDENT in the history of our country. Also, millions will begin calling for her impeachment. Many will NEVER acknowledge this traitorous woman as their president. What a pathetic BANANA REPUBLIC we are living in, that this is what America has become. Because of the STUPIDITY of most people.
Pam says
Trump may be an ass sometimes but he is the type of ass I would prefer next to Hilary(Killary). She sold her soul to the devil and I want nothing to do with it. If I could I would leave if she gets into office. Because we are in deep doo doo when she gets in.
Franny says
Has everyone forgotten that the federal gov’t sold the voting rights to count the votes to a company outside the US. A company that is controlled by Soros.
Tina says
Here’s today’s one of 3 messages God sent, and this one given by by Jesus: “Your nation must maintain its sovereignty. Do not elect anyone opposed to this. If you open your borders, you dissolve your security. This is more important than many tawdry issues that are now being raised.” Dated 10/08/16.
jwb says
Melania needs to get out now before this gets any worse. Donnie is a cad and not worth the trouble. The problem is too may women stand by their man when they need to get out. HRC did this and she got trashed for it, she should have left as well. WHY?, power and greed, the lady knows that she has it made with the man and does not want to start over, seen it a million times. There is a life out there and these women need to pursue it. Pray for guidance, not smiting others. This forum has taken such a sick and twisted direction, that there should be jail time for some of the perverted individuals that post some of the most vulgar things about other humans. Please remember that GOD protects all people not matter how rotten they are ……….VOTE PENCE FOR THE REASON OF HUMANITY ……………
Elaine Jonkheer says
You seem to be standing alone, Donald. But as a strong Warrior fighting for a cause dear to the hearts
of many, your followers, who believe as I do, you want to and will make America Great Again. Keep positive
thoughts only, the negative will pass. Not worth the energy it takes worrying over them. Your defender is God.
He listens, talk to Him, he will answer. Trust and Faith, be humble.
Betty L. Smith says
I agree with all of these people. This woman who says Trump accosted her in his home in Florida has to be a complete nitwit. With his wife in the other room. Come -on. Cnn and MSNBC are Democratic liberal stations and are both for Clinton, and I think the other stations might be also. I have always watched Fox News, but I’m getting a little turned off lately with “The Five”. It seems Kimberly Giuilfoyle and Eric Bolling are the only two on the show that are true Republicans and don’t go out of their way to thrash Trump. Juan Williams should be fired, and it’s gotten to where Dana Perino is really getting out of hand with her resentment and hate for Trump. I watched that new she and the guy Chris? have and they really go out of their way to bash him, and really I’ve noticed Fox News is Unfair and Unbalanced now. There aren’t to many of the anchors that have a good word to say about Trump. I guess they are secret die hard Hillary fans, and I wouldn’t watch Kelly if she were the only person on TV. She is just waiting for Hollywood to discover her, with the way she talks and behaves. How did she get to where she is if she didn’t really like Roger Ailes? She is a complete bimbo. Maybe I’ll just get my news from the internet now instead of TV, or my local newspaper.
jwb says
Agree! what nit-wit bimbo with any mind would want to be in the presence of this disgusting man, I mean really, there are such better catches out there!
Presela Anne says
EXCELLENT POST!!! I won’t even watch “The Five,” the show makes me SICK to my stomach, and they need to get rid of Juan Williams, he is one of the most STUPID LIBERAL IDIOTS I have ever seen, and his bias is so BLATANT that it is laughable. Agree with you about Kelly. She IS a BIMBO, I am sickened by her bias TOWARDS HILLARY, and basically, I don’t get how ANYONE can vote for LIARY without feeling like a TRAITOR to their country. The weekend that the Trump “lewd” tape was released, Fox went crazy themselves airing it over and over, having all the anchors act like Trump was the Anti-Christ, without getting anywhere NEAR covering all the WikiLeaks stuff released about Hillary. And this is ALL DUE to the fact that Obama is controlling the media, very obviously, along with the Clintons, and the Clinton News Network, CNN. Like someone said elsewhere, one of the first things a dictator does is take control of the NEWS MEDIA, in order to control its population. And what I find so incredibly TRAGIC is that it appears half of our country is falling for it. These mindless young liberals, who think that a NWO means “peace” for the planet, are so MISGUIDED and NAIVE that it is nauseating to observe their stupidity. They have NO IDEA the mistake they are making, by supporting Hillary Clinton. It has gotten to the point that I can’t even watch Fox anymore. Can only watch Judge Jeanine, and Hannity. Because the world has lost its mind, if Hillary wins this election, it is all HELL IN A HANDBASKET. It practically is NOW.
RL says
The media is the reason we have such lost faith and turmoil in this country.They work for the Clinton machine, special interest, George Soros who made millions off the American people and throws dirt on the working class everyday, I hope the media, Clinton’s and all the rest of them loose millions of dollars after this is all over, they will never be trusted again. Donald Trump your our last hope!!
Lynette Schaefer says
Melania doesn’t deserve this, and neither does Donald. These “allegations” are distractions in order to get Hillary elected.
rich says
The ** DRIVE BY ** news meida will do anything HIllary Babe and the Clinton Machine request be done, tha tinclueds LIE LIKE A RUG for Hillary Babe. ////////////////////////////////////
Angel Gerena says
I Think Mr. Trump Should Investigate The Media To And Lock Them All Up With The Rest Of All Does Other Jerks Because We Can All See That They Are In The Tank For Hillary. Thank You Very Much Angel
Dave says
SOSDE Same old S***, Different Election!
Jerry Sloan says
Mrs. Trump should not wait another instant. Sue the lying media. Pull out all the stops and bury them. Take their company and disassemble the entire thing and those who are or may be associated. Make this country great again now.
Sue Rich says
The media admitted they are getting paid (by the government) to write fake stories. They must know that the Trumps are going to take every dime, and they will also sue the people involved in paying them. This is the lowest form of conspiracy I’ve ever seen in America, and you can believe when it comes to voting time, we will have the electoral votes checked against ‘real’ voters.
Even the President openly uses millions of our money to register immigrants to vote for Hillary.
This is the dirtiest, most corrupt government in the history of The United States of America.
Kathleen Beebe says
I truly wish they would leave Malania alone. She is a sweet, innocent, beautiful woman she does not deserve any negative talk about her. Of course they don’t care because they are such mean spirited people and don’t care about her at all. They don’t care about people at all. They want a good dirty story. I don’t believe the story at all about Donald Trump. They just try to get dirt and let it blow all around. They know it is not true.
I don’t know why the Clintons have everyone under their thumb. I believe they are rotten evil people.
Donald is right, everything is rigged in her favor. Guess what she can not control God and she will get hers.
louann williams says
infowars alex jones you tube,next news you tube,good ones to watch, bill clintons ex speaking on the clintons infowars, smart women,has #1 book out amazon,new bill before hillary, trump must win, for those who want hillary promise you will feel like a fool,take off your blinders before its to late for America, black people she has you just were she wants you, throw those chains off be free, everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie, she wants us all to be slaves to this government, no soul just greed and power,she wants a war she is a very sick women,search and you will find, if she steals the election to win you people who believe in her you will deserve whats coming, don:t come crying to me,or anyone that has tried to warn you.
PAUL says
It is a shame the media believes everything the Clinton’s say. They don’t really see how the Clinton’s are for real. Just like when they both left the White house and stole all the plates , silverware, furniture and etc. Doesn’t that explain how bad the Clinton’s have lied about everything they have done to the USA,
angelbabyann says
Yes, they have gone too far!!!! Will serve them right if they have to shut their magazine down for false accusations and hand over their entire fortunes to Melania. It can only happen In America where you can slander another person and NOT have to prove a thing you’re saying. Disgusting tactics and People will never be picked up by me again, not even when it is free to look at in doctor’s waiting rooms.
Donald Eaves says
Would those of you before casting your vote for Hilary please consider you are forgiving the Clintons for disgracing our White House their first time in office. Your willing to send them back again ? You wont consider forgiving a person for their errors eleven years ago who has a proven ability to turn our country around and give our country back to us. Are you American people are just so brow beaten you cant see the forest because of the trees?
Charles says
I think these are lies to get Hillary elected..I don’t really care.. nothing is even close to how terrible Hillary and Bill are… And Bill is important as Hillary says he will be over government finances and Secretary of the UN… these people are so corrupt.. videos of the left laughing at Americans for being so ignorant that they can lie and cheat and most Americans have no idea..they LAUGH hysterically at us…no kidding….seen videos proving it.
This is a take over of our country and our lives.. they have plans that are not so nice for us..and if we don’t abide by their rules, insider says they will EMP us and use manmade virus on us to get the control they want in the next 4 years..
Are you going to just sit and let these evil people do this to our future????????????
One democrat lie I have to tell the truth about… they say they are for the environment …they tell hunters and lovers of woods this lie, what they are not telling you, is the woods will eventually be OFF LIMITS to humans..its for animals only..
stop being so ignorant and find out the truth before it is too late..then enjoy a life with NO freedom…you werent’ interested enough so this is what you have earned..enjoy….
Clint Hall says
The upcoming vote gives we the people a choice.
Democracy or Socialism.
Of course, corruption could make the choice for us.
Liberty Loving American says
Donald and Melania have been together for more than a decade. They share same beliefs on life, the same values. I believe Donald to be a one woman man. What lengths the media will stoop to. This is obvious and getting old. I have looked this man in the eyes, and I see him as genuine. He has a wonderful life, and is putting up with way too much. He loves this country or he would not be there for all of America. The Trump movement sees through this, it is nothing compared to what this country is facing.
I for one am reaching out to the Trump family, saying thank you for all you endure during this process of making America great again!!
Charles says
where is my post:::
Di says
I really would like to add a little ditty to the Trump campaign. sung to the tune of “Jolly six pence” We need Trump/Pence — Feisty/ Fighting Trump/Pence– We need Trump/Pence– To save us from this fate. We need Trump/Pence to end–This horrid mess we’re in– And to remake our country GREAT
George&Zlata Novak says
These canadians say:please vote for Trump! Hillary means death to all of us.
Linda Qualls says
Yes I think the media has gone to far… Yes I think The media has gone to far. I hope that they had a camera in their home to prove her wrong.. I am tired of the media lying about Donald Trump also.. He is so far ahead of Hillary till she should get out.. A VOTE FOR HILLARY IS A VOTE FOR YOUR DEATH.. Russia is going to blow us up.. I dough that Putin will wait if OBAMA makes the poll counter mark that Hillary won even tho she did not… The only reason that she is on ballot hoping OBAMA will give it to her.. AND HE WILL…. Americans you do not have to listen to her. SHE is EVIL.That whole Clinton family is mixed up..
sjk says
Here’s how it works. Our current first lady comes out and make statements that she knew was untrue and what happens with the media, the news boys ignores it. Then what happens next was a threat by the WH and DNC to the Trump group that they better not bad mouth the first lady. So the game is rigged, the media and the WH can say whatever they want and no one better bad mouth them for it. But people like the idiot at People’s Magazine could not wait to bad mouth Trump’s wife. Sue the hell out of them Melania. I just cancelled my subscription to People’s.
LINDA B says
This whole thing has been so Ridiculously childish! It causes arguments between everyone and hurts innocent family members who shouldn’t even be involved. It mostly comes from the Clintons and the Media who are probably being paid by the Clintons. It seems that money can buy anything for the Clintons. Melania is a sweet lady who shouldn’t have to deal with the media. I hope she gets a lot of money from People magazine!!! I know they don’t need it, but she also doesn’t need to be lied about.
milanka Jevric says
I do not respect those women atoll.The number one is totally big lair. Actually all of them are criminal. Coming up now with those stories is not moral.BUT I do think they are paid for it. We looking for equal pay as well we like to be a solders as a men to go on the front to fight enemies and be in control of machine gun and again they are not strong to say to any body “do not touch me”.like they are not able to be in control of their own body.I’m as a women believe if any of those coincidences he pen was that they enjoy it..Sorry you are( I can’t said ladies because you are not ladies) low in your character doing that tare bull and very not respectful things.I hope you will paid the price.
nancy l. cuskaden says
helen neal says
HC should be in jail
Marion says
OK so we all on something and that is sex sells and it does not matter what party or person is smeared by all the attention….but is it the truth? Only God knows for sure, so lets get back to the real issues….Freedom!, religious persecution, economy, debt, JOBS JOBS and need more JOBS to be able to get our enthusiasm and dignity back ….Get out there and VOTE and do your part to choose which way our country goes..It is your responsibility to cast your vote! So get out there and JUST DO IT!!!! NOTE: As far as the media pushing SEX instead of our freedoms being destroyed, my mom always said ” One hair on a P- – -Y can tow a ship across the sea” ….That has not changed and she was right! (Shame on you who wrongfully accuse and cause confusion) So every one reading this note please lift up your eyes from the darkness surrounding this election and PRAY we make the right choice on Nov 8th, VOTE!!!!!!
Donald Eaves says
Those of you, who are willing to send the Clintons, back to our White House after the way they disgraced it the first time should probably seek the help of a psychiatrist How in the world can you justify as an American to do such a thing like this ? Maybe you don’t approve of the alternative option we have, but cant you really see what your willing to do to our Country if these sick individuals take over ? Please take the time to weigh in the options, and if you can’t see the difference, then God help us all.
