In the eyes of the liberal media, former President Barack Obama can do no wrong — until now.
Finally, the narrative is being dropped. Because the latest lie from the Obama administration is so indefensible, even the left-leaning media feels responsible to tell the truth to the American people.
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice is notorious for making false claims throughout her career.
From spreading the rumor that the attack in Benghazi was caused by an Internet video, to the recent denial of any knowledge of the unmasking of Trump campaign associates — if Rice is involved the truth is likely lost.
It’s become so obvious that even the liberal media is now abandoning their usual narrative of defending liberals and recognizing Rice as a liar.
Rice claimed in an interview with NPR’s “Morning Edition” in January, that the Obama administration was, “able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.”
She boasted that their genius solution “didn’t necessitate the use of force.” But there’s one major problem: their solution wasn’t a solution at all.
Following the recent chemical weapons attack that forced President Donald Trump to retaliate by firing missiles at Syria, it became clear that Assad had not voluntarily given up his chemical weapons.
Even the liberal biased Washington Post recognized her lie, rating the statement as “four Pinocchios” by their fact checker.
Not only did their description shy away from their usual democratic sympathies, it blasted the Obama administration for it’s habit of stretching the truth.
“The Obama administration had a tendency to oversell what was accomplished, perhaps because Obama received so much criticism for not following through on an attack if Syria crossed what Obama has called ‘a red line.'”
The Post continued to slam Obama’s actions in Syria saying, “the reality is that there were continued chemical-weapons attacks by Syria – and that U.S. and international officials had good evidence that Syria had not been completely forthcoming in its declaration and possibly retained sarin and VX nerve agent.”
Rice bragged about a phantom success of the Obama administration and knowingly misinformed the American people for the sake of Obama’s approval rating and legacy.
Actions even the liberal media won’t allow her to get away with — and it’s proof of the severity of Rice’s many lies.
— The Horn editorial team