“You got bigger problems than this.”
That was the message District Judge Eugene Ricciardi had for a man as he dismissed his traffic ticket. The man was then charged with robbing a Pittsburgh bank, caught after he showed up to fight the aforementioned traffic ticket in court.
KDKA-TV reports 23-year-old Eric Wagner Jr. was arrested Wednesday after Allegheny County sheriff’s deputies did a routine records check when Wagner appeared in Traffic Court.
Ricciardi dismissed the traffic ticket for driving with a suspended license after the Wagner’s arrest.
Wagner remained jailed Friday, unable to post $500,000 bond.
Police say a suspect in some other Pittsburgh-area bank robberies identified Wagner as the man who robbed Wesbanco Bank on Dec. 21. The other man told police he acted as a getaway driver.
Court records don’t list an attorney for Wagner who faces a preliminary hearing Wednesday.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
stupid is as stupid does
to bad ,but as the crow flies,obama will let him out
cant fix stupid!
Or Lazy!!
Mr. Donnie Johnson has is sooooooooooooooooooooo RIGHT ON.
This guy would have been better off mailing the fine in and skipping the court appearance.
Yep…. stupid is as stupid does! This is another argument for more routine traffic stops! Today’s police officers don’t want to be in court. Perhaps twenty years ago, one of my city’s finest witnessed a fellow traveling too fast for conditions make a lefty right in front of me and simply shrugged it off. He proceeded to stop at the same store I was going to and said to me “that jerk just about got you back there.” I asked him why he hadn’t run him down. He replied that while he could have done so that if he had he would “never get anything else done.” It’s worth noting because the situation has only gotten worse as time progressed.