Presela Anne says
Totally agree. Great post, well said. Basically, that Hillary Clinton is even being ALLOWED to run for president is still mind-boggling to me. It is insane. And even more insane that this vicious corrupt woman has the SUPPORT of the mainstream media, half of America, and anyone else who has NO MORAL COMPASS. Millions of people are so naïve, and so NOT PAYING ATTENTION to what is going on here, that they honestly think Hillary poses no threat to America, our traditional ways of life, and what we hold dear. THAT IS THE GREATEST TRAGEDY IN ALL OF THIS. Where is the PATRIOTISM that people should be feeling, in the wake of all those revelations of what Hillary has done, and what she also WANTS TO DO? The MAJORITY of Americans should be deeply sickened by the fact that this woman MIGHT BE out next president. We can only hope, pray, and Trust God that she is going to be STOPPED on November 8th.
Patricia Bennett says
I find this whole mess disgusting to say the least. That the American public can so easily be manipulated away from focusing on the really important issues by nothing more than titillating sexual stories is extremely disheartening. You’d think that all of us would have ‘gotten over’ the teen age turn on of hiding in a closet reading the latest erotic trash long ago. Human’s are human’s, they have sex, get over it and focus instead on what’s going on while we’re all blabbering about whom did what to whom and how many times. In the background the purveyors of this trash are cleverly arranging their escape of the criminals at our peril..literally. Wake up America and grow up before we’re faced with the horrors of nuclear war. Now more than ever people need to focus on stopping what the elite are prepared to do to us in order to preserve them. We better get unified as a nation or we’re going to face the consequences of our dis-unification and it isn’t going to be anywhere as near as tantalizing as reading a Playboy under the sheets like a bunch of hormoned up teenagers. Death and destruction of all we hold dear is at our doorsteps. A vote for Killery is a vote for that death and destruction get that through your heads and stop ignoring the real issues we face which includes our own personal horrific demise.
Presela Anne says
Great words. So true. The fact that anyone is being taken in by this stupid so-called “sex scandal” is beyond ridiculous. And that ANYONE would find it more interesting than talking about the REAL ISSUES in the election is basically the worst part of all. You are right, ALL WE HOLD DEAR is at stake, and yet, half of America is running around focusing on the supposed bad acts of Donald Trump, THEY ARE WILLINGLY BEING DISTRACTED, DEFLECTED, from the truth, that Hillary Clinton is CORRUPT to her CORE, and needs to be stopped. It is a chilling thing to see all the SHEEPLE being led to their potential slaughter. God Help Us.
Tom says
HRC is not all gay. She had an affair with a Federal judge while in Little Rock. I bet CNN will never bring this up.
LaMar says
She sexually assaulted a horse?!!! Please tell me how a woman can do that? I don’t know of any horse that is going to stand still for something that he doesn’t like the feel of and this is so absurd I can’t even picture it. People have such vivid imaginations….
Gail says
We need our country back and it is time for a change. I don’t care what someone said or did decades ago. What I do care is that someone cares about making our country a home again. Keeping our people safe, creating jobs. Correcting our health care. I went on line to see about purchasing health insurance and all I had to choose from was the market place and it was out of the ball park. The deductibles and co-deductibles were unaffordable. It would be paying a premium like throwing money into the hands of a corrupt government. I do not know about anyone else but I work in health care and see grown people cry that need surgery and cant afford it with obama care. The other issue is they are being approved for procedures and their premiums are not paid. Surgery is done and the doctors are not getting paid. I know that when I have to make a decision about my health I want it between my doctor and myself to decide what is best. I certainly do not want a bunch of appointed people that have not a clue to my issues deciding what is best for me. If I was not in health care I would not believe it but insurance companies require that a doctor do A,B and C before doing what the doctor knows from the beginning needs to be done. That goes for MRI’S CAT Scans, Ultra Sounds the are the tests that find cancer in your body. I know that it is important for early detection and postponing these tests so that A,B,& C can be done first decreases your chance of successful treatment that could save your life. This is so true, I see it everyday. Doctor’s are frustrated. We are losing good capable doctors because they can not look in the mirror at them selves. If they don’t do what the insurance company tells them then the insurance company will drop them. People wake up Hillary wants us all to pay our premiums to one company and that is the government. She wants a committee that will decide our care. Is this really what you want I know I don’t. We need to get control of our rights back and not turn them over to a group of corrupt morons that proved they do not care about you me or our family. I am not spell checking this so feel free to put me down for any typo’s. Words do not harm me what harms me is turning my healthcare decisions over and having only Obama Care to choose. We need to secure our borders. It is not uncommon to turn on the news and hear that a bomb went off and terrorists claim it. We are a wonderful country lets get our rights as citizens back. We need to make a change and it needs to be this election.
Wanda leonard says
LaMar Trump brought four of Bills bimbo to the face off between Hillary and he started the mess so he got what was coming to him a eye for a eye !!!
jwb says
Don’t know why he is such a cry baby, privilege gets you that I guess ……