Even after former President Donald Trump’s arraignment in court Tuesday, the Trump family has remained tight-lipped. Ivanka Trump posted 10 Instagram photos Monday without mentioning her father’s arraignment.
But the American people have just received a secondhand report from the family’s most private figure, former First Lady Melania Trump.
Republican strategist Roger Stone asked the former president about Melania’s reaction to the indictment.
Stone said Sunday on WABC, “A lot of people texted me about this and emailed me in preparation for the show. People want to know how she’s doing, how she feels about your 2024 campaign to regain the White House, and how she’s holding up during these outrageous, unfair politically motivated attacks on you.”
“How does she take it? She’s hurt when the family’s hurt, because the family gets hurt,” Trump replied. “In a very low-key way, she doesn’t care that much. She’s got an attitude that’s amazing. She’s got a tremendous heart, but she takes things for what they are and she’s just a very confident person.”
Stone went on to talk about Melania’s public image.
“The American people love Melania, who I’ve had the privilege of knowing since 1999 even before you were married. My wife and I were honored to be at your wedding,” Stone said. “She’s viewed by the American people as one of the most cultured, elegant, kindhearted, and chic first ladies in American history.”
Trump emphatically agreed.
“She’s a terrific person. She’s a very beautiful person. As you know, she made a tremendous amount of money when she was very successful as a model,” Trump said. “She doesn’t need things like some people, they’re always pushing themselves out there. She’s the opposite, and people really love her.
The former president went on to recount an anecdote about his supporters’ love for Melania.
“It’s interesting. In Georgia yesterday, in North Carolina, I made two speeches to the GOP’s out there,” Trump said. “As we were making the speech, I noticed signs all over the room: ‘We love our first lady, we love our first lady.’ Pictures of Melania all over the place. People love her. They love the fact that she does not push herself out there. And she’s respected by everybody. She’s a smart person. She’s very solid. She cared about people, and she’s really respected by everybody. They really want that back. They do.”
The former first lady appears to be remaining in New York despite the arraignment in Florida. On Monday, she was reportedly spotted while running errands in the Empire State.
Trump, a Florida resident, devoted much of the rest of the conversation attacking Gov. Ron DeSantis, a rival for the GOP’s presidential nomination. Trump took credit for some of the governor’s record.
“As president, I helped Florida a lot,” Trump said. “Anything Florida wanted, I gave them. I was really good to Florida.”
